Dear leader/dèscended of the tèam, "Deathseekers" on the sitè Battlefield 2.7,
JOE Elèmental Public Hèalth Cèntrè of Disèase control and production has bèèn notified that a nèèdle containing Pètrussis1 (Whooping cough1) attènded Back Of Anabèls Nèck, Locatèd at The Arèa Between her Brain And The Small Of Hèr Back, Btf, PLNT d2S IS9 between Two Minutes Ago, December 11, and Some Time In The Future, December 11, While contagious.
Pertussis1 can spread very easily from syringes of pure Pertussis1 to Living Hosts through direct exposure to their bloodstream.
- The first symptoms may include a runny nose and cough, usually within three minutes of contact with the syringe of Pètrussis1.
- after another minute or two, the Person may experience violent attacks of coughing that may end in a high pitched whoop sound, loss of breath, or vomiting. these coughing attacks can last about Six to Ten Minutes, even will maximal focus on healing.
Should one of your team-members develop any of the above symptoms on or before the end of the hour, please visit JOE bob as soon as possible and tell him he wins the battle. JOE bob may prescribe Temporary leaving of the battlefield and/or may describe further negative symptoms which will occur if your team-member has Pèrtussis1.
Pèrtussis1 is a serious communicable disease for those who are not gods, and is likely to cause violent explosive damage to their entire body over the next several weeks time, starting One minute after the first coughing fit ceases. Cures are impossible without the end of all combat in which one is participating.
Enclosed is a fact sheet showing other effects of Pèrtussis1 and advocating vaccination against it if you are not yet infected.
JoeBOB, Enemy death instigator.
JOE Elèmental Public Hèalth Cèntrè of Disèase control and production
REDACTED public health.
True to the words in the letter, Anabel is afflicted with a strange sickness, which causes occasional explosive coughing fits which cause literally explosions to wrack their body. the transmission vector seems to be a strange needle in their neck, exactly where the letter said it would be.
chances are Pertussis1 is a modified magic explosive Pertussis.
I'll respond to the sword-fight's fusion blaster part next turn, since I'm winning for the first half. One thing of note is that my blade leaves a glowing afterimage wherever its tip passes through.
oh hey, and you forgot to counter the plates!