Faux/Rupere Saeculi [Stopped]


Faux/Rupere Saeculi

"You see, all worlds are different, even if just a little, and that little change is what makes all the difference. Strange isn't it, that just an hour ago, we were on two completely separate planes, but now. Now we're here, drinking Earl Black and talking about the universe. There's only one thing that's the same though, and that's 「 」. " - [EXPUNGED]
@The Out Of World/@Illusion - The first person Joseph Joachim looks for when he comes to in the basement of his house on the South End of the city is his Hero, Lancer. Turning his head, he sees the vigilant figure of Lancer standing next to his position on the floor, and gets up, feeling all of his joint groan and protest. Sitting up, he looks outside to the sky, and sees that hours have passed, and it is already Night. Hearing a distant explosion, he shrugs and tells Lancer too...

@Divider/@notmi - Running as fast as he can with Berserker right behind him, Roy Gretzan dodges another shot from Mike Gallia(@Bondo)'s Caster(@BoundaryPhantasm), who is still flinging her black and white orbs at him over and over. An explosion nearby rocks the ground, throwing his pursuers off balance, and seeing an opportunity, he turns and stabs his wrist with a knife, pulling the blood out to make a glistening sword out of it. He gets ready, and...

@zero_traveler/@D.D. Spectator - Archer and his Summoner, Alexander DuFree, were enjoying a peaceful night on the porch of Alexander's house, when an explosion accompanied by a magical flare a little distance away rocked the house slightly. Frowning, Archer looks to his Summoner, who decides to...

@Nanimani/@Camellia - Meanwhile, Assassin and his Summoner, Lilly Wolf, survey their work silently, before quickly running away from the site of the explosion. With any luck, there would be some hapless Summoner to finish off when the dust settled. The smoking ground where a drug warehouse used to be briefly flares, before the light dies out. Lilly decides to...

@InfiniteDaze/@Azrael - Saber stands vigilant next to her master , Alex Williams, as he sleeps in his home. Hearing a faint explosion far away, she slightly shifts her position, before settling down again for the long night watch.

@A Melted Cheese Sandwich - Rider and his Summoner are hidden in one of their Safehouses, recuperating from their unsuccessful clash with the Joachim brat and Lancer. Seated at a low table with a map laid out on the table, they analyze their situation throughout the night, ignoring the barely noticeable explosion that occurs sometime in the evening.

A pair of blood red eyes watch the proceedings closely from a tree branch, before jumping off the tree and running off into the night.

Combat/World Mechanics
When encountering challenges, the player has to roll 4 D6's, with 1/2 -> -1, 3/4 -> +0, and 5/6 -> +1. The added result decides what happens, with modifies when applicable.
When engaging in combat, all characters declare how they attack and who IC then roll to determine success.

Reference what actions you're rolling for in your OOC posts, and ask GM if rolls are applicable.
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@Divider/@notmi - Running as fast as he can with Berserker right behind him, Roy Gretzan dodges another shot from Mike Gallia(@Bondo)'s Caster(@BoundaryPhantasm), who is still flinging her black and white orbs at him over and over. An explosion nearby rocks the ground, throwing his pursuers off balance, and seeing an opportunity, he turns and stabs his wrist with a knife, pulling the blood out to make a glistening sword out of it. He gets ready, and...
Roy flourishes his black sword, a wild grin forming on his face. The veins on his hand darken and bulge unnaturally as he forms the blade, but he dismisses the feeling and thinks fast. Casters were the squishy wizard types, right? They could work with this. Just had to keep an eye on the Summoner...

Ice magic. What the hell was that supposed to do? Martha only taught him about blood magic, but ice magic sounded a hell of a lot cooler (pun fully intended) than his blood sword. No use crying over spilt milk, though - he had an opportunity.

"Berserker! Carry me and charge!" Roy shouted, running ahead. Berserker was built like a brick shithouse, he could catch up on one leg easy.
Roy flourishes his black sword, a wild grin forming on his face. The veins on his hand darken and bulge unnaturally as he forms the blade, but he dismisses the feeling and thinks fast. Casters were the squishy wizard types, right? They could work with this. Just had to keep an eye on the Summoner...

Ice magic. What the hell was that supposed to do? Martha only taught him about blood magic, but ice magic sounded a hell of a lot cooler (pun fully intended) than his blood sword. No use crying over spilt milk, though - he had an opportunity.

"Berserker! Carry me and charge!" Roy shouted, running ahead. Berserker was built like a brick shithouse, he could catch up on one leg easy.
Berserker turns, and catches up to Roy in an instant. He bends down to scoop up Roy under a single arm, then begins his charge towards Caster.
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@Divider @BoundaryPhantasm @Bondo @notmi @Nanimani @Camellia @zero_traveler @D.D. Spectator

Near the borders of the City, right before the Walls, a bright flash erupts, temporarily blinding everyone in the open. Blinking quickly, Ray seized the opportunity to...

Assassin and Lilly barely see the flash, and just notice the flash out of the sides of their eyes, before sharing a look and...

Blinded by the flash, Caster and Mike fall back, as their vision gradually returns. (-2 Notice -2 Combat Rolls)

Archer and Alexander, midway to the explosion site, see a bright flash to their left. After a quick conversation, the two decide to...

@Divider/@notmi - Running as fast as he can with Berserker right behind him, Roy Gretzan dodges another shot from Mike Gallia(@Bondo)'s Caster(@BoundaryPhantasm), who is still flinging her black and white orbs at him over and over. An explosion nearby rocks the ground, throwing his pursuers off balance, and seeing an opportunity, he turns and stabs his wrist with a knife, pulling the blood out to make a glistening sword out of it. He gets ready, and...

Meanwhile, Assassin and his Summoner, Lilly Wolf, survey their work silently, before quickly running away from the site of the explosion. With any luck, there would be some hapless Summoner to finish off when the dust settled. The smoking ground where a drug warehouse used to be briefly flares, before the light dies out. Lilly decides to...
Lily does a quiet fistpump as she sees what she's wrought.
The one-sided chase's turned into an actual fight! Yes, Caster can fling black and white orbs, thank you, maybe something else now?
Maybe now she'll actually learn something about how both of them fight. Besides the obvious "The big guy hits things."

A quick application of her Magic Object, and she fades into the shadows, trusting Assassin to follow her-

Near the borders of the City, right before the Walls, a bright flash erupts, temporarily blinding everyone in the open. Blinking quickly, Ray seized the opportunity to...

Assassin and Lily barely see the flash, and just notice the flash out of the sides of their eyes, before sharing a look and...
The two look at each other.
Then back at the explosion.

They take off, running towards it.
@Divider/@notmi - Running as fast as he can with Berserker right behind him, Roy Gretzan dodges another shot from Mike Gallia(@Bondo)'s Caster(@BoundaryPhantasm), who is still flinging her black and white orbs at him over and over. An explosion nearby rocks the ground, throwing his pursuers off balance, and seeing an opportunity, he turns and stabs his wrist with a knife, pulling the blood out to make a glistening sword out of it. He gets ready, and...
As the explosion died down, Mike wobbled on his feet until he was able to steady himself. Luckily, the six frost crystals from before we're still there and floating over him. Maybe he could use them to shoot at the other guy before he gets too close.

Mike smirks as Roy flourished his blood sword. He responds to Roy's challenge by brandishing his own sword, a two-handed golden double-edged sword with a black pommel. The sword has been in his family for generations, and it will stay in his family for ages to come. The golden blade shines through the night. He braces himself for impact as Berserker began his charge.

Mike notices something in the shadow, and was about to draw attention to it. He sees two blonde girls dressed up in a blue jacket and hat that hid her face. Wait is he seeing double? But before he could call them out, a bright flash of light lit up the night. Caster and he were blinded by the flash, and so he lost track of whatever was skulking in the shadow.

"Caster! Prepare yourself! They are charging right at us. And also we are not alone. Watch out for any interloper." Mike shouted as he prepares for his counterattack. He brings his family sword up front in a two-handed grip, the sharp end pointing at his enemies. His red bandanna fluttering in the winds as he ready to meet his fate. His smirk widened into a grin as he prepares himself for the fight of his life.

"You'll get no sympathy from me."
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Near the borders of the City, right before the Walls, a bright flash erupts, temporarily blinding everyone in the open.

Archer and Alexander, midway to the explosion site, see a bright flash to their left. After a quick conversation, the two decide to...

"Let's go, Archer." Alexander suggested, preparing himself for the leap to the roof. "We should attempt to gain the high ground. Can you handle the ascension, Archer(@D.D. Spectator)?"
Ryan Angelios, Summoner of Champion, was out finishing up some defenses for his house when the explosion occurred. Ignoring it, he continued working, until a bright flash near his house by the Walls caught his attention. Blinking away the dark spots in his vision. He called Champion over, and retreated into his home.
Hostile local predator found. Alpha, move in. Epsilon will circle around and wait for it. Remember, the Doctor wants them mostly intact. Charlie-One over.
Mere minutes later, the sounds of something large and heavy breaking through the underbrush was heard by him, along with some snarling and the heavy breathing of an animal. The sounds started coming closer close to his home, but there was a suddenly shot and a roar of a hurt predator in the forest surrounding the clearing. The roars of the animal faded away into the night, replaced by the sound of heavy boots hitting the floor, which too faded away, following the wounded predator.
This is Alpha-Three. Be advised, target has a previously unknown neurotoxin dispensing gland inside its quills. Target has taken out Alpha-One and Two. One is being taken back to extraction, Two is deceased, body is being taken with One. Alpha-Three, over.
Waiting for a few minutes, Ryan peeked out his house, and sighed at the collapsed trees. Bringing out his materials from the house, he resumed constructing defenses.
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@Divider/@notmi - Running as fast as he can with Berserker right behind him, Roy Gretzan dodges another shot from Mike Gallia(@Bondo)'s Caster(@BoundaryPhantasm), who is still flinging her black and white orbs at him over and over.

It had been a lengthy chase for Caster and her master. Berseker and his master have good agility. Caster will admit that much as they had dodge every attack Caster and her master throw at them so far. However that doesn't mean their attack won't be able to reach them. It just a matter of time. As long as they can keep up the offensive, they will get their target.

An explosion nearby rocks the ground, throwing his pursuers off balance, and seeing an opportunity, he turns and stabs his wrist with a knife, pulling the blood out to make a glistening sword out of it. He gets ready, and...

It seen however their won't get that chance. The sudden explosion throw Caster off her bearing.

Roy flourishes his black sword, a wild grin forming on his face. The veins on his hand darken and bulge unnaturally as he forms the blade, but he dismisses the feeling and thinks fast. Casters were the squishy wizard types, right? They could work with this. Just had to keep an eye on the Summoner...

"Berserker! Carry me and charge!" Roy shouted, running ahead. Berserker was built like a brick shithouse, he could catch up on one leg easy.

Berserker turns, and catches up to Roy in an instant. He bends down to scoop up Roy under a single arm, then begins his charge towards Caster.

As Caster regain her balance, she notice that Berseker master did not miss that opening and had taken advantage of it by performing a counter attack. They charging straight at her and her master.

"Caster! Prepare yourself! They are charging right at us. And also we are not alone. Watch out for any interloper." Mike shouted as he prepares for his counterattack

Hearing her master order, Caster responded by prepareing her own counterattack. She channel mana into her Yin-Yang orbs that are part of her Noble Phantasm to activate their true power and fired them. While she like to keep an active lookout against any interloper, a charging Berseker would't allow that. So she kept her focus on Berseker. Once the charging on her orbs are done, she fire both of them towards Berseker.
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As Caster regain her balance, she notice that Berseker master did not miss that opening and had taken advantage of it by performing a counter attack. They charging straight at her and her master.
Berserker lowers his head and sprints forward. Even carrying his master under an arm, Berserker blurs forward, crossing the distance to Caster nearly instantaneously.
Hearing her master order, Caster responded by prepareing her own counterattack. She channel mana into her Yin-Yang orbs that are part of her Noble Phantasm to activate their true power and fired them. While she like to keep an active lookout against any interloper, a charging Berseker would't allow that. So she kept her focus on Berseker. Once the charging on her orbs are done, she fire both of them towards Berseker.
Seeing Caster prepare an attack, Berserker angles his body in between the orbs and Roy. Before the orbs are even finished charging, Berserker is face to face with Caster. He lashes out with a fist, but Caster is already leaping away in a dodge. The fist meet nothing but air as Caster lands safely feet away.
Berserker angles his body in between the orbs and Roy. Before the orbs are even finished charging, Berserker is face to face with Caster. He lashes out with a fist, but Caster is already leaping away in a dodge. The fist meet nothing but air as Caster lands safely feet away.

Caster broke out of her trance and quickly leap behind to dodge Berserker incoming attack. The attack meet nothing but air as she lands a safely distance away from Berserker and his master. She had to admit, Berserker agility is greater than she expected. If her Clairvoyance had not activate during the charging of her Noble Phantasm and show her the vision where Berseker was able to close the distance in time to deal a blow to her before the charging of her Noble Phantasm complete, she would not been able to dodge Berseker attack and would have no doubt suffer heavy damage.

Caster did not relax her guard. While it good she had dodge a dangerous blow and her Noble Phantasm had finish charging, the situation had actually taken a turn for the worse. The activation of her Clairvoyance had taken a toll on her mana pool. She had lost a medium size amount of her Mana and Berseker and his master are very close to her master...
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Lily does a quiet fistpump as she sees what she's wrought.
The one-sided chase's turned into an actual fight! Yes, Caster can fling black and white orbs, thank you, maybe something else now?
Maybe now she'll actually learn something about how both of them fight. Besides the obvious "The big guy hits things."

A quick application of her Magic Object, and she fades into the shadows, trusting Assassin to follow her-
Briefly, as Berserker charges, Roy's eyes pick out two identical girls in the shadows. Twins. Wonder if they had any scars...?
Blinded by the flash, Caster and Mike fall back, as their vision gradually returns. (-2 Notice -2 Combat Rolls)
This night is getting better and better. Now if only I knew where my fucking suitcase was.
Hearing her master order, Caster responded by prepareing her own counterattack. She channel mana into her Yin-Yang orbs that are part of her Noble Phantasm to activate their true power and fired them. While she like to keep an active lookout against any interloper, a charging Berseker would't allow that. So she kept her focus on Berseker. Once the charging on her orbs are done, she fire both of them towards Berseker.
A chill runs up Roy's back as he stares at Caster's orbs. This time, they felt dangerous.
Seeing Caster prepare an attack, Berserker angles his body in between the orbs and Roy. Before the orbs are even finished charging, Berserker is face to face with Caster. He lashes out with a fist, but Caster is already leaping away in a dodge. The fist meet nothing but air as Caster lands safely feet away.
But Berserker was faster. As Caster leapt away, Roy thought fast.

"The Master this time. On my signal, or as soon as one of them tries something funny." he muttered, flipping himself onto Berserker's shoulder.

He'll be in the line of fire for Caster. She won't be able to use her yin-yang bullshit on us as long as we stick close...well, Servants aren't one trick ponies, but we still have the advantage...He eyed Mike's sword warily. Figures the other guys get magical swords. I seriously need to brush up on my magic...I could probably take him, but why risk it? Berserker might get mad if we just double team him, though...this fight is such a goddamn pain in the ass.

"So, then, icemage. Want to talk this over?" he said, smiling and turning up the charm.
Briefly, as Berserker charges, Roy's eyes pick out two identical girls in the shadows. Twins. Wonder if they had any scars...?

This night is getting better and better. Now if only I knew where my fucking suitcase was.

A chill runs up Roy's back as he stares at Caster's orbs. This time, they felt dangerous.

But Berserker was faster. As Caster leapt away, Roy thought fast.

"The Master this time. On my signal, or as soon as one of them tries something funny." he muttered, flipping himself onto Berserker's shoulder.

He'll be in the line of fire for Caster. She won't be able to use her yin-yang bullshit on us as long as we stick close...well, Servants aren't one trick ponies, but we still have the advantage...He eyed Mike's sword warily. Figures the other guys get magical swords. I seriously need to brush up on my magic...I could probably take him, but why risk it? Berserker might get mad if we just double team him, though...this fight is such a goddamn pain in the ass.

"So, then, icemage. Want to talk this over?" he said, smiling and turning up the charm.
Well this just got bad to worse really quick. Mike looks at the pair in front of him wearily. But seeing the blood Mage is willing to talk things out, Mike takes his time to retreat to Caster's side. He walks backward keeping his blade pointing at them with his six ice crystals hovering overhead. Maybe he could keep Caster and himself alive for the time being.

'Caster keep your Noble Phantasm activated just in case. I'm going to try to talk to them.'

"Sure let's talk this over. We could set up camp right here, and talk this over with some coffee. I got some coffee beans right here. Caster could provide the cooking supplies and fire." Mike said as he tap the fanny pack on the left side of his hip. He lets the ice crystals over him to float down a little bit.
'Caster keep your Noble Phantasm activated just in case. I'm going to try to talk to them.'

Listening to the order that her master whisper in her head , Caster kept her Noble Phantasm active. The orbs still pulse with power from the charge she gave earlier.

"Sure let's talk this over. We could set up camp right here, and talk this over with some coffee. I got some coffee beans right here. Caster could provide the cooking supplies and fire." Mike said as he tap the fanny pack on the left side of his hip. He lets the ice crystals over him to float down a little bit.

While her master ready the situation for a negotiation, Caster continue to eye Berserker and his master. The moments they do somethings that could threaten her and her master, she would react appropriately. In the same time however, she decided to spread her sense outwards, there still someone hiding in the shadow and she not taking any chances.
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"Sure let's talk this over. We could set up camp right here, and talk this over with some coffee. I got some coffee beans right here. Caster could provide the cooking supplies and fire."
Roy hopped down and leaned his blade over his shoulder. "I'd like that. You'll understand if I keep Berserker at the ready, of course."

He let the magic powering his blade fade, shivering slightly as the blood flowed back into his veins. That never felt good. He'd keep the sword up, but he wasn't gonna kid himself - Berserker was the one with the real power between them, and the second the big guy thought something was up he'd cover Roy in a flash. Roy offered his hand to Mike.

"Roy Gretzan, Summoner of Berserker. I'd say it's a pleasure, but..." he shrugged.
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"So, then, icemage. Want to talk this over?" he said, smiling and turning up the charm.
Berserker pauses as his master begins talking with the enemies. He doesn't see the point in talking to enemies that he could just kill, but Berserker will follow his orders.
"The Master this time. On my signal, or as soon as one of them tries something funny." he muttered, flipping himself onto Berserker's shoulder.

He'll be in the line of fire for Caster. She won't be able to use her yin-yang bullshit on us as long as we stick close...well, Servants aren't one trick ponies, but we still have the advantage...He eyed Mike's sword warily. Figures the other guys get magical swords. I seriously need to brush up on my magic...I could probably take him, but why risk it? Berserker might get mad if we just double team him, though...this fight is such a goddamn pain in the ass.
Berserker crouches slightly to prepare for another dash. If they try anything, Berserker will kill the Master before they can do any harm.
Roy hopped down and leaned his blade over his shoulder. "I'd like that. You'll understand if I keep Berserker at the ready, of course."

He let the magic powering his blade fade, shivering slightly as the blood flowed back into his veins. That never felt good. He'd keep the sword up, but he wasn't gonna kid himself - Berserker was the one with the real power between them, and the second the big guy thought something was up he'd cover Roy in a flash. Roy offered his hand to Mike.

"Roy Gretzan, Summoner of Berserker. I'd say it's a pleasure, but..." he shrugged.
Berserker shifts his body slightly so that Roy doesn't block his path towards Caster and the Master.
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Roy hopped down and leaned his blade over his shoulder. "I'd like that. You'll understand if I keep Berserker at the ready, of course."

He let the magic powering his blade fade, shivering slightly as the blood flowed back into his veins. That never felt good. He'd keep the sword up, but he wasn't gonna kid himself - Berserker was the one with the real power between them, and the second the big guy thought something was up he'd cover Roy in a flash. Roy offered his hand to Mike.

"Roy Gretzan, Summoner of Berserker. I'd say it's a pleasure, but..." he shrugged.
Mike take Roy's hand and give him a firm handshake.

"Mike Gallia, Summoner of Caster. I would said it too, but we were fighting just now." Mike trying his best as a peacemaker, especially when he was the aggressor in the first place. Mike sheathed his sword over his shoulder and let the ice crystals down to the ground.

"The coffees are going to be very bitter by the way. I don't have any cream on me. If you are worrying about poisons, I can do a test taste for all the cups. So did you notice anybody spying on us earlier?" Said Mike.

'If those two start to do anything suspicious, I want you to get us out of here as soon as possible. Also keep me updated on the person that was watching us earlier.'
@The Out Of World/@Illusion - The first person Joseph Joachim looks for when he comes to in the basement of his house on the South End of the city is his Hero, Lancer. Turning his head, he sees the vigilant figure of Lancer standing next to his position on the floor, and gets up, feeling all of his joint groan and protest. Sitting up, he looks outside to the sky, and sees that hours have passed, and it is already Night. Hearing a distant explosion, he shrugs and tells Lancer too...

"Mmm...looks like they're at it again." Joseph mumbled as he ran a hand through his very short brown hair. "Lancer, would you mind if we investigate that kerfuffle going on? If so, I'd like if we could stick to the outskirts and see if we could deal a good blow or two against Archer or Assassin. I don't want you to overextend yourself after your duel with Rider, no offense to your skill, sir."

Joseph added, "Oh, and if we encounter Berserker or Champion, I feel it would be a good idea to avoid them or negotiate a cease-fire. I'm not sure if we could handle them this early in the competition, sir."

Joseph shuffled awkwardly for a moment. "Um, no disrespect sir, but would you mind if you carried me to the battle? I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep up with as agile a warrior as yourself...." Please be a piggyback ride, please be a piggyback ride!

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"Mmm...looks like they're at it again." Joseph mumbled as he ran a hand through his very short brown hair. "Lancer, would you mind if we investigate that kerfuffle going on? If so, I'd like if we could stick to the outskirts and see if we could deal a good blow or two against Archer or Assassin. I don't want you to overextend yourself after your duel with Rider, no offense to your skill, sir."

Joseph added, "Oh, and if we encounter Berserker or Champion, I feel it would be a good idea to avoid them or negotiate a cease-fire. I'm not sure if we could handle them this early in the competition, sir."

Joseph shuffled awkwardly for a moment. "Um, no disrespect sir, but would you mind if you carried me to the battle? I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep up with as agile a warrior as yourself...."

"Are you sure master? You are still injured from my battle with Rider. It may be wise for us to wait until you are completely recovered." Said Lancer who was stroking his long flowing beard.
"The coffees are going to be very bitter by the way. I don't have any cream on me."
"That's fine." Roy said as he plopped himself on the ground.
If you are worrying about poisons, I can do a test taste for all the cups.
"I appreciate the thought, but you don't really strike me as the poisoning type. Just prepare it where I can see you and we'll be alright." Roy said, a little bemused.
So did you notice anybody spying on us earlier?
"Yeah. Twins, right? Probably a Summoner, or one of their lackies."

Roy wasn't interested in the girls, personally. Not really his type, and they left quickly enough.
"That's fine." Roy said as he plopped himself on the ground.

"I appreciate the thought, but you don't really strike me as the poisoning type. Just prepare it where I can see you and we'll be alright." Roy said, a little bemused.

"Yeah. Twins, right? Probably a Summoner, or one of their lackies."

Roy wasn't interested in the girls, personally. Not really his type, and they left quickly enough.
Mike take Roy's hand and give him a firm handshake.

"Mike Gallia, Summoner of Caster. I would said it too, but we were fighting just now." Mike trying his best as a peacemaker, especially when he was the aggressor in the first place. Mike sheathed his sword over his shoulder and let the ice crystals down to the ground.

"The coffees are going to be very bitter by the way. I don't have any cream on me. If you are worrying about poisons, I can do a test taste for all the cups. So did you notice anybody spying on us earlier?" Said Mike.

'If those two start to do anything suspicious, I want you to get us out of here as soon as possible. Also keep me updated on the person that was watching us earlier.'
The sound of wood cracking under something heavy floats towards Mike and Roy preparing the coffee. Getting up, and looking towards the direction of the sound.
This is Alpha-Three, I think we have some civilians here. The target appears to be attacking them. Orders?
Suddenly, an adult Quillcrown bursts through the forest, an extremely rare sight near civilization. It is obviously harmed, but upon catching sight of humans, snorts and lowers its head, intent on impaling them.
"Are you sure master? You are still injured from my battle with Rider. It may be wise for us to wait until you are completely recovered." Said Lancer who was stroking his long flowing beard.

Joseph mentally winced as Lancer reminded him of their confrontation with Rider. While the outcome of the battle was a victory, their counterparts certainly made them work hard for the win. The pain and soreness in his joints were testament to the prowess of Rider and the legendary hero's summoner.

"Very well. What do you think we should do next? Survey a map and strategize or something to that effect? By the way, would you like any refreshments, sir?"
