Fallen Kingdoms

Well shit, on the bright side, we probably know the area way better than they do.

Perhaps we should talk to the Predator Rock if things get worse?
Ug, hit a slump in desire to write. Think I've gotten over it though.

[x] Ant Mound


You run. Or rather move as fast as possible. The moon has risen enough for you to see your path somewhat, but it's still dangerous to flat out sprint though. Combined with your bare feet, you just barely are able to keep ahead of your pursuers. More than a few shots flash by your body to impact the trees around you. The trees don't explode from the impacts, so you can safely conclude that it's a tazing shot. They want you alive.

Which doesn't really comfort you much.

Down the stream, and through the ice cold water. Your feet ache, and your breath is heavy. Into the cave, and you stumble as darkness envelops you. You navigate the next few feet by touch, and into the main area of the hive.

It's almost empty. A few ants here and there, but they appear to be guarding more than actually working.

Your pursuers rush into the area, and you hiss in frustration. The guards ignore them as they ignored you. For a moment you are stunned, but then realize.

Your mother's design was likely copied. A proper scientist has things peer reviewed. And your mother has always been a consummate scientist.

The lead man's rifle barks out, and you just barely manage to turn your body in time as your senses blare danger. It's a glancing hit.

Which is almost worse. A body shot would have put you down. Instead your arm convulses, and you just barely refrain from shouting as you drop to the ground. It hurts beyond anything you've dealt with previously. Half your body is numb, but your legs still work for all the good that does you.

You kick out, and try to get into cover. Their boots stomp against the floor as they move slowly closer.

OK, this is officially not good.

They want us dead. Which means either the conspiricy found us, or we're talking well equipped vigilantes here. And seeing how they haven't said a WORD...

[X]Keep on running
-Toward the ants and their queen
I know we don't have many options here but is leading a group of armed men straight to the ant queen really that good of an idea?
Rolled 1d3 for the arrangements. Looks like the following happened.

You (91), Pursuit(99), Ants(78)



You roll, and lurch, attempting to get deeper into the hive. There is a tunnel right next to you, but the shot has made it near to achieve any degree of mobility. Despite this, you get to your feet again and into cover. Unfortunately, your sluggish movements have cost you. Your pursuers have gotten close enough now.

The next shot hits you center mass. Your body convulses and you drop drop down.

You are dazed. You have a brief moment to look up at the mask of the man before he grabs you. There is a hiss as something is injected, and everything goes fuzzy. Then dark.

You drift for a time. You get a vauge impression of movement. And hostile intent. You are in a fog though. It's like a weight is pressing down atop you. Some part of you seethes at being sedated like this. The rest of you can barely care.

Then the danger flares impossibly bright, and you push out of the fog.

Into a nightmare.

You are tied up, atop a platform. It's like a gallows, but something like this hasn't been used for centuries. Wooden, and creeky. Something hastily done. And as you feel a breeze, you are made aware of why. A platform like this is a very old style of killing. The victem is dropped over The Wall.

You swallow a suddenly dry throat.

There are several dozen people here. A camera. A man standing in front of it. And Kale.

That's probably the worst. She's shivering, and terrified. And on the platform with you, tied just as you are. You lurch slightly, but no one notices.

"And so, these two trators to humankind will be thrown off the wall." The man in front of the camera speaks. "With their deaths we shall be assured that the threat has been contained. That our people will be protected!"

You hate him.

"The snake massacre will not be repeated!" He's winding up. "We WILL be safe! We will be SECURED!"

You have never hated someone like this. Never in your lifetime.

He spreads his arms. "The monsters shall not subvert us again. This is my promise." He drops them suddenly.

And the floor underneath you drops. You and Kale fall. She screams.

You don't.

Such is your hate.

Your absolute rage.

You drop down The Wall.


~Make me a promise.
~Make me an Oath.
~Show me your drive my Godson
~And I will grant you a way
~To live
~To claw back your life

[] Make an Oath? (If yes, what? If no, you go back to the beginning of this action)
[] (Mountain, Sea, Storm, Dust, Life, Death, Sun, Moon)
[X] Make an Oath

They will pay for their actions, with their lives. See if Lord Khorne is willing to offer us powers in exchange for skulls.

[X] Mountain
We'll shit, what was the point of them hunting us down if they were going to toss us off the walls anyway? Just to publicize it or something?

[X] Make an Oath
-[X] Swear vengeance upon those responsible for this.

[X] Sea
[X] Hatred. Regret. Sadness. And above all, rage. Rage at the people, the weak masses who let themselves be manipulated so. Rage at the one who framed you. Rage at the man in front of the camera. Rage at the monster outside the wall. Rage at The Wall. This is your focus, as you make your oath. As you fall from The Wall.
-[X] Make an Oath.
-[X] You will not grant them pain, or mere death. You swear to turn those who have wronged you and others into Dust, the thing all things become in time.
-[X] -[X] ~I make you a Promise
~I swear you an Oath
~As surely as the Sun rises above the Mountains, and the Moon falls behind it, above the Sea, above the Dust that remains after Life falls inevitably to Death.
~ I will seek Truth
~I will struggle for Peace
~I will fight for Justice
~And for Myself.
[X] Dust.

Doesn't anyone remember what the tablet had on it?!?!?! DUST, GUYS. DUST.
[X] Make an Oath
-[X] "By all I love and hold dear,
I swear my path be ever clear,
to hunt the one who persecutes,
and those he has in cahoots,
to make them fear what they have wrought,
before their final end is brought.

Vengeance will be mine."
-[X] Death
[X] Hatred. Regret. Sadness. And above all, rage. Rage at the people, the weak masses who let themselves be manipulated so. Rage at the one who framed you. Rage at the man in front of the camera. Rage at the monster outside the wall. Rage at The Wall. This is your focus, as you make your oath. As you fall from The Wall.
-[X] Make an Oath.
-[X] You will not grant them pain, or mere death. You swear to turn those who have wronged you and others into Dust, the thing all things become in time.
-[X] -[X] ~I make you a Promise
~I swear you an Oath
~As surely as the Sun rises above the Mountains, and the Moon falls behind it, above the Sea, above the Dust that remains after Life falls inevitably to Death.
~ I will seek Truth
~I will struggle for Peace
~I will fight for Justice
~And for Myself.
[X] Dust.
As an aside, I want to work on my other quests, but I swear my muse is being strange lately. So you get more of this :)

~I make you a Promise
~I swear you an Oath
~As surely as the Sun rises above the Mountains, and the Moon falls behind it, above the Sea, above the Dust that remains after Life falls inevitably to Death.
~ I will seek Truth
~I will struggle for Peace
~I will fight for Justice
~And for Myself.

[X] Dust.

~An idealist.
~one who wishes Peace and Justice?
~Be wary oh child of mine
~That is the most dangerous wish

Time seems to slow. That strange voice? Feeling? Whatever it was, it was something beyond sound. You... Drift for lack of a better word. Instead of falling, you almost float down now, hitting the ground next to Kale as if you were gently set down instead of dropped from a deadly height. For a moment you lay on the ground, stunned and confused. Little motes of dust swirl around you, as if a long undistrubed room has been kicked up.

At your side Kale curls up into a ball and breathes heavily. It's her presence that makes you start to move. You wiggle upright and start to struggle with the bonds. These are good, high quality restraints unfortunately. Near impossible for a normal person to break, and even harder to undo without the appropriate key. After some effort you manage to get them in front of you at least.

You blink when they are finally in sight.

The bonds for high value prisoners are bulky plastic things that basically immobilize the arms, and gives easy access for the imprisoners. You know what they look like. These aren't it. They might have been once, but now they are old, nearly broken things.

In fact, a good hard strike with your heel (Which took a bit of contorting) breaks them in twain. It's still on your wrists, but it's at least off.

You turn to Kale. Her's are new. The incongruity makes you frown. And you sneeze from the dust. This is bizzare in several areas. But you have priorities. You move to Kale and give her a hug.

It takes a lot of time for her to calm down. It's almost dark when she's finally coherent. Still looks like hell, but at least she's capable of speaking now instead of sobbing uncontrollably.

"How did you get free?" She asks finally.

You show your wrists, and she frowns deeply.

"That doesn't make any sense. You had new ones all throughout your trial." She states flatly.

"Trial?" You don't remember that.

She snorts in reply and sits back and a bit away. "More like play to be honest. I could tell you were drugged out of your mind, but the public ate it up." He splotchy face twists into a scowl. "Then the bastard had it expedited, and your execution planned. Your journal and my phone really really didn't help."

You wince. "Oh no, they used your phone to convict you too?"

Kale makes a funny face. "I might have been able to get out of it, but it was either me or me and your family on that block." She takes a shuddering breath and looks up. "I don't regret it, but I really didn't think it would be that bad."

You place your hands around her shoulders. "I'm so sorry Kale."

She smiles briefly. "It's fine. Really. Somehow we lived through that. " Then she looks around the area. "Only to die outside the wall to the monsters or starvation." Her laugh is a tad hysterical.

You swallow dryly as you realize the problem. You look around a bit, and then blink. "Did they drop us nearby my house?!"

Kale purses her lips and hops to her feet gracefully. She looks up at The Wall, and the tower. Squinting slightly, she nods. "It looks like the same tower nearby your house."

You give a short laugh more relieved than anything. "That... Might give us some time. I know this area."

"We still don't have any food, water, or defenses." Kale points out. "They stripped you of your shielding." She wiggles a bit. "And I'm still shackled here." Finally she does a strange hop and her arms are in front of her.

"One thing at a time." You mutter and look at your hands.

Something feels strange now that you are focusing on it. Like another sense that you've never had before. The manacle on your right wrist clicks and drops off. You blink some.

"I..." You move to Kale and grab to manacles to her surprise.

They age. Right before both of your eyes, they age and crumble.

"What in the world?" Kale speaks softly and looks at you with wide eyes.

"I... Don't know?"

A cry from the forest makes you both start. This isn't the time to linger. Both of you need to come up with a plan and soon.


Humanity (90/90) -10 perm gone
Instinct (6) - You instinctively know how to use all your capabilities in a basic fashion. (Applies to physical as well as magical skills)

New Attribute:

Child of Dust: You have the element, dust.

New Powers:

Still Moment: Slows down everything in a localized area with you as the center-point. A temporal manipulation of sorts. Can have strange and inconsistent effects. Cannot be maintained for more than a few seconds.

Inevitable Age: Ages something by hundreds of years in an instant. Cannot be a 'living' being. Touch.
Question: Can we get an idea of what we would've gotten from the other powers?
Spektrum said:
Question: Can we get an idea of what we would've gotten from the other powers?
You could possible get more later too, so it's not that big a loss at present. Here is some general stuff though

Sun: Light / Fire
Moon: Metal / Shadow
Storm: Lighting / Wind
Dust: Time / Silence
Mountain: Earth / Cold
Sea: Water / Pressure

Also character sheet updated.
Lost Star said:
You could possible get more later too, so it's not that big a loss at present. Here is some general stuff though

Sun: Light / Fire
Moon: Metal / Shadow
Storm: Lighting / Wind
Dust: Time / Silence
Mountain: Earth / Cold
Sea: Water / Pressure

Also character sheet updated.
So we got the Eldritch/Time powers.

Total Win.

also I noticed you didn't include Life or Death in there.