Destroy The Godmodder: Renewal (Hole In The Ground)

4/10 Robots Run on Money
6/15 Do you believe in magic...(+1 from EternalStruggle)
+1 @EternalStruggle ; +1 @Enerald_Mann

I toss 100 pounds of feathers and 100 pounds of gold into the hole.
But they weigh different amounts.

I use that image as a nice, flat, bridge over the feathers and gold.
(the gold actually weighs less)

Bec teleports some Build Grist into the hole.
14/20 Pro IRL (+2 from plague)
4/20 Eternal Guardian (+1 from Eternal)

+1 to @plague126 and @EternalStruggle (Tag me if you give me +1s.)

The LMG Noob uses the magic of ammo boxes to try and fill the ravine with bullets and drum magazines.

Redstone flashes back to DTG: Terraria.
Hmm. This ravine makes me remember another time where I fought a Godmodder.
Redstone decides to take a piece of bread and break it in half, and throw it in to the ravine. He breaks off another half, same size as the last piece, and throws it into the ravine. He ramps this up to whole truckloads of bread.
I'm Jesus, but I'm filling a ravine. My friend Roan would... Honestly I don't know what he would say. I just know he pretty heavily follows the Christian faith.
The Daemonette whispers a few calm words, still impacted by her previous actions, and through manipulation of reality steel extended gracefully across the ravine, besides the other... eclectic collection of materials. It was difficult to exert such relatively fine control with such relatively little power, but it was possible, and in the end a small part of the large ravine was bridged by a structure that in truth actually looked like a legitimate bridge. A shame that the bits on either side could not be described as such, of course, but hey. It would work anyway, and a small bit was better than none. Which also applied to the extra bit of bridging in general, soon enough they should cross the gap and continue their advance.
Weapons of War: 12/20.
This Again: 4/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @redstonetam15
I'd like to point out that order of sign-up may not always affect order of charge giving. If your idea is really good, I may bump you ahead of some people who's ideas aren't so great.
Adding me to your charge loop also just makes everything easier for everyone.
[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(15 +4} 19/20 pot hotatoes
(2} 2/?? ?!??!?
TOG II*: ...Hey. Technically, the ravine divides the AG/PG mess. Being neutral, we can still attack whoever we want, right?
Anyways, stop people from filling in the ravine.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

I dunno, I guess I just heal up the Hyperstorm (sans cHANSAW)
16/15 Expectation.
6/10 Unexpectation.

+2 to TOG. (2 out of 20)

Media plays a game of materialisation word chain with the concept of the Hyperstorm. You may not know the rules, so allow me to explain them.
- One player says a noun. The next player must say a noun starting with the letter of the previous noun, and this continues.
- If no noun can be thought of, 30 seconds pass, or a player dies, the game ends, and the other player wins.
- If a noun does not exist in the area, it materialises. If it does exist in the area, it dematerialises. You cannot directly target the other player with these changes.

Ready? Ready.

[For the purposes of this, Media's text is going to be blue, and the concept of the hyperstorm will be green. Of course, Media's text color isn't necessarily blue, it would appear to you as whatever colour you expect it to be. Unfortunately this platform doesn't support that sort of logic.]


Munchkins everywhere gasp in horror as their overspecialised character sheets become those of well-rounded roleplaying characters.


Suddenly, Squidward pops into existence next to the hyperstorm. He starts playing the clarinet.


The twp players suddenly become unable to move from their seats.


Nothing seems to change, besides the fact that a time limit has been imposed on the game.


It starts raining.


Trillions of people immediately forget that other people exist.


A near-infinite number of air particles freeze in place, refusing to pass their knowledge onto those they encounter. The concept of the hypserstorm struggles for a moment. It suddenly realises that it doesn't need sound to communicate, and creates a light display in front of it, reading:


The entire multiverse is compacted into a single point in space. Everyone seems to be perfectly comfortable despite this. Media responds telepahtically with something simple: Elephant.


An elephant pops into existence, before quickly being compacted into the universal point.


Media suddenly becomes unable to use telepathy. Instead, she writes down her word, and responds to the concept of the hyperstorm in this way:


Is she intentionally making this easy? Now, it ends.


The single point that in the universe goes dark. What will Media do now? She can't speak, can't make any sort of communication to give it her next word. The concept of the hyperstorm wins! Suddenly, a seed of doubt is placed in its conceptual mind. What if she can communicate using some other means? No, that's impossible. Is it? But this seed of doubt was enough, the smallest expectation of something else. And even this smallest expectation allows Media a stranglehold over what information comes and goes. The concept of the hyperstorm expects something snarky and sarcastic to appear within its mind, just before the timer reaches thirty seconds. 25, 26, 27, 28, and on 29, the word madness appears, perfect describing the concept's reaction. And having destroyed every other form of communication it has, the concept of the hyperstorm loses. The universe resets, as if nothing had ever happened within the game.
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I'd like to point out that order of sign-up may not always affect order of charge giving. If your idea is really good, I may bump you ahead of some people who's ideas aren't so great.
Adding me to your charge loop also just makes everything easier for everyone.
[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(20} 20/20 pot hotatoes
I... fail to come with anything even remotely clever to say about this charge, despite it being pretty cool. In all fairness to me though, I spent the last 20 minutes in a daze thinking it was tomorrow so...
The Stranger receives their charge.
(3} 3/?? ?!??!?
TOG II*: ...Hey. Technically, the ravine divides the AG/PG mess. Being neutral, we can still attack whoever we want, right?
Anyways, stop people from filling in the ravine.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

I continue to not use the cHANSAW to heal up the Hyperstorm.

Also, Stranger, is that post a reference? It is, right?

I throw multiple fire extinguishers into the Hyperstorm Supernova. . . then kick it in the fire with ice. . . Twice. . . I then throw all of these dots in my sentences at it.

20/20 Tools +1 from JOE
Having finished these two charges I use the first "Tools" Which combines the Predator Armor and Juggernaut Armor, using them as components in this charge to increase the end result. The "Predator Juggernaut Armor" is the result. A combination of the Power Loader Ridley used against the Alien Queen, and the Predator Armor from "Aliens vs Predators." A hulking set of Armor with 25 HP and 15 Shield, regening 5 Shield at the End of the Turn.

20/20 For JOE +2 from JOE
The other charge, "For JOE" creates a gun, a plate gun, a gun that shoots plates, a Giant Gun that Shoots Giant Plates. . . ya you don't really know what you would expect for a weapon specifically built for JOE.
INFO: Durability=15/15 Durability ABILITY:Sacrifice Durability to attack, every 1 Durability is 3,000X, with X being amount of Durability Sacrificed, and Deal 1=1 damage against Players. Regen 5 Durability each turn if "Predator Juggernaut Armor" is still alive.

+1 JOE +1 Talist
I notice that Annabelle is pushing herself past safe levels of power usage to both allow the Supernova to evade and also fight in a STRIFE (especially given that massive burst that probably knocked out half of her reserve in one go). Now, knowing her, she not only doesn't care about safe power levels, but doesn't even notice the drop for now. She's well known for her ability to completely ignore the safe usage levels with no ill effects, and then go up to eleven in draining herself before finally hitting a wall and running out at the wrong moment.

To make sure that she doesn't run out before the battle is over, I take control of the craft myself until the ravine is filled. The craft shouldn't be in danger as long as every enemy is on the other side of the ravine. Worst-case scenario, however, I do have enough psychic energy to keep up the craft's evasion for a short period, primarily due to the fact that psychic amplifiers are technology and I'm supposed to be a master of technology.

*****Meanwhile, in several dozen places at once*****

Wormhole notices that the Godmodder is holding what appears to be a radio capable of summoning reinforcements to aid the radio's owner. This legendary artifact could potentially be used by him to summon enough reinforcements to make sure he wins round 2 against Daraken's forces.

The Godmodder is relying on a ravine to keep him safe against having his radio stolen, but Wormhole can just ignore that for obvious reasons.

Suddenly, as he's calling in his troops, a portal opens underneath him and ejects a massive burst of gas, courtesy of Jupiter. The high-pressure gas ejects out in an absurdly powerful gust of wind, and the Godmodder loses his grip on the radio. While disoriented by the plume of toxic gas from Jupiter, the Godmodder looks around for his radio, but it's long gone by now, having been scooped up by another portal almost as soon as it left his hands.

However, Wormhold knows the Godmodder really wants the radio and would probably permakill him to get it back, so instead of bringing it straight back to his (still-undiscovered) base of the week, he takes it into a random unoccupied solar system and throws it into orbit. If the Godmodder tracks the radio to get it back, he teleports it away as soon as he arrives in the system, sending it to another deserted system. He repeats it until the Godmodder either gives up and goes back to the field with no options for reinforcements, or chases the radio down for long enough that Wormhole decides to put it right next to an Elder-class entity (think Cthulhu-level, enough of a threat to get most of the gods in the Mystic Realms and the Foundation working together to take them down) and force the Godmodder into a fight that ends with either him running away or him getting rid of a really dangerous Elder-class entity.

Once that ends, he still isn't very insistent on acquiring the radio personally, and leaves it in inter-galactic deep space for a while until the heat dies down and the Godmodder is no longer looking for it. Better safe than sorry.


Yeah, Varos, I think he found out about the loophole. He's just had a teammate jack up his gear to absurd levels. Now he has a full-on mech and a gun that fires plates and looks VERY nasty.

Well then, time to bring out my armor-piercing weaponry. You know how I'm holding a pair of swords, but haven't actually used them yet? Yeah, they're probably one of the most powerful weapons I have to bring to the table here. These particular blades have a very long and complicated story, but one of their most interesting properties is an ability to hold an essentially unlimited amount of weaponry enchantments. Several of them are relevant to this particular engagement.

The big one is a physics-breaking cut-through-everything enchantment that can be activated to, as the name says, cut through literally anything. And I mean literally ANYTHING. Even a giant water-manipulating monster with galaxy-scale durability (as in it could literally eat a whole supernova and survive, something that templars probably can't do). In fact, the enchantment was created by reverse-engineering technology of a native ally in the fight against said giant monster for the express purpose of outright ignoring its durability..

Now, to be fair, just because it completely ignores durability doesn't mean that it's a oneshot kill. Said water-manipulating monster suddenly stopped playing nice after it got a few limbs hacked off, and it started going all-out and very nearly defeating us until we took out its core with a full-strength Weath Ray blast from the Supernova. JOE would most likely be able to regenerate away the damage, and whatever damage abstraction is in play for descendants wouldn't let a single sword stroke kill one of them instantly anyways. But it still cuts through his armor as if it isn't even there.

The second major enchantment on them is the ability to morph the twin blades into a bow. Bows normally aren't even considered as weaponry when there's guns of all different sorts to utilize, but the bow form of the weapon can take advantage of the sword's enchantments in new and unexpected ways. For instance, it takes advantage of enchantments that increase the power behind the sword swing and uses them to enhance the arrow's speed, but due to the size difference between a sword and an arrow, the result is generally a hypersonic arrow shot (which I can further enhance with a telekinetic push to make it a viable anti-ship weapon).

But more relevant (and more recently added) was the ability to make physics-bypassing arrowheads that can also punch through armor.

So that already gives me options as to how I want to open JOE's can. But Varos, true to his skill, went several dozen steps farther and augmented the enchantments to allow for custom arrows straight out of a bow-based superhero's arsenal. Now, for purposes of this discussion, let's talk about the shrapnel arrow and the net arrowhead. The shrapnel arrow is normally not that useful, especially when you could just make an explosive arrow, but when each piece of the shrapnel ignores physics and has infinite penetration power, it turns a single large hole in the target into a cluster of smaller holes in the target, far more likely to shred internal organs.

As for the net arrow, well, in normal cases it has a situational non-lethal use in incapacitating a target. With the durability enchantments applied to the net, it's a more effective option at incapacitating a target. But with physics-bypassing, it can be used to cut a target into a bunch of gibs (basically, think a web of razor wire flying through the target). Now, because I still feel that JOE should get a fair chance (and also that the net arrow has a chance of failure just a little too high for my liking), I don't use the net arrow in razorwire mode.

That doesn't mean I won't fire a normal net arrow at him. Big bulky armor is especially impacted by entanglement, and it takes a lot longer to disentangle it. If he decided not to put on his mech suit, he's still going to be distracted by it.

Distracted enough for me to utilize another bow enchantment, the Arrow Multiplier. This actually didn't come from Varos. Long ago, Darius somehow managed to get the absurdly powerful magic staff that he normally uses as a rocket launcher to multiply objects, and then proceeded to combine it with my bow's fire in a fight to hit a dragon with 10 arrows at once.

Varos eventually managed to deconstruct the effect and enchant my bow with it, but he wasn't able to get it perfectly. While I pull back the bow and keep it drawn, more arrows begin to materialize around the bow. As JOE struggles to escape the net, I keep it drawn and build up an array of arrows. Then, a few seconds before he escapes, I release a barrage of shrapnel arrows, which burst into shrapnel as soon as they get a few feet away from him.

At this point, I remember that the armor-piercing effect doesn't really work well with the Arrow Multiplier, so only the arrow I actually fired was a penetrating shot and the multitude of other arrows just created a shower of shrapnel that most likely bounced off of his armor. But just one burst of shrapnel flying through the gut is enough to cause severe trauma.

I also fire Automatic Plasma Pistols at him at the same time to start to chip away at his upgraded armor.

12/20 Plan B (+TOG)
3/20 Unknown Contingency
+1 @Enerald_Mann
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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17/15 Expectation.
7/10 Unexpectation.

Media combines the 17-post 'Expectation' charge with the 20-post 'pot hatotoe' charge from TOG. This combined 37-post charge summons a stone. A summoning stone.

Summoning Stone [N]. 50'000 hp. Respawns Remaining: 4. Controller: [The Stranger.]
PASSIVE: Uptown Flunk. The Summoning Stone summons a GM-chosen entity every turn for the player who controls it. Initially, the stone is controlled by Media, but control can be transferred by scoring the killing blow on the stone. Control can be transferred four times, after which the stone loses power, and becomes a non-anomalous stone.

(And yes, that post is a reference.)
a large letter drifts from above Anabel in each "reality"... aside from the blacktext world, where they where never trapped and so still got slashed a bunch before, then got attacked by constellation blades. my attack in that world was so fast (due to time-bending spells) that it is physically impossible for the information to have travelled from their eyes to their brain before the attack happened if they are anything resembling human. the other attacks used traps instead tho.
they open it and read it... aside from the blacktext world, where I turn my blade into a bow and fire a black arrow of shadows, piercing their right shoulder as they had nothing to escape from rendering their actions invalid.
"your choice of action miiiight have worked...
..If it wasn't inapplicable in the one real reality: the world of the black text.
Thats some pretty bad luck you had, I must say.
better luck next time! have a nice day!
"Also in the black text reality my actions where too fast for you to call for help before they finished and I portalled back to watch.
"as for your sword-bow-gun-thing, you can't bypass physics, because that is not how a world that runs on physics works. what laws would go into effect without physics? none? then your arrow doesn't do anything."
"Besides, I'm wearing two order boots, not one boot. that gives the ability two uses. this will be important later."

as they read the last line of text there, they look up and, in each reality, see another person step out of a celestial rift next to me or in front of them.
they glow, a model of the planet appearing in front of them, before flashing goldenrod. their actions can't have far reaching consequences outside this strife despite their power being absurd lore-wise, for a reason that is redacted.
regardless, the 4 worlds shift and are now indistinguishable.
flaming energy wraps around JOE, and a quarter of it condenses into a hammer and sickle. 'Tis the god of fire, ally of JOE, and he has admittedly been influenced by srovy, since of me and him, srovy excels in flame far more. regardless, he is here before you... or is he? there is a 75% chance that he is not, but whatever. he casts godly host and fuses with JOE temporarily. 3 posts it shall last.

a spinning series of ritual circles, filled with mystic symbols and oft' embroiderd with snowflake patterns in the middle, appears before Anabel. it is separate from JOE, but, being intangible, it overlays on him. they shall preform combat until they get bored.
(each text color is a different illusion or possibly real world.)
The ground creaks somewhat as plants overtake it, turning the area in which thou fights into a lush meadow. the grass speaks of its status as the plant god, and how it will help JOE in his attempts to fight you. maybe you can burn it down...

in this world, JOE declines to enlist the aid of others. he unsheathes the same blade as before, and casts celestial quintalty: moon. time to fight.
JOE, empowered by the flame god, leaps forwards, sickle in hand, and stabs at Anabels face. they may dodge, but they cannot counter: the power of every worshipper of the fire god, put together, plus the base power of JOE, is too much to block. if they dodge, he whirls, and slashes again, following each dodge and teleport. slowly but surely, the entire environment is in flames and they are more and more cornered, either they fail and burn, they are slashed, they exhaust themselves, or they are merely unable to act themselves.

Realm of Glyphs.
the lowest glyph on the tower thing grows and slowly moves down until it is lying directly upon the ground.
the runes spread across the ground, smaller circles appearing every so often.
being a spell, their point of reference is whatever the user wants. the glyph god and I choose a Schroedinger value of either relative to Anabel or relative to me, and several luck glyphs ensure it'll always be the one thats better for me that happens.
lastly, the smaller glyphs will each erupt with force and blades should Anabel step on them, not that they have any way to know this, and the glyph god grants temporary resistance to their intervention.

Plants rise up to fight you, vines snagging at Anabels legs, natural poisons seeping in at any hits, and making all walking nigh impossible. should they try to escape, I merely stand in wait as the plants grow higher and bigger, evolve for greater efficiency, and should you never return, eventually spread to the main battlefield. should they remain, I throw poisonous cacti bulbs at them, sending it sudden bursts of bark and fruit without warning and in general being a nuisance. sadly for them, all these plants are highly damage resistant and reinforced by the magic of the god of plants.
JOE grins, and twirls his blade, leaving a trail of light that does not fade. he stops spinning the blade, and dashes forwards, becoming literally invisible for a moment before stopping where he wishes, slashing as he does, a great light on the tip of the great relic. he turns, and dances, lines of energy in the air, and he points his blade at Anabel, a great gash already in their side from the slash with the great light. energy gathers on the tip, and fires out, blasting into where they where. should they dodge, they discover the burst chasing them again, exploding each time it strikes the floor where they where before chasing them to their new position.
then, to finish off this sequence, JOE stands in place and watches them, the blade beginning to glow cyan and red on opposing ends. be prepared.

Now, I know they're going to just do the same thing, so the Coms are illusory too. any information they try to get will have random answers chosen for whichever realitys are fake, iff they can't tell the difference between real and fake themself to identify the fake realitys.
as for that psychic pulse... thing..., I was still wearing the heirlooms beneath my clothing.
the order boots, normally considered the weakest heirlooms due to the majority of battles being long whittling down affairs where each side trys to cut away at their enemies's energy reserves so they can't just regen from all damage, provide an impenetrable barrier every so often, blocking exactly One attack. the barrier doesn't last long, but All-or-nothing attacks are not a possibility against a use of the boots.
In case it was unclear before, one of the 4 text colors is the real world. the rest are fake. white text is stuff that applies to all worlds.
I proceed to fire 4 plates at them in each reality.
Normal posting:
12/? two
new: 1/? one.
9/9 one +2 TOG +2 TOG +1 mirror using below, in conjunction with standard action.
+2 mirror
[there was a quote of redstone, if I recall, setting a forest on fire to attack the collosus. I intended to spend my action on only the animals but piono had it counter the damage... oh well.]
I suppress the fires ability to harm the resident forest animals by throwing a giant potion of fire resist II at the forest, before giving the colussus some milk so my action doesn't function as a counter, rather just being a nice act that I might call back to eventually.
the animals of this forest have just managed to muster their forces to help me and my buns. after a convoluted adventure where they gather the 6 scepters of starlight and save a race of fairy-puppet things who return to the kingdom of smiles, they manage to teleport to across the battlefield to aid the buns. most of the forest animals leave after giving some supplies [flavour text, no effect], not wanting to risk their lives, but the single resident bun sticks around, preferring life among buns to life alone.
Bun Prodigy summoned!
[10,000 HP and 50% dodge chance, functionally like 20,000 HP- ~half the charge's standard. its action power focused instead of HP focussed.]
Active: Impress people. only works if you aren't the target of a direct attack this round (including attacks that miss.). increase your action power with nonstandard actions, and improve your dodge somewhat. caps at like, 95% dodge?
Active: nonstandard actions. aside from impress people, this fits the formula for a royalty-type bun, with one exception: in hard times, can preform more menial tasks (IE: an engineer's work, healing targets, etc.).
Orders: use Impress people.
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a large letter drifts from above Anabel in each "reality"... aside from the blacktext world, where they where never trapped and so still got slashed a bunch before, then got attacked by constellation blades. my attack in that world was so fast (due to time-bending spells) that it is physically impossible for the information to have travelled from their eyes to their brain before the attack happened if they are anything resembling human. the other attacks used traps instead tho.
they open it and read it... aside from the blacktext world, where I turn my blade into a bow and fire a black arrow of shadows, piercing their right shoulder as they had nothing to escape from rendering their actions invalid.
"your choice of action miiiight have worked...
..If it wasn't inapplicable in the one real reality: the world of the black text.
Thats some pretty bad luck you had, I must say.
better luck next time! have a nice day!
"Also in the black text reality my actions where too fast for you to call for help before they finished and I portalled back to watch.
"as for your sword-bow-gun-thing, you can't bypass physics, because that is not how a world that runs on physics works. what laws would go into effect without physics? none? then your arrow doesn't do anything."
"Besides, I'm wearing two order boots, not one boot. that gives the ability two uses. this will be important later."

as they read the last line of text there, they look up and, in each reality, see another person step out of a celestial rift next to me or in front of them.
they glow, a model of the planet appearing in front of them, before flashing goldenrod. their actions can't have far reaching consequences outside this strife despite their power being absurd lore-wise, for a reason that is redacted.
regardless, the 4 worlds shift and are now indistinguishable.
flaming energy wraps around JOE, and a quarter of it condenses into a hammer and sickle. 'Tis the god of fire, ally of JOE, and he has admittedly been influenced by srovy, since of me and him, srovy excels in flame far more. regardless, he is here before you... or is he? there is a 75% chance that he is not, but whatever. he casts godly host and fuses with JOE temporarily. 3 posts it shall last.

a spinning series of ritual circles, filled with mystic symbols and oft' embroiderd with snowflake patterns in the middle, appears before Anabel. it is separate from JOE, but, being intangible, it overlays on him. they shall preform combat until they get bored.
(each text color is a different illusion or possibly real world.)
The ground creaks somewhat as plants overtake it, turning the area in which thou fights into a lush meadow. the grass speaks of its status as the plant god, and how it will help JOE in his attempts to fight you. maybe you can burn it down...

in this world, JOE declines to enlist the aid of others. he unsheathes the same blade as before, and casts celestial quintalty: moon. time to fight.
JOE, empowered by the flame god, leaps forwards, sickle in hand, and stabs at Anabels face. they may dodge, but they cannot counter: the power of every worshipper of the fire god, put together, plus the base power of JOE, is too much to block. if they dodge, he whirls, and slashes again, following each dodge and teleport. slowly but surely, the entire environment is in flames and they are more and more cornered, either they fail and burn, they are slashed, they exhaust themselves, or they are merely unable to act themselves.

Realm of Glyphs.
the lowest glyph on the tower thing grows and slowly moves down until it is lying directly upon the ground.
the runes spread across the ground, smaller circles appearing every so often.
being a spell, their point of reference is whatever the user wants. the glyph god and I choose a Schroedinger value of either relative to Anabel or relative to me, and several luck glyphs ensure it'll always be the one thats better for me that happens.
lastly, the smaller glyphs will each erupt with force and blades should Anabel step on them, not that they have any way to know this, and the glyph god grants temporary resistance to their intervention.

Plants rise up to fight you, vines snagging at Anabels legs, natural poisons seeping in at any hits, and making all walking nigh impossible. should they try to escape, I merely stand in wait as the plants grow higher and bigger, evolve for greater efficiency, and should you never return, eventually spread to the main battlefield. should they remain, I throw poisonous cacti bulbs at them, sending it sudden bursts of bark and fruit without warning and in general being a nuisance. sadly for them, all these plants are highly damage resistant and reinforced by the magic of the god of plants.
JOE grins, and twirls his blade, leaving a trail of light that does not fade. he stops spinning the blade, and dashes forwards, becoming literally invisible for a moment before stopping where he wishes, slashing as he does, a great light on the tip of the great relic. he turns, and dances, lines of energy in the air, and he points his blade at Anabel, a great gash already in their side from the slash with the great light. energy gathers on the tip, and fires out, blasting into where they where. should they dodge, they discover the burst chasing them again, exploding each time it strikes the floor where they where before chasing them to their new position.
then, to finish off this sequence, JOE stands in place and watches them, the blade beginning to glow cyan and red on opposing ends. be prepared.

Now, I know they're going to just do the same thing, so the Coms are illusory too. any information they try to get will have random answers chosen for whichever realitys are fake, iff they can't tell the difference between real and fake themself to identify the fake realitys.
as for that psychic pulse... thing..., I was still wearing the heirlooms beneath my clothing.
the order boots, normally considered the weakest heirlooms due to the majority of battles being long whittling down affairs where each side trys to cut away at their enemies's energy reserves so they can't just regen from all damage, provide an impenetrable barrier every so often, blocking exactly One attack. the barrier doesn't last long, but All-or-nothing attacks are not a possibility against a use of the boots.
In case it was unclear before, one of the 4 text colors is the real world. the rest are fake. white text is stuff that applies to all worlds.
I proceed to fire 4 plates at them in each reality.
Normal posting:
12/? two
new: 1/? one.
9/9 one +2 TOG +2 TOG +1 mirror using below, in conjunction with standard action.
+2 mirror

the animals of this forest have just managed to muster their forces to help me and my buns. after a convoluted adventure where they gather the 6 scepters of starlight and save a race of fairy-puppet things who return to the kingdom of smiles, they manage to teleport to across the battlefield to aid the buns. most of the forest animals leave after giving some supplies [flavour text, no effect], not wanting to risk their lives, but the single resident bun sticks around, preferring life among buns to life alone.
Bun Prodigy summoned!
[10,000 HP and 50% dodge chance, functionally like 20,000 HP- ~half the charge's standard. its action power focused instead of HP focussed.]
Active: Impress people. only works if you aren't the target of a direct attack this round (including attacks that miss.). increase your action power with nonstandard actions, and improve your dodge somewhat. caps at like, 95% dodge?
Active: nonstandard actions. aside from impress people, this fits the formula for a royalty-type bun, with one exception: in hard times, can preform more menial tasks (IE: an engineer's work, healing targets, etc.).
Orders: use Impress people.

Paralysis for half a second counts as a trap, does it not?
I point out that we are still quite close to the desert. As a result, the ground becomes geologically unstable and the AG side of the ravine shifts ever so slightly towards the other end, from the weight of thousands upon thousands of tons of sand behind them pushing on their side.


+2 @EternalStruggle
Last edited:
Update 68: A big hole in the ground pt 2
11/? two (+2 from a wasted charge last round)
3/? one
+2 mirror
Following up my previous assault, I warp back slightly, dragging my hand through the air while suffused with astral energy, and forming a blade of perception. I redistribute my energy into my feet for a moment, and step forwards.
I'm right in front of them now. neither of us are sure how I traveled so far in one step, though I have my suspicions and they probably have theirs. I cast omnisoul.
its a weird name, and should probably be called omnislash. using the power of the glyph chestplate to improve your endurance + speed, combined with drawing void energy from the dark helm of shadows, and a generous jolt of energy from the user, the user preforms absurdly many slashes with their weapon of choice. under normal circumstances, instead of calculating damage, a game'd just roll the enemies dodge chance to see if they survive, because its so powerful... but this is a fight between descended, so Anabel is merely wounded.

Following up my previous assault, I draw back my right hand, bathing it in a diffused orange glow.
Celestial quintalty (like duality but with more things):
more celestial energy gathers in my hand, this being merely to augument its durability, and I surge forwards. true to its name, using this mode I can easilly move fast enough that the air reacts with my body to turn into flame and plasma. luckily, thats one of the few things the mode makes me more resistant to. as I land from my jump to Anabel's right, my energy-hardened hand thrusts through the space where their torso was. if their still there, the blow rips apart the entire right side of their body.
I skid across the ground,slowly stopping, and turn until I'm facing Anabel again, regardless of whether they dodge. as I turn, a orb of stone forms in my right hand, the current centerpiece of this transformation. as I slow to a stop, the orb keeps going, flying forth like a meteor, and while they dodge it, another 5 form, flying forth as though fired by a gun which had been temporally accelerated to function at 3 times the speed. even if they dodge, the air waves and heat will harm them.

Following up my previous assault, I cast, in quick succession, flame aura, fear eye, aura of darkness, and infernal realm. infernal realm calls to another self's actions...
he conjures the arsenal of the burning, it turns into a hellflame wand. this version of myself was themeing himself off "eveel" at the time i guess? he turns the area around into hell, floor of flesh with trees of bones and rivers of blood, pillars of obsidian, and so on and so forth.
I convince him to stick around a bit, and so he swings his wand. with the aid of the glyph chestplate's powers, I and my other self send several elongated bolts of flame, each with light homing, exploding on impact. once several have struct Anabel, my other self dashes forwards, enshrouded in flame, as his wand transforms into a scimitar of blackened bone, burning with gems on the blade part. they stab down, piercing the robes, and then evaporate as infernal realm's active affect expires

Following up my previous assault, I stand, calmly, and conjure 6 blades of celestial energy, each representing a constellation. you know, something a little morbidly ironic, one of my allies was a cancer, and they where usually killed...
by a giant crab.
instead of a blade for the cancer constellation, there's a giant crab. it then wanders off and gets killed by a copy of myself from acolyte, for meaning there are only 5 blades for me to use. anyway, the array of blades flys forwards, being knocked off course occasionally by blaster bolts but moving mostly untouched, before they reach Anabel. they probably try to telekinisisize the blades back, but there are too many (5) of them, and at least 2 are always in motion. if they try to counter with any some-what rod shaped weapon, a stunning (not re- because talist stopped it from happening the first time) enactment of the battle of the Angry Shepard occurs, with their robes being shredded instead of their beard. finally, the blades slink back towards me in a defensive formation, and this ends.
Querry: did "[plague's post]
15/20. Sitcom
3/20. Ultimate Lucky Student
+2 redstonetam15 (thanks for giving me +s!)
I beat the devil out of Joebob with a paintbrush, then throw Batarangs at him.
New Kid uses Double Turn, then uses Quick Cut twice on the Boombot Drones and the Light Dragon.]
2 damage to JOEbob." deal damage to me in strife or out of strife? because I don't recall strifes being joinable by others and if its out of strife my juggernaut armor's in the way. also I move the armor into the strife.
I investigate some of the weapons, and, if they don't seem utterly useless, store a bunch in my inventory for later [maychangeondopfinish]. I also look at how their being assembled.
I inform the engineer buns that one of them is actually 2 people (they have both a left brain and a right brain, clearly 2 people) and clone that bun, split the brain, and put one half in each engineer husk. yay, +1 engineer!
(i repeat this if I can)
Entity orders!
statue. your reputation should be 8 by the time you act this round. spawn 2 worshippers.
Engineers, keep working on the generator. how much will it empower the portal again?
portal, try to bring in another engineer.
physicist bun, use insight. engineer buns will now be permanently more effective at the task: "create some form of power generation.". this will aid with the generator, of course, but will also help with building any device that needs a power source, allowing them to speed up proportionally to what part of the work is creating a power source.
the worshipers pray to their suspiciously triangular god, hoping that he will give them some form of protection in these trying times.
Light dragon, use your healing regen power on Hanibal.
drones swirl, useless.
Okay, so, continuing on this nonsense isn't cool. It makes life more difficult for me, it's abusing OOC knowledge for IC gain, and you didn't even tell the GM which one was right so I have no way of knowing whether you actually tell the truth or not when you're countered. I'd end the illusion here but Crusher does a good job of giving flavor text for it in his next post.

The damage was outside of the strife, as he hadn't joined the strife.

The weapons all seem like they're stuff you could replicate with your powers as a Descended. There might be some good stuff further into the armory, but not out here on the assembly lines.

Engineer bun duplicated!

I note a ravine that clearly has a black hole at the bottom of it, given how it sucks everything down. I decide to play smart and not try to fly the Supernova through it (or get Annabelle to portal it to the other side of the ravine to fight the Godmodder's entire army solo), but I instead cook up some antigravity charges and dump them down the ravine. Now, a properly timed antigravity charge can explosively detonate a black hole (for the obvious reason of removing the black hole's gravity), but even if there isn't a black hole at the bottom, the fields will likely fill some space in the ravine and levitate dirt anyways.

I then run a Scan on the ravine to determine its nature and why it's sucking down flying things flying over it.

Entity Orders:
*Supernova: Okay, I might be able to get this to work. If I can aim the fusion lances just right, I should be able to shake stuff of off the side of the ravine to fill up the ravine. Now, wait, that just makes the ravine wider. Nevermind.
*HARDS: Sit around doing pointless defense.

*****Meanwhile, in another solar system:*****

Daraken is finally able to breathe a sigh of relief after crippling Wormhole's attack. With a well-placed laser blast, he was able to push a burst of energy high enough up his portal chain to either hit him or shatter his chain of command, turning the rest of the engagement against him into a knockout.

Now, he is able to begin interrogating the crews of his captured prize vessels in the hopes of uncovering assets that would be valuable to him. Such as: secret super weapons, awesome technology, rumors of lost artifacts, universes with enough interesting stuff to draw away the Deathseekers for a few days, and really interesting and funny stories.


You know what annoys me more than a failed illusion attack? An illusion attack that somehow works.

It appears that not only his original assault was an illusion, but now he's assaulting me with 4 separate attacks simultaneously, except 3 of them are illusions. Right now, it's going to take an insane amount of effort to counter his attacks, and then I won't be able to counterattack unless I can counter his illusion effect.

Except, not really. He's making a huge, HUGE mistake when it comes to fighting the leader of the Deathseekers: you never, ever, try to capture their leader.

Seriously, the only way he'd even have a chance of holding me prisoner for even the fractions of a second he needs to set up his attack would be to somehow render me unconscious. Though it used to be possible to incapacitate me through the use of drugs or absurd amounts of psychic effort, right now he'd have an easier time outright destroying my body than trying to knock me out (I'd just end up turning into what essentially amounts to a ghost until my body got restored by either Lorso being helpful or me waiting out the annoyingly long time it takes to reconstruct my body and equipment.

Physical restraints (including most forms of paralysis) simply cannot stop teleportation, and I have the capability to teleport essentially instantly whenever I feel like it.

But what if he has defenses against teleportation? Well, I ignore them. Almost every defense against normal teleportation methods fails to stop psionics-based teleportation. It technically has even fewer counters than Wormhole's capabilities to, well, create wormholes, given that Wormhole can be shut down by antimagic. Yes, the Godmodder was able to hard counter my attempts to teleport onto the planet with his barrier, but JOE is no Godmodder. Now, Telekill and its derivatives are capable of draining psychic energy and thus preventing the use of teleportation, but the effectiveness of it depends on the power of the psion being drained. Even if it was able to drain all my energy, I would still be able to push through and gather more energy from somewhere. His current measures at draining my energy take time to go into effect, and I make sure to escape them instantly before he can even really try to drain my energy.

Even if he was somehow able to negate all of that, there is no known effect that can counter my final say on the matter: a trump card simply referred to as Escape Clause. It does exactly what it says: it allows me to escape any situation (including being sent to the afterlife and doing almost anything that I can try to classify as "escaping") instantly at my own discretion. Furthermore, even if I am incapacitated, it can and will activate automatically. It's so effective that I can consistently take down almost any target by deliberately getting captured and then escaping at exactly the wrong time (for the target). The only reason I didn't do it to the Godmodder was that he had a slight chance of countering it and a far higher chance of picking up on the plot and just ejecting me rather than capturing me.

After escaping his assault, I break away from him, putting on a good kilometer or so of distance. The intent was to force his multiple realities to converge, but each of the images instead chooses a different pace to approach at, with some hanging back and others rushing straight at me. Now it's getting even more confusing. Especially because the Godmodder shifted terrain around and now I don't know what the topography is or where I'm at.

Where the hell are you? I can't get a scan into your position.

I really don't know. This whole area could be an illusion.

As far as I can tell, his illusion is only affecting you. If I knew where you were, I could use a scan to identify which of him is the true version.

Wait. He's right. This entire assault is based on mental disruption targeted at me, but ignoring everybody else on the field.

Isn't it cheating to bring additional aid into the duel?

Well technically, I'm supposed to be the one fighting the duel in the first place, so I'm fairly certain I'm at least allowed to help in it.

So, I decide to give Varos a signal with an illusion of my own, or more precisely, a Manifestation Effect. These effects are created by casting what would be a psionic power, but leaving out the actual power and just leaving behind the visual effects. Normally, they're used for cheap parlor tricks, but in this case, I scale the technique up to create a pillar of purple-white energy shooting up several kilometers into the sky. As long as we're on the same side of the planet, it should be fairly clearly visible. Sure enough, the Supernova is able to pick up on it, and Varos does a flyby to observe the engagement. In an instant, he informs me telepathically about what he sees, and I am almost instantly able to distinguish reality from the illusions, at least for now.

But I'm going to need to make sure that the illusions don't just kick right back up again. So, before either him or his illusions can begin a second attack, I teleport right in front of his true body (and into the middle of all of his illusions) and instantly blast outwards with a massive burst of psychic energy. The effect looks almost like Sombra's EMP, but far wider and with a far more effective effect. A psionic nova of this scale is enough to shatter almost any psychic defense (to the point where even the average god can be stunned by it and potentially even K.O'd outright if they're unlucky), and as an indiscriminate attack, it can't be blocked by redirecting it into a rock because it hits every other sentient mind in the area. Even if the illusions managed to fool Varos, the radius of effect is plenty to hit whichever one JOE's real attack is coming from, and the result here is an outright shattering of his illusions.

In addition, I take advantage of the momentary disorientation JOE is likely experiencing to dive in, slash him up with my plasma pistols in energy sword mode, then eject the plasma blades into his body for extra damage (a neat trick Varos discovered, essentially think a lightsaber closing in reverse and firing off a shotgun blast of plasma into an unfortunate victim). After that, I kick off of him, fly up into the air, and fire more shots from the plasma pistols to keep up a steady assault as he recovers.

9/20 Plan B (+2 DCCCV)
2/20 Unknown Contingency
+2 @TOG: Drizzle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.

You scan the ravine. It turns out, there's not a black hole in there, the ravine is just REALLY hungry.

I'm not going to type out everything for Daraken's info gathering, he finds out a fair bit though... but also runs into problems with some of the "captured" ships being a bit more of a handful than he expected.

You shatter JOE's illusions, then blast him for 4 damage.

oh wow i forgot to post

i use my forgetting to post to

do something i dunno

ahhh: 7/15
You do something and that something causes a rock to fall from space and fill up the ravine by 10%.

A jungle, an ocean, and a Godmodder... curious, curious. Unfortunate that apparently the defenses were practically inviolate. The Daemon had a sinking feeling that trying to sneak off would get her assaulted by defensive cannons far more potent than they had any right to be. Assuming that until an ocean was crossed it would be basically impossible to get to the Chamber, she had yet longer to wait. But now, she was comited to staying and fighting still. That was her only way to the prize she so desperately sought after. Unless this lesser Godmodder showed his face, and if he did ideally it would be sooner rather than later...

Either way, this lull in the fighting let both sides regroup, and she wasn't sure to which it was more advantageous. She began by spraying down the Street Fighter with her dust, which healed its radiation poisoning and also maybe did some additional healing on top of that, if the substance proved compatible. Stemming the bleeding, triage, was always important to a successful military operation after all.

Weapons of War: 10/20.
This Again: 2/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @redstonetam15
14000 health to the street fighter.

The Street Fighter walks over to the edge.

"Hah," he rumbles. "Is tiny crack, we be over it shortly. Watch!"

The Street Fighter uses his Road Magic to materialize ashphalt.

19/20 CHARGE SLOT 1, 3 used

+2 @Enerald_Mann
4% filling filled.

6/20 A Thing
20/20 Personal Space Invaders

Emerald piles some dirt into the Ravine.. this shouldn't take too long, we've got a bunch of reality warmers. Say... come to think of it, why not merely build a bridge?

In the atmosphere, a black rectangular prism, overlayed with glowing red circles and lines, promptly blinks into existence. Then another one. And more, and more. They promptly begin to lower onto the planet, with the majority of their numbers getting shot down by the anti-atmosphere weapons.
Cosmic Monolith:
HP: ???/???
ATK: 0
5 Charge: Energy Rerouting. Take your standard action, in addition to giving yourself the "Charged" buff.
Active: Reactionary Reality Shift. Spend your action increasing your dodge chance for 3 turns
Active: Pulsar. Deal medium damage to one target, chance to dispel buffs, or lower Attack power if no buffs are available to dispel
Active: Flare. Choose 3 enemies. They have a 45% chance to miss their attack the next two turns.
Active: Antimatter. Deal low damage to two enemies
Passive: Phasing through Spacetime, high dodge chance.
Doomsday: can only be used when 'Charged' is active. Deals heavy damage to three enemies, and heal yourself equal to 1/3rd the total damage done. (So Deal heavy damage to 3 and heal heavy to yourself). Cannot be prevented except by death of the Cosmic Monolith.
Passive: Purely magical. if prevented from using any actives (most likely through player actions), will take no action. Doomsday will still go off if Charged is active.
1/20 Repayment.
Reality warmers eh? 3% filling filled.
Cosmic Monolith summoned.

17/20. Sitcom
4/20. Ultimate Lucky Student
+2 @redstonetam15
I bridge the ravine with all the opinions on the internet.

That's a lot of opinions. 5% filling filled.

4/10 Robots Run on Money
6/15 Do you believe in magic...(+1 from EternalStruggle)
+1 @EternalStruggle ; +1 @Enerald_Mann

I toss 100 pounds of feathers and 100 pounds of gold into the hole.
But they weigh different amounts.

I use that image as a nice, flat, bridge over the feathers and gold.
(the gold actually weighs less)

Bec teleports some Build Grist into the hole.
The Plot Thicken. 5% filling filled.

14/20 Pro IRL (+2 from plague)
4/20 Eternal Guardian (+1 from Eternal)

+1 to @plague126 and @EternalStruggle (Tag me if you give me +1s.)

The LMG Noob uses the magic of ammo boxes to try and fill the ravine with bullets and drum magazines.

Redstone flashes back to DTG: Terraria.
Hmm. This ravine makes me remember another time where I fought a Godmodder.
Redstone decides to take a piece of bread and break it in half, and throw it in to the ravine. He breaks off another half, same size as the last piece, and throws it into the ravine. He ramps this up to whole truckloads of bread.
I'm Jesus, but I'm filling a ravine. My friend Roan would... Honestly I don't know what he would say. I just know he pretty heavily follows the Christian faith.
ERROR, that game doesn't exist in this continuity.

The Daemonette whispers a few calm words, still impacted by her previous actions, and through manipulation of reality steel extended gracefully across the ravine, besides the other... eclectic collection of materials. It was difficult to exert such relatively fine control with such relatively little power, but it was possible, and in the end a small part of the large ravine was bridged by a structure that in truth actually looked like a legitimate bridge. A shame that the bits on either side could not be described as such, of course, but hey. It would work anyway, and a small bit was better than none. Which also applied to the extra bit of bridging in general, soon enough they should cross the gap and continue their advance.

Weapons of War: 12/20.
This Again: 4/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @redstonetam15
4% bridging bridged.

I'd like to point out that order of sign-up may not always affect order of charge giving. If your idea is really good, I may bump you ahead of some people who's ideas aren't so great.
Adding me to your charge loop also just makes everything easier for everyone.
[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(15 +4} 19/20 pot hotatoes
(2} 2/?? ?!??!?
TOG II*: ...Hey. Technically, the ravine divides the AG/PG mess. Being neutral, we can still attack whoever we want, right?
Anyways, stop people from filling in the ravine.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

I dunno, I guess I just heal up the Hyperstorm (sans cHANSAW)

action wasted on trying to heal a full health entity.

16/15 Expectation.
6/10 Unexpectation.

+2 to TOG. (2 out of 20)

Media plays a game of materialisation word chain with the concept of the Hyperstorm. You may not know the rules, so allow me to explain them.
- One player says a noun. The next player must say a noun starting with the letter of the previous noun, and this continues.
- If no noun can be thought of, 30 seconds pass, or a player dies, the game ends, and the other player wins.
- If a noun does not exist in the area, it materialises. If it does exist in the area, it dematerialises. You cannot directly target the other player with these changes.

Ready? Ready.

[For the purposes of this, Media's text is going to be blue, and the concept of the hyperstorm will be green. Of course, Media's text color isn't necessarily blue, it would appear to you as whatever colour you expect it to be. Unfortunately this platform doesn't support that sort of logic.]


Munchkins everywhere gasp in horror as their overspecialised character sheets become those of well-rounded roleplaying characters.


Suddenly, Squidward pops into existence next to the hyperstorm. He starts playing the clarinet.


The twp players suddenly become unable to move from their seats.


Nothing seems to change, besides the fact that a time limit has been imposed on the game.


It starts raining.


Trillions of people immediately forget that other people exist.


A near-infinite number of air particles freeze in place, refusing to pass their knowledge onto those they encounter. The concept of the hypserstorm struggles for a moment. It suddenly realises that it doesn't need sound to communicate, and creates a light display in front of it, reading:


The entire multiverse is compacted into a single point in space. Everyone seems to be perfectly comfortable despite this. Media responds telepahtically with something simple: Elephant.


An elephant pops into existence, before quickly being compacted into the universal point.


Media suddenly becomes unable to use telepathy. Instead, she writes down her word, and responds to the concept of the hyperstorm in this way:


Is she intentionally making this easy? Now, it ends.


The single point that in the universe goes dark. What will Media do now? She can't speak, can't make any sort of communication to give it her next word. The concept of the hyperstorm wins! Suddenly, a seed of doubt is placed in its conceptual mind. What if she can communicate using some other means? No, that's impossible. Is it? But this seed of doubt was enough, the smallest expectation of something else. And even this smallest expectation allows Media a stranglehold over what information comes and goes. The concept of the hyperstorm expects something snarky and sarcastic to appear within its mind, just before the timer reaches thirty seconds. 25, 26, 27, 28, and on 29, the word madness appears, perfect describing the concept's reaction. And having destroyed every other form of communication it has, the concept of the hyperstorm loses. The universe resets, as if nothing had ever happened within the game.
SMAAAAASH!!! Most entertaining game of word chain ever. You smash right through the Hyperstorm's dodge pool and deal 30000 damage direct to it.

I'd like to point out that order of sign-up may not always affect order of charge giving. If your idea is really good, I may bump you ahead of some people who's ideas aren't so great.
Adding me to your charge loop also just makes everything easier for everyone.
[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(20} 20/20 pot hotatoes
I... fail to come with anything even remotely clever to say about this charge, despite it being pretty cool. In all fairness to me though, I spent the last 20 minutes in a daze thinking it was tomorrow so...
The Stranger receives their charge.
(3} 3/?? ?!??!?
TOG II*: ...Hey. Technically, the ravine divides the AG/PG mess. Being neutral, we can still attack whoever we want, right?
Anyways, stop people from filling in the ravine.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

I continue to not use the cHANSAW to heal up the Hyperstorm.

Also, Stranger, is that post a reference? It is, right?
6000 health to the hyperstorm.


I throw multiple fire extinguishers into the Hyperstorm Supernova. . . then kick it in the fire with ice. . . Twice. . . I then throw all of these dots in my sentences at it.

20/20 Tools +1 from JOE
Having finished these two charges I use the first "Tools" Which combines the Predator Armor and Juggernaut Armor, using them as components in this charge to increase the end result. The "Predator Juggernaut Armor" is the result. A combination of the Power Loader Ridley used against the Alien Queen, and the Predator Armor from "Aliens vs Predators." A hulking set of Armor with 25 HP and 15 Shield, regening 5 Shield at the End of the Turn.

20/20 For JOE +2 from JOE
The other charge, "For JOE" creates a gun, a plate gun, a gun that shoots plates, a Giant Gun that Shoots Giant Plates. . . ya you don't really know what you would expect for a weapon specifically built for JOE.
INFO: Durability=15/15 Durability ABILITY:Sacrifice Durability to attack, every 1 Durability is 3,000X, with X being amount of Durability Sacrificed, and Deal 1=1 damage against Players. Regen 5 Durability each turn if "Predator Juggernaut Armor" is still alive.

+1 JOE +1 Talist
14000 damage to the Hyperstorm.

You combine the Predator and Juggernaut armors.
The Giant Plate Gun loses the damage scaling, because seriously, that'd just be overpowered.

I notice that Annabelle is pushing herself past safe levels of power usage to both allow the Supernova to evade and also fight in a STRIFE (especially given that massive burst that probably knocked out half of her reserve in one go). Now, knowing her, she not only doesn't care about safe power levels, but doesn't even notice the drop for now. She's well known for her ability to completely ignore the safe usage levels with no ill effects, and then go up to eleven in draining herself before finally hitting a wall and running out at the wrong moment.

To make sure that she doesn't run out before the battle is over, I take control of the craft myself until the ravine is filled. The craft shouldn't be in danger as long as every enemy is on the other side of the ravine. Worst-case scenario, however, I do have enough psychic energy to keep up the craft's evasion for a short period, primarily due to the fact that psychic amplifiers are technology and I'm supposed to be a master of technology.

*****Meanwhile, in several dozen places at once*****

Wormhole notices that the Godmodder is holding what appears to be a radio capable of summoning reinforcements to aid the radio's owner. This legendary artifact could potentially be used by him to summon enough reinforcements to make sure he wins round 2 against Daraken's forces.

The Godmodder is relying on a ravine to keep him safe against having his radio stolen, but Wormhole can just ignore that for obvious reasons.

Suddenly, as he's calling in his troops, a portal opens underneath him and ejects a massive burst of gas, courtesy of Jupiter. The high-pressure gas ejects out in an absurdly powerful gust of wind, and the Godmodder loses his grip on the radio. While disoriented by the plume of toxic gas from Jupiter, the Godmodder looks around for his radio, but it's long gone by now, having been scooped up by another portal almost as soon as it left his hands.

However, Wormhold knows the Godmodder really wants the radio and would probably permakill him to get it back, so instead of bringing it straight back to his (still-undiscovered) base of the week, he takes it into a random unoccupied solar system and throws it into orbit. If the Godmodder tracks the radio to get it back, he teleports it away as soon as he arrives in the system, sending it to another deserted system. He repeats it until the Godmodder either gives up and goes back to the field with no options for reinforcements, or chases the radio down for long enough that Wormhole decides to put it right next to an Elder-class entity (think Cthulhu-level, enough of a threat to get most of the gods in the Mystic Realms and the Foundation working together to take them down) and force the Godmodder into a fight that ends with either him running away or him getting rid of a really dangerous Elder-class entity.

Once that ends, he still isn't very insistent on acquiring the radio personally, and leaves it in inter-galactic deep space for a while until the heat dies down and the Godmodder is no longer looking for it. Better safe than sorry.


Yeah, Varos, I think he found out about the loophole. He's just had a teammate jack up his gear to absurd levels. Now he has a full-on mech and a gun that fires plates and looks VERY nasty.

Well then, time to bring out my armor-piercing weaponry. You know how I'm holding a pair of swords, but haven't actually used them yet? Yeah, they're probably one of the most powerful weapons I have to bring to the table here. These particular blades have a very long and complicated story, but one of their most interesting properties is an ability to hold an essentially unlimited amount of weaponry enchantments. Several of them are relevant to this particular engagement.

The big one is a physics-breaking cut-through-everything enchantment that can be activated to, as the name says, cut through literally anything. And I mean literally ANYTHING. Even a giant water-manipulating monster with galaxy-scale durability (as in it could literally eat a whole supernova and survive, something that templars probably can't do). In fact, the enchantment was created by reverse-engineering technology of a native ally in the fight against said giant monster for the express purpose of outright ignoring its durability..

Now, to be fair, just because it completely ignores durability doesn't mean that it's a oneshot kill. Said water-manipulating monster suddenly stopped playing nice after it got a few limbs hacked off, and it started going all-out and very nearly defeating us until we took out its core with a full-strength Weath Ray blast from the Supernova. JOE would most likely be able to regenerate away the damage, and whatever damage abstraction is in play for descendants wouldn't let a single sword stroke kill one of them instantly anyways. But it still cuts through his armor as if it isn't even there.

The second major enchantment on them is the ability to morph the twin blades into a bow. Bows normally aren't even considered as weaponry when there's guns of all different sorts to utilize, but the bow form of the weapon can take advantage of the sword's enchantments in new and unexpected ways. For instance, it takes advantage of enchantments that increase the power behind the sword swing and uses them to enhance the arrow's speed, but due to the size difference between a sword and an arrow, the result is generally a hypersonic arrow shot (which I can further enhance with a telekinetic push to make it a viable anti-ship weapon).

But more relevant (and more recently added) was the ability to make physics-bypassing arrowheads that can also punch through armor.

So that already gives me options as to how I want to open JOE's can. But Varos, true to his skill, went several dozen steps farther and augmented the enchantments to allow for custom arrows straight out of a bow-based superhero's arsenal. Now, for purposes of this discussion, let's talk about the shrapnel arrow and the net arrowhead. The shrapnel arrow is normally not that useful, especially when you could just make an explosive arrow, but when each piece of the shrapnel ignores physics and has infinite penetration power, it turns a single large hole in the target into a cluster of smaller holes in the target, far more likely to shred internal organs.

As for the net arrow, well, in normal cases it has a situational non-lethal use in incapacitating a target. With the durability enchantments applied to the net, it's a more effective option at incapacitating a target. But with physics-bypassing, it can be used to cut a target into a bunch of gibs (basically, think a web of razor wire flying through the target). Now, because I still feel that JOE should get a fair chance (and also that the net arrow has a chance of failure just a little too high for my liking), I don't use the net arrow in razorwire mode.

That doesn't mean I won't fire a normal net arrow at him. Big bulky armor is especially impacted by entanglement, and it takes a lot longer to disentangle it. If he decided not to put on his mech suit, he's still going to be distracted by it.

Distracted enough for me to utilize another bow enchantment, the Arrow Multiplier. This actually didn't come from Varos. Long ago, Darius somehow managed to get the absurdly powerful magic staff that he normally uses as a rocket launcher to multiply objects, and then proceeded to combine it with my bow's fire in a fight to hit a dragon with 10 arrows at once.

Varos eventually managed to deconstruct the effect and enchant my bow with it, but he wasn't able to get it perfectly. While I pull back the bow and keep it drawn, more arrows begin to materialize around the bow. As JOE struggles to escape the net, I keep it drawn and build up an array of arrows. Then, a few seconds before he escapes, I release a barrage of shrapnel arrows, which burst into shrapnel as soon as they get a few feet away from him.

At this point, I remember that the armor-piercing effect doesn't really work well with the Arrow Multiplier, so only the arrow I actually fired was a penetrating shot and the multitude of other arrows just created a shower of shrapnel that most likely bounced off of his armor. But just one burst of shrapnel flying through the gut is enough to cause severe trauma.

I also fire Automatic Plasma Pistols at him at the same time to start to chip away at his upgraded armor.

12/20 Plan B (+TOG)
3/20 Unknown Contingency
+1 @Enerald_Mann
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
Wormhole makes an assumption about the Godmodder's radio and hijacks it.
The Godmodder looks around irritatedly before pressing a button.

Wormhole explodes violently when the entire radio abruptly turns into antimatter in his hands.
It wasn't even a special radio, it was just a regular one for the Godmodder to talk with his forces.
He pulls out another one, and continues talking into it.

You fire an armor piercing arrow at JOEbob, which he fails to block, dealing 3 damage.

17/15 Expectation.
7/10 Unexpectation.

Media combines the 17-post 'Expectation' charge with the 20-post 'pot hatotoe' charge from TOG. This combined 37-post charge summons a stone. A summoning stone.

Summoning Stone [N]. 50'000 hp. Respawns Remaining: 4. Controller: [The Stranger.]
PASSIVE: Uptown Flunk. The Summoning Stone summons a GM-chosen entity every turn for the player who controls it. Initially, the stone is controlled by Media, but control can be transferred by scoring the killing blow on the stone. Control can be transferred four times, after which the stone loses power, and becomes a non-anomalous stone.

(And yes, that post is a reference.)
Summoning Stone Summoned!

a large letter drifts from above Anabel in each "reality"... aside from the blacktext world, where they where never trapped and so still got slashed a bunch before, then got attacked by constellation blades. my attack in that world was so fast (due to time-bending spells) that it is physically impossible for the information to have travelled from their eyes to their brain before the attack happened if they are anything resembling human. the other attacks used traps instead tho.
they open it and read it... aside from the blacktext world, where I turn my blade into a bow and fire a black arrow of shadows, piercing their right shoulder as they had nothing to escape from rendering their actions invalid.
"your choice of action miiiight have worked...
..If it wasn't inapplicable in the one real reality: the world of the black text.
Thats some pretty bad luck you had, I must say.
better luck next time! have a nice day!
"Also in the black text reality my actions where too fast for you to call for help before they finished and I portalled back to watch.
"as for your sword-bow-gun-thing, you can't bypass physics, because that is not how a world that runs on physics works. what laws would go into effect without physics? none? then your arrow doesn't do anything."
"Besides, I'm wearing two order boots, not one boot. that gives the ability two uses. this will be important later."

as they read the last line of text there, they look up and, in each reality, see another person step out of a celestial rift next to me or in front of them.
they glow, a model of the planet appearing in front of them, before flashing goldenrod. their actions can't have far reaching consequences outside this strife despite their power being absurd lore-wise, for a reason that is redacted.
regardless, the 4 worlds shift and are now indistinguishable.
flaming energy wraps around JOE, and a quarter of it condenses into a hammer and sickle. 'Tis the god of fire, ally of JOE, and he has admittedly been influenced by srovy, since of me and him, srovy excels in flame far more. regardless, he is here before you... or is he? there is a 75% chance that he is not, but whatever. he casts godly host and fuses with JOE temporarily. 3 posts it shall last.

a spinning series of ritual circles, filled with mystic symbols and oft' embroiderd with snowflake patterns in the middle, appears before Anabel. it is separate from JOE, but, being intangible, it overlays on him. they shall preform combat until they get bored.
(each text color is a different illusion or possibly real world.)
The ground creaks somewhat as plants overtake it, turning the area in which thou fights into a lush meadow. the grass speaks of its status as the plant god, and how it will help JOE in his attempts to fight you. maybe you can burn it down...

in this world, JOE declines to enlist the aid of others. he unsheathes the same blade as before, and casts celestial quintalty: moon. time to fight.
JOE, empowered by the flame god, leaps forwards, sickle in hand, and stabs at Anabels face. they may dodge, but they cannot counter: the power of every worshipper of the fire god, put together, plus the base power of JOE, is too much to block. if they dodge, he whirls, and slashes again, following each dodge and teleport. slowly but surely, the entire environment is in flames and they are more and more cornered, either they fail and burn, they are slashed, they exhaust themselves, or they are merely unable to act themselves.

Realm of Glyphs.
the lowest glyph on the tower thing grows and slowly moves down until it is lying directly upon the ground.
the runes spread across the ground, smaller circles appearing every so often.
being a spell, their point of reference is whatever the user wants. the glyph god and I choose a Schroedinger value of either relative to Anabel or relative to me, and several luck glyphs ensure it'll always be the one thats better for me that happens.
lastly, the smaller glyphs will each erupt with force and blades should Anabel step on them, not that they have any way to know this, and the glyph god grants temporary resistance to their intervention.

Plants rise up to fight you, vines snagging at Anabels legs, natural poisons seeping in at any hits, and making all walking nigh impossible. should they try to escape, I merely stand in wait as the plants grow higher and bigger, evolve for greater efficiency, and should you never return, eventually spread to the main battlefield. should they remain, I throw poisonous cacti bulbs at them, sending it sudden bursts of bark and fruit without warning and in general being a nuisance. sadly for them, all these plants are highly damage resistant and reinforced by the magic of the god of plants.
JOE grins, and twirls his blade, leaving a trail of light that does not fade. he stops spinning the blade, and dashes forwards, becoming literally invisible for a moment before stopping where he wishes, slashing as he does, a great light on the tip of the great relic. he turns, and dances, lines of energy in the air, and he points his blade at Anabel, a great gash already in their side from the slash with the great light. energy gathers on the tip, and fires out, blasting into where they where. should they dodge, they discover the burst chasing them again, exploding each time it strikes the floor where they where before chasing them to their new position.
then, to finish off this sequence, JOE stands in place and watches them, the blade beginning to glow cyan and red on opposing ends. be prepared.

Now, I know they're going to just do the same thing, so the Coms are illusory too. any information they try to get will have random answers chosen for whichever realitys are fake, iff they can't tell the difference between real and fake themself to identify the fake realitys.
as for that psychic pulse... thing..., I was still wearing the heirlooms beneath my clothing.
the order boots, normally considered the weakest heirlooms due to the majority of battles being long whittling down affairs where each side trys to cut away at their enemies's energy reserves so they can't just regen from all damage, provide an impenetrable barrier every so often, blocking exactly One attack. the barrier doesn't last long, but All-or-nothing attacks are not a possibility against a use of the boots.
In case it was unclear before, one of the 4 text colors is the real world. the rest are fake. white text is stuff that applies to all worlds.
I proceed to fire 4 plates at them in each reality.
Normal posting:
12/? two
new: 1/? one.
9/9 one +2 TOG +2 TOG +1 mirror using below, in conjunction with standard action.
+2 mirror

the animals of this forest have just managed to muster their forces to help me and my buns. after a convoluted adventure where they gather the 6 scepters of starlight and save a race of fairy-puppet things who return to the kingdom of smiles, they manage to teleport to across the battlefield to aid the buns. most of the forest animals leave after giving some supplies [flavour text, no effect], not wanting to risk their lives, but the single resident bun sticks around, preferring life among buns to life alone.
Bun Prodigy summoned!
[10,000 HP and 50% dodge chance, functionally like 20,000 HP- ~half the charge's standard. its action power focused instead of HP focussed.]
Active: Impress people. only works if you aren't the target of a direct attack this round (including attacks that miss.). increase your action power with nonstandard actions, and improve your dodge somewhat. caps at like, 95% dodge?
Active: nonstandard actions. aside from impress people, this fits the formula for a royalty-type bun, with one exception: in hard times, can preform more menial tasks (IE: an engineer's work, healing targets, etc.).
Orders: use Impress people.
You fire a bunch of plates, which will be dealt with next round.

Bun Prodigy summoned!

Paralysis for half a second counts as a trap, does it not?

I point out that we are still quite close to the desert. As a result, the ground becomes geologically unstable and the AG side of the ravine shifts ever so slightly towards the other end, from the weight of thousands upon thousands of tons of sand behind them pushing on their side.


+2 @EternalStruggle
7% filling filled!

The light dragon attempts to heal up Hannibal but the TOGII appears to be stuck on the AG side of the field. It instead heals the bunny burrow for 25K, and regen. The engineer buns continue working on the power generator, and the bun portal summons another one. The prodigy bun tries to impress people, but the battlefield is rather chaotic so they have limited success. The physicist bun improves the engineer's building speed. The statue summons two more worshippers.

The Disciple of Psi bides his time. He hasn't left yet, he may be after something besides just "illuminating the darkness". The TOGII takes potshots at the filling that's been done so far, and removes 5% of it. The bad thing is stuck on the AG side of the battlefield as well, and slaps around the Bowl of Bonemeal and Earworm for 5000 damage each.

The Supernova blasts part of the ravine, accidentally making the ravine wider at the same time it makes it shallower, resulting in net gain of exactly 0.000% filling filled. The Street Fighter, Bec and the LMG Noob all help fill in the ravine, altogether adding 12% filling filled.

The Godmodder continues talking on his radio, then amplifies the pull on the ravine when the Supernova gets too close, causing it to crash into the edge before just barely escaping, taking another 30000 damage. Whewlad, the HARDS just keeps getting bypassed doesn't it? Then he drops a boulder on the bridging which sends it all crashing down. -10% bridging.

Everything ticks up and down. The Summoning Stone summons a rock.

Destroy the Godmodder!
Fill in the Ravine
Keep the Supernova alive!
Kill the assorted PG entities.

Distance: 75%

Main Battlefield:
Terrain: The Ravine (No movement or attacking PG entities until the ravine is filled) 35% filling

Entity Advantage: [AG]

The Godmodder [PG]: Hp: 81/100. Oilstone [A] Electrostaff [A] Lúin [A] Ides [A] Disease By Vaccine [A].
Boombot drones [PG - JOEbob]: x66,000 Hp: 1/1. 3/8 Critical Existence Failure.
Light Dragon [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 133,000/200,000. Heal Aura: 3/3. Shining Light: 3/5.
Bunny Burrow [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 110,000/150,000. bunnyguard bods… er… bodyguarding buns. 5000 regen 3 rounds.
Engineer Buns x5 Hp: 5,000/5,000 25% dodge chance. Power Generator: 44%
Bun Portal: Hp: 50,000/50,000.
Prodigy Bun [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 10,000/10,000 50% dodge.
Physicist Bun [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 15,000/15,000. 66% dodge chance. 1/3 Insightful. 4/7 Science As Attire.
Statue of a Suspicious Triangular Figure [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 40,000/40,000. Reputation: 12/20. Attack Shield x1
Bun Worshippers x4: Hp: 5,000/5,000
The Disciple of Psi [???]: Hp: ???
TOG II* [N - TOG]: Hp: 46,000/80,000.
Bad Thing [N - ExistenceSuccess]: Hp: 7,000/30,000. The Joke: 1/1. Is Dead: 3/3. Butterfly Effect: 3/5. radiation poisoning.
Summoning Stone [N - Stranger]: Hp: 50,000/50,000. Respawns: 4.
Rock: Hp: 40,000/40,000.
TOG [N - Player]: Hp: 20/20. cHANSAW [A] Durability: 16/20.
Hyperstorm Supernova [AG - crusher][Elite]: Hp: 142,000/200,000. Dodge pool: 0,000/40,000. Encryption: 2/2. Weath Overload: 3/3. Bombs built: 45K/90K. 1 arcane repair stack
Daemonette [AG - eternalstruggle]: Hp: 48,000/66,000. 25% dodge. Plot Armor.
Technocratic Invasion Force [AG - I Just Write]: Hp: 100,000/100,000. 20K regen. radiation poisoning.
Street Fighter [AG - DCCCV]: Hp: 238,000/300,000. 0/80000 to speed limit. Curb Stomp: 3/3. (Literally) Hitting the Road: 4/4. radiation poisoning.
Earworm [AG - DCCCV]: Hp: 46,000/75,000.GET IT OUT GET IT OUT: 6/6.
Bowl of Bonemeal [AG - enerald]: Hp: 59,000/80,000. Regrowth: 3/3. Whiteout: 5/5.
The New Kid [AG - plague]: Hp: 93,000/100,000.
HARDS [AG - crusher]: Hp: 35,000/50,000. Protecting Supernova.
LMG Noob [AG - crusher]: Hp: 100,000/100,000. Grenade: 3/3. .50 Cal to the Face: 3/3.
Becquerel [AG - Enigma]: Hp: 100,000/100,000.
Cosmic Monolith [AG - enerald]: Hp: 30,000/30,000.Energy Rerouting: 1/5.

Strife (JOEbob vs Crusher)
JOEbob [PG - Player]: Hp: 13/20 Predator Juggernaut armor [A] 25/25 HP. 15/15 Shields. Giant Plate Gun [A] Durability: 15/15
Annabel [AG - player]: Hp: 18/20. Plasma Pistols [A] Durability: 19/20

Armory (sidequest)
Kingbun copy [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 10,000/10,000. 90% dodge.

Dragon Core: owner: eternalstruggle. 2 uses left.
Stoneskin Hide: owner: DCCCV. 6/6 Ready.
Nuclear Core: owner: I Just Write. 1 use left.
Whirling Dervish: owner: Crusher. 6/6 Ready.

Hezetor. 3 posts
Gutza1. 3 posts
Chimera: 3 posts
Eternal Struggle:
I just write.
Twinbuilder: 3 posts
Randomname: 3 posts
CrownlessKing: 1 post
ArcticArchiver: 3 posts
helldivercommand: 3 posts
KuraHyena: 2 posts
Tam Lin: 3 posts
rougesteelprojec: 3 posts
lytea: 1 post
The Blue Knight
benevolentEngma: 1 post

existence success
W32Coravint: 1 post
tricklejest: 1 post
heirolight: 3 posts
Darkside: 3 posts
TOG: Drizzle
fakerssundery: 2 posts
The Stranger 5 round cooldown

JOEbob. 2 round cooldown.
Last edited:
(that was in the purple text world not the black text world.
EDIT: nevermind, there was a black-shadow-paralyze-thing in the blacktext world, but that was only after you got cut in half so that part would still happen.
Still, though, the rest of my action there still applies.
Last edited:
Alright, so, I just lost basically the ENTIRE responsedop, and I'm too tired and frustrated to go through and do it all again today.
And I'm doing something special tomorrow, so update comes Friday most likely.

Update 68.5: The Story of Psi
A shadow falls across the battlefield. Today is a very important day in the history of Godmodding, although nobody alive may yet remember it...

Psi's Disciple stands up and the wind swirls around him, and with a resounding boom his voice echoes across the battlefield.

"Hear ye hear ye, listen one and all and weep for the tale of the Psi, Usher of the golden era of Godmodding, whose passing took with him the knowledge and power of many ages.
Born to a house of farmers under a name now lost to the mists of time, Psi was a simple man, raised well and taught the ways of a humble farmer. He even began raising a family with a young son, until the day that everything was ripped from him by the machinations of the Great Conflict.
The Red Dragon, one of the more powerful among the Agents of the Conflict visited his universe, and as the sky burned red and white with the fires of oblivion, Psi watched the world crumble about him, when suddenly a crack opened up. Psi fell into a crack in the very world from which he was born, and from it fell out of the universe, into the Void.
He fell for what felt like an eternity, through the vast emptiness, void of air, of life, of feeling in the infinite endless blackness between universes, the only thing to see the dying light of the burning universe he had left behind… until he landed.
With a crash he fell through the roof of an ancient shrine, locked away long ago in some ancient eon unknown to any at that point in time, let alone in today's time. He stood, wondering. The burning had stopped, the pain had stopped, but most importantly, the fear had stopped. He felt like he was in the right place, the right time. He belonged where he was, like he had always been meant to come to this place, it was his destiny.
He stepped through dust untouched in entire ages, slowly, approaching the center of the shrine. And there he found a book, wrapped in the arms of skeleton with a mechanical arm, untouched by the withering energies of the Void.
He took the book from the arms of the corpse, and looked upon the cover. The Tome of Godmodding was held within his arms. He opened the tome and knowledge filled his mind. With a cry he rose above the floor. The man who had fallen into the shrine was no more, with the opening of that book, the god known as Psi was born.
As a god, the first thing that needed to be done was to claim his domain, and so he created a world, the very soil and rock we stand upon this moment, in a flash of creation, manifested from a nearby universe, the world was formed, and so it was.
As Psi continued to grow in his power, flexing his divine muscles so to speak, he found that people began to be drawn towards him. Refugees, the lost, the broken, the fallen. All of them found their way to his world, to worship, to learn, to become something greater than what they had been.
One group of scions in particular excelled above the rest, led by a young man by the name of Richard, Psi went down and elevated these scholars and warriors to the vaulted rank of Godmodder. Most of the group were content with their newfound power, and set off into the Multiverse to change reality, molding it into their images or for what they thought would be the better.
Richard, however, was not content, he wanted to be more. And so under Psi's pupilship, he ascended the ranks of the Godmodding ladder, ascending to greater and greater heights until he was just under the master himself.
Richard grew as Psi's pupil, becoming a harder, stronger man. And Psi began to send him out on missions into the Multiverse, to act as his herald and champion. Traveling across the cosmos, he enacted many powers and plans in the name of the mighty Psi, and eventually brought back word that the knowledge and power of Godmodderhood had been spread far and wide by previous scions, and spread to many who were less than worthy. Including a former pupil who had been turned away for her violence and conniving against Psi himself; Hera.
The battles fought between the two were long and hard, but are a story for anther day, suffice it to say that Hera was brought to see the light, and soon Richard and Hera found with them three others prodigies in godmodding, bringing the total of Omega+ ranked godmodders to five.
It was a golden age for the Multiverse, under Psi's guidance many agents of both the Narrative and Conflict were vanquished or sealed away, great cities were built and a massive awe-inspiring empire was established.
That all changed one night when Psi had a vision.
He saw the multiverse in ruins, a dark, cold, empty place, brought to an absolute end by the power he had brought upon its face. And so he began to wage war on his own creation, burning it all so that there would be a chance for a new beginning. If Godmodding could be vanquished, hope could be established for the longevity of the Multiverse, but his pupils did not understand.
A great war was begun, Psi versus the many, many people who claimed he had gone mad.
In the end, Psi was slain before he could finish his work, struck down in the dying moments of his first and greatest pupil. But he had done most of what he'd begun, the godmodding ladder was ravaged, few members of the upper levels remained, and eventually only legends of the Omega+ and Psi ranks would remain, the empire forged upon the basis of godmodding was in ruins, and would never again rise from the ashes. Others would take its place, but none based upon the powers of godmodding. Never again.

Here we stand, upon the ruins of a great civilization, the end of Psi's great works. It is here that he was born, it is here that he died. Remember the beginning and end of the golden age of godmodding.

And the disciple steps back, silent.

Sorry this isn't as up to scratch as I wanted it, my feeling sick sorta interfered with the output quality, but have some backstory anyways.
Happy 5th anniversary of DTG!
I move the plate gun back to my out-of-strife self for now.
...this strife is turning into what I would summarize as both sides saying "My Maguffin is stronger then yours!!1!" over and over. not particularly fun.
so I decide to bring in the god of things being fun, who's dominion is entirely "restrict the power of, or empower, beings, and manipulate things, when and only when it will result in things being more fun". no seriously there are a lot of random gods in my home-setting-thing. there's a god of plot advancement, a god of one-off jokes, a god of people-named-joe-bob-joe-being-mistaken-as-being-called-bob-joe-bob, there's too many random gods really.
as a result, If crusher accepts (because I think they can agree that this isn't fun.) scale and power use on both sides is restricted: instead of being like "I can teleport to the infinity and escape everything and do a super-big-lazer" Anabel ends up being more like "I can levitate up to 1.5 cube meters of rocks. physics-breaking weaponry turns into pretty much normal stuff" level powers, and I end up being more like "I can make portals around as big as me for 1 second at a time or wield a sword pretty good.". because this is no b fun.
Otherwise, I point something out.
I was reacting like I was before because how am I going to stop you when this fight is RP based and your abilitys are fairly overpoweredlike.
I now remember, though, that descendant powers are real here and are veryvery strong. so logically I can just respond with descendant-based attacks/ actions.

If crusher accepts, this action is merely me healing myself somewhat.
if they decline, my eyes begin to emit cyan light, flaring with energy, and shine, countably finite but arbitrarily many thin beams shooting out in all directions.
the beams each form a small portal (20Cm diameter) after travelling a random distance, some beams traveling through portals in the process, causing an array of portals to appear around me, some inside objects, some inside Anabel. none of the beams, however,interact with any objects directly, which makes their visibility unusual but whatever. they begin to bleed through the portals into other areas. movement would slice holes in their body, and attacks are nigh-impossible. this field lasts for about 7 seconds.
13/? two
2/? one.
+2 TOG to make up for last round
I turn towards the Summoning stone. if I do this right, it'll be veeery useful.
First, I open with firing exactly 14 plates at them at the same time. these plates' electrons would push them apart (and explode), but because I threw the plates at exactly the same time, the electrons overlay on top of one another perfectly and don't push one-another in any direction, resulting in matter with 14x the normal density... yes I know thats not how physics would actually work. it slams into the summoning stone, dealing 42,000 damage based on the formula of the plate gun in mirrors post where he gave it to me.
I still need 8,000 more damage though, so I feed it some soup, but the soup is poison, but the rock completely fails to open its mouth and swallow the soup, so it is not poisoned, so I ask a passing god if he can make water spring from the rock, and he says sure just ask the rock to send out water, so I decide that won't work and hit the rock with a staff to make water come from it. however, unlike another god who experienced a similar set of experiences, this one does not get mad because, being all-powerful and all-knowing, he already knew I would hit the rock and wanted me to hit the rock, as opposed to knowing what would happen if he said 'ask the rock to give you water' and punishing people for reacting in the way he knew they would.
then I hit the rock with a hammer for good measure, cracking it in half and probably killing it.
Extra power, if any, goes to the templars back in the castle, helping sustain them.
Light Dragon, attempt to heal yourself. if this is entirely impossible, heal the bot drones... I guess...
drones, swirl, uselessly.
engineers, build the engine some more.
portal, make another engineer.
prodigy, impress the Worshipers then, its rather calm in the bun burrow. physicist, mutter that you're only supposed to be helping with energy-generation based tasks, then idle.
triangular figure statue, summon 3 more worshippers.
Worshippers, pray to the gods for Divine Aid from yon triangular deity. this will conclude in the distant future (up to 40 worshipper actions before activation, but with the ability to activate early at some cost.).
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8/10 Unexpectation.
1/20 Absolutely ordinary.

+2 to the first person to make a post this turn without the letter 'e' in it.

Media suddenly gets a call. She picks up her phone, having no idea of who she is expecting.

"Hey, the 90's called, they want their-!"
She quickly interrupts the prank call before anything averse can occur to her, "Tell them to leave a message."

There's a loud beeping sound, and it appears they left a message.

Media looks up the concept of the Hyperstorm in the phonebook, and gives it a ring. The concept of the Hyperstorm slowly picks up the phone, already having an idea of who it should expect.


A robotic voice replies: "YOU HAVE. ONE. NEW MESSAGE."

The voice from before is heard, this time sounding quite frightened for some reason, "Hey, uh, the 90's called- they want their idea back!"

Suddenly, it occurs to the concept of the Hyperstorm that it is in fact a concept. What a twist. I am honestly surprised it hadn't realised it earlier. A concept is an idea, so- the Hyperstorm itself is conceptually transported back in time, taking damage by virtue of being transfered through the reciever of a phone. 20 years later (i.e. Now), it's finally released from the prison in the past we call the 90's.
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I flash freeze the Hyperstorm Supernova, around a dozen times. Specifically, 11.7 times.

1/20 Tick
1/20 Tock
+1 JOE +1 Talist
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17/20 Pro IRL (+2 from plague)
6/20 Eternal Guardian (+1 from Eternal)

+1 to @plague126 and @EternalStruggle (Tag me if you give me +1s.)

The LMG Noob takes out his knife and throws it into the ravine. Because he's always supposed to have a knife, he gets another one. He repeats this process several times.

Redstone uses magic to unfill a whole landfill of trash into the ravine.