The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Man this is a mess. Tywin just keeps getting away with this somehow. At least our Crownland army is in Kingslanding? No idea of the numbers but really need some help here or somehow turn things around ourselves.
[] [Food] Buy more food from the Reach through House Tyrell.

Highly viable. Buy-in from the Tyrells will stabilize them, and they certainly have the food to give.

[] [Food] Lean on the traders and the Faith that had organized previous shipments from the Reach.

They hate us.

[] [Food] Open the larders once more. There are surely a few more years of summer to restock them.
Assuming this isn't a trap option, totally viable. You know, with consequences later. I don't think anybody's been embezzling the grainhouses, and this is the longest summer in memory.

[] [Money] Ask for a loan from House Tyrell.

Can't double-up.

[] [Money] Ask for a loan from the Most Devout.

They hate us.

[] [Money] Ask for a loan from Lyseny and Myrish banks.

God only knows if they'd extend us credit at this point.

[] [Money] Confiscate property of the Faith in the Crownlands.
...well. If there's going to be a schism, why not go all the way?

[X] [Food] Buy more food from the Reach through House Tyrell.
[X] [Money] Confiscate property of the Faith in the Crownlands.

Recognize your rightful High Septon or pay your damn taxes.

Listen to me.

Baelish. Must. Go.

Next turn, absolutely 💯 we must take action to investigate and get rid of him. He's actively sabotaging us and ruining our finances.
Absolutely not. Baelish is a cheat and a liar, but he's as much our cheat and liar as he's going to be. I mean, he might be selling us out to Tywin and lying about how he got back here, but that's the only cause to dispose of him. Taking on bad loans is not even in our top ten issues to deal with.

Unfortunately, Baelish has entirely maintained his advantage, in that he's not the problem we have to get rid of. That is Stannis, that is Tywin, and that is the collapse of the Seven Kingdoms.
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I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand, Tywin has positioned himself between us and the Reach and could easily intercept food shipments therefrom. On the other hand, if we are somehow able to convince the Reachers to accept cash on delivery rather than payment up front (lol), this could be a way to bait them into actually fighting Tywin.
There's no actual choice of seller. Both options buy from the Reach, the third opens KL granaries, which is dangerous considering the coming winter and possibility of a siege.

I've actually changed my mind. We can't trust Lys or Myr when they're potentially backing Targ claimants.

[X] [Money] Ask for a loan from House Tyrell.
[X] [Food] Buy more food from the Reach through House Tyrell.

Pay Mace with his own money, and then we owe him the debt. His daughter is already going to be queen, it increases his power over the throne but also reduces how many moving parts we're involving.

@Azel Why did you replace the franchise preferred "your grace" with "your majesty"?

I don't think "majesty" is ever used in the series?
@Azel Why did you replace the franchise preferred "your grace" with "your majesty"?

I don't think "majesty" is ever used in the series?
Personal preference. "Majesty" for the monarch and consort (including Cersei as Queen Dowager) and "grace" for Lords Paramount so that not every guy with two hovels and a rusty sword gets the same styling as people like Tywin or Mace.
On the other hand, if we are somehow able to convince the Reachers to accept cash on delivery rather than payment up front (lol), this could be a way to bait them into actually fighting Tywin.
We paid dearly in terms of actual resources for relative moral purity (as Cersei!), so we should look for ways to cash in on that.

That is to say: the Reach should support us, because we're not going to let The Mountain That Rapes ride roughshod over their smallfolk, we're not going to flense the population looking for saltwives, and we're not an uncertain, piratical future under a Targaryen pretender. Do they like kings who uphold the faith, who try to reconcile relations with powerful foreigners, who go out to punish the guilty (Clegane and Tywin both, now)? Then they should make allowances to keep us fighting. Otherwise, their tragedy will come in due time after ours.
In reality maybe, but asoiaf straight up doesn't use your majesty. It's a distinctive aesthetic choice on Martins part. The royals are always referred to with your grace in both the books and the shows.

I notice every time the quest uses it and it was used a lot this update.

Also, I cannot emphasize enough that Baelish started this entire mess when he killed Jon Arryn and we just barely avoided his plot to send us to war with the North. God knows what he actually did in the Vale, nothing good for anyone but him I'm sure.

I have no doubt his worried face this update was because our two methods of repayment actually made a dent in our debts to the IB and now he's scheming how to put us back in the red.
Alright, I acknowledge my hyperbole.

Still gonna vote to kill him at the first opportunity and replace him with a Master of Coin who's not actively embezzling and sabotaging our every maneuver.

Literally anyone would be an improvement.
Send a private message to Tywin encouraging him to cut his losses and return home and we can work an excuse later. Throw in the sword we got to get him to play ball.
Damn, we got our hands on a dragon egg? Now, I really wish that Qyburn experimentation vote had won. Oh well, still a bunch of Targaryen pretenders out there to get our hands on. Although, that missing egg does make me worried.

[X] [Food] Buy more food from the Reach through House Tyrell.
[X] [Money] Confiscate property of the Faith in the Crownlands.

I'm getting tired of the Most Devout continuously making trouble for us. It's about time we start putting down the hammer.
[X] [Money] Ask for a loan from House Tyrell.
[X] [Food] Buy more food from the Reach through House Tyrell.

A way to ensure a strong dynasty even more loans. Maybe we can get an agent of the Most Devout as Master of Coin to open their coffers we don't have a lot of options here. Though providing the Fat One a place in our council as a Royal Confessor and a seat as our spiritual advisor may help.

Absolutely not. Baelish is a cheat and a liar, but he's as much our cheat and liar as he's going to be. I mean, he might be selling us out to Tywin and lying about how he got back here, but that's the only cause to dispose of him. Taking on bad loans is not even in our top ten issues to deal with.

Unfortunately, Baelish has entirely maintained his advantage, in that he's not the problem we have to get rid of. That is Stannis, that is Tywin, and that is the collapse of the Seven Kingdoms.
The man is poison to our position in King's Landing and we've already removed his man in the small council for months. So, he's going to die sooner and later for us.
[X] [Money] Ask for a loan from Lyseny and Myrish banks.
[X] [Food] Lean on the traders and the Faith that had organized previous shipments from the Reach.

With Tywin's army lingering closer to King's Landing, I don't get we can get food through the Reach in case of a siege. We have Dragonstone and we have control over the sea trade near the Blackwater Bay more or less: we should use it.
Send a private message to Tywin encouraging him to cut his losses and return home and we can work an excuse later. Throw in the sword we got to get him to play ball.
We declared Tywin a traitor to the realm, there's no working with him now, not that there ever really was.

The man is poison to our position in King's Landing and we've already removed his man in the small council for months. So, he's going to die sooner and later for us.
His man in the small council is...him.

Baelish is a toxic ally, yes, but they keyword is "ally". We are not in a position to be picky. We can steal back the money and kill him later, if necessary, but we've got Tywin and Stannis about to siege KL simultaneously.

I mean, I presume they're going to kill each other, but it's still a horrible position to be in.
His man in the small council is...him.

Baelish is a toxic ally, yes, but they keyword is "ally". We are not in a position to be picky. We can steal back the money and kill him later, if necessary, but we've got Tywin and Stannis about to siege KL simultaneously.

I mean, I presume they're going to kill each other, but it's still a horrible position to be in.
We have a better ally we can support and they are either Celtigar or Velaryon who took control of Dragonstone a fitting reward to leal servants of the Iron Throne and they're living in the Red Keep right now. Besides Baelish is ultimately replaceable with the Vale in rebellion and being invaded by Targaryens and we need to show that we reward the successes of our vassals while giving Baelish an appointment with the nice Maester Qyburn.
...If Tywin had secured Joffrey, one imagines that he would be screaming it from the rooftops for all to hear.

Since Joffrey is presumably not in Tywin's custody, Lord only knows where he is now.
[X] [Money] Ask for a loan from House Tyrell.
[X] [Food] Buy more food from the Reach through House Tyrell.
Man this is a mess. Tywin just keeps getting away with this somehow.
Tywin keeps getting away with shit because he has a big army, there really isn't much else to it.

You are not repaying millions of gold dragons in debt by taxing whorehouses for a few months.
Are you sure? It's ASOIAF, there's practically ten brothels per square foot :V

Correction: They hate the High Septon and keep asking you for your aid to pressure him into stepping down.
I suppose the question, then, is (1) if the High Septon has outlived his usefulness to us (probably), and (2) if the Most Devout can offer anything besides dubious food shipments. And I think they can: the backing of the Faith in the Reach, as a counterweight to the Tyrells if we need it. Best not to put our eggs all in one basket

[x] [Food] Lean on the traders and the Faith that had organized previous shipments from the Reach.
[x] [Money] Ask for a loan from House Tyrell.

So what I think this does is: (1) give the Tyrells an incentive to back us beyond wedding Joffrey by making repayment of our debts contingent on the survival of our regime; (2) drain the Tyrells of cash on hand and give that cash to their domestic political rivals so that if the Tyrells make trouble for us we have a way to retaliate; and (3) signal to the Faith in the Reach that we're interested in doing business. To the extent I am wrong, please feel free to correct me.
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Ugh, Tywin's really just trying to take over the whole damn Riverlands. I'd hoped our barely-civil detente could continue for a turn longer, but it looks like there'll be no breathing room to crush the Baratheon brothers. As it stands, we've got a decision to make about who to focus on next turn, as even with the Reach on board I'm highly leary about splitting our troops up. In the meantime, I think we've also delayed sorting out the business with Baelish long enough - next turn's actions should probably be focused at least partially on figuring out how bad the financial situation is.

We should also figure out what to do with the High Septon. Our plan to have him align the Reach's septry seems to have backfired badly, but it's not totally clear why they're so intent on seeing him fired. As it stands we've gotta decide between giving him the boot and calling the whole thing a wash, or doubling down and trying to have him win the confrontation with the rest of the Faith.
We should also figure out what to do with the High Septon. Our plan to have him align the Reach's septry seems to have backfired badly, but it's not totally clear why they're so intent on seeing him fired. As it stands we've gotta decide between giving him the boot and calling the whole thing a wash, or doubling down and trying to have him win the confrontation with the rest of the Faith.
This whole playthrough has so far been marred by overinvestment in sunk costs, and it's not clear to me that the High Septon can offer us anything more than he already has. If the Most Devout of the Reach are willing to do business, and if their price is his job, then, having got what we wanted out of the man, why should we not jettison him?
[X] [Money] Ask for a loan from Lyseny and Myrish banks.
[X] [Food] Lean on the traders and the Faith that had organized previous shipments from the Reach.
[x] [Food] Lean on the traders and the Faith that had organized previous shipments from the Reach.
[x] [Money] Ask for a loan from House Tyrell