[] The eggs can wait, attack one of the closer ones while they're looking the other way (Dark Beam Snake)

It seems like the most dangerous.
[X] The eggs can wait, attack one of the closer ones while they're looking the other way (Dark Beam Snake)
[X] The eggs can wait, attack one of the closer ones while they're looking the other way (Dark Beam Snake)
[X] The eggs can wait, attack one of the closer ones while they're looking the other way (Dark Beam Snake)
[X] The eggs can wait, attack one of the closer ones while they're looking the other way (Dark Beam Snake)
1.4 The Final Countdown
[X] The eggs can wait, attack one of the closer ones while they're looking the other way (Dark Beam Snake)

You work to move your bulk after the dark beam snake, trying to quietly come upon him as he chases the metal eating snake, but right before you can strike, he notices you from the corner of his eye, and manages to get a snap shot with his darkness beam at you. Destiny is with you though, as it only injured your side. Ally snake pauses for a moment, before resuming the chase, leaving Dark Beam snake to face you alone.

You try to strike again, but Dark Beam snake dodges while trying to put another beam of darkness into your side, and Destiny prevails again as you barely dodge the strike, but your wound widens at the violent motion. With DB snake smelling blood, you know that it's do or die to escape this with your life.

Dark Beam snake's shot goes wide as you make a twisting lunge for him, sinking your fangs into his side. And then you do it again, though DB managed to mostly twist out of the way, narrowly missing you with another beam. Your third attack manages to rip his throat out.

Three left.

1.4 The Final Countdown
[] Eat the Dark Beam Snake, let the other three weaken each other, you'll have the last laugh if the survivors try anything with you. (Will be to heavy, will take a penalty to attack/dodge rolls on top of the wounds you've taken)
[] DB isn't going anywhere, go after one of the other snakes. (Ally snake, who is chasing Metal eating snake, who is chasing the dodging snake around the clearing)
[] Ignore DB's corpse for the moment, eat another egg (Will be to heavy, will take a penalty to attack/dodge rolls on top of the wounds you've taken)
[] You're lightly wounded, it may be wise to retreat into the forest while you can still move reasonably quickly.

GM Note: Well, it was actually a close one here. I had misread DB's second attack roll as a positive 27 instead of a negative 27, and had rolled the damage dice for you. Which was a 1. I had written out the update with you dying before I looked at it again and realizing my mistake. You had started off the turn with some really bad rolls. But you actually survived, and with only two wounds instead of getting headshot'd. So you're still combat capable. And rather intimidating as well, I will tell you guys that the other snakes will be making 'fight or flee' roll at the beginning of next turn. Well, except for dodging snake, he just hasn't had good enough rolls to escape yet.
[X] Eat the Dark Beam Snake, let the other three weaken each other, you'll have the last laugh if the survivors try anything with you. (Will be to heavy, will take a penalty to attack/dodge rolls on top of the wounds you've taken)
can there be an option to just wait it out until there are only 2 left and we can ambush them?
[X] try to hide and try to speed up your digestion with your primordial magical bullshit powers
I should've said "most optimal resolution of this situation", but that is kinda implied by stating that this is(should be) our goal.

Securing the eggs is the course of action which ends up with securing most power with least risk. In turn, power gives us more opportunities and choices in the future, making the choice where we get most of it the most desirable one.

Not to mention that choice is pretty much "go somewhere else" and "get more out of this with small risk for you and go somewhere else", making it pretty much a no-brainier.

If we eat eggs, we will be hard pressed to fight snakes that are still fighting and possible stalkers ready to pounce on us. By not eating them just yet and getting additional help, we ensure minimal risk for us while getting most out of this.

So, reanimate DB snake and get ready to act depending on how the fight develops.
[X] Eat the Dark Beam Snake, let the other three weaken each other, you'll have the last laugh if the survivors try anything with you. (Will be to heavy, will take a penalty to attack/dodge rolls on top of the wounds you've taken)
[X] Reanimate DB snake and secure the eggs. Use the DB snake's Dark Beam to wound the dodging snake so that the other snakes catch up to it. Once the snakes are weakened enough, wound them with the Dark Beam so they can't escape and kill them by harassing them from the distance or ambushing them as necessary.
-[X] Keep an eye out for the others who escaped into the forest. They might attempt to take advantage of the situation.
[X] Reanimate DB snake and secure the eggs. Use the DB snake's Dark Beam to wound the dodging snake so that the other snakes catch up to it. Once the snakes are weakened enough, wound them with the Dark Beam so they can't escape and kill them by harassing them from the distance or ambushing them as necessary.
-[X] Keep an eye out for the others who escaped into the forest. They might attempt to take advantage of the situation.
[X] Reanimate DB snake and secure the eggs. Use the DB snake's Dark Beam to wound the dodging snake so that the other snakes catch up to it. Once the snakes are weakened enough, wound them with the Dark Beam so they can't escape and kill them by harassing them from the distance or ambushing them as necessary.
-[X] Keep an eye out for the others who escaped into the forest. They might attempt to take advantage of the situation.
1.5 Another One Bites the Dust
[X] Reanimate DB snake and secure the eggs. Use the DB snake's Dark Beam to wound the dodging snake so that the other snakes catch up to it. Once the snakes are weakened enough, wound them with the Dark Beam so they can't escape and kill them by harassing them from the distance or ambushing them as necessary.
-[X] Keep an eye out for the others who escaped into the forest. They might attempt to take advantage of the situation.

As you try to focus on reanimating the dark beam snake, the metal eating snake finally manages to corner the dodging snake, killing him with a single blow. Sensing the Ally snake lunging at him from behind, metal eating snake, whips his head around, using dodging snake's corpse as an impromptu flail, knocking Ally snake away, and lightly wounding it from the hit.

Your attempt to raise the Dark Beam snake's corpse as a zombie servant fails though, with your magic unable to get a grip on his body through it's own primordial magic.

1.5 Another One Bites the Dust
[] Continue trying to raise DB snake as an undead zombie servant
[] Just eat it and be done with it
[] Leave it for now and go for another egg
[] Go after either the Ally Snake or the Metal Eating snake
[] Wait to see who wins first