The Earthling's Search; a Stellaris Quest

For all that the UNoE feels like the default human option I'm struggling to think of a setting that used something similar - the backstory of Star Trek? Mass Effect?
It's free and friendly united humans, this troop is as much overused as gun-ho manifested destiny bigots. From the head, I can remember Babylon 5's humans before they turned themselves into space nazis and whatever come after that, the Commonwealth from Andromeda could also can be technically counted. I'm more kind of bumped that it's pretty much UN, but in Space
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Basically, we're another flavor of Space America, or UN, or UK, or whatever you want to call it.

Also known as the most generic flavor of Sci-fi humans there is.

Name a Sci-fi series and 8/10 times it'll probably be some variety of Space America. Usually, because it's either A: The logical route for society to go, or B: a future that the current egalitarian western world can relate to.

The complaint seems to be less, "This is exactly like X thing I've seen before" and more so, "We had all of the flavors, why did we pick french vanilla?"

I mean, we could have been goddamn robots

But no, we're Space America.


I just discovered this quest about 30 minutes ago, so this revelation is disappointing, but I'll keep checking into the quest to see if anything interesting happens.

Here's hoping we encounter some kind of major event that fundamentally changes who we are.

Or maybe we'll go around trying to Freedom all the things.
I personally like the fact that we are playing as a free, liberal and friendly society. All of these complaints of 'why did we pick the generic option' and 'this is option is overused' just seem to me to be losing voters being salty.

I find playing as the good guys to be appealing and if folks tried to be more arsehole-ish, I would have been put off from this quest so I'm glad that we did go with what I consider to be most fun option. Especially since we already picked it in the first vote.

To be honest, the most irritating thing about the last vote is that we picked an option in the first vote and the first thing that the second vote did is allow that vote to be rendered partially invalid without anything actually happening in the quest. What's the point of winning a vote if the next vote is going to render a major part of invalid without any plot or character development?

I repeat myself: All the flavors and you people choose vanille

Yes, because it is a fun classic and it is enjoyable to play straight.

I mean, we could have been goddamn robots

But being the robots for the hundredth time is boring as well.

Still, you might find this quest interesting.
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To be honest, the most irritating thing about the last vote is that we picked an option in the first vote and the first thing that the second vote did is allow that vote to be rendered partially invalid without anything actually happening in the quest. What's the point of winning a vote if the next vote is going to render a major part of invalid without any plot or character development?
Because I could have made the first vote
() Humans from Earth
() Lost human colonists
() Human made robots
() Post human chimps

But using screenshots of the 'default' of that empire looked way better and felt more evocative. Plus you'd otherwise have to be Neo-Chimps to be Spiritualist or Commonwealth of Man for Militarist.
Aspect Selection
In the game this quest is based on, every nation has an ethos and a government derived from certain choices. This quest will not be using the standard civic system, nor will it make use of the Stellaris biological trait system - instead we're using Aspects, adapted from Kaelor's Mass Effect: Altered Humanity quest. These aspects define the cultural and biological parts of your empire and are more mercurial than your ethos and government - they can be altered through special projects unlocked by both research and cultural advancement and can organically change with your species.

Select three of the following:
[ ] Adaptive: Humanity is highly adaptive when it comes to foreign environments and cultures.
[ ] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
[ ] Charismatic: All aliens seem to enjoy the company of humans and value their opinions.
[ ] Conformists: Humans always seek out a collective consensus and are more likely to conform to the dominant culture.
[ ] Conservationist: Humans believe that resources must be conserved and recycled.
[ ] Free Haven: Human society has a well-earned reputation as a free haven. The tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free - all are welcome here, regardless of their species or origin.
[ ] Idyllic: A simple and peaceful life can often be the most rewarding. Mutually exclusive with Nomad.
[ ] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.
[ ] Natural Engineers: Humans have a natural inclination towards engineering and the material sciences. Mutually exclusive with Natural Physicists & Natural Sociologists.
[ ] Natural Physicists: Humans have a natural inclination towards theoretical physics and astral phenomena. Mutually exclusive with Natural Engineers & Natural Sociologists.
[ ] Natural Sociologists: Humans have a natural inclination towards sociological and biological sciences. Mutually exclusive with Natural Engineers & Natural Physicists.
[ ] Nomadic: Humanity has a nomadic past, and its members often think nothing when relocation to another world.
[ ] Resilient: Humans are physiologically resilient and will fight like enraged brood mothers to defend their worlds.
[ ]Shadow Council: Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?
[ ] Talented: Every human has a natural aptitude for something.
[x] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
[x] Charismatic: All aliens seem to enjoy the company of humans and value their opinions.
[x] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.

to bad we could have only three
[X] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.
[X]Shadow Council: Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?
[X] Talented: Every human has a natural aptitude for something.
[-] Plan: Bonum commune communitatis, eh?
-[-] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
-[-] Idyllic: A simple and peaceful life can often be the most rewarding. Mutually exclusive with Nomad.
-[-] Shadow Council: Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?

Wanted to choose Natural Sociologists over Idilic, but really, it's too cheeky
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[X] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.
[X] Resilient: Humans are physiologically resilient and will fight like enraged brood mothers to defend their worlds.
[X]Shadow Council: Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?

Quite like the idea of the meritocratic shadow council.
Hm... should we try to recreate the Terran Dominion from kaelor's quest?

[X] Conservationist: Humans believe that resources must be conserved and recycled.
[X] Natural Engineers: Humans have a natural inclination towards engineering and the material sciences. Mutually exclusive with Natural Physicists & Natural Sociologists.
[X] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.

Think this would be close-ish?
[x] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
[x] Charismatic: All aliens seem to enjoy the company of humans and value their opinions.
[x] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent
[x] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
[x] Charismatic: All aliens seem to enjoy the company of humans and value their opinions.
[x] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent
[x] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
[x] Charismatic: All aliens seem to enjoy the company of humans and value their opinions.
[x] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent
[x] Beacon of Liberty: Human society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
[x] Charismatic: All aliens seem to enjoy the company of humans and value their opinions.
[x] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent
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Let us drink hemlock brother and lead humanity to immense hatred and evil!

...Question are we going to have Elves in our game? I'd love to see some Drow Civs going around looking for slaves. It would be the perfect first enemy.
[X] Meritocracy: An individuals' social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.
[X]Shadow Council: Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?
[X] Talented: Every human has a natural aptitude for something.