Just to check having familiars are pretty much a basic skill that doesn't need to be in the sheet right?
Eh. Baroque's latest answer is about writers block so I'd mostly give the Medic a few months before I really start asking.
Checking, it's been almost a week since he was online at all.
Okay, kinda worried now.
*gives thread a kick*
Baroque's still not been on since June. This is slightly worrying, but means GMs are probably needing to control them.
Before I doublecheck the IC, anyone specifically need the GMs to descend on them like a cloud of bats?
*gives thread a kick*
Baroque's still not been on since June. This is slightly worrying, but means GMs are probably needing to control them.
Before I doublecheck the IC, anyone specifically need the GMs to descend on them like a cloud of bats?
I'm awaiting Ducky's return before I commit to anything, but if she decides to drop then I'll probably drop with her.
*gives thread a kick*
Baroque's still not been on since June. This is slightly worrying, but means GMs are probably needing to control them.
Before I doublecheck the IC, anyone specifically need the GMs to descend on them like a cloud of bats?
Well I didn't hear anything from the new caster so far , and I did my post roughly 3 weeks ago so..
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Baroque hasn't been online for a month I think. Or two.

I hope he/she is alright.