Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

And teach her a valuable lesson in the process of why it is good to be able to hide the truth from other people at times.
To borrow some concepts from Threads of Destiny: Sincerity and Clarity aren't as simple as Ami currently thinks they are; not even Shenhua blasts her Truth at full volume to the limits of her reach all day long.

Though, honestly, with her current interpretation of these concepts as long as she gets a better handle on her passive/'passive' effects and learns to recognise boundaries better there are worse interpretations/lines to cleave to?
Though, honestly, with her current interpretation of these concepts as long as she gets a better handle on her passive/'passive' effects and learns to recognise boundaries better there are worse interpretations/lines to cleave to?
Oh, I bet she will learn quickly.

Mostly because the same mind reading powers she can't control will also let her know exactly how normal people feel about the idea of her reading their mind, when she tells them she does it. If she feels other people's pain like the stab of a knife, other people's fear will feel like the crushing grip of a vice. She's probably already gotten a taste of it from her own parents.

One way or another, she'll learn to turn it off or tune out.

If not to respect people's boundaries, then just to stop herself getting drowned by unpleasant thoughts from other people.

She's still in grade school, once she gets into high school she will not want to be dipping into the heads of her classmates by choice.
Taking Nero's concerns into account, I was thinking something along the lines of "to make a world where we all can, and are willing to take on some of each other's burdens (Kagutsuchi included), but also where non-consensual effects cannot be forced through supernaturally"?
You... do realise that very Reason would be a non-consensual alteration of a massive portion of humanity, yes?
This is a long standing dispute with Nero that probably isn't going to change, but I have to disagree that Ami has harmed her classmates here. Whether using psionics on someone is bad for them depends on what you do with them, not just on the fact that you used psionic powers. There are lots of bad things someone with Ami's powers could do, but she doesn't do those things, so it doesn't matter.

(Or maybe she has but the negative consequences have yet to become apparent to her - she is only seven, after all, I doubt she has a comprehensive understanding of non-obvious ways this can go wrong - but normally you only hold people responsible for harms they understand and can predict)

((I would worry a lot more about Ami if she wasn't surrounded by people who can see and act on the same level as her, but she does, so it's probably fine))
Invading peoples privacy and mind controlling them with the intent to help does not make doing it okay.
It's still a disgusting violation of privacy and free will.

She is literally invading her parents minds as she talks to them, and does the same to her classmates.

Would you be alright with someone constantly reading your mind, changing their actions to better manipulate you based on that read, just because they think they know better? And then you have to add on that the power set includes projective empathy you just make you feel whatever they think is right.

Like I've said, the other psionics have the ability to know she's doing it and block her. They can chose whether they accept this sort of behaviour or not.
The other kids in her class, that aren't capable of defending themselves?
Their 'true selves' likely drowned under the weight of the rest of the classes projective empathy until they matched the average, because they have no way of telling what was their emotions and what is something another kid decided they should feel.
And they can't ever keep a secret, because it will be ripped from them by Ami+Friends deciding they know best.

They might have good intentions, but this entire thing is horrifying. This is not something that should be positively reinforced.
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You... do realise that very reason would be a non-consensual alteration of a massive portion of humanity, yes?
...right, I was trying to keep Psionics (because Amu wanting to remove them is OOC as-is), but reduce the worst aspects of it and completely forgot about that.

someone constantly reading your mind, changing their actions to better manipulate you based for that read
Well, we go back to the "10 social dice" arguments here: Pretty sure Empathy can literally substitute for Socialise, or at least some aspect of it?

drowned under the rest of the classes projective empathy
Out of curiousity, do you think there is a 'safe' level of background projective empathy?
I think it exists, and that Ami aside because not everyone here has Empathy as a skill nor more than 1 dot in it the class is overall fine here if we can teach Ami to tone it down eventually
A third of her classmates were focused on the crack. The others were staring in the same general direction, their eyes fixed, but if their emotions were any guide, they weren't seeing it.
To be fair, if you correlate being able to see the crack with Psionic ability/Overgrowth track, then such classmates may exist?
(We'd need to ask Tsukasa to be sure either way)

Anyone who wouldn't have approved of it, in a spherical vacuum, has already been talked over to the side of the psionic kids.
This statement does imply "psionic kids" is not "all the kids in the classroom" for whatever that's worth lol
...right, I was trying to keep Psionics (because Amu wanting to remove them is OOC as-is), but reduce the worst aspects of it and completely forgot about that.

Well, we go back to the "10 social dice" arguments here: Pretty sure Empathy can literally substitute for Socialise, or at least some aspect of it?

Out of curiousity, do you think there is a 'safe' level of background projective empathy?
I think it exists, and that Ami aside because not everyone here has Empathy as a skill nor more than 1 dot in it the class is overall fine here if we can teach Ami to tone it down eventually
Not when used on someone that can't tell if it's their own emotions or not.

RE: Empathy as Socialise. I would say there is a massive difference between being very good at social (5 dots + specialty) and invading privacy to gain unfair examples through supernatural powers.
Similar to how there's a difference between being perceptive vs breaking into their house, going through their diary / computer and then using their secrets to manipulate them.
......Are we entirely sure that any such individuals actually exist in Ami's class?
Yes. I got some info on class breakdowns and psionic ability when I was writing the Saaya piece, because I needed averages to work off.
There's definitely kids unable to defend themselves in Ami's class.
This statement does imply "psionic kids" is not "all the kids in the classroom" for whatever that's worth lol
You know, now that I take a closer look, there's an implication that it's not just Ami doing all the persuading, but also other psionic kids who seem to have formed a power bloc of sorts.
She didn't try to hide her inner self, any more than a regular girl would have tried to hide the colour of her eyes; to do so would have been instantly suspicious, it would have made her friends think she was hurt, and besides: hiding your innermost self was wrong. It was lying. And lying was bad.
That's the effect of peer pressure right there.

She doesn't dare to withhold any secrets, because that would cause her peers in the psionic clique to either feel pity or concern for her (=probably unpleasant to her uncontrollable mind reading powers) or ostracize her for being bad.

Sheesh, what are we going to be seeing psychic youth gangs springing up in the near future or something?
Not when used on someone that can't tell if it's their own emotions or not.
Agreed, but Ami isn't going to learn this on her own, unless Amu makes the connection (and has a reason to be paying attention, and...) and asks Utau to have a long talk with her so.

Similar to how there's a difference between being perceptive vs breaking into their house, going through their diary / computer and then using their secrets to manipulate them.
Fair enough. Though as a result of Psionics being so integrated into Ami's worldview, her ability to socialise naturally is likely even more impaired than Amu's when she's holding back - I guess this argument goes back to Midori, Amu, Ami and Utau needing to really spend time sitting down and discussing this stuff properly (asking Ami to hold back that much without teaching her how to cope without it is counterproductive)?
She doesn't dare to withhold any secrets, because that would cause her peers in the psionic clique to either feel pity or concern for her (=probably unpleasant to her uncontrollable mind reading powers) or ostracize her for being bad.
"Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat von uns nichts zu befürchten."
'If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear'.
I don't think I need to point out the issues with this mindset.
Especially when the ones saying it are mind readers.
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Agreed, but Ami isn't going to learn this on her own, unless Amu makes the connection (and has a reason to be paying attention, and...) and asks Utau to have a long talk with her so.
Amu herself apparently has a passive psionic aura that she wasn't fully aware of (separate from her mind-reading abilities, which only developed seemingly or year or 2 before the start of the story) until Saaya stormed up and called her out in front of the whole class. Amu never had time to actually consider Saaya's words that much, because then the demons showed up and started ripping apart the whole school.

If you want to get Amu and then Ami to realize they have some sort of psychic aura affecting people, I'd propose the best way to go about it would probably be to bring up Saaya's claims with Makoto when they have their talk - not difficult, considering Makoto was the one Saaya starting ranting at to begin with - and then suggest to check Ami and Micchan as a follow-up to find out of they subconsciously do it too.
Amu herself apparently has a passive psionic aura that she wasn't fully aware of (separate from her mind-reading abilities, which only developed seemingly or year or 2 before the start of the story) until Saaya stormed up and called her out in front of the whole class. Amu never had time to actually consider Saaya's words that much, because then the demons showed up and started ripping apart the whole school.

If you want to get Amu and then Ami to realize they have some sort of psychic aura affecting people, I'd propose the best way to go about it would probably be to bring up Saaya's claims with Makoto when they have their talk - not difficult, considering Makoto was the one Saaya starting ranting at to begin with - and then suggest to check Ami and Micchan as a follow-up to find out of they subconsciously do it too.
A passive aura is somewhat 'base kit' for psionics. All of the Guardians had it, it's part of why they were so well liked.
Ami's one is super charged to the point where her entire pre-school class loved her though.
Given Amu's lack of friends from before her transfer at the start of the Shugo Chara series, hers was more 'normal' level. (Cool and Spicy aura, not LOVE ME)

There's a part of the Saaya piece that seems especially relevant to the psychic aura discussion.
-get away get-away getway getawayawayawaydestroyaway!

Saaya doesn't know what caused it, coming back after summer break.

Was it always there? The push, the whispers? Hinamori's voice is the loudest of the crowd, like the burning weight of 'purification', but telegraphed by nothing.

Just. Constantly there. Talking. Informing. Telling. Insisting. Ordering. Repeating on and on.

Their voices, their image and opinions, overlaid on reality and tried to nudge it. Nudge Saaya.

Speaking to… ears that aren't ears. To a face that wasn't flesh.
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You know, if we assume this is a subconscious choice, I wonder why that is a thing for Ami? (I was assuming it's a matter of conscious awareness, base comfort/frequency of usage with Psionics and Psionic base dots)
A passive aura is somewhat 'base kit' for psionics. All of the Guardians had it, it's part of why they were so well liked.
Ami's one is super charged to the point where her entire pre-school class loved her though.
Given Amu's lack of friends from before her transfer at the start of the Shugo Chara series, hers was more 'normal' level.
....In other words, it's probably tied to Overgrowth.

Would make sense - when someone with extraneous amounts of body mass plonks themself down in the seat next to you, you are probably going to get nudged. Whether or not they mean to.

And then actively using psionics would be when someone leverages said mass to deliberately put their ass through the whole bench and break it.
Hm, then how does Hikaru fit into this picture with 6 Overgrowth? Doesn't seem to match up with the hypothesis, given him not accidentally messing with his family even after the main plot of Shugo Chara was resolved?
Hikaru turned the entire company of Easter into little more than an extension of himself, and has since been focusing on training to fix his control issue. (Which means he's been at it for awhile now.)
Hikaru is very aware of his condition. He had integrity 0 when Amu and Utau fought him, and is already fighting to get that up as fast as possible. If anything, it'd be "doing anything besides training integrity" that needs a good reason.

EDIT: This does mean that Ami is aware of the issues with Hikaru, who mind controlled a bunch of people and is now finding a fix for that, and just... never thought about what that means about her own powers :V

The advantage of having Utau as your 'Older sibling' instead of Amu, I guess, you think a lot more about ethics.
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Right, that makes sense as an explanation too.

Overgrowth, being focused on interacting with the environment instead of computation, frequently lacks the thoughtfulness and communications channels to remain fully under control of the person it is growing from. It won't normally harm them, but that might be a weak relief if it instead harms a stranger, or their friends.
And given the emphasis here, and how 'harm' can take many forms, perhaps we'll be able to confirm it once we train Overgrowth or Ami gets a Chara?

The advantage of having Utau as your 'Older sibling' instead of Amu, I guess, you think a lot more about ethics.
Well, Utau is older than all of them, did not have Psionics integrated into a load-bearing component of her identity, and has literally stared the consequences of misusing Psionics and Empathy in particular in the face so that makes sense?
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Like I've said, the other psionics have the ability to know she's doing it and block her. They can chose whether they accept this sort of behaviour or not.
The other kids in her class, that aren't capable of defending themselves?
Their 'true selves' likely drowned under the weight of the rest of the classes projective empathy until they matched the average, because they have no way of telling what was their emotions and what is something another kid decided they should feel.
Everyone in Ami's entire grade can recognize projective empathy:
When she thought hard, or remembered something vividly, her own feelings echoed through the air like a physical force; a gentle light or an invisible touch or a wave of darkness or water washing over everyone nearby—a reflection of Ami's moods given shape and substance. Of Misaki's thoughts, of Namami's dreams… there was no-one in her grade who didn't at least recognise it when it happened.
Projective empathy doesn't let psions choose what someone else feels, anyway. It only projects the psion's own emotions. It can't let a psion decide someone else's emotions, or beliefs, or opinions. Mind control might let them do that, but these kids wouldn't use mind control like that.

A passive aura is somewhat 'base kit' for psionics. All of the Guardians had it, it's part of why they were so well liked.
Ami's one is super charged to the point where her entire pre-school class loved her though.
Given Amu's lack of friends from before her transfer at the start of the Shugo Chara series, hers was more 'normal' level. (Cool and Spicy aura, not LOVE ME)

There's a part of the Saaya piece that seems especially relevant to the psychic aura discussion.
It's hard to say much about any passive effects, with how little we know about them. I'm wary of taking your word for it, or Saaya's. Saaya is a biased source, and "fairly clueless". For your part, I know Baughn doesn't agree with you on a bunch of this stuff, and I don't know how much nonpublic information you're arguing off of. Anything you got to write the Saaya interlude would only have needed to cover Saaya's interpretation of what was going on.

Anyway, I'm going to point out that a passive aura isn't anyone deciding how anyone else feels either. It's not a matter of conscious decision at all. Until Ami discovers it, it doesn't reflect on Ami's ethics in any way. We'll need to discover it before we can bring it up in any in-story ethics talk with Ami. (Likely by talking to Saaya.)

To me, the chapter doesn't read as Ami controlling people into being what she wants them to be. It looks like the biggest contributor to the situation is just that these kids are young enough that they're going into these experiences without a lot of preconceptions. They don't have a strong pre-formed belief that their thoughts should be any more private than their facial expressions. Kids who might otherwise develop such a belief see other kids letting the mind reading happen, and see how well it turns out for them, and it doesn't take a lot of pressure (ordinary social influence, not mind rape) for them to decide that they should join in.

This is probably a very alien mindset to you. You seem to have a very hard time believing it could be the result of anything but mind rape. Psionics likely tipped the scale, but the mentality isn't fundamentally all that out there. Plenty of people are happy about the idea of, say, an omnipotent deity monitoring their thoughts and judging everything they do. Being happy about the friendly little girl two seats down hearing your thoughts isn't so strange.

(oh geeze I hope I'm not starting a religion flame war)

Note that when Ami talks to her parents, she does not overcome their value system, either consciously or passively. Any passive effect is too weak to do such a thing, and she has no interest in doing it deliberately. She is not the kind of person who wants to decide how others feel.
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She is not the kind of person who wants to decide how others feel.
Absolutely, although I think the current arguing is about the possibility of doing so accidentally?

It can't let a psion decide someone else's emotions, or beliefs, or opinions.
I mean, it actually can affect their emotions: Blasting at sufficient intensity is capable of confusing people who aren't very emotionally aware (though the class recognises when it's happening, fair),

The secondary (biology) effects of projective empathy may or may not be a thing depending on how Empathy works (emotions affecting neurochemistry),

And Pyroglyphics (a specialised version of Empathy) actually can do that, for a limited while, though if Utau isn't careful it'll be spotted?
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Absolutely, although I think the current arguing is about the possibility of doing so accidentally?
Nero's talking like these kids would do it deliberately.

I mean, it actually can affect their emotions - blasting at sufficient intensity is capable of confusing people who aren't very emotionally aware; the secondary (biology) effects of projective empathy may or may not be a thing depending on how Empathy works, and Pyroglyphics (a specialised version of Empathy) actually can do that, for a limited while?
It can affect someone's emotions, of course, but the psion doesn't get to pick. It's "here's what I feel", not "here's what I've decided you feel".
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Everyone in Ami's entire grade can recognize projective empathy:
They can now, and are okay with it now. After spending years in a group where they've been getting told it's a good thing and drowned under the emotions of those that think so.

So... yes, the children that have been mind controlled think that being mind controlled is fine.
I would like to have been able to ask the ones that hadn't been mind controlled, but they don't functionally exist anymore.

Projective empathy doesn't let psions choose what someone else feels, anyway. It only projects the psion's own emotions. It can't let a psion decide someone else's emotions, or beliefs, or opinions. Mind control might let them do that, but these kids wouldn't use mind control like that.
It lets you project your own emotions and feelings, meaning other people now feel the same as you.

It's not freehand editing, sure, but it automatically casts "Agree with me" in terms of emotions, so that's not really an important distinction.

It's hard to say much about any passive effects, with how little we know about them. I'm wary of taking your word for it, or Saaya's. Saaya is a biased source, and "fairly clueless". For your part, I know Baughn doesn't agree with you on a bunch of this stuff, and I don't know how much nonpublic information you're arguing off of. Anything you got to write the Saaya interlude would only have needed to cover Saaya's interpretation of what was going on.
I'm arguing from pretty much what is in plain text in the Saaya segment I quoted. Psionics broadcast their emotions and opinions to some extent, and people without psionics can't tell it's coming from 'outside' instinctively.
They might be able to deductively reason it, but as you saw with Saaya, it's basically having someone whispering into your subconscious.

Also, the complete quote on "fairly clueless" is:
Essentially my take on it. Amu's passive aura, when it exists, is weak. She absolutely could blast it out at full strength and more or less brainwash someone -- she does that with Utau, which escapes being brain-washing because it's barely overcoming Utau's native resistance, and hardly counts as a 'passive' once it involves giant pink beams of doom -- but, mostly, it's just putting a thumb on the scale.

The issue is, it's putting a thumb on the scale in the same way, regardless of her actions, for years. Despite her stated preferences, sometimes.

Saaya is reacting similarly to how I think Nero would react. She isn't completely wrong -- Amu is psychic, though so are half the other kids in class -- and there is, actually, a problem here -- but you shouldn't take that as an affirmation of her conclusions. She's still fairly clueless.

Amu isn't brainwashing everyone she goes nearby. She would have noticed that. But while I'm willing to say so, I don't think Nero is. Which doesn't mean we disagree on any of the particulars.
This quote also shows that Baughn and I do actually agree on what is mechanically happening with the aura.
We just have different opinions on the acceptable amount of low level mind control that the aura is.
He considers the 'thumb on the scale' acceptable, I do not.

We have the same conclusion on the aura's actual effects.

Anyway, I'm going to point out that a passive aura isn't anyone deciding how anyone else feels either. It's not a matter of conscious decision at all. Until Ami discovers it, it doesn't reflect on Ami's ethics in any way. We'll need to discover it before we can bring it up in any in-story ethics talk with Ami. (Likely by talking to Saaya.)
I... somewhat agree, but my point is more that this is horrific and alarming, and that Ami needs to be taught better.

Possibly doesn't reflect her ethics, but self awareness is definitely an issue, if she knows Utau and Hikaru's backstories and doesn't stop to consider the damage she's already done herself.

Now, saying that, she is a child and so being void of self awareness is to be expected.

Doesn't make it any less horrifying for the poor kids that had to suffer before she learns.

This is probably a very alien mindset to you. You seem to have a very hard time believing it could be the result of anything but mind rape. Psionics likely tipped the scale, but the mentality isn't fundamentally all that out there. Plenty of people are happy about the idea of, say, an omnipotent deity monitoring their thoughts and judging everything they do. Being happy about the friendly little girl two seats down hearing your thoughts isn't so strange.
Yes, that mindset is alien and horrific to me. And the idea of someone not just reading but altering is even worse.

Note that when Ami talks to her parents, she does not overcome their value system, either consciously or passively. Any passive effect is too weak to do such a thing, and she has no interest in doing it deliberately. She is not the kind of person who wants to decide how others feel.
Because she is now choosing not to, after her parents brought it up.
Meaning she was doing so previously.
She mentions in the text that doing it this way isn't what she prefers, and continues to mind read them.

Again, she clearly doesn't know better.

The real blame rests with Tsukasa, I guess, for gathering psionic children and then putting non-psionics within Mental Range of them.
Why he is creating such a horribly victim rich environment, who knows.

He's got multiple failures to protect the less powerful kids from the psionics he's deliberately gathering under his belt at this point.
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automatically casts "Agree with me" in terms of emotions
Emotional agreement does not automatically lead to agreeing with the other parties standpoint though??

I guess, for gathering psionic children and then putting non-psionics with Mental Range of them.
1) You are assuming that Tsukasa had a 100% detector of whether the children had Psionic potential (or if he had a detector, that he would arrange for situations making it manifest into actual Psionic capabilities)

2) Creating a potential echo chamber of Psionics and perhaps even a class divide in the long run is not a good thing either?

3) I doubt Tsukasa had access to mental blockers?

Aside from that, Psionics does indeed have good applications:
For those who have difficulties reading emotional cues and thus get burnt during socialisation, projective Empathy allows them to have a chance to slowly match the cues to the situation and extrapolate to non-Psionics?

And one of the textbook uses of Mind Control is to be able to help your friends better and faster without needing a Psychology Degree?

Yes, that mindset is alien and horrific to me. And the idea of someone not just reading but altering is even worse.
I guess we disagree here: There exists not-particularly contrived scenarios that can result in such mindsets?

Doesn't make it any less horrifying for the poor kids that had to suffer before she learns.
Suffer is quite a strong word which I doubt actually happened, I view things as more being sideways as compared to if Psionics never existed if that makes sense?

Meaning she was doing so previously.
Quine was talking about their value systems, which if edited would have resulted in her parents not being so concerned, and which thus clearly didn't take place - you two are talking past one another?
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Emotional agreement does not automatically lead to agreeing with the other parties standpoint though??
Making someone feel the same way as you about something may not lead to automatic agreement, but it is, as Baughn has said "The issue is, it's putting a thumb on the scale in the same way, regardless of her actions, for years. Despite her stated preferences, sometimes."
And we know Ami has a stronger one.
1) You are assuming that Tsukasa had a 100% detector of whether the children had Psionic potential (or if he had a detector, that he would arrange for situations making it manifest into actual Psionic capabilities)

2) Creating a potential echo chamber of Psionics and perhaps even a class divide in the long run is not a good thing either?
1) The man has some level of precog.
It's not 100%, we know Outside Reality events can muddle it, but he has precog and it running a school here over half the population (or more) have psionics, if we use Amu's class as an average. I feel safe assuming that's deliberate.

2) This is a fair point, but sacrificing children to the psionics to 'practice on', be that unconsciously, is not a solution I can support.
A preferable solution would be teaching them not to invade minds, or giving all their classmates some way of blocking it.
No idea if that's viable, we don't know if the JPs method is technology, summoned demon or technique.

Aside from that, Psionics does indeed have good applications:
For those who have difficulties reading emotional cues and thus get burnt during socialisation, projective Empathy allows them to have a chance to slowly match the cues to the situation and extrapolate to non-Psionics?

And one of the textbook uses of Mind Control is to be able to help your friends better and faster without needing a Psychology Degree?
I don't consider any of those worth the damage it inflicts, and all those should have consent as a prereq.
And by consent, I meant consent before the psionic in question is within Mental Range, for obvious reasons.

I guess we disagree here: There exists not-particularly contrived scenarios that can result in such mindsets?
I would argue that they are very different scenarios.

One is that the person in question believes in an all powerful being doing the reading.
The other is that the person has been under a non-zero amount of mind control for years, and is being mind read by the person that did the controling.
I feel safe assuming that's deliberate.
Well, does Tsukasa have good enough Precog to know all the possible categories of Psionics, especially when people can have individualised skills beyond the general set? I doubt so.

(We could have tele-schooling instead, but that's too high a level of paranoia, and really bad for regular socialisation for Psionic kids who are nevertheless still kids who need socialisation?)
Well, does Tsukasa have good enough Precog to know all the possible categories of Psionics, especially when people can have individualised skills beyond the general set? I doubt so.

(We could have tele-schooling instead, but that's too high a level of paranoia, and really bad for regular socialisation for Psionic kids who are nevertheless still kids who need socialisation?)
I don't know, I'm just running on the logic that the aura is a standard passive, and he knows they have that at a minimum.