Risen to the Stars

Turn 16, Storm Report
[X] Plan Expanding empire
-[X] Build Research complex on Ossina II
-[X] Develop Favalan System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals 1 Energy upkeep)

Developing Favalan, 1-3 (Resources), 4-7 (Research), 8-0 (Gasses): 7
Gained Amoeba Research Site (+10 progress to oldest active Sapiens Science project per turn)

Trade rate: 5/7th's 1dCulture

Kalvanox remembers tribute?: 33, KALVANOX REMEMBERS

Excess Amenities, bonus check: 19

Chancellor Effect: 3d4% - 10%
Focus Check: 96/88!
Chancellor developing experience... 30/46
Researcher Effect: +45 to Crystal
Researcher developing experience...17/46
Attikoverious effect: 10/91, no effect
Psion developing experience...26/46
Diplomat developing experience...26/30

Party Politics... turning political wheels...

Cultural Dice:
1d100+2d10+21: 53+8+4+21=86
(1d100+2d10+21) * 5 / 7: 44+6+2+21 *5/7 =52
-Progress and Discovery: 86+52=138 *1.05, 315/500

Accumulating 5 Materials Science progress...
Accumulating 5 Sapiens Science progress...

Tech Dice - 1d100: 3 to alleles
-Crystal: 45, 238/1000
-Sensors: 0/300
-AMA: 99(explodes)+85, 43, 73: 300*1.05, 830/800 ->Excess converted to accumulated Sapiens tech at a loss

Gained Allele Modification Algorithms: +1 gene point, Modification projects cost is modified by 0.9

Accumulating 15 Sapiens Science Progress...

Resource generation:
Minerals: 28 + 2.5 + 3d2 (4) - 2 = 32.5
Energy: 20 + 1 + 4d2 (8) - 2 = 27
Food: 27.5 + 5 = 32.5
Alloys: 7 + 4 - 1 - 1 = 9

Accumulated Trade Power: 10


Every Dalfea knows about the Psoq'a swarm, the bogeyman of the Aldiron Arm Federation, and the enemy that brought down the old Gellar Hegemony. Now, it's coming for us all. Experts with generations of accumulated knowledge on the behavior of the swarm are pulling their fur and gnashing their teeth in fear, having predicted the largest Psoq'a invasion front in recorded history. The attack is expected to commence in roughly ten years, and, sensing opportunity, military leaders across the federation have formed a plan of attack to stymie this invasion before it begins.

Federal recruitment offices will be opening up across Council Space to take on millions of recruits for a series of planetary assaults meant to raze key hiveworlds near the border in Fafna. The Council encourages those willing to risk themselves for the sake of peace and all sapients to apply.

In other news, Enclave political leaders are appalled at the rising desire for military gene augments, and have proposed restrictions on similar 'pleasure' modifications. One party official was cited as commenting: "Advances in gene therapies should be used to correct and cure ailments and improve our lives, not change who we are as Dalfea!"

Kalisa Cul, leader of the budding Life Improvement Party and Most Respected Scholar, had this to say: "If Dalfea are going to risk their lives for all of us, the least we can do is give them the biological tools to survive the ordeal."


Stockpile: 32.5 Mineral, 27 Energy, 32.5 Food, 9 Alloy, 10 Trade Power
Dice: 4dTech (4 unassigned), 1dCulture
Trade: 5/turn (Culture dice)

As the Most Beneficent Chancellor of the Dalfea people, it falls to you to direct the course of the ship of state. Your powers are far-reaching and with few caveats, but there is much to do. The complexities of government, and the slow cogs of state, limit you to THREE actions, or Focuses, this turn. You may also freely assign any unassigned tech or social dice to open projects, or reassign assigned dice.

Current Federal Agenda: Threat Alert
Gellar proposal completed - Next proposal on docket
Threat Containment Initiative (Federal Chairperson Proposing)
-The Psoq'a hives have become increasingly aggressive across the hyperspace lanes leading to Fafna. Xeno analysts are predicting a major offensive by the swarm within the decade, and military experts suggest a preemptive attack. We have no choice. In order to protect the Aldiron Arm and the lives of our sapient races, we must engage in a scorched-earth offensive against the swarm.
-Commit fleets, industry, and manpower to the joint offensive command.

Active Threat special effects:
Worlds will not be upset if their World Amenities needs are not met.
Militarism is becoming more popular.
Xenophilia is becoming less popular.

Use this format to produce your plan:

[] Plan Name
-[] Action 1
-[] Action 2
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] 5 Trade/turn - X resources
repeat similar abilities as needed

[] Trade into X Energy/turn
-Divert trade into Energy at 1 to 1.

[] Trade into X Minerals/turn
-Divert trade into Minerals at 1.5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Alloys/turn
-Divert trade into Alloys at 3 to 1.

[] Trade into X Strategic Resources/turn [Exotic Gas, Rare Crystal, Reactive Compound]
-Divert trade into a select resource at 5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Culture/turn
-Divert trade into culture and tourism at 7 to 1dCulture.

[] Trade into X Tech/turn
-Divert trade into scientific cooperation at 7 to 1dTech.

*Incomplete transfers provide fractional returns per turn

[] Colonize Ossina I (Seed population ~50,000, -4 Alloy)
-Colonize the tundra world of Ossina I. It will take several years for the colony to become fully established, and other costs in food, energy, or minerals may arise in that time. This planet is Mineral Poor (-50% final mineral output), and produces: 1*(Pops)+2d2 / 2 Mineral, 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Energy, 2+0.5*(Pops) Food

[] Develop Favalan System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 2 of 4) (stages here can give energy, minerals, flat sapiens trickle, or exotic gasses)

[] Develop Ossina System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 0 of 2) (stages here will most likely give large research trickles, with a smaller chance of energy or minerals, or strategic resources)

[] Sortie [Fleet] to [Notable System OR Exercises] (Cost depends on the fleet)
-Sends the fleet out to reinforce a region, attack a threat, or just perform some fleet exercises and wargames in local space. Exercises can generate experience for officers, Order project progress, and rarely other things.

[] Design new ships (Assign tech dice)
-Focus some research efforts on new ship designs. The quality of the sum total check may enhance some components. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Exploration Program (-4 energy)
-Explore the Aldiron Arm further, searching for systems of note not yet claimed by the other members of the federation.

[] Promote Growth (-5 food)
-Institute broad price reductions for foodstuffs across the empire, reducing the cost of living significantly, and hopefully raising the birthrate to match

[] Build [Building goes here] on [World]
[] Replace [Building] with [New Building]
[] Upgrade [Building]
-Research complex - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 2 energy. Grants +1dTech, +1 character cap.
-Industrial Sector - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 3 minerals. Grants +2 World Amenities, +2 Alloy
-(P)(U)Planetary Government - Immediate cost: 10 Minerals, no upkeep. Grants +1 Character Cap, +1dCulture
-(P)Gene Repair Complex - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, upkeep: 1 World Amenities. Grants +0.5% base population growth (base 1.5%).
--(P)(U)Rejuvenation Center - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, +upkeep: 1 Exotic Gas. Grants +1% additional population growth (to 3.0%)

[] Fill [Position goes here]
-Fill an open government position from a random selection of notable figures in the nation. Assigning an ambassador will not cost a regular slot.

[] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
-Our best predictions indicate the all-consuming Psoq'a are gearing up for a fresh offensive across the Aldiron-Fafna border region. The federation is requesting significant aid in forming and arming a massive invasion force to slash and burn Psoq'a hiveworlds and disrupt their preparations. Do your part in protecting the galaxy.

[] Cultural Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dCulture * 0.5 this turn, directed towards the current social project.

[] Research Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dTech * 0.5 this turn, directed at a random project from among the current projects and two randomly selected projects you do not possess.

[] Pursue New Avenues [Tech or Culture, choose one]
-Generate a new set of projects of the chosen type, and gain one as an active project. This occurs automatically if there are no active projects.

[] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Species]
-Focus research effort on a retrovirus that will improve the genetic makeup of a species. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Request Federal Aid with KALVANOX??? - We have more pressing dangers to deal with
-This has become more difficult now that it seems relatively obvious that Kalvanox... doesn't particularly care that you exist. If anything, bringing the dragon up in federal chambers is more likely to end with Dallon being requested to negotiate on behalf of the federation for similar 'deals' with other worlds.

[] Study the Crystal Entity
-Focuses can be spent to add dice to the project.

[] Petition for Greater Federal Representation - There is no time nor effort to spare catering to the whims of Dallon
-Despite your small stature in the AAF, you have already proven your species to be an indispensable and reliable part of the galactic community. A number of federally-affiliated diplomats have hinted at accelerating your membership status, with the caveat that a fully-fledged member on the federal council is expected to have their own opinions, and not those of other members...

Current Technological projects:
Crystal Study: 238/1000
Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection: 0/300

Current Cultural Projects:
We live in a galaxy filled with secrets. Teasing them out is one of the highest scientific pursuits we can commit to.
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[X] Plan New Ships and Gene Mods
-[X] Design new ships (4 Tech Dice)
-[X] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Dalfeans]
-[X] Fill Our Most Prescient in the Void
[X] Plan New Ships and Gene Mods

When we get there, what traits do we want to engineer into our species? I'm thinking intelligent seems like a good bet, if we can double intelligent, either that or intelligent + another stack of eternal (assuming we can double eternal in genetic engineering)
[X] Plan New Ships and Gene Mods
-[X] Design new ships (4 Tech Dice)
-[X] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Dalfeans]
-[X] Fill Our Most Prescient in the Void

Aren't we pretty behind in tech compared to the rest of the Federation?

It might be better to leverage our Psionic might or enhance ground troops or something instead of trying to design new ships.
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Aren't we pretty behind in tech compared to the rest of the Federation?

It might be better to leverage our Psionic might or enhance ground troops or something instead of trying to design new ships.
Problem is, iirc, ground troops are pretty useless in Stellaris, which this system is based on, at least, their quality doesn't really matter, because you can just bombard the defenders from orbit and send in as many assault troops as you want

Psionic troops wouldn't be as useful for the federation as out of date ships would be
We might help more by providing minerals/alloys for the more advanced members of the alliance to build ships with.
[X] Plan New Ships and Gene Mods

When we get there, what traits do we want to engineer into our species? I'm thinking intelligent seems like a good bet, if we can double intelligent, either that or intelligent + another stack of eternal (assuming we can double eternal in genetic engineering)
You can take as many stacks of anything as you can afford.
Problem is, iirc, ground troops are pretty useless in Stellaris, which this system is based on, at least, their quality doesn't really matter, because you can just bombard the defenders from orbit and send in as many assault troops as you want

Psionic troops wouldn't be as useful for the federation as out of date ships would be
Ground troops have significant value when you can't afford to waste precious campaign time cleansing a hiveworld in fusion and anti-matter explosives. I mean, those are an obvious first step, but this strategy calls for utterly annihilating all life on half a dozen worlds (or ideally, more) in the span of a few months, so as not to give the swarm time to muster and respond effectively, and then book it for the fortress-stations at the border. The goal is to prevent the swarm from having any immediate staging areas on the other end of the gap, and also to take advantage of the swarm's tendency to 'lose' huge chunks of it's combat-capable drones and ships when they come across inhabitable worlds.

It's apparently very obsessive about stuffing any planet it can with worker drones at the quickest possible opportunity.
We might help more by providing minerals/alloys for the more advanced members of the alliance to build ships with.
Everybody's shipyards are already firing at full. They don't need resources, they need throughput.

If you do settle for doing a fresh design, you will actually have an option to do some aggressive reverse-engineering of the patrol fleet you have. You can scrap ships for significant chances to flat out develop some of the tech they're based on, with better chances the more you scrap.
I have a couple of questions.
Everybody's shipyards are already firing at full.
1. can we lease our shipyards to another empire or ask another empire to send us some experts to help design better ships.
2. can we build dediceted borbrment ships?
3. what is our status when it comes to genetic modefiying comperd to other empires? ( I remeber us geting gene editing from federal cooperation)
4. do we have psionic ground units and can we train some?
I have a couple of questions.

1. can we lease our shipyards to another empire or ask another empire to send us some experts to help design better ships.
2. can we build dediceted borbrment ships?
3. what is our status when it comes to genetic modefiying comperd to other empires? ( I remeber us geting gene editing from federal cooperation)
4. do we have psionic ground units and can we train some?
Get an ambassador with another race, then maybe.
Don't have the tech for it.
Somewhere relatively close.
Ground units are abstracted out as a combination of viable techs and types, you do not have the tech for it.
Turn 16: Sub-1, Scrap, Mod, Character
[X] Plan New Ships and Gene Mods
-[X] Design new ships (4 Tech Dice)
-[X] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Dalfeans]
-[X] Fill Our Most Prescient in the Void


You may do some pre-allocating of more advanced designs for scrap and reverse-engineering. You must commit at least one of your four design-focused tech dice if you choose to scrap. Committing extra means a higher chance of getting new tech out of it. If there aren't any tech dice left, the design action cancels and you instead get an additional boost to reverse-engineering the tech in all scrapped ships.

Total Possible tech developments: 2 tiers of Lasers, Projectiles, Missiles, and Torpedoes. 2 Tiers of Shields, Power, Armor, and Engines. Up to 3 new ship classes (Destroyer (Size 3), Light Cruiser (Size 4), Main Cruiser (Size 5)). Assorted support system techs.

Scrapping lots of/all of the ships will probably annoy the Federation since they would like you to commit them to fighting instead. Not scrapping enough will definitely annoy own progress party since they feel behind in comparison to neighbors.

[] [Tech] Commit X dice

First Dallon Interstellar Fleet:
[] [Scrap] Scrap Cruiser AFS Reliance
-Guarantee of Superstructure Weapons (huge spinal weapons), very good chance to develop a Projectile tech (Max T2), decent chance of developing a Shield tech(MT2)/power tech(MT2)/armor tech(MT2), decent chance of developing larger ship design tech, chance of other discoveries
[] [Scrap] Scrap Destroyer(s)
-Scaling with the number scrapped, good chance to develop torpedo/missile tech(MT2), okay chance to develop Shield/power/armor/engine tech(MT2), some chance of developing larger ship design tech, chance of other discoveries
[] [Scrap] Scrap Frigate(s)
-Scaling with the number scrapped, decent chance to develop laser tech(MT2), chance to develop shield/power/armor/engine tech, chance of other discoveries


You may select any of these traits, and may stack anything marked as stackable. You may also remove Tin Tummies.

Removal will cost 15 Tech per pop at the time of modding.
Adding will cost 20(+5 per stack) Tech per pop at the time of modding.

Choose up to 2.

[] [Mod] Intelligent (May be taken repeatedly, additive stacking)*
Your species has evolved to have a higher neuron density and number of connections per neuron than the galactic average. This increases the base rate of receiving rare research opportunities, and getting breakthroughs.
Mechanics: When rolling opportunities, rare research is triggered 5% (adjusts base by 5%) of the time. When rolling research progress, explosions trigger at 95 and higher (adjusts base by 5).

[] [Mod] Eternal (May be taken repeatedly, multiplicative stacking)*
Your species has developed a complex cellular biology whose telomeres break down more slowly, expanding the range at which they mentally and physically at their prime. This increases the lifespan of an average member of the species by a factor of roughly 1.8. Longer lifespans allow the species to pursue the arts and other non-essential projects, as well as dedicate themselves to more useful pursuits and develop incredible mastery.
Mechanics: Population growth benefits from a ~3% additive increase per stack. Major Characters can develop relevant skills 1 additional level per stack, which grant varying bonuses. Social and Cultural idea rolls gain +2 per stack. Increases baseline lifespan of notable characters by 1.8 of their baseline average (normally 80).

[] [Mod] Robust (May be taken repeatedly, additive stacking)*
Your species has developed a series of physical redundancies, to allow it to survive in an extreme range of climates, regenerate from more serious damage, and obliterate primitively bio-engineered plagues. Their average lifespan is a little higher at baseline, and they are more prepared to deal with non-ideal environmental conditions or violence.
Mechanics: Characters live +5 years on average (adjusts base) per stack. Species ignores a tier of negative conditions on any colony per stack. Species receives +5 per stack to all close-combat rolls.

[] [Mod] Breeders (May be taken repeatedly, additive stacking)*
Your species has developed highly efficient reproductive systems, they have a tendency to reproduce more frequently, and pre-mature phases of development for offspring are shorter.
Mechanics: Population growth increases by ~11% per stack.

[] [Mod] Gastric Redundancy
Your species does not require as much sustenance to survive, and can survive on less energy-dense foods, having a highly efficient stomach and intestinal system.
Mechanics: Food demands are ~15% lower for your species.

[] [Mod] Superior Senses
Your species has overdeveloped sensory organs and associated neural regions, making the excellent at discerning details and controlling their bodies.
Mechanics: Ships have +5% evasion, +5 to all close-combat rolls.

[] [Mod] Small
Your species is rather small, typically averaging less than 140 pounds (64kg) and 4 ft. in height (1.2m)
Mechanics: Everything costs ~0.7 times it's usual cost to make. Worlds fit 1 more pop before overcrowding. In any offensive close-combat situation, your species has -25 to combat rolls. Ships have one less hull point.

[] [Mod] Large
Your species is quite a bit bigger than the average sapient, with an average mass of almost 300 pounds (130kg) and a height of almost 8 ft. (2.5m)
Mechanics: Everything costs ~1.3 times as much to make. Worlds fit 1 less pop before overcrowding. In any defensive close-combat situation, your species has +25 to combat rolls. Ships have an additional hull point.

[] [Mod] Remove Tin Tummies


Since we're here, might as well also tack on the character options: 12, 48, 91
Wrathful Admiral, Warseer, Grand Tactician

[] [Grand Admiral] Assign Katal Mah, 51 - Skill 1
-Wrathful Admiral - SKILL * 10% chance of increasing damage by a step in close combat, ships have a 50% smaller chance of performing an emergency retreat
[] [Grand Admiral] Assign Solon Hal'Suo, 34 - Skill 2
-Warseer - All fleets receive +SKILL * 2.5% evasion. Sometimes predicts enemy fleet maneuvers.
[] [Grand Admiral] Assign Katilion Vos, 60 - Skill 2
-Grand Tactician - All fleets gain +SKILL combat initiative, all fleets have a SKILL * 15% chance to take a second action in the first combat round of an engagement.
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[X] looking to the future
-[X] [Tech] Commit 3 dice
-[X] [Scrap] Scrap Cruiser AFS Reliance
-[X] [Mod] Robust
-[X] [Mod] Intelligent
-[X] [Grand Admiral] Assign Solon Hal'Suo, 34 - Skill 2, Warseer

I dont know how much a singel cruseir will change the coming battles but I thinck that a higher number of lower class ship with better thech might do more and in the end we need to relise that we probebly cant change the outcome too much, so we need to get the most benifets we can get from that choice, as for the gene moding I think robust is preety good and stacking another eternal wont hurt and will only help in the long run.

the admiral choice was harder, both the warseer and the Grand Tactician are good but in the end I dicided to go with the warseer becaus the abielety to see the actions of your enamy even rarly is relly good and might be the only uniqe adventage we can give to the faderation for the battle ahead.

edit: chaneged eternal to Intelligent
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You basically will. Technically you could adjust the pops on Ossina's Hearth differently, but you don't have environmental adaptation, so there's not much point in doing so.
We could stack Robust on them. That would help.

[X] A smart Commitment
-[X] [Tech] Commit 2 dice
-[X] [Scrap] Scrap 2 Frigates, 1 Destroyer
-[X] [Mod] Intelligent
-[X] [Mod] Intelligent
-[X] [Grand Admiral] Assign Solon Hal'Suo, 34 - Skill 2, Warseer

I pick intelligent because it's bonus seems like it'll do the most for us.
Combined with our researcher, it would mean we get explosions on 84 or higher, which represents a significant chance in research capabilities.
[X] A smart Commitment

Eternal would also be good, I think, don't know exactly what skill ranks do, but I imagine it would mean more points for research each turn even without explosions