Destroy The Godmodder: Renewal (Hole In The Ground)

As it turns out, no, the ravine does not block incoming attacks for our side. One enemy just managed to do something to heavily damage the craft by exploiting how bad I am at piloting it.

Now, I would give control back to Annabelle, but she has a battle to win. Instead, I'm phoning a friend.

Like hell you will! Don't you even dare.

Sorry, mission comes first.

Also, she needs a bit more motivation to win the duel.

So, meet Aster Starseer, a prodigy straight out of Earth's elite combat schools, and one of the highest-ranking fighters in the Terran gladiatorial arenas (themselves the result of combining a militarized society plagued by alien invasions with resurrection technology).

At first, she seemed drastically unqualifiedfor the job. She was essentially the youngest sister in a family of blind seers who decided that noncombat support work was boring, and that she wanted an excuse to get away from her family. Sure, she developed Starsight (and a few derivatives) from an incredibly young age to completely negate the impact of her blindness, but her body wasn't very strong or durable, and she very nearly got drummed out in physical training.

But then she demonstrated how overpowered high-level precognition is in an actual combat scenario. With a combination of the absurdly powerful precognition and some minor abilities in other areas, she showed the ability to almost effortlessly demolish most opposition. It's hard to win a fight when your opponent knows your next five moves and the exact means to counter them, after all.

Sure, she has her weaknesses, and she's lost to smart fighters on the gladiatorial circuit, but she's probably actually more qualified for piloting a Hyperstorm-class ship than Annabelle is. Even with her minimal training on said ship types.

So, Annabelle. How are things?

You better leave my ship in one piece.

I'm better at the precognitive dodging thing than you are, you know.

And that's all you can do. I can not just dodge attacks, I can block them with telekinetic barriers, or push the craft to insane speeds that you just can't reach.

Can you do that while also fighting an elite enemy in a duel? You can have your ship back once you win the duel.

The addition of a new pilot somehow repairs the Supernova. Don't ask me how.

*****Meanwhile, in somewhere:*****

"Okay, I give. I get that the radio was a decoy with a convert it to antimatter switch, but how did you make ME explode from it, when I specifically made sure to NOT directly pick it up and put it out in the middle of nowhere?"

Wormhole, never one to admit defeat (and a bit humiliated as well), attempts to get back at the Godmodder by using a portal to pour molten lava into his pants.

*****Meanwhile in a duel*****

How about, no. In a mundane battle, I'm actually fairly weak, so your skill in swords would probably beat mine. Also, it's more fun when crazy powers are involved.

Anyways, he's pulling what appears to be a Weath Ray style effect, except with some variance. Given how wormhole-based weapons are pretty much impossible to counter, I teleport up a mile into the air (yeah, teleporting isn't moving), and then note some strange patterns. Instead of attacking like I probably should be doing, I instead take the time to scan and analyze the patterns. Varos might be able to use this for a future technology.

Also, I heal myself.

13/20 Plan B
4/20 Unknown Contingency
+1 @Enerald_Mann
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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9/20 A thing
2/20 Repayment
+2 @benevolentEnigma

Emerald casts Mass Raise Dead, causing plenty of skeletons and corpses to rise from their unceremonious graves... and promptly toss themselves into the Ravine.

Cosmic Monolith:
HP: 30K/30K
ATK: 0
5 Charge: Energy Rerouting. Take your standard action, in addition to giving yourself the "Charged" buff.
Active: Reactionary Reality Shift. Spend your action increasing your dodge chance for 3 turns
Active: Pulsar. Deal medium damage to one target, chance to dispel buffs, or lower Attack power if no buffs are available to dispel
Active: Flare. Choose 3 enemies. They have a 45% chance to miss their attack the next two turns.
Active: Antimatter. Deal low damage to two enemies
Passive: Phasing through Spacetime, high dodge chance.
Doomsday: can only be used when 'Charged' is active. Deals heavy damage to three enemies, and heal yourself equal to 1/3rd the total damage done. (So Deal heavy damage to 3 and heal heavy to yourself). Cannot be prevented except by death of the Cosmic Monolith.
Passive: Purely magical. if prevented from using any actives (most likely through player actions), will take no action. Doomsday will still go off if Charged is active.
The Cosmic Monolith uses Reactionary Reality Shift to tune into the forces of space to improve its ability to get not hit.

I mak th first post with out an ' ', claiming th +2 from th Stragnr bfor using the missing lttrs to hit th Hyprstorm SuprNova.

3/20 Tick+1 from Th Strangr
3/20 Tock +1 from Th Strangr
+1 JO +1 Talist
6/10 Robots Run on Money
11/15 Do you believe in magic... (+2 from Enerald)
+1 @Enerald_Mann ; +1 @EternalStruggle

I throw in the Mehrio time, and it's associated Death Star and Toads.
Ehh, step right up, come on you know...
time to do the mehrio time.
come...the mehrio park,
do the mario time.
*doot doot doot boop*
come on down, to mehrio go on inside we've got the death star... see...the toads.

Becquerel: Teleport some supplies to the Hyperstorm Supernova for repairs.
The amount of bridging is increased via swift application of self-assembling nanobridges, creating a long but resilient and straight hexagonal mesh that could be walked over easily. In truth, the marvelous technology fell from the sky, part of wreckage from some destroyed landing craft. AG or PG, it didn't really matter. Either way, it was sheer luck and coincidence. All the Daemonette had done was used the power that had been delegated to her to give the thing a little push, a mental poke, that saw it form up in the desired way and direction, extending the length of the bridge yet further.
Weapons of War: 19/20.
This Again: 7/20.

+1 @redstonetam15
+1 @benevolentEnigma
Wormhole decides that he has a better use for molten lava. After he's done dumping a load of it into the Godmodder's pants, he then puts a downward-facing portal in the middle of the ravine, and links the other end to the planetary core of one of Daraken's worlds. The result is an explosive flood of molten metal pouring into the ravine, filling it up significantly.

But now there's a river of molten lava instead of a ravine. He sighs, spots a flat rectangle-shaped ship in the clustergorilla of a space battle above the planet, and drops a portal in just the right place to force the ship to crash-land in molten lava to create a bridge.

Unfortunately, said ship happens to survive resting on molten lava, and despite being grounded, the ship's weapons are still operational, and the very angry crew are starting to climb out. Yeah, he may have just made things worse, but he's also ruined the Godmodder's plan of sitting behind the ravine and calling in reinforcements using his magic radio.

Entity Orders:
*HARDS: Try to protect the Supernova. If you don't block SOMETHING, you're going to get scrapped, you stupid useless machine.
*Supernova: Fly around and do evasive stuff. Fire fusion lances if you somehow manage to actually find a viable target.


You know what, I'm going to let JOE have a sword fight. I turn off the armor-piercing property of my swords and engage him in a sword duel, one that he quickly begins winning due to actually having training in swords (whereas 80% of my skill in anything not directly psionics-based is probably stolen using some side properties of mind control). So, not wanting to lose, I lock swords with him, then pull a Fusion Blaster out of hammerspace, wield it telekinetically, and shoot a devastating slug into his chest before returning the Fusion Blaster to hammerspace and disengaging. The Fusion Blaster is, essentially, a sawed-off Fusion Lance: about as much firepower as the ship-based version,

14/20 Plan B
5/20 Unknown Contingency
+1 @Enerald_Mann
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
True, teleporting wouldn't cause you to be ripped apart.
you would, however, still receive superficial blood loss for the fraction of a second before you succeed in teleportation, and if you where especially unlucky, a portal could form in your brain during the short time you where present. this is unlikely, but possible, and if it occurred it would be rather deadly. suddenly, you realize your multiple small portal-induced wounds (some of which you where in the process of healing.) kept you from noticing when a small syringe embedded itself into your body. at around the same time, the leader of the deathseekers (who I think is white-text-guy but if I'm wrong it goes to whoever Is the leader) receives a letter along with a fact sheet.
Dear leader/dèscended of the tèam, "Deathseekers" on the sitè Battlefield 2.7,
JOE Elèmental Public Hèalth Cèntrè of Disèase control and production has bèèn notified that a nèèdle containing Pètrussis1 (Whooping cough1) attènded Back Of Anabèls Nèck, Locatèd at The Arèa Between her Brain And The Small Of Hèr Back, Btf, PLNT d2S IS9 between Two Minutes Ago, December 11, and Some Time In The Future, December 11, While contagious.

Pertussis1 can spread very easily from syringes of pure Pertussis1 to Living Hosts through direct exposure to their bloodstream.
  • The first symptoms may include a runny nose and cough, usually within three minutes of contact with the syringe of Pètrussis1.
  • after another minute or two, the Person may experience violent attacks of coughing that may end in a high pitched whoop sound, loss of breath, or vomiting. these coughing attacks can last about Six to Ten Minutes, even will maximal focus on healing.
Should one of your team-members develop any of the above symptoms on or before the end of the hour, please visit JOE bob as soon as possible and tell him he wins the battle. JOE bob may prescribe Temporary leaving of the battlefield and/or may describe further negative symptoms which will occur if your team-member has Pèrtussis1.

Pèrtussis1 is a serious communicable disease for those who are not gods, and is likely to cause violent explosive damage to their entire body over the next several weeks time, starting One minute after the first coughing fit ceases. Cures are impossible without the end of all combat in which one is participating.
Enclosed is a fact sheet showing other effects of Pèrtussis1 and advocating vaccination against it if you are not yet infected.

JoeBOB, Enemy death instigator.
JOE Elèmental Public Hèalth Cèntrè of Disèase control and production
REDACTED public health.

True to the words in the letter, Anabel is afflicted with a strange sickness, which causes occasional explosive coughing fits which cause literally explosions to wrack their body. the transmission vector seems to be a strange needle in their neck, exactly where the letter said it would be.
chances are Pertussis1 is a modified magic explosive Pertussis.
I'll respond to the sword-fight's fusion blaster part next turn, since I'm winning for the first half. One thing of note is that my blade leaves a glowing afterimage wherever its tip passes through.
oh hey, and you forgot to counter the plates!
16/? two +2 mirror
3/? one.
+2 TOG to make up for last round

New rule! No person shall, on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday which preceeds a public holiday, or is on a public holiday, drive or cause to be driven between the hours of 6 PM and Midnight, a motor vehicle which exceeds 10.5 Meters in length on all main roads simultaneously.

Wait, the ravine is being bridged!
and some of the bridges are road-like.
and there aren't any other main roads I'm aware of!
And the Hyperstorm supernova has a motor!
and as I write this, it is 7 PM!
and it is a sunday!
and its... not a public holiday...
what do I do now?
Oh, I know. I'll clear up the confusion by making there be no main road!
I proceed to explode every part of the ravines filling that is somewhat road-like, and eat it. then vomit it onto the non-road-like parts in hopes of destroying that, too.
[no this is not an attack on the HS SN, I'm just using it because I'm not sure if any other AG things have motors and are of sufficient size.]
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Alright, I'm sorry everyone, but I need to put this on indefinite hiatus.
I've been having a hard time with updates for an extended period of time, and I talked it over with some folks IRL and I've come to the conclusion that I need to seriously rethink where I'm planning on taking this game before I continue it.
So for now, the game defunct.
I will let everyone know on the discord when the game is to resume.

/GMnull, but hopefully not the last.
I'm considering launching a sidequest/filler arc (with DM approval) over the hiatus. More details coming soon.
Just a note on the above, he does in fact have GM approval.
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Huh, since I didn't post anything here yet, I might as well do so now.

I took a closer look at the Chasm, and realized that there was a simple solution that nobody had thought of.

Dropping a coin on the ground,
He begae to nerdpole up, up, up, high into te sky. then, when he is confident that his little pole is high enough, he jumps down, pushing off the coin to break his fall. Then, he tips his stone pillar over, across the ravine.
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Julias Caesar, who is apparently well known for his power to call forth meteors on his enemies... despite me having never heard of this power of his... calls forth a meteor which slams into rapport, crippling them. the troops in the tunnel wait patiently, and the spell people aside from Caesar start casting spells again.