Faux/Rupere Saeculi [Stopped]

Mike tensed up at Saber's advance and tightened his grip on his sword. He was preparing for the worst when Berserker taunted her. Mike took a couple of glance between Saber and Berserker. It seems an all out brawl might occur soon even before the Overseer's meeting began. He backed away from the two Heroes.

'Caster, stay vigilant and watch my back. Do your best to look out for Roy and MHX, too.'

"Master, I gonna intervene if Berseker and Saber really fight it out. The moments a fight breaks out , Champion is gonna take out the weakest Hero he could find. I have seen it. Through vague, that what he will do. Best to stop it before it happen. A fight is a good excuse for him to do so. I only hope I could stop it on time should it happen."

Caster then took up a preparation stance, a stance that will allow her to react to any things that may happen. While she had seen what Champion will do with her Clairvoyance, the future is not set in stone until it is carve.
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"I bet if they did, their Heroes wouldn't have waited to tell them about the announcement till five minutes before the meeting time, unlike a certain someone..."
"You're here aren't you?" Assassin polished his bracelet on his shirt in annoyance. "I took so long because I had to get funds. I had to get funds because you have no money. And now we have you more or less on time and certainly with more money, thanks to me. Why would you want another hero? I'm perfect!"
Lily sighs.

"Assassin, don't taunt the Berserker. I'd like to not have him mad, okay?"
Assassin sulked. "Master's absolutely no fun. No fun at all."
She started backing away to the shadows, putting the snack bars in her pockets.

"Assassin, get ready. If Berserker's looking like he's gonna die soon or something, pull Roy out and give him something that'll get Berserker out."
Assassin smiled, keeping his eyes trained on Saber and Berserker.
"No Command Seals, no promises!~"
Assassin chanced a glance back at his master before looking back at the servants. "Besides that, what makes you think Berserker's master'll be willing to call him off in the first place? Who knows, maybe he has an empower when on verge of death phantasm! Keep an open mind Master! Besides that, it isn't like I have an unlimited amount of mana either. Unless you suddenly have a change of heart and let me hunt, I don't have the mana to spend frivolously."
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"Unless you are willing to liven up this boring meeting with a bit of sport right now?"
"That does it, he's going on the juice again." Roy mutters, activating Mad Enhancement.

He quickly unsheathes his knife, preparing for a fight. Well, Berserker'd do the brunt of the work, but sticking close until opportunity shines is his job, after all.

He then looks around, a wry smile coming to his face. "The people 'round here are just a pack of wolves, aren't they...well, the sun's going down. Overseer can't blame anyone but himself if things get a little exciting when he keeps us waitin'...
"Stand down Beserker and Saber, or I will personally put an arrow in you two."
So much for cooperating with us. DuFree should keep his pet on a tighter leash.

His skin darkens a bit as the magic from his earlier ritual stirs, his skin hardened to the level of a Hero. Can't compete with Berserker in terms of durability, but with this up, he won't have to worry as much about leaving me exposed.
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"That does it, he's going on the juice again." Roy mutters, activating Mad Enhancement.

He idly unsheathes his knife, preparing for a fight. Well, Berserker'd do the brunt of the work, but sticking close until opportunity shines is his job, after all.

He then looks around, a wry smile coming to his face. "The people 'round here are just a pack of wolves, aren't they...well, the sun's going down. Overseer can't blame anyone but himself if things get a little exciting when he keeps us waitin'...
"Look, Master, he's even giving Berserker Mad Enhancement."
So much for cooperating with us. DuFree should keep his pet on a tighter leash.

His skin darkens a bit as the magic from his earlier ritual stirs, his skin hardened to the level of a Hero. Can't compete with Berserker in terms of durability, but with this up, he won't have to worry as much about leaving me exposed.
"Does that look like a man willing to back down to you? And besides that, what are your feelings on giving them a little more space? Getting out of the way so our considerably more squishy selves won't get caught up on a mad enhanced Berserker and what most would consider the best physical attacker in the competition? Doesn't that sound nice Master?" Assassin moved to Lilly's side, keeping a careful eye on his surroundings and edged her further into the shadows and slipped on Presence Concealment.
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As Saber strides past them, Berserker pauses in his walk to make a remark. "I'd be happy to give you an honorable death at any time, wench. Seek me out when you wish to pass onto the afterlife."

Speaking, Berserker seems to express genuine emotion for the first time, his face showing a wide smile. "Unless you are willing to liven up this boring meeting with a bit of sport right now?"
Immediately, Saber whirled on her heel, her Mana flaring in the form of a raging inferno as she drew the iron sword she had just sheathed.

"Honor to the King - Funeral Pyre of the Great Warrior!" Saber let out an earth-shaking cry, as she Invoked the name of her Noble Phantasm. The temperature of the dome suddenly shot up, as Saber was consumed by a raging torrent of flame. Swinging her sword, the fire moved like a living thing, following the path of her blade as it shot towards Berserker's neck.

As she attacked, Saber began to speak, "Do you truly believe that I, King Haraldr Hildetand, would be so meek and cowardly as to ignore your challenge!? You insult me! And, with the Allfather as my witness, I will take your head as repayment!"
"Shit!" Mike yelled as he hauled his ass away from the two Heroes. Luckily, he was able to retreat without any injury. Heeding Caster's warning, he took a quick glance at Champion's way and saw....
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Immediately, Saber whirled on her heel, her Mana flaring in the form of a raging inferno as she drew the iron sword she had just sheathed.

"Honor to the King - Funeral Pyre of the Great Warrior!" Saber let out an earth-shaking cry, as she Invoked the name of her Noble Phantasm. The temperature of the dome suddenly shot up, as Saber was consumed by a raging torrent of flame. Swinging her sword, the fire moved like a living thing, following the path of her blade as it shot towards Berserker's neck.
Fuck. Damn, that's hot. Nope, I'm not getting tangled up in that.

Assassin shifted himself and his master behind a tree to avoid the full force of the heat wave and covered her for extra protection. It was a dry heat, dry like the summers he'd spent on the water, like home. The roar of the fire however was enough to keep him from slipping into dreams of a rocking deck, Assassin focused and kept an ear on the fight.
As she attacked, Saber began to speak, "Do you truly believe that I, King Haraldr Hildetand, would be so meek and cowardly as to ignore your challenge!? You insult me! And, with the Allfather as my witness, I will take your head as repayment!"
...okay. Haraldr Hildetand, her reign had probably come after his time.


He had no idea who this guy was besides the fact that she could light her sword on fire. Well, that was good to know! He glanced down at his master. "Do you know who Saber is, because I haven't got a clue."
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Immediately, Saber whirled on her heel, her Mana flaring in the form of a raging inferno as she drew the iron sword she had just sheathed.

"Honor to the King - Funeral Pyre of the Great Warrior!" Saber let out an earth-shaking cry, as she Invoked the name of her Noble Phantasm. The temperature of the dome suddenly shot up, as Saber was consumed by a raging torrent of flame. Swinging her sword, the fire moved like a living thing, following the path of her blade as it shot towards Berserker's neck.

As she attacked, Saber began to speak, "Do you truly believe that I, King Haraldr Hildetand, would be so meek and cowardly as to ignore your challenge!? You insult me! And, with the Allfather as my witness, I will take your head as repayment!"
"Didn't I say stand down?" Archer asks.

"PRIMORDIAL BOW!" He yells and a bow radiating power appears in his hand, swapping out his regular one. He shoots one arrow near Saber's head as a warning shot.

"Next time, I shoot to kill."
Immediately, Saber whirled on her heel, her Mana flaring in the form of a raging inferno as she drew the iron sword she had just sheathed.

"Honor to the King - Funeral Pyre of the Great Warrior!" Saber let out an earth-shaking cry, as she Invoked the name of her Noble Phantasm. The temperature of the dome suddenly shot up, as Saber was consumed by a raging torrent of flame. Swinging her sword, the fire moved like a living thing, following the path of her blade as it shot towards Berserker's neck.

As she attacked, Saber began to speak, "Do you truly believe that I, King Haraldr Hildetand, would be so meek and cowardly as to ignore your challenge!? You insult me! And, with the Allfather as my witness, I will take your head as repayment!"

I suppose lesser warriors need rely on flashy parlor tricks to even the playing field with true heroes. I can only pray that she can back up her words. It would be a disappointment to goad her into this just to have her die like a common soldier.

The grin on his face growing wider, Berserker readies his spear to face off against Saber. He prepares lash out with his own attack, before stopping, knowing that this is not the best course to take.

My Master is too close to this fight for me to go all out, especially with fire flying everywhere.

"That does it, he's going on the juice again." Roy mutters, activating Mad Enhancement.

He quickly unsheathes his knife, preparing for a fight. Well, Berserker'd do the brunt of the work, but sticking close until opportunity shines is his job, after all.

He then looks around, a wry smile coming to his face. "The people 'round here are just a pack of wolves, aren't they...well, the sun's going down. Overseer can't blame anyone but himself if things get a little exciting when he keeps us waitin'...

So much for cooperating with us. DuFree should keep his pet on a tighter leash.

His skin darkens a bit as the magic from his earlier ritual stirs, his skin hardened to the level of a Hero. Can't compete with Berserker in terms of durability, but with this up, he won't have to worry as much about leaving me exposed.
"Didn't I say stand down?" Archer asks.

"PRIMORDIAL BOW!" He yells and a bow radiating power appears in his hand, swapping out his regular one. He shoots one arrow near Saber's head as a warning shot.

"Next time, I shoot to kill."

Though his mind grows duller in response to his magnified physical abilities, Berserker is not so blind as to ignore Lancer appearing in between himself and Saber to interrupt the fight. With the addition of Archer firing into the mass, the danger to his Master is too great to continue so recklessly. Berserker grabs Roy around the waist and skips back several steps, avoiding any backlash from the flame sword and Lancer's weapon meeting, then lightly tosses him in the direction of Caster.
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Immediately, Saber whirled on her heel, her Mana flaring in the form of a raging inferno as she drew the iron sword she had just sheathed.

"Honor to the King - Funeral Pyre of the Great Warrior!" Saber let out an earth-shaking cry, as she Invoked the name of her Noble Phantasm. The temperature of the dome suddenly shot up, as Saber was consumed by a raging torrent of flame. Swinging her sword, the fire moved like a living thing, following the path of her blade as it shot towards Berserker's neck.

As she attacked, Saber began to speak, "Do you truly believe that I, King Haraldr Hildetand, would be so meek and cowardly as to ignore your challenge!? You insult me! And, with the Allfather as my witness, I will take your head as repayment!"

Dangerous was definitely an understatement. A Noble Phantasm used and an identity revealed? Saber needed to be stopped here and now before his master was in too much danger. Saber moved fast but Lancer was faster. By the time Saber moved towards Berserker Lancer was already in front of him. Lancer channeled prana into his spear

Class: Lancer
True Name: ???
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Male

Noble Phantasms

Rank: B
Type: Anti-unit

A spear that emanates a cold aura when in battle. The ability of this spear definitely relates to frost or freezing.

and met Saber's flaming sword head on. As the 2 weapons clashed, it was a magnificent sight. For a brief moment frost battled flame for supremacy. It was only luck on Lancer's part that frost won. The flames of the blade were stopped dead in its tracks by Lancer's spear and so was Saber's assault. The raging torrent of flames were clearly weakened in the clash. However it was only a pyrrhic victory on Lancer's part. In the engagement, Lancer was knocked aside by Saber's immense strength. Panting on the floor Lancer took no visible damage from either Saber's flame or the way she swatted him aside. He quickly gets up and awaits a response from Saber with his spear ready.
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"Next time, I shoot to kill."
"You think yourself my equal? HA! Do your worst! When your arrows shatter against my flesh and I impale you on my blades you will learn your folly!"
Though his mind grows duller in response to his magnified physical abilities, Berserker is not so blind as to ignore Lancer appearing in between himself and Saber to interrupt the fight. With the addition of Archer firing into the mass, the danger to his Master is too great to continue so recklessly. Berserker grabs Roy around the waist and skips back several steps, avoiding any backlash from the flame sword and Lancer's weapon meeting, then lightly tosses him in the direction of Caster.
"COWARD!" Saber roared over the roaring of flames and crackling of ice. "You challenge me, then turn tail and flee?! You'll die like the dog you are!"
He quickly gets up and awaits a response from Saber with his spear ready.
Saber didn't so much as glance in Lancer's direction as she hurls herself towards Berserker once more, a second sword materializing in her offhand.
"You think yourself my equal? HA! Do your worst! When your arrows shatter against my flesh and I impale you on my blades you will learn your folly!"

"COWARD!" Saber roared over the roaring of flames and crackling of ice. "You challenge me, then turn tail and flee?! You'll die like the dog you are!"

Saber didn't so much as glance in Lancer's direction as she hurls herself towards Berserker once more, a second sword materializing in her offhand.

Lancer grits his teeth as Saber charges Berserker. She is at the point of no return, Lancer could stop her but that would mean killing her. He could only kill her if he used his trump card, which he really didn't want to do. Killing her would be counter productive in the grand scheme of things anyways. Dammit there was only one thing Lancer could think of that could get her to stop. First he needed to secure his master. He jumps towards Joseph grabs him and then moves to the master of Saber with no hostile intentions. Meanwhile the furious battle between Berserker and Saber is heard in the background.

"Master of Saber, is there no way to stop this?"


@The Out Of World
Lancer grits his teeth as Saber charges Berserker. She is at the point of no return, Lancer could stop her but that would mean killing her. He could only kill her if he used his trump card, which he really didn't want to do. Killing her would be counter productive in the grand scheme of things anyways. Dammit there was only one thing Lancer could think of that could get her to stop. First he needed to secure his master. He jumps towards Joseph grabs him and then moves to the master of Saber with no hostile intentions. Meanwhile the furious battle between Berserker and Saber is heard in the background.

"Master of Saber, is there no way to stop this?"


@The Out Of World

Alex stares at Lancer. "If I knew do you think this would be happening?!" He whispers sharpley. "But, there is that..."

That's right, the seals on his hands. Uh, what were they again? Command symbols? Never mind. Should he use them? He didn't know...
Archer sighs.

'Kids these days...well in her day.' He thinks to himself.

He shoots two arrows aiming for both of the knees of Saber.

'That should keep her still.'
Lancer grits his teeth as Saber charges Berserker. She is at the point of no return, Lancer could stop her but that would mean killing her. He could only kill her if he used his trump card, which he really didn't want to do. Killing her would be counter productive in the grand scheme of things anyways. Dammit there was only one thing Lancer could think of that could get her to stop. First he needed to secure his master. He jumps towards Joseph grabs him and then moves to the master of Saber with no hostile intentions. Meanwhile the furious battle between Berserker and Saber is heard in the background.

"Master of Saber, is there no way to stop this?"
Having been ferried and released by Lancer, Joseph awkwardly straightened out his clothes and added. "Yes, it would be nice if we could get her to simmer down a bit, sir."
Alex stares at Lancer. "If I knew do you think this would be happening?!" He whispers sharpley. "But, there is that..."
"With all due respect, if you're going to use one of those, be wary of how Her Highness will react." That woman introduced herself as a King, didn't she? A strange and unfamiliar king, but a king nonetheless. "I doubt she'll be glad that you cut her away from a mark against her honor as a warrior and all that. Nonetheless, I'd advise to give her an order to step down before you pop off that."

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Assassin, or rather a distinct lack of Assassin in the surrounding area. "Master of Saber, Assassin is sneaking about, undoubtedly poised to strike when you stray too far from your Servant. Stay close and we'll keep him from trying anything funny." Joseph said, backing up toward Alex.
Berserker grabs Roy around the waist and skips back several steps, avoiding any backlash from the flame sword and Lancer's weapon meeting, then lightly tosses him in the direction of Caster.
Roy's caught off guard by Berserker's throw, but tucks into a roll to avoid being hurt.

"Really need to talk with him about offering some warning before pulling stunts like that." he mutters, dusting off his coat and nodding in Caster's direction.

@Bondo @BoundaryPhantasm
"So, King Haraldr HIldetand. Any useful information on that?" he calls out to Mike, cutting open his wrist to form his Bloodstained Blade.

"By the way, this'd be a great time to support Berserker if you've got anything. Caster, could you cover me long enough to let me close the distance and fight the Summoner?" he continues, lowering his voice as he addresses Caster.
Having been ferried and released by Lancer, Joseph awkwardly straightened out his clothes and added. "Yes, it would be nice if we could get her to simmer down a bit, sir."

"With all due respect, if you're going to use one of those, be wary of how Her Highness will react." That woman introduced herself as a King, didn't she? A strange and unfamiliar king, but a king nonetheless. "I doubt she'll be glad that you cut her away from a mark against her honor as a warrior and all that. Nonetheless, I'd advise to give her an order to step down before you pop off that."

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Assassin, or rather a distinct lack of Assassin in the surrounding area. "Master of Saber, Assassin is sneaking about, undoubtedly poised to strike when you stray too far from your Servant. Stay close and we'll keep him from trying anything funny." Joseph said, backing up toward Alex.

"Do not worry master of Saber I give my word on my honor, my blood, and my spear that I shall do my best to protect you while your servant duels with that mad dog. I could not stomach a great warrior like Saber being defeated because some vermin preys on someone weaker like you."

Lancer gets in front of both Saber's master and Joseph in a battle stance ready to fight any threats to them. Then Lancer seems to say something to the master of Saber.

"I would like to know the name of the man I protect. I feel that it is rude to keep referring to you as master of Saber."

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"With all due respect, if you're going to use one of those, be wary of how Her Highness will react." That woman introduced herself as a King, didn't she? A strange and unfamiliar king, but a king nonetheless. "I doubt she'll be glad that you cut her away from a mark against her honor as a warrior and all that. Nonetheless, I'd advise to give her an order to step down before you pop off that."

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Assassin, or rather a distinct lack of Assassin in the surrounding area. "Master of Saber, Assassin is sneaking about, undoubtedly poised to strike when you stray too far from your Servant. Stay close and we'll keep him from trying anything funny." Joseph said, backing up toward Alex.

Alex nods at Joseph. "Got it."

"Do not worry master of Saber I give my word on my honor, my blood, and my spear that I shall do my best to protect you while your servant duels with that mad dog. I could not stomach a great warrior like Saber being defeated because some vermin preys on someone weaker like you."

Lancer gets in front of both Saber's master and Joseph in a battle stance ready to fight any threats to them. Then Lancer seems to say something to the master of Saber.

"I would like to know the name of the man I protect. I feel that it is rude to keep referring to you as master of Saber."


"Williams, Alexander Williams." Alex introduces himself.

He hoped this wasn't a bad idea.


"Saber! Cut it out!" He yelled to his servent.

Screw mental chat.
Azrael said:
Immediately, Saber whirled on her heel, her Mana flaring in the form of a raging inferno as she drew the iron sword she had just sheathed.

"Honor to the King - Funeral Pyre of the Great Warrior!" Saber let out an earth-shaking cry, as she Invoked the name of her Noble Phantasm. The temperature of the dome suddenly shot up, as Saber was consumed by a raging torrent of flame. Swinging her sword, the fire moved like a living thing, following the path of her blade as it shot towards Berserker's neck.
D.D. Spectator said:
"Didn't I say stand down?" Archer asks.

"PRIMORDIAL BOW!" He yells and a bow radiating power appears in his hand, swapping out his regular one. He shoots one arrow near Saber's head as a warning shot.

"Next time, I shoot to kill."
'They're busting out the Noble phantasms already?'

Right, well fuck being anywhere near that. Her step backwards turned into a leap-
Camellia said:
Fuck. Damn, that's hot. Nope, I'm not getting tangled up in that.

Assassin shifted himself and his master behind a tree to avoid the full force of the heat wave and covered her for extra protection.
-during which she was grabbed by her Servant.
He had no idea who this guy was besides the fact that she could light her sword on fire. Well, that was good to know! He glanced down at his master. "Do you know who Saber is, because I haven't got a clue."
"Not a single clue. Hey, at least you're not alone in the 'Lily's never heard of you' club!"

Her form blurs for an instant... before fading, just a bit. Not enough to make her invisible, but enough so she could sneak even in plain sight.

"She needs to stop. And I don't think either of us want to do it physically."

Illusion said:
He jumps towards Joseph grabs him and then moves to the master of Saber with no hostile intentions. Meanwhile the furious battle between Berserker and Saber is heard in the background.

"Master of Saber, is there no way to stop this?"
Illusion said:
"Do not worry master of Saber I give my word on my honor, my blood, and my spear that I shall do my best to protect you while your servant duels with that mad dog. I could not stomach a great warrior like Saber being defeated because some vermin preys on someone weaker like you."

Lancer gets in front of both Saber's master and Joseph in a battle stance ready to fight any threats to them. Then Lancer seems to say something to the master of Saber.

"I would like to know the name of the man I protect. I feel that it is rude to keep referring to you as master of Saber."
"...Which won't be easy. Think you can 'slip up' when sneaking near Lancer and distract him for me to get his Summoner."

Went unsaid is what she'd do with him. Nothing he's done's warranted a response of killing him. He does have those wonderful Command Seals, though...
InfiniteDaze said:
"Saber! Cut it out!" He yelled to his servent.

Screw mental chat.

'...Yeah, definitely not killing him. He didn't use a Command Seal, though...'
Alex stares at Lancer. "If I knew do you think this would be happening?!" He whispers sharpley. "But, there is that..."

That's right, the seals on his hands. Uh, what were they again? Command symbols? Never mind. Should he use them? He didn't know...
Assassin pricked his ears. Saber's master...

He chanced a look around his tree.
Saber didn't so much as glance in Lancer's direction as she hurls herself towards Berserker once more, a second sword materializing in her offhand.
Yep, still pissed. More than that, still distracted. And with that, he had a golden opportunity.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Assassin, or rather a distinct lack of Assassin in the surrounding area. "Master of Saber, Assassin is sneaking about, undoubtedly poised to strike when you stray too far from your Servant. Stay close and we'll keep him from trying anything funny." Joseph said, backing up toward Alex.
...or not. Maybe. He could take a master. He could take two masters. He could maybe not so much take having one of his targets being the master of what was generally considered the fastest servant in the competition while said servant was close by. Assassin groaned and let his chin rest on his master's head. Annoying.
"...Which won't be easy. Think you can 'slip up' when sneaking near Lancer and distract him for me to get his Summoner."
" No. Master, do you know what an Assassin does? He's meant to fight masters, not servants. Do you know what Lancer is? He's a servant, not a master. Do you know what kind of weapons we use? Here, I'll show you."

Assassin extended a hand and materialized his knife.

" Do you see this? Now, consider Lancer, with his lance. Master, I'm fast, yes. I'm sneaky, yes. I'm good at running away, yes. I don't like my chances going up against Lancer without a few bodies between the two of us, understand? "

Assassin frowned. "What are you going to do with Saber's master anyway? Even if I lure Lancer away, his master will still be there and you'd be going up against two mages."
" No. Master, do you know what an Assassin does? He's meant to fight masters, not servants. Do you know what Lancer is? He's a servant, not a master. Do you know what kind of weapons we use? Here, I'll show you."

Assassin extended a hand and materialized his knife.

" Do you see this? Now, consider Lancer, with his lance. Master, I'm fast, yes. I'm sneaky, yes. I'm good at running away, yes. I don't like my chances going up against Lancer without a few bodies between the two of us, understand? "
"I was thinking you'd run away after being discovered, he'd pursue but not be able to catch, and there we go. You don't think that'd work?"

Assassin frowned. "What are you going to do with Saber's master anyway? Even if I lure Lancer away, his master will still be there and you'd be going up against two mages."
"As you might notice, being kinda sneaky right now. Thinking I could get him by surprise and wrap an arm around his neck."
"I was thinking you'd run away after being discovered, he'd pursue but not be able to catch, and there we go. You don't think that'd work?"
"I think he'll stab me before I take two steps master. Do you know how a pole arm works? Well, for one, it grants more reach than my knife."
"As you might notice, being kinda sneaky right now. Thinking I could get him by surprise and wrap an arm around his neck."
Assassin's expression grew flat. "And die after Lancer's master kills you. Even if you just send in a clone, that's still a waste of mana."
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"Does that look like a man willing to back down to you? And besides that, what are your feelings on giving them a little more space? Getting out of the way so our considerably more squishy selves won't get caught up on a mad enhanced Berserker and what most would consider the best physical attacker in the competition? Doesn't that sound nice Master?" Assassin moved to Lilly's side, keeping a careful eye on his surroundings and edged her further into the shadows and slipped on Presence Concealment.

Watching Assassin activateing Presence Concealment while edging his master into the shadow, Caster had to admit that was a smart move in Assassin part. Caster only hope she could still stop the fight before it happen...

Immediately, Saber whirled on her heel, her Mana flaring in the form of a raging inferno as she drew the iron sword she had just sheathed.

"Honor to the King - Funeral Pyre of the Great Warrior!" Saber let out an earth-shaking cry, as she Invoked the name of her Noble Phantasm. The temperature of the dome suddenly shot up, as Saber was consumed by a raging torrent of flame. Swinging her sword, the fire moved like a living thing, following the path of her blade as it shot towards Berserker's neck.

As she attacked, Saber began to speak, "Do you truly believe that I, King Haraldr Hildetand, would be so meek and cowardly as to ignore your challenge!? You insult me! And, with the Allfather as my witness, I will take your head as repayment!"

When Saber unleash her Noble Phantasm, Caster knew she was too late. The fight had happen. Even with so many servants trying to stop her, it still happen. While Saber revealing her noble phantasm and true name could be say to be a boom, right now however, Caster mind right now is on more important matter.

Though his mind grows duller in response to his magnified physical abilities, Berserker is not so blind as to ignore Lancer appearing in between himself and Saber to interrupt the fight. With the addition of Archer firing into the mass, the danger to his Master is too great to continue so recklessly. Berserker grabs Roy around the waist and skips back several steps, avoiding any backlash from the flame sword and Lancer's weapon meeting, then lightly tosses him in the direction of Caster.

Roy's caught off guard by Berserker's throw, but tucks into a roll to avoid being hurt.

"Really need to talk with him about offering some warning before pulling stunts like that." he mutters, dusting off his coat and nodding in Caster's direction.

Caster return a hod towards Berserker master, Roy. While the move was smart on Berserker part, suddenly throwing one own master without warning is very dangerous.

"By the way, this'd be a great time to support Berserker if you've got anything. Caster, could you cover me long enough to let me close the distance and fight the Summoner?" he continues, lowering his voice as he addresses Caster.

"I sorry, Master of Berseker. I can't cover you right now. Champion is currently eyeing me and intend to take me out the moments a chance present itself." Caster reply to Berseker master while keeping a continue eye on Champion. Champion goal was to take out the weakest servants gather here and with Assassin disappearing from sight, she would be next on the list.

"Shit!" Mike yelled as he hauled his ass away from the two Heroes. Luckily, he was able to retreat without any injury. Heeding Caster's warning, he took a quick glance at Champion's way and saw....

Her master also remember her warning and is keeping an eye on Champion. She need to be careful and move to his side quickly to protect him. Preparing herself, Caster then...
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"I sorry, Master of Berseker. I can't cover you right now. Champion is currently eyeing me and intend to take me out the moments a chance present itself." Caster reply to Berseker master while keeping a continue eye on Champion. Champion goal was to take out the weakest servants gather here and with Assassin disappearing from sight, she would be next on the list.
"Well ain't that an interesting little tidbit. If you separate Champion from his Summoner Mike and I should be able to put the bastard out of his misery. Shame I had to throw away the shotgun." Roy muttered.

Then he blinks, thinking about Caster's position."Oh, uh, I guess you could also just wait for the Overseer to get here. I won't hold it against you if you decide to sit this one out. Just keep clear and we'll be fine."

He turns to watch Berserker's fight with Saber. "I don't think I can do much about that on my own, though."
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