Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

Interlude: Misaki
Random Rubble-Strewn Hole, Seiyo Academy, evening of Oct. 21, 2009.

"Ouch... I fell." Misaki's voice momentarily echoed in the tunnels, but then she clapped a hand over her mouth to stop any more noises from escaping—trembling slightly as she curled into a ball and waited for the pain to fade away.


The pile of rubble she was lying on trembled and sagged underneath her. A chunk of concrete made a clattering noise as it fell down to the floor. It landed somewhere below her—Misaki flinched in response to the noise and shrank into a tighter ball—and she let out a quiet sigh of relief as the rubble continued to settle without collapsing down on her.

Her knee ached and pulsed from where she'd scraped it against something sharp. She hoped there wouldn't be blood running down her leg when she took off her trousers to check—and resolved not to check at all. If she'd hurt herself, then she'd have to go home.


Distant laughter cut off abruptly, replaced by someone whispering in hushed tones for a few seconds; and then a flashlight lit up the rubble underneath the hole Misaki had tried to climb up through, the bright light startling her enough that she almost jumped into the air—and she shrank back into herself even further in response.

She'd been having an adventure.

There were tunnels underneath Seiyo. Tunnels! Lots of them, some covered in ceramic walls but a lot of those were cracked and broken, and behind them the walls were made of metal and really really shiny. There were barely any lights, but there was lots and lots of sunlight flooding into the tunnels from holes everywhere—all reflecting off the metal—which had made it easy for Misaki to find an entrance.

It was halls and rooms, sometimes normal school things; mostly empty but sometimes there was broken glass everywhere, or bits of papers scattered on the floor; or lots of toys! One room was full of stuffed animals, like there'd been a game in there and someone had forgotten to take them home...

Then she'd tried to climb out and now she was stuck, because the rubble wasn't solid and it'd broke underneath her when she climbed. And someone had heard her shout! Subject: Animal, thinking, human. Range—she hesitated—fifteen metres. Best she could do. Object: None.


Object: ...follow JPs orders?


And the light was all in her eyes! And that made it really hard to tell if the "JPs" guards were climbing down towards her. They hadn't seen her, had they? Had they? What Would Ami Do? ...not get stuck this way? Count them, then. Subject: Animal, thinking, human. Range: Ten metres. Object: Intent to climb down.




Misaki stiffened, letting out a muffled whimper as footsteps crunched on the rubble above her and the light flickered slightly in response—the conversation between the two guards (JPs guards? Were they guards?) continuing on without pause as they examined the hole. Subject: Animal, thinking, human. Range: Ten metres. Object: Number of children noticed, on average? No no no! She wasn't noticed!


Misaki paused for a moment as the adrenaline rushed through her veins, making her want to bounce around and move—but she didn't! She stayed perfectly still.

"Hey... kid?" The guard asked uncertainly, finding an angle to shine the torch at her—Misaki squeaked in response. The man didn't seem to know how to react to that, and just stared at her for a moment or so. He cleared his throat before continuing on. "Are you stuck? You can't play here. It's dangerous."

She wasn't stuck! She was adventuring!

And she was a very important adventurer and would very much appreciate being left alone right now! Misaki scowled and stuck her tongue out at the guard, before hastily ducking underneath the piece of concrete sticking out above her. There was no way further down past that. But it did keep him from seeing her.

"Kid? Please come out. I'm serious, it's dangerous." The guard spoke uncertainly again, his flashlight not able to light up Misaki anymore—that didn't mean she was safe! Not at all! He might reach through the hole and grab her! If he had noodle arms, like that anime boy.

He did not have noodle arms, though he kept staring for another few seconds before calling out for backup.

"John?" The guard said. "Can you talk to the boy? I can't fit through that gap."

"Gotcha," the second guard replied—he sounded closer than before. How many people had come in response to her falling!? They didn't need to make such a big deal out of it! And-

"I'm not a boy!" Misaki yelled at the men. "I'm an adventuress!"

There was a moment of silence, followed by a chuckle from the guards.

"That means I'm a girl!" she told them, poking her head out so she could scowl at them properly. "Not a boy! Boys are icky. And/or boring! They don't have any adventuring ability! And- oww. Gah. Ouch. Dangnabbit!"

Her knee had brushed against the rubble while she was squirming, and Misaki had stopped moving as soon as that happened. Which left her knee stuck like that. Her leg throbbed in pain, and Misaki whined quietly—but that hurt more! Stupid throbbing!

"You alright k- miss?" The first guard asked, giving her a lopsided smile and trying not to laugh. "Need a hand?"

Misaki looked up at them, tears pooling in her eyes, and nodded. "Please?"

She was lectured for what felt like hours, until she wanted to cry. It didn't help that her knee still hurt and she was bleeding and they had to put plasters on it. She could, apparently, have died. Her principal had, apparently, sent them to help her. So she wouldn't.

Subject: Animal, thinking, human. Range: Three metres. Object: Dishonesty?


Misaki had herself a good cry, until even the guards looked awkward and one of them gave her a chocolate. She wasn't allowed back in the tunnels, or even in Seiyo, and they were going to call her parents. Which meant Makoto would know she'd been sneaking off somewhere, which meant Makoto would yell at her! And then Mako-chan would tell Haruto-nii-chan and Sora-nii-san and then they'd be mad too!

It was very unfair.

Misaki only wanted to have a little adventure!

'John' was a black person, though. Totally black. And the other guard, 'Peter'—who was white—was bald. He looked like you could play ping-pong on on his head! That was amazing! Misaki tried not to stare at him too much. It'd be rude! But it was hard not to! Because Peter's skin was just... white-white? Misaki hadn't ever seen anybody who looked like that before! He had no tan at all! It was... so weird!

Anyway. They'd been nice enough after John gave her the chocolate, even if Peter's lecture had lasted a long time. And they'd promised not to say she'd gotten stuck in the rubble, if she promised to never ever do that again. Ever. Which was mean but probably fair?

So Misaki nodded meekly and gave them both hugs—to their surprise—and then a few minutes later her mother arrived.

She'd definitely had an adventure.

She couldn't wait to tell Ami tomorrow. Her friend would be so very jealous.

= = =

Please send my betas fuel, armor and bullets. Hurry.
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... Is it just me, or was she clambering around in subway tunnels? Y'know, the sort of place where you won't even get a warning before being pasted by a train if one comes by at the wrong moment?
... Is it just me, or was she clambering around in subway tunnels? Y'know, the sort of place where you won't even get a warning before being pasted by a train if one comes by at the wrong moment?
Well, I don't think there would be much school stuff in such tunnels.

The connection did occur to me. But Seiyo canonically sits on top of a lot of tunnels that Amakawa has put there for some reason, and that's what Misaki found her way into. Amu, in canon, finds herself stuck there for a little while as well. There was a secret entrance under the fountain...

Amakawa must have had a lot of fun designing that.
She couldn't wait to tell Ami tomorrow. Her friend would be so very jealous.
And then she hears about Ami's adventure, and what Ami knows about Amu's adventure.

I hope if she tries to go exploring any dreamscapes, she at least brings Ami. Misaki doesn't have Dreamwalking. (Makoto has Dreamwalking 0, though.)

Range—she hesitated—fifteen metres. Best she could do.
Her character sheet had Mental Range 0, so 15 meters would be really pushing herself.
Well, I don't think there would be much school stuff in such tunnels.

The connection did occur to me. But Seiyo canonically sits on top of a lot of tunnels that Amakawa has put there for some reason, and that's what Misaki found her way into. Amu, in canon, finds herself stuck there for a little while as well. There was a secret entrance under the fountain...

Amakawa must have had a lot of fun designing that.
Ah yeah, I don't know SC beyond this story, so I didn't know that. Neat.
Object: ...follow JPs orders?
.....She knows the organization's name?

Would not have expected her to have bothered remembering the name, so much as just thinking of them as "yellow jackets". Or maybe "blackcoats", since they seemed to be wearing black when Hotsuin's team showed up. She wasn't even at ground zero of the incident, would've figured that for most people who didn't end up in their hospital, they would've just been considered a "special police unit" with nobody caring what their exact unit designation was.
It was halls and rooms, sometimes normal school things; mostly empty but sometimes there was broken glass everywhere, or bits of papers scattered on the floor; or lots of toys! One room was full of stuffed animals, like there'd been a game in there and someone had forgotten to take them home...
Implies that these rooms were in use fairly recently. Wonder who's been using them. Seiyo's Guardians in the elementary school section have a nice, trimmed outdoor garden to serve as their base of operations, not an underground lair.

First guess would be, it's the meeting ground for their middle/high school student councils, the upper grade version of the Guardians.

My second guess?

Seiyo has a night class that undergoes a modified curriculum. The kind of curriculum that needs metal walls as a safety feature. These are the facilities the nighttime cohort are allocated.
Given that someone blew holes in reality recently, its possible the toys came from Magical Christmas Land. :V

Or, you know, some other esper that focuses on making stuff. Inb4 the vague reality hacking shenanigans that resulted in Chara being a thing had other consequences.
Not a boy! Boys are icky. And/or boring! They don't have any adventuring ability!
Just noticed, but yeowch the disrespect to Hikaru.

I mean, I can see that guy having a bit of stick up his ass what with being used to adhering to a strict corporate-suit-training regimen since he was in nappies (now with added psychic self-control training on top of it), but he DID just squeeze demon chicken brains to save Misaki and the rest of his classmates barely a week ago.

......Granted that is kinda icky business, but it still ought to count as having some adventuring ability. At least, I'm pretty sure it got him out of that misadventure less injured than Micchan did.
.....She knows the organization's name?

Would not have expected her to have bothered remembering the name, so much as just thinking of them as "yellow jackets". Or maybe "blackcoats", since they seemed to be wearing black when Hotsuin's team showed up. She wasn't even at ground zero of the incident, would've figured that for most people who didn't end up in their hospital, they would've just been considered a "special police unit" with nobody caring what their exact unit designation was.
I don't know if Misaki got hurt in the fight, but we know Makoto hurt herself in the fight:

The demon went for Makoto, then had a wing ripped off for its trouble. A sharp bang- an electrical arc skittered across Makoto's skin- Makoto screamed, though the demon got ripped to pieces.
Makoto, at least, probably ended up in the JP's medbay for a bit.

Just noticed, but yeowch the disrespect to Hikaru.

I mean, I can see that guy having a bit of stick up his ass what with being used to adhering to a strict corporate-suit-training regimen since he was in nappies (now with added psychic self-control training on top of it), but he DID just squeeze demon chicken brains to save Misaki and the rest of his classmates barely a week ago.

......Granted that is kinda icky business, but it still ought to count as having some adventuring ability. At least, I'm pretty sure it got him out of that misadventure less injured than Micchan did.
I think they're in different grades. It's not clear if Misaki knows Hikaru.

EDIT: I see a meow. Are they supposed to be in the same grade now? Earlier word said Ami and Hikaru were in different grades:

This is my way of saying that Rikka doesn't exist here. Hikaru's closest friend isn't her, it's Ami. Although they're in separate grades.
It sounds like Misaki is in Ami's class, which would put her in a different grade from Hikaru. Misaki and Hikaru are both supposed to be friends of Ami, but friendship isn't transitive, and I don't know if we have any confirmation of Misaki and Hikaru knowing each other.
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Important information below

The remaining interludes (that I'm guaranteed to write) are Ami and Amu returning home. However, while those are amusing, I don't think there's any actionable information in them that you don't already know; so, we might as well get the vote started. It's possible that you're missing information you need for this. If so, just let me know -- I'll tell you, or might write another interlude. ...or I'll tell you you're not supposed to know, but probably not.

This is voting for narrative focus over the next 2-3 months. The vote is partly reality-warping; things you don't pick can still happen, if they're low-impact, but may be put off if they're not. If they do happen, then not voting for them doesn't mean Amu ignores them; it means they happen off-screen. Either way it's a list of openers; telling you the main plot is necessarily spoilers, so I won't do that.

In other words, vote by type and/or character preference.

Write-ins are allowed, but should be run past me first.

The openers are ranked by "Complexity" (how much thought would be required), "Severity" (how likely a poor outcome is if the listed actor does nothing—not if it isn't voted for; you might rephrase this 'drama'), and "Impact" (how significant the event may be to the plot.)

They're also categorized as [SoL] and [Plot]. Slice-of-life entries will be interleaved with plot depending on weather conditions, but at least the #1 winner is guaranteed to happen. I'm playing a bit fast and loose with the definition of 'SoL' here, so ideas on recategorization are also welcome.

= = =

Expected timespan: Two months.

- [SoL?] Saaya woke up!
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: Negligible. Impact: High. Actor: Amu.)
(This is asking whether or not you want to focus on her. She's waking up regardless.)

- [SoL] Kana is feeling down, and Amu wants to visit.
(Complexity: Low. Severity: Medium. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu.)
(Not solving any of Kana's problems here.)

- [SoL] Shirogane asked for an interview.
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: None. Impact: Medium. Actor: Amu and/or Utau.)
(Could be informative, but that's not what it's for.)

- [SoL] Miki is having trouble with, ugh, biology.
(Complexity: Low. Severity: None. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu and/or Su and/or Ran.)
(Poor Miki.)

- [SoL] Ami woke up with grafitti all over her face, then spent the day talking to herself and squinting at the mirror. She seems amused more than anything. Amu would protest, but Ran did the same thing at least once.
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: Low. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu, Tsumugu and/or Midori.)
(You now know who might have drawn that.)

- [SoL] Amu sometimes used to play computer games with Tadase, and that feels like a good break. She can make sure he's okay while she's at it.
- <Tadase> Amu, you got that one backwards.
(Complexity: Low. Severity: Negligible. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu, Utau and/or Tadase.)
(Literally playing games.)

- [SoL] Maybe soccer would do the trick? Kukai is a friendly face.
(Complexity: Low. Severity: Negligible. Impact: Negligible. Actor: Amu, Utau and/or Kukai.)
(Telekinesis-enhanced soccer.)

- [SoL] Amu sort of misses her chats with Tsukasa, thinks he probably has advice, and also Midori found a message from him on her phone just as Amu was thinking that.
(Complexity: High. Severity: Low. Impact: Medium. Actor: Amu and Midori.)
(Tsukasa has a habit of being vague.)

- [SoL or Plot] Midori wants Amu to go to JPs for a check-up. And Kana too while she's at it, though this would need Amu to convince her.
(Complexity: High. Severity: Low. Impact: High. Actor: Amu, Kana or Midori. Impact depends on whether or not Kana goes along.)
(I'll evaluate this depending on intent. Use [X][Plot] if you want that version.)

- [Plot] Nagihiko is up to something, and Amu would like to know what. Or maybe just to visit him and relax.
(Complexity: High. Severity: Low. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu.)
(Not relaxing.)

- [Plot] It's time to sit down and seriously talk with Lulu Amu.
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: Low. Impact: High. Actor: Lulu or Amu.)
(Do you want Lulu to help with any of your problems? Well, she has some of her own.)

- [Plot] School is back on, and school is trivially easy somehow, but Makoto intends to make it complicated. The local student council knows nothing, so she wants to make her own.
(Complexity: High. Severity: Medium. Impact: High. Actor: Amu.)
(Oh dear, Makoto. You're more similar to Misaki than you think.)

- [Plot?] Ami's friend Micchan got herself in a spot of trouble, and... just what is Ami's friend group like? Come to think of it, you never had that ethics talk.
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: Low. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu, Utau and/or Midori.)
(Yes, what are they like? Who's even in there? Don't listen too much to Nero. It's not wholly perfection, but the severity rating is meaningful.)

- [Plot] What the heck is going on in Japan, Hotsuin?
- Inquiring Lulus would like to know.
(Complexity: High. Severity: Medium. Impact: Medium. Actor: Lulu.)
(Amu is not immediately an actor here. You get control of Lulu for the duration.)

- [Plot] Yui needs rescuing. Both of them.
(Complexity: High. Severity: High. Impact: Low. Actor: Kana.)
(Ditto, Kana. Kana wants very much to rescue Yui, but others are more focused on rescuing Kana.)

- [Plot] The Scavengers also need rescuing.
(Complexity: High. Severity: High. Impact: Low. Actor: ?)
(Write-in general approach; several ways could work. This is where to go if you want to directly attack Manticore.)

- [Plot] Utau wants to take you stargazing.
(Complexity: Low. Severity: Negligible. Impact: Extreme. Actor: Amu, Utau, Kana and/or Tsumugu - write-in.)
(These are not exaltation events, but they're prerequisites for that.)
(It's also a suspiciously date-like event.)

- [Plot] Io wants to take you stargazing.
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: Negligible. Impact: Extreme. Actor: Hibiki.)
(The impact rating is not a joke.)
(This is just a date.)

= = =

12 hour voting moratorium because this is a bit of a mess, and I wouldn't mind input on how to better organize the vote first. Also I need to calculate the XP. :p
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I think they're in different grades. It's not clear if Misaki knows Hikaru.
Just noticed, but yeowch the disrespect to Hikaru.
Oh, she knows him. Better than any other boy her age, really. Hikaru is in second grade, Misaki is in first -- so he's older -- but in a lot of ways that feel meaningful to Misaki, Misaki thinks she's the more mature one. (Hikaru is somewhat lopsided.)

It's fair to guess that Hikaru is her main checkpoint for "Boys", since he's Ami's friend, and Misaki's view of boys-in-general is somewhat nonstandard. She strongly believes he's boring. Still plays with him, of course, because he's Ami's friend -- which makes him a friend of hers as well, in Misaki's accounting of the world -- but you can imagine that dynamic.

Thinking he's boring is not the same thing as disliking him, especially after the last week. Misaki is quite grateful to Hikaru.
EDIT: I see a meow. Are they supposed to be in the same grade now? Earlier word said Ami and Hikaru were in different grades:
Meows do not necessarily mean "this is wrong", but I'll admit I've used them as "this is not entirely correct". In this case it meant "No, she does know him". :p
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Having played DeSu, it's always best to put off poking the "move plot" button until we're done doing other things, especially when it turns out that one of the required steps for the evil plan was for the MC to do their thing.

And the weapons from Autochton's school shooting revenge plan are quite good at messing up fated plans and breaking things that shouldn't be broken.

Being able to delay the enemy's plan by procrastinating sounds like an awesome power.
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Unlocking exaltation also means you unlock the things that require exaltation.
This sounds concerning.

I think my number 1 for SoL will be the Saaya event and for Plot will be Makoto's event. The Makoto thing is happening right in Amu's front yard and that blurb says bad things are about to happen if Amu doesn't intervene.

Like bleeding and a busted knee.
Meows do not necessarily mean "this is wrong", but I'll admit I've used them as "this is not entirely correct". In this case it meant "No, she does know him".
Yes, about that, I happened notice a meow on my previous post when I made this assumption:
Unlike HYDRA, I don't expect most of Manticore's people to be particularly religiously devoted or especially loyal to some greater cause of establishing a new world order. Pretty sure Asahi at least would happily sell her boss's organs if she thought it would bring back her daughter.
.....By which I now take it to mean that Manticore has likely been thoroughly infiltrated by Hikawa's cult and IS religiously devoted to bringing about a new world order. Hikawa himself might be one of the executives up top, whose organs Asahi would find very difficult to extract if she tried.

This makes me wary of immediately choosing any option that involves taking the fight to Manticore.

I'd like to at least confirm my suspicions about them being a front for the would-be Assembly of Nihilo and ideally, have Saaya up and ready to properly blow a hole in their ritual before making any big moves.
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[X][Plot] Utau wants to take you stargazing.

This is the one I care most about, honestly.

[X][Plot] What the heck is going on in Japan, Hotsuin?

Having played DeSu, it's always best to put off poking the "move plot" button until we're done doing other things, especially when it turns out that one of the required steps for the evil plan was for the MC to do their thing.

And the weapons from Autochton's school shooting revenge plan are quite good at messing up fated plans and breaking things that shouldn't be broken.

Being able to delay the enemy's plan by procrastinating sounds like an awesome power.
Unlike in a video game, time doesn't stop just because we're not interacting with the main plot. If we want to get this stuff, we need to choose it when it's available, because it probably won't be later.
Except for the bit where high impact stuff is explicitly able to be put off, at least somewhat. It's actually all the minor side quest stuff that needs to be picked immediately. :V

The vote is partly reality-warping; things you don't pick can still happen, if they're low-impact, but may be put off if they're not.

There almost certainly time limits somewhere, if only because the SMT 3 plot is trying to start, but this isn't something to just ignore.

Edit: one moderately obvious thing is that anything high impact is likely to be noticed by other relevant parties in some way, as the start of an option doesn't indicate how it ends.

Manticore is likely to notice the Yuis being saved, and JPs is probably trying to pay attention to all the things Amu is doing on the basis she's a Shadow, etc.
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Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I really want Saaya in peak physical shape and ready to crack some skulls with us as soon as possible.

Anybody whose ability is comparable to Pattern Spider Touch is someone who has excellent odds of remaining relevant against post-Exaltation threats, beyond her current known effectiveness against Hikawa's ritual.
I've scheduled the vote to start in five hours; @Yu Narukaze, you'll need to repost your vote at that point.

It doesn't sound like anyone objects to the structure of the vote, but to be explicit about this:
- You can vote for as many [X][SoL] and [X][Plot] elements as you like. Vote for the ones you believe you'd enjoy! If that turns out to be Stargazing, then so be it.
- The #1 [Plot] element will be the focus of the arc.
- The top 2-3 [SoL] elements will be most likely inserted somehow, but only the #1 is actually guaranteed.
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- [SoL?] Saaya woke up!
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: Negligible. Impact: High. Actor: Amu.)
(This is asking whether or not you want to focus on her. She's waking up regardless.)

- [SoL] Kana is feeling down, and Amu wants to visit.
(Complexity: Low. Severity: Medium. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu.)
(Not solving any of Kana's problems here.)

- [SoL] Shirogane asked for an interview.
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: None. Impact: Medium. Actor: Amu and/or Utau.)
(Could be informative, but that's not what it's for.)

- [SoL] Miki is having trouble with, ugh, biology.
(Complexity: Low. Severity: None. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu and/or Su and/or Ran.)
(Poor Miki.)

- [SoL] Ami woke up with grafitti all over her face, then spent the day talking to herself and squinting at the mirror. She seems amused more than anything. Amu would protest, but Ran did the same thing at least once.
(Complexity: Medium. Severity: Low. Impact: Low. Actor: Amu, Tsumugu and/or Midori.)
(You now know who might have drawn that.)

I want all of these. For now, I'd like to delay things that can be, but the first one can't, and the others are low impact.

I then would want one of the Plot conversations with 1. Kana and JPs, 2. Nagahiko, or 3. Lulu; but with one Plot point being the primary focus...

- [Plot] The Scavengers also need rescuing.
(Complexity: High. Severity: High. Impact: Low. Actor: ?)
(Write-in general approach; several ways could work. This is where to go if you want to directly attack Manticore.)

I want to Directly Attack Manticore. This is the only one of the things passively making the world worse until we deal with it that we can likely deal with in one arc.
Gotta ask, but....
- [Plot] Yui needs rescuing. Both of them.
(Complexity: High. Severity: High. Impact: Low. Actor: Kana.)
(Ditto, Kana. Kana wants very much to rescue Yui, but others are more focused on rescuing Kana.)

- [Plot] The Scavengers also need rescuing.
(Complexity: High. Severity: High. Impact: Low. Actor: ?)
(Write-in general approach; several ways could work. This is where to go if you want to directly attack Manticore.)
....Do these two options really preclude one another?

Surely Small Yui still counts as part of the Scavengers too? And since Big Yui is currently in Manticore custody, wouldn't rescuing the other Scavengers at the same time as retrieving her simply be a matter of course?

If these two really were mutually exclusive, with the Severity of both being high, that would sort of imply that going after the other Scavengers would result in a bad outcome to at least Big Yui and vice versa, effectively forcing us to pick between one group or the other.

.......And how much would picking either of these cut into the downtime we would otherwise have for training?
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