Fallen Kingdoms

[X] Call Kale, check for news on phone, look for messages from mother. (Basically the catch all for 'check back home')
[X] Call Kale, check for news on phone, look for messages from mother. (Basically the catch all for 'check back home')
[x] Call Kale, check for news on phone, look for messages from mother. (Basically the catch all for 'check back home')

The day begins bright and early for you. Staying in the shack more than necessary is a great way to drive yourself insane, so you move out and basically look around the base of the wall for more notes. You do find a small one from your sister. Apparently it fell a bit differently from the others and you missed it when you do a casual checkup.

It's not much, mostly a 'stay safe' note, but it's enough to bring your spirits up a tad.

Then you take the time to text Kale about a call. She almost immediately calls you.

"Jax!" Her voice sounds rough.

"Kale? Are you all right?" You ask curiously.

"Just been talking too much." It's a bit clearer now. "And it's pretty early too. I just woke up."

"Sorry." You laugh, this is almost normal. "I'm glad to speak with you."

"You too hun." She sighs. "I'm sorry I can't be more optimistic. Everything is horrible right now. We've had emergency elections and everything. About the only good thing that's come out is the people have stopped demanding I show you."

"That's... Good?" You swallow slightly. You didn't know they were hounding her in the first place, but you probably should have thought about it.

"If I do this right though I should be able to cool down people enough that you won't be murdered if you are caught." She sounds pretty worried actually. "It's not going to be easy. I'm not as good at this political stuff as mom, and some of the candidates right now are scaring me. One of the lead candidates is advocating you being hanged. The other one is on my side. Results should happen at the end of the month." (20 days)

You swallow with a suddenly dry throat. "I'm a talking point?"

"A big one." She laughs shakily. "Basically it's either you arranged the entire thing, or you had no idea what was going on. There are recordings of you talking about killing mother you know." You think she's about to cry again, but you can't do anything about it. "It's pretty easy to fake it nowadays though, and I don't believe it at all. Still it's enough for a lot of people, and they think your mother had something to do with it too. So she's under siege."

You groan at the thought. "Not good."

"Yeah. Just stay safe for now hun. If you can keep out of trouble I think I can manage something. If you get caught..." She doesn't sound hopeful.

"Well, I don't think you have to worry about that." You mutter. "I'm in the last place anyone would look."

"Don't tell me." She replies and takes a deep shaky breath. "I need to keep going though. Stay safe love."

"You too."


18 days rations left

Humanity +5 (99)

[] Siren's song (The pools) - Action
[] Scavenger's Hunger (Down the left fork of the stream, and into the fields)
[] Faustian Pact (Down the right fork, and near the cliff) - Action
[] Royal curiosity (A strange cave nearby the fork of the stream)
[] Call Kale, check for news on phone, look for messages from mother. (Basically the catch all for 'check back home')
[] Explore (Dangerous)
[X] Royal curiosity (A strange cave nearby the fork of the stream)
To be honest I'm just wondering the "What could possibly go wrong?" by entering the cave a second time
[x] Scavenger's Hunger (Down the left fork of the stream, and into the fields)
kestrel404 said:
[X] Scavenger's Hunger (Down the left fork of the stream, and into the fields)

We should check to see if we can get more food, before it becomes a serious issue.
Assuming of course, we can find food that's safe to eat and won't turn us into a monster.
We have +- 20 days of rations. Scavengers Hunger sounds like it would be a very bad idea to consider, Humanity wise.

At any rate we aren't desperate yet for food, so delaying it wouldn't be a problem
evillevi said:
We have +- 20 days of rations. Scavengers Hunger sounds like it would be a very bad idea to consider, Humanity wise.

At any rate we aren't desperate yet for food, so delaying it wouldn't be a problem
Assuming, of course, nothing goes wrong and we don't suddenly have to leave the cabin, or worse yet, are unable to get more supplies from our allies...
Night_stalker said:
Assuming, of course, nothing goes wrong and we don't suddenly have to leave the cabin, or worse yet, are unable to get more supplies from our allies...
Thats true regardless of what path we take. And 18 days means we can stop for two weeks and still be able to gather food. Might as well satisfy our curiosity.

And I believe the more roundabout method we take for food, the better that food will be in regards to our humanity. I also truly do not want to see what kind of food would be involved with scavengers hunger.
This one has been up at QQ for a bit, lag finally let me post here.

[X] Scavenger's Hunger (Down the left fork of the stream, and into the fields)

It would almost be routine now, well if there wasn't a chance to be killed horribly if you step in the wrong area. But so far you've had some pretty good luck, so you go toward the last of the easily explored areas. The fork in the stream goes in two directions one's towards a cliff, and the other is towards a field. From what you can tell it's basically a modulated drop off rather than the sheer drop that's on the other end.

As you get closer the first thing that strikes you is the smell. It's nauseating at best, and downright revolting at worst. It's pretty obvious what it is when you finally get there, but you kinda wish you didn't know.

There are a lot of bodies around the area. As best you can tell, it's two types of ants? You could probably see more if you were to get closer, but you don't want to. It's sort of like a battlefield with big bugs instead of people. There are places where there are explosions even, and you aren't certain you want to know how that happened. Not the best place to visit.

"Good food!" The voice is coming from somewhere close by, and your stomach briefly rebels. "Bug meats make this one happy. Good food!"

Sorta like a poorly sung song actually. You move warily to where it's coming from and you see a fairly large crow pecking at one of the bodies littering the ground. As you watch it pulls out something red and you have to close your eyes.

"Good food!" The crow continues to 'sing.' "Bug meats, for this one."

"Ug." You make a sound of disgust and the crow jerks.

"Something there?" It's head cocks. "This one senses nothing." It looks around and sees you. "What is that one?"

"Don't mind me." You mutter. "Just exploring."

"Oh, sneaky one then?" The bird states. "This one likes that. Well unless you want to eats it. Then this one will fly aways."

"I don't think you have to worry about that." You reply, straightening. This particular monster doesn't seem that dangerous at all actually.

"All right then." The bird pecks into the carcass and you have to close your eyes again. "Food for this one."

"I don't suppose you know what happened?" You ask curiously.

The raven caws several times, you think in laughter. "This one watched, so it does know. You must be newborn Explorer. You would know that crows are best for knows stuff."

"Well then, could you tell me?" You ask curiously.

"This one cannot." The crow pulls out something from the body. "Trade in trade. Since you are new, this one takes no offence. But remember that many have rules of this. In deals and gifts."

"So, I need to buy information from you." You work it out somewhat. "Or give you something?"

"I like riddles." It looks at you and caws again. "Good informations too. Gift me, and I will owe thee."

[X] Can you please tell me what happened? And here is the riddle in Payment. If you like it then keep in touch with me that I might pay you again.
I run not walk on place to rest. I in sorrow appear...
I am shed by joy and exertion both, and sometimes tinged with fear...
I am vast... and I am small... I am dire of thy need...
I am almost every where... save in desert where scarce i breed.
In days you break without my kiss...
Yet you can find me lurking in the mist...
Brave sir, do you know me?

Answer: (Water)
kestrel404 said:
Modifying this vote, I like it but it's badly worded for the standard 'fairy exchange' - politeness is important.
This I have no problem with. BUT we should include a way for US to get in touch with him. We dont need to tell him where We are but get him to tell us where we can find him.
[X] Here is the riddle. If you like it then you can answer my question in payment. (We don't want to give the crow our home address, since he's an information dealer...so no 'keeping in touch')
I run not walk on place to rest. I in sorrow appear...
I am shed by joy and exertion both, and sometimes tinged with fear...
I am vast... and I am small... I am dire of thy need...
I am almost every where... save in desert where scarce i breed.
In days you break without my kiss...
Yet you can find me lurking in the mist...
Brave sir, do you know me?

Answer: (Water)
[X] Here is the riddle. If you like it then you can answer my question in payment. (We don't want to give the crow our home address, since he's an information dealer...so no 'keeping in touch')
I run not walk on place to rest. I in sorrow appear...
I am shed by joy and exertion both, and sometimes tinged with fear...
I am vast... and I am small... I am dire of thy need...
I am almost every where... save in desert where scarce i breed.
In days you break without my kiss...
Yet you can find me lurking in the mist...
Brave sir, do you know me?

Answer: (Water)
I'm not sure if the water "riddle" is really a good idea. I mean that's more a description than a riddle ^^
[X] Here is the riddle. If you like it then you can answer my question in payment. (We don't want to give the crow our home address, since he's an information dealer...so no 'keeping in touch')
I run not walk on place to rest. I in sorrow appear...
I am shed by joy and exertion both, and sometimes tinged with fear...
I am vast... and I am small... I am dire of thy need...
I am almost every where... save in desert where scarce i breed.
In days you break without my kiss...
Yet you can find me lurking in the mist...
Brave sir, do you know me?

Answer: (Water)
Beyogi said:
I'm not sure if the water "riddle" is really a good idea. I mean that's more a description than a riddle ^^
Well then how many guessed it right away? And what gave it away? Because if it at least takes a few moments thought then its worthwhile as a riddle.
[x] I run not walk on place to rest. I in sorrow appear...
I am shed by joy and exertion both, and sometimes tinged with fear...
I am vast... and I am small... I am dire of thy need...
I am almost every where... save in desert where scarce i breed.
In days you break without my kiss...
Yet you can find me lurking in the mist...
Brave sir, do you know me?


The bird's beak clacks several times and it faces you fully. "Not bad. Lengthy, but flowery. This one likes it. The answer is water." It caws and flaps it's wings. "So this one will tell you what happened."

"There are two ant mounds within a days flight. One nearby the Absolute Rule, and the other down the stream and near the Three Clans." The bird points in each direction as it speaks. Absolute Rule is The Wall? "Ant queens can't go through the Rule, and the Three Clans are big and dangerous. The Queen nearby the Three Clans can move some, and has room. But the one next to Rule is confined. So it goes to war with other."

"I'm afraid I'm not quite getting that." You smile briefly, and hope you aren't pushing too hard here.

"This one understands. You are new, so it will explain." The crow hops around slightly. "First let this one explain Absolute Rule. It is that big straight mountain in the distance. You can see it now. It is an old thing. If one gets very close, one can hear it state these rules. 'None enters without permission. None stays without permission. Such is the will of Dust.' This one doesn't know Dust, but this one knows it's power. We call it the Absolute Rule because no one has ever managed to deny this rule."

The bird nods at you as you indicate your understanding. "Three Clans is three groups. They each have the rule 'We stand together.' Gold, Red, and Blue. They have the numbers to fight Queen Ants should they need, but also don't like each other. So they ignore Ants so long as ants leave them alone."

That's pretty easy actually.

"Now big thing to remember is Ants want to expand, build, and grow. Best spots around here." The crow spreads it's wings to indicate the area. "So two queens go to war."

To be honest it sounds remarkably human like. "Thank you, that was very helpful."

"This one is happy to be of service." The crow turns back to it's meal.


If you are done, choose tomorrow's action just so we can keep things moving.

[] Siren's song (The pools) - Action
[] Scavenger's Hunger (Down the left fork of the stream, and into the fields) - Action
[] Faustian Pact (Down the right fork, and near the cliff) - Action
[] Royal curiosity (A strange cave nearby the fork of the stream)
[] Call Kale, check for news on phone, look for messages from mother. (Basically the catch all for 'check back home')
[] Explore (Dangerous)