The Earthling's Search; a Stellaris Quest

>people voting to be good guys

It's like none of you are familiar with Stellaris Xenos Extermination Simulator 2016.

It's like none of you are familiar with Stellaris Xenos Extermination Simulator 2016.

I almost always play as the good guys on Stellaris. The only exception is one time I tried fanatic purficers, but quit after wiping out the first species I encountered and a couple of times playing as an Imperium of Man expy.
I was referring to quests where people do immoral things for an mechanical advantage or how you and a handful of others in this quest didn't want to play as good guys in this quest.
I'm not voting for shadow council so we can be assholes, I'm perfectly happy playing as the good guys and generally do in Stellaris and most games. I prefer playing that way.

Shadow Council doesn't stop us being good guys it just adds a more interesting element to the mix of our civilisation, I feel. The choice sets us up for interesting narrative from our shadow councillors, instead of random politician number 5 from political party 3. There could also be unique choices based on Shadow Council. Everyone already knows how democracy generally plays out, but imagine that with the Shadow Council in the background. To me that seems far more interesting.
I'm not voting for shadow council so we can be assholes, I'm perfectly happy playing as the good guys and generally do in Stellaris and most games. I prefer playing that way.
Really don't get why people think that Shadow Council is some evil conspiracy, gnawing on roots of all that good and free. It's a succeeded conspiracy, they don't need to plot and scheme world catastrophes to usurp power in some over the top violent takedown, they already have it. And with our space!UN being a Meritocracy with Strong Believes, thanks Beacon of Liberty, it's most likely that Shadow Council consists of actually competent nations leaders, that stereotypical round table with a cloud of smoke over it and powerful people talking with each others.

It's probably has some lame name too, like the Discussion
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Really don't get why people think that Shadow Council is some evil conspiracy, gnawing on roots of all that good and free. It's a succeeded conspiracy, they don't need to plot and scheme world catastrophes to usurp power in some over the top violent takedown, they already have it. And with our space!UN being a Meritocracy with Strong Believes, thanks Beacon of Liberty, it's most likely that Shadow Council consists of actually competent nations leaders, that stereotypical round table with a cloud of smoke over it and powerful people talking with each others.

It's probably has some lame name too, like the Discussion
I'd actually love a really amusing acronym for it and each councillor having a ridiculous code name while they have super serious conversations on diplomacy and economics :V

Otherwise, yeah, I just see Shadow Council as something that adds more flavour and character into what would be a fairly standard civilisation.
The odd thing about my fanatically xenophobic and militarist empires in Stellaris is that i almost never declare war. All I really do is build up a big no-go zone for whenever the War in Heaven kicks off.

So, really, who's the bad guy in that situation? The 'righteous' republics starting war to 'Liberate' my perfectly happy populace, or the isolationist Empire that only committed a little bit of genocide back at the start of the game before I realised I could banish the xenos from my empire?

Also I'm against shadow councils. If you don't want the populace to actually control the government, then don't lie about it.
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So, really, who's the bad guy in that situation? The 'righteous' republics starting war to 'Liberate' my perfectly happy populace, or the isolationist Empire that only committed a little bit of genocide back at the start of the game before I realised I could banish the xenos from my empire?

Probably the empire that is unrepentant about its genocide. The populace is only perfectly happy because of how those who were unhappy got killed or removed.
[X] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.
[X] Resilient: Humans are physiologically resilient and will fight like enraged brood mothers to defend their worlds.
[X] Talented: Every human has a natural aptitude for something.
I realize the cockroach thing is overdone, but we really should jsut follow the cockroach plan.
We can play morality games later, after we've become the strongest empire.
Are you going to debate seriously or not?
Nope. It is not debatable. Either you grow enough to see that world is not black-and-white, but colorful, or not. If you do, than black-and-white stories are often boring or even annoying. Exceptions are possible, but rare and are built around something that makes them stand out nevertheless. For example: Guren-Lagan is extremely idealistic and naive, but is powered by rule of cool and liquid awesome, so its fine. Classic Lord of the Rings is black-and-white, and nowadays is obsolete. There is a reason, why it was made into movie only recently: cool video made it to run on liquid awesome, and so it became OK.

I once was a fan of LotR, but I was 12 at time. Today I want something more complex morally, like Witcher at least. Or Dresden Files.
I realize the cockroach thing is overdone, but we really should jsut follow the cockroach plan.
We can play morality games later, after we've become the strongest empire.

As much as I would like the cockroach plan, I am afraid it is too late for that. At this point, it seems to be a matter of Shadow Council vs Charisma with the latter currently in the lead. I'm personally indifferent on the Shadow Council thing after QM clarification on how it would work, but I prefer Charisma to Shadow Council.

As for morality games, I'm afraid we've been playing that since the start of character creation.

Wait, we've still in character creation aren't we? Huh, it feels longer than that. Probably due to the morality debates.

The only ones removed were Gross insects, and some other variety of animal, so who cares?
All the Humans under your aegis are happy and those are the only important ones.

Is this a joke or serious? I hope and confidently believe it is the former, but you never know on the internet.
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As much as I would like the cockroach plan, I am afraid it is too late for that. At this point, it seems to be a matter of Shadow Council vs Charisma with the latter currently in the lead. I'm personally indifferent on the Shadow Council thing after QM clarification on how it would work, but I prefer Charisma to Shadow Council.

As for morality games, I'm afraid we've been playing that since the start of character creation.

Wait, we've still in character creation aren't we? Huh, it feels longer than that. Probably due to the morality debates.

Is this a joke or serious? I hope and confidently believe it is the former, but you never know on the internet.
Its both, because other than Humans the insect sapients don't exist, Like At all
I can't be completely serious with a fictional creature, Fictional Human Beings I can honestly sympathize with, but Random animals that don't Actually exist isn't close to the top of the list of things I care about.
Its both, because other than Humans the insect sapients don't exist, Like At all
I can't be completely serious with a fictional creature, Fictional Human Beings I can honestly sympathize with, but Random animals that don't Actually exist isn't close to the top of the list of things I care about.

There are sapient insectoid species in Stellaris who are just a sapient as humans.
Oh god, are we really going to have to put up with those HFY people on this quest?
There are sapient insectoid species in Stellaris who are just a sapient as humans.
Uh yea?
But unlike Humans They don't Actually exist, so what if they all die, they didn't actually die since their just Data, But I as a Human being connect to Fictional Human beings easily, so (though they still are not high on the list of caring) I will always support them over *insert Alien here* because Humans exist, I am a human and their fictional representation is one that I can connect to, so Genociding non existent creatures in a game that lets you do so doesn't phase me at all.
Oh god, are we really going to have to put up with those HFY people on this quest?
Oh god do we really have to put up with all this Fictional alien xenophilia on this quest?
See I can do it to, see how condescending it looks?
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Uh yea?
But unlike Humans They don't Actually exist, so what if they all die, they didn't actually die since their just Data, But I as a Human being connect to Fictional Human beings easily, so (though they still are not high on the list of caring) I will always support them over *insert Alien here* because Humans exist, I am a human and their fictional representation is one that I can connect to, so Genociding non existent creatures in a game that lets you do so doesn't phase me at all.

You do realise that Rule 2: Don't be Hateful applies to fictional groups as well as real life groups right? Expressing speciesism like you have been doing is liable to get you dinged by the mods.
Rule 2: Don't be Hateful said:
You can't post anything that is hateful or advocates harassment or violence, even against fictional or historical people. Be mindful in everything that you post.
Bolded bit by me.
You do realise that Rule 2: Don't be Hateful applies to fictional groups as well as real life groups right? Expressing speciesism like you have been doing is liable to get you dinged by the mods.

Bolded bit by me.
I didn't advocate genocide, but I did say that if it happened to Fictional creatures that are not human I wouldn't care, Humans on the other hand... I would be against it completely fictional or not.
Edit: Hell if it was happening to fictional animals that actually exist, I would probably care more than those that don't exist
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I didn't advocate genocide, but I did say that if it happened to Fictional creatures that are not human I wouldn't care, Humans on the other hand... I would be against it completely fictional or not.

You kinda did here:
The only ones removed were Gross insects, and some other variety of animal, so who cares?
All the Humans under your aegis are happy and those are the only important ones.
You said that it is okay to genocide aliens as long as they aren't human.

Either way, I don't feel like continuing this line of debate as it feels like we are getting off-topic. I would say PM me to continue it, but I just don't feel like continuing this discussion. Feel free to reply here in the thread, but I won't make any replies to that reply.