[x] Eat a/many snake corpses (Dark Beam, Energy Wave, Snake who is made of night sky under his scales)
[x] Save the eggs for later
-[x] to raise as our minions
[x] There are plenty of egg shells around, and they all have some residual magic on them (eat them all)

[x] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)

[x] Death has soaked into the ground of the nest, you feel that if you rearranged the rocks and sticks into a pattern around the nest, it would greatly enhance your reanimation, and any other death related magic you may perform in the nest
[X] Eat everything
[X] Death has soaked into the ground of the nest, you feel that if you rearranged the rocks and sticks into a pattern around the nest, it would greatly enhance your reanimation, and any other death related magic you may perform in the nest
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover
But I'd like it to be set down that even gods can be made into Undead while we still can. Besides, there's nothing stopping us from eating them later. A bit hard to Res them when they've been digested though.
Look man , just think about it for a moment : you want us to make undead primordial god snakes , let me repeat , undead primordial god snakes , it sounds cool at first time , until you notice that this realy doesn't sound like a minion and that it seriously sounds a lot like a backstaber , we can always try to make almost certain backstabing undead gods after we grow in power and are strong enought to not be intantly backstabed by then , seriously doing it now is a terrible idea , also we already stabilished that the gods can be made into undead , and that it is a bad idea since they have a excelent chance of keping they independence , of beingvengefull towards the living in general and us in particular and may end stronger than us since we are pilling undead traits on top of everything else , seriously what makes you think this is in any way a good idea ?
[X] Eat everything
[X] Death has soaked into the ground of the nest, you feel that if you rearranged the rocks and sticks into a pattern around the nest, it would greatly enhance your reanimation, and any other death related magic you may perform in the nest
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover
Look man , just think about it for a moment : you want us to make undead primordial god snakes , let me repeat , undead primordial god snakes , it sounds cool at first time , until you notice that this realy doesn't sound like a minion and that it seriously sounds a lot like a backstaber , we can always try to make almost certain backstabing undead gods after we grow in power and are strong enought to not be intantly backstabed by then , seriously doing it now is a terrible idea , also we already stabilished that the gods can be made into undead , and that it is a bad idea since they have a excelent chance of keping they independence , of beingvengefull towards the living in general and us in particular and may end stronger than us since we are pilling undead traits on top of everything else , seriously what makes you think this is in any way a good idea ?
Ending up with a crazed life hating undead primordial titan is a risk, not a guarantee. I can say that you have at least a 50% chance of not creating the architect of your doom if you raise one of your siblings corpses.
What setting is this exactly?
Some homebrew and some [GO EXPLORE TO FIND OUT]
Ending up with a crazed life hating undead primordial titan is a risk, not a guarantee. I can say that you have at least a 50% chance of not creating the architect of your doom if you raise one of your siblings corpses.
Now I definetly don't want to raise any.

I was considering raising the Dark Beam snake, but I don't want to take that risk.
So there are 23 snakes.

Lets try to get them all:

1. Death Snake(Us)
2. Hypnosis Snake (Alive)
3. Ally Snake (Alive)
4. Water Bolt Snake (Alive)
5. Painful Hum Snake (Alive)
6. Wood Snake (???)
7. Big Golden Snake (???)
8. Lovecraft Snake (???)
9. Sticks and Woods Snake (???)
10. ???
11. ???
12. ???
13. ???
14. ???
15. ???
16. ???
17. Energy Wave Snake (Deceased)
18. Night Sky Snake (Deceased)
19. Precog Snake (Deceased)
20. Darkness Snake (Deceased)
21. Metal Snake (Deceased)
22. DB Snake (Deceased)
23. Unknown Snake eaten by Darkness Snake

I'm not sure if i got every snake right.

@Gear : Is "night sky under scales" Darkness Snake we ate on start, or another snake entirely?
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[X] Eat everything

[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] The nest itself is half destroyed, and was never very well built in the first place (Your mother was just a normal snake, after all). Use some of the rocks and sticks to fortify it up some.
2.0 A New Day
[X] Eat everything

[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] The nest itself is half destroyed, and was never very well built in the first place (Your mother was just a normal snake, after all). Use some of the rocks and sticks to fortify it up some.

The season was productive for you. With the bounty of food you claimed as king of the nest, you grew greatly (Now 7 ft. long), as well as gained new powers (Life Infusion and Dark Beam). Your titanic authority over the world has increased (-19 to all DC's), but your death curse has also grown from your gorging of the dead (-15 to all rolls).

It was also a quiet season, as nothing of note came by the nest. Resting in your newly repaired and reinforced nest has allowed you to heal one of your wounds (Two wounds remain, -20 to all rolls)

2.0 A New Day
Actions (Choose 2):
[] Death has soaked into the ground of the nest, you feel that if you rearranged the rocks and sticks into a pattern around the nest, it would greatly enhance your reanimation, and any other death related magic you may perform in the nest
[] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[] Work on improving your magic (minor improvement to any facet of an existing magic ability, such as casting time, number of targets, duration, etc.)
[] Develop a new magic ability (Must be related to an existing ability in some way and thematically appropriate, may take multiple turns to develop)
[] The nest is now built up and slightly fortified, offering a small level of protection, but with your phenomenal growth spurt, it rather small now. Rebuild it to be more defensive.
[] It's been a while since you ate your siblings, so you could eat. Hunt some food down to fill yourself up again (Still half full)
[] Leave the nest to explore
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] The nest is now built up and slightly fortified, offering a small level of protection, but with your phenomenal growth spurt, it rather small now. Rebuild it to be more defensive.
[X] Death has soaked into the ground of the nest, you feel that if you rearranged the rocks and sticks into a pattern around the nest, it would greatly enhance your reanimation, and any other death related magic you may perform in the nest
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] The nest is now built up and slightly fortified, offering a small level of protection, but with your phenomenal growth spurt, it rather small now. Rebuild it to be more defensive.
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] Death has soaked into the ground of the nest, you feel that if you rearranged the rocks and sticks into a pattern around the nest, it would greatly enhance your reanimation, and any other death related magic you may perform in the nest
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
2.1.1 This Could be a Grizzly Act
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)
[X] You have been seriously wounded, take time to rest and recover (can be taken multiple times)

Another uneventful season, with your wounds disapearing by the end of the summer, you stretch out, not having grown any, and kind of hungry (Stomach is at 1/4 full) despite not having done anything for months. You yawn and lift your head up to look around-


2.1.1 This Could be a Grizzly Act
[] MAGIC! (Write in)
[] SOMETHING ELSE! (Write in)