Risen to the Stars

Turn 18, Get Federated
[X] Accept
[X] [Vote] Promote federal assignment of lands and relocation of refugee species
[X] plan research focus
-[X] Dedicate shipyard space: 2 Eagle Ray Class and 2 Stingray Class repeat this next turn
-[X] Begin raising a Starbase over Ossina
-[X] Dalfea Intelligence Modding all tech dice
-[X] Trade into X Tech/turn

Losing Solon... Political movement... Membership Obtained
Other members generally alright with this... Other Associates very angry...

Determining faction popularity... Federalist 3... Contributionist 7... Xenophilic 9... Fearful 2... Xenophile campaign has a plurality... Pushing through... reducing Federal centralization...

Building ships... Spending 4 alloy, gaining 4 corvettes

Raising Starbase... First Core Module selection up

Trade rate: 5/7th's 1dTech

Kalvanox remembers tribute?: 84, KALVANOX IS BORED OF YOU, THAT'S ALL

Excess Amenities, bonus check: 86, subtype: Industrial Investments, +3 Alloy
Happy Enclave: 4

Chancellor Effect: 3d4% - 7%
Focus Check: 51/88
Chancellor developing experience... 38/46
Researcher Effect: +45 to Crystal
Researcher developing experience...25/46
Attikoverious effect: 95/91! Replace worst to 52
Psion developing experience...34/46
Diplomat developing experience... 4/46

Party Politics... turning political wheels...

Cultural Dice:
1d100+2d10+21: 21+3+3+21=48
-Progress and Discovery: 48 *1.05, 524/500 -> 24 overflow to next tier

Mapping the Galaxy - 50% chance to explore automatically each turn

Accumulating 5 Materials Science progress...
Accumulating 15 Sapiens Science progress...

Tech Dice - 1d100: 4dTech, 1dTech*5/7, 1dSapiens(1d5)
-Crystal: 45*1.05, 290/1000
-Sensors: 0, 47/300
-Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 5*1.05, 52/250
-Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
-Wave Capacitors: 0/400
-Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450
-Dalfea Mod: 35+65+73+7+52 (Replaced)+(61*5/7=44)+21=290*1.05, 415/770

Resource generation:
Minerals: 40.5 + 2.5 + 3d2 (5) - 3 = 45.5
Energy: 31.5 - 1.5 + 4d2 (7) - 3 = 34
Food: 37 + 4.5 = 41.5
Alloys: 13 + 4 - 5 - 4 + 3 = 11

Accumulated Trade Power: 10

Representative of the Dalfea, Voros Wem'Vek

Collapsing onto the couch, thankfully in the privacy of your stateroom this time, you considered the difficult position you'd been put in since your ascension to member representative. Dozens of additional commitments of time, more scrutiny, and worst of all, the utter spite of the associate races. Thankfully you'd developed a little empathic ability, or you might have fallen for at least a few attempts by the Thraxxi or Velen ambassadors to drive you up a wall. As it was, the other representatives at least secretly felt empathetic for the difficulties the two had caused for you.

Probably worst of all things was the very clear expectation to commit a not-insignificant sum of energy to the federation regularly, a tax you were momentarily exempt from due to the ongoing crisis. You almost lept to your feet when a knock sounded at the door, before deciding to ignore the solicitor for their obviously malicious intents. Damned Solon, damned Veliana. Diplomacy was far harder than they thought it was!


Governor Dal'Mah

Management of the new starbase orbiting Ossina had brought some much-needed 'tourism' to the planet. Locals excitedly discussed news from the homeworld with the temporary workers, and a little extra attention was given to the infrastructure needs of the colonists. Still, all things being temporary, the first stage of construction had completed, and you had a decision to weigh in on.

[] [Starbase] Shipyards - Capacity of 4 size/turn
[] [Starbase] Trade Network - Increases trade power in the region by 3 (Overlap with home system trade hub, some loss)
[] [Starbase] Defense Network - Significantly toughens the starbase from attack
[] [Starbase] Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)


Veliana Sek'Mah

With the introduction of a new starbase, there has been some talk of adjusting the Dallon station to fit a more specialized role.

[] [Specialization] Adjust Dallon to a drydock (Remove Trade Network, add Shipyards)
[] [Specialization] Adjust Dallon to a Trade Hub (Remove Shipyards, add Trade Network, change berthings to Market Exchange, increases regional trade production by +3 and granting 2 free energy/turn)
-Choosing this will cause the fleet to consume some resources each turn until a new fleet base with berthings is available.
[] [Specialization] No change, keep Dallon station as is


Stockpile: 45.5 Mineral, 34 Energy, 41.5 Food, 8 Alloy, 10 Trade Power
Dice: 4dTech, 1dCulture
Trade: 5/turn (Tech dice)

As the Most Beneficent Chancellor of the Dalfea people, it falls to you to direct the course of the ship of state. Your powers are far-reaching and with few caveats, but there is much to do. The complexities of government, and the slow cogs of state, limit you to TWO actions, or Focuses, this turn. You may also freely assign any unassigned tech or social dice to open projects, or reassign assigned dice.

Current Federal Agenda: Threat Alert
Gellar proposal completed - Next proposal on docket
Threat Containment Initiative (Federal Chairperson Proposing)
-The Psoq'a hives have become increasingly aggressive across the hyperspace lanes leading to Fafna. Xeno analysts are predicting a major offensive by the swarm within the decade, and military experts suggest a preemptive attack. We have no choice. In order to protect the Aldiron Arm and the lives of our sapient races, we must engage in a scorched-earth offensive against the swarm.
-Commit fleets, industry, and manpower to the joint offensive command.

Active Threat special effects:
Worlds will not be upset if their World Amenities needs are not met.
Militarism is becoming more popular.
Xenophilia is becoming less popular.

Use this format to produce your plan:

[] Plan Name
-[] Action 1
-[] Action 2
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] 5 Trade/turn - X resources
repeat similar abilities as needed

I feel it needs special note that you can also commit the 10 accumulated trade you have directly.

[] Trade into X Energy/turn
-Divert trade into Energy at 1 to 1.

[] Trade into X Minerals/turn
-Divert trade into Minerals at 1.5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Alloys/turn
-Divert trade into Alloys at 3 to 1.

[] Trade into X Strategic Resources/turn [Exotic Gas, Rare Crystal, Reactive Compound]
-Divert trade into a select resource at 5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Culture/turn
-Divert trade into culture and tourism at 7 to 1dCulture.

[] Trade into X Tech/turn
-Divert trade into scientific cooperation at 7 to 1dTech.

*Incomplete transfers provide fractional returns per turn

[] Colonize Ossina I (Seed population ~50,000, -4 Alloy)
-Colonize the tundra world of Ossina I. It will take several years for the colony to become fully established, and other costs in food, energy, or minerals may arise in that time. This planet is Mineral Poor (-50% final mineral output), and produces: 1*(Pops)+2d2 / 2 Mineral, 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Energy, 2+0.5*(Pops) Food

[] Develop Favalan System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 2 of 4) (stages here can give energy, minerals, flat sapiens trickle, or exotic gasses)

[] Develop Ossina System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 0 of 2) (stages here will most likely give large research trickles, with a smaller chance of energy or minerals, or strategic resources)

[] Begin raising a Starbase over... (-5 Alloy, -3 Minerals, 4 Energy) - No valid systems at this time
-Now that Ossina is stable, it might be a good idea to build another starbase, either to facilitate trade or expand shipbuilding.

[] Dedicate shipyard space [Select order] Currently using all shipyards
-Begin construction of the ordered ships at a rate of 4 size/turn, and 1 Alloy/size.

[] Sortie [Fleet] to [Notable System OR Exercises] (Cost depends on the fleet)
-Sends the fleet out to reinforce a region, attack a threat, or just perform some fleet exercises and wargames in local space. Exercises can generate experience for officers, Order project progress, and rarely other things.

[] Design new ships (Assign tech dice)
-Focus some research efforts on new ship designs. The quality of the sum total check may enhance some components. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Exploration Program (-4 energy)
-Explore the Aldiron Arm further, searching for systems of note not yet claimed by the other members of the federation.

[] Promote Growth (-5 food)
-Institute broad price reductions for foodstuffs across the empire, reducing the cost of living significantly, and hopefully raising the birthrate to match

[] Build [Building goes here] on [World]
[] Replace [Building] with [New Building]
[] Upgrade [Building]
-Research complex - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 2 energy. Grants +1dTech, +1 character cap.
-Industrial Sector - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 3 minerals. Grants +2 World Amenities, +2 Alloy
-(P)(U)Planetary Government - Immediate cost: 10 Minerals, no upkeep. Grants +1 Character Cap, +1dCulture
-(P)Gene Repair Complex - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, upkeep: 1 World Amenities. Grants +0.5% base population growth (base 1.5%).
--(P)(U)Rejuvenation Center - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, +upkeep: 1 Exotic Gas. Grants +1% additional population growth (to 3.0%)

[] Fill [Position goes here]
-Fill an open government position from a random selection of notable figures in the nation.

[] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
-Our best predictions indicate the all-consuming Psoq'a are gearing up for a fresh offensive across the Aldiron-Fafna border region. The federation is requesting significant aid in forming and arming a massive invasion force to slash and burn Psoq'a hiveworlds and disrupt their preparations. Do your part in protecting the galaxy.

[] Cultural Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dCulture * 0.5 this turn, directed towards the current social project.

[] Research Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dTech * 0.5 this turn, directed at a random project from among the current projects and two randomly selected projects you do not possess.

[] Pursue New Avenues [Tech or Culture, choose one]
-Generate a new set of projects of the chosen type, and gain one as an active project. This occurs automatically if there are no active projects.

[] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Species]
-Focus research effort on a retrovirus that will improve the genetic makeup of a species. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Request Federal Aid with KALVANOX??? - We have more pressing dangers to deal with
-This has become more difficult now that it seems relatively obvious that Kalvanox... doesn't particularly care that you exist. If anything, bringing the dragon up in federal chambers is more likely to end with Dallon being requested to negotiate on behalf of the federation for similar 'deals' with other worlds.

[] Study the Crystal Entity
-Focuses can be spent to add dice to the project.

Current Technological projects:
Crystal Study: 290/1000
Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection: 47/300
Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 52/250
Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
Wave Capacitors: 0/400
Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450
Dalfea Intelligence Modding: 415/770

Current Cultural Projects:
First and favored is the discovery of new sights, new samples, and new places. The galaxy is a massive place, and there is impossible variety if we could only find all of it. -COMPLETE-
We live in a galaxy filled with secrets. Teasing them out is one of the highest scientific pursuits we can commit to.
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Kinda sad that first ever successfull divination received no narrative.

-The An'tak'he are both proud of your growth, and concerned at your growing influence. Formerly the premier power in the federation, they are worried you will usurp them if you continue your meteoric rise.

Space elves get shit done. Though maybe we want to slow down and chill for 4-5 turns.

-The Velen are, perhaps, even more angry with you than the Thraxxi, going to the point that they categorically refuse to agree to any proposal your delegates propose or support, even ones that would aid them.

Lol, the ultimate butthurt.
[X] [Starbase] Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)
The immigration will help our new colony grow
[X] [Specialization] No change, keep Dallon station as is
But that means we keep the fleet based where it is now.
[X] plan Colonize Ossina
-[X] Fill [Our Most Charitable Artisan]
-[X] Colonize Ossina I (Seed population ~50,000, -4 Alloy)
-[X] trade all trade per turn for culture dice
-[X] trade the 10 trade for culture dice

Ossina I is a tundra world instead of a ice word so colonization will go a bit faster.
This is mostly to get the 2D2 energy the colony will provide.
Appointing Our Most Charitable Artisan as welfare will help with population growth.
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[X] [Starbase] Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)
[X] [Specialization] No change, keep Dallon station as is

This gets us to 7 trade a turn and lets our new worlds grow quicker. @Powerofmind will the +2 trade kick in next turn (giving us 7 for the turn) or the following turn?

[X] Plan Contributions and Modifications
-[X] Dalfea Intelligence Modding all tech dice
-[X] Spend 9 accumulated trade on tech (takes it to 7/7 for a full dice and 2nd full dice)
-[X] Fill [Our Most Charitable Artisan]
-[X] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
--[X] Send all ships but AFS Sting and Hope, send 1 pop from Dallon

Okay so going all in on tech trying to finish the engineering progress as well as using one focus to send most of the fleet and some pop for army/support. Also going to fill a slot (we have 2 characters to fill and artisan seems like one that can boost econ)
[X] [Starbase] Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)
[X] [Specialization] No change, keep Dallon station as is

This gets us to 7 trade a turn and lets our new worlds grow quicker. @Powerofmind will the +2 trade kick in next turn (giving us 7 for the turn) or the following turn?

[X] Plan Contributions and Modifications
-[X] Dalfea Intelligence Modding all tech dice
-[X] Spend 9 accumulated trade on tech (takes it to 7/7 for a full dice and 2nd full dice)
-[X] Fill [Our Most Charitable Artisan]
-[X] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
--[X] Send all ships but AFS Sting and Hope, send 1 pop from Dallon

Okay so going all in on tech trying to finish the engineering progress as well as using one focus to send most of the fleet and some pop for army/support. Also going to fill a slot (we have 2 characters to fill and artisan seems like one that can boost econ)
All things on the new station kick in when it completes, at the beginning of turn 20 (two turns from now)
[X] [Starbase] Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)
[X] [Specialization] No change, keep Dallon station as is

[X] Plan Contributions and Modifications
Where are our military doctrines listed? I can't find it in the informational post in the first page.
[X] [Starbase] Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)
[X] [Specialization] No change, keep Dallon station as is

What I mean is do we have any preferred or masterd tactics of modern warfare? Like do we know how to hold position, how to take ground, how to use overwhelming firepower or overlapping fire, how to infiltrate, how to defend against e-war? We are planning to send some population to fight in a war and I'm not sure if our people know how to do it.
What I mean is do we have any preferred or masterd tactics of modern warfare? Like do we know how to hold position, how to take ground, how to use overwhelming firepower or overlapping fire, how to infiltrate, how to defend against e-war? We are planning to send some population to fight in a war and I'm not sure if our people know how to do it.
They have very little experience in void warfare, and only some understanding of the basics of an invasion. Commitments you make will be subordinate to the greater federal offensive anyway, so they might learn something.
Turn 19, You Have My Attention
[X] [Starbase] Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)
[X] [Specialization] No change, keep Dallon station as is

[X] Plan Contributions and Modifications
-[X] Dalfea Intelligence Modding all tech dice
-[X] Spend 9 accumulated trade on tech (takes it to 7/7 for a full dice and 2nd full dice)
-[X] Fill [Our Most Charitable Artisan]
-[X] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
--[X] Send all ships but AFS Sting and Hope, send 1 pop from Dallon

Continuing order... Spending 4 alloy, gaining 4 corvettes

Raising Starbase... Final module selection up

Committing Interstellar Fleet (Reserved, Sting, Hope), committing 1 million Dalfea to ground operations.

Trade rate: 2dTech

Filling Artisan... 82, 84, 88
Educator, Propagandist, Doctor/Empath

Kalvanox remembers tribute?: 76, KALVANOX REMEMBERS

Excess Amenities, bonus check: 65
Happy Enclave: 18

Chancellor Effect: 3d4% - 9%
Focus Check: 20/88
Chancellor developing experience... 43/46
Researcher Effect: +45 to Sensors
Researcher developing experience...30/46
Attikoverious effect: 22/91
Psion developing experience...38/46
Diplomat developing experience... 8/46

Party Politics... turning political wheels...

Cultural Dice:
1d100+2d10+21: 33+3+1+21=58
-Progress and Discovery: 58 *1.05, 85/550

Accumulating 5 Materials Science progress...
Accumulating 15 Sapiens Science progress...

Tech Dice - 1d100: 4dTech, 1dTech*5/7, 1dSapiens(1d5)
-Crystal: 290/1000
-Sensors: 45*1.05, 94/300
-Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 5*1.05, 57/250
-Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
-Wave Capacitors: 0/400
-Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450
-Dalfea Mod: 55+60+68+32+96(explodes, +15)+85+18=429*1.05, 855/770 -> Excess lost, Mod completes

Dalfea Gain Intelligent II (exploding die range +10, Rare research range +10), using 2 gene points

Resource generation:
Minerals: 45.5 + 3.5 + 3d2 (5) = 54
Energy: 34 - 1 + 4d2 (6) - 2 = 37
Food: 41.5 + 4.5 = 46
Alloys: 8 + 4 - 4 - 1 = 7

Accumulated Trade Power: 1

The massive construction hanging in the heavens over Ossina lies all but complete, with the finishing touches being added at the order of the new stationmaster...

[] [Starbase] Ossina will be a drydock (add Shipyards - Capacity of 4 size/turn, gain Berthing Docks - Removes maintenance for docked ships)
[] [Starbase] Ossina will be a trade hub (add Trade Network - Increases trade power in the region by 3 (Overlap with home system trade hub, some loss), gain Market Exchange - +2 Energy/turn)
[] [Starbase] Ossina will be a private orbital (add Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive), gain Private Starbase - Gain some culture, some tech, some resources, or strengthen the attached regional merc company each turn)

If you pick private orbital, there will be a merc fleet that will do private protection details and such for the various other private ventures the orbital will produce, like leisure cruising or deep-space research and mining. You, or anyone else, can purchase the fleet at will. Picking Private Orbital dramatically increases the popularity of egalitarian ethos because of the unique niche it fills.


Veliana Sek'Mah

As the population continues to grow, the need for an expert to manage their social wellness programs grows with it. A number of good candidates come across your desk, but at the end of the day, only one can lead the division.

[] [Welfare] Hire Katalos Sah, 34
-Educator - Increase skill gain for all characters by SKILL * 15%
[] [Welfare] Hire Veria Mah, 31
-Propagandist - Increase all culture dice by +SKILL * 5, boosts popularity of (XDI Party)
[] [Welfare] Hire Mereli You'Dal, 45
-Doctor - Increase base growth rate for all worlds by SKILL * 0.2%
-Empath - Gain SKILL * 0.2 dCulture per turn.


Kalisa Cul

You look down at the innocuous little glass of water in front of you. Would the ancestors balk that your team had chosen to make it water-based? Would they laugh at the irony? As an erudite person an avid reader, you'd of course read the story of Halio's Fountain of Wisdom, where, supposedly, a single sip would grant any who partook from it a hundred years of knowledge and experience.

You eventually decide to laugh at the irony. Halio would have bemoaned his lifelong search twice if he could see the 'fountain' now. Every reservoir seeded with a little virus that would increase the intelligence of the Dalfea by almost double, indeed, 'a hundred years of knowledge in a single sip'.

Your dreams were troubled, but forgettable. And when you awoke in the morning... The whole world was made anew.


I realize that intelligence would better suit a character experience acceleration than larger rare tech spread. I can swap the 10% for a 100% bonus to character experience gain, instead. No need to specifically vote, just respond to the idea with your opinion on it and i'll see if it's supported.


Grand Admiral Solon Hal'Suo

When I sleep, I hear a voice.

It despises me. Speaks to me in my own tongue, with the voice of my mother. You think you're so clever. Think you can stop me from taking what's mine.

In the day, I fight the swarm physically. At night...

You are not the only one who can read the present to determine the future, cretin. I will take great pleasure in breaking you.

Fleet commitment: 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Frigate, 4 Corvettes (the other 4 were not completed until the end of this turn)
Ground Forces: ~ 1 million volunteers, Mixed Psi-ops, Green

Overall commitment size: Small (Fleet being attached to a main task force... Task Force Delphi, Far Rim Raiding)
Subordinate to... Mercenary Commander Ka'sak'sho

Armies committed to Inner Reach under General Vatamar

Iterating major fleet action in the Core...
Heavy fighting in the core sector. The swarm in the region is almost preturnaturally coordinated, stymying even Admiral Solon's predictive abilities. Stalemated.

Skirmishing in the Inner Reach...
Limited, brutal engagements. Progress steady, losses high on the ground.
-Your ground forces have been suffering significant casualties, being committed early to one of the unexpectedly hardest nuts to crack. Those that survive are gaining a lot of combat experience.

Major fighting in the Outer Reach...
Heavy fighting in the reach. Objectives met, but all fleet reserves have been exhausted.

Clean sweep in the Far Rim...
Huge swaths of Swarm space have been infiltrated. Penetrated to Totha Arm Rim and Fafna Outer Reach. Feeding new intel to task force command.
-Your detachment, initially expected to serve more as 'stealth' scouts due to their limited hyperlane profile, has performed admirably in combat roles as well, with officers having a knack for picking out and eliminating critical 'node ships' during engagements. They are gaining significant experience.

Overall... The Dalfea that return from the front report terrible sensations, as though they are being constantly watched or observed. Psionically sensitive Dalfea who have returned from the front seem to have spontaneously developed sociopathic tendencies and other violent behaviors, bar a few exceptions for some of the highest-rated in terms of sheer might. In their current state of psychic maturity, the Dalfea are very vulnerable to the Psoq'a psionic gestalt when in proximity, with a few hardy exceptions.


Stockpile: 45.5 Mineral, 34 Energy, 41.5 Food, 8 Alloy, 1 Trade Power
Dice: 4dTech, 1dCulture
Trade: 5/turn (Tech dice)

As the Most Beneficent Chancellor of the Dalfea people, it falls to you to direct the course of the ship of state. Your powers are far-reaching and with few caveats, but there is much to do. The complexities of government, and the slow cogs of state, limit you to TWO actions, or Focuses, this turn. You may also freely assign any unassigned tech or social dice to open projects, or reassign assigned dice.

Current Federal Agenda: Threat Alert
Gellar proposal completed - Next proposal on docket
Threat Containment Initiative (Federal Chairperson Proposing)
-The Psoq'a hives have become increasingly aggressive across the hyperspace lanes leading to Fafna. Xeno analysts are predicting a major offensive by the swarm within the decade, and military experts suggest a preemptive attack. We have no choice. In order to protect the Aldiron Arm and the lives of our sapient races, we must engage in a scorched-earth offensive against the swarm.
-Commit fleets, industry, and manpower to the joint offensive command.

Active Threat special effects:
Worlds will not be upset if their World Amenities needs are not met.
Militarism is becoming more popular.
Xenophilia is becoming less popular.

Use this format to produce your plan:

[] Plan Name
-[] Action 1
-[] Action 2
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] 5 Trade/turn - X resources
repeat similar abilities as needed

I feel it needs special note that you can also commit the 10 accumulated trade you have directly.

[] Trade into X Energy/turn
-Divert trade into Energy at 1 to 1.

[] Trade into X Minerals/turn
-Divert trade into Minerals at 1.5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Alloys/turn
-Divert trade into Alloys at 3 to 1.

[] Trade into X Strategic Resources/turn [Exotic Gas, Rare Crystal, Reactive Compound]
-Divert trade into a select resource at 5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Culture/turn
-Divert trade into culture and tourism at 7 to 1dCulture.

[] Trade into X Tech/turn
-Divert trade into scientific cooperation at 7 to 1dTech.

*Incomplete transfers provide fractional returns per turn

[] Colonize Ossina I (Seed population ~50,000, -4 Alloy)
-Colonize the tundra world of Ossina I. It will take several years for the colony to become fully established, and other costs in food, energy, or minerals may arise in that time. This planet is Mineral Poor (-50% final mineral output), and produces: 1*(Pops)+2d2 / 2 Mineral, 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Energy, 2+0.5*(Pops) Food

[] Develop Favalan System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 2 of 4) (stages here can give energy, minerals, flat sapiens trickle, or exotic gasses)

[] Develop Ossina System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 0 of 2) (stages here will most likely give large research trickles, with a smaller chance of energy or minerals, or strategic resources)

[] Begin raising a Starbase over... (-5 Alloy, -3 Minerals, 4 Energy) - No valid systems at this time
-Now that Ossina is stable, it might be a good idea to build another starbase, either to facilitate trade or expand shipbuilding.

[] Dedicate shipyard space [Select order] Currently using all shipyards
-Begin construction of the ordered ships at a rate of 4 size/turn, and 1 Alloy/size.

[] Sortie [Fleet] to [Notable System OR Exercises] (Cost depends on the fleet)
-Sends the fleet out to reinforce a region, attack a threat, or just perform some fleet exercises and wargames in local space. Exercises can generate experience for officers, Order project progress, and rarely other things.

[] Design new ships (Assign tech dice)
-Focus some research efforts on new ship designs. The quality of the sum total check may enhance some components. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Exploration Program (-4 energy)
-Explore the Aldiron Arm further, searching for systems of note not yet claimed by the other members of the federation.

[] Promote Growth (-5 food)
-Institute broad price reductions for foodstuffs across the empire, reducing the cost of living significantly, and hopefully raising the birthrate to match

[] Build [Building goes here] on [World]
[] Replace [Building] with [New Building]
[] Upgrade [Building]
-Research complex - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 2 energy. Grants +1dTech, +1 character cap.
-Industrial Sector - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 3 minerals. Grants +2 World Amenities, +2 Alloy
-(P)(U)Planetary Government - Immediate cost: 10 Minerals, no upkeep. Grants +1 Character Cap, +1dCulture
-(P)Gene Repair Complex - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, upkeep: 1 World Amenities. Grants +0.5% base population growth (base 1.5%).
--(P)(U)Rejuvenation Center - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, +upkeep: 1 Exotic Gas. Grants +1% additional population growth (to 3.0%)

[] Fill [Position goes here]
-Fill an open government position from a random selection of notable figures in the nation.

[] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
-Our best predictions indicate the all-consuming Psoq'a are gearing up for a fresh offensive across the Aldiron-Fafna border region. The federation is requesting significant aid in forming and arming a massive invasion force to slash and burn Psoq'a hiveworlds and disrupt their preparations. Do your part in protecting the galaxy.
All additional commitments are added to current commitments until the war is over.

[] Cultural Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dCulture * 0.5 this turn, directed towards the current social project.

[] Research Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dTech * 0.5 this turn, directed at a random project from among the current projects and two randomly selected projects you do not possess.

[] Pursue New Avenues [Tech or Culture, choose one]
-Generate a new set of projects of the chosen type, and gain one as an active project. This occurs automatically if there are no active projects.

[] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Species]
-Focus research effort on a retrovirus that will improve the genetic makeup of a species. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Request Federal Aid with KALVANOX??? - We have more pressing dangers to deal with
-This has become more difficult now that it seems relatively obvious that Kalvanox... doesn't particularly care that you exist. If anything, bringing the dragon up in federal chambers is more likely to end with Dallon being requested to negotiate on behalf of the federation for similar 'deals' with other worlds.

[] Study the Crystal Entity
-Focuses can be spent to add dice to the project.

Current Technological projects:
Crystal Study: 290/1000
Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection: 94/300
Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 57/250
Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
Wave Capacitors: 0/400
Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450

Current Cultural Projects:
First and favored is the discovery of new sights, new samples, and new places. The galaxy is a massive place, and there is impossible variety if we could only find all of it. -COMPLETE-
We live in a galaxy filled with secrets. Teasing them out is one of the highest scientific pursuits we can commit to.

More numbers, more update time. I really should have considered the bloat I was creating when I made such a complex system.
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Overall... The Dalfea that return from the front report terrible sensations, as though they are being constantly watched or observed. Psionically sensitive Dalfea who have returned from the front seem to have spontaneously developed sociopathic tendencies and other violent behaviors, bar a few exceptions for some of the highest-rated in terms of sheer might. In their current state of psychic maturity, the Dalfea are very vulnerable to the Psoq'a psionic gestalt when in proximity, with a few hardy exceptions.

Oh boy. This may be an issue.
All three candidates look really good! Also looks like the enemy is psychic as well which is causing issues.

I am currently leaning towards the doctor for the extra growth to help get our current colony running sooner plus a bit more culture dice to get culture projects done quicker

@Powerofmind the culture and tech at the bottom of the post have not been updated.

[] [Starbase] Ossina will be a trade hub (add Trade Network - Increases trade power in the region by 3 (Overlap with home system trade hub, some loss), gain Market Exchange - +2 Energy/turn)
1 more trade plus would let us scrap the trade network at home in place for double shipyards at the home base once it is up and running and a boost to energy income.
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I realize that intelligence would better suit a character experience acceleration than larger rare tech spread. I can swap the 10% for a 100% bonus to character experience gain, instead. No need to specifically vote, just respond to the idea with your opinion on it and i'll see if it's supported.

I like that. Rare tech seems to be more about seeing outside the box then raw brain power.

You are not the only one who can read the present to determine the future, cretin. I will take great pleasure in breaking you.

The war is... going poorly. What was supposed to be an easy and overwhelming opening move turned into a brutal slugfest with most fronts stalemated with big losses.

Overall... The Dalfea that return from the front report terrible sensations, as though they are being constantly watched or observed. Psionically sensitive Dalfea who have returned from the front seem to have spontaneously developed sociopathic tendencies and other violent behaviors, bar a few exceptions for some of the highest-rated in terms of sheer might. In their current state of psychic maturity, the Dalfea are very vulnerable to the Psoq'a psionic gestalt when in proximity, with a few hardy exceptions.

We must pull out our infantry asap. Dalfea will turn into a liability on the field, giving the swarm some kind of psionic influence over them. Once we know more about Dalfea minds and about battle psionics, we can come back and kick its ass.
we used a big part of our stored trade this turn, this shouldn't remain ten. I also didnt see the roll for the aotomatic exploration ( dont know if you forgat or just didnt mention it).

Oh boy. This may be an issue.

we cant relly do anything about it

We must pull out our infantry asap

the problam is that if we recall them it will have some diplomatic repurcussion.