Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

This is true, but also wholly irrelevant. Training times and experience for the first dot of an Ability are identical whether or not it's favored. To acquire it in a reasonable amount of time (i.e. less than three weeks, especially given we can't use LSC on it), we'd need to spend a quicklearn slot and the same amount of experience points anyway, so it may as well actually be on Amu.

Craft, Stealth, and Socialize don't need this treatment not because they're Chara-favored, but because the Charas already have them.
I'd forgotten that. Bureaucracy still requires that we can convince someone (probably outside the JPs) to put us in charge of something important, so I'm still inclined to hang on to the points in case we find something immediately important.

That said, with our 4 and 1/3 points, we could get a Chara to Bureaucracy 4 with an Excellency and Speed the Wheels and have enough left to get an Excellency in some other ability (probably Craft since we're not going for Presence charms).

Does anyone have any better spending plans?
Actually, it's (New Rating) weeks, and that assumes you have a teacher and that you spend 8 hours a day practising. I'm mostly hoping that the effect of one dot is swamped by the bonus from Dia, so any suspicions that would happen from the first instead get directed at Dia and resolved (because Dia isn't particularly suspicious in that way)
All calculations for raising stats use your current rating.
Wouldn't that just be "Amu goes splat, the end"?

It's not strictly on-topic, but I won't object.
Actually Nocturnals have similiar abilties to the Solars when creating zones of "Working according to creation" Reality (The Crooked Made Straight work in a slightly different manner, and it is more powerful when the essence of the nocturnal is raised, but it also cost more), so the whole shebang with the Demiurge trying to undo us and reality would have worked as well as it canonically worked for Amu, if not a little better for her thanks to another charm(Phantasmagoric Minotaur Body would have given to her Shaping Health levels, which may have helped or not).

This writing above isn't the complete overwiev(I got my computer somehow infected randomly with Malware today, and even if i fixed it mostly my mind fizzled for the rest of the afternoon, thus preventing me from doing it), so you will have to bear with my rambling at least one more time.

And now, the vote!

[x] Head off to Narukoten Shrine (2 hours, minimum)
- [x] Bringing Takeba
- [x] Io Nitta
- [x] Lt. Kato
- [x] Bring Dia

I cannot say much about it, except that bringing Takeba and Dia seem to be a good idea, and additional support is always good.
[x] Head off to Narukoten Shrine (2 hours, minimum)
- [x] Bringing Takeba
- [x] Io Nitta
- [x] Lt. Kato
- [x] Bring Dia
[x] Quick-learn Bureaucracy 1 (3 xp, 1 hour)
[x] Head off to Narukoten Shrine (2 hours, minimum)
[x] Quick-learn Bureaucracy 1 (3 xp, 1 hour)
Is the learning supposed to happen before or after the shrine visit?

If the latter, then it's unlikely that voting for it now is going to matter. There will be a couple of votes in between.
[x] Head off to Narukoten Shrine (2 hours, minimum)
- [x] Bringing Takeba
- [x] Io Nitta
- [x] Lt. Kato
- [x] Bring Dia
Fevered scribbling
A/N: I am down with a cold. Completely down. Have a quick drabble instead, because why not.

On Friday, he'd spoken with friends. "See you soon." A normal line, from a normal day.

Saturday had left him without comment.

And then there was Sunday. Sleepy Sunday, last-day-of-weekend Sunday, when he'd slept until noon and meant to sleep on, dragged from his bed only to collapse into the dining room chair. Spooky Sunday, for he'd planned to meet Hitomi in the evening. They were going on a dare, in the graveyard, and he'd made sure—to the loud giggling of his friends—that he'd be the one to go with her. Sunday had come, and noon had passed him by, so he'd been half-asleep at the end of the world.

End-of-everything Sunday.

There had been screams. There had been shouts, and a fire, and he'd forced himself not to look up while he helped his neighbours douse it. There had been confusion, and orders, and when he'd snuck away to check on his friends, there had been no telephones. No cellphones, no radio, not until a broadcast later that day and then suddenly there were both.

And he'd lived, and his parents and everyone around them had lived, but the world he lived in had died. And he'd been told to sleep, but really, what kind of person could possibly sleep?

And Sunday had come, and gone, and Hitomi's cellphone had rung and rung and never been answered.

On Monday he'd been sullen. He was fourteen, almost a man; there should be something he could do, something other than sitting still in his room. A nice room, with a TV of his own, but on Monday it felt like a prison. His friends lived only an hour away, even by foot, and he'd talked to Fumio, and even if there wasn't much to do in his own neighbourhood, there was definitely a lot to do over there. He'd cursed himself, for being willing to move, for insisting on not changing schools.

And Hitomi's phone had been answered.

but not by Hitomi.

never again by Hitomi.


That night, on his TV, a single shadow appeared.

That said, with our 4 and 1/3 points, we could get a Chara to Bureaucracy 4 with an Excellency and Speed the Wheels and have enough left to get an Excellency in some other ability (probably Craft since we're not going for Presence charms).

Does anyone have any better spending plans?
Other than the fact that that flat out wouldn't work? Charas can only learn Abilities in line with their themes and to a maximum of +3. Honestly its just better to bump Amu up as far as we can and then have her and her charas running around with multiple dots in it. Spread out the work a bit, which we very much need to do where ever we can.

Not to mention some of the Charms in the above link have hilariously effective uses whenever we get around to be able to grab them.

The other Ability we need to pick up is Socialize, but Su has that at +2 naturally, so we should be able to pick it up fairly easily if we chara change with her and meditate/train it.
Tuesday's Disquiet 2
Outside Shinjuku Station

"Takeba says she'll be another few minutes," Kato said.

Amu looked up, nodded, and went back to staring dully into the air.

Shinjuku train station. It was—should have been—one of the busiest in Tokyo, packed to the gills with travellers. Should have been. It wasn't empty, and trains were still running, but only those filled with military personnel or emergency workers. It was half-dead, doing only the business that absolutely had to be done.

It felt like a microcosm of what had happened to Tokyo, and by extension Japan. She hadn't gotten this impression from inside JPs, but Tokyo was her city, and she knew what it was supposed to be like. Throngs of people, shouts, traffic noises… all of them were absent, and even the sky was a dull red. The few people they'd seen while driving to their meeting place had walked in small groups, sometimes running from streetlight to streetlight. It didn't add up to a tenth of the normal population. There was no real danger here, Kato assured her, and yet…

She wanted to help, itched to bring back the life that was supposed to be here. She didn't want to stand still, waiting, even just for a few minutes. Maybe following Nyarlathotep's instructions hadn't been such a good idea, since it meant she wasn't doing something else, something more directly useful. She didn't know. Maybe her mood was because of the way her body ached, whenever she wasn't distracted by something else. Pattern damage, Exa had called it. She'd heal, but what about the city?

Pattern damage…

That felt right. The pattern of the city was disrupted, but not fatally so. People weren't dead, they were just hiding at home. The city could heal, and would, if she gave it the chance; millions of people called it home, all of whom would be helping.

And then she'd feel happy again.

Her face went through a variety of expressions before settling on determination. Dia had just about outright told her—

"Dia," she said, catching the eyes of her youngest chara, a girl who even now looked more upbeat than Amu could manage. "Sorry, but this is a little harder than I thought. Maybe, if… do you think you can…"

Dia blinked, and nodded, a slight smile on her face.

It took her several minutes to adjust to the character change. It felt so odd; almost like transforming with Ran had used to feel—before she apparently got stuck that way—but instead of her body, it was her mind that felt lighter, like the things she'd been worried about didn't really matter.


Because Dia didn't worry about might-bes or what-ifs. She just did the best she could, then let the world take care of itself. She didn't need to worry, she already knew what she was after.

Amu (not Dia, Dia sat leaned against her neck, but she almost felt jealous) drew a deep, shuddering breath, letting out all the tension that had built up in her body. It was okay to relax, that's what Dia had meant. At times like this… she'd already decided what to do, so she could stop worrying for just one minute. It felt good, trying to be herself again.

— — —​

"—Meet you. Hinamori-san, I take it? You're a little younger than I was expecting."

She looked up, blinking. That hadn't been addressed to her.

"Well… no, actually," Io said, slowly. Her eyes darted up and down the apparition in front of her. "I'm… Nitta Io. Nice to meet you. Hinamori-san is…" Her eyes darted to Amu. "I guess you're…" A deep breath. "Takeba Yukari-san?" She asked, weakly.

For Amu, further blinks failed to clear her eyes, as she stared disbelievingly at the being that had to be Takeba Yukari. Auburn hair and eyes; check, that matched the profile, although she'd grown it out somewhat. Motorcycle helmet? Okay. And there was a motorcycle parked nearby, which she somehow hadn't noticed driving up.

Her eyes shied away from the rest of Takeba's outfit, and her underdeveloped sense of style screamed for mercy as she forced herself to accept what she was seeing. It looked like someone had taken a perfectly good motorcycling outfit, made of leather—dyed it hot pink, and white, and gold—sewn in a hemline, so it looked like a dress even though it was all visibly a single piece—found a pair of shoes that reached most of the way up to her knees, dyed those white and gold—

'Do not call it unsightly, do not call it unsightly,' she chanted internally. Even Ran, who—before her recent "twin" binge—would have worn just about anything so long as it showed plenty of skin, wouldn't have been caught dead in an outfit like this. Even if you cut away half of it.

But she was ten, and Takeba was twenty, and Takeba's outfit looked like it belonged in a sentai show!

The oversized bow that rested over her shoulder seemed like a footnote by comparison, but of course it was also white, and pink, and gold, with unnecessarily sharp protrusions for anyone who got close to cut themselves on.

So why was Takeba the one giving her a startled look?

"A total kid?"

— — —​

"Well, as I said, I'm Takeba Yukari. Sorry about that." She bowed formally to Amu, a gesture the latter awkwardly returned.

"Hinamori Amu."


"More things between heaven and earth, eh." Takeba looked with interest at Dia, backing up as the latter gave her a disapproving glare. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you a kid. I know how it is; I've worked with young 'uns before. I'm glad I came, though. You've actually talked to Nyarly, recently? What's he like? I've never had the chance, myself."

"Nyarly?" Amu repeated, trying to collect her thoughts. "Nyarlathotep? That's… hard to say."

A shadow that blotted out the sky. A presence that threatened to crush her sense of self.

She shuddered. Nyarlathotep was all of that, but it didn't feel right; it wasn't all there was to him, or even the most important.

"Desperate," she said. "Frustrated. Grasping at straws," and she shook her head. A guess. "I'm not thinking he's trustworthy, in case you're worried. But it's funny, even he told me not to trust him, so I guess he's split against himself, too. He actually warned me about Nyx."

"Oh?" Takeba's eyes light up. "Interesting."

And then he'd told her about the shrine, which just happened to be the same one her family had always visited whenever they felt the need. Tenman-Tenjin, the god of learning, literature and calligraphy—Amu had felt some disbelief at JPs' claim that he was a minor god, with hundreds of shrines all across Japan, until she realised they cared about little other than combat potential.

Amu told Takeba that, and everything else she could think of that might come in handy, while they walked to the shrine. Fifteen minutes was just enough time to cover it all.

— — —​

"How do we do this?" Takeba asked, looking up the short stairway to the shrine. "I hate to admit it, but this'll be the first time I talk to a god. What do we even do, walk up and pray for him to appear?"

The shrine was a tiny piece of pre-unification Japan in the middle of a modern city, dwarfed by taller buildings on every side. Empty of people, naturally—or was that natural, Amu wondered? Wouldn't people gravitate to anything that'd give them hope, at times like this?

She guessed not.

She'd dropped the character change with Dia, but now that there was something to do she was just about able to keep up the same mindset on her own.

"If it was that simple, there'd be a lot more stories going around," Io said.

"Io's right," Amu said, worrying at a seam in her shorts. Ran had insisted; 'makes it easier to jump around.' "If it was that easy… and he's supposed to be sealed, too. I have some thoughts, but—Lt. Kato?"

"Call me when you want something killed," he replied laconically. "No, seriously. I wouldn't know where to start. All I can say is—if JPs was responsible for sealing the god away then there'd be visible seals, and there aren't; we don't usually have the opportunity to hide them very well. Too large, you'd have to rebuild the shrine." He eyed the ground they were standing on. "Nothing like that here, that I can see."

"So there might be something in the structure of the shrine," she said. "Then again, there might not be anything physical, or if there is, it might be hidden inside the walls or underground."

I do not sense the presence of a spirit, Exa contributed. However, there is something odd about this place. I am attempting to pin it down.

"Want me to poke around?" Takeba offered.

[ ] Sure, let her do that.
[ ] Try it yourself. (Perception + Investigation)
[ ] Why not try a prayer? What's the worst that can happen?
[ ] There are no people here today, but maybe there's a caretaker? Or even a shinto priest?
[ ] Write-in

A/N: I'm not dead. And to the more literal-minded amongst you, I wasn't close either, but that was the nastiest cold I've had in years. Let us never speak of it again; I'll try to catch up a little instead.

The Unsightly Pink Sniper. I'd like to think she has a good reason for this.
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[X] There are no people here today, but maybe there's a caretaker? Or even a shinto priest?

Not like any of us know what to do here. Anyone still here in the current situation would probably be fairly knowledgeable about the nature of the place. Might be able to help with calling the attention of the shrine's god.

Also recalled a name similarity between two particular people who are in the city.
[X] There are no people here today, but maybe there's a caretaker? Or even a shinto priest?
-[X] If not, let Takeba poke around while you pray.
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[X] There are no people here today, but maybe there's a caretaker? Or even a shinto priest?
-[X] If not, let Takeba poke around while you pray.
[X] There are no people here today, but maybe there's a caretaker? Or even a shinto priest?
-[X] If not, let Takeba poke around while you pray.
[X] There are no people here today, but maybe there's a caretaker? Or even a shinto priest?
-[X] If not, let Takeba poke around while you pray.
Looks like a nicely straightforward vote. Well, I'd like to write another part today, so calling it in three hours.

Nobody falling for the Per+Inv trap, I take it. :p
I think it's that we have only 2 perception and no investigation.
Which brings us to the Solars' more interesting elements. By Exalted rules, a mortal with that setup who tries to investigate something would operate at a -2 penalty; they would, in short, have zero dice.

Solars don't take that penalty, and so Amu would operate with two dice, which is the "subpar, but still halfway capable" level. The kind of performance you'd expect from someone who's had some training, but no talent for the job. She'd still be likely to find what she's looking for eventually, and could improve on that by pairing up with Su.

Even when they aren't capable at all, Solars are still bullshit.

Oh yeah, and
[X] There are no people here today, but maybe there's a caretaker? Or even a shinto priest?
-[X] If not, let Takeba poke around while you pray.
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I just realized with our Charas, we almost have a Psuedo-Solar Circle going on... well, no not really. Ran means we doubled up on Dawn although she also has a touch of Zenith+Night, Su is 1/2 Eclipse with a good chunk of Twilight added on, Dia is the would-be-Zenith that got branded with some very specialized Twilight, and Miki is the Twilight and, minor and surprisingly, Night cross of the group.

Dammit, Solars aren't supposed to do all the things. Just a lot of things better than anyone else can hope to. The rest is what circle mates, or at least their lunar mate, are supposed to be around for.

*Le Sigh* Oh well.

Hmm... I wonder, can Miki or Su take an Investigation ability? Miki because whenever I try to see any of them sneaking around and investigating stuff, she's the one I picture first, and Su because she's, I think, Amu's motherliness pretty much. Or would that more qualify her for awareness?
Chara motivations vs. Night caste
I just realized with our Charas, we almost have a Psuedo-Solar Circle going on... well, no not really. Ran means we doubled up on Dawn although she also has a touch of Zenith+Night, Su is 1/2 Eclipse with a good chunk of Twilight added on, Dia is the would-be-Zenith that got branded with some very specialized Twilight, and Miki is the Twilight and, minor and surprisingly, Night cross of the group.

Dammit, Solars aren't supposed to do all the things. Just a lot of things better than anyone else can hope to. The rest is what circle mates, or at least their lunar mate, are supposed to be around for.

*Le Sigh* Oh well.

Hmm... I wonder, can Miki or Su take an Investigation ability? Miki because whenever I try to see any of them sneaking around and investigating stuff, she's the one I picture first, and Su because she's, I think, Amu's motherliness pretty much. Or would that more qualify her for awareness?
Miki isn't Night. She's the closest, but only in the sense that Canada is, technically, closer to Mars right now than China is*. She's quiet, and she has some tendencies towards sneaking around--because she's the only one who tries, being the most mischievous one of the bunch, and for a Chara, "tries" is synonymous with "is good at".

She's also the bookish, artistic one; those don't always go together, but with Miki they do. She represents Amu's desire to make stuff, but also to surprise people, because... it's not expected of her? Amu was, and is, a very tomboyish girl. Miki is, on the surface, her exact opposite; she's someone who'd rather curl up with a pencil for some quality writing time than go out and play with friends. Where, Amu, Ran and Su are extroverts, Miki is an introvert. For all that, they're still mostly the same person, although Miki is closer to... someone Amu might have become, rather than someone she could reasonably become right now. Canonically, she's the chara that had the least influence on Amu's development.

That's why, of the three of them, Miki is the one that's actively working towards becoming her own person. She's always known that she had no chance to heavily influence Amu, right from the first chapter of canon; she's too different from the others. She's also someone Amu could have become, back then, because she was so bad with people, it was only the Guardians that saved her from sitting all alone every day, and that sort of alone-in-a-crowd-ness would quickly have turned into just plain alone-ness... but by the same token, that isn't something Amu ever wanted.

But using her as a Night caste? Asking her to assassinate, sneak behind people's backs, spy?

She'd crack.

Just because she's quiet and introverted doesn't mean she's mean. She's a version of Amu who's learned to deal with people by using sarcasm and teasing, but she still has the same basic human desires: Be liked, be helpful, be part of a group that sees her as an important person. She's better at dealing with not being those things, by pretending she doesn't care very much, but it's just a pretense. She's still a ten-year-old girl... ten, at best. And she's a heroic mortal (..spirit), not a solar; she doesn't have the limit system to fall back on, except inasmuch as she's still part of Amu.

Oh, and Investigation isn't in theme for her at all.

Ran might fit the cat-burglar archetype a little better, but she's entirely too flamboyant. (...Solars, I know, but she isn't one. And if you want a cat-burglar, try Ikuto.)

Su, surprisingly, is probably the best Night around here. The 'mothering' archetype, yes, although for Amu that means she's the older-sister type; someone who's very good at that, not necessarily at mothering, but she can see straight through people. That Socialize 2 means she's as good at reading people as the average adult, and then some; adding Perception means she doesn't have Amu's tendency to wander off into daydreams and lose track of the world around her.

It means that, of the five of them, she's the only one who can attempt to gather information that adults don't want her to have, and have a reasonable shot at success that isn't entirely driven by their special abilities. Miki? She'd try, but if she wasn't able to turn into an insubstantial ghost-fairy-thing she wouldn't actually be all that good at sneaking around. Sneaking up on friends her own age isn't the same as sneaking around JPs' security, after all. Ran? She'd give it away by thoughtlessly drifting in front of someone who can see her. (Plus, she can't do the ghost-thing anymore.) Su can just ask, and have a good shot at winning the ensuing social combat. (Which is to say, convince people that she should know.)

But none of them are any good for "wet work".

*: I haven't checked this at all.
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Ikuto, we need you to be our catburgler for the greater good. So put on this headband and tail so that you can go steal secrets for a 10 year old,

Or just transform with Yoru, that's fine too.