Science, Turn 2
[X] Project Reaper: 3/7. Completion of this will significantly upgrade Dagger body armor. Choice of what kind of armor will be given. This can be done through omakes as well as science points.

[X] Take apart the Free-Flow. 2/6. Completion of this will allow for more stealth ships throughout the alliance as well as some stealth technology in battle.

I'm making the science turn simpler. Rolling 1d100s for everything makes it seem like your science team of Commander Spock, Dr. T'soni and Solus too tight to fit in. For now you get 1 Science point per turn.

Instead, you'll have a 20% of completing the turn or a project through a role you have to get at least an 80 on.
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Not sure if this quest is worth continuing with only two active posters. I'll leave this up for another 24 hours or so..
[X] Take apart the Free-Flow. 2/6. Completion of this will allow for more stealth ships throughout the alliance as well as some stealth technology in battle.

Eh, I'd like it to continue. If that's alright with you.
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Interlude: Black Flag Warriors
Darkness. Pain. Despair. Anger.

"Anakin, don't do this! You're a better man than that! You're going down a path I can't follow!"

"And why is that, Padme? This isn't love, this is treason! Why do I see Obi-Wan behind you? Are you with HIM?!?!"

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must..."

The force-choke. The duel. The pain of fighting his Padawan. His friend.

His brother.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, former Jedi Master and current Praetor of the Black Legion Society, has had problems meditating ever since he fought Anakin that fateful night on Mustafar. He cries instead.

He had tried everything. Heading to Tattooine to try to live a normal life, but fate had other ideas when Ashoka Tano, former Jedi Padawan, came to make him see reason. Afterwards, he even married Sakoya Jade. He allowed love in his life. Music. Sparring with Mace and learning the basics of Vaapad. Even redeeming Master A'Sharad Hett.

We cannot make our Pupils martyrs. We've turned into murderers to fight the Empire. We must remember who we are. We are supposed to be Legionaires. The successors of the Jedi Order. Light-side assassins. We do not fight out of hate. We fight out of serenity and love.

This is love, this is not treason. Tara will be the one to make things right. She is our Black Flag Warrior. We must support her however we can. The severity must be broken.

I will train her myself just like I defied the council to train Anakin.

(Tara is now a full Legionaire. Obi-Wan Kenobi is now her Master and Mentor. Ashoka Tano, fellow Legionaire, is now available as a supporting party member for the remainder of the Quest)
By Virtue of Tara's apprenticeship to Obi-Wan, she is now a Level 9 Jedi Sentinel, unless you guys want her to take two levels of Councilor or Guardian.

Choose a feat:

[X] Force Prodigy: all Force Points are regenerating on a turn-by turn basis. 10 per combat turn and 5 out of combat phase.

[X] Precision: Critical Strike range is now 16-20.

[X] Write-in

Also, Choose a Force Power:

[X] Improved Force-Slam.

[X] Force Tornado. Exactly as it sounds.
[X] Force Prodigy: all Force Points are regenerating on a turn-by turn basis. 10 per combat turn and 5 out of combat phase.

[X] Force Tornado. Exactly as it sounds.
[X] Precision: Critical Strike range is now 16-20.

[X] Force Tornado. Exactly as it sounds.

16-20 crit range is massive and we should get it
I don't know what to choose!


[X] Precision: Critical Strike range is now 16-20.

[X] Force Tornado. Exactly as it sounds.
Project: Reaper, Completed
@san, I'm going to do just one more gimme for now. As a GM when I explicitly stated that this was going to be a tough Quest I really shouldn't be doing this but...

Given the quality of your omakes, Project: Reaper is completed. Choose from the following.

[X] Ghost suits from the original Starcraft. Dagger Snipers will have Canister Sniper Rifles, a moderate upgrade overall, and tactical cloaking. Meaning a cloaking device that last for no more than 2 turns. Darklighter will have this as well.

[X] Reaper suits. From Starcraft 2. Daggers will have dual Blaster pistols on top of having a sniper rifle (modifier DL-44s just like Han's pistol). This will also introduce a young Han Solo as a party member. Not to mention you would now have jetpacks for Dagger Teams.

[X] Marine suits. The basic marine from Starcraft 2. They will come with small Psionic Shields that Protoss Zealots have. Gauss rifles.

This is your choice.
[X] Marine suits. The basic marine from Starcraft 2. They will come with small Psionic Shields that Protoss Zealots have. Gauss rifles.
i'll add another omake shortly as thanks sorry for not having one up sooner been really busy
="san, post: 10108485, member: 20707"][X] Marine suits. The basic marine from Starcraft 2. They will come with small Psionic Shields that Protoss Zealots have. Gauss rifles.
Done. I would have recommended the ghost suit myself. But the basic marine suit is just as good because you added 60 hit points to your Dagger Teams.
Also taking apart the Free-Flow is the only science currently up so it's pretty much by default, no vote.

I need a 1d100 roll. If it's 80 or above you complete the project.
ok rolling

meh oh well.
san threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 65
65 65
Choose your mission:

[X] Tattooine, Part 2. Master A'Sharad Hett, codename Dragon, wants to screw with Pizza the Hut..I mean, Jabba the Hutt and his local criminal Empire. Boba Fett has also offered his services in exchange for sharing in the spoils of some cold hard loot.

Difficulty: Medium
EXP: Auto-level up!
Loot: Precious metals, Imperial Credits

[X] Imperial Center: Shit. Lord Vader is going on a killing spree in the Undercity for some unknown reason. Ashoka Tano learned about a small enclave of Jedi on the run. This bears investigation.

Difficulty: Very Hard.
EXP: Level up!
Loot: Multiple saved Jedi, unknown loot.

Naboo: Rumors of Padme Naberrie potentially surviving are spreading like wildfire on the planet. Multiple Sith Inquisitors are questioning the local populace. The planet is in grave danger and could use a few good Daggers. Grandmaster Windu is leading an entire company of Daggers personally and has requested your team to lead the charge.

Difficulty: Unknown
EXP: Level-up!
Loot: Confirmation of potential rumors.

[X] Imperial Center: Shit. Lord Vader is going on a killing spree in the Undercity for some unknown reason. Ashoka Tano learned about a small enclave of Jedi on the run. This bears investigation.

Have to save dem jedi
[X] Imperial Center: Shit. Lord Vader is going on a killing spree in the Undercity for some unknown reason. Ashoka Tano learned about a small enclave of Jedi on the run. This bears investigation.
[X] Imperial Center: Shit. Lord Vader is going on a killing spree in the Undercity for some unknown reason. Ashoka Tano learned about a small enclave of Jedi on the run. This bears investigation.
Choose your callsign:

[X] The Crystal Dagger

[X] Pressure

[X] Black Flag

[X] Injection

[X] Musashi

[X] Write-in

You will have hidden bonuses. The Force is with you, but choose carefully. For example,
Choosing The Crystal Dagger will give bonus to assassin skills, while Musashi will give you a Holocron of The Book Of Five Rings, written by Miyamoto Musashi, widely
considered to be Japan's greatest swordsman ever.