By the way, I remember once when someone actually suggested something like this as a joke (either Grue, Nanimani, or me).
Of course in the future Rin can go "wait.. Keines? Did I summon her mystical ancestor and what exactly does that mean for me ... and stop swooning girl!"
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In the interest of keeping this going...


Is there any reason why I can't have my next post timeskip Assassin to when she gets to Phenri and Saber? And if I'm allowed to do that, should I roll for Presence Concealment?
In the interest of keeping this going...


Is there any reason why I can't have my next post timeskip Assassin to when she gets to Phenri and Saber? And if I'm allowed to do that, should I roll for Presence Concealment?
To answer your questions, no reason not to, probably not needed unless someone makes an opposing roll with something, and remember that Concealment breaks upon preparations to attack.
There are in fact brakes on the Archer train. However, Archer believes that the true name of "brakes" is "coward pedals" and conducts herself accordingly.

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Its true. While Dekutulla and I have basically gotten the equivalent of cheesy matching T-Shirts, our Kayneth/Preachy Diarmuid dynamic can only be stretched so far before our resident homunculus snaps.

I'll throw together a post soon that has Assassin take not of Phenri and Saber's appearance and discussion, and relay them to Shinji. After that, it shouldn't take too long for me to get a post out where Assassin starts trying to rip out your throat.
:oOh shoot, Scia posted and I completely failed to notice!

Honestly though, I'm sad to say that I've already gotten to the point where I can't gather up any enthusiasm for it. Maybe it's just my current head pain and exhaustion, maybe it's the slow pace, but either way I'd like to drop out of this RP.

I'm really sorry about this -- I'm aware that applying in the first place was a promise of commitment, and one that I've failed to live up to. But I can't really see myself having much fun with this.:(

And I probably needed to cut down on my number of writing projects anyway.

@It's Called Borrowing ze~ , I could PM you the character sheet and Caster's details, if you'd want to take over and it's alright by the GMs.
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:oOh shoot, Scia posted and I completely failed to notice!

Honestly though, I'm sad to say that I've already gotten to the point where I can't gather up any enthusiasm for it. Maybe it's just my current head pain and exhaustion, maybe it's the slow pace, but either way I'd like to drop out of this RP.

I'm really sorry about this -- I'm aware that applying in the first place was a promise of commitment, and one that I've failed to live up to. But I can't really see myself having much fun with this.:(

And I probably needed to cut down on my number of writing projects anyway.

@It's Called Borrowing ze~ , I could PM you the character sheet and Caster's details, if you'd want to take over and it's alright by the GMs.
I would be alright with taking over for you.