Faux/Rupere Saeculi [Stopped]

That cheered her up.

"Hmm... I dunno, that seems a bit too much you know? Maybe keep the blindfold, but I have to hold some sort of bright, flashing thing to balance it out?"
Mike smirks at that. At least his introduction wasn't that flashy, right?
"Well to be honest, I wouldn't have found you if Ragnell didn't shine in your direction. I got lucky there."
Lilly considers.

"...Yeah, it's a chance. But not really sure why he'd hit the boar unless he just missed your Master or was aiming for an alliance.
If he missed, he's kind of shitty for an someone supposed to be Archer, though. So I'm not in much danger from him either way, right now."
"Huh, well whatever his motive was, I have to thank him for potentially saving my life. I doubt an Archer would missed that badly. I know a guy that shoots pretty well. If Archer is a bad shot, the guy I know would call him out for making archers everywhere looked bad." Mike muses at the thought of his friend yelling at a Heroic Spirit.

Berserker steps forward, towering over the others. "I am Berserker, the strongest Servant in this war."

'10 feet of pure muscle. I would have been a red smear if I try to fight him. I should've ask Caster to buff me before we went hunting.' Mike thinks as he take a gander at Berserker. He didn't like his chances.
Roy sighs, before walking ahead of the group. "Not that I'm against chatting, but we should get a move on. I'd like to check the scene out as soon as possible. And we've got more important topics to discuss - for starters, an alliance."

He stops a few paces ahead of the group, gesturing for them to follow.
Saber turns to look at her Summoner as his thoughts echo in her mind.

"Our opponents appear to be active. There was an explosion and a flash of light not too long ago." Saber grinned at Alex, a simple iron shortsword materializing in her left hand.

"Shall we go meet them? My blades are eager to find their throats."

Alex just sighs.

Why did he have to end up with a blood thirsty servant?

"Sure," He says "Why not?"
Alex just sighs.

Why did he have to end up with a blood thirsty servant?

"Sure," He says "Why not?"
Blinking, Saber tilts her head and begins to list reasons.

"Well, you have just awoken from your slumber, so I do not expect you to be at your best. There is the possibility that our foes could use trickery or deceit to lure us from your home in order to ambush us. There is wisdom in observing our foes from afar, using whatever magical means you may possess, or strengthening the defenses of our base."

Stopping to nod at Alex, Saber concludes.

"There is a number of reasons that we may not wish to jump straight into combat."
Blinking, Saber tilts her head and begins to list reasons.

"Well, you have just awoken from your slumber, so I do not expect you to be at your best. There is the possibility that our foes could use trickery or deceit to lure us from your home in order to ambush us. There is wisdom in observing our foes from afar, using whatever magical means you may possess, or strengthening the defenses of our base."

Stopping to nod at Alex, Saber concludes.

"There is a number of reasons that we may not wish to jump straight into combat."

Alex just sits there in confusion.

"I-um-er, okay..." He says a bit dumbly.

Maybe he should get some more sleep.

"Any pros?" He asks. "If there's a flash then that means at least some fighting, maybe one of the servants may have used a err, what's it called? Noble Phantom?".
Your current base is completely unfortified.

"So our defenses are quite weak. This isn't good but we must work with what we have. Master you must rest and in the morning we can scout these warehouses your map shows or fortify this position."

Lancer then stares deeply at his master

"Do not worry about being attacked while asleep master. I swear on my honor, my life, and my blade that none shall harm you while you rest. Rest well, we have a lot of work to do when you are well."

Lancer waits for a response from his master.

@The Out Of World
Alex just sits there in confusion.

"I-um-er, okay..." He says a bit dumbly.

Maybe he should get some more sleep.

"Any pros?" He asks. "If there's a flash then that means at least some fighting, maybe one of the servants may have used a err, what's it called? Noble Phantom?".
"You prove my point." Striding confidently up to her companions bed, she lifts him up by the back of his shirt and drops him on the ground.

"Noble Phantasm, Williams, look alive! We'll journey by rooftops to the flash of light, and see if we can't spy our opponents. Get ready!" As she talks, she leaves the room, waiting by the exit of his house.
Mike smirks at that. At least his introduction wasn't that flashy, right?
"Well to be honest, I wouldn't have found you if Ragnell didn't shine in your direction. I got lucky there."
"Eh, you're good either way. Hopefully you're right about getting lucky, though. I'd like someone not to notice me, you know?"
"Huh, well whatever his motive was, I have to thank him for potentially saving my life. I doubt an Archer would missed that badly. I know a guy that shoots pretty well. If Archer is a bad shot, the guy I know would call him out for making archers everywhere looked bad." Mike muses at the thought of his friend yelling at a Heroic Spirit.
"Yeah, that's why I think he did that intentionally."

Roy sighs, before walking ahead of the group. "Not that I'm against chatting, but we should get a move on. I'd like to check the scene out as soon as possible. And we've got more important topics to discuss - for starters, an alliance."

He stops a few paces ahead of the group, gesturing for them to follow.
"Alright, alright..."

Lily starts following Roy, less excited about the light than she is about just talking.

'Not like I'm not gonna she what it was before they do. Me and Assassin were going in that direction before they even stopped fighting.'
"...Have you even met the other Servants?"
"Why would that change anything?"

Roy sighs, before walking ahead of the group. "Not that I'm against chatting, but we should get a move on. I'd like to check the scene out as soon as possible. And we've got more important topics to discuss - for starters, an alliance."

He stops a few paces ahead of the group, gesturing for them to follow.
Berserker paces his master, making sure to stay within arms-reach in case he has to react quickly. @Divider "Stay close, I'm not quite as quick without Mad Enhancement. "

"I am not against making alliances, so long as they don't get in my way. Caster at least seems to have some fight in her."
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Roy sighs, before walking ahead of the group. "Not that I'm against chatting, but we should get a move on. I'd like to check the scene out as soon as possible. And we've got more important topics to discuss - for starters, an alliance."

He stops a few paces ahead of the group, gesturing for them to follow.
"Yeah, let get a move on." Mike follows Roy's lead alongside Caster. He send a message through their connection telling her to turn off her Noble Phantasm.
'Caster if that is the case, then we need to fortify our hideout when we get back.'

"I am not against making alliances, so long as they don't get in my way. Caster at least seems to have some fight in her."
Yup Caster is quite the feisty girl. She could probably manhandled him any day, but he is not going to tell her that though.

"Yup, Caster is quite the handful. She prefer to fight in the front rather than staying at the back. Not what I expect of the Caster class." Mike says as he take a glance at said delicate looking girl.
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"Stay close, I'm not quite as quick without Mad Enhancement. "
"I'm aware. Considering Archer's accuracy, I'm a little wary of being exposed at the moment."
"Yeah, let get a move on."
"Alright, alright..."
"So then, I see the makings of a beautiful partnership here. I'm good at hitting things, Berserker is good at hitting things. Mike has range, Caster has range. MHX, you've got the hiding stuff, even if you aren't too good at it, and having another Hero can't hurt. We've got five targets and the local wildlife to contend with. If we work together, I'm certain we can overwhelm the competition. However, we'll need to work out terms." Roy said, adjusting his tie.

Ugh, I'll have to swing by a store tomorrow. I've got my debit card on me, but I'm fairly certain Caster blasted my suitcase to pieces. Need to find a hotel, sort out living expenses, buy a new suit, and pick up some kind of gun. Oh well, I'll sort it out in the morning.
"You prove my point." Striding confidently up to her companions bed, she lifts him up by the back of his shirt and drops him on the ground.

"Noble Phantasm, Williams, look alive! We'll journey by rooftops to the flash of light, and see if we can't spy our opponents. Get ready!" As she talks, she leaves the room, waiting by the exit of his house.

"Ugh..." Alex groans, rubbing his back. "Stupid servant..."

He throws on everything he needs, including his trust Tome of Knowledge.

To think this all started when he found that book in that used book store...

Walking out the door, he meets Saber outside.

"So," He says. "We're going by rooftop?"
"I'm not stupid enough to think I can save everyone. Yeah, they'll go back to trying to kill us, yeah people will die even if they didn't.
But I'm sure there's a way to do this without actually killing them. Even if there's no better way than to rip off someone's arm in the end to Command Seal their Servant to give up on the Grail, well, at least neither of them would be dead.

...But I'm hoping there'll be a better way than that."
This time, Assassin did twitch out of sheer disbelief."...you do know that the holy grail wish granting thing won't happen until all but one of the teams are eliminated, right? As in, no longer capable of fighting because the grail's not helping to power the extra servants. As in, servants have to die. They command their servant give up on the grail? Basically, the master's commanding suicide."
@Nanimani @Divider @notmi @Camellia @Bondo @BoundaryPhantasm

As the newly formed team walked deeper into the Northern forest, there was suprisingly little wildlife. In fact, at least one hostile creature like the Quillcrown should have attacked them this deep in the forest. Regardless, the walked onward, before they all became suddenly aware of the sounds of numerous boots crunching into wood and plants all around them.

"Civilians, drop your weapons, put your hands in the air, and step away from the Constructs! No sudden movements, or we will resort to lethal force!"

Numerous men dressed in armor emerged from the forest around the group, armed with a variety of weapons.

Catching up to MHX, the other two humans, the floating woman, and the ten-foot tall man skidded to a stop as they took a second to take the situation in before...
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"So then, I see the makings of a beautiful partnership here. I'm good at hitting things, Berserker is good at hitting things. Mike has range, Caster has range. MHX, you've got the hiding stuff, even if you aren't too good at it, and having another Hero can't hurt. We've got five targets and the local wildlife to contend with. If we work together, I'm certain we can overwhelm the competition. However, we'll need to work out terms." Roy said, adjusting his tie.
"Heh. Seriously, though, you should meet my Servant sometime. He's probably gonna be waiting for us around where the light was."

This time, Assassin did twitch out of sheer disbelief."...you do know that the holy grail wish granting thing won't happen until all but one of the teams are eliminated, right? As in, no longer capable of fighting because the grail's not helping to power the extra servants. As in, servants have to die. They command their servant give up on the grail? Basically, the master's commanding suicide."
"I'm pretty sure that if most of their power goes back to the Grail, leaving just a normal human, it won't be difficult for the Masters to support them alone, without the Grail. You can make something that does that if they don't resist, right?"
"Also, speaking of that ability, think you have anything that they'd agree to not attack us for? Not anything temporary, don't want the alliance to end when it does."
@Nanimani @Divider @notmi @Camellia @Bondo @BoundaryPhantasm

As the newly formed team walked deeper into the Northern forest, there was suprisingly little wildlife. In fact, at least one hostile creature like the Quillcrown should have attacked them this deep in the forest. Regardless, the walked onward, before they all became suddenly aware of the sounds of numerous boots crunching into wood and plants all around them.

"Civilians, drop your weapons, put your hands in the air, and step away from the Constructs! No sudden movements, or we will resort to lethal force!"

Numerous men dressed in armor emerged from the forest around the group, armed with a variety of weapons.

Freezing, the small group of three people, one floating lady, and one 10 foot man stood still, then suddenly...
Mysterious Heroine X facepalmed.

"And who are you again? Anyone official, or...?"

She let the question trail off.
"Ugh..." Alex groans, rubbing his back. "Stupid servant..."

He throws on everything he needs, including his trust Tome of Knowledge.

To think this all started when he found that book in that used book store...

Walking out the door, he meets Saber outside.

"So," He says. "We're going by rooftop?"
"Indeed. Do you have any means of traversing the roofs on your own? Or will I have to carry you?" Saber's sword was nowhere to be seen, and she was fiddling with the clasp of her red cloak.

"Stupid thing always getting stuck..." she mumbled under her breath.
"Indeed. Do you have any means of traversing the roofs on your own? Or will I have to carry you?" Saber's sword was nowhere to be seen, and she was fiddling with the clasp of her red cloak.

"Stupid thing always getting stuck..." she mumbled under her breath.

Alex was silent for a moment.

"...Fuck it, nope." He says after thinking it over for a few minutes.
"Also, speaking of that ability, think you have anything that they'd agree to not attack us for? Not anything temporary, don't want the alliance to end when it does."
Assassin snarked, "My broke Master unfortunately didn't give me enough of a budget when I went shopping to get anything really useful."

He hung his head. "And there were so many things I could've used my phantasm on too!"
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Assassin snarked, "My broke Master unfortunately didn't give me enough of a budget when I went shopping to get anything really useful."

He hung his head. "And there were so many things I could've used my phantasm on too!"
"Eh? There were actually things for sale?"
"Yes." Assassin deadpanned. "Nothing that we could afford, unfortunately. "

"Command, there's a third one with what appears to be a... duplicate of one of them. It seems to have active cloaking. We're preparing for engagement, as these people don't seem to want to leave. All active units engaging targets, we are now implementing Protocol NVI-17. Beta-One, over."

"Last warning!" one of the people surrounding the large group in the forest yells out. "Comply to our instructions or we will be forced to shoot!"
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Alex just sighs and gets on Saber.
Holding tightly to Alex's legs so that he doesn't fall off, Saber stands and begins to run. Picking up speed, she nimbly leaps to a nearby rooftop, before making her way to the commotion.

"Williams, get ready! We may enter combat soon, so be on your guard."
Holding tightly to Alex's legs so that he doesn't fall off, Saber stands and begins to run. Picking up speed, she nimbly leaps to a nearby rooftop, before making her way to the commotion.

"Williams, get ready! We may enter combat soon, so be on your guard."

"Right!" Alex confirms, checking his book on his only two spells.

Better be prepared...