[X] "Let's go ahead and strike now. Maul, at least from what Master Kenobi told me, had a hoverbike and probe droids on his ship. He might even have an astromech droid. Let's strike while the iron is hot, Corporal. Prioritize targets at your discretion and wait for me to make my move. You'll know when."
[X] Mobile Construction Vehicles
[X] "Ugh. Thiscomplicates things. For all we know, the kriffing hyperdrive is offline. Let's set up camp and give it 48 hours. We have 72, and the Jawas aren't gonna give an advanced ship to these kind of buyers with a faulty engine."
[X] MCVs

Blort missed an update.

You're good, devil :V I just appreciate I got a few old forum buddies (you and KD) playing. I considered myself a decent content creator earlier this decade and now that I have more free time..yeah. You know what I mean.
Empire: Military Tactics, Strategy, Logistics
Just like Sun-Tzu said in The Art of War: Know your enemy, and know yourself.

The Empire's mindset is still that of the mindset of it's Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, known to former Jedi as Darth Sidious. In addition to his immense power in the Force, he is an excellent manipulator and motivator of men (read: those who become his Generals, Admirals, and Moffs) who are full of ambition and greed and don't give a fuck how they get what they want.

He, however, is still smart and pragmatic enough to delegate when he is not well-versed in certain skills. Mainly, military strategy, tactics, and logistics.

Darth Vader is still hunting Jedi Padawans and Knights. Everyone not named Mace Windu, Obi-Wan or Sakoya Jade (the OC) that was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars is dead, that you are aware of. That doesn't mean in this quest you won't stumble upon one or two, but I'll be doing secret rolls for this at unannounced times. And the degree of difficulty will be very high on said rolls.

One very scary..thing that is different from Canon here: Tarkin was executed, publically, by Darth Vader as a warning: Do not use fear tactics so much that competence takes a backseat. Vader convinced Sidious to cancel the Death Star project for the most part, instead using theory gained from the CIS in superlaser technology for use on much, much larger Star Destroyers and planetery defense grids.

Instead...Grand Moff Thrawn is now in charge of the Maw Facility.

The Generals, Admirals and Moffs are still mostly clowns as depicted in the EU/Legends...but do you now see the importance of the Assassin's Creed theme here?
[X] "Ugh. This complicates things. For all we know, the kriffing hyperdrive is offline. Let's set up camp and give it 48 hours. We have 72, and the Jawas aren't gonna give an advanced ship to these kind of buyers with a faulty engine."
Just like Sun-Tzu said in The Art of War: Know your enemy, and know yourself.

The Empire's mindset is still that of the mindset of it's Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, known to former Jedi as Darth Sidious. In addition to his immense power in the Force, he is an excellent manipulator and motivator of men (read: those who become his Generals, Admirals, and Moffs) who are full of ambition and greed and don't give a fuck how they get what they want.

He, however, is still smart and pragmatic enough to delegate when he is not well-versed in certain skills. Mainly, military strategy, tactics, and logistics.

Darth Vader is still hunting Jedi Padawans and Knights. Everyone not named Mace Windu, Obi-Wan or Sakoya Jade (the OC) that was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars is dead, that you are aware of. That doesn't mean in this quest you won't stumble upon one or two, but I'll be doing secret rolls for this at unannounced times. And the degree of difficulty will be very high on said rolls.

One very scary..thing that is different from Canon here: Tarkin was executed, publically, by Darth Vader as a warning: Do not use fear tactics so much that competence takes a backseat. Vader convinced Sidious to cancel the Death Star project for the most part, instead using theory gained from the CIS in superlaser technology for use on much, much larger Star Destroyers and planetery defense grids.

Instead...Grand Moff Thrawn is now in charge of the Maw Facility.

The Generals, Admirals and Moffs are still mostly clowns as depicted in the EU/Legends...but do you now see the importance of the Assassin's Creed theme here?
*Realizes how tough this will be.*
*Begins trying not to scream*
Just like Sun-Tzu said in The Art of War: Know your enemy, and know yourself.

The Empire's mindset is still that of the mindset of it's Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, known to former Jedi as Darth Sidious. In addition to his immense power in the Force, he is an excellent manipulator and motivator of men (read: those who become his Generals, Admirals, and Moffs) who are full of ambition and greed and don't give a fuck how they get what they want.

He, however, is still smart and pragmatic enough to delegate when he is not well-versed in certain skills. Mainly, military strategy, tactics, and logistics.

Darth Vader is still hunting Jedi Padawans and Knights. Everyone not named Mace Windu, Obi-Wan or Sakoya Jade (the OC) that was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars is dead, that you are aware of. That doesn't mean in this quest you won't stumble upon one or two, but I'll be doing secret rolls for this at unannounced times. And the degree of difficulty will be very high on said rolls.

One very scary..thing that is different from Canon here: Tarkin was executed, publically, by Darth Vader as a warning: Do not use fear tactics so much that competence takes a backseat. Vader convinced Sidious to cancel the Death Star project for the most part, instead using theory gained from the CIS in superlaser technology for use on much, much larger Star Destroyers and planetery defense grids.

Instead...Grand Moff Thrawn is now in charge of the Maw Facility.

The Generals, Admirals and Moffs are still mostly clowns as depicted in the EU/Legends...but do you now see the importance of the Assassin's Creed theme here?

Well F all kinds of duck. We are dealing with the Sun-Tzu of Star Wars. We need a lot more doods.
Well F all kinds of duck. We are dealing with the Sun-Tzu of Star Wars. We need a lot more doods.

Ah. But I haven't done my page/bookmark on Alliance tactics yet. You'll have some badassery from the start, too.

Fear not, fellow questers, I have a few more ideas that will help you out.
As an add-on, I was told that I had a talent for making my playerbase shit their pants when I was doing my SB in Mass Effect quest. I have lurked for a good 5ish years here and back there...

And I still got it.
Quickly, first poster that gets the worm. Continue the tutorial or flesh out Alliance tactics/strategy/ so I can relieve you guys of some of your fears?

Again, first poster gets it.

Personally i'd rather we get on with it, but i feel like some people want 'tactics' and 'strategy' and (boring)stuff like that, so i'm gonna pass on that worm.

I don't even like worms.
Ok, got it. Combat phases are going to be quick. It's just how I do it; I'll give you guys more time for the stuff in between missions like research, mission selection and the other stuff that's typical of a quest.

Next post incoming..
Just like Sun-Tzu said in The Art of War: Know your enemy, and know yourself.

The Empire's mindset is still that of the mindset of it's Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, known to former Jedi as Darth Sidious. In addition to his immense power in the Force, he is an excellent manipulator and motivator of men (read: those who become his Generals, Admirals, and Moffs) who are full of ambition and greed and don't give a fuck how they get what they want.

He, however, is still smart and pragmatic enough to delegate when he is not well-versed in certain skills. Mainly, military strategy, tactics, and logistics.

Darth Vader is still hunting Jedi Padawans and Knights. Everyone not named Mace Windu, Obi-Wan or Sakoya Jade (the OC) that was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars is dead, that you are aware of. That doesn't mean in this quest you won't stumble upon one or two, but I'll be doing secret rolls for this at unannounced times. And the degree of difficulty will be very high on said rolls.

One very scary..thing that is different from Canon here: Tarkin was executed, publically, by Darth Vader as a warning: Do not use fear tactics so much that competence takes a backseat. Vader convinced Sidious to cancel the Death Star project for the most part, instead using theory gained from the CIS in superlaser technology for use on much, much larger Star Destroyers and planetery defense grids.

Instead...Grand Moff Thrawn is now in charge of the Maw Facility.

The Generals, Admirals and Moffs are still mostly clowns as depicted in the EU/Legends...but do you now see the importance of the Assassin's Creed theme here?

Jesus fucking Christ like holy crap we are in for a hell of a time Thrawn being overall commander of special projects? multiple Death star class lasers on high value worlds (most likely in space above said planets) and probably fleet command ships imperial search pattern being methodical rather than just door kicking anything suspicious (or valuable to confiscate).

like where the hell do we even start at this point we can forget any idea of trying to recruit governments any bases we have can not be on a populated world our ships are gonna have to be fast and small any frigate or above class ships are just gonna be regulated to large scale transport and the second we think we've been found it evac time no matter how slight the chance cause other wise the empire is just gonna drop some probes and see yep rebels are here shoot the planet.
Jesus fucking Christ like holy crap we are in for a hell of a time Thrawn being overall commander of special projects? multiple Death star class lasers on high value worlds (most likely in space above said planets) and probably fleet command ships imperial search pattern being methodical rather than just door kicking anything suspicious (or valuable to confiscate).

like where the hell do we even start at this point we can forget any idea of trying to recruit governments any bases we have can not be on a populated world our ships are gonna have to be fast and small any frigate or above class ships are just gonna be regulated to large scale transport and the second we think we've been found it evac time no matter how slight the chance cause other wise the empire is just gonna drop some probes and see yep rebels are here shoot the planet.

Alright, sorry guys but the tutorial has to wait til tomorrow. Alliance Tactics/ Strategy
is incoming because I don't want people freaking out and leaving before this even gets off the ground.

Alright, sorry guys but the tutorial has to wait til tomorrow. Alliance Tactics/ Strategy
is incoming because I don't want people freaking out and leaving before this even gets off the ground.

Most of the people going crazy is due to the fact that we are put up agnested Star Wars Creed. Now due to the fact of general incompetence in the empire we may eek out a win, but due to the fact that they have a hyper competent leader at the top, well that has a major effect with trickling it down. Hell the only real reason the rebellion won was due to general incompetence, and terror tactics that only made the populace more resentful. With more competence and less back stabbing, well we are going to have a hell of a time winning this thing, or heck, getting a good foot hold in.
Alliance: Strategy, Tactics and an Opportunity
After the fall of the Galactic Republic, those who survived and despised the increased stranglehold the Chancellor-turned-Emperor
put on the Senate and it's member systems as the Clone Wars progressed.

Some of these Senators, such as the late Padme Amadala of Naboo, Bail Organa of Alderran, and even the Mandalore system represented by Jaylana Fett, the cloned daughter of the now-infamous Jango, conspired in the undercity of now Imperial Center to find ways to impeach Palpatine from as early as year into the war.

They agreed that it was unlikely that the supposed transfer of power was going to take place, and silently, yet quickly sprung into action. As a result, The Pact of 3000 Systems was signed into treaty and produced and spread to both Republic and CIS systems. While they failed to reach 3000 Systems by the time the Sith Master declared Empire..they reached it two years after.

Most importantly, while the newly-formed Rebel Alliance they somehow stumbled into..well..I'm going to let Grandmaster Windu tell this story. It's just that important.

"Scholars, Jedi...Sith..other Forced-based communities like..they have tried to theorize where the homeworld or system of the Human race was. Was it even in our galaxy?

As it turns out, it was, my friends. It is called Earth of the Sol System, almost directly in the middle of Wild Space. They seem to have achieved space flight only 50 years ago or so, at least from what we can tell. We sent a few Z-95 squadrons to check out the planet for any potential hostility..they are downright ancient compared to us, but are moderately..war-like. We must find out more, because if this is the true system of Humanity..because we could use this.

We could show the galaxy..and if we play our..shall we say..cards right..we could use this to tear down the Emperor's policies of xenophobia against him...and we could do a lot with that."

Grandmaster Mace Windu, aboard Home One, in conference call to the leadership of the Rebel Alliance.

Yeah I have to make a few small edits to that. You guys got the picture.

Earth exists in this quest as of 2018. Right now. Find a way to use it. Rebellions succeed because in part of just causes.
Sorry for the delay guys. Today is my 32nd birthday and I was getting a bunch of phone calls and got into a bunch of convos over facebook.

The combat phase of Tattooine: Mission 1 begins...
[X] Wait and see if the Jawas repair the Hyperdrive.

You hear and see it by Corporal Darklighter. It has been successfully tested and the cloaking system works. There is the same guard: A droideka and 24 B1 droids.

What do?

[X] Tara launches into a leap to land right behind the droideka. Shien form. Her dagger is ready. Fire-team covers her six and Darklighter is readying an EMP grenade.

[X] Fire-team prepares a few mortar rounds. Tara prepares to block blaster shots. Lightsaber, Shien at the ready.

[X]Free-Flow. Choose your own tactics here.

While waiting I'm going to do a part 2s to Alliance Tactics and Strategy.
[X] Tara launches into a leap to land right behind the droideka. Shien form. Her dagger is ready. Fire-team covers her six and Darklighter is readying an EMP grenade.

Happy New Birthday Doge! Merry Birthday!
[X] Tara launches into a leap to land right behind the droideka. Shien form. Her dagger is ready. Fire-team covers her six and Darklighter is readying an EMP grenade.
[X] Tara launches into a leap to land right behind the droideka. Shien form. Her dagger is ready. Fire-team covers her six and Darklighter is readying an EMP grenade.

alright let's not blow up the loot we are here for

and on the earth issue okay so we have a massive political bullet to use on the galaxy as a whole the problem is the leadership of the empire won't give a flying fuck about it beyond conquering earth and seeing what ideas they can pull from it.

look i know it seems like i was panicking with my earlier post but the thing is we really have a lot of work to get done Thrawn is a sociological master, genius military leader and one of the most immoral bastards you could ever meet him being in charge of maw projects i hate to imagine what he's made so far and what he can pull in the future.

Next issue as proven in SWTOR a fleet of ships going against a capital ship armed with a planet killing laser results in said fleet getting fucked and while the alliance was always better with it's strike craft rather than capitals and corvettes depending on the amount of time needed for a star destroyer carrying a DSL(death star laser) to fire after droping from hyperspace an ambush could result in a fleet being annihilated so even if we dedicate our larger scale ships to being carriers and staying away from imperial DSL ships it'd only take one probe to result in destruction.

Third competent searching will result in less people being afraid of the empire one of the biggest things a government can do to fuck themselves over is to make the average civilian think that anytime they can be arrested just for walking down a street for no reason that fear can transition into anger and angry civilians are inventive in the ways they can screw up the day to day working of the local government without this happening and as the imperials will be doing competent and through searching they will have evidence that they can give to local media to show that only rebel scum will suffer that will get rid of a lot of recruits.

i really am hoping this quest will continue but it's not gonna be easy on the large scale for a long time.