Faux/Rupere Saeculi [Stopped]

Joseph mentally winced as Lancer reminded him of their confrontation with Rider. While the outcome of the battle was a victory, their counterparts certainly made them work hard for the win. The pain and soreness in his joints were testament to the prowess of Rider and the legendary hero's summoner.

"Very well. What do you think we should do next? Survey a map and strategize or something to that effect? By the way, would you like any refreshments, sir?"

Lancer smiled at his master's offer

"There is no need to go through the trouble of offering me a drink master, but the thought is appreciated."

Lancer then went into deep thought before replying to his master's other question.

"I believe we should strategize and fortify our current position. Scouting is important but it should wait until you are 100 percent. No offense master but you will only hinder me in battle if you are not at full capacity. With that said you performed wonderfully against rider and his master."
The boy's legs swung slightly against the edge of the tower they were perched in. His eyes closed as he viewed the battle through Archer's Farseeing eyes.

"Archer," Alexander began slowly, "Remove Berserker's master from this competition. I've no desire to match up with or against that wild dog."
@Divider @notmi @Bondo @zero_traveler @D.D. Spectator
The Quillcrown huffs and paws the ground with its feet, and lowers it head, charging full speed at the slowest target, Mike.

Berserker and his master hop to the side, dodging the path of the Quillcrown, when a flash suddenly strikes it from the tower right before it hits Mike. Caster barely beats it to Mike, and pushes him to the floor, dodging the skidding beast.

Roaring in anger, the animal turns away and retreats into the dark forest.

Looking up, to where the flash came from, Mike and Roy notice two dark figures who quickly disappear from the top of the tall communications tower in the middle of the City.
@Divider @notmi @Bondo @zero_traveler @D.D. Spectator
The Quillcrown huffs and paws the ground with its feet, and lowers it head, charging full speed at the slowest target, Mike.

Berserker and his master hop to the side, dodging the path of the Quillcrown, when a flash suddenly strikes it from the tower right before it hits Mike. Caster barely beats it to Mike, and pushes him to the floor, dodging the skidding beast.

Roaring in anger, the animal turns away and retreats into the dark forest.

Looking up, to where the flash came from, Mike and Roy notice two dark figures who quickly disappear from the top of the tall communications tower in the middle of the City.
I missed the master. Dammit. Well, we have an excuse should they run over here. "Alexander, we need to leave, now. They'll probably rush to our location."
@Divider @notmi @Bondo @zero_traveler @D.D. Spectator
The Quillcrown huffs and paws the ground with its feet, and lowers it head, charging full speed at the slowest target, Mike.

Berserker and his master hop to the side, dodging the path of the Quillcrown, when a flash suddenly strikes it from the tower right before it hits Mike. Caster barely beats it to Mike, and pushes him to the floor, dodging the skidding beast.

Roaring in anger, the animal turns away and retreats into the dark forest.

Looking up, to where the flash came from, Mike and Roy notice two dark figures who quickly disappear from the top of the tall communications tower in the middle of the City.
Well this day just keep getting worse and worse. That was probably the best coffee he will ever brew for a while. It smelled great, and it would have help him talked with Roy. But then a gigantic rhino-looking beast with a crown made of quills charge right at them. Coffees were spilled and curses were muttered. Caster managed to pushed him out of the way though.

'Thanks Caster. That thing would have injured me very badly.' Mike gave his thank through their connection. He sees a light before she pushes him down. The light strikes the beast, allowing Caster to push Mike out of harm's way.

Mike turns to Roy. @Divider

"Did you see those two on that building just now? Wanna go and check them out, or go to a quieter place to talk things over?" Mike asks with a raised eyebrow.
Lancer smiled at his master's offer

"There is no need to go through the trouble of offering me a drink master, but the thought is appreciated."

Lancer then went into deep thought before replying to his master's other question.

"I believe we should strategize and fortify our current position. Scouting is important but it should wait until you are 100 percent. No offense master but you will only hinder me in battle if you are not at full capacity. With that said you performed wonderfully against rider and his master."

Joseph nodded to Lancer's reply. One does not simply bring a hero of legend into their home without offering them drinks. Then again, not respecting someone likely strong enough to paint the walls with your entrails is generally considered bad form.

Joseph gave a small grin at Lancer's praise. He hobbled over to a desk on the far side of the room where he kept a mess of documents, notes and records, most of it pertaining to local geography or notes on his research as a Sanguine Magi. He pulled open one of the desk's drawers and sifted through a horribly cluttered bundle of geographical documents before pulling out a long roll of paper and removing a marker from the desktop.

Joseph walked up to Lancer, wincing as pain shoots up his leg for a moment, then unrolled and spread the paper across the floor before him.
"Here is a map of the South End, sir. I think there are some warehouses in this general area-" He said as he circled a large portion of the map. "-that we could inspect for combat potential and maybe set some traps for enemy forces later. I'll be busy fixing up the house and preparing it for assault in the meantime. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

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Joseph nodded to Lancer's reply. One does not simply bring a hero of legend into their home without offering them drinks. Then again, not respecting someone likely strong enough to paint the walls with your entrails is generally considered bad form.

Joseph gave a small grin at Lancer's praise. He hobbled over to a desk on the far side of the room where he kept a mess of documents, notes and records, most of it pertaining to local geography or notes on his research as a Sanguine Magi. He pulled open one of the desk's drawers and sifted through a horribly cluttered bundle of geographical documents before pulling out a long roll of paper and removing a marker from the desktop.

Joseph walked up to Lancer, wincing as pain shoots up his leg for a moment, then unrolled and spread the paper across the floor before him.
"Here is a map of the South End, sir. I think there are some warehouses in this general area-" He said as he circled a large portion of the map. "-that we could inspect for combat potential and maybe set some traps for enemy forces later. I'll be busy fixing up the house and preparing it for assault in the meantime. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."


Lancer was impressed with his master's current thought process. He was glad he did not get a foolish master.

"Hmm this is very useful information. First I must ask you a question. How confident are you in our current location's defenses?"
"Did you see those two on that building just now? Wanna go and check them out, or go to a quieter place to talk things over?"
Roy frowns. "Too far. Even if the opponent wasn't a Servant, we won't be able to catch up, unless we're willing to reveal Noble Phantasms."

He stretches, casting a glance towards the wooded area the Quillcrown escaped to. Not much point in following that thing. He casts a sad glance towards the ruined coffee. "What a waste. Oh well. If we're moving, we may as well check out the area with the bright light from earlier. I'm interested in seeing what that was about, and we can talk on the way there."
I grab my master and immediately run towards the direction of the light. Might as well find out what happened there.
"So, then, icemage. Want to talk this over?" he said, smiling and turning up the charm.
"Sure let's talk this over. We could set up camp right here, and talk this over with some coffee. I got some coffee beans right here. Caster could provide the cooking supplies and fire." Mike said as he tap the fanny pack on the left side of his hip. He lets the ice crystals over him to float down a little bit.
'Hey, cool. They're willing to talk. Well, that's certainly a point in their favor. Maybe I could talk to them later...'

"So did you notice anybody spying on us earlier?" Said Mike.
"Yeah. Twins, right? Probably a Summoner, or one of their lackies."
'Eh? Eeeehhh? They both saw me? Really? What the hell?! I thought I was better than that!
Yikes, I guess not. These guys are definitely better at noticing me than random thugs. Well~!

With that thought, one of the girls was about to pop out of her hiding place and join the conversation because, well, not like she's actually hidden, apparently, but-
The sound of wood cracking under something heavy floats towards Mike and Roy preparing the coffee. Getting up, and looking towards the direction of the sound.
This is Alpha-Three, I think we have some civilians here. The target appears to be attacking them. Orders?
Suddenly, an adult Quillcrown bursts through the forest, an extremely rare sight near civilization. It is obviously harmed, but upon catching sight of humans, snorts and lowers its head, intent on impaling them.
-she thought she'd stay where she was. Quillcrowns are a bit nastier than she wants to deal with, and it isn't going to sit down and talk.
The Quillcrown huffs and paws the ground with its feet, and lowers it head, charging full speed at the slowest target, Mike.

Berserker and his master hop to the side, dodging the path of the Quillcrown, when a flash suddenly strikes it from the tower right before it hits Mike. Caster barely beats it to Mike, and pushes him to the floor, dodging the skidding beast.

Roaring in anger, the animal turns away and retreats into the dark forest.

Looking up, to where the flash came from, Mike and Roy notice two dark figures who quickly disappear from the top of the tall communications tower in the middle of the City.
''Huh, cool. Looks like Archer's not an ass, either.
...This is going to be hard if everyone's like that. Never thought I'd want people to be the kind of people I'd be okay with killing...'

Still, monster's gone. Time to resume plan talky-talky.
One girl popped out from her hiding place.

"Are both of you some sort of sages, completely in tune with the world around you or something? Look at that Quillcrown! It didn't notice me!"
Sighing, she continues.
"Alright, well, anyway, you both seem decent. Talking instead of fighting! And whoever shot that arrow seems the same way. I wonder if we could all team up?"
"What a waste. Oh well. If we're moving, we may as well check out the area with the bright light from earlier. I'm interested in seeing what that was about, and we can talk on the way there."
"Mind if I come with you? "
Elsewhere, another girl talks to Assassin.
"So~... What do you think about maybe a four-team alliance?"
@InfiniteDaze/@Azrael - Saber stands vigilant next to her master , Alex Williams, as he sleeps in his home. Hearing a faint explosion far away, she slightly shifts her position, before settling down again for the long night watch.

The sound of fighting awakes Alex from his semi-peaceful slumber. It takes a few moments for him to become aware and a few more moments to realise that no, the sound of fighting is not natural.

Oh shit. Better check in with Saber.

'Hey Saber' He thought to his servant. 'What's the situation?'
Lily is conspicuously silent.
"..." Assassin didn't twitch. He did press his hand against his head. It was always a pain to work with idealists.

"It's either that or let us die in their place." Assassin tilted his head and let his hand drop from his face. "Well master? If you're not willing to kill, if you're not willing to see people die, you might as well use one of those command seals to get yourself out of this war."

He spread his arms and waited. "Well master? Will you order my death? Or shall we get going?"
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Roy frowns. "Too far. Even if the opponent wasn't a Servant, we won't be able to catch up, unless we're willing to reveal Noble Phantasms."

He stretches, casting a glance towards the wooded area the Quillcrown escaped to. Not much point in following that thing. He casts a sad glance towards the ruined coffee. "What a waste. Oh well. If we're moving, we may as well check out the area with the bright light from earlier. I'm interested in seeing what that was about, and we can talk on the way there."
"I can tell they were going to be amazing, too. *sigh* Well let's move on to the flash of light then."
'Hey, cool. They're willing to talk. Well, that's certainly a point in their favor. Maybe I could talk to them later...'

'Eh? Eeeehhh? They both saw me? Really? What the hell?! I thought I was better than that!
Yikes, I guess not. These guys are definitely better at noticing me than random thugs. Well~!

With that thought, one of the girls was about to pop out of her hiding place and join the conversation because, well, not like she's actually hidden, apparently, but-

-she thought she'd stay where she was. Quillcrowns are a bit nastier than she wants to deal with, and it isn't going to sit down and talk.

''Huh, cool. Looks like Archer's not an ass, either.
...This is going to be hard if everyone's like that. Never thought I'd want people to be the kind of people I'd be okay with killing...'

Still, monster's gone. Time to resume plan talky-talky.
One girl popped out from her hiding place.

"Are both of you some sort of sages, completely in tune with the world around you or something? Look at that Quillcrown! It didn't notice me!"
Sighing, she continues.
"Alright, well, anyway, you both seem decent. Talking instead of fighting! And whoever shot that arrow seems the same way. I wonder if we could all team up?"

"Mind if I come with you? "
Elsewhere, another girl talks to Assassin.
"So~... What do you think about maybe a four-team alliance?"
"Hello there, I'm Mike Gallia and you must be the one that was sneaking around. I'm have to thank whoever shot that light at that Quillcrown. I thought I was going to get trampled right then and there. Sure you can join us. So what is your name, miss?" As he said this Mike reach out his hand to the blonde girl.
"..." Assassin didn't twitch. He did press his hand against his head. It was always a pain to work with idealists.

"It's either that or let us die in their place." Assassin tilted his head. "Well master? If you're not willing to kill, if you're not willing to see people die, you might as well use one of those command seals to get yourself out of this war."

He spread his arms and waited. "Well master? Will you order my death? Or shall we get going?"
Lily sighed.
"I'm not ordering you to die. You deserve better, so I'll make sure you get better. There's no way I could be a superhero if I didn't."
"Hello there, I'm Mike Gallia and you must be the one that was sneaking around. I'm have to thank whoever shot that light at that Quillcrown. I thought I was going to get trampled right then and there. Sure you can join us. So what is your name, miss?"
"I am the the watchwoman of the night and day, the one who's made criminals constantly looking over their shoulders..."
Lily jumps to the street from her hiding place in one of the damaged warehouses.

"Mysterious Heroine X!"

Is she... posing?
As he said this Mike reach out his hand to the blonde girl.
Mysterious Heroine X drops her pose to shake his hand heartily.

"Good to meet you, Mike!"
Lily sighed.
"I'm not ordering you to die. You deserve better, so I'll make sure you get better. There's no way I could be a superhero if I didn't."
Assassin dropped his arms and snapped at his master. "'Get better'? How do you expect that to happen?' Being a superhero'... no matter what you do, if you go through with this alliance, unless you manage to come through with wishes for everyone participating in this war we'll get along for a few days, if that, and then we'll be back to doing our utmost to kill each other. Even if you did somehow manage that, I'm willing to bet people are still going to die."
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Lily sighed.
"I'm not ordering you to die. You deserve better, so I'll make sure you get better. There's no way I could be a superhero if I didn't."

"I am the the watchwoman of the night and day, the one who's made criminals constantly looking over their shoulders..."
Lily jumps to the street from her hiding place in one of the damaged warehouses.

"Mysterious Heroine X!"

Is she... posing?

Mysterious Heroine X drops her pose to shake his hand heartily.

"Good to meet you, Mike!"
Well that was a flashy entrance. Mike smiles as he is about to do something foolish. He gave her a firm handshake and let go.

"Mysterious Heroine X, huh? Let me reintroduce myself." Mike unsheathe his sword and spin it around a couple of time. He then stab the sword into the ground, golden blade glistening in the darkness. He crossed his chest with his arms. His feet apart parallel to his shoulder.

"Mike Gallia, Second-in-Command of the Gale's Mercenary. Current wielder of Ragnell, The Path of Radiance." His red bandanna flutters in the wind as he reintroduce himself.

He undo his pose and sheathe Ragnell over his shoulder. He turns to the direction where the flash of light came from.

"Let's talk business while we walk there." He said nodding his head to the direction of the flash.
"Are both of you some sort of sages, completely in tune with the world around you or something? Look at that Quillcrown! It didn't notice me!"
"No, I'm actually amazed at that myself. I picked you out while Berserker was running with me." Roy mutters.
"Alright, well, anyway, you both seem decent. Talking instead of fighting! And whoever shot that arrow seems the same way. I wonder if we could all team up?"
"Hello there, I'm Mike Gallia and you must be the one that was sneaking around. I'm have to thank whoever shot that light at that Quillcrown. I thought I was going to get trampled right then and there. Sure you can join us. So what is your name, miss?"
Did it really seem that way...? I'm not exactly paranoid by nature, but that arrow was a little close for comfort...

He keeps his thoughts to himself. "I suppose it was a pretty good run of luck, yeah."
"I am the the watchwoman of the night and day, the one who's made criminals constantly looking over their shoulders..."
Lily jumps to the street from her hiding place in one of the damaged warehouses.

"Mysterious Heroine X!"
"Mysterious Heroine X, huh? Let me reintroduce myself." Mike unsheathe his sword and spin it around a couple of time. He then stab the sword into the ground, golden blade glistening in the darkness. He crossed his chest with his arms. His feet apart parallel to his shoulder.

"Mike Gallia, Second-in-Command of the Gale's Mercenary. Current wielder of Ragnell, The Path of Radiance." His red bandanna flutters in the wind as he reintroduce himself.
Roy blinks a bit. Poses, poses...I worked that mascot gig at Dorado High once. And I've got the coat...well, screw it.

"Roy Gretzan, Summoner of Berserker. Good to meet you, MHX. I'd show off a little, but my magic looks like something out of a bad horror movie. Not exactly grandstanding material." he says, smiling and stuffing his hands in his coat.
"Let's talk business while we walk there." He said nodding his head to the direction of the flash.
Speaking of, the big guy's been running wild for a while now. I should let him off the leash...

Closing his eyes and concentrating briefly, Roy shuts off Mad Enhancement.
Assassin dropped his arms and snapped at his master. "'Get better'? How do you expect that to happen?' Being a superhero'... no matter what you do, if you go through with this alliance, unless you manage to come through with wishes for everyone participating in this war we'll get along for a few days, if that, and then we'll be back to doing our utmost to kill each other. Even if you did somehow manage that, I'm willing to bet people are still going to die."
"I'm not stupid enough to think I can save everyone. Yeah, they'll go back to trying to kill us, yeah people will die even if they didn't.
But I'm sure there's a way to do this without actually killing them. Even if there's no better way than to rip off someone's arm in the end to Command Seal their Servant to give up on the Grail, well, at least neither of them would be dead.

...But I'm hoping there'll be a better way than that."
"No, I'm actually amazed at that myself. I picked you out while Berserker was running with me." Roy mutters.
Mysterious Heroine X looks... less than happy.

"Urgh, that's even worse! You picked me out while under a handicap. I really need to get better..."
e coat...well, screw it.

"Roy Gretzan, Summoner of Berserker. Good to meet you, MHX. I'd show off a little, but my magic looks like something out of a bad horror movie. Not exactly grandstanding material." he says, smiling and stuffing his hands in his coat.
"Plus it'd cost mana, and that'd be too bad. Still, I saw you pull a sword out of your arm. Stuff like that?"
"Urgh, that's even worse! You picked me out while under a handicap. I really need to get better..."
Roy scratches his head. This one...not a serious one. Not like Mike, at least. Kind of a kid, really.

He claps his hands together and gives MHX a shit-eating grin. "Yeah, no kidding, you kind of suck. Maybe I can wear a blindfold, even the playing field a little bit." he teased.
"Plus it'd cost mana, and that'd be too bad. Still, I saw you pull a sword out of your arm. Stuff like that?"
"Yeah, stuff like that. Not pretty, but it sure is efficient."
Suddenly, an adult Quillcrown bursts through the forest, an extremely rare sight near civilization. It is obviously harmed, but upon catching sight of humans, snorts and lowers its head, intent on impaling them.

The appearance of the Quillcrown surprise Caster. She did not sense it until it was too late.

he Quillcrown huffs and paws the ground with its feet, and lowers it head, charging full speed at the slowest target, Mike.

Berserker and his master hop to the side, dodging the path of the Quillcrown, when a flash suddenly strikes it from the tower right before it hits Mike.

Taking advantage of the situation, Caster quickly pull her master, Mike, out of harm way.

Roaring in anger, the animal turns away and retreats into the dark forest.

Caster watches in silent as the beast leave.

'Thanks Caster. That thing would have injured me very badly.' Mike gave his thank through their connection. He sees a light before she pushes him down. The light strikes the beast, allowing Caster to push Mike out of harm's way.

"No promblem, Master." Caster reply back over their telepathy connection.

"Did you see those two on that building just now? Wanna go and check them out, or go to a quieter place to talk things over?" Mike asks with a raised eyebrow.

Roy frowns. "Too far. Even if the opponent wasn't a Servant, we won't be able to catch up, unless we're willing to reveal Noble Phantasms."

He stretches, casting a glance towards the wooded area the Quillcrown escaped to. Not much point in following that thing. He casts a sad glance towards the ruined coffee. "What a waste. Oh well. If we're moving, we may as well check out the area with the bright light from earlier. I'm interested in seeing what that was about, and we can talk on the way there."

"It we are going to check up on that place, I suggest we better be careful. There still a chance that Archer would try to snipe us down when we are there." Caster told to the group.

One girl popped out from her hiding place.

"Are both of you some sort of sages, completely in tune with the world around you or something? Look at that Quillcrown! It didn't notice me!"
Sighing, she continues.
"Alright, well, anyway, you both seem decent. Talking instead of fighting! And whoever shot that arrow seems the same way. I wonder if we could all team up?"

Caster raise an eyebrow at Assassin and his master. The girl apparently posses an energetic personality.

"You do realizes there is a chance that attack was merely a ploy by Archer and his Master?"

"..." Assassin didn't twitch. He did press his hand against his head. It was always a pain to work with idealists.

Caster could sense Assassin pain. His master really was too much of an idealists.
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Speaking of, the big guy's been running wild for a while now. I should let him off the leash...

Closing his eyes and concentrating briefly, Roy shuts off Mad Enhancement.
Berserker blinks, then straightens up out of his animalistic crouch. Even though he stands taller now, rising to a full ten feet, he seems somehow diminished.

His gaze passes over each of the figures in front of him, giving a small huff of distaste at their flashy introductions. They should be more wary when surrounded by enemies, not trying to impress each other. Though, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be polite, at least for as long as I'm going to be working with them.

Berserker steps forward, towering over the others. "I am Berserker, the strongest Servant in this war."
Roy scratches his head. This one...not a serious one. Not like Mike, at least. Kind of a kid, really.

He claps his hands together and gives MHX a shit-eating grin. "Yeah, no kidding, you kind of suck. Maybe I can wear a blindfold, even the playing field a little bit." he teased.
That cheered her up.

"Hmm... I dunno, that seems a bit too much you know? Maybe keep the blindfold, but I have to hold some sort of bright, flashing thing to balance it out?"
Caster raise an eyebrow at Assassin and his master. The girl apparently posses an energetic personality.

"You do realizes there is a chance that attack was merely a ploy by Archer and his Master?"
Lilly considers.

"...Yeah, it's a chance. But not really sure why he'd hit the boar unless he just missed your Master or was aiming for an alliance.
If he missed, he's kind of shitty for an someone supposed to be Archer, though. So I'm not in much danger from him either way, right now."

Berserker steps forward, towering over the others. "I am Berserker, the strongest Servant in this war."
'He's cocky, isn't he? Maybe right, though.'

"...Have you even met the other Servants?"
The sound of fighting awakes Alex from his semi-peaceful slumber. It takes a few moments for him to become aware and a few more moments to realise that no, the sound of fighting is not natural.

Oh shit. Better check in with Saber.

'Hey Saber' He thought to his servant. 'What's the situation?'
Saber turns to look at her Summoner as his thoughts echo in her mind.

"Our opponents appear to be active. There was an explosion and a flash of light not too long ago." Saber grinned at Alex, a simple iron shortsword materializing in her left hand.

"Shall we go meet them? My blades are eager to find their throats."