Risen to the Stars

Turn 16: Sub-2, Design
[X] A smart Commitment
-[X] [Tech] Commit 2 dice
-[X] [Scrap] Scrap 2 Frigates, 1 Destroyer
-[X] [Mod] Intelligent
-[X] [Mod] Intelligent
-[X] [Grand Admiral] Assign Solon Hal'Suo, 34 - Skill 2, Warseer

Scrap Checks:
Lasers: 75, 42, 61, 93, Threshold: 75/150
Missiles: 52, 22, Threshold: 80/160
Torpedoes: 71, 50, Threshold: 80/160
Shields: 80, 78, 80, 33, 42, 52, Threshold: 100/200
Power: 14, 20, 78, 1, 71, 69, Threshold: 100/200
Armor: 44, 9, 23, 12, 96, 27, Threshold: 100/200
Engines: 81, 82, 73, 51, 27, 87, Threshold: 100/200
Destroyers: 29, 29, Threshold: 90
Afterburners: 76, 8, 27, 25, Threshold: 100
Shield Capacitors: 60, 4, Threshold: 100
Advanced Targeting: 57, 19, Threshold: 100

Gained: Red-Spectrum Laser, Blue-Spectrum Laser, Torpedoes, Basic Shields, Layered-Wave Shields, Fusion Power, Cold Fusion, Alloyed Titanium, Alloyed Neutronium, Pulse Thrusters, Plasma Thrusters, Afterburners

Open Research: Tactical Nuclear Weapons, Destroyer-Class Ships Construction, Wave Capacitors, Spatial Matrix Targeting


All designs should be voted for as [X] NAME-Class SIZE, such as [X] Type 1-Class Frigate.
Be aware that for each design you create, all tech dice will be commited. Exceeding a roll of [Size] * [Total Weapon and Support Elements] * 10 will cause the design to be viable and move on to production. Exceeding a second threshold scaled inversely to size (so you can't just easily cheese bonuses to small ships) means the design had synergistic effects and will be improved in some way.

Size: Current limit: 2 (Corvette) (Frigate)
Slots: 4 per size
-Slot X
-Slot X
-Slot X
-Slot X
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium Alloy: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)

-Simple Railguns: acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking (+50% damage points to shields), 1 base damage per size
-Blue-Spec Lasers: acc-X-40-70, armorbreaking (+50% damage points to armor), 1 base damage per size
-Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size

-Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Increased Armor (Neutronium - Treat size as 1 higher for Armor and Evasion)
-Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)

-Structural Systems (Nothing in slot, +1 Structure, base 1 structure per size, easier design threshold)

Hmm... Recently got a hankering for my old Darkest Dungeon quest (Thanks ever so much, Sivantic, I blame you). Tempted to pull out all the old papers and files...
So, the dice we commit are divided over these designs. Or do we roll dice for every design?
Every design, within reason. I'm not going to test against a dozen slightly different versions of the same ship with one more or less support system. So long as I don't see people vomiting out enough ships to statistically guarantee one gets through, though, I'll probably test most of the ones that have some support.
a corvette is a size one and a frigate is a size two, yes?
Size: 2 (Frigate)
-Slot -Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot -Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot -Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot -Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot -Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot -Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)
-Slot -Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)
-Slot -Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium Alloy: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)

lets be real almost everything that will shoot at this ship will probebly destroy it, so instead of traying to make it stand more then one shot we go the other way, we make it so that the shot will be less likly to hit, with this design we have 21% evasion (7 % engines +9% afterburners +5% warseer) mening that on avrege every fifth shot will miss us, while still having enugh firepower to blowup most things (18 maximum damage and uor crusier can only take 14 demage without shields).
Size: 2 (Frigate)
-Slot -Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot -Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot -Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot -Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot -Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot -Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)
-Slot -Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)
-Slot -Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium Alloy: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)
Testing Runner... 29+2, 31/160

Model not viable. Prototyping research added to selection.
CLASS NAME : Stingray Torpedo Corvette
Size: 1
Slots: 4 per size
-Slot Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium Alloy: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)

CLASS NAME : Manta Ray Laser Corvette
Size: Current limit: 1 (Corvette) (Frigate)
Slots: 4 per size
-Slot Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot Blue-Spec Lasers: acc-X-40-70, armorbreaking (+50% damage points to armor), 1 base damage per size
-Slot Blue-Spec Lasers: acc-X-40-70, armorbreaking (+50% damage points to armor), 1 base damage per size
-Slot Blue-Spec Lasers: acc-X-40-70, armorbreaking (+50% damage points to armor), 1 base damage per size
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium Alloy: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)

CLASS NAME : Eagle Ray Railgun Corvette
Size: Current limit: 1 (Corvette) (Frigate)
Slots: 4 per size
-Slot Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot Simple Railguns: acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking (+50% damage points to shields), 1 base damage per size
-Slot Simple Railguns: acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking (+50% damage points to shields), 1 base damage per size
-Slot Simple Railguns: acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking (+50% damage points to shields), 1 base damage per size
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium Alloy: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)

CLASS NAME : Electric Ray Multipurpose Frigate
Size: Current limit: 2 (Corvette) (Frigate)
Slots: 4 per size
-Slot Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Slot Simple Railguns: acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking (+50% damage points to shields), 1 base damage per size
-Slot Blue-Spec Lasers: acc-X-40-70, armorbreaking (+50% damage points to armor), 1 base damage per size
-Slot Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-Killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size
-Slot Structural Systems (Nothing in slot, +1 Structure, base 1 structure per size, easier design threshold)
-Slot Structural Systems (Nothing in slot, +1 Structure, base 1 structure per size, easier design threshold)
-Slot Structural Systems (Nothing in slot, +1 Structure, base 1 structure per size, easier design threshold)
-Slot Structural Systems (Nothing in slot, +1 Structure, base 1 structure per size, easier design threshold)
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium Alloy: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)
Stingray Class: 105/40, prototype viable for further production
Manta Ray Class: 129/40, prototype viable for further production
Eagle Ray Class: 211/40!!, Experimental Driver Recycler, +1 combined 'shot' per firing cycle
Electric Ray Class: 118/80, prototype viable for further production

And I'm going to restrict you to these for now. Four ships of good variety is a solid enough foundation for my tastes.
Turn 17, Gearing for War
[X] Plan New Ships and Gene Mods
-[X] Design new ships (4 Tech Dice)
-[X] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Dalfeans]
-[X] Fill Our Most Prescient in the Void

New ships: Prototype runner, 31/160

Dalfea Gene mod, 0/19*(20+25)*0.9=770

Trade rate: 5/7th's 1dCulture

Prescient: Solon Hal'Suo

Solon goes to strategize: 100
Oh you ridiculous future-predicting cheater

Kalvanox remembers tribute?: 97, KALVANOX HAS OTHER THINGS TO DO

Excess Amenities, bonus check: 23
Happy Enclave: 92, subtype: Scientific small ventures: +1dTech assigned randomly

Chancellor Effect: 3d4% - 9%
Focus Check: 24/88
Chancellor developing experience... 34/46
Researcher Effect: +45 to Sensors
Researcher developing experience...21/46
Attikoverious effect: 34/91, no effect
Psion developing experience...30/46
Diplomat developing experience...
New Skill level achieved! Checking for traits... 90, Empath Negotiator (Doubles the effect of base diplomatic trait) 0/46

Party Politics... turning political wheels...

Cultural Dice:
1d100+2d10+21: 76+3+5+21=105
(1d100+2d10+21) * 5 / 7: 27+8+9+21 *5/7 =46
-Progress and Discovery: 105+46=151 *1.05, 474/500

Accumulating 5 Materials Science progress...
Accumulating 15 Sapiens Science progress...

Tech Dice - 1d100: 1 random(gene mod), 1 sapiens(1d5)
-Crystal: 0, 238/1000
-Sensors: 45*1.05, 47/300
-Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 45*1.05, 47/250
-Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
-Wave Capacitors: 0/400
-Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450
-Dalfea Mod: 69+1+35=105*1.05, 110/770

Resource generation:
Minerals: 32.5 + 2.5 + 3d2 (6) = 40.5
Energy: 27 - 1.5 + 4d2 (6) = 31.5
Food: 32.5 + 4.5 = 37
Alloys: 7 + 4 = 13

Accumulated Trade Power: 10

Veliana Sek'Mah

As your people shift tack towards more and more military pursuits, with a distinctly other threat, your popularity has been waning. Militarist councilmen are becoming more vocal of their secret preferences, and there is even some complaint about the regular 'extortion' caused by the dragon Kalvanox. Thankfully their grumbling collapsed on itself as the beast once again forgot to claim his reward, but they are only becoming more forceful in denouncing earlier diplomatic moves as cowardly or supplicating, some even suggesting that efforts spent ingratiating ourselves to the federation should have been spent reducing our reliance on them instead...

You can only hope this dark trend does not continue...


Solon Hal'Suo

Recently appointed and eager to aid your fellow sapients, you quickly appointed an aide to manage fleet affairs at home and rushed to the main staging areas for the federal offensive. Despite your relative youth making things a bit challenging, and your cited inexperience, you immediately set about showing off your rather impressive ability to predict the future of known factors, correctly predicting a twenty-million digit random number generator fifty times in succession based only on the first result.

From there, the other grand admirals see you as the holy grail of war simulators. You are utterly run ragged over the following months spent planning and predicting the Psoq'a fleet movements, capacity, and responses, but by the time the other strategists have squeezed you dry, what was formerly a plan to raid and pillage has the makings of a more ambitious full-scale invasion of several key hyperlane hubs in Fafna, with the possibility of permanent reclamation of several worlds.

You have even been approached by Skaviot Hatare, current chairman of the Federation and an An'Tak'He besides, with an offer of assignment as a member of the Federal Admiralty as the fourth Federal Grand Admiral, a never-before-seen honor usually reserved to member races.

Threat plan adjusted significantly.

[] Accept
-Lose Solon Hal'Suo as admiral, AAF gains more centralized power, probably gain full membership in the AAF, which comes with benefits and requirements, probably annoy other associates who've been around longer than you.
[] Decline
-Nothing happens


Stockpile: 40.5 Mineral, 31.5 Energy, 37 Food, 13 Alloy, 10 Trade Power
Dice: 4dTech (4 unassigned), 1dCulture
Trade: 5/turn (Culture dice)

As the Most Beneficent Chancellor of the Dalfea people, it falls to you to direct the course of the ship of state. Your powers are far-reaching and with few caveats, but there is much to do. The complexities of government, and the slow cogs of state, limit you to TWO actions, or Focuses, this turn. You may also freely assign any unassigned tech or social dice to open projects, or reassign assigned dice.

Current Federal Agenda: Threat Alert
Gellar proposal completed - Next proposal on docket
Threat Containment Initiative (Federal Chairperson Proposing)
-The Psoq'a hives have become increasingly aggressive across the hyperspace lanes leading to Fafna. Xeno analysts are predicting a major offensive by the swarm within the decade, and military experts suggest a preemptive attack. We have no choice. In order to protect the Aldiron Arm and the lives of our sapient races, we must engage in a scorched-earth offensive against the swarm.
-Commit fleets, industry, and manpower to the joint offensive command.

SPECIAL VOTE: Operation Reclaimer's Fury
-Your recently-appointed Admiral has opened up a unique opportunity to push back the swarm. Military strategists have already pushed the revised strategy to the senate floor, and already eyes are shining with untold greed as half a dozen fine planets have suddenly become targets of expansion. There are four factions; the reformer faction, which supports the re-assignment of worlds to species driven off of those worlds by the Psoq'a in the past, the federal faction, which supports giving the worlds over to federal management as fortresses and buffer worlds of a sort, the contributor faction, which argues each race should receive a portion of the spoils in the form of system assignments (you yourselves would be guaranteed a habitable planet for your contributions thus far), and the conservatives, who are concerned the extra demands of time, and the complexity of the proposed campaign make it too risky to commit to.
[] [Vote] Promote federal assignment of lands and relocation of refugee species
[] [Vote] Promote federal land claims
[] [Vote] Promote claim assignment by merit and contribution
[] [Vote] The plan is too risky, stick to the defensive operation

Active Threat special effects:
Worlds will not be upset if their World Amenities needs are not met.
Militarism is becoming more popular.
Xenophilia is becoming less popular.

Use this format to produce your plan:

[] Plan Name
-[] Action 1
-[] Action 2
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] 5 Trade/turn - X resources
repeat similar abilities as needed

[] Trade into X Energy/turn
-Divert trade into Energy at 1 to 1.

[] Trade into X Minerals/turn
-Divert trade into Minerals at 1.5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Alloys/turn
-Divert trade into Alloys at 3 to 1.

[] Trade into X Strategic Resources/turn [Exotic Gas, Rare Crystal, Reactive Compound]
-Divert trade into a select resource at 5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Culture/turn
-Divert trade into culture and tourism at 7 to 1dCulture.

[] Trade into X Tech/turn
-Divert trade into scientific cooperation at 7 to 1dTech.

*Incomplete transfers provide fractional returns per turn

[] Colonize Ossina I (Seed population ~50,000, -4 Alloy)
-Colonize the tundra world of Ossina I. It will take several years for the colony to become fully established, and other costs in food, energy, or minerals may arise in that time. This planet is Mineral Poor (-50% final mineral output), and produces: 1*(Pops)+2d2 / 2 Mineral, 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Energy, 2+0.5*(Pops) Food

[] Develop Favalan System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 2 of 4) (stages here can give energy, minerals, flat sapiens trickle, or exotic gasses)

[] Develop Ossina System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 0 of 2) (stages here will most likely give large research trickles, with a smaller chance of energy or minerals, or strategic resources)

[] Begin raising a Starbase over Ossina (-5 Alloy, -3 Minerals, 4 Energy)
-Now that Ossina is stable, it might be a good idea to build another starbase, either to facilitate trade or expand shipbuilding.

[] Dedicate shipyard space [Select order]
-Begin construction of the ordered ships at a rate of 4 size/turn, and 1 Alloy/size.

[] Sortie [Fleet] to [Notable System OR Exercises] (Cost depends on the fleet)
-Sends the fleet out to reinforce a region, attack a threat, or just perform some fleet exercises and wargames in local space. Exercises can generate experience for officers, Order project progress, and rarely other things.

[] Design new ships (Assign tech dice)
-Focus some research efforts on new ship designs. The quality of the sum total check may enhance some components. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Exploration Program (-4 energy)
-Explore the Aldiron Arm further, searching for systems of note not yet claimed by the other members of the federation.

[] Promote Growth (-5 food)
-Institute broad price reductions for foodstuffs across the empire, reducing the cost of living significantly, and hopefully raising the birthrate to match

[] Build [Building goes here] on [World]
[] Replace [Building] with [New Building]
[] Upgrade [Building]
-Research complex - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 2 energy. Grants +1dTech, +1 character cap.
-Industrial Sector - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 3 minerals. Grants +2 World Amenities, +2 Alloy
-(P)(U)Planetary Government - Immediate cost: 10 Minerals, no upkeep. Grants +1 Character Cap, +1dCulture
-(P)Gene Repair Complex - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, upkeep: 1 World Amenities. Grants +0.5% base population growth (base 1.5%).
--(P)(U)Rejuvenation Center - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, +upkeep: 1 Exotic Gas. Grants +1% additional population growth (to 3.0%)

[] Fill [Position goes here]
-Fill an open government position from a random selection of notable figures in the nation.

[] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
-Our best predictions indicate the all-consuming Psoq'a are gearing up for a fresh offensive across the Aldiron-Fafna border region. The federation is requesting significant aid in forming and arming a massive invasion force to slash and burn Psoq'a hiveworlds and disrupt their preparations. Do your part in protecting the galaxy.

[] Cultural Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dCulture * 0.5 this turn, directed towards the current social project.

[] Research Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dTech * 0.5 this turn, directed at a random project from among the current projects and two randomly selected projects you do not possess.

[] Pursue New Avenues [Tech or Culture, choose one]
-Generate a new set of projects of the chosen type, and gain one as an active project. This occurs automatically if there are no active projects.

[] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Species]
-Focus research effort on a retrovirus that will improve the genetic makeup of a species. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Request Federal Aid with KALVANOX??? - We have more pressing dangers to deal with
-This has become more difficult now that it seems relatively obvious that Kalvanox... doesn't particularly care that you exist. If anything, bringing the dragon up in federal chambers is more likely to end with Dallon being requested to negotiate on behalf of the federation for similar 'deals' with other worlds.

[] Study the Crystal Entity
-Focuses can be spent to add dice to the project.

[] Petition for Greater Federal Representation - There is no time nor effort to spare catering to the whims of Dallon
-Despite your small stature in the AAF, you have already proven your species to be an indispensable and reliable part of the galactic community. A number of federally-affiliated diplomats have hinted at accelerating your membership status, with the caveat that a fully-fledged member on the federal council is expected to have their own opinions, and not those of other members...

Current Technological projects:
Crystal Study: 238/1000
Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection: 47/300
Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 47/250
Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
Wave Capacitors: 0/400
Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450
Dalfea Intelligence Modding: 110/770

Current Cultural Projects:
We live in a galaxy filled with secrets. Teasing them out is one of the highest scientific pursuits we can commit to.

Quite surprising. Did not expect. Totally, completely did not expect.
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[X] plan into the big leagues
[X] Accept
[X] [Vote] Promote federal assignment of lands and relocation of refugee specie
[X] Dedicate shipyard space: 2 Eagle Ray Class and 2 Stingray Class
[X] Begin raising a Starbase over Ossina
[X] 6 Trade into 2 Alloys/turn
[X] Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection 2d
[X] Dalfea Intelligence Modding 2d

the opretunaty to get a full membarship is to great, we will probebly need to expend and fast after the war , the vote itself is to try to get an opinion boost with the species that will get their worlds back.
building a second starbase will help us with ship production and with some trade we can afford it for a couple years.
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Can we order more then 4 alloys worth of ships and build them over several rounds(to save on actions) with a single action?
[X] Accept
[X] [Vote] Promote federal assignment of lands and relocation of refugee species
[X] [Vote] Promote federal assignment of lands and relocation of refugee species

Restoring lost planets is a nice precedent to set. The question is do we want all the responsibilities of full membership given how small we are?
[X] Accept
[X] [Vote] Promote federal assignment of lands and relocation of refugee species
[X] plan research focus
-[X] Dedicate shipyard space: 2 Eagle Ray Class and 2 Stingray Class repeat this next turn
-[X] Begin raising a Starbase over Ossina
-[X] Dalfea Intelligence Modding all tech dice
-[X] Trade into X Tech/turn

I think it is better to focus all research dice on one project
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On a more serious note, what was voters' reasoning behind modding Dalfea's genes to Eternal (1), Intelligent (2) as opposed to Eternal (3)? Intelligent (2) gives us 10% more chances of breakthroug and 90+ exploding tech dice, but Eternal (3) would add 323(!) years to our nat 100 researcher and diviner (who may even work for once) characters (edit. and our local Sun Tzu) and give them better level ups. That seems like a better investment, honestly.
On a more serious note, what was voters' reasoning behind modding Dalfea's genes to Eternal (1), Intelligent (2) as opposed to Eternal (3)? Intelligent (2) gives us 10% more chances of breakthroug and 90+ exploding tech dice, but Eternal (3) would add 323(!) years to our nat 100 researcher and diviner (who may even work for once) characters (edit. and our local Sun Tzu) and give them better level ups. That seems like a better investment, honestly.
We're on turn 17 and our highest level character is level 3. Our current lifespan gives us ~50 turns of adulthood.

Put it simply, the benefits you mentioned wouldn't show up for a long time. Odds are we'll get more genemodding points by the time it becomes relevant, and in the mean time intelligent provides a big boost to research.