The Earthling's Search; a Stellaris Quest

Well, as I said earlier, have fun and may the dice gods be with you in your search through space :)
Nation Customisation: The United Nations of Earth
The year is 2200. The people of Earth stand united, ready to claim their place among the stars. But their cultural beliefs are not set in stone.

Ethos Customisation
Now you get a chance to change the ethos of the United Nations. You can drop Xenophile for a different non-fanatic ethos, change Egalitarian to non-fanatic and pick up a third non-fanatic ethos or change Xenophile to fanatic and Egalitarian to non fanatic. You cannot drop Xenophile for Xenophobe.
[ ] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[ ] Drop Xenophile for...
-[ ] Materialist
-[ ] Militarist
-[ ] Pacifist
-[ ] Spiritualist
[ ] Change Egalitarian to non-fanatic and pick up...
-[ ] Materialist
-[ ] Militarist
-[ ] Pacifist
-[ ] Spiritualist
[ ] Switch Xenophile and Egalitarian

Faster than Light Travel
Stellaris has 4 forms of ftl available. Due to the disastrous Ulysses Initiative the United Nations cannot utilise Worm Hole Generators and the Jump Drive is s late game tech. This leaves you with two options:
[ ] Hyperspace Travel
A hidden network predates all other known construction in the galaxy. Its so-called "hyperlanes" connect the stars and they are only visible for those who know where (and how) to look. By tapping into this network, a ship with a hyperdrive may traverse these invisible lanes at a speed of 10 light years a day. Additionally a hyperdrive requires very little charge time to enter hyperspace and can theoretically safely do so even in the gravity well of a star system, though this hasn't yet been accomplished outside of lab conditions. Unfortunately hyperdrive equipped ships can only travel along the hyperlane network, sometimes forcing them to take circuitous routes to reach comparatively close destinations. This can also lead to star systems that exist as natural chokepoints in thehyperlane network, conferring on them significant strategic importance.
[ ] Warp Travel
By using an Alcubierre Drive to create a subspace bubble around a starship and contract the space in front of the ship while expanding the space behind it, a ship can be freely propelled through space at the speed of 3 light years a day. The drawbacks of warp travel is that the Alcubierre Drive requires some time to generate the subspace bubble and far more time to 'cool down' before it can generate another. Similarly current generation Alcubierre Drives can only generate a bubble of a certain strength, meaning they can only cross light years in a single jump. Similarly subspace bubbles cannot be safely generated inside the gravity well of a star or other celestial object, due to poorly understood interactions between subspace and gravity.
This makes Warp Travel unsuited for many small jumps, but the strength of Warp Travel is that there are no restrictions on where you travel beyond maximum distance. Ships aren't reliant on preexisting hyperspace lanes or wormhole geneators, allowing for unparalleled freedom of movement.

Starting Weaponry
There are many potential types of weapon for interstellar conflict in Stellaris, but only three are initially open to you. They are:
[ ] Energy Weapons
Laser weapons fire focused beams of light at targets, causing damage through the generation of intense heat. Though they have limited range they are highly accurate and have next to no travel time due to traveling at the speed of light. Lasers efficiently burn through armour but have difficulty penetrating energy shields.
[ ] Missile Weapons
Space-to-space missiles equipped with high-yield nuclear warheads. Although based on old pre-space technology, these crude fire-and-forget weapons can be surprisingly effective at range. While a laser or bullet can be wasted if they miss, the targeting computer of a missile allows a ship to adjust for the movement of a target or acquire a new target if the first is destroyed. The explosive payload is effective against both armour and energy shields, but the missiles can easily be shot down by point defense.
[ ] Projectile Weapons
These electromagnetic projectile launchers use magnets to accelerate armor-piercing rounds towards targets at high speeds. Rather than rely on the power of individual impacts they overwhelm the foe with hundreds of lesser impacts. This allows them to rapidly overwhelm an energy shield, but armour allows the barrage to be easily endured.
[X] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[X] Warp Travel
[X] Energy Weapons
[X] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[X] Hyperspace Travel
[X] Missile Weapons
[X] Change Egalitarian to non-fanatic and pick up...
-[X] Materialist
[X] Warp Travel
[X] Energy Weapons
All the flavors and you people choose vanille

[x] Drop Xenophile for...
-[x] Materialist
[x] Hyperspace Travel
[x] Projectile Weapons
Honestly I feel like Materialism is fundamentally incompatible with Xenophile - how can we tolerate the beliefs of aliens if we think that they need to be "enlightened" by destroying an integral part of their culture?
[X] Drop Xenophile for...
-[X] Materialist
[x] Change Egalitarian to non-fanatic and pick up...
-[x] Militarist
[x] Hyperspace Travel
[x] Missile Weapons
[X] Drop Xenophile for...
-[X] Materialist
[X] Warp Travel
[X] Projectile Weapons
[X] Change Egalitarian to non-fanatic and pick up...
-[X] Materialist
[X] Warp Travel
[X] Missile Weapons
[X] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[X] Hyperspace Travel
[X] Missile Weapons
Honestly I feel like Materialism is fundamentally incompatible with Xenophile - how can we tolerate the beliefs of aliens if we think that they need to be "enlightened" by destroying an integral part of their culture?
You're thinking materialistic xenophobes, maybe egalitarians if they think their opposition is barbaric enough, xenophiles are more like 'let's work together for our mutually beneficial scientific advancement'
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[X] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[X] Warp Travel
[X] Energy Weapons

Honestly I feel like Materialism is fundamentally incompatible with Xenophile - how can we tolerate the beliefs of aliens if we think that they need to be "enlightened" by destroying an integral part of their culture?
In that case no ethos will be compatible with Xenophile.
Egalitarians will be offended by any non-democratic form of government and will try to 'free' aliens from 'the tyranny'.
Spiritualists will try to convert 'lost souls' to one true faith.
And so on, and so on.
Um, what's so great about missile weapons that laser and ballistic weapons don't have?
[X] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[X] Warp Travel
[X] Energy Weapons

In that case no ethos will be compatible with Xenophile.
Egalitarians will be offended by any non-democratic form of government and will try to 'free' aliens from 'the tyranny'.
Spiritualists will try to convert 'lost souls' to one true faith.
And so on, and so on.
Democratic Crusaders and one of the Evangelist personalities.

But yeah, the only ethos incompatible with egalitarian is authoritarian.
[X] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[X] Warp Travel
[X] Missile Weapons
So we are locked into egalitarian? Better luck next time I guess.

[x] Drop Xenophile for...
-[x] Pacifist
[x] Change Egalitarian to non-fanatic and pick up...
-[x] Spiritualist
Everybody, love and peace and enlightenment.

[x] Hyperspace Travel
Expand along hyperspace lanes till we pick up the late game option.

[x] Missile Weapons
They are sort of like ships, so we just replace the warheads with something less deadly
[X] Keep the ethos of the United Nations as it is
[X] Hyperspace Travel
[X] Missile Weapons
Um, what's so great about missile weapons that laser and ballistic weapons don't have?
Due to their tracking missiles destroy fighters and bombers. on top of that they're good generalists, faring equally well against shields and armour. The downside is that sufficient point defense utterly walls missiles in game, but pd has to be researched anyway so...

I'm going off the stellaris tech tree but I'm not using it verbatim because it doesn't suit this.

So we are locked into egalitarian? Better luck next time I guess.

[x] Drop Xenophile for...
-[x] Pacifist
[x] Change Egalitarian to non-fanatic and pick up...
-[x] Spiritualist
Everybody, love and peace and enlightenment.

[x] Hyperspace Travel
Expand along hyperspace lanes till we pick up the late game option.

[x] Missile Weapons
They are sort of like ships, so we just replace the warheads with something less deadly
The United Nations is inherently egalitarian at the start. You can lose it during play, but it takes time. And even if your empire abandons Egalitarian, the population will take longer to follow suit.
Also endgame hyperspace tech includes building your own lanes. JKump Drives aren't inherently superior here, they have their own upsides and downsides