Mind the Gap - (Worm CYOA/SI x Touhou)

Pretty much that. Yuuka is likely stronger in a 'fair' fight, but Yukari will never fight fair. Hit and run tactics, bringing in Ran and Chen, teleport-spam, unconventional border manipulation to throw you off, you name it.

Basically any realistic scenario would have Yukari fight dirty, and Yuuka would lose, not out of being beaten, but by being outmaneuvered as Yukari just 'ports away. The only way Yuuka could realistically 'beat' Yukari is if the gap hag were cornered or unable to run.

the way I see it Yuuka is the strongest where as Yukari is the most powerful because in my mind strength is earned and power is learned
you are comparing a tactician to a warrior strength and training versus creativity and trickery

as for the story was hoping for more meat but as for whats there 10\10 would laugh again
Next up:

Kill Baka-dan. That will mostly eliminate Leviathan and the S9. After that is to work on trying to prevent those Stations of Canon. Mostly trying to do something about the Villains still being alive.
Next up:

Kill Baka-dan. That will mostly eliminate Leviathan and the S9. After that is to work on trying to prevent those Stations of Canon. Mostly trying to do something about the Villains still being alive.
Problem with that is that it goes against the SI's character. The sense I'm getting is that she'd prefer to just laze around all day and either sleep or play video games. Making an elaborate plan and proactively carrying it out would be too much effort. I wouldn't be surprised if she deals with the Leviathan attack by freeing it from Eidolon's control then revealing that he's the one who's been (unknowingly) behind all the Endbringer attacks.
Mind the Gap
Just something to get into the habit of writing...
Going to be honest, I don't really have a plan for this. We'll see where it goes.
Squirrely's Revised V3
+10 God Mode
-8 World Breaker Power – Crossover – Yukari (Touhou)
-1 Heroic Resolve
-1 Special Snowflake
-0 (Free /w Crossover Power) Out of Context Power
+1 Enemy - Merchants
-1 Man of Mystery

I'd link the one I'm using, but it's on QQ, soooo.....
Didn't know this was using my revised one, anyway there's a google doc version of it, and it's the one that's most up to date. It should not contain any NSFW elements unless people start posting comments with them after posting this link.
Squirrelly's Worm CYOA

I usually like to look over the CYOA's that use the revised version, so if anyone else takes a shot at it let me know I'd be willing to help with any explanations and such.
Didn't know this was using my revised one, anyway there's a google doc version of it, and it's the one that's most up to date. It should not contain any NSFW elements unless people start posting comments with them after posting this link.
Squirrelly's Worm CYOA

I usually like to look over the CYOA's that use the revised version, so if anyone else takes a shot at it let me know I'd be willing to help with any explanations and such.
I think the one I used was actually one of the prior pic-based versions, that you had made a couple additions/notes to for a PbP game you were running on QQ, hence why I never linked it. IIRC a few of those things weren't in the google doc version at the time.

Either way, I've ended up diverging from the CYOA bit somewhat, it did its point of getting me started with writing. I really appreciate the inspiration your CYOA gave me, though!
I think the one I used was actually one of the prior pic-based versions, that you had made a couple additions/notes to for a PbP game you were running on QQ, hence why I never linked it. IIRC a few of those things weren't in the google doc version at the time.

Either way, I've ended up diverging from the CYOA bit somewhat, it did its point of getting me started with writing. I really appreciate the inspiration your CYOA gave me, though!
thanks man.

I sat around my little warehouse-home, and was having a crisis.


You see, I wasn't the most active of people; if there wasn't something going on, I was typically content to just aimlessly surf the internet.

But I was running out of amusing cape stories to read, and no other video games had caught my eye.


And thus, I found myself simply… Waiting. Waiting for something to happen, really. I knew it was inevitable; this was Worm, after all. But I was passing the mark where Bakuda would have started her rampage


Ah, fuck it. I'll go poke her to see what's taking so long.


Unfortunately there was no public record of the identity of the Cornell Bomber as the PRT seemed to be keeping the information private, probably due to parahuman involvement. So, I had done some portal-scrying on Lung, eventually catching him sending someone to relay a message to Bakuda. From that my gap followed him like a camera, until he came to a heavy steel door a couple blocks away from where Lung was.

I peered through my window in space and saw Bakuda, sans gasmask, in the middle of a cluttered basement. Parts of random metal and circuit boards covered the tables in the room, the only clean area was where Bakuda herself was working. I did spot a few suspicious objects scattered throughout as well, probably finished bombs.

The woman herself had waved away the messenger after speaking briefly in a language I didn't know, Japanese maybe, before he left to presumably return to Lung. She then bent over the workbench and continued soldering something together.

As funny as it would be to appear and startle her like I did Lisa, scaring a tinker in their own lab was probably a bad idea. Even moreso when said tinker had bombs that could likely inconvenience an Endbringer, let alone one border youkai. In theory my manipulation of myself should be able to take all but the most esoteric effects, but I had no desire to put my enhancements to the test.

Which meant I wouldn't actually be going there, but that didn't mean I couldn't do anything to her. Besides, she was almost as big a threat as Coil. I couldn't let her live for long. I couldn't give her any chance to retaliate, as she may be spiteful enough to try for mutual destruction if I cornered her.

Which came to the next issue, that it would involve quietly offing her. But that opened another can of worms. Knowing Bakuda and what she would do, it wasn't even a question of morals. No, the issue was precedent. I believed myself justified with Coil, and even doing this. But the next time? Would I just wave it away, and kill any human that threatened me if I had an excuse?

Wait a tic. I know I had called Lisa 'human' earlier, part of the way I've started speaking. But when had I started internally differentiating myself from humanity?

I shook my head. It looked like helping Taylor out was a good decision for me, if I could befriend her. She may not be the most accurate moral compass, but she's one that aligned pretty well with my old self, and could help keep me grounded.

Mostly. Probably. As long as no one made her angry.

I sighed. Internal crisis aside, I did intend to put a stop to Bakuda tonight, and nip the issues she would cause in the bud. And as much as I would love to have some fun with it, I didn't want to risk getting stuck in a time-stop bomb or something.

So I didn't play fair.

A wide portal tore open directly behind Bakuda as she was finishing up yet another bomb, displaying Jupiter in all its glory framed by black void and pinpricks of stars. Then, with a snap of my fingers, the thin border keeping the air from leaving vanished.

The effects were immediate and devastating. Bakuda, her bombs, the tables, and pretty much everything in the room were quickly sucked through the hole to the void in a deafening rush of air. Through the portal, several of the explosives detonated with various effects, a display of fireworks to signal Bakuda's departure.

Nodding in satisfaction from the comfort of my chair, I closed both the gap at the former lab as well as my little window into it. Time to reward myself with a well-deserved nap, I thought to myself.

Of course, that's when a series of loud explosions happened to interrupt my plans.
Ah, damn it.

A/N: This one was being stubborn. I'm also disappointed with how short it is.
Next should be an interlude, hopefully a bit longer than this one.
Yes, but on what? or who?:confused:

The canon Bakuda didn't have a "big bomb in case of dying".;)

Or perhaps it is a mundane reason, while taking out Bakuda our dear mistress of the gap forgot about the structure around Bakuda lab and it just collapse with explosive result?:p
it says series of explosions.
the bombing run that in canon took days would happen now all at once since their maker went away.
...why didn't she keep the Gap open till she was sure all the bombs were in space if she was trying to prevent a bombing spree? Unless she did and those bombs were somewhere else?

deadman switch presumably

Wouldn't a Deadman's Switch be useless upon leaving it's range though? The signal has to be sent in order to set anything off but if it's jammed or outside of range then there's nothing to send, it also prevents them being set off either accidentally (ie: sleeping) or if you shut off the switch for whatever reason. Some of the bombs probably went off on their own from the massive disturbance, probably remote and pressure detonators that we're sitting on tables. As it is a Dead man's Switch would only have them armed as long as she's alive but would send a signal to detonate when she dies but if she isn't even in Earth orbit then there is no signal and they're just armed explosives.
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Wouldn't a Deadman's Switch be useless upon leaving it's range though? The signal has to be sent in order to set anything off but if it's jammed or outside of range then there's nothing to send, it also prevents them being set off either accidentally (ie: sleeping) or if you shut off the switch for whatever reason. Some of the bombs probably went off on their own from the massive disturbance, probably remote and pressure detonators that we're sitting on tables.
that'd be a shitty deadman switch.

A good one has to be a fail-deadly. If you can jam it, block it, or subvert it by taking the person out of range, it won't serve its purpose. The most common version is a constant signal that keeps the bombs from exploding.

edit. also if it relies on an active signal post death it won't work if she dies disintegrated, pulped into paste, or anything that could destroy the switch. active retaliation does not work.
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that'd be a shitty deadman switch.

A good one has to be a fail-deadly. If you can jam it, block it, or subvert it by taking the person out of range, it won't serve its purpose. The most common version is a constant signal that keeps the bombs from exploding.
Well that's a good way to blow up her own workshop while she's in the middle of using it.
Well that's a good way to blow up her own workshop while she's in the middle of using it.
Not really? as long as she lives the deadman switches keep the bombs inert and not all bombs have to be insurance bombs you know?

The fact that her lab was sucked to space and the city still exploded means her insurance was not in the same building. If I had that power I'd order them placed beforehand around the city with a simple pull tab that arms them on site, from then on they're on insurance duty. She gets jammed in her lab? suddenly the people outside have other problems on their hands and she still has the manualy triggered ones with her. She gets captured? Nuh uh can't ship me out of the city or the city blows up, wait to be rescued by Lung.
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Wouldn't a Deadman's Switch be useless upon leaving it's range though? The signal has to be sent in order to set anything off but if it's jammed or outside of range then there's nothing to send, it also prevents them being set off either accidentally (ie: sleeping) or if you shut off the switch for whatever reason.
The portal was open for a good little bit to suck everything through, The radio-based detonator had a nice little 'shortcut' back to Earth, and Bakuda's a paranoid and spiteful bitch. She had a way to trigger it manually, without having to wait for her to suffocate to death. It just took a few seconds for the bombs to process the signal/start detonating.

If the portal had been closed soon as she was through, sure. But SI wanted to watch some pretty fireworks.
Wait a tic. I know I had called Lisa 'human' earlier, part of the way I've started speaking. But when had I started internally differentiating myself from humanity?

I shook my head. It looked like helping Taylor out was a good decision for me, if I could befriend her. She may not be the most accurate moral compass, but she's one that aligned pretty well with my old self, and could help keep me grounded.

C'mon, go full youkai. You know you want to!