Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

Could also be a timeline that doesn't line up with any of the game endings. Though if they got the ending you're thinking of, or anything less than the golden ending, we might have to worry about what happened to Marie, too.
For what it's worth-
"In matters to do with the shadow world, yes," agreed Shirogane, nodding her head. "I've been keeping her from harm, for… personal reasons. Although I certainly wasn't expecting her stories to be real. I have some experience with beings like your daughter, you see." Shirogane frowned, her inner confusion taking the edge off Utau's reaction to that way of describing Ami. "Or, at least, I thought that I did. She appears quite different from Marie-chan."
Marie is probably fine.
Marie is probably fine.
...I'm not sure if this is already clear to you, but given how we never seem to be on the same page, I'm going to say it anyway.

I have no idea if you mean this post genuinely, and I have no idea if you meant for the quoted story text to be an indicator that Marie is fine either. The quoted story text gives us very little indication of Marie's current state. It mostly just tells us that Marie has existed and met Naoto, and that Naoto is at least somewhat aware of Marie's unusual nature. The tone isn't all that different from how I might imagine Utau talking about Ikuto (missing, lost contact), or the tone the story took when the fifth Scavenger was first mentioned (later revealed to have last been seen alive 3 years ago).
I myself interpreted that as meaning that Marie is still around and friendly (at least to the best of Naoto's knowledge from the last time they met) due to her use of the diminutive -chan honorific. I don't imagine Naoto would be quite as inclined to be calling her that, if things had gone south and Marie's relationship with the Investigation Team had ended on a sour note.

She also isn't explicitly referring to Marie in the past tense, which I'd expect her to do if Marie were no longer among them. Though admittedly, the exact tense is a bit ambiguous.
She appears quite different from Marie-chan.
Eh, I should hope so. I would be very concerned if 7-year-old Ami was 5 foot 5 and as filled out as Marie.

I know some magical girl series sometimes age up the girls during transformation, but Shugo Chara isn't one of them, I would have to be asking who exactly it was feeding Ami the growth hormones.
She also isn't explicitly referring to Marie in the past tense, which I'd expect her to do if Marie were no longer among them. Though admittedly, the exact tense is a bit ambiguous.
Amu and Utau don't talk about Ikuto like he's dead, and Kana mostly doesn't talk about Yuna like she's dead either.

I know some magical girl series sometimes age up the girls during transformation, but Shugo Chara isn't one of them, I would have to be asking who exactly it was feeding Ami the growth hormones.
And yet, for some bizarre reason, Other Ami is bigger than Regular Ami.
Amu and Utau don't talk about Ikuto like he's dead, and Kana mostly doesn't talk about Yuna like she's dead either.
Yeah, by "among them" I meant "among the living", or at least walking around like she's a living being.... given it's Marie, it is a bit questionable whether she can really be killed permanently, but it is probably possible to make it so she doesn't have 2 legs and arms anymore.
Pistachio got it right. The way Naoto talked about Marie implies that Marie is fine, and probably waiting for Naoto to come home.

I realise that was entirely too subtle. In my defence it's irrelevant to the story right now. :V

Persona 4 is a bit odd in one way: You can start a relationship with two girls, so long as one of them is Marie. But I don't think that one is exactly traditional, considering who she is…
And yet, for some bizarre reason, Other Ami is bigger than Regular Ami.
Ami wants to grow up. Her dream is quite traditional, in that sense. You'll note it isn't a large enough difference for Midori to comment.
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Well, in sense.... it probably counts.

Shugo Chara Transformations are either Chara-Changes or Chara-Transforms and the Astral Projection Ami who popped up was Akkun, who is supposedly the part of Ami that would become a Chara with a bit more separation. She's not yet, but that also means she's currently still a blend of "normal" Ami/Acchan and Wanna-Be Ami/Akkun. That's basically a Chara-Change or Chara-Transform, just without Akkun fully being a Chara yet.
I wonder if Akkun remembered to come clean to mom about her situation before mom called home. It'd be terrifying for Midori to tell Tsumugu she's bringing Ami home, only to hear that Ami is right beside Tsumugu and hasn't left the house. I don't think Akkun's differences from Regular Ami are enough to want to do that to her mother.

Pistachio got it right. The way Naoto talked about Marie implies that Marie is fine, and probably waiting for Naoto to come home.
If they're living together, Kana is going to freak out again when she sees who else is going to be keeping an eye on her.

Persona 4 is a bit odd in one way: You can start a relationship with two girls, so long as one of them is Marie. But I don't think that one is exactly traditional, considering who she is…
And if the P4 protagonist is living with them too...
If they're living together, Kana is going to freak out again when she sees who else is going to be keeping an eye on her.


Is THAT how Naoto had an access route to the Dreamlands?!

EDIT: Now I check back, that idea was brought up some time ago. Though at the time, I was skeptical about the idea of Naoto thinking to ask Marie for anything, she's not Narukami after all, never figured they were especially close.
Personally, I'm guessing either she's capable of entering on her own power now, or she asked her old buddy Marie for some help.
On the other hand, if they ARE actually living together......
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Well, in sense.... it probably counts.

Shugo Chara Transformations are either Chara-Changes or Chara-Transforms and the Astral Projection Ami who popped up was Akkun, who is supposedly the part of Ami that would become a Chara with a bit more separation. She's not yet, but that also means she's currently still a blend of "normal" Ami/Acchan and Wanna-Be Ami/Akkun. That's basically a Chara-Change or Chara-Transform, just without Akkun fully being a Chara yet.
In the normal course of things, she'd form either a Chara or an ungodly powerful Shadow. I'm not sure how normal the scenario is, considering that Ami gets a say in this and has Amu and Miki for a role model, but either remains possible.
Outright worse, not just unimproved. Bummer. I would have liked to see them practicing things together.
I never responded to this… unfortunately yes, you can't get any training benefits that way. But if they're training the same thing, it will at least be neutral.
One of the training options we've been looking at is Telekinesis 4, in large part to finally figure out how Overgrowth training works. But Amu has a lot of training on her plate, and we're probably not going to finish Telekinesis 4 before the next major event unless we delay some of our current training.

I have a different proposal. Miki is sitting at Overgrowth 1 and Integrity 3, and her schedule is almost empty. Let's have her push her Overgrowth first. She can hit the Overgrowth event much sooner than Amu, with a much healthier Overgrowth/Integrity balance. She probably has enough time and common-pool XP to get Overgrowth 2, not just hit the event. Plus, Overgrowth 2 should provide a lot more immediate benefit for her than Overgrowth 4 would for Amu, since so many of her skills are already at 1 or 2 dots, while Amu only has a single skill at 3.
Will we actually have the XP for it?

We're talking a whole 6 XP to push Integrity 4 and Miki has no XP of her own in her personal pool since she hasn't been active in anything, it will have to all come out of the shared pool. Pushing 4 on TK for Amu is not only cheaper since it's Psi skill, Amu herself has personal XP she can spend on it.

....That's assuming Integrity will actually trigger the event. Have this sneaking suspicion that Integrity is the one single stat that WON'T trigger the event, as my guess is that the event involves someone trying to "push" their Overgrowth to get more power out of a given skill/ability and subsequently losing control of it...... and Integrity is the one thing that actually helps people keep their Overgrowth under control and will result in the exact opposite of a loss of control.
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We will actually have the XP for it?

We're talking a whole 6 XP to push Integrity 4 and Miki has no XP of her own in her personal pool since she hasn't been active in anything, it will have to all come out of the shared pool. Pushing 4 on TK for Amu is not only cheaper since it's Psi skill, Amu herself has personal XP she can spend on it.

....That's assuming Integrity will actually trigger the event. Have this sneaking suspicion that Integrity is the one single stat that WON'T trigger the event, as my guess is that the event involves someone trying to "push" their Overgrowth to get more power out of a given skill/ability and subsequently losing control of it...... and Integrity is the one thing that actually helps people keep their Overgrowth under control and will result in the exact opposite of a loss of control.
What? No, I'm not talking about taking Integrity 4. I'm talking about taking, I dunno, Mental Range 2 or something. 1 XP, 1 week. I just brought up her Integrity score to point out that she'll be at a much better Integrity/Overgrowth balance after pumping Overgrowth than Amu would be.
I thought it needed to be pushing Level 4 to trigger the event?
It would be for Amu, but that's because Amu has Overgrowth 3 already. The event triggers when someone tries to train a psi skill beyond their Overgrowth:
I was a bit coy about this before you learned what it really is, but: You'll find out once anyone tries a training output that would overload it. I'm not going to explain ahead of time, save to mention that training it _is_ possible.
......But Miki already has Illusion at Level 2.... 😧
That's down to the way she was created, and she can't use it at that level without burning willpower. You could actually get said "event" out of Miki without doing any training at all-

She'd just have to notice. Amu pushing herself would immediately realise that something's wrong, but Miki is used to not having more.
So due to Miki being a sloth who isn't used to feeling human, she probably won't notice even if we do psionic training with her, since she doesn't know what is meant to feel normal - plus, I assume due to sleeping 16 hours a day, we won't actually get 8 hours a day of training time from her either. What would be 1 week of training, might actually be 2 or 3 for her, due to a lack of available training hours.

.....Utau might be a better option.

Pushing Empathy to 4 would do it and I assume given how active she's been, her personal XP pool would have at least 2-3 XP in it by the end of the chapter.

Wonder if there is an easy way to force Miki to notice....... Most of the ideas I can think of are a fair bit of a stretch.
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Wonder if there is an easy way to force Miki to notice....... Most of the ideas I can think of are a fair bit of a stretch.
She'll figure it out eventually. When you think about it… Miki is burning willpower just to keep a human form, and that's no longer optional for her. Psychologically, if not literally. It requires Illusion 2.

That's why she's a sloth.
I wonder what would happen if our other Charas trained Overgrowth?
Pretty sure the other Charas don't count as independent characters in this quest so much as talking equipment and don't have stat sheets and can't be trained. Would need to be one that was fully split off like Miki to be trainable.

From what I gather, her other Charas training Overgrowth would just end up being Amu herself training Overgrowth, while putting on a split personality. Which she probably shouldn't do without more dots in Integrity as my guess is that if she tried it, she would either spawn an extra Chara to absorb it (and the fresh one would eat up her new dot, so she'd drop back down to 3 Overgrowth immediately after) or Dia would complain and just stop her from training it entirely.

......Do people think it would be better or worse to try and expedite Miki's revelation about Overgrowth versus letting her naturally come into enlightenment the slow way?
Expedite it. Burning WP just to maintain your body is a terrible state to be in. (Expediting it might mean having someone else realize and tell her, though.)
Pretty sure the other Charas don't count as independent characters in this quest so much as talking equipment and don't have stat sheets and can't be trained. Would need to be one that was fully split off like Miki to be trainable.
While this is true, it's true partly because Amu believes it is. Treating them otherwise would be the first step towards changing that.

Now, whether or not one ought to encourage such things… that's a different question.