You said that it is okay to genocide aliens as long as they aren't human.
Either way, I don't feel like continuing this line of debate as it feels like we are getting off-topic. I would say PM me to continue it, but I just don't feel like continuing this discussion. Feel free to reply here in the thread, but I won't make any replies to that reply.
That's because we were talking about the legit actual game Stellaris, not this Quest, never mind that in that post I was talking about displacement (Since I was saying removed)
Probably the empire that is unrepentant about its genocide. The populace is only perfectly happy because of how those who were unhappy got killed or removed.
I'll have you know that I never genocided my own population, even when they were stupid and thought overthrowing the Emperor would be a good idea. I just happened to choose "cleanse planet" as a war goal a couple of times.
Nope. It is not debatable. Either you grow enough to see that world is not black-and-white, but colorful, or not. If you do, than black-and-white stories are often boring or even annoying. Exceptions are possible, but rare and are built around something that makes them stand out nevertheless. For example: Guren-Lagan is extremely idealistic and naive, but is powered by rule of cool and liquid awesome, so its fine. Classic Lord of the Rings is black-and-white, and nowadays is obsolete. There is a reason, why it was made into movie only recently: cool video made it to run on liquid awesome, and so it became OK.
I once was a fan of LotR, but I was 12 at time. Today I want something more complex morally, like Witcher at least. Or Dresden Files.
it is just game comradeHey there, I think everyone needs to take a moment here to step back from their keyboards. Remember, it's just a game here, there's no need to declare your hills to die on.
Thanks from the moderation team for keeping that in mind, carry on.
I'll have you know that I never genocided my own population, even when they were stupid and thought overthrowing the Emperor would be a good idea. I just happened to choose "cleanse planet" as a war goal a couple of times.
Adhoc vote count started by shepsquared on Oct 29, 2017 at 8:18 PM, finished with 118 posts and 27 votes.
[x] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.
[x] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
[X]Shadow Council: Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?
[X] Free Haven: Human society has a well-earned reputation as a free haven. The tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free - all are welcome here, regardless of their species or origin.
Good. you don't get it both ways. No getting to be "beacon of liberty" when there's no liberty.
Also, it looks like we may go the way of the Star Trek humans, and I'd be fine with that. But only if we play it straight. I may be genocidal, but I'm not a liar.
What the fuck is up with this whole HFY genocidal thing. Please don't advocate for genocide when it's not an actual case of "these people were given chances and have repeatedly fucked up."
If the only people you can relate with and feel attached to are humans, your empathy muscle is weak. Try exercising it.
What the fuck is up with this whole HFY genocidal thing. Please don't advocate for genocide when it's not an actual case of "these people were given chances and have repeatedly fucked up."
If the only people you can relate with and feel attached to are humans, your empathy muscle is weak. Try exercising it.
I don't think anyone as actually advocated Genocide as anything but as a joke, what I DO advocate is Human Supremacy
If you feel so attached to fictional creatures that do not exist nevermind that none have even been introduced, then maybe your empathy muscle is to strong and needs to chill out.
I don't think anyone as actually advocated Genocide as anything but as a joke, what I DO advocate is Human Supremacy
If you feel so attached to fictional creatures that do not exist nevermind that none have even been introduced, then maybe your empathy muscle is to strong and needs to chill out.
Or they dislike the idea of [CATEGORY] Supremacy because they remember how many horrible things have been done in the name of [CATEGORY] Supremacy and how similar discriminating between humans and blorg is to [CATEGORY 1] and [CATEGORY 2]
Or they dislike the idea of [CATEGORY] Supremacy because they remember how many horrible things have been done in the name of [CATEGORY] Supremacy and how similar discriminating between humans and blorg is to [CATEGORY 1] and [CATEGORY 2]
If you feel so attached to fictional creatures that do not exist nevermind that none have even been introduced, then maybe your empathy muscle is to strong and needs to chill out.
if you feel so attached to fictional creatures that do not exist, i.e. humans, but for some unfathomable reason not to fictional creatures that do not exist and yet likely will have internal worlds and emotions which are explicitly as deep as the fictional humans, i.e. inhumans, my preceding comment fully applies to u
Well their meanies that actually exist so there!
I mean In real life supremacy is stupid because it just arbitrary division, but in fiction Human Supremacy is justified because a Human literally created their universe (On a meta level, mind you)
if you feel so attached to fictional creatures that do not exist, i.e. humans, but for some unfathomable reason not to fictional creatures that do not exist and yet likely will have internal worlds and emotions which are explicitly as deep as the fictional humans, i.e. inhumans, my preceding comment fully applies to u
Because Humans are actually relatable, if your aliens are just humans with a different coat of paint, their poor aliens which while their basically human in thought and mind just makes me dislike them compared to the actual fictional Humans, which makes them automatically better in my mind. Nevermind that Humans are real, so are inherently superior.
Edit: I aint actually THAT attached to fictional humans, but compared to the creatures that don't exist, I might as well be super empathetic
Edit2: Idk If anyone was gonna respond, but I aint interested no longer, this quest is obviously not going anywhere remotely close to what I deem as fun so i'll put a stop to this arguing,
Hope you guys enjoy this quest. Seeya some other time, some other thread ^.^
Okay, working on the actual start of the game now. I got delayed by work and the ongoing saga of my new computer that's got a whole lot of stuff wrong with it and just now by the new dev diaries for Stellaris - and I'm probably going to incorporate the changes they've announced for ftl and star bases.
Okay, working on the actual start of the game now. I got delayed by work and the ongoing saga of my new computer that's got a whole lot of stuff wrong with it and just now by the new dev diaries for Stellaris - and I'm probably going to incorporate the changes they've announced for ftl and star bases.
President Delores Muwanga impatiently paced her office, her official VIR unit following closely behind. Though she'd been in office for three months now, today was the first true test of her leadership skills. Captain Sibbett was standing by at the edge of Sol's gravitational field, awaiting her decision on which star system to explore first. On top of that today was when she had to approve the budget proposals of each department - she hadn't even met her head researcher yet, let alone read the petabytes of information the Helios Starbase had sent her to 'assist' in her decision of which resources to exploit first.
But that didn't matter. The people of Earth wanted to expand, to journey into the great beyond. She'd been elected on that promise and today she'd see it through.
VIR lights up and interrupts her thoughts with his distinctly american voice.
"Madame President. The budget proposals are as follows: the navy wants more ships, the corporations want more mining rights, other corporations want exclusive access to Jupiter and Venus for scientific research and CSIRO demands exclusive access to the Alpha Centauri hyperspace lane for additional research. And the chief egghead will be here within the hour."
Delores sighed, wishing she wasn't forced to use the default government VIR model. But she had no choice. Time to make the hard decisions.
Every turn has 3 parts - two where you vote and the final part where the actions are resolved. You won't be voting on minutia - the UNE can mostly run itself. Instead every turn you will be provided with several projects that will be focused on for the next 5 years. You may select two of these projects to pursue.
In the second phase of a turn you chosen projects will be voted upon in higher detail and a random event may crop up and be voted on like the other two projects.
The three phase turns is to allow me to have the granularity I desire and the time to include proper detail. The easier this is for me to do, the less likely it is that I'll put off updating in favour of video games.
Which Star System should be explored first?
[ ] Alpha Centauri
[ ] Barnard's Star
[ ] Othriga
Which budget proposal should be approved?
[ ] Exploitation Rights
[ ] Hyperspace Research
[ ] Naval Expansion
[ ] Planetary Research
Who is the Chief Researcher of the UNE?
[ ] Doctor Darsh Swamy, Expert in Field Manipulation
[ ] Doctor Yi He, Expert in Rocketry
[ ] Doctor Lena von Boyen, Expert in Exoplanets
System exploration determines which star system you explore first. Budget gives a stat buff. Head researcher determines which field of technology you have the easiest time researching.