Man, we are NOT going to create Bio Weapons for the military (which was what the I-Rex and the Indoraptor were), we already have a great gig with the whole dino Theme Park, and grants from conservation programs of many governments

Agreed. If Wu really still wants to do genetic improvements on dinosaurs, I say we direct him towards making them more adapted for the different biosphere of modern times. There's no need to stoop towards weaponizing our dinosaurs when there are effectively unlimited scientific/pharmaceutical applications with what we already have.

Though, that doesn't negate the possibility that Biosyn (our main competitor) does exactly what they did in the Jurassic World movies—doing all of that in our stead. Espionage is well within their wheelhouse.
Agreed. If Wu really still wants to do genetic improvements on dinosaurs, I say we direct him towards making them more adapted for the different biosphere of modern times. There's no need to stoop towards weaponizing our dinosaurs when there are effectively unlimited scientific/pharmaceutical applications with what we already have.
Maybe, if he really wants to start pushing the envelope, set up a isolated lab where he can go mad scientist, so long as he delivers results, like how some genes work with dinos and such. He wants to see what happens when you mix human and dino DNA, fine, so long as he delivers useful information we can use for our actually profitable attractions.
Agreed. If Wu really still wants to do genetic improvements on dinosaurs, I say we direct him towards making them more adapted for the different biosphere of modern times. There's no need to stoop towards weaponizing our dinosaurs when there are effectively unlimited scientific/pharmaceutical applications with what we already have.

Though, that doesn't negate the possibility that Biosyn (our main competitor) does exactly what they did in the Jurassic World movies—doing all of that in our stead. Espionage is well within their wheelhouse.

On the first point, given the differences in the environments from today and the ones in which the dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, I think it is going to be almost mandatory to make those adjustments if we want to have relatively healthy creatures... Especially the ones that make their immune system less vulnerable to diseases, their digestive system more suited for today´s food, and something to help them adjust to the lower levels of oxygen in the Atmosphere.

And about the second one, well we can avoid our company going full Umbrella, but we cannot control what Biosyn and that it doesn´t go full Umbrella
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And about the second one, well we can avoid our company going full Umbrella, but we cannot control what Biosyn doesn´t go full Umbrella
Considering BioSyn canonically made airborne rabies and released it in Chile just so they could sell a vaccine for it, they already are going full Umbrella. We might want to do some preemptive investigation into them, just in case.
Maybe, if he really wants to start pushing the envelope, set up a isolated lab where he can go mad scientist, so long as he delivers results, like how some genes work with dinos and such. He wants to see what happens when you mix human and dino DNA, fine, so long as he delivers useful information we can use for our actually profitable attractions.
On the first point, given the differences in the environments from today and the ones in which the dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, I think it is going to be almost mandatory to make those adjustments if we want to have relatively healthy creatures... Especially the ones that make their immune system less vulnerable to diseases, their digestive system more suited for today´s food, and something to help them adjust to the lower levels of oxygen in the Atmosphere.

From what I understand, Wu's method has less of an issue with this due to his usage of modern day descendant's DNA to 'fill in the gaps' for the dinosaurs he resurrects. That being said, 'less' issues with their immune systems and so on doesn't mean no issues.

I think it is well within our purview to continuously make small, quality of life changes to our dinosaurs so that they don't have to struggle as much.

As for the experiments Wu does to make dinosaurs more intelligent… hopefully we can find a place where that can be useful, or otherwise let him down gently and pray he doesn't do it in secret.
Well, I don´t think that there will be much demand for that... I mean the military, police, and other services already use dogs on a daily basis with great effectiveness, so I don´t think that there is too much demand for new expensive genetically engineered breeds to make a specific job slightly better (really, what they can do with "regular" dogs is frankly amazing and if it is not broken why fix it).

What could give us quick cash would be to take advantage of how excessive inbreeding is ruining the health of so-called "pure breed dogs" and use our geneticist to produce more genetically diverse embryos of certain breeds of dogs with their most common health problems edited out...

Or modify dogs and cats so that they don´t produce the proteins that give people who are allergic an allergic reaction.

Another avenue that we could also explore would be the revival of extinct domestic animals, such as the Salish Wool dog and the Turnspit dog.
From what I understand, Wu's method has less of an issue with this due to his usage of modern day descendant's DNA to 'fill in the gaps' for the dinosaurs he resurrects. That being said, 'less' issues with their immune systems and so on doesn't mean no issues.

I think it is well within our purview to continuously make small, quality of life changes to our dinosaurs so that they don't have to struggle as much.

As for the experiments Wu does to make dinosaurs more intelligent… hopefully we can find a place where that can be useful, or otherwise let him down gently and pray he doesn't do it in secret.
Well, IIRC even if we are using Dr. Wu method to create dinosaurs now, the plan wat is to eventually discontinue it when Dr. Sokrin's method becomes more economically viable...
Though, that doesn't negate the possibility that Biosyn (our main competitor) does exactly what they did in the Jurassic World movies—doing all of that in our stead. Espionage is well within their wheelhouse.

It's not just BioSyn that we may need to worry about, there are potentially three other competitors to InGen and who may potentially use genetic technology in an irresponsible and immoral way:

Mantah Corp, another bioengineering company and as morally dubious in its business operations as BioSyn. While their genetic technology is not as advanced as InGen, they are highly advanced with their robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles and artificial biomes.

Tatsuo Technology, probably the least concerning of InGen's competitors but still worth keeping an eye on. Their sights are set more on the technological aspects of InGen's work than on the cloned animals.

Masrani Global, is an interesting conundrum.

As of around this point in time in the quest, the company is only known as MasCom, an advanced telecommunication company. But in time they will grow to be the enormous corporate conglomerate that will also have significant interests and make several advances in energy, aeronautical engineering, building & construction, technology and bioengineering, to name a few examples. Their future energy division will one day fuel 21% of the world's transportation sector.

Canonically, they would end up being the most successful out of all of the companies who wanted to make use of de-extinction with Jurassic World's successful decade long operation.

They're potentially our most capable rival who could buy us out, or be our closest ally. Sanjay and Simon Masrani were very close friends of the now late John Hammond, perhaps Eliot could establish contact with them?

Considering BioSyn canonically made airborne rabies and released it in Chile just so they could sell a vaccine for it, they already are going full Umbrella. We might want to do some preemptive investigation into them, just in case.
This might be a pipe dream, but if we could bring down BioSyn via legitimate means (e.g. P.R. Campaign) as a consequence of them releasing the modified airborne rabies and recklessly transporting the capsule containing the virus in a carry-on bag on a commercial airline flight, we could acquire their technology and BioSyn Valley in the Dolomites.

The land is rich in amber deposits and InGeneral could be a good location for another park or a research station.

Well, IIRC even if we are using Dr. Wu method to create dinosaurs now, the plan wat is to eventually discontinue it when Dr. Sokrin's method becomes more economically viable...
Once his method to genetically recreating the dinosaurs is eventually replaced by Dr. Sorkin's, perhaps we could placate Dr. Wu and boost his ego by giving him a significant task he was very interested in taking on from Jurassic World: The Game, the creation of a highly accurate phylogenetic tree.

This is what he hoped to achieve:

"In 1966, Dr. Margaret Dayhoff of the National Biomedical Research Foundation in Washington D.C. took my nascent field of genetics into new territory. By assembling databases of protein and nucleic acid sequences, Dayhoff pioneered the model of what would later become 'the phylogenetic tree'.

All species of animals, plants, humans, you name it, are inextricably linked to this tree on a molecular level. Including dinosaurs. Do you want to peer over 65 million years ago and see a real T. rex? Not the garbage that's drawn in kids' books but really, actually see?

I do. And I will analyze and resequence a more advanced model until it reveals to me what cloning dinosaur DNA couldn't for decades."
Once his method to genetically recreating the dinosaurs is eventually replaced by Dr. Sorkin's, perhaps we could placate Dr. Wu and boost his ego by giving him a significant task he was very interested in taking on from Jurassic World: The Game, the creation of a highly accurate phylogenetic tree.
Not exactly replaced, but merged.
Besides that, Wu's technique is the whole basis on which we are now making money and saving endangered species. His fame will just continue to skyrocket now.
But yeah, give him things to work on to keep him happy is pretty important. We don't want him ever going rogue. Or any of our employees for that matter.

We could make domesticated anything to sell as pets, like cat sized elephants.
Make farm animals better however we want.
There'll never be a shortage of projects.
In the late 80s James Gurney was working as an illustrator for Nat Geo doing ancient civilization reconstructions and gathering material for Dinotopia (1992) in his spare time. I would like it if we could grab him for some architecture concepts and mural work after someone at InGen sees his Waterfall City (1988) and Dinosaur Parade (1989) panoramas. I assume we're shooting to open the park in '93 or rather '94 since the movie took place in '93 showing a failed dress rehearsal for the park. We could let Gurney paint from real life models for his book to drum up excitement for the park too.
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Not exactly replaced, but merged.
Besides that, Wu's technique is the whole basis on which we are now making money and saving endangered species. His fame will just continue to skyrocket now.
But yeah, give him things to work on to keep him happy is pretty important. We don't want him ever going rogue. Or any of our employees for that matter.

Both of our main scientists canonically have pretty massive egos, but Wu's is by far the worst and I do worry what he would do if we don't give him some slack. I would absolutely not put it past him to jump to a competitor or let secrets slip away for funding if we throttle his efforts.

After all, this is the dude who set off not one, not two, but three dinosaur related catastrophes.

That said, I don't foresee a point in time when forsaking his methods entirely for Sokrin's is a good idea. They both have plenty to offer, and if we could get them to actually work together for once we might end up with a 'perfect' method. Maybe we could have them work together on a task that would be too difficult for either one of them to complete handily on their own? Idk
You know... If we're looking for other time periods to try and extract life from, and can somehow manage it despite it being too long ago for amber, and even knowing it'd have to involve us being super careful considering they're an ocean species, I'd love to see as a pet project an attempt to bring over Anomalocaris back to life.

As interesting as dinosaurs and terror birds? No. As interesting as mammoths or giant millipedes could be? No. But I do love the funky weird shrimp.
You know... If we're looking for other time periods to try and extract life from, and can somehow manage it despite it being too long ago for amber, and even knowing it'd have to involve us being super careful considering they're an ocean species, I'd love to see as a pet project an attempt to bring over Anomalocaris back to life.

As interesting as dinosaurs and terror birds? No. As interesting as mammoths or giant millipedes could be? No. But I do love the funky weird shrimp.
Prehistoric dining. Charge an arm and a leg for our Cambrian Seafood Platter prepared by a 5 star Japanese chef.
It'd be good for putting in an aquarium building.
The Boot Drops
"I've gotta say, the only reason I'm entertaining this offer is because Amelia had nothing but praise for you from when I looked into your background." Gerry Harding wiped at his forehead. "But why are we on Sorna? I thought that the big project was on Nublar?"

You smiled and nodded. "Yes, that's where the tourists will be going. Consider it a display and education center, while this is the back lot where all the dirty messy business happens. As well as where the real work occurs." You opened the door, leading him into the enclosure. It was inside for the moment, but there was a skylight and vents to the exterior to acclimate the animals inside to the sounds, sights and smells of the island.

"Still not sure what you're doing. The work with Disney was impressive, but a revival program for birds is hardly something that needs a dedicated veterinarian."

"It depends on the type of birds," you answer cheerily. Gerry stops dead in his tracks as a small head pokes itself out of the underbrush inside the enclosure. And then another. And another. Until there were eight infant Plateosaurus at the edge of the fence, using their forelegs to lift themselves up higher, bugling greetings.

"Those aren't birds," Gerry says at last. You grin, gently scratching necks and foreheads as the infants vied for attention.

"Well I mean in the absolutely most technical term, they are." Your grin is absolutely shit eating now. "We do have the Terror Birds of course, but they're in an enclosure nearer to the island interior since it offers open grasslands."

Gerry just continued to gape as you retrieved some of the mashed leaf mixture that the Plateosaurs were still being fed on. Like infant crocodiles and snakes, they had been born with proper teeth already, but had struggled with the first offerings of food. Your team had fallen back on using a form of macerated leaves to help partially grind the food for the infants. You're not sure if it's a matter of the difference in the biology of modern plants vs their native flora, or if like birds, they were fed partially masticated food by their parents while young.

"Terror birds?" Gerry asked weakly. You nodded absently.

"Oh yeah, they were our first really successful revival. But Dr. Wu says that the T-Rex should be reaching full gestation within the month." That was the clincher. Gerry sat down, hard; staring at the dinosaurs.

"A T-Rex. You're... what, cloning a god-damn T-Rex? This is like something out of a science fiction novel." You laughed, moving over and helping Gerry back to his feet.

"Oh I assure you Dr. Harding; it's quite real. And I'd like you to be our chief veterinarian."

The fire in the man's eyes was all the answer you needed. You chuckled slightly. You may not have been a showman like your old man, but you'd picked up a trick or two.

Dr. Sorkin looked at you blankly. "I'm sorry Mr Hammond, I must have misheard you." You suppress a sigh.

"No Doctor, I was being clear. Since Dr. Wu handled the prior revivification project, it's your turn to go up to bat. You're both equally valued employees. Which means that I'm going to treat you equally and rotate the workload between the two of you."

Sorkin tilts her head to the side slightly, trying to pick apart your statement for any intended insult. After a moment it seems she dismisses it as any kind of dig.

"Besides," you press onwards, "no matter what now you can always say that your method was the one that produced the first viable living dinosaurs." The self-satisfied smirk on the woman's face told you you'd taken the right tack here.

"Very well then. Which particular effort do you wish me to concentrate on?"

[][Revival]Passenger Pigeon. The President is looking to get some points with the ecologically-minded voters. And bringing back a species that Americans had wiped out should work quite well. The biggest problem will be getting enough genetic samples. But compared to pulling the DNA of a Plateosaurus together it'll be child's play.

[][Revival]White Rhino. The new Ugandan government is looking to get any kind of good publicity that it can. To that end they've put out an open-ended offer for any person or organization that can help improve the number of white rhinos and help increase their genetic diversity. Probably the hardest challenge either scientist has faced so far

[][Revival]Pyrenean Ibex. The French Government is looking to get one over on the Portuguese, Spanish, and Andorran governments by bolstering this species of mountain goat back off of the endangered species list. As it's a species that matures and gestates much faster than a rhino, alongside having close relatives to use to help induce genetic diversity it would be slightly easier to clone.

[][Revival]Po'ouli. The US Government is also eager to get in on the act. Though it was only discovered last decade, this native Hawaiian bird is already getting the crap kicked out of it by disease, predators and the like. They're hoping that you can infuse some stronger immune systems into their gene pool to help combat the issues of disease and resisting pollution. The easiest of them all with a wide variety of samples to work with. Though apparently they want to boost the immune systems of the snails these birds feed on as well?


Construction on the monorail line has been proceeding on schedule. The array of Imagineers that you'd gotten from Disney on a year-long contract was proving invaluable. They'd also brought something to your attention that you'd completely overlooked.

You looked at the logistics calculations and cost/benefit analysis carefully, then back up to the man on the other side of your desk.

"I have to say Mr. Glancing, this is a bit of an unexpected suggestion."

The bookish man nodded, before tapping the map on the desk between the two of you. "Well sir, you wanted our input for any possible suggestions on ways to make operation of the park more efficient in the long term. Using Isla Matanceros as a staging area would mean no long delays in material acquisition, and it would also make an ideal place for some hotels as a sort of reception area for guests before getting to the park proper."

You nodded your head in agreement. Not only that, but it could be used as a sort of appetizer to whet the guests expectations for what was to come...

[][Staging]Minimalist. Just use it as a staging ground for materials intended for the actual park for now, save further development for later.

[][Staging]Arrival. Start preparing the place as an arrival and departure point for guests now so you have basic amenities available.

[][Staging]Overboard? Go whole hog on this aspect of the endeavor as well. No investors to tell you no anymore! Hotels, exhibits of Terror Birds, insects and amphibians. Maybe even a small aquarium! In a building well away from the waterfront of course. Add in a beach for surfing and swimming, alongside some water attractions and minor rides to let families decompress after seeing the Park. It'll definitely ramp up the price tag though, but if you were going to do this you'd do it right.


You looked at the reports on your desk. Updates on the growth of the Plateosaurs and Terror Birds. You'd also gotten some of the prospective ads for the next Final Fantasy game. The live shots of the Terror Birds for the game seemed to be a big hit. Everything seemed to be going well with the construction of the monorail and the Sorna facilities... You were wondering when the other boot was going to fall.

Ah, your phone. Picking up, before you even had a chance to say anything, Ray Arnold was speaking. "Boss we got a problem."

"Oh thank god."

"Motherfucker are you drunk?"

You laughed. "No, just everything was going too well. What's happening?"

As Arnold continued to speak though, your laughter stilled. One of the aides in the lab had been caught making copies of the data for Wu's DNA extraction process. Security was holding them, but they wanted a call from you on how to deal with the spy.

[][Spy]Red-handed. She was caught with her hand in the metaphorical cookie jar. Make sure she doesn't have any other copies of data in her possession and send her on her way with the proper fines and fees from broken NDAs. And blacklisted from reputable scientific work.

[][Spy]Dig Deeper. Authorize the funds for a private investigator to dig into her background. Find out who the puppetmaster is. Prepare for corporate shadow warfare.

[][Spy]Up in Arms. Investigate, collate, and litigate. Drag whoever was buying her loyalty kicking and screaming into the light of the legal system. But it may risk information about the park leaking.
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[X][Revival]White Rhino. The new Ugandan government is looking to get any kind of good publicity that it can. To that end they've put out an open-ended offer for any person or organization that can help improve the number of white rhinos and help increase their genetic diversity. Probably the hardest challenge either scientist has faced so far

[X][Staging]Arrival. Start preparing the place as an arrival and departure point for guests now so you have basic amenities available.

[X][Spy]Dig Deeper. Authorize the funds for a private investigator to dig into her background. Find out who the puppetmaster is. Prepare for corporate shadow warfare.
[][Revival]Passenger Pigeon. The President is looking to get some points with the ecologically-minded voters. And bringing back a species that Americans had wiped out should work quite well. The biggest problem will be getting enough genetic samples. But compared to pulling the DNA of a Plateosaurus together it'll be child's play.

[][Staging]Overboard? Go whole hog on this aspect of the endeavor as well. No investors to tell you no anymore! Hotels, exhibits of Terror Birds, insects and amphibians. Maybe even a small aquarium! In a building well away from the waterfront of course. Add in a beach for surfing and swimming, alongside some water attractions and minor rides to let families decompress after seeing the Park. It'll definitely ramp up the price tag though, but if you were going to do this you'd do it right.

Let's take some tips from Disney, since we have their support and advice readily available.

[][Spy]Up in Arms. Investigate, collate, and litigate. Drag whoever was buying her loyalty kicking and screaming into the light of the legal system. But it may risk information about the park leaking.
If this is BioSyn, I want them dragged into the light where they will burn like vampires from the scrutiny.
[][Revival]Po'ouli. The US Government is also eager to get in on the act. Though it was only discovered last decade, this native Hawaiian bird is already getting the crap kicked out of it by disease, predators and the like. They're hoping that you can infuse some stronger immune systems into their gene pool to help combat the issues of disease and resisting pollution. The easiest of them all with a wide variety of samples to work with. Though apparently they want to boost the immune systems of the snails these birds feed on as well?

Sorkin's work with Insects makes her best suited for this project.
Also it's probably better to start with the still living species that can be saved before going for the extinct ones.

[][Staging]Overboard? Go whole hog on this aspect of the endeavor as well. No investors to tell you no anymore! Hotels, exhibits of Terror Birds, insects and amphibians. Maybe even a small aquarium! In a building well away from the waterfront of course. Add in a beach for surfing and swimming, alongside some water attractions and minor rides to let families decompress after seeing the Park. It'll definitely ramp up the price tag though, but if you were going to do this you'd do it right.

We are making bank, so we can definitely afford this.

[][Spy]Dig Deeper. Authorize the funds for a private investigator to dig into her background. Find out who the puppetmaster is. Prepare for corporate shadow warfare.

This is an information war, to play we need information.
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[X][Spy]Up in Arms. Investigate, collate, and litigate. Drag whoever was buying her loyalty kicking and screaming into the light of the legal system. But it may risk information about the park leaking.
[X][Staging]Overboard? Go whole hog on this aspect of the endeavor as well. No investors to tell you no anymore! Hotels, exhibits of Terror Birds, insects and amphibians. Maybe even a small aquarium! In a building well away from the waterfront of course. Add in a beach for surfing and swimming, alongside some water attractions and minor rides to let families decompress after seeing the Park. It'll definitely ramp up the price tag though, but if you were going to do this you'd do it right.
[X][Revival]White Rhino. The new Ugandan government is looking to get any kind of good publicity that it can. To that end they've put out an open-ended offer for any person or organization that can help improve the number of white rhinos and help increase their genetic diversity. Probably the hardest challenge either scientist has faced so far
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[X][Revival]Passenger Pigeon. The President is looking to get some points with the ecologically-minded voters. And bringing back a species that Americans had wiped out should work quite well. The biggest problem will be getting enough genetic samples. But compared to pulling the DNA of a Plateosaurus together it'll be child's play

[X][Staging]Overboard? Go whole hog on this aspect of the endeavor as well. No investors to tell you no anymore! Hotels, exhibits of Terror Birds, insects and amphibians. Maybe even a small aquarium! In a building well away from the waterfront of course. Add in a beach for surfing and swimming, alongside some water attractions and minor rides to let families decompress after seeing the Park. It'll definitely ramp up the price tag though, but if you were going to do this you'd do it right

[X][Spy]Red-handed. She was caught with her hand in the metaphorical cookie jar. Make sure she doesn't have any other copies of data in her possession and send her on her way with the proper fines and fees from broken NDAs. And blacklisted from reputable scientific work