Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

Just stating facts in the manner that a person that doesn't realize human bodies have directional vision requires.
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All right, guys. Imagine a calm forest scene, and let me address some of those points.
I don't think even Baughn remembers.
In general, I give about as much weight to the discussion behind a vote as the text of the vote. This will only fail if I miss some of the discussion—which can happen, so being explicit isn't bad, but I try not to need it. Baughn is a merciful GM.

Now, as far as CRP is concerned:
- It's omnidirectional.
- It isn't omnipotent. I'll attempt to make it about as powerful as it is in Exalted.
- It may or may not work on the portal. If it doesn't, Amu will try something else. You can leave the exact strategy up to her, or you can suggest things to try first. CRP would be a pretty cheap thing to try.
- The place you're in is roughly equivalent to the Deep Wyld. Act accordingly.

@SCO, @Skelm and others: You've both been a tad salty. Try not to make any positive feedback loops, mm?
There is another point to make:
even if the portal is closed, (in whatever manner) the fact is that Mab opened in the first place. If you expect her to want to be here, and being there to figure out something is up, it's reasonable to expect her to be able to do it again unless you're going to be dedicating Amu to closing other openings... which i'd assume would impair fighting the demon.

All reasonable logic right? Therefore fighting the demon first is the reasonable option, unless you're willing to be sidelined in combat and putting our allies at greater risk (disregarding the terrible tactical situation). Even if chaos repelling pattern prevents more openings passively it's only a few meters radius, so if Mab figures it out there is nothing preventing her moving the opening. If she doesn't and is just stubborn there is nothing preventing opening when Amu moves.
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but I think we've had IPP active on this side already and we don't care (much) what happens on the other.
IPP doesn't actually do anything relevant, here. It stops Amu's Traits from being reality-warped away; it doesn't actually affect anything outside of her, including the basic reality substrate.
What would that do to the Io twins actually? CRP I mean. You should also probably specify using CPR on it in your vote to close the portal.
Shouldn't do much; Io's a human (mostly anyway) and her Chara's a Chara. They can exist in Kagutsuchi's laws, so they'll be fine.
There is another point to make:
even if the portal is closed, (in whatever manner) the fact is that Mab opened in the first place. If you expect her to want to be here, and being there to figure out something's up, it's reasonable to expect her to be able to do it again unless you're going to be dedicating Amu to closing other openings... which i'd assume would impair fighting the demon.

All reasonable logic right? Therefore fighting the demon first is the reasonable option, unless you're willing to be sidelined in combat and putting our allies at greater risk (disregarding the terrible tactical situation).
Wrong. She got invited into here by Teagan and is just holding the portal she used to get here open. And they can't open portals that easily or Botis would have done that to escape the Diet building way back when he kidnapped Fumi instead of muscling his way out.

And what fighting the Demon? She has all of one combat charm, sure it'd be useful, but she's not going to be even a backline combatant, meanwhile Yukari is post Persona 3
Well whatever, i don't care if you nearly kill yourself or your allies (but i do care if you get kidnapped and lose the very valuable training teacher or waste a learning slot on a pointless, almost duplicated skill). Just don't get snatched (which btw, your plan to put yourself between a open portal and a demon heavily favors as a fail state - he'd just have to throw you there or you get snatched from a raid from there) or waste the points and i don't care.
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IPP doesn't actually do anything relevant, here. It stops Amu's Traits from being reality-warped away; it doesn't actually affect anything outside of her, including the basic reality substrate.
We did once accidentally collapse a part of the Amala Network by activating IPP inside of it. It's not supposed to have effects on other things, but Exa's understanding is limited.

And what fighting the Demon? She has all of one combat charm, sure it'd be useful, but she's not going to be even a backline combatant, meanwhile Yukari is post Persona 3
It's even less useful then you think, the only combat ability that doesn't require a weapon is Martial Arts for which we have all of 4 dice. We'd get knocked aside like the ten year old girl we are.
Shouldn't do much; Io's a human (mostly anyway) and her Chara's a Chara. They can exist in Kagutsuchi's laws, so they'll be fine.
Charas exist in direct opposition to Kagutsuchi's laws. However, Amu's version has an explicit exception for them, for obvious reasons.
We did once accidentally collapse a part of the Amala Network by activating IPP inside of it. It's not supposed to have effects on other things, but Exa's understanding is limited.
It doesn't, per se. That collapse was because Botis' tunnel wasn't very robust in the first place, and you cut a part of it out from the spell's control. It wasn't prepared to deal with that.

If you'd done it in the Amala Network proper, nothing special would have happened.
It's even less useful then you think, the only combat ability that doesn't require a weapon is Martial Arts for which we have all of 4 dice. We'd get knocked aside like the ten year old girl we are.
Your only direct combat charm is Joint-Wounding Attack. Which doesn't care much about how heavy your hit is, so long as you hit... and Fomorians are giants, which is to say relatively slow. Amu actually has a decent chance of hitting.

She fights about as well as a reasonably fit adult, not a squishy ten year old girl, but I'll admit that the difference may be moot.
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Hence you giving us post P3 Yukari.
She already said as much, but Hotsuin assigned her to you specifically as a bodyguard, because you're squishy, and she's not. She's also expendable, which you're not. Exalted has some convenient rules for using people as ablative armor (aka. the mass combat rules), if it should come up.

Not that either of them expected anything like this to happen.

Perfect defences mean you aren't nearly as squishy as he thinks you are, but them's the breaks.
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The update implied heavily that Mab turned her (or was it the Chara?) into a Faery.
Nnnnnope. Mab implied that heavily. Mab is also one of the fair folk, and not even one of the 'nice' ones, so Exact Words are important here. If she implied something but didn't state it, it cannot be trusted; that only means that us/Io believing so is to her advantage.
Charas exist in direct opposition to Kagutsuchi's laws. However, Amu's version has an explicit exception for them, for obvious reasons.
Point. 'Selectively loosened' Kagutsuchi reality, then.
Your only direct combat charm is Joint-Wounding Attack. Which doesn't care much about how heavy your hit is, so long as you hit... and Fomorians are giants, which is to say relatively slow. Amu actually has a decent chance of hitting.

She fights about as well as a reasonably fit adult, not a squishy ten year old girl, but I'll admit that the difference may be moot.
Most reasonably fit adults don't have 3+ in Thrown/War/Dodge/Athletics. :p


[X] You discussed how not to get in each other's way, for increased battle effectiveness.
[X] Shut that portal down, occasionally weaken the Fomorian with Joint-Wounding Attack.
-[X] Debris litters the floor from whatever was happening before; while heading over to the portal for a closer look, Amu swipes a chunk of wood from the floor and hurls it with a spin towards the Fomorian's leg-tendons - or at least, where it will be. Snapping her head toward the portal, she focuses on puzzling out how to break it, quickly initiating a Chaos-Repelling Pattern to test its stability under K-physics.

Getting an initial shot off should help Yukari with her fight, by penalizing the Fomorian's Dexterity (to keep it from hitting her and avoiding her blows). If Amu needs a Perfect Dodge to avoid the Fomorian's attention, well, it's an Obvious Charm, so Yukari will know what it's capable of afterwards.
Fuck, i should know better than do this and getting all invested:

[X] Share your plan with Yukari; you are to engage the demon with joint wounding attacks if she will share her bow. Therefore she can use her mana exclusively to direct wind magic to topple and then drag the demon to the portal while at the same time you protect Io. If Flying Io has a appropriate stunning or buffing magic she can join in, but not physically engage to not get in the way of Yukari. The join wounding attacks and the wind dragging should prevent a already slow enemy from actually engaging.
-[X] if the enemy attempts to hold on to something attack their hold with joint wounding attack
[X] when the demon is inside the portal attempt to close it with whatever means you can. CRP, IPP (since it happened before, but hopefully without getting stranded this time), wake up and asking for help from Dia with her craft(magatsuhi) specialty
-[X] be careful to return your bow to Yukari and let her have a clear shot at the portal to prevent a sortie. Since what you're going to be doing may interfere with her magic, warn her, if not, she has more options if not low on magic* and you can concentrate on closing that portal.

*which i would find unbelievable post P3 but who knows.

I'm not very interested in killing the demon because Fomori in particular were pretty uhhh, 'civilized' demons. Specifically they married into the Fae, so for all we know we are shooting at the favorite step-uncle of Mab. And celtic civilization was big on blood feuds. Besides, we haven't killed for real yet i think and this is a pretty compassionate action (the other options considered).

edit: removed the use dragon stream idea but i still think it would be cool to try to use it for something more than a plot device :tongue:
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Using the Dragon Seal itself for this is a bad idea. It will likely destabilize the entire world, and also get Hotsuin super pissed off.

Please don't try to destroy the world.
[X] You discussed how not to get in each other's way, for increased battle effectiveness.
[X] Shut that portal down, occasionally weaken the Fomorian with Joint-Wounding Attack.
-[X] Debris litters the floor from whatever was happening before; while heading over to the portal for a closer look, Amu swipes a chunk of wood from the floor and hurls it with a spin towards the Fomorian's leg-tendons - or at least, where it will be. Snapping her head toward the portal, she focuses on puzzling out how to break it, quickly initiating a Chaos-Repelling Pattern to test its stability under K-physics.
Using the Dragon Seal itself for this is a bad idea. It will likely destabilize the entire world, and also get Hotsuin super pissed off.

Please don't try to destroy the world.
So you'd vote for it without the dragon seal? I'm not really invested into the idea (i just find it super neat i guess). Need to create momentum or terrible tactics will happen.
I had forgotten we could just stunt improvised weapons into existence.

[X] You discussed how not to get in each other's way, for increased battle effectiveness.
[X] Shut that portal down, occasionally weaken the Fomorian with Joint-Wounding Attack.
-[X] Debris litters the floor from whatever was happening before; while heading over to the portal for a closer look, Amu swipes a chunk of wood from the floor and hurls it with a spin towards the Fomorian's leg-tendons - or at least, where it will be. Snapping her head toward the portal, she focuses on puzzling out how to break it, quickly initiating a Chaos-Repelling Pattern to test its stability under K-physics.
Oh come on. Yukari has a bow. We have archery dots (well, a single one). Yukari most potent weapon is her magic.
We should just ask for her bow and arrows and let her do magic.

Mmm i guess i see what you mean, checking it now, we do have 3 dots on thrown (for some reason). But i still think we'd be better asking for Yukari quiver and throwing arrows (lel) than improvising weapons.
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[X] You discussed how not to get in each other's way, for increased battle effectiveness.
[X] Shut that portal down, occasionally weaken the Fomorian with Joint-Wounding Attack.
-[X] Debris litters the floor from whatever was happening before; while heading over to the portal for a closer look, Amu swipes a chunk of wood from the floor and hurls it with a spin towards the Fomorian's leg-tendons - or at least, where it will be. Snapping her head toward the portal, she focuses on puzzling out how to break it, quickly initiating a Chaos-Repelling Pattern to test its stability under K-physics.

We have 7 throwing dice, but no excellency. Still not that bad.

Oh come on. Yukari has a bow. We have archery dots (well, a single one). Yukari most potent weapon is her magic.
We should just ask for her bow and arrows and let her do magic.
Why? She can use her magic anyway, and Throwing works better for us all around.
So you'd vote for it without the dragon seal? I'm not really invested into the idea (i just find it super neat i guess). Need to create momentum or terrible tactics will happen.
No, that doesn't signify that I would vote for it without it. It signifies that with that part, I am vehemently opposed to it because holy shit why are you sacrificing the integrity of what's left of reality for this.
Break a arrow near the top and you have a not-so perfect kunai. Thats why. I think that's superior to throwing pieces of wood and hoping they'll be sharp enough to penetrate demon-hide.
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Yukari may have a bow, but it's a literal magic bow, and it wouldn't work for you without training. Being a Solar, you could probably bumble through anyway, but it's the approximate equivalent of a two-dot artifact.
[X] You discussed how not to get in each other's way, for increased battle effectiveness.
[X] Shut that portal down, occasionally weaken the Fomorian with Joint-Wounding Attack.
-[X] Debris litters the floor from whatever was happening before; while heading over to the portal for a closer look, Amu swipes a chunk of wood from the floor and hurls it with a spin towards the Fomorian's leg-tendons - or at least, where it will be. Snapping her head toward the portal, she focuses on puzzling out how to break it, quickly initiating a Chaos-Repelling Pattern to test its stability under K-physics.