Faux/Rupere Saeculi [Stopped]

"So, King Haraldr HIldetand. Any useful information on that?" he calls out to Mike, cutting open his wrist to form his Bloodstained Blade.

"By the way, this'd be a great time to support Berserker if you've got anything. Caster, could you cover me long enough to let me close the distance and fight the Summoner?" he continues, lowering his voice as he addresses Caster.

"Sadly, I don't know who she is either. I have never encountered her name in my travels at all. But Champion over there doesn't seem to concerned with Saber's flame at all." Mike unsheathe his sword, getting ready for combat when the fight gets even more out of hand.

"Well ain't that an interesting little tidbit. If you separate Champion from his Summoner Mike and I should be able to put the bastard out of his misery. Shame I had to throw away the shotgun." Roy muttered.

Then he blinks, thinking about Caster's position."Oh, uh, I guess you could also just wait for the Overseer to get here. I won't hold it against you if you decide to sit this one out. Just keep clear and we'll be fine."

He turns to watch Berserker's fight with Saber. "I don't think I can do much about that on my own, though."

"Your help is greatly appreciated. When we dealt with Champion, I promised you that Caster and I will back Berserker up as soon as possible." Mike stared at Champion, trying to see how will the Hero attack Caster.
"I sorry, Master of Berseker. I can't cover you right now. Champion is currently eyeing me and intend to take me out the moments a chance present itself." Caster reply to Berseker master while keeping a continue eye on Champion. Champion goal was to take out the weakest servants gather here and with Assassin disappearing from sight, she would be next on the list.
...wait, what?

Assassin refocused his attention on Champion and his master. If both Caster and Berserker were taken down, well. Assassin still had a chance at winning, but they wouldn't be as good as they could've been.

"Master, did you hear that? Champion... he's an unknown and Caster's our most useful asset we have so far." Assassin reached into his pocket and withdrew a beautiful hairpin. He'd stolen it at the market as a gift for Caster in return for the healing. If he could learn something about Champion that'd let Caster get an edge...
...wait, what?

Assassin refocused his attention on Champion and his master. If both Caster and Berserker were taken down, well. Assassin still had a chance at winning, but they wouldn't be as good as they could've been.

"Master, did you hear that? Champion... he's an unknown and Caster's our most useful asset we have so far."
Lily blurs again, not faded any more.

"Right. New target, then. His Summoner should be open when Champion moves. ...Um, can you not kill him?"

'Quick, think of an Assassin-reason.'

"I mean, it's not like Champion would disappear instantly if his Summoner dies, right? Not like if he had to use a Command Seal and get him to stop. This means he won't get a chance to kill Caster as he dies."

Another Lily appeared next to them, and started skirting the area, trying to avoid the fight but still making her way to Saber's Summoner.

The original Lily blurred and faded again.

"Right. Clone's going over to try to get Saber's Summoner to actually use a Command Seal next time. I'll... be here, I guess..."
Lily blurs again, not faded any more.

"Right. New target, then. His Summoner should be open when Champion moves. ...Um, can you not kill him?"

'Quick, think of an Assassin-reason.'

"I mean, it's not like Champion would disappear instantly if his Summoner dies, right? Not like if he had to use a Command Seal and get him to stop. This means he won't get a chance to kill Caster as he dies."
"Then what would you suggest Master? Besides, I trust that Caster can take care of herself. If Champion lives, he would be free to make another attack on our alliance. Would you weigh the lives of our enemies higher than those of our allies?" Assassin shook his head in mock disapproval. "For shame Master."
Another Lily appeared next to them, and started skirting the area, trying to avoid the fight but still making her way to Saber's Summoner.

The original Lily blurred and faded again.

"Right. Clone's going over to try to get Saber's Summoner to actually use a Command Seal next time. I'll... be here, I guess..."
"Hm." Assassin lightly tossed the hairpin in his hand and examined it. "And I suppose I'll be helping our good friend Caster not get killed, yes?"

A grin spread over his face as he moved through the trees unseen, approaching Caster. Dropping his Concealment for just a moment, Assassin chucked the pin at Caster and roared. "Caster! For being a true ally, I grant you this gift! May the beast that dwells within both protect you from harm and slay those who would do harm unto you with ease!"

That said, Assassin got the fuck out of dodge, putting Presence Concealment back and circling around a good distance before making his way back to his master.
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