[X] Tara launches into a leap to land right behind the droideka. Shien form. Her dagger is ready. Fire-team covers her six and Darklighter is readying an EMP grenade.

alright let's not blow up the loot we are here for

and on the earth issue okay so we have a massive political bullet to use on the galaxy as a whole the problem is the leadership of the empire won't give a flying fuck about it beyond conquering earth and seeing what ideas they can pull from it.

look i know it seems like i was panicking with my earlier post but the thing is we really have a lot of work to get done Thrawn is a sociological master, genius military leader and one of the most immoral bastards you could ever meet him being in charge of maw projects i hate to imagine what he's made so far and what he can pull in the future.

Next issue as proven in SWTOR a fleet of ships going against a capital ship armed with a planet killing laser results in said fleet getting fucked and while the alliance was always better with it's strike craft rather than capitals and corvettes depending on the amount of time needed for a star destroyer carrying a DSL(death star laser) to fire after droping from hyperspace an ambush could result in a fleet being annihilated so even if we dedicate our larger scale ships to being carriers and staying away from imperial DSL ships it'd only take one probe to result in destruction.

Third competent searching will result in less people being afraid of the empire one of the biggest things a government can do to fuck themselves over is to make the average civilian think that anytime they can be arrested just for walking down a street for no reason that fear can transition into anger and angry civilians are inventive in the ways they can screw up the day to day working of the local government without this happening and as the imperials will be doing competent and through searching they will have evidence that they can give to local media to show that only rebel scum will suffer that will get rid of a lot of recruits.

i really am hoping this quest will continue but it's not gonna be easy on the large scale for a long time.

Alliance: Tactics, Strategy Part 2
The Rebellion, while much smaller than the Empire, have a few bags of their own, although the leaders know it'll be tough..

  • The leadership of the Military is held by Admiral Gail Ackbar. He personally commands Home One and a small fleet of frigates and cruisers including MC80 Liberty-Class Supercruisers.
  • Mandalore has recently joined the Alliance in response to vile treatment of the Clonetroopers post-war. The Verpine of Nickel One have pledged help in terms of making exotic weaponry.
  • Dac, homeworld of the Mon Calamari, have collectively told the Emperor to kriff off and while technically part of the Alliance are fighting a mostly independent war with holdouts from the CIS, including Geonosis.
  • The Hutts even pledged secret support by paying fees of some deadly bounty hunters.
  • Other notable planets technically still part of the Rebellion include Naboo, Corellia, Nal Hutta.
  • Last but not least: A diplomat from the Chiss Ascendancy agreed to a Non-Aggression Pact with the understanding that if Superweapons are employed on the galaxy, they will join as well.
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Lol I just realized something..I made an analogy to America.

A lot of people including vets shit on the VA system as a whole. It's really not bad, by the way. I do PTSD treatment on an outpatient and it's a big help for example.

You think the Empire gives a fuck?
Drunken GM Bonus: First gimme!
Also a special surprise! Because a fellow Marine buddy picked me up from my apartment and got me buzzed for a belated birthday present.

You will be able to use the Masters, meaning Obi-Wan and Mace, up to 7 times during the course of the quest if you feel there's a few missions that you absolutely cannot fail. You can double up if you need them that bad..

Grandmaster Mace Windu is portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson. Imagine him acting like he does in the movies he shows up in directed by Quentin Tarantino. Swearing up a fucking storm in the heat of combat? Snark all day, everyday? Yup.

This quest is gonna be lit, fam :V
Well that's allot of dam options huh like even ignoring some of the more special legends stuff that's a good amount of ground and ship combat specialists even if only to use them as tip of the spear or to train our regulars not only that but the backgrounds for some dam fine ship and weapon designs like the Corellian Corvette that design was around for decades and was still considered a threat for it's weight class.

Not to mention how the TV show rebels used them as light carriers i mean sure the alliance can send it's strike craft out without support ships but if i remember correctly the X-wing had an operational range of about 1 week of hyperspace travel without resupply and that was mostly due to food and fuel issues so having a group of corellian corvettes, strike craft and a GR-75s (for the non rabid fanbase the shell like ships that the alliance used at hoth very effective medium transport) would give us a very mobile force for very little manpower or material costs.
Add-ons for the win!
It looks like Solus and Spock won the add-on vote, and since I got one of you guys to do a link to the recruitment thread..

Alliance research is ran by Dr. Liara T'soni, Dr. Mordin Solus and Commander Spock.

Liara could also be used as a potential party member. She has the Jedi Consular archetype and will be revealed if you wish. Or used as a potential spymaster. There willbe romance options..she might be one if them.
It looks like Solus and Spock won the add-on vote, and since I got one of you guys to do a link to the recruitment thread..

Alliance research is ran by Dr. Liara T'soni, Dr. Mordin Solus and Commander Spock.

Liara could also be used as a potential party member. She has the Jedi Consular archetype and will be revealed if you wish. Or used as a potential spymaster. There willbe romance options..she might be one if them.
Bonus item: Add-ons [pt1]
The Dragonclaw:

Designed by Commander Spock with assistance from Dr. Solus, the Dragonclaw is a wrist-based blaster. 1d10 damage potential. It's a blaster pistol.

It also has a few special effects. Incinerate, can be used once per mission, 2d15 damage, +3 damage to unarmored opponents.

It also adds electrical damage to your lightsaber. +2 to damage rolls.
Romance options, GM Judgement.
I'm not going to allow it for your character, Tara, until she reaches the rank of Legionaire or becomes 18, the age of consent (at least in mind).

You can go straight or lesbian with her, bi, don't really care. I'm a Roman Catholic by faith and I follow the words of the Bible as well as I can..but the story of Sodom and Gamorrah to me is a pile of BS (no offense tho any here believing otherwise) and crap like hating based on sexual preferences will have no place here.

Liara, Spock, Maybe even Ashoka or your current fire-team leader, Darklighter would be ideas I'd accept out of known characters currently.
Btw the rank of Legionaire is a Junior Jedi Knight. Master is a senior Jedi Knight or a young Master.
[X] Go sneaky-stabby on the Droideka, EMP the B1s.

I need a 3d10 rool. This is an auto-hit since I did a secret roll to determine success on hit.

Also a 1d20 roll.

Combat phase of the tutorial begins now. For reference, check your characters stats which is bookmarked. Choose a form and feat to use as well.
[X] Go sneaky-stabby on the Droideka, EMP the B1s.

I need a 3d10 rool. This is an auto-hit since I did a secret roll to determine success on hit.

Also a 1d20 roll.

Combat phase of the tutorial begins now. For reference, check your characters stats which is bookmarked. Choose a form and feat to use as well.
I can take at least the 3d10.

EDIT: No one else is biting on the 1d20 so I'll roll that too. My vote for Form and Feat will be a separate post.

EDIT2: FFS, dice.
KnightDisciple threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10 Total: 13
3 3 9 9 1 1
KnightDisciple threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: 1d20 Total: 2
2 2
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Okay, as we're right up on the Droideka, I am going to vote we use the Form Shien, and the Feat Force Defense. This will help us survive the next couple of rounds, get a better idea of how tough the droid and any other defenses are, and then strike from a position of strength (which is to say, not being down half our HP and riddled full of holes).
Okay, as we're right up on the Droideka, I am going to vote we use the Form Shien, and the Feat Force Defense. This will help us survive the next couple of rounds, get a better idea of how tough the droid and any other defenses are, and then strike from a position of strength (which is to say, not being down half our HP and riddled full of holes).

Since i am currently suffering from the Status Condition 'Confusion', and any move i do will probably make me hurt myself in my confusion, i'll just agree to this as it seems well thought out.

Edit!: Also, Doge, you might want to put char sheet and similar stuff in 'Informational' instead of 'Threadmark' as it'll make it easier to access.
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Okay, as we're right up on the Droideka, I am going to vote we use the Form Shien, and the Feat Force Defense. This will help us survive the next couple of rounds, get a better idea of how tough the droid and any other defenses are, and then strike from a position of strength (which is to say, not being down half our HP and riddled full of holes).

That's why I also had the the EMP grenade to help for reference. I'll be using Marine infantry squad and platoon tactics to give you guys some good options in combat. Ambush the enemy whenever you can. This is stuff straight out of Guerilla Warfare by Che Guevara.
So I need that 1d20 roll for the grenade and then we can progress.
Oh look guise! KD gets the point of the quest! To be sneaky, even to the GM sometimes!

Ok give me about 10 minutes and we go. I think this combat phase will take 4-5 turns max, I might modify it to trim it down, but some combat phases of missions will take longer than others.

I'm gonna handle this like @open_sketchbook did for Cherno Alpha quest, fast and furious during combat. Give him a good shout out too as he gave me a good idea to implement. Game mechanics may change some later on.
Weapon: Lightdagger
Feat: Force defense
Form: Shien


You land awkwardly and stumble on a small hidden rock. As a result you cut off the Droidekas shielding supply and do some superficial damage but not much else.

The EMP grenade had a glitch and didn't properly explode. Corporal Darklighter is prepping another one.

[X] Switch to your Lightsaber rightnowrightnow and slash at the Droideka before it can fire at you at close range. Recommended feat for this is Improved Critical Strike. Stay in Shien. Meanwhile your fire-team is firing at the B1s in a prone position.

[X] Prepare to deflect the B1 blaster fire. Shien Form. Your fire-team is using their blasters at the Droideka directly.

I need a 1d14, 3d12s and another 1d20.

[X] Switch to your Lightsaber rightnowrightnow and slash at the Droideka before it can fire at you at close range. Recommended feat for this is Improved Critical Strike. Stay in Shien. Meanwhile your fire-team is firing at the B1s in a prone position.

Yeah, this.
[X] Switch to your Lightsaber rightnowrightnow and slash at the Droideka before it can fire at you at close range. Recommended feat for this is Improved Critical Strike. Stay in Shien. Meanwhile your fire-team is firing at the B1s in a prone position.

Stasis threw 1 14-faced dice. Reason: Stuff! Total: 5
5 5