Faux/Rupere Saeculi [Stopped]

Joseph nodded to Lancer in understanding. To have the summoned spirit bruised and scuffed up while attending the meeting could put them at a disadvantage, especially if alliances formed and less than scrupulous actions were taken by the other Master-Servant pairs at the gathering...this simply wouldn't do.

"Lancer, we'll have to stop by the house and grab our ace in the hole before we go to the meeting. We can't risk combat if you aren't in peak condition, and I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you faced from handling those criminals." Indeed, if they brought that to the meeting, there would be no need to worry about any movements from other Masters...

"Make sure I don't accidentally use it unless it's absolutely necessary, Lancer. That thing would do more harm than good in anything but the worst case scenario." Joseph solemnly spoke to the astralized hero as he began a lively jog toward his home and base of operations.

Poor scrubs won't stand a chance against the mighty LANCERWEAPON!

After having a mental discussion with his master, Lancer eventually relents with the plan. He didn't think it was necessary but he supposed drastic measures had to be taken. Especially at an important meeting such as this.
@notmi @Nanimani @Divider @Camellia @D.D. Spectator @zero_traveler @A Melted Cheese Sandwich @Azrael @InfiniteDaze @BoundaryPhantasm @Bondo @Illusion @The Out Of World

As the sun dips below the Western Peaks, and the sky turns red and purple, Summoners and Heroes filter into the poorly lit, some teams still sporting recovering wounds, and others glaring at each other hatefully.

Roy, an outside visitor to the city; Lilly, the daughter of a once-large mercenary family; and Mike, a traveling Mercenary testing his luck in the Grail Competition spot each other quickly and respectively...

Berserker and Caster silently stand next to their respective Summoners, before Assassin suddenly pops out of apparently nowhere next to Berserker, and...

Rider glares at Lancer stonily, rubbing his left arm where a spear had ran through just a few days back. Lancer returns the glare, and...

Joseph awkwardly stands next to the 'heroic' staring match, and...

Champion walks in next to his Summoner, a relatively well-known hermit that lives in the Northern Forest. Nodding silently to each of the Heroes and Summoners they passes by, he finds a corner, and Champion stands guard beside him. Checking his watch, he notes the time.

"6:30," he mumbles to himself softly, "I wonder when the announcement is going to come through..."

Saber and her Summoner, a quiet student at the local college named Alexander, stand to the side, with Saber frostily ignoring everyone else.

Alexander DuFree, the heir to a nearly wiped out political party in the City, comes in fashionably late with Archer, and...
Roy, an outside visitor to the city; Lilly, the daughter of a once-large mercenary family; and Mike, a traveling Mercenary testing his luck in the Grail Competition spot each other quickly and respectively...
@Nanimani @Bondo @BoundaryPhantasm @Camellia @D.D. Spectator
Roy carefully balances a snack bar on Lilly's head and tosses one to Mike, Caster, and Assassin. "You two look awful. Fortunately, I look as fabulous as ever, so you look better by association." he says, grinning to show he was joking.

"So, I'll be antagonizing the enemy Summoners and blowing raspberries at their Heroes until the overseer gets here." Roy continued, absentmindedly giving Archer the finger as he and DuFree arrived.

"Feel free to join in if you like." he called as he walked back towards Berserker.
Berserker and Caster silently stand next to their respective Summoners, before Assassin suddenly pops out of apparently nowhere next to Berserker, and...
"Come on, Berserker, we need to greet the fresh meat." Roy says.

"You want your Mad Enhancement now, or would you prefer to join in on the trash-talk?" Roy sends, concentrating briefly. This telepathy stuff was harder than the comics made it look.
Rider glares at Lancer stonily, rubbing his left arm where a spear had ran through just a few days back. Lancer returns the glare, and...

Lancer grunts and looks away, humoring Rider's grudge on him would only escalate the situation. While he was confident he could take Rider down in a fight especially with the "trump card" his master was carrying, the other servants in the room were sure to interfere. Defeating multiple servants at once was not something Lancer was confident in doing.

Roy carefully balances a snack bar on Lilly's head and tosses one to Mike, Caster, and Assassin. "You two look awful. Fortunately, I look as fabulous as ever, so you look better by association." he says, grinning to show he was joking.

Lancer's eyebrow raises at the group. It seemed that an alliance had already formed between the group judging by the friendly interactions. An alliance between 3 servants was a major problem.

"So, I'll be antagonizing the enemy Summoners and blowing raspberries at their Heroes until the overseer gets here." Roy continued, absentmindedly giving Archer the finger as he and DuFree arrived.

"Feel free to join in if you like." he called as he walked back towards Berserker.

This master was also the kind of man to seek conflict. The situation became more and more troublesome as he thought about it. A group of 3 servants with a wild card master? Lancer needed to do something to even the playing field. An alliance could only be fought with an alliance. Rider was definitely out on the potential allies list and so was the already established alliance, so that left Archer, Champion, and Saber.

Lancer concentrates and speaks to his master telpathically

"Master, we need to make allies. There is already an alliance formed, and I cannot face them alone. Maybe we could arrange something with Archer, Champion, or Saber? What are your thoughts on this matter?"

@The Out Of World
"Master, we need to make allies. There is already an alliance formed, and I cannot face them alone. Maybe we could arrange something with Archer, Champion, or Saber? What are your thoughts on this matter?"

"I'd would advise we first try and establish a partnership with Saber." Joseph mentally responded. "That Servant will likely have a degree of strength and durability to match your own speed. Maybe resistance to magic?"

That having been said, the Joachim scion slowly and carefully approached the duo Saber and her master with his metal box in hand, making no sudden moves that would give the Servant reason to strike him down.

"A pleasure to be in your presence, ma'am." Joseph said with a curt half-bow before turning to the hero's summoner and extending his arm for a handshake. "Joseph Joachim, nice to meet you, mister...?" His voiced trailed off in expectation.
"I'd would advise we first try and establish a partnership with Saber." Joseph mentally responded. "That Servant will likely have a degree of strength and durability to match your own speed. Maybe resistance to magic?"

That having been said, the Joachim scion slowly and carefully approached the duo Saber and her master with his metal box in hand, making no sudden moves that would give the Servant reason to strike him down.

"A pleasure to be in your presence, ma'am." Joseph said with a curt half-bow before turning to the hero's summoner and extending his arm for a handshake. "Joseph Joachim, nice to meet you, mister...?" His voiced trailed off in expectation.

Lancer nods, accepting his master's judgement. He follows his master and addresses Saber while Joseph speaks to Saber's master. Lancer makes no threatening movements and reaches his hand out for a handshake with Saber.

"Salutations servant Saber, I am Lancer. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"So, I'll be antagonizing the enemy Summoners and blowing raspberries at their Heroes until the overseer gets here." Roy continued, absentmindedly giving Archer the finger as he and DuFree arrived.
I notice the insult out of the side of my eye and decided not to let it go unpaid. With an innocent smile on my face, I give the kid both fingers and turn away.
"Come on, Berserker, we need to greet the fresh meat." Roy says.
Berserker glances over the Heroes and summoners assembled before speaking loudly, obviously meant to be overheard by the entire group. "Hopefully they won't be too disappointing. I'd like to have some fun before this war is over."

"You want your Mad Enhancement now, or would you prefer to join in on the trash-talk?" Roy sends, concentrating briefly. This telepathy stuff was harder than the comics made it look.

"I'll stay sane for now, I doubt anyone will try to pull anything before the Overseer even has a chance to speak. Just be prepared to put me under immediately if trouble starts. And keep an eye on Champion and his master, they're getting ready to pull something."
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"A pleasure to be in your presence, ma'am." Joseph said
Smiling at him, Saber returned the greeting.

"Of course. It is a pleasure to meet you as well."
Lancer nods, accepting his master's judgement. He follows his master and addresses Saber while Joseph speaks to Saber's master. Lancer makes no threatening movements and reaches his hand out for a handshake with Saber.

"Salutations servant Saber, I am Lancer. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."


Reaching out and taking his hand in a firm grip, Saber shook it and released it.

"Well met Lancer. I must say, I'm surprised you're being this cordial. What brings you to take up our company?" Saber rested her right hand idly on the pommel of a sword driven into the ground before her, her left planting itself on her hip.
Berserker glances over the Heroes and summoners assembled before speaking loudly, obviously meant to be overheard by the entire group. "Hopefully they won't be too disappointing. I'd like to have some fun before this war is over."
"HA! A man after my own heart. Fear not! I, at least, fully intend to enjoy killing you all." As she spoke, Saber broke into a feral grin, revealing an oddity -her left canine tooth, and the tooth behind it, are unnaturally long and sharp.
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Alexander approaches, Archer at his left, and simply stands in the waiting area at Parade rest, Arms folded behind himself.
Roy carefully balances a snack bar on Lilly's head and tosses one to Mike, Caster, and Assassin. "You two look awful. Fortunately, I look as fabulous as ever, so you look better by association." he says, grinning to show he was joking.
"Excuse me?" Assassin shifted his weight and raked his hair back behind his ear. "I'll have you know that I'm in perfect condition, courtesy of the lovely Caster here." He retorted, nodding in her direction.
"So, I'll be antagonizing the enemy Summoners and blowing raspberries at their Heroes until the overseer gets here." Roy continued, absentmindedly giving Archer the finger as he and DuFree arrived.
Assassin hummed. "I'd rather not ruffle any feathers at the moment, the overseer might pop in at the worst possible time and get the wrong idea. Speaking from experience, over reactions from people in power are usually not exactly what a guy would call pretty."
"Feel free to join in if you like." he called as he walked back towards Berserker.
Assassin lazily waved a hand in his direction. "Nah, I have enough trouble dealing with my master. Maybe some other time."
"Well met Lancer. I must say, I'm surprised you're being this cordial. What brings you to take up our company?" Saber rested her right hand idly on the pommel of a sword, her left planting itself on her hip.

"I will not distract you with pleasantries and veiled remarks. My purpose for coming to talk to you is to propose an alliance between us."

Lancer strokes his beard and awaits a response from Saber.
"So, I'll be antagonizing the enemy Summoners and blowing raspberries at their Heroes until the overseer gets here." Roy continued, absentmindedly giving Archer the finger as he and DuFree arrived.

"Feel free to join in if you like." he called as he walked back towards Berserker.

Mike stuffed the snack bar into his fanny pack and raised an eyebrow at Roy's nonchalant gesture. And then his jaw dropped when Archer flipped Roy the bird. He shook his head and gathered his composure before speaking to Roy.

"Well, it's good seeing you guys again. You sure loved to live on the edge, don't you? I'm surprised that you still have all of your limbs intact. Nevertheless, I will stand by your side if the others take the bait." Mike put his hand on Ragnell's pummel and take a look at the crowd.


'Some of the Heroes are getting rather antsy, so keep your guard up. The bearded Hero seems to be hostile to that other Hero over there. And now he is talking to Saber. Archer is obviously annoyed. DuFree might be agitated, too. Caster, do your things when the inevitable happens.'
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"I will not distract you with pleasantries and veiled remarks. My purpose for coming to talk to you is to propose an alliance between us."

Lancer strokes his beard and awaits a response from Saber.
"I suppose this offer comes in response to them?" Saber said as she inclined her head toward Assassin, Caster, Berserker, and their Summoners.

"A smart move. An alliance of Heroes of those Classes would certainly be bothersome to deal with, for lesser Heroes. I am confident in my ability to match them on my own, however. So tell me, what compensation do you offer me to deal with your problem? Though I would agree to a ceasefire between ourselves until two of them are dead, I will not aid you directly for free." Turning to look at her Summoner, she continues,

"It is ultimately up to Williams here at any rate."
"HA! A man after my own heart. Fear not! I, at least, fully intend to enjoy killing you all." As she spoke, Saber broke into a feral grin, revealing an oddity -her left canine tooth, and the tooth behind it, are unnaturally long and sharp.

'Goddammit Saber. God-fucking-dammit.'

"It is ultimately up to Williams here at any rate."

Alex is a bit startled at being called out. He honestly never expected this conversation.

Shows what he knew.

"Hmm," He hummed, thinking it over a bit. "You still haven't told us what you guys can do."
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Berserker and Caster silently stand next to their respective Summoners, before Assassin suddenly pops out of apparently nowhere next to Berserker, and...

When they arrive at the meeting grounds, Caster silently stood beside her master and quietly observe the other master and servants that are interacting with each other. The room felt like it a fight gonna break out soon.

Roy carefully balances a snack bar on Lilly's head and tosses one to Mike, Caster, and Assassin. "You two look awful. Fortunately, I look as fabulous as ever, so you look better by association." he says, grinning to show he was joking.

"Thanks." Caster reply before eating the snack bar.

"Excuse me?" Assassin shifted his weight and raked his hair back behind his ear. "I'll have you know that I'm in perfect condition, courtesy of the lovely Caster here." He retorted, nodding in her direction.

Caster return a nod to Assassin in response for his praise.

'Some of the Heroes are getting rather antsy, so keep your guard up. The bearded Hero seems to be hostile to that other Hero over there. And now he is talking to Saber. Archer is obviously annoyed. DuFree might be agitated, too. Caster, do your things when the inevitable happens.'

"Got it, Master. Just make sure you are ready as well. When the meeting is over, something is bound to happen. The only question is what."
"Hmm," He hummed, thinking it over a bit. "You still haven't told us what you guys can do."

Lancer snorts at this remark.

"With no arrogance I can say that I am one of the greatest spearman to ever live. I am confident I am able to defeat any being in this room in single combat. If you need proof of my skills you need simply ask Rider. However I am not arrogant enough to believe I can face 4 servants alone. I assure you that an alliance between us would be mutually beneficial but if you do not believe so then so be it. A simple non aggression pact would suffice until I can deal with pests like Rider."

With that said Lancer once again patiently awaits a response.
"Hmm," He hummed, thinking it over a bit. "You still haven't told us what you guys can do."

Joseph grinned joyfully at the ongoing interactions between the two legendary warriors. "Well my good man, we can limit the strength and mobility of our foes through various means, provide speedy offense against less agile opponents and apparently infiltrate enemy forces and destroy them form within via subversive activities." He said, chuckling at the memory of their recent adventure.

"Additionally, should find yourselves needing somewhere to lie low for a while, I can provide shelter and food in my home so long as Lancer is also present. I can also provide drinks if you're in the mood for 'em. Fair warning: I make a mean B-52." He finished, still keeping his metal box at his side.
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Joseph grinned joyfully at the ongoing interactions between the two legendary warriors. "Well my good man, we can limit the strength and mobility of our foes through various means, provide speedy offense against less agile opponents and apparently infiltrate enemy forces and destroy them form within via subversive activities." He said, chuckling at the memory of their recent adventure.

"Additionally, should find yourselves needing somewhere to lie low for a while, I can provide shelter and food in my home so long as Lancer is also present. I can also provide drinks if you're in the mood for 'em. Fair warning: I make a mean B-52." He finished, still keeping his metal box at his side.

Lancer smiles at his master's impressive skills at an orator. Truly Lancer was blessed with the master he has gotten. Lancer couldn't imagine having to deal with Berserker's master. Rudeness showed that he didn't respect the people in this room, people who performed deeds mighty enough to be recognized as ageless heroes. He supposed he should be thankful that Berserker's master was such a fool. Much easier to defeat fools than wise men, but Lancer was getting sidetracked. He had an alliance to seal.

"Servant Saber, we have told you the services we can provide, and we have not even asked what services you can provide. We do not need to, as a warrior I can tell that you will be a powerful ally If circumstances were a bit different I would've liked to duel you first."

This was no lie, even without battling her Lancer could tell that Saber was worthy of her class. An opponent he would enjoy dueling one on one once the enemy alliance was crushed. Shaking his head, Lancer asks the million dollar question to Saber and her master.

"So what is your answer? Will you ally with us or not?"


"So what is your answer? Will you ally with us or not?"
"Perhaps." Is Saber's simple reply.

"We shall speak once more after the meeting, then I will present my terms." Turning from Lancer and his Summoner, Saber surveyed the gathered Heroes and Summoners. An interesting bunch, to be sure.

She wondered if any of the Summoners would be any good in a fight. Caster's companion carried a rather interesting sword, and he wielded it with an easy sense of familiarity.

Drawing her sword from the ground, Saber sheathed it at her hip while walking towards him.


"Greetings, I am Saber. I thought I'd come introduce myself. I saw your blade, and hoped you would do me the kindness of telling me about it."
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"HA! A man after my own heart. Fear not! I, at least, fully intend to enjoy killing you all." As she spoke, Saber broke into a feral grin, revealing an oddity -her left canine tooth, and the tooth behind it, are unnaturally long and sharp.
Drawing her sword from the ground, Saber sheathed it at her hip while waling towards him.
As Saber strides past them, Berserker pauses in his walk to make a remark. "I'd be happy to give you an honorable death at any time, wench. Seek me out when you wish to pass onto the afterlife."

Speaking, Berserker seems to express genuine emotion for the first time, his face showing a wide smile. "Unless you are willing to liven up this boring meeting with a bit of sport right now?"
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"Perhaps." Is Saber's simple reply.

"We shall speak once more after the meeting, then I will present my terms." Turning from Lancer and his Summoner, Saber surveyed the gathered Heroes and Summoners. An interesting bunch, to be sure.

Lancer turns to his master.

"Well that could have gone worst," Lancer then seems to say something to himself, something that no one but him can hear "I almost hope she refuses, my spear itches for a worthy opponent like her."

Finally Lancer speaks to his master through the telepathic master/servant connection.

"What do you think master? Should we try to make another ally? Perhaps with Archer or Champion or maybe we should wait for an event to unfold."
As if fate itself was listening

As Saber strides past them, Berserker pauses in his walk to make a remark. "I'd be happy to give you an honorable death at any time, wench. Seek me out when you wish to pass onto the afterlife."

As he speaks, Berserker seems to express genuine emotion for the first time, his face showing a wide smile. "Unless you are willing to liven up this boring meeting with a bit of sport right now?"

Lancer moves in front of his master and raises his spear. The situation just got a lot more dangerous.

"What do you think master? Interfere or not?"

@The Out Of World
As the sun dips below the Western Peaks, and the sky turns red and purple, Summoners and Heroes filter into the poorly lit, some teams still sporting recovering wounds, and others glaring at each other hatefully.

Roy, an outside visitor to the city; Lilly, the daughter of a once-large mercenary family; and Mike, a traveling Mercenary testing his luck in the Grail Competition spot each other quickly and respectively...
Lily dashes in to see a few people already here, including Roy and Mike.

"Hey! Phew, glad I'm fast, otherwise, I'd have been late! How've your days been? Did you sleep through the announcement too?"

"I bet if they did, their Heroes wouldn't have waited to tell them about the announcement till five minutes before the meeting time, unlike a certain someone..."
Berserker and Caster silently stand next to their respective Summoners, before Assassin suddenly pops out of apparently nowhere next to Berserker, and...
Lily sighs.

"Assassin, don't taunt the Berserker. I'd like to not have him mad, okay?"
Roy carefully balances a snack bar on Lilly's head and tosses one to Mike, Caster, and Assassin.
Lily looks about to burst out... then looks up to her hat, where the snack bar'd been placed.

'Wonder if I can keep it balanced this whole meeting...'

"...Can I have a few more? I wanna see if I can balance a pyramid on this thing."
She taps her cap.
"You two look awful. Fortunately, I look as fabulous as ever, so you look better by association." he says, grinning to show he was joking.
Lily looks to briefly consider his words

"...I dunno, have you looked in a mirror today? I think we're gonna have to bring in looks from somewhere else."

She looks around.

"Maybe from out of city?"
Rider glares at Lancer stonily, rubbing his left arm where a spear had ran through just a few days back. Lancer returns the glare, and...
'Sheesh. Put more tension into the meeting, why don't you?'

Still, they've fought and, unlike Caster and Berserker, Lancer actually wounded his opponent.

'No wounds on Lancer, at least obvious ones... So he won, but Rider got away, probably on his mount? Huh, should send a clone to ask Lancer later. Not like he's got any reason not to tell me.
...Unless he's the kind who'd rather kill him himself, in which case fuck'im.'
Champion walks in next to his Summoner, a relatively well-known hermit that lives in the Northern Forest. Nodding silently to each of the Heroes and Summoners they passes by, he finds a corner, and Champion stands guard beside him. Checking his watch, he notes the time.

Alexander DuFree, the heir to a nearly wiped out political party in the City, comes in fashionably late with Archer, and...
'Wow. Not even I was that late.'

"Cutting it a bit close, yeah?"

"So, I'll be antagonizing the enemy Summoners and blowing raspberries at their Heroes until the overseer gets here." Roy continued, absentmindedly giving Archer the finger as he and DuFree arrived.
I notice the insult out of the side of my eye and decided not to let it go unpaid. With an innocent smile on my face, I give the kid both fingers and turn away.
Lily sighed contentedly.

"Is it wrong that I just wanna watch you two all day? Maybe just record you? Really, you should've summoned him. You go amazingly together."

"Feel free to join in if you like." he called as he walked back towards Berserker.
"Um... Don't actually start a fight, okay? Free-for-alls aren't fair for anyone. I mean, 'not fair' is something we'd want on our side, not everyone's."
As Saber strides past them, Berserker pauses in his walk to make a remark. "I'd be happy to give you an honorable death at any time, wench. Seek me out when you wish to pass onto the afterlife."

Speaking, Berserker seems to express genuine emotion for the first time, his face showing a wide smile. "Unless you are willing to liven up this boring meeting with a bit of sport right now?"
'Too late. Urgh, why couldn't he have summoned someone else?'

She started backing away to the shadows, putting the snack bars in her pockets.

"Assassin, get ready. If Berserker's looking like he's gonna die soon or something, pull Roy out and give him something that'll get Berserker out."
"Greetings, I am Saber. I thought I'd come introduce myself. I saw your blade, and hoped you would do me the kindness of telling me about it."
Mike tensed up at Saber's advance and tightened his grip on his sword. He was preparing for the worst when Berserker taunted her. Mike took a couple of glance between Saber and Berserker. It seems an all out brawl might occur soon even before the Overseer's meeting began. He backed away from the two Heroes.

'Caster, stay vigilant and watch my back. Do your best to look out for Roy and MHX, too.'
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I see the conflict that wa brewing and take immediate action. I pull out my bow and two arrows, preparing a double shot.

"Stand down Beserker and Saber, or I will personally put an arrow in you two."