Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

He's just lucky we need to head to the shrine anyway.
Lucky? You don't think he did things as he did because he had such a reason? And for all we know he might have thought of a few more yet. Which will just keeping eating up time, while poor Amu having no real social ability keeps getting the short end of conversations.

I'm not entirely sure what is the best thing to do about it though...

I suppose we could atleast consider if Fumi is competent to manage the things on the list that need to be done right now?
I'm sure thatll end well
Presence Charms, inside of a couple of days we could be leading his entire organization if we actually tried... actually, inside of a day if we split the training with Su or Dia.

We'd need Bureaucracy at that point, but we could do it. Not that I'm advocating actually doing it, but it is a thing.
Lucky? You don't think he did things as he did because he had such a reason? And for all we know he might have thought of a few more yet. Which will just keeping eating up time, while poor Amu having no real social ability keeps getting the short end of conversations.

I'm not entirely sure what is the best thing to do about it though...

I suppose we could atleast consider if Fumi is competent to manage the things on the list that need to be done right now?
Possibly, but I'm not sure if its his bad social/attitude or whatever, but I keep getting the distinct impression that he's just dropping stuff right in front of us and shooing us along. Furthermore he's the pragmatic sort, to an extreme, and we're an anomaly.

Fumi is competent, I trust him to maintain and even improve the Seal to a degree... but he doesn't have Excellencies much less Solar Charms.

And I noted before that Amu has Presence favored and two Charas with it, Su also has Socialize I think. Honestly we could probably get a dot in each with some Chara training (training a specific ability/attribute while Chara changed) inside a few hours, the same way we got a dot of Int with Miki a long while ago.

Amu should wait patiently until Midorin the Best shows up to school her on Craft:Reality.
We can school ourself on that, Chara change with Dia and just spend some time meditating on it or using it.
Presence Charms, inside of a couple of days we could be leading his entire organization if we actually tried... actually, inside of a day if we split the training with Su or Dia.
...You're really underestimating the lengths Hotsuin would go to in the face of that kind of escalation.

By the time JPS finishes coming down on top of our heads, we'd have to either side with Nyarlothotep directly or be completely overwhelmed.
...You're really underestimating the lengths Hotsuin would go to in the face of that kind of escalation.

By the time JPS finishes coming down on top of our heads, we'd have to either side with Nyarlothotep directly or be completely overwhelmed.
I'm not sure what your imagining here. A Presence Excellency and (optionally) Irresistible Salesmen Spirit shouldn't be detectable from the outside and can subvert Hotsuin just as easily as anyone else.

Bureaucracy is only needed if we want to run the organisation personally, if we can just convince Hotsuin to do whatever we want it's unneeded (but still helpful in the long run).

Am I underestimating how bad Hotsuin's Motivation is?
We can school ourself on that, Chara change with Dia and just spend some time meditating on it or using it.
That doesn't mean we know what to do with it. Midorin has a Plan.

Of course, Amu doesn't know Midorin's existence IC so I'm not exactly opposed to her doing it on her own. I just think it's silly with the knowledge we have OOC. namely that Midorin has a plan that Lucy thinks is a long-shot that involves attempting to give Amu Craft:Reality and that Midorin is coming here in person
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I'm not sure what your imagining here. A Presence Excellency and (optionally) Irresistible Salesmen Spirit shouldn't be detectable from the outside and can subvert Hotsuin just as easily as anyone else.
Which is the mistake. Hotsuin didn't get handed this power. He started off not being taken seriously and experimented on for his ability to control demons.

And from there became the one in control of Japan's agencies governing the supernatural.

Am I underestimating how bad Hotsuin's Motivation is?
Which is the mistake. Hotsuin didn't get handed this power. He started off not being taken seriously and experimented on for his ability to control demons.

And from there became the one in control of Japan's agencies governing the supernatural.
So he gained control based on personal power, rather that political? That makes it much harder to get rid of him non-lethally.

I was afraid it would be something like this. Solars don't have any way to change Heroic Motivations, so we're limited in how much we can convince him to allow. What exactly is his Motivation? We still stand a good chance of convincing him to do something that doesn't oppose his Motivation, how much lee-way does that give us?
At least we have two Charas with Presence on top of the skill being a Favored for Amu
That's false.

Of the Charas, only Dia actually gives Presence boosts. Ran gives Performance boosts, which can be used for nonselective socials, and Su gives Socialize, which can be used to target Presence at social groups rather than individuals.

We should take advantage of Dia's benefits and Amu having it as Favored, definitely, as well as those of the other two (I hope we can just buy it up on Amu and have Dia's +2 persist, but if we can get her 'anchored' with Integrity or something that's acceptable).


That said, I think we may be on the way toward naturalizing a bit of Dia's skill in that area:
And yet, here she was. In Hotsuin's office, with him, Makoto and Fumi, doing her very best to reason out the behaviour of society from first principles, while the others picked holes in her arguments. Arguing policy and telling Hotsuin what could and couldn't be done, while her family was peacefully getting to know each other. She wanted to be there, with them.

At least she could draw some strength from Dia's presence.
...and even if we weren't actually Chara Changed with Dia in that scene, we should be able to uprank Presence pretty easily. With more Presence, Amu should be able to present things in a way that Hotsuin would be more likely to agree with, so spending some of Amu's experience on that (and getting as much as we can from Dia) would be rather useful. 2 hours spent learning, 4xp to get it to 3. We should also try boosting Dia's Integrity, both because Presence is the only 'normal' Ability she has over Amu at the moment and because it's useful for social defenses.

Of course, this requires us to take 2 hours of Exa's and Amu's time to do that. Unsure if she'll go for that, or if any other plans can afford the leeway.
So he gained control based on personal power, rather that political? That makes it much harder to get rid of him non-lethally.

And not even in the "Do as I say or become Kerberus' chew toy" manner. He schemed, manipulated, cowed, and won over Parliament to get JPS to where it is today. His status as Hotsuin Heir got him in the door, everything else was all him personally. Amu forcing his hand like that would end...badly.

I was afraid it would be something like this. Solars don't have any way to change Heroic Motivations, so we're limited in how much we can convince him to allow. What exactly is his Motivation? We still stand a good chance of convincing him to do something that doesn't oppose his Motivation, how much lee-way does that give us?
Reset the world into his ideal of a meritocracy, only reviving those he considers worthy of surviving in the new age.

He does, on the other hand, respect those of similar levels of conviction and standing. It's how he was with Daichi in canon. Butting heads with Hotsuin is more likely to win his assent than trying to go around behind his back.
Which is the mistake. Hotsuin didn't get handed this power. He started off not being taken seriously and experimented on for his ability to control demons.

And from there became the one in control of Japan's agencies governing the supernatural.

Hotsuin is still bound by mortal limits, at most he's a Heroic Mortal. Which he probably is really, but that just means he can use WillPower to ignore our arguments. In the end he'd still be a Mortal trying to match an Exalt. We would win, even if e had to break out some of the nastier Presence Charms.

I'm just arguing that we can do this, not that we actually should.

The guy is raising the hairs on the back of my neck as well, because he's trying to do two very stupid things primarily. 1st, he's trying to keep an Exalt under his thumb (which is too dumb to live levels of stupid) and 2nd he's trying to stop a compassion 5 Exalt from doing what she sees as the best methods she has to help as many people as she can.

Chara training Socializing up with Su will hopefully make things better. Hell we might be able to triple train Socialize, Charisma, and Appearance with her (I think she has all three of those anyway). And if not training with Dia will cover Presence and the other Attribute I believe.

... I just really fucking dislike the guy. *Shrug* What he did with shutting down her plan on spreading the program then throwing his own version out there was unnecessary, he could have just amended her plan with making sure they have training.

And as I've noted before, its not a matter of skill between us and Fumi when it comes to working on the Dragon Seal, its that we're, rather blatantly at times, superhuman with our skill.
Hotsuin is still bound by mortal limits, at most he's a Heroic Mortal. Which he probably is really, but that just means he can use WillPower to ignore our arguments. In the end he'd still be a Mortal trying to match an Exalt. We would win, even if e had to break out some of the nastier Presence Charms.

I'm just arguing that we can do this, not that we actually should.

The guy is raising the hairs on the back of my neck as well, because he's trying to do two very stupid things primarily. 1st, he's trying to keep an Exalt under his thumb (which is too dumb to live levels of stupid) and 2nd he's trying to stop a compassion 5 Exalt from doing what she sees as the best methods she has to help as many people as she can.
Both of those things he does in ignorance of the context. Ordinarily, he'd already be parlaying Amu's Solar tendencies into something more useful rather than trying to stonewall her when convenient. And honestly, why even bring up the argument about who would win in a fight if you're not trying to put it on the table?

Regardless of who would win the fight, we'd still lose, because JPS would never survive the fallout. Hotsuin wouldn't let it.

Chara training Socializing up with Su will hopefully make things better. Hell we might be able to triple train Socialize, Charisma, and Appearance with her (I think she has all three of those anyway). And if not training with Dia will cover Presence and the other Attribute I believe.

... I just really fucking dislike the guy. *Shrug* What he did with shutting down her plan on spreading the program then throwing his own version out there was unnecessary, he could have just amended her plan with making sure they have training.
It's called politics.

He's used to being in control, is the one in control, and also knows the best about what he's dealing with. You want to make him work with us, then work on pushing his buttons correctly.

Don't assume he's going to just bowl over because of Amu's protagonist aura.

And as I've noted before, its not a matter of skill between us and Fumi when it comes to working on the Dragon Seal, its that we're, rather blatantly at times, superhuman with our skill.

Hotsuin is just as superhuman with his control, and significantly less subtle. Escalation isn't the way to go with the guy. It's suicidal because Hotsuin is used to playing chicken. And winning. Even when no one blinks. So he'll call bluffs and actively stymy Amu if we try to go behind his back. It's just not a formula for success.
He does, on the other hand, respect those of similar levels of conviction and standing. It's how he was with Daichi in canon. Butting heads with Hotsuin is more likely to win his assent than trying to go around behind his back.
Would using Presence Charms to try to convince him to work with us suffice for this?

Chara training Socializing up with Su will hopefully make things better. Hell we might be able to triple train Socialize, Charisma, and Appearance with her (I think she has all three of those anyway). And if not training with Dia will cover Presence and the other Attribute I believe.
Dia already has Charisma 5 and Appearance isn't worth the XP, since it's never rolled with anything.

As for dealing with the shrine goddess, should we get a Presence Excellency before hand? Amu hasn't handled negotiations very well so far.
He'd recognize it for what it is, most likely, so probably.
Depends on the charm. Excellency+ISS should just look like her normal hyper-competence when she's not flaring her Anima.

EDIT: In the absence of any better ideas:

[x] Head off to Narukoten Shrine (2 hours, minimum)
- [x] Bringing Takeba
- [x] Io Nitta
- [x] Lt. Kato

- [x] Bring Dia
- [x] On the way, learn the Second Presence Excellency (8 XP, 2/3 Training Points)
- [x] Chara Transform with Dia at the shrine

I'm not sure who else we should bring.
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Kinda wish we were E5 so we could get Sorcery. Granted all I know about it is that its about the big effects, but that sounds like something we need right now. ... Wait a sec, isn't there something about Sorcery being blocked off by the Maidens or something, hence the Paths needed to be completed to get Sorcery? The Maidens that are kind of dead?
No, in Exalted you can get Sorcery at Essence 3. You just need to undertake the Sorcerous Trials, which are really just a spiritual journey to warp your own mind to the point you can properly comprehend sorcery, not something enforced by outside influence. Then you need to repeat said trials on a larger scale to unlock the next circle. Just completing one set of trials can take years, so we don't really have time to unlock all three circles.
Exalted Sorcery doesn't exist here, the local sorcery requires inventing new charms.
Seems a bit odd, given Exalted sorcery is flat-out reality warping. I can see having to modify it to work on Magatsuchi(sp?) instead of Essence or whatever the local universe is made of, but it should still work if the Exaltation does.
Appearance isn't worth the XP, since it's never rolled with anything.
Disagree, when in social combat, the difference between the two persons appearance is subtracted from the dice pool of the person with lower appearance. It's never rolled with anything, but if you have a high appearance, your opponent can have much less to roll.
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Seems a bit odd, given Exalted sorcery is flat-out reality warping. I can see having to modify it to work on Magatsuchi(sp?) instead of Essence or whatever the local universe is made of, but it should still work if the Exaltation does.
It's not that you can't do that, it's that the Salinian Working is missing. This is more of a road bump than a roadblock.

In case it isn't obvious, where things went wrong with Hotsuin this time is that all your proposals would have undermined his position in one way or another. His counters amount to "do it anyway, but now they're my ideas"; he's far more lenient to the DeSu2 protagonist, who doesn't try that sort of thing.

On the bright side, he's absolutely confident you haven't been doing it deliberately. Getting you to run off for a bit, now, is.. Well, nothing he said is false, but <redacted>.
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Disagree, when in social combat, the difference between the two persons appearance is subtracted from the dice pool of the person with lower appearance. It's never rolled with anything, but if you have a high appearance, your opponent can have much less to roll.
It's subtracted from their Mental Defence Value, not their dice pool, so one dot of Appearance would cost 16 XP for the equivalent of one auto-success. Because we can easily beat mortal MDVs with just an Excellency the effect of an extra auto-success is that resisting costs 1/3 of a point of willpower more, which is horribly inefficient compared to Charms.
It's not that you can't do that, it's that the Salinian Working is missing.
Oooh, duh. For those who don't know, the Salinian working was a hack made to the Loom of Fate by a Solar Sorcerer named Salina that made it so that anyone could learn Sorcery without a teacher just by observing nature. Now that the Loom's busted, it's obviously not working anymore, so we'd either have to check our past lives (don't think there's much there) check Exa's records (unreliable) or work it out from first principles (Primordial tier effort. Literally, the original Solars needed the Primordials to teach it to them.)
Omega: One
This is not a vote.

The central doors at the rear of the Diet's floor swung open, illuminating the MPs before it in a shaft of utterly unexpected sunlight.

"Hotsuin Yamato!"

Representative Ooshima Kintarou reflexively turned to look into the light, a sudden terror gripping his heart. A young girl, even younger than Hotsuin, strode forth into the Diet chambers, her hair and eyes aglow like the sun-mark upon her brow.

"You shall immediately and without dissembly do one of the following three things," the girl stated, her high voice somehow booming throughout the chamber. "One. Distribute the Nicaea Harmonizer program to all police and emergency services personnel, assigning no less than one-tenth of all JPs personnel to ensuring that this task is done quickly and safely."

Hotsuin made no response for a moment. "Or?" he eventually spoke from the podium, his uncannily calm voice amplified by the microphone to match the girl's in volume, if not in timbre or sheer presence.

"Two," the girl continued. As the light of her hair and eyes and on her brow dimmed, Ooshima could more clearly see the anger in her face—almost like my niece throwing a fit, some part of him thought to himself, recognizing it as absurd. "Explain to my satisfaction, and the satisfaction of this governing body as a whole, why you should be permitted to consolidate sole effective military and police power to yourself and JP's at the expense of the reconstruction efforts and the defense and security of the individual civilians of Japan."

The girl's fists unclenched as she gestured to the assembled legislators around her. Ooshima felt the fear that had seized him at the girl's entrance fade away, slowly replaced by a more rational fear as he turned to look at Hotsuin. The young man hadn't flinched, but Ooshima had seen all sorts of liars and scoundrels take the stand in his career; Hotsuin couldn't hide his tenseness, and Ooshima's own narrowing gaze didn't help Hotsuin's mood any.

There was an awkward pause.

"Or?" Hotsuin repeated, now clearly shaken, and increasingly so.

"Three." Ooshima's gaze flicked back to the girl, just in time to be almost blinded. The mark on the girl's brow flared again, as bright as the lost noonday sun, and for a very brief moment he could feel that fear return.

"Or?" Hotsuin repeated, now clearly shaken, and increasingly so.
Why do people keep assuming this will happen?

Hotsuin's taken multiple universe ending threats in stride, and even improvised in the face of them.

Why on earth would Amu be able to cause him to flinch under those circumstances, especially with her Presence at it's current level? Cowing him...just won't work.
Why do people keep assuming this will happen?

Hotsuin's taken multiple universe ending threats in stride, and even improvised in the face of them.

Why on earth would Amu be able to cause him to flinch under those circumstances, especially with her Presence at it's current level? Cowing him...just won't work.
Dawn Anima. Having a -1 external penalty caused by fear is not a very good thing for a mortal, heroic or not.
Two die are gone, to never return for the rest of the scene.
Dawn Anima. Having a -1 external penalty caused by fear is not a very good thing for a mortal, heroic or not.
Two die are gone, to never return for the rest of the scene.
I get that, but I would think that someone at Hotsuin's level of power would be difficult to classify as just a heroic mortal.

Moreover, the fact is that even if you drive him away from the scene, he wouldn't just take that lying down. Anima or not, JPS is still his. And he would have contingencies in place. Effective in stopping Amu or not, it would still ruin things for everyone simply because the organization is loyal to Hotsuin personally. Not Amu.