Fallen Kingdoms

Our character sheet still lists us at 100 humanityedit: whoops, my bad.

[X] Get up, start walking towards our home.

Really, might not be the safest idea, but it is where we've been staying for a while now and it's probably our best bet.
notgreat said:
Our character sheet still lists us at 100 humanity

[X] Get up, start walking towards our home.

Really, might not be the safest idea, but it is where we've been staying for a while now and it's probably our best bet.
It's 90. Was 90 right after I checked the character sheet after I saw Lost Star's message.

Might've been Kale's, he added her to the sheet too.
Not seeing many votes here :)

As an aside, the 'elements' I've set for this setting aren't set in stone. Consider them more thematic generalities than anything else. It's intentionally fuzzy.
[X] Quickly look for our house. Failing that, a good place to spend the night and a weapon.
[X] Quickly look for our house. Failing that, a good place to spend the night and a weapon.
[X] Quickly look for our house. Failing that, a good place to spend the night and a weapon.

"This way." You tell Kale, turning away and towards The Wall.

She follows, hesitantly. You are both barefoot, so you choose to interpret that as her choosing how to walk, and not the new abilities you've just displayed. As the sky darkens, you both follow the wall to where you know the house is set. Then you slowly make your way into the forest, stumbling a few times as things go black. The heavy, overcast sky blocking out even the starry illumination.

Fortunately, the small shack that had been your home is still there. Well, relatively there. Nothing is left inside it, and most of the crude faculties to make it semi-livable are wrecked. Your kidnappers appear to have ransacked the place, and werent' careful about destroying it. You could probably repair the 'washroom' (It's really just a set of pipes with a curtain). And the bed can be reset, but there isn't anything else.

The shelter is enough though. You both duck in as it starts to rain. It's your first rainstorm actually. And a sign that the rainy season is starting to come upon you. Which doesn't bode well for your survival. Falls are cold and wet around Jupiter, and you are starting to head into it if the rains are coming now. Winter doesn't quite get to full on freezing, but it gets close enough that you will get occasional snow flurries with nothing lingering. Likely there are already going to be leaves changing colors out in the forest.

Faintly, you hear the sound of the creature in the spring. It's singing far louder than usual. Not the enchanting song either. something different.

Kale's words drive the thoughts of that from your head. "So, you ever going to tell me what was up with the chain thing?"

"I don't know." Your frustration must make yourself apparent because she doesn't respond right away.

"Well it's pretty obvious it's related to how we survived a drop like that." Kale muses out loud. "I've never seen you do anything like that before either."

It's pitch black by this time, so you can't exactly look at Kale. "Something changed during that fall." You admit. "What it was, I couldn't tell you. It's all a blur until we landed."

"Considering how drugged up you were, I'm surprised you woke up at all." Your fiance sighs heavily. "You were out for the entire trial. Not that the jackels watching cared much."

"What happened then?" You ask, almost dreading the answer.

Kales voice goes soft. "When you were captured, they took everything you had. The cell phone in particular linked you to me. When the trial started, they pulled up some sort of accusation against me and your family about us 'aiding the monsters'. It really, really didn't take much to whip the crowds into a frenzy for your head. And mine. And your family.

I was able to deflect the accusations against your family by saying it was all my plan to hide you. But with all the hysteria, and your journal notes, there wasn't much I could do to stop the execution. Or rather attempted execution."

You wince. "So I nearly got you killed." A few tears form. "I'm so, so, sorry."

"It's ok." Kale's hands cup your face as she moves forward. "We can figure something out."

"Yeah." You hug her and just try to keep calm. "We need food, water, and clothing first."

"I don't know how to hunt. Or make clothing." Your companion points out. "Or for that matter, even how to cook things."

You hiss slightly to yourself. "Just sleep for now. We can try to think up something tomorrow. We are exhausted today."

Well, if people are confused, vote is plans for the next day. Food, and clothing are priorities. You have fresh water from the stream.
[X] Find food and supplies we can use to make our house a bit more temporarily liveable.

[X] While out there, start looking for a new home, a more defensible one.
We should probably give her a quick rundown on the locals too, it'd be irresponsible of us otherwise.
We can go back into the city for supplies to steal at night. New ability would help with breaking in and can pose as homeless people, but might be good idea to wait a little.

Though is there any kind of dumping area for garbage or old abandoned areas outside the wall?

As for food might need to visit the Crow again both for the fact that we could eat the bug meat and also because we can ask him what plants are eddible and which are poisonous. Knowledge which would be most vital if we want to survive in the wild.
[X] Find food and supplies we can use to make our house a bit more temporarily liveable.
[X] While out there, start looking for a new home, a more defensible one.

The next morning is wet and cold. Only hunger and the lack of anything resembling supplies forces you both out. Combined with the miserable night, it's not a recipe for good temper. Further complicating things is the lack of footwear of any sort. It's not cold enough to give you frostbite, but it is enough to make you both profoundly uncomfortable.

"You have any idea of what we can eat?" Kale hisses as she steps through the forest.

"I do know some edible berries at least." You reply back softly as you gingerly step through the area.

"We can't live off that alone." She mutters back and looks around. "Without tools we are really going to be screwed if we don't think of something. Can your power thingy help?"

You wince as you try to picture it something tells you it wouldn't work right. "It's sort of an all or nothing thing. I can break blocks, not sections."

"I hate to ask, but maybe you can do it on The Wall?" Kale looks at you for a moment as she speaks.

The very thought makes you wince. The Wall is ageless, timeless. It would be like trying to put out a bonfire with a cup of sand. "No. That wouldn't work."

"Worth a shot." Kale ducks out of sight for a moment as she circles a tree. "You were here for awhile, notice anything edible?"

"Was more concerned with not being edible to be honest." You sigh and continue to look in a different direction. Your head tilts after a moment. The siren is pretty loud today.

The thought makes you straighten in panic as a thought hits. "Kale!" You call out, and are not assured of the lack of response.

You run, disregarding the lack of shoes. The pool is a good way away, and you can already see Kale starting to approach it with a slightly vacent expression. You don't have time to be gentle. You barely have enough time to stop her actually. But your tackle does push her away just at the edge of the pool. She has a brief moment to look outraged at you before the water in the pool surges up and at you in a minature tidal wave.

You push away in panic, and feel something shift slightly. The world goes grey for a brief second, and everything slows down. The water slumps down some, and the vaugely humanoid creature forms itself out of the water. It seems to glare at you.

"Child of dust." It's 'voice' is wavery, but lovely in it's own way. That doesn't make it less terrifying. "You take that which is not yours."

Lot of danger here. You can tell. Kale makes to say something but your face makes her stop. You want to edge away, but you know that would be a bad idea right now.

"Not yours." You manage to get out in reply.

"Oh?" The water wavers slightly. "What claim have you to it?"

"What's going on?" Kale whispers fearfully.

"It's asking why I'm stopping it." You reply back just as softly.

She blinks and looks at both you and the creature. "I don't hear anything."

"Such strange sounds it makes." The siren's form ripples and shifts as it moves closer. You both immediately shy back. "It has a mind then? Yet there is no power. Not like you child of dust."

The sense of danger starts to fade enough for you to have coherent thought. "She's my fiancee." You immediately regret saying that, but it was the only thing on your mind.

You think you confused it. "You intend to pair with it? It has no soul. You would craft things of flesh and mind, but nothing more. Easy prey."

"Umm." You aren't that much more enlightened by it's reply to be honest.

Despite this confusion, you are able to start to edge away from it, with Kale starting to move as well.

"Hold." You freeze as it speaks. A fish runs up and down it's body and it's form starts to solidify for lack of a better term. "I would make you a deal child of dust. Your power is young. Your potential is great."

Kale's breathing is heavy in your ear right now, and you are reminded sharply that she has no idea what half the conversation is.

"And?" You ask as the siren continues to look at you both.

"I would give your blinded 'other' sight. Give it a part of my soul." The creature giggles. "It would be part of the sea then. As you are part of dust."

"That's not quite a deal." You point out. "It just gives her something." And you aren't even certain it would be a good something.

"What?!" Kale hisses out at you. You glace at her, but the siren's movements draw you back. You really don't want to be ambushed by it.

"Must I explain it further?" The siren laughs. "Such a perverse child you are. It would be a child of mine. It would enhance my line. And eventually once you decide to pair, it would be enhanced still further. Seeing a new aspect of the sea is often reward enough."

What is our instinct telling us?

She might develop her own 'soul' like we did over the month we spent here and came to understand the animals or did the deal with godfather the event that gave us a soul or he might have had it since before the game.

Too many unknowns.

This doesn't matter really as this is not our decision to make. It's Kale's.

[X] "I am grateful, but it is not mine to decide. May we leave to explain the deal to her and take it when she returns?"
Lost Star said:
No more danger. Her 'intent' seems truthfull.
That seems fine. Now I'm not one to pass up power offers in games, but I imagine I was in that possition I wouldn't jump into deals especially with strangers on the first meating especially when this is for Kale to decide.

I edited my write-in as realized that the being 'grateful of the offer' might not be true from the perspective of the character to just being grateful. Of the offer itself, not eating/killing them yet or something else doesn't matter as it is not a lie. Telling lies even if they might not be technically so seems deadly in this game.
[X] "I am grateful, but it is not mine to decide. I will explain this to my intended."

You slowly get up after you speak, and the siren flows backwards to give you room. She seems more amused than anything else right now really.

Kale, seeing you get up follows suit and hisses in your ear. "What the hell is going on?!"

"She's offering to give you something." You keep your voice low, but aren't certain it's effective. You aren't even certain how the thing hears to be honest. "Something similar what I'm doing with the wierd time stuff?"

The keywords dust and sea mean something you can tell. It's familiar like something you've heard once upon a time, but the meaning of it is just out of reach. Like a long forgetten book.

Kale frowns at you and looks at the creature. "Will this let me hear what it's saying?" She asks seriously. "For that matter, will it help us survive?"

Your instinct gives you a vague answer to that. "At the very least it will let you speak to it. You might get a bit more as well."

"Tch." Your fiance makes a sound of irritation and then sighs as she speaks. "All right. We don't have many options."

You see the siren perk up for lack of a better word before you can even get a few words out. She flows forward, barely considering you. You take a step back and clench your fists. You hope that the siren is being truthful. That alien part of you finds no deception, but still you lack the knowledge or power to deal with any hidden catches.

The process is actually surprisingly simple. The siren stretches out a tendril to Kale, gently touching the woman on the forehead. Nothing happens on the visible spectrum. Yet you know there is power thrumming through the siren. Through her and into your fiance. The faint hint of watery depths. It flows into the woman, and like a sponge her body drinks it up. All this in an instant. Through it all Kale stays still. Scared, but steady as she is able.

Then the siren moves back and giggles. A small patch of Kale's hair is now a sharp blue. It stands out starkly on her pink hair.

"Good morning child." It's watery voice makes Kale start.

She doesn't know what to say for a moment and then swallows and speaks. "Good morning?"

The siren giggles again. "No need to worry dear one. You will be a fine child of the sea, I can already tell. I can feel you resonate with that body of yours." She starts to flow back into her pond, but not without a few last words. "Hunt well dear."

Kale shakes her head as she blinks a few times. "All right, that's fucking weird."

You can't help but laugh. It's pretty rare for her to swear like that. "You feeling ok?"

She stretches out, and starts to move through a few bits of fighting forms. You can't help but tilt your head as you watch. It looks different than what you normally see her do somehow. Smoother, more liquid. You actually have to stop yourself from staring. It's really not a good time for that.

Your fiance giggles at you when she notices it. "Well, at least that part's pretty cool." She tilts her hip and gives you a smile. "Sorta like adding onto an already good package really."

"I'm glad." You smile back at her. "Get anything else out of that?"

Kale seems to think some before she reaches down to pull out a few strands of grass. You raise an eyebrow as she pops them into her mouth and starts to chew. "At least I won't go hungry. It's weird knowing I can eat anything now."

You give a snort. "Well, that will let you at least make due."

"It gives us a few more options." Your fiancee gives you a look. "Considering what we just did though, we should probably see about talking with the other creatures here. We might be able to get something else too."


Kale's profile updated
[x] Ask what Kale wants to do

What? It makes sense.
if Kale has no opinion, continue from previous.

[X] Find food and supplies we can use to make our house a bit more temporarily liveable.
[X] While out there, start looking for a new home, a more defensible one.