Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

The real blame rests with Tsukasa, I guess, for gathering psionic children and then putting non-psionics within Mental Range of them.
Why he is creating such a horribly victim rich environment, who knows.

He's got multiple failures to protect the less powerful kids from the psionics he's deliberately gathering under his belt at this point.
Now hold up, Amu's own powers of mind reading didn't come in until a year or so prior to this quest's start.

So those "non-psionics" are not guaranteed to stay non-psionic.

My guess is, the ones that currently don't have any powers are there, because they're going to get some eventually.
Well, we go back to the "10 social dice" arguments here: Pretty sure Empathy can literally substitute for Socialise, or at least some aspect of it?
It helps you tailor your argument to their personality, which is usually an auto-win if their personality is uncomplicated(which these are kids, so more or less), because you always present your statements and requests in the most favorable light possible, and you know what they want, meaning you ask people to do what they would want to do.

In essence, where normal social interaction is either thrusting your wants at others and then fishing for what it takes to make them agree to those, or trying to identify probable interests in the other party, and then trying to exploit them, Empathy shortcuts that process.

You already know whether or not they'd agree to something, so if they don't, you don't ask them and possibly offend them, you just take your business to someone who does agree.
At the same time you know what they like, so you don't need to ask to keep doing things they like if its not too much trouble. Naturally they like you a lot, because everything just goes well around you and in Ami's case its usually fairly trivial to fulfill whatever wants her friends have.

Which means over time you have the result of a perfectly natural strong friendship with Ami, because she keeps doing stuff you like, and since you know what she doesn't like(what with her broadcasting it all the time), you don't do those things as much because you don't want to upset your friend.

TBH I'm pretty sure her whole class is going to wind up some level of psionic eventually, from the permanent benign psychic pressure she's exerting just being there and talking to them.
You know, if we assume this is a subconscious choice, I wonder why that is a thing for Ami? (I was assuming it's a matter of conscious awareness [to tone it down if needed], base comfort/frequency of usage with Psionics and Psionic base dots)
IMO its just the same reason why children don't have Shadows.
They don't have the internal barriers of a Public Self vs Private Self, for a child if you want something or feel something you make it known, so people can fix that issue because you sure as hell can't.
So of course a child sees nothing wrong with going without a mask, they already have enough trouble getting what they want without trying to disguise what they want.

Its only when people get more complicated that you have to actively hide the unacceptable parts of your private self, so that your mutual public selves can be inoffensive to each other, and your private self is only exposed to a few trusted persons(and even then I doubt anyone goes full exposure even to their spouse).
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Now hold up, Amu's own powers of mind reading didn't come in until a year or so prior to this quest's start.

So those "non-psionics" are not guaranteed to stay non-psionic.

My guess is, the ones that currently don't have any powers are there, because they're going to get some eventually.
Maybe. However, since Ami is one of your characters and could have told you anyway:

As previously noted, about a third of Amu's class is notably psionic. There may be more, but these are the ones with at least one dot in some psionic skill. This is up from three or four people when she transferred into Seiyo, at nine.

Ami's class talks about it a lot more; in Amu's it's been the subject of furtive whispers, but they missed their chance to make it just the natural state of things and convincing the others that psionics is real — as opposed to Amu being a magical girl — would… well, it would be fairly simple, but it would at least need doing.

By Ami's reading of things, about two thirds of her class have some notable psionic ability. The remainder may all be at zero dots, though that isn't the same thing as being non-psionic; she doesn't have that broken down and categorised.

Tsukasa didn't gather every psionic in Tokyo, let alone elsewhere. Seiyo probably serves many purposes, but one of them was clearly to deal with Hikaru, who would otherwise have been a huge problem. Believe it or not, canon is by far the less damaging timeline where he is concerned.
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Tsukasa didn't gather every psionic in Tokyo, let alone elsewhere. Seiyo probably serves many purposes, but one of them was clearly to deal with Hikaru, who would otherwise have been a huge problem. Believe it or not, canon is by far the less damaging timeline where he is concerned.
Dunno what would be so unbelievable about it, nobody died in Shugo Chara. They may share the hair color, but Amu Hinamori is not Madoka Kaname.

Though whether or not it serves the purpose of collecting psionics, I was considering the fact that, according to the mind mechanics of this quest, Shadows/Personas get formed by the friction of people interacting amongst themselves and so had the thought that it was possible that Overgrowth might work the same way.

That, if you were to stick a non-psionic in a classroom full of psionics for long enough, they eventually start to grow Overgrowth too. Making Seiyo a "psionic farm", so to speak.

Just a theory of course, since we don't know how the whole phenomenon started in the first place and there's no real evidence to support it.
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Now hold up, Amu's own powers of mind reading didn't come in until a year or so prior to this quest's start.

So those "non-psionics" are not guaranteed to stay non-psionic.

My guess is, the ones that currently don't have any powers are there, because they're going to get some eventually.
Quite possibly!
That doesn't, however, as seen with Saaya, protect them before those powers come in.

EDIT: Also, even if it does give them psionics or unlock, it would do so by repeatedly altering and effecting them.
The psionics created by that method are not the children that went in at the start, in any meaningful way.
Might be perfectly nice kids.
The minds that originally went in were still twisted and torn to make them, if it takes years of exposure.
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((I would worry a lot more about Ami if she wasn't surrounded by people who can see and act on the same level as her, but she does, so it's probably fine))
I guess I should clarify that here I mean I think it's developmentally important to have other people who can perceive and interact with the world in the same way as you, not that it's important to have people who can beat Ami in a psionic mind duel
Also, even if it does give them psionics or unlock, it would do so by repeatedly altering and effecting them.
The psionics created by that method are not the children that went in at the start, in any meaningful way.
Might be perfectly nice kids.
The minds that originally went in were still twisted and torn to make them, if it takes years of exposure.
Overgrowth is supposed to be an extension of the mind, so if a non-psionic grew Overgrowth due to the contact with a psionic, it wouldn't necessitate any alteration to the rest of their mind. It would just be extra stuff grown ontop.

Now granted, the processes that made the Scavengers might have altered the original mind on such a level, necessary or otherwise.

But the kiddies at Seiyo, on the other hand, do not appear to missing large chunks of their childhood memories. I'd save those descriptions for the ones who Tsukasa didn't collect and got unfortunate enough to end up like Yui.
We know there's a difference between having Overgrowth 0 and not having the stat at all. I suspect that reflects a more fundamental difference than can be bridged by interacting with psionics. Normal people likely simply don't have the mechanism that converts parts of the CU into extra soul-mass. People who have Overgrowth 0 can probably be pushed into developing psionic powers faster - if nothing else, seeing other people who can do things would give them the idea to try it themselves.
According to the informational:
It's the result of the maintenance routines going berserk, eating the surrounding CU—albeit at a low enough rate that nothing sapient considers it to be a problem—and mutating until they're no longer describable as mechanical, but instead its own form of biology.
Everyone has a "maintenance" portion of their mind, that is apparently responsible for emulating a physical body. Since for some reason, "a significant percentage" of people in Amu's world are not actually tied to a physical body.

We don't know what exactly it is that caused the first mutations in people that sparked Overgrowth.

But it's possible contact with more Overgrowth makes other, non-mutated "maintenance" centers of minds start to mutate too. Maybe.

Could also just be it's Nyarly or some other inhuman entity sitting in the CU, randomly messing with a whole bunch of minds according to its arbitrary criteria to produce Overgrowth, with a preference for the younger generation.
Everyone has a "maintenance" portion of their mind, that is apparently responsible for emulating a physical body. Since for some reason, "a significant percentage" of people in Amu's world are not actually tied to a physical body.
Of human minds, not of people. The lines cut through individuals, not between them.
Also, Amu already had her chance at 'cool' with the fox. And it cost her several points of WP.
To be fair that together with several past events like Saaya has potentially gotten her started on the path towards a specialization like mind healing, though it has accompanying partners, like mind optimization (which she seemed to use to learn more quickly) and mind defense. Especially relevant to consider, because I don't think there are many people if any at all that can do what Amu did by taking that shadow apart like that.

So I think it can be argued those WP spent with the Lock with Saaya and the Key with Yui's shadow have given her some pretty unique insights and experiences. Her improving her dreamwalking would one suspect synergise with this and the entire adventure is an experience in dreamwalking in general I guess. I guess her main lack if she wants to continue down this path would be maybe a bit more mind control ability and maybe at least one dot in medicine which could be useful for the biological side of the interaction?

Well this is just one way she could develop in the future of course.
You... do realise that very Reason would be a non-consensual alteration of a massive portion of humanity, yes?
It's kind of hard to argue that Nero when pretty much all of humanity is dead at that point. A Reason is more a question on whether you just revive a save state that will soon enough have problems again, or if you try for some alteration to try and stave that off a bit.

A fairly minimal change would be if everyone got Overgrowth 0 as a skill while restoring from save state. That way you'd be heading off some potential problems with psionics at least.

Still, we'll probably learn a lot more before we get to any such choice, if we even get one. Whether we end up in Conception or something else is yet to be determined after all. And one can kind of debate which particular apocalypse seems the best I suppose. Though one way or the other the current world will probably only hold up for another 11 months or so I guess.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Baughn on Mar 6, 2024 at 4:50 PM, finished with 208 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan - Meikyuu Butterfly: Convince the 'shadow castle' to shift the room with the physical Yui right in front of the door. Joint action between Utau and Amu.
    -[X] Main Actor - Utau: The same skill, once used for the nefarious deed of blackening the hearts of children, perhaps now may serve a more noble purpose. Empowered by the Dumpty Key, hand-in-hand with Amu, reach out and connect to the 'mind' within the fog. Like a butterfly wandering a labyrinth, you feel your way towards the darkened depths of Yui's suffering and beckon to it, singing out your earnest desire to step across and share in her pain: "Open your shiny eyes in the silent night..."
    --[X] Use Lightsmithing to seek out the mind behind the fog and guide your beckoning.
    -[X] Sub Actor - Amu: Utau has not met Yui or felt the 'mind' of the 'shadow castle'. You have. Share your experiences with Utau to describe how you did it and what it felt like, in order to help her do the same. When Utau beckons, add your own emotional voice to the choir of Utau's melody, sending out the whispers of the respite you promise to bring: "I continue writing out the pages of my story, even while I'm blinded by the fog of destiny, I'll be breaking through the clouded skies toward tomorrow's distant light, high up in flight..."
    --[X] Provide free pre-concert refreshments for everyone with Su's Happy Fun Cooking Time.
    -[X] Send Ami and Midori back to rendezvous with Hikaru and update Tsumugu. Tell them to try and make sure Hikaru doesn't panic and do anything rash.
    [X] Tear the place open… deliberately
    [x] Go home
    [X] Plan - Meikyuu Butterfly
Of course. Because clearly, there is also a significant number of people walking around Amu's world with inhuman minds.



Wait a minute.
I can't tell if you're just joking, or legitimately didn't understand this, so:

What "the lines cut through people, not between them" means is that each individual person has a significant percentage of their mind that isn't tied to their body, in addition to the part that is. Not that there are people who have inhuman minds.
a specialization like mind healing, though it has accompanying partners, like mind optimization (which she seemed to use to learn more quickly) and mind defense
Sounds good to me: Could pair very well with Utau's Pyroglyphics at high dots; I wouldn't mind burning a specialisation slot on that at all even if its useless for combat power when things really start going down (we have Hikaru for that, right?)

Absolutely. Amu is learning a lot here.
That's great, events partially doubling as training time makes seeing higher dots before next year actually feasible :V
I can't tell if you're just joking, or legitimately didn't understand this, so:
It was kinda both, except I was halfway through making the joke when I remembered the purported reason for having the whole complex mind layout to begin with was that we also purportedly had big chances of running into inhuman minds that needed to be compatible with the same mechanics.

At which point the paranoia kicked in.
Yeah, now imagine if there were more. Wearing human skin, instead of feathers.

There's a least one blonde man walking around who does that.

A certain white haired guy who Hotsuin may or may not have met yet probably counts too.

Makes you wonder how many more there may be.
This bit from the QM:
That's most of the reason it works like that, yup. Otherwise I'd be happy to delegate them to black-box modelling, but it's just way too likely we'll get some inhumans here. Like the one Nero is currently writing about.
Now, for some extra horror, I direct you back to my theory about Overgrowth being caused by something trying to mutate human minds into inhuman ones.

We know Overgrowth is apparently caused by mutated maintenance centers. My original assumption was Overgrowth was the only thing that resulted from that.

Imagine if it wasn't. Imagine if Overgrowth was only the result of the failures, the ones in which the mutation failed to take across the whole mind and only ended up happening in maintenance center.

In contrast to the "success" cases where mutation took hold across the whole mind.
I would ask about what kind of effect would affect the maintenance routines on failure and affect the whole mind on success, but I don't actually want to know what you can come up with :V

Instead, it's now time to bonk you with a tinfoil hat (either way we can't do anything about it, or even learn about it IC anytime soon, or have it affect our actions OOC) :V:V:V
"Monsters," she decided, and jumped into a nearby alley at a run—slamming into the ground in a roll and skidding through the fog that covered the cobblestones, abandoning her role as she went. The lost girl in the city stayed in the city, but Ami wasn't lost, not really; she knew exactly where she was going, even if she didn't know where she was or how to get there.
I wonder what this would look like to Amu, if she were in the same scene. The fact that the role of "lost girl" stays even when Ami leaves it has some weird implications.

The dreamlands sound vaguely reminiscent of what I've heard about the Wyld, though it's not a full match, and I don't have the Fair Folk sourcebook. From what I've heard, moving from one waypoint in the Wyld to another would usually involve progressing your story, instead of leaving the story.

Perhaps it would have helped our current situation to try to slot ourselves into the narrative of this place. Playing the heroes. Going full magical girl might have helped.
Perhaps it would have helped our current situation to try to slot ourselves into the narrative of this place. Playing the heroes. Going full magical girl might have helped.
The objective in our current situation is to try and extract Yui, but at this point there seems to be a legitimate question of whether there is even a Yui here that can be extracted (or other trapped Scavengers).

If there is not, no amount of following the narrative is going to allow us to accomplish what simply isn't possible.

If Yui is not extractable, we're best served finding that out as soon as possible, so that we can reassess what we are even here to do.