:( Okay.

Grue, I'm formally requesting a new master. Should I do a nolly on everything I've done so far and just get resummoned, or should someone take over Lance's character?
No problem , and it was just an idea to offer as that would at worst remove the amount of NPC that need to be played by making a NPC pair.
Would... require me to take over Baroque's character though, I think...

Or make a Lancer. I can very quickly make a Saber-clone Lancer. Would mean giving up Berserker, though... :( It would, however, remove the need for a nolly.

Edit: Whoops, your partner is caster... shit... I got nothing there.
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Would... require me to take over Baroque's character though, I think...

Or make a Lancer. I can very quickly make a Saber-clone Lancer. Would mean giving up Berserker, though... :( It would, however, remove the need for a nolly.

Edit: Whoops, your partner is caster... shit... I got nothing there.
Or we say that Rin did not summon caster and instead did summon you, and we put caster onto the NPC master then. Which is a bit of a retcon but easily workable to make both of us happy
Right, this is going to be...annoying... to work out.
Getting in @Nanimani is probably a good idea, though. And Wade may get his chance at Mysterious Master X.