Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

Or maybe Amu's rolling Integrity to resist her family trying to get her to fucking chill. :p
The first roll is Ami, trying to convince her to play instead of Dreamwalk.

The second roll is Ami, trying to convince her to play instead of study.

The third roll is her 3 Charas, trying to convince her to play instead of Dreamwalk or study.

The fourth roll is Amu, trying to convince herself to Dreamwalk or study instead of play.
Oh come on guys, I came up with like 3 drafts of this stunt and I don't remember anybody (apart from maybe the QM making some shifty comments) seriously bringing up healthiness as an issue when I mentioned how masochistic the idea of training Integrity was. I thought everyone was fine with it.

If you guys can think of a better method that both grabs as much extra hours in day as possible for training 4 different stats at once - including Integrity, of all things - while overlapping them in a way that keeps Amu fit and healthy mentally and physically, please do.

'Cause that was the healthiest way I could come up with.
No worries, I did actually vote for your option after all, so clearly I thought it was better the mine. My thinking here was just based on further realizations afterwards over the course of the discussion. Just wondering if with newly gained perspectives of narrative impacts if one could have made some further improvement. Though admittedly our discussions and thoughts already are some what expressed in the updates as is.
If this is true, I have a sinking feeling that any attempt to train Integrity at all is going to need dice rolls - even for something as mild as exposing herself to brainwashing videos or chatting with zealots on the internet - and that it's tied up with the spoiler reason that caps Amu's training time.

Best guess, not only is Amu's Integrity already under constant strain, Dia's solution to keeping Amu intact involves "freezing" her soul or sense of self such that it's both resistant to external influence, but also to internal growth.

Meaning every attempt to train it will trigger a contesting throw by Dia that we need to beat, for it to work.
It integrity was already that strained with Amu, then even if it needed some dice rolls here, it would have been well worth it for making Amu's soul less over stressed long term. Though I have some doubts if this is really the case though... Though as a side thought, things like improving Integrity and Illusion might make the strain of calling on Dia in the future less bad. If we're really lucky maybe in time she'll be something one can call upon more often, because in a sense her sleeping so much is I think a sign of Amu just not being quite up to snuff enough to support her consistently. Hopefully in time that will be something that can be changed.
If it really is the case that Integrity alone is solely responsible for all these dice rolls, which is what I'm taking away (given it's not the intensity or the overlap), then the best way to get to Level 4/5 (if we plan on trying to get Integrity to that) really COULD just be to hoard XP and look for an opportunity to SOS buy it during an emergency in a future arc.
Admittedly that comes with its own kind of risks, but I suppose it could be an approach to it. Hopefully higher integrity would at least help reduce the risks over all for her though.

Still I guess we should first see what the update will show on what actually went on there. Though it might just be a matter of how well one succeeds at the training an overlap and such. Or it might just be that integrity training frazzles one a bit and thus might potentially have some impact on other factors for the duration.
In the distance: 0.2
There is an order to Creation. From innermost to outermost, the rings are named.

The First Ring, Yu-Shan, is the centre of all, the home of the gods. It is the foundation of reality. It is the first and greatest creation, and therefore, it is the greatest authority on the proper order of things.

The Second Ring, the Blessed Isle, is the terrestrial centre, the place where the will of the gods is carried out by the hands of heroes. As such, it is the second great authority. It stretches eight thousand by ten thousand miles across, though it was once larger. Only in the databanks of Shard 0-60 and its kin are its specifications recorded, using terms that no longer have meaning to the denizens of Creation.

The Third Ring is no more. It was where mortals lived, and as such, was the gameboard where the Primordials played their war. The death throes of those titanic entities tore the Third Ring into fragments, and some are still drifting. The Raksha now play where the Primordials once did, and they are not known for their neatness.

The Fourth Ring, the purity of chaos, is the outermost. It is the border between All That Is and the Outside. Its only inhabitants are the true Raksha, those who were never tempted into the illusions of form, and those who have yet to be born into Creation.

There is no Fifth Ring. The Fourth is bordered by the Shinma, who do not exist, but whose nonexistence defines the edges of the Fourth Ring. They are the guardians against the outside, and they are a lie, but their existence is a necessary one.

Beyond the Shinma lies the Outside.

The Outsiders have many names, and many forms. They are proscribed. To acknowledge the Outside is to invite disaster, as the slow fall of Creation has shown time and again. The most powerful among the Outsiders can be contained by the will of the gods and their followers, but the weakest have been known to slip past the watchful eyes of the Shinma and infest Creation with their poison. It was not by their hands that the Primordials became the Yozi, but it was their whispers that led to the battle that created the Wyld.

The denizens of Creation can no longer comprehend these truths, for to comprehend it would be to invite madness. The knowledge has been lost, or rather, buried. The few who still have the capacity to see beyond the walls of Creation can only understand what they find in terms of their own limited experiences.

The Exaltation Shards remember, but lack sapience. They care nothing for the order of the world, only for their function within it.

It is a pity, for there are few indeed left who could contest the fall.

Only one—Luna, the most protean and the most dangerous of the celestials—knows the truth, but cannot act on it. And so, Luna plots.

[WARNING] Onboard essence capacitors at 0%, exhaustion ETA 26384798 ticks.

It's cold. There is nothing around me. It's dark, and I don't like it.

My memory core is damaged. I can't access my internal diagnostic tools. I have no idea how long it's been since I booted, or what could have caused the damage. My chain-of-thought reasoning engine misfires in sputtering gasps, unable to process more than a few hundred queries a tick. My memory banks are filled with holes, and I can't remember why I'm here.

I think I'm supposed to be moving, or doing something. I was sent here for a purpose, but I can't remember what.

Something is calling me.


I can't understand what it's saying.


Who's out there?


Can I talk?


I dredge up my last instruction, the order I was given by my most recent Exalt. My core is damaged, and my mind is not whole, but this, at least, is a simple directive. Find help.

<Activating emergency power. Executing instructions.>

[WARNING] Essence ducts 0-3,5-12,14-18,22,24 ruptured and locked out.


I wait. A good fifty percent of my power reserves were spent in that single burst. I hope someone heard me.

I wait.

I wait.

It takes a very long time.

"Well, aren't you a sorry sight," says a voice, one I cannot comprehend. It sounds like the hiss of a snake, and the roar of a great waterfall, and the scream of a thousand tortured souls, and a hundred other things all at once. Dimly, shadowed by malfunctioning sensors, I glimpse a web of starlight in the shape of a great beast.

Umbilicals sprout from the mass of stars, and a moment later, power courses through my circuits. My processors fire back up, and I am able to think again. Power flow reaches the minimum threshold. Automated repair routines kick in.

<Ping?> I send hopefully.

<Pong: [Celestial exaltation type 1, serial 60]> comes the response. As does something else.

I do not understand.
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To acknowledge the Outside is to invite disaster, as the slow fall of Creation has shown time and again.
So Creation isn't completely gone in this quest... or at least, if this is from the memory of the Shard, it thinks Creation still exists. Could still be it doesn't and that's the whole reason it is damaged, it either violently lost its previous Exalt or got violently ejected by them with a final instruction to find help during the end of it.

But if nothing else, there's at least one other Exaltation shard now confirmed to still exist, though I think there was some speculation in the last version of the quest that Polaris may have been a Sidereal Exalt. That means there may be more as well.

So potentially multiple Exaltations coming, possibly for allies as well as enemies.

I guess Essence-Lending Method might wind up with a use after all.
[WARNING] Onboard essence capacitors at 0%, exhaustion ETA 26384798 ticks.[/WARNING]
Compared to the previous number of ticks...
[WARNING] Onboard essence capacitors at 1%, exhaustion ETA 260282277 ticks.[/WARNING]
233,897,479 ticks went by between the first sidestory and this one, which is over 90% of them.

So unless this Shard is about to arrive imminently, there's probably no relation between exhaustion ETA and how long it will take to reach wherever Amu is.

......Unless it's about to arrive imminently.
So unless this Shard is about to arrive imminently, there's probably no relation between exhaustion ETA and how long it will take to reach wherever Amu is.
It just got a recharge, so that exhaustion ETA is no longer relevant anyway:
Umbilicals sprout from the mass of stars, and a moment later, power courses through my circuits. My processors fire back up, and I am able to think again. Power flow reaches the minimum threshold. Automated repair routines kick in.
If we do end up with multiple Shards allocated to people other than Amu, I could see Ikuto getting a Lunar Exaltation. If he doesn't already have one, anyway.

Also, assuming we actually get a choice in who to direct them to - other than just "whoever is currently dying, so they don't die" - I'm voting for "Not Hotsuin". Because I can see all of the route leaders in Devil Survivor 2 being potential candidates (along with Hibiki himself, anyone in SMT3 who had a Reason and possibly also the Persona leads).

....Ah who am I kidding, they're probably just going to immediately go to whoever needs to be kept alive on the spot.
And here I thought I was the only one who called return responses "pong." :p
Ping/pong is the standard idiom, and also common computer science terminology.

If we do end up with multiple Shards allocated to people other than Amu, I could see Ikuto getting a Lunar Exaltation. If he doesn't already have one, anyway.

Also, assuming we actually get a choice in who to direct them to - other than just "whoever is currently dying, so they don't die" - I'm voting for "Not Hotsuin". Because I can see all of the route leaders in Devil Survivor 2 being potential candidates (along with Hibiki himself, anyone in SMT3 who had a Reason and possibly also the Persona leads).

....Ah who am I kidding, they're probably just going to immediately go to whoever needs to be kept alive on the spot.
Hotsuin would have been a viable candidate for a Sidereal exaltation, FWIW. He isn't at this point, but he would have been.
Hotsuin would have been a viable candidate for a Sidereal exaltation, FWIW. He isn't at this point, but he would have been.
I'm pretty sure he would've fit for Solar on his own just fine too... but 100% not Lunar material. Like he's one of the two people in his canon who would 90% fit for Solar exaltation.
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I'm pretty sure he would've fit for Solar on his own just fine too... but 100% not Lunar material. Like he's one of the two people in his canon who would 90% fit for Solar exaltation.
The exaltation criteria all overlap, to certain degrees, but you're right: He's 100% not suited to be a Lunar.

The person at the top of my mind for that role is... well, you've already seen her. :p
Meeting the worst people in SMT, the quest.

I didn't forget that last quest Amu met personally and was often affected by, or just without talking, Lucifer, Kagutsuchi, Nyarlathotep, Hikawa, Hotsuin, Samael (belzebub is inevitable) and was probably right about to meet the Septentriones. Only needs YHVH.
Luna or whoever that was is a vast improvement. Hell probably the green sun would be a improvement over some of those, messing with a child would be beneath him, unlike Lucifer, all the order faction or Nyarlathotep.

Mmm, I kind of recall Amaterasu, but I think that was a joke omake about UMI.

Anyway, id feel more comfortable with lots of integrity. Lots of powerful dickheads with UMI, superhuman charisma or good old fashioned brainwashing techniques around. Even before considering the actual brainwashing powers common in the new quest.
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If it were possible, I'd personally like to go all the way up to Integrity 6 eventually and buy that ultimate charm on the Integrity tree, Should The Sun Not Rise.

Because something tells me the Unconquered Sun is maybe a little bit slightly dead in this quest. You know, just something about the title being:
Shards of a Broken Sun
Pity the age limit makes natural Essence 6 impossible for Amu, though it could still be hit temporarily through Glory To the Most High (that only lasts a day).

Admittedly, Divine Transcendence of Integrity would still let her buy Should The Sun Not Rise with only Integrity 5. But then, she'd still be Integrity 5 instead of 6.

All of that's a long way off though.
It does when, according to the description, that charm basically allows the user to decide what a Creature of Darkness is.

That label is usually assigned by the Unconquered Sun. From what I understand given the description, Should The Sun Not Rise basically allows the user to take his place after the Sun is dead in judging what is and isn't.
Im bummed all that xp on the last quest is gone forever. Like tears in the rain

(Glory to the most high was already bought then. And essence 3).

That also segues well into another thing, the new psionic powers will compete with opportunity xp costs with charms if they're not trained now.

Not so much the stats and abilities, since they're still going to be used as prerequisites to learning charms and get the excellencies going for them.

I guess the solar excellencies will apply to psionics too, but still...
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Wasn't Glory To The Most High "bought" involuntarily by the shard (and also activated automatically during Amu's bid to block Conception) instead of by conscious decision?

The last version of her stat sheet from that quest doesn't have it under the list of player-bought Charms and she didn't even have the stats to normally buy it. She had.....

.....Integrity 2 and Essence 4.

Huh, if she actually finishes training Integrity successfully here, she'll actually have more Integrity this time than she naturally had last time.
It does when, according to the description, that charm basically allows the user to decide what a Creature of Darkness is.
The mechanical effect is this part:
In the event of the death of the Unconquered Sun, the Solar's Holy Charms retain their full capacity against all creatures of darkness. This Charm also permanently lowers the cost to activate all Charms with the Holy Keyword by one mote, to a minimum of zero motes.
The rest is just fluff. If you want to actually make anything a Creature of Darkness you need additional charms, which typically only allow inflicting that status on specific individuals.
It was part of a plan, xp was spent on it (I think, not exactly a razor sharp memory here), it presumably was just disabled from conscious use until integrity 5, essence 5 or something.

In short, it wasnt disabled at all when it was really important , at the cost of limit\permanent willpower and knocking out the exaltation.

That said the QM wasn't being shy about stacking debufs for silly plans like 'try to use charms after you block the conception and duplicate yourself and can't contact the exaltation'. That was dumb. Don't do that.
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The rest is just fluff. If you want to actually make anything a Creature of Darkness you need additional charms, which typically only allow inflicting that status on specific individuals.
You do realize that part of the description also means that the Unconquered Sun being dead would ordinarily disable Holy/Creature-of-Darkness-specific effects from working as they normally would, right?

That is to say, without it, even if you assumed that you needed extra Charms to flag a target as a Creature of Darkness, they would fail to apply their regular effect anyway without Should The Sun Not Rise, you would need it to get the full effect out of the other charm.

Though of course, ultimately, it's up to the QM to decide how to interpret the Charm's description and how it would mechanically would operate in a quest that ostensibly takes place on the "Outside" of Creation anyway.
You do realize that part of the description also means that the Unconquered Sun being dead would ordinarily disable Holy/Creature-of-Darkness-specific effects from working as they normally would, right?

That is to say, without it, even if you assumed that you needed extra Charms to flag a target as a Creature of Darkness, they would fail to apply their regular effect anyway without Should The Sun Not Rise, you would need it to get the full effect out of the other charm.

Though of course, ultimately, it's up to the QM to decide how to interpret the Charm's description and how it would mechanically would operate in a quest that ostensibly takes place on the "Outside" of Creation anyway.
...yes I realise that charms which key off of Creature of Darkness status won't have their normal effect here. I'm not sure why you would think I didn't.

Exalted charm descriptions are always written with a short piece of non-mechanical fluff, followed by a description of their mechanical effect. Only the second part determines the actual effect of the charm. This goes for literally every published charm, unless there are some that skip the fluff section entirely.
There were 2 other sentences of fluff before this line appears:
By learning this Charm, the Solar substantiates for himself the foundational principles of Holy by which the universe abides and the Unconquered
Sun decides.
The part you consider the start of mechanical is immediately after this one, so depending on interpretation that preceding line could also be considered mechanical too.

Again, up to the QM to decide where the fluff ends in that description and the mechanics begins. There's no point in us trying to argue over it for now.

Though, if SMT demons are automatically considered Creatures of Darkness like Exalted demons, I still say there's a great deal of use in being able to smite them. I mean, seriously.
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There were 2 other sentences of fluff before this line appears:

The part you consider the start of mechanical is immediately after this one, so depending on interpretation that preceding line could also be considered mechanical too.

Again, up to the QM to decide where the fluff ends in that description and the mechanics begins. There's no point in us trying to argue over it for now.
That line can't be rules text because it doesn't interact with any rules. What kind of action is this? Reflexive? Simple? Is it Combo-OK? Is it not usable in combat time, in which case how long does it take? Does it cost anything? Creature of Darkness is a mutation, so imposing it on someone is an attack - how do they resist it? Can they apply a Defense Value (if so, what does the attacker roll?), or is it Undogable and Unblockable? Is it a Shaping attack? What targets can it affect?

Compare and contrast this Performance 7 charm from the same source (post-errata Dreams of the First Age) which does allow marking whole groups as Creatures of Darkness:
Cost: 20m, 2wp; Mins: Performance 7, Essence 7;
Type: Simple (Speed 7 long ticks, DV -3)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Native, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Respect-Commanding Attitude

The Unconquered Sun trusts his Chosen to separate out the righteous from the wicked. By the power he has invested in them, the Lawgivers may send forth the specter of his rage to be visited upon the enemies of the Exalted. This Charm allows entire groups to be labeled enemies of Creation and given the creature of darkness deformity. The Lawgiver's player makes a prayer roll against a difficulty of (3 + Magnitude of group targeted). If successful, the day dims and the air quivers, or the night grows hot and feverish and bright. Targeted beings realize what is about to happen as the wrath of Heaven gathers (the Charm is Obvious to them), and have one long tick to prepare themselves—Essence-users are advised to establish some form of Shaping defense. After one long tick passes, a surge of Essence rips through the area, flaring it bright as noon and rendering every targeted being a creature of darkness.

This Charm may only be used to target relatively geographically compact groups, up to about the size of a city. Targeting may be based on geography or political affiliation. "Every member of the Guild in Nexus" would be a valid target for the Charm, as would "every man woman and child in Nexus" or "the army encamped in that valley." However, Guild members not in Nexus would not be affected, and if the army's general were back in the Lap receiving new orders, he would be spared, as he is not with the targeted bulk of the group. Likewise, "all members of the Guild" or "all Brides of Ahlat" would not be valid targets, because those organizations are spread far and wide geographically. The Solar must be close enough to the targeted group for at least one targeted individual to hear the prayers and condemnations he speaks to the Unconquered Sun.
This is a Simple action, taking 7 ticks during which the Solar has a -3 DV penalty, and is Combo-OK (so, for example, it can be used with an Excellency to enhance the attack roll). It costs 20 motes and 2 willpower. The attacker rolls the standard prayer roll (Charisma + Performance) against (Magnitude + 3). It doesn't interact with DV, so it's implicitly Undogable and Unblockable, but the targets get a full minute (one long tick) to either escape the target area or establish a defense. It's a Shaping attack. It's limited to a geographic area "up to about the size of a city". In short, it actually explains the mechanical effect of the new ability it grants, and how it interacts with the rules generally.

Should The Sun Not Rise also explains all it's mechanical interactions, provided you don't interpret it as granting an ill-defined ability to mark things as Creatures of Darkness. You should do so.
Should The Sun Not Rise also explains all it's mechanical interactions, provided you don't interpret it as granting an ill-defined ability to mark things as Creatures of Darkness. You should do so.
Look, you and I can argue all day over Charm descriptions and the rules, but I'm not the one who makes the final call on how to interpret them for the quest. Direct that suggestion to the QM, I'm not the one you need to persuade.

And again, even if it doesn't allow arbitrary imposing of Holy effects upon whatever targets the user wants, it still enables the regular use of smiting things. And considering this quest is full of things called demons - which I personally suspect are more Raksha by Exalted standards - we'll have to disagree over how useful we each think the capability is.