Destroy The Godmodder: Renewal (Hole In The Ground)

I'm going to need access to my supply chest.

Well, duh.

One thing that I probably shouldn't have forgotten about was my inventory on board the Supernova. Which contains a ridiculous amount of gear. So much, in fact, that it's really difficult to figure out which pieces of equipment are actually useful for the current problem.

Wait, these might be useful. These Stasis Field Generators were a prototype designed to copy Daraken's Stasis Cruisers, but on a smaller scale. The Stasis Field Generators, when placed surrounding an area and activated, should be able to create a bubble of alternate dimension in the area, removing it from reality. In theory, I should be able to use them to surround the failing reactor and make the explosion harmless to the rest of the ship. Unfortunately, it isn't that simple.

Problem one: These are prototypes. They're supposed to create a stasis field, but they aren't exactly very good at it. So I take them back to my workshop, activate the time dilation field to buy me some time, and get to work.

Thirty (time-dilated) minutes later, the Stasis Field Generators are fully operational, as tested on multiple random objects in my base. So now I can teleport back up the Supernova and get working on solving the next problem.

Problem two: Entering the reactor room to deploy the Stasis Field Generators will expose me to lethal levels of radiation. Except that's not a problem, because magic. Worst-case scenario, I get resurrected by Lorso after the job's done. Best-case scenario, I get protection from radiation cast on me and I can just ignore it.

No, I do not have a spell called protection from radiation. I also do not have a spell called remove cancer. I barely even know what radiation is, seriously.

I'm not exactly concerned about dying, I'm more concerned about my work being impacted by radiation and not getting the chance to finish it. Well, I am tougher than human (or drow) baseline, so I should be able to tank it for at least a little while.

Problem three: In order to establish the Stasis Field, I need to remove solid matter around the surface area of the bubble. Attempting to create a stasis bubble that cuts through solid matter requires an incredible investment of energy, and it would probably blow out the prototypes completely. But, if I cut off those parts carelessly, I'll end up destabilizing the reactor and triggering the detonation before containment is established.

The first thing I do when I get in is place cutting charges on each of the pipes leading into the reactor. Just before I begin creating the stasis bubble, I will detonate those, cut the pipes, and clear space for the Stasis Bubble to be established. Then, I attempt to arrange the placement of the Stasis Field Generators to create a non-circular bubble that avoids most other obstacles around the reactor.

Problem four: The Stasis Field Generators need a huge power supply. So I decide to take a spare reactor full of Charge out of my base and attach it to the Stasis Field Generator array. With the Stasis Field ready to go, I flip the switch, cut the pipes leading into the reactor, and turn on the Stasis Field Generator. The reactor goes into meltdown almost as soon as the pipes are cut, but the Stasis Field is being established. At first, it seems like the field will be able to go online before the meltdown destroys the ship, but I suddenly realize I've miscalculated! The meltdown is expanding at an exponential pace, the field isn't at a level where it can contain the explosion, and this pocket dimension is about to be splattered across a dozen other pocket dimensions.

You want me to delay the meltdown? I'm going to telekinesis this meltdown apart. Strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, you're fired. I'm assuming direct control of your atoms, and they are not going anywhere. This is so going to hurt when this is over.

Annabelle manages to delay the reaction for long enough for the stasis field to be properly established, and the reactor detonates. An incredibly overpowered explosion is contained within the stasis field, but with nowhere to go, it just builds up pressure and heat, turning into a miniature sun.

Problem four: We now have a bomb on our ship, and as soon as the Stasis Field Generators fail or run out of power, we're back to having our ship blown to pieces.

Alright. This I can solve. If Annabelle creates a wormhole near the stasis field, I can establish a Core Blast to eject all of the matter in the stasis field through the wormhole. However, if I do that, I may not have sufficient energy to revive Varos afterwards.

Do it. Worst-case scenario, I have to wait a few hours.

One wormhole, coming up. Where should I put the other end?

Just vent the energy into space. I know you want to put the other end right in front of the Godmodder's face and ram superheated plasma and slag down his throat, but that would also contaminate the field, and give everyone horrible deaths from radiation. If the Godmodder didn't just put a giant cork in your wormhole and cause it to backfire and blow us to bits, which he would most likely do. So put the other end out in the middle of space somewhere and leave it at that.

Annabelle does as asked, creating a path that Lorso can channel the superheated plasma through to remove it from the ship and send it into space. This finally gets rid of the reactor failure just before it destroys the Supernova.

Problem five. The ship no longer has a main reactor.

That's a long-term problem. Between the secondary reactors and the batteries, the craft should have at least a few hours before it runs into power issues.

It better get a new main reactor before that happens, Varos. I don't care if you're dead, fix it anyways!

Or just don't die. I managed to trade a wand of Magic Missile to someone for two dozen doses of Rad-Away, and then I combined them all and turned them into a potion. Drink this and you shouldn't die from radiation poisoning. On a completely unrelated side note, how does adding a Wand of Magic Missile to a modern-era battlefield change the scope of war?

I forgot that radiation cures exist, apparently. And no, a wand of magic missile shouldn't lead to an arms race when it's impossible to replicate.

Well good, I don't have to kill myself. Darius is probably going to want more tech in return for this later.

Entity Actions:
*Supernova: Blaster bombs are sprayed into the Ravager's extra weapons as much as possible. Then, it fires Encrypt at the Terror Ravager Bot, because Annabelle didn't read the "doesn't work on bosses" disclaimer on that ability (it should still deal more damage than a fusion lance shot though).
*ARB: If the engine failure triggers on the Supernova, place Arcane Repair on the Supernova. Otherwise, target the Egg Fleet Flagship.

8/10 Small Project
20/20 We Need A (Reactor) Shield!
+2 @EternalStruggle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently equipped to Tracer.
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Multicannon Pistol: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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As my sword falls to the ground, I fall to my knees. All of a sudden, I feel that I've lost a part of myself. I feel alone. Even though the battlefield is full of people, I feel alone, since I'm just one person, in a vast, vast world. I stayed like that for a while, before picking myself back up. I still had work to do.

Pulling my sword back into my hand, I walk over to the boombotbox. Grabbing my sword by the blade, I mordhau it, pouring all of my anger and frustration that comes from the amount of deaths in this Godmodding War so far.

"That was for the Replicator Minibots."
"That was for the Group of Grunts. "
"That was for Purity, and Peace!"
"That was for The Disciple of Val'Elzathor, that's on me."
"That was for that dude who's head exploded. Speaking of which, I still have his cracked sunglasses. Derp."

This keeps going on for quite some time, even after I've run out of names to list. This should've made me feel better, but instead, I felt worse. I couldn't even remember the names of all the fallen. To take my mind off of all of this I decided to check the GameFAQs again. I read [2.4] The History of Godmodding.

11/20 CHARGE SLOT 1, (3 from eternalstruggle, 4 from emerald)
04/20 CHARGE SLOT 2, (1 from redstone)

Entity Orders
Earworm, just be annoying.
Street Fighter, Use Curb Stomp on the Bundle of Carrots.
Pixel Swarm, attack right after.

+2 @Enerald_Mann
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3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(3} 3/?? ?!??!?
(11} 11/20
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+2 @JOEbob

I read a part of the guide that's not been read yet.

I than unleash the legendary Texas Chainsaw Massacre x0/0 Combo!
Using/abusing the Chansaw's limited ability to shift space-time, I cause a minor tear in the fabric of reality, leading to an infinite number of alternate timelines wherein I preformed the exact same action. All the alternate 'me's look at each other, obviously not expecting that to work. Honestly, I didn't either. Fortunately, my slightly superior reaction time (which is part of why I'm superior to all other versions of me) allows me to quickly get what I need (an infinite number of ordinary chainsaws lying right beside the infinite number of timeline-rifts) and then close the rift, hopefully screwing over all the other 'me's. That's what they get for being complete losers!
But yes, now that I have the chainsaws I can continue on with my attack. I take the chainsaws and line them up where the Terror can see them. I draw little smiley faces on each of them, dress them up and even write little character sheets for them to make them seem that much more alive. I rev 'em all up and let them jitter around for a bit, while the terror learns more about who they are as people (through lots of very entertaining reading). Just as he starts to grow to care for them, and almost even consider them as friends- no, close friends, I take the Chansaw and start painting the town red (figuratively), by painting the town (again, figurative) black (literally, this time) with oil, marker ink and machine parts so utterly obliterated that they've quite literally liquefied, and been splattered over the ground. I laugh all maniacally and evilly and stuff, as the Terror screams! He rushes to try and save the little chainsaws, but I'm far too fast a killer for it, gathering up and slaughtering them en masse before he can even get close. At this point, he's barely fast enough to save a few of the 'people's bios, which are burning up fast. In his damaged psychological state, he starts to read them, trying to keep some memory of his friends alive as part of the Denial stage for grief, while those he cant save burn around him, and the screeches of the reaper echoing through the air. He starts to read one of them.
She did a lot of small jobs and was learning a new language. With plenty of money and connections, she struggles to ma[TEAR MADE BY BLADES] But with her brilliance and diligence, there's nothing to stop her from[BECAUSE THE TERROR HAS]oing anything. She could quickly become a great leader, perhaps e[NO ARMS, I DONT THINK]
But things could change quickly; she is currently still studying. She feels like there's more to see, taste and experience in this world. Luckily she has great friends who support he[AND HERE'S WHERE THE WHOLE BURNING THING STARTED... BURNING THINGS]`
He goes to read another one.
He's honest, hospitable, brave and perhaps a little too bossy. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his positi[BLADE ARMS]
He was born in a wealthy family in a merchant t[BLADE ARM CUT]d happily until he was about 16 years old, but at that point life changed.[BURNING]`
And another, and another, and another, but they just keep burning up and having parts cut out by his unfortunate lack of arms. It starts to cry, damaging itself slightly as it ejects fluids it was not meant to eject.
Then, it looks up. Most of the nearby area has been entirely razed and burned to nearly nothing, 'corpses' littering the miniature battl- no, slaughterfield. After all the dying has... died down, the Terror looks up, and lives up to its name as it lays its terror-filled eyes upon me.
I stand in front of it, weapon held in one arm. In the other, I have... the last few survivors. The ones I had rounded up before. He knows what I'm going to do. I know he knows. He knows I know he knows. I raise the weapon, holding it to the 'throats' of each of the survivors. He cant watch. I smirk. He covers his eyes. I cut, slicing through all of them in a singular slice. He screams...
I laugh out loud, and drop the perfectly intact chainsaws on the ground. I swing the cHANSAW around a bit while teasing the terror for being such a baby. He doesn't get it until I explain the whole Chansaw/cHANSAW thing. I continue to laugh at him until I realize that he's still crying. Turns out the scream was a scream of pain, what with him trying to use Blade!arms to cover his eyes. In the end, he just kinda stabbed himself in the face. Again, I laugh at this new development, take the Chansaw an slowly destroy each and every one of the chainsaws.
The damage both physical and psychological is overwhelming. that got dark...

'how can a chart be delicious?'

"its a pie chart"

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Pebbletopia dop!

...a lot of stuff happen. the tunnel of DCCCV opens, some troops come out, and the whip guy anthony comes out to keep away enemy soldiers and arrows.
as it turns out, there are many hidden blue infantry watching with readied actions near the hole.
but they can't do anything, anthonys there, right?
one of mirrors archers was missing, because I forgot to put it there. to keep it consistent, I put it where it was before PT2.0 happened- hidden behind the monitors/biggarrows. its backed up to them, cannot run away, and has an auto-readied action.

as anthony works by making people afraid of it, and the archer cannot run, it has one option, logically: try to get anthony as far away from it as possible. it slams its hand into a monitor. it breaks. they obtain a black arrow of bigness, load it in, and fire.
the arrow kills an archer, knocks aside a red infantry, and pushes anthony away.
the archer goes back to hiding.
anthonys out of the way, and the infantry who was knocked aside pushes the disguised blue infantry a bit, forcing their reveal. they seize the moment, gaining three members from the shattered pebble, and and killing all but 3 red infantry if I recall, as well as knocking down an archer.
thats all the readied mirror actions.
the DCCCV spell activates. all the black arrow boxes but two (which are being held down by archer the great hero) are levitated into the air, turned into black arrows, and fired.
the abomination is part of mirrors ritual. arrow after arrow slams into the auto-ritual-shield, draining the ritual from three, to two and a half, to two.
then, a specifically-spell-boosted arrow slams into the abomination's shield, draining the ritual by .1 turns a frame, then .2, then .4, until the shield is exhausted.
there are two arrows left, and they fly true into the beast, wounding it.
finally, anthony returns, and everyone flees. the rest was not animated, but a R.infantry killed a blue infantry and the blue archers fired at the abomination, dealing mere scratch damage.

14/? even newer stuff +2 TOG +1 mirror
10/10 (not(except maybe yes)) more stalling
Physicist bun summoned.
15,000 hp, 66.66% dodge chance. 1/3 Insightful. 1/7 science as attire.
active: radiation explained- cure radiation poison from a target. can only be used once. the bun has no other actives.
special: insightful. increase the power of the engineer buns with any problem that fits into a chosen category (example categorys: dimensional breaching, power generation, hard light.), but has a 5% chance to be non-applicable despite this (calculated when the engineers start working but only shown a random distance into the work)
special: Science as attire. the physicist bun reveals they only know science as social concepts, and do not in fact understand that it should apply equally to hypotheses and religion. they are ridiculed. turn the physician bun into a much weaker worshipper bun. repeat, this is not an evolution special, it reduces overall power of the bun once used, and must be used once charged.
the physicist bun explains radiation, curing the engineer buns. he then will start thinking for the next few rounds.
new: 1/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG
I hit the HS-SN's engines with an old man.
There's always a bigger old man. Always. Just like with fish
true, but he's sleeping, and senile, and can't walk. he's pretty old. in other news, who do people never expect?
the Spanish Inquisition
thats a lie! everyone knows the meme of 'nobody expects the Spanish inquesition', so instead of nobody expecting it, everyone does. look, I've got proof from discord.
[also this callback is from literally the first page of the thread.]
JOEbob - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
who does nobody expect?
pionoplayer - Yesterday at 7:57 PM
I think the answer to your question is that NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION
see, he expected the Spanish inquisition.
no, its the
The fish puns are rather unexpected
fishish inquifishion, as evidenced by the person running the update terminal saying the Fish were unexpected.
(I was using omegaupdate to hold quotes before, so it doesn't have the time and stuff. this is from a while ago when I said 'I definitely planned [something] yep for sharks of coral dolphinately of coral my fish.')
the fishish inquifishion storms the hyperstorm supernova, being unexpected despite the psion powers of anaball, because nobody expects the fishish inquifishion. even if they literally see the future. if anyone was trying to figure out how this war would end, they probably didn't expect the fishish inquifishion, and now have no idea whats going to happen, and now they'll be able to actually be in suspense. the effects of this will ripple down. if the hs-sn wouldn't die this round without the inquifishion, then it would otherwise do like 80k more damage. that 80k damage could otherwise cause an entity to die faster and save other entitys their firepower for some other threat, causing the godmodder to pull out some trump card faster, causing his bosses to get less work on them, causing each to die slightly faster, causing each to be slightly weaker, and die faster, until the last boss potentially wouldn't even have attack abilitys at the end, if this hadn't happened.
anyway the unexpected inquifishion sneaks into the engine room and whacks it with their collective stolen old man canes which they stole from smaller old men.
after their total increases to the failing engines debuff is such that, when combined with the flame orb, the HS-SN is sure to die this round, any extra power they might have summons the inquifishion to the field. they possess no abilitys beyond being a bunch of unexpected fish.

"you do realise you are attacking a box."
"that plays music."
"and that attacking an entity in the current godmodding war out of anger at people attacking and/or killing entitys in the current godmodding war is a bit hypocritical."

"and before you say its non-sentient, so were the replicator minibots. seriously if those had been left alone they'd destroy the whole planet, even if you claimed they where somehow sentient, their value system is completely different from any humanlike being, and if you don't give your own value system type prefer
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"you do realise you are attacking a box."
"that plays music."
"and that attacking an entity in the current godmodding war out of anger at people attacking and/or killing entitys in the current godmodding war is a bit hypocritical."

"and before you say its non-sentient, so were the replicator minibots. seriously if those had been left alone they'd destroy the whole planet, even if you claimed they where somehow sentient, their value system is completely different from any humanlike being, and if you don't give your own value system type prefer

I listened to JOE.

"...I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell you," I said. What else could I say? That I wasn't thinking straight? That I was buckling under the weight of the knowledge that a Godmodding War would cause trillions of lives to be lost?

I couldn't give him a good answer so I did the next best thing: run back towards the Boombotbox, and Office Space it some more. At the time, it seemed a good idea. I just wanted JOE to stop talking to me. I couldn't handle it. Not then.

Some time later, I sat in a tent, trying to read the last bits of the GameFAQ ([5.2]: The Unsung.)


+2 @Enerald_Mann
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Official post:
I'm going on a short hiatus for Thanksgiving. Updates will resume Monday, so that's 2 updates we'll be missing.

In return, everyone gets a third post! Go wild.
4/20 A Thing
11/20 Personal Space Invaders

Emerald fires a generic Hadouken at the Terror Ravager Bot for his third post of the round
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I show the Skeleton bone meal, he is horrified at what people would do to his skeletal companions to help plant growth, I then reveal that he is bone meal, there is now a giant bowl of bone meal where the Skeleton was.

14/20 Tools +1 from JOE
14/20 For JOE
+1 JOE +1 Talist
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+1 @Enerald_Mann ; +1 @EternalStruggle
5/5 Call a "Friend"
I summon: The Engineer! He'll construct sentries every few turns.
7/20 [ARF] (+1 from Enerald_Mann; +1 from EternalStruggle)

I type in this incredibly hard to read color.
And continue to type in it.
And then send all these letters on a stealth mission to attack the Godmodder.
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black is pretty easy to read actually. try like, Grey or dark olive or a custom colour or something if your really going for difficulty to read .
I deflect the pyramid's attacks into the pyramid.

Wait, let's back up a bit. Before I do that, I grab a much-needed weapons upgrade. Now, the Multicannon Pistol is already a versatile weapon, but its still, well, a pistol. So I replace my current Multicannon with an upgraded variant, the Modular Multicannon. The Modular Multicannon adds even more versatility to the formula with the addition of the ability to switch modes. With the press of a button, it turns from a pistol into a rifle, increasing the weapon's firepower and accuracy. And if you need to fight in close combat, another button press turns the barrel of the rifle into an energy blade.

I also pick up two upgrades for it. The first is a variant energy blade, the Force Blade. Basically, it's like a knockback shot, but in sword form, sacrificing raw damage for the ability to deliver huge knockback. The other is a ammo type that converts a gauss rifle into a plasma rifle. As it turns out, yes, there are cases where energized plasma is the best weapon type.

So with the Force Blade equipped, I track the pyramid's launched fireball, boost into its path, and hit it with a baseball swing, deflecting it into the pyramid. This isn't even hard when the fireball moves slower than the average humanoid running speed.

The fireball flies back into the pyramid, at a higher speed than when it was first launched. But before it can detonate on the pyramid, a shield pops up, and the fireball is bounced back again, this time even faster.

Well, advanced ballistics calculation systems mean that it's nearly impossible to not deflect the fireball. But as it keeps getting deflected back and bounced back by the pyramid's shields, it begins to start moving fairly quickly.

After eight impacts on the shield, I decide with a good degree of certainty that no, it isn't a boss you can beat by bouncing the fireball into it until it stops deflecting. So the next time I deflect the fireball into the shield, I immediately switch from blade mode to rifle mode, and charge up to full strength. As soon as the fireball bounces off the shield, the fireball is then immediately hit by a knockback shot, and bounced back into the pyramid. The shield flickers, but breaks, having insufficient time to regenerate from the last impact. The fireball flies into the pyramid and detonates, blowing bricks out of the pyramid's surface.

I'm only going to need to do this 5 more times before the pyramid enters its next stage.

9/10 Small Project
1/10 Another Project
+2 @EternalStruggle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently equipped to Tracer.
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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The Destroy the Godmodder GameFAQ played a big role in making the person I am today. It gave me a greater understanding of what was at stake, and what needed to be done if this battle was to be won.

I realized that we were all playing into The Godmodder's hands. He was more or less in control of the whole situation. We've been slowly pushing him back, but in what direction? He could eventually lead us to a location which is favourable to him, and wipe all of us out. We needed to know where exactly we were trying to go.

I also knew that pretty much the entirety of the Void now knew that a Godmodder was here on this planet. We could assume that they would come to the conclusion that the Godmodder was a bad dude, but of course, we weren't exactly good people either. Our story so far didn't look good, we had invaded a person's territory, wrecked his stuff, and had counted within our numbers a worshiper of a dark god and a creature of the warp. As much as it pained me to admit it, we needed to clean up our act, improve our public image, to make sure everyone knew which side to cheer for. In other words, we needed a propaganda campaign.

Another thing that bothered me was the amount of deaths in this battle so far. Our turnover rate for non-descended participants was amazingly high. We would need to find out a way to keep people from dying. We had the technology, after all. This is the void, and like the GameFAQ said, any technology would work here.

Of course, I couldn't do all of this myself. At the time, I had put up unconscious limits to my power. I could only do so much before I encountered a mental block that would arbitrarily tell me "no, you can't do that." This turned out to be okay, since I knew the importance of delegating tasks.

Summoning a laptop, I got onto the voidnet and broadcasted a message to the people in the upper atmosphere.

"Hello, hello. I am one of the people facing the Godmodder on the surface of the planet below you. I am requesting your assistance in mapping out the landmasses. Your assistance will be appreciated."

There. With that sent out, we were one step closer to ending this conflict.

14/20 CHARGE SLOT 1 +1 from Redstone
08/20 CHARGE SLOT 2 +2 from Emerald

+2 @Enerald_Mann
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As the Bloodthirster flew across the battlefield, flickering phantoms emerged in its wake. Afterimages of lost Heldrakes and Doomfires, ghosts of ghosts. The Chaos strike craft swept in from all sides, deftly avoiding the spinning blades of the Ravager Bot during their assault. The bombers unleashed their payloads in low altitude dives, ordnance designed to destroy mile long starships, now enhanced with more than one kind of reality twisting energy. The bombs were dropped practically by the ton, hit after hit scorching the surface of the foe badly, even as its armor endured the punishing blows.

The bat-like Heldrakes naturally took a closer, more personal touch. Their screeches were accompanied by the heavy staccato rhythm of their mouth-mounted autocannons, light shells smashing into the already damaged plates one after the other. They actually landed on the surface of the mighty Terror, and swiftly used their more potent weaponry. Piston-driven claws greedily tore into the elite enemy, taking chunks however small out of their armor with fierce strength. In this manner, the corrupted flyers exacted their bloody toll through use of numbers, only stopping their frenzied strikes when the fighters faded out of existence entirely, the weak energies and reality splits of the Bloodthirster unable to let them remain and deal noticeable damage for long.
Third Of The Triad: 14/20.
Weapons of War: 5/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @Crusher48
13/15 Expectation. (+10 Charge for third post)
3/10 Unexpectation.

+2 to the next person to interpret what Media looks like, given that she looks exactly like what you'd expect her to look like.

Media asks the Hyperstorm to describe her true appearance. While it attempts to do this, her visage rapidly changes, according to the expectation of those around it. This places a lot of stress on the Hyperstorm's processing facilities, presumably making attacks on it come more easily.
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(4} 4/20 ?!??!?
(12} 12/20 Another one rides the bus
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+2 @JOEbob

I dunno, I guess I cHANSAW the TOG II* some more. Heal him up nice and good.

Also, the whole guide has been read? Really?
I just look over the whole thing one more time, in its entirety.

Also also, I interpret Media's appearance as a large orange rock, spherical and hollow. Inside, there are tons of angry Antifa members. They're angry because they can't breath. There are also a bunch of tentacles all over it. They aren't Media's tentacles though...

Hey, you never said I had to guess properly.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I've just been informed that I've misinterpreted the statement 'she looks exactly like what you'd expect her to look like.' RIP me, I guess.
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You know what would be useful right now? A defensive entity. The Arcane Repair Beacon is rather fragile for its utility, and it would just not do to see it destroyed.

Meet the HARDS, or Hardened Adaptive Reactive Defense System. It's basically an enclosure that can deploy around a target to give them a protective shell. Unlike regular targets, it is designed to mitigate damage rather than just tank it, making it partially effective against attacks that would breach whatever it's protecting. It is given orders to protect the Arcane Repair Beacon.

Health: 50000
Attack: 0
Defensive Countermeasures: Through a combination of armor, shielding, and point defense, the HARDS reduces all damage against it, as well as any damage that would hit the target it is bodyguarding, is reduced by 50%. However, status effects ignore this.

10/10 Small Project
4/10 Another Project (+1 somebody)
+2 @EternalStruggle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently equipped to Tracer.
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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17/? even newer stuff +2 TOG
2/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG
"Another thing that bothered me was the amount of deaths in this battle so far. Our turnover rate for non-descended participants was amazingly high. We would need to find out a way to keep people from dying. We had the technology, after all. This is the void, and like the GameFAQ said, any technology would work here."
"you know, I aaaam working on that. the bun engineers are starting with keeping other buns from dieing (because its easier to keep morale up that way) and are going to work on keeping Anyone from dieing when they get the chance."
"Uuugh, my head..."
"What just happened?"

anyway, my action would be adding in more engineers, but the hyperstorm is Dangerous. I don't like it, and it is going to have to die.
the taint spot I added to the HS-SN spreads. while it cannot transform any of the materials (due to them being metal) it's magic system meshes with all magic parts of the HS-SN, turning them tainted, causing them to both be difficult to clear and spread the taint themselves. a taintickle sprouts from one of them, and begins covering the HS-SN with smaller tendrils. the tendrils themselves aren't that dangerous, but they'll make the ship much less aerodynamic and make it crash if its engines aren't improved beyond their usual efficiency.
Update 65: Terror Level Two Pt 6
10/? even newer stuff
9/? more stalling +2 TOG +1 mirror
+1 mirror +1 TOG
[entity orders]
boombots swirl. I guess they had their time... and it would have been longer if the boombot box Worked Properly.
...or shorter, if anyone had bothered to read the stats and realize you could bypass boombot cocoon by checking the position of the drones as a free action.
yes, that was a thing. yes, you could have killed the core easier. no, I didn't expect everyone to ignore that.
bomb bot idles, box makes more drones mindlessly.
pyramid, use fireball... on the hyperstorm supernova. it should hit, since ravager bot.
dark dragon, use the tendrils on the street fighter again. light dragon, heal the engineer's radiation poison or, if you cannot do that, use the healing move on either the disciple of psi (if his response to my offer is either positive or 'I'll consider it') or the boombotbox otherwise.
the engineer buns finish the portal and spend any leftover action power to start working on a energy field generator to function as an extra health bar before they take damage.
[normal action]
I heal the emperor bun, first pulling a carrot out of the carrot bundle and dragging it over to the bun. it quickly nibbles on them, and, as its legs begin to heal and it becomes more lively, starts to eat more, accelerating its pace with time until all thats left is that green sprout thing at the top of the carrot. then it eats that too.
as the emperor bun starts eating, I'm busy waging psychic war with the carrot to keep it incapacitated. I don't know why it has psychic powers, but I heard cuphead had a carrot with them, so maybe they're relatives. regardless, the battle is hard fought, but I beat hollowed temple hard mode once, so its well bellow my maximum know abilitys, and I do indeed succeed, eventually.
on completing that, I pet the emperor bun, talking about how it'll be ok and such, saying things like "don't worry little guy..."
then the emperor bun dissipates and I realize he's dead. No! no, nononononononononononononono...
wait! there's still one chance.
the bun portal! its not done yet, but it has two functions, saving the buns and summoning new ones. maybe they finished the save buns function first. if thats right, then when the portals done, I can reunite with the emperor bun!
in preparation for the emperor bun's hopeful return, I send my main actions power to my kingbun self. using it, he sends out a message to all nearby buns. your emperor is in need of help. he will be near the ancient pyramid burrow of the blaz'thundr clan, worshippers of the gilded pyramidion, fabled offspring of bill cipher and minion of the [redacted].
then, bun me starts to read the thing you asked if I would like to read.
"Dear disciple of Psi."
"I would like to propose a... deal."
"Being the disciple of Psi, you probably know much about godmodding."
"I will do what I can to aid you in whatever you ask, if you aid me in my goal: become a Godmodder."
"I would be content with
α rank, if that is something you can provide, but will obviously be far more grateful for anything higher."
"you are, of course, fully free to say no, I will not spite you for it,and don't actually know if you can help- I have merely a suspicion."
Unfortunately, it is too late. There is nothing you can do. The emperor bun is gone. The portal's functionalities will be completed all at once or not at all.
You do however call in an additional engineer bun.

Void Crystals: A rare structure found within the Void, they are basically concentrated voidic energy, and seem to be the source of the shrouding darkness that takes place in the deep void. Some advanced cultures have used them as power sources or as cloaking devices when finding smaller deposits in the realms of the Void that are navigable. Very little is known about how they actually work, but shards are highly prized and sell for astronomical amounts in any civilization advanced enough to make use of them.

"It is not my place to choose who does and does not follow in the steps of Psi. You must find that path on your own."

First thing was first, taking care of the radiation poisoning that some of their number suffered. Specifically, the two Daemons. Now out of the field of radiation, they rebuff the infection via their unreal nature. Outside of the primary fallout zone, simple physical particles cannot affect them like a human would be affected, and hence with some effort and energy they can be freed of the weakening chains.

The Daemonette naturally used her minor control over reality warping powers to dissipate the harmful effects on her body, not undoing the damage but preventing any more from being done.

The Bloodthirster, by contrast, took flight, charging upwards hundreds of meters, radioactive dust being pushed off by the wind around it as its rage allowed it to ascend, freeing it too of the plague, pain dimini8shing but not decreasing its boiling rage. Indeed, now that source of annoyance was dealt with, the Greater Daemon could afford to get even more angry at its foes, which it did while choosing its next target from above.

Third Of The Triad: 7/20.
Weapons of War: 2/20.

+1 @Enerald_Mann

Entity Orders:
Daemonette cleans up the blood she spewed forth.
Repair Portal heals the Egg Fleet Flagship.
Egg Fleet attacks the Terror Ravager Bot yet more. Keep shooting at it and the thing is sure to fall eventually.
Bloodthirster rampages.
radiation poisoning removed from daemonette and bloodthirster.

2/13 Expectation.
2/13 Unexpectation.

Media proves that the Hyperstorm is nonexistent, without knowing anything about it, bar its name.

First of all, let's find the function of Nonexistent.
Let's split the word into a few parts: "None" "x" "is" "tent"
None is the same as 0.
x is a variable.
The word "is", is approximately the same as the phrase "equal to".
And that leaves:
Therefore, 0 = tent.

The Hyperstorm is more tricky, but it can be split as so: "H" "y" "per" "storm"
H represents the atomic number of Hydrogen, which is rounded to 1 for simplicity.
y is a variable.
"per" generally means "divided by"
And that leaves:
During a storm, one takes down tents. Therefore, we can call storm (tent-1). As tent = 0, the equation is now as follows:
Therefore, -y.
What does this prove?
Well, nothing really. But Media has used her apparently existent powers expectation to channel what you expected from this attack into changing the values of the Hyperstorm, multiplied by the number of people who expected anything from this attack.
You deal 20000 damage to the Hyperstorm's dodge pool.

2/20 A Thing
1/20 Personal Space Invaders

Emerald gets annoyed at the Godmodder gluing on weapons right after he broke a bunch off, and pours acid on the Godmodders glue.
"So I guess you're #MemoryofPsi then, good to know. Anyways, take care of yourself, you seem to have gotten some radiation poisoning"

The Skeleton collapses onto the ground in a pile of bones, and then, when the Terror Ravager Bot draws near, reassembles itself and thwacks it.
Two weapons removed from the Terror Ravager Bot.

"Naught but a minor setback for a true disciple of the Psi."
The disciple promptly cures himself of radiation poisoning.

I dig a hole in the ground, and then kick the Street Fighter into it.

i dont even know: 5/15
14000 damage to the Street Fighter.

Abilities: Quick Cut: hits two enemies next to each other in the EOT stats
Cerebral Blast: hits two enemies one space apart from each other in the EOT stats
Double Turn: doubles attack damage for one turn, but causes New Kid to miss their next turn.
10/20. Sitcom
1/20. Choices.
I prove that the Ravager Bot is the Illuminati
1. Ravager
2. Ravage
3. Savage.
4.Savage Land is a pizza place.
5. Pizza
6. Pizza comes from Italy
6. So did Galileo.
7. Galileo is dead
8. Dead people are corpses
9. Corpses rot.
10. Rot has three letters
11. Three
12. The illuminati has three sides.
New Kid uses Double Turn and then uses quick cut on the ravager and pyramid, then Cerebral Blast on the ravager and dark steel golems
New Kid summoned.


I begin focusing the Darksteel Golems, directing my shots exclusively at them.

3/5 Call a "Friend"
3/20 [ARF]
+1 @EternalStruggle ; +1 @Enerald_Mann
You deal 2000 damage to each of the golems.


I force gallons upon gallons of bone hurting juice into the Skeleton, causing it pain beyond any form of comprehension, as it is only bones, so everything hurts.

12/20 Tools
13/20 For JOE +1 from
+1 JOE +1 Talist
14000 damage to the Skeleton.

I flip the riflescope around and use it like a telescope to fire bigger bullets at the darksteel golems.

4/5 Call a "Friend"
4/20 [ARF]
3000 damage to each of the golems.

"Just so you know, I have acquired new information relating to Godmodderhood." Robotnik's communications drone hovered before the recovered Daemonette. "It looks like you either have to kill a Godmodder of the lowest rank, or find some kind of special Chamber that lets you power up, to become a Godmodder in the first place."

The Daemonette considered this for a moment, thinking deeply on what it meant. She was oh so constrained by the shackles of her very existence. In a way, she, like all other Daemons, craved power. But now of course, she had seen that what they knew was but a fragment of true power. It was power to ascend beyond the Gods themselves.

Stuck halfway between monster and man, she was an enigma to reality. Her creator had carefully considered her current position, leaving her here, but had originally created her with his mere presence. Such might, it could perhaps be used to break her chains. After searching the depths of her half-heart, she knew what she needed. And know, hearing this, considering the possibilities before her?

The conclusion was immediate and obvious.

She needed it. She needed the power on offer here. It was the direct way to true freedom, an opportunity that had not come before and would not come since. Perhaps there was another solution to her conundrum. Perhaps. But she lacked the eyes to see it, and in the end a Daemon would always seek power in order to promote the concepts of their masters, and in turn their own essence. She noted this fact idly, self-aware in this, but ignored it. A choice had been made, and there would be an attempt to see it through.

She called out to the Godmodder. "Hey! I have to ask, if you can make lesser Godmodders, why don't you? Considering how deadly you are, they seem like they would be a major boon to your side. Maybe enough to push us back, which you do need because let's face it. This second Terror won't be enough to stop us here, and I doubt the third Guardian will be able to fight us off either. They're just big beat sticks, even any weirder Guardians you might command. Without additional combat capability beyond the norm, your defeat is inevitable. They don't have to be that strong either to stop us in our tracks. You could use some of your other minions, like those Todd and Cheri people. Really, I have no clue why you haven't already done it." His answer would dictate her immediate course of action.

Third Of The Triad: 8/20.
Weapons of War: 4/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma

Simple, I haven't done it because lesser Godmodders are a liability. I might be able to grant them the rank, but there's no way to take it back if they go rogue. Not to mention, I'm not high enough rank to grant anything higher than Alpha at the moment, and I don't want you creeps to Ascend if I can at all prevent it.

3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(2} 2/?? ?!??!?
(6 +4} 10/20

I also made the Chansaw/cHANSAW. That happened down there somewhere towards teh end.
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+2 @JOEbob

I slide on over to IJW's forces and grab the 20 I gave to him, since he left. (That... did happen, right? Right. Mmk.) I address the crowd of Technocratic forces, now in disarray.
"Listen up boys and girls:
I ain't much for inspirational speeches, but here goes one anyway so whatever and listen the [redacted] up. I know you're all scared, you've completely devolved into chaos. I know why, and how to fix it. See, your friendly Neighborhood Descendant just flipped the keys to this [redacted] over to me, so as all y'all's former ally and current emperor(???) I hereby officially decree: `I'm the boss now.` You gotta do what I say.
Follow my orders to the letter, not just cause all our lives are at stake and existence itself depends on it, but because I'm the bomb and all the [redacted] I say is cool and right.
Now, most've you got some good fighting skill or some tech or some [redacted].
Drake, I'm looking at you. I dunno what you can do with those batteries, but whatever it is you better [redacted]ing bring it. The rest of you without any of that jazz, or even like... modest combat ability? Just, I dunno, throw your torso at the guys. Really, every individual flailing and screaming body is gonna count for something in this [redacted as all [redacted]] mess.
See, we've got ourselves weapons. Some nasty ones, according to legends. Don't ask me to quote the legend cause I 'read up on no [redacted] legends, drones just whisper things into my mind from across the galaxy when I need to know something, alright? But the idea is that you all set 'em up and then we knock 'em down.
I trust that I don't gotta say who we're up against. You know the guy. Big Bad Reality-Warping God Man-Child who's been shredding up this sector of existence. Slaughtering thousands of quasi-innocent armies we dragged into this fight kicking and screaming, although to be fair we probably had way too many of them but that dumb fact is so far besides the point that it's not so let's just ignore it before I forget who I'm quoting. But yeah, the bad guy? It's Mr. God 'Titus' Modder over there. A huge, like, dictator with giant robots and stuff. Descendant of the Psi-Guy who killed pretty much everyone ever or something? I think now he wants to be the next Psi-Guy, and rising through the Godmodder ranks to reach that point. Even though Psi comes before Omega in the alphabet? That's probably not important, so who cares. He'll never stop 'til he reaches that level of omnipotence, or we kill him, which is what we're going to do.
We gotta stop him to save space and reality and a million trillion cosmic cats or something along those absurd lines. Cats are cute, right? You dont want them to die, right? So that's why you're stopping him. And I'm doing it for money. But most importantly, we all need to do it because... it's just a really generaly awsome thing to do. Completely bad[redatced]! And as your current emporer I PROMISE you that this will be an absolutely baller use of our time, and it beats the [redacted] out of sitting around being bored terrorizing slug-people, amirite? I am.
And so I ask you as humbly as I can while taking into consideration that I'm the best one here by proximately 20K leagues or so: Who's with me?
The answer is all of you. You all are. Because I command it. But it's cool, I know you can do it because I believe in every last one of you. And also, you have to because if you don't, the day I have The Bad God Man's corpse at my feet, I'll force-feed you to him myself.''

Using the power of the 20 I took back from an AWOL IJW, and put it towards something more useful then his silly Kill-Sat...
Hah, I'm just kidding. I use it to make the Chansaw/cHANSAW an artifact.
'Forged from the wreckage of multiple Godmodder-born Mechs within a forge fueled by the fire of an explosion from DTG:R's endgame, cooled in the blood sweat and tears we shall retroactively reap with this very blade. The Chansaw, a masterpiece of weaponry forged by master smiths (and johnsons), enchanted with the power to invert itself into a tool of great healing (from another timeline, who's forging story is a whole other thing onto itself) and completely awesome... and yeah, that's really all there is to say on the matter. Despite the name being similar to Chainsaw, it is in fact barely similar to one at all. For one thing, it's much lighter, mostly from the lack of the whole chain-based cutting mechanism. Removing the mechanization and thinning the blade out leaves it looking much more like a sword... that you can hold like a chainsaw for bonus cool points! But how then, you may ask, does it manage to cut? why, I'm glad you asked! I needed more words in this post. Ok, I didnt really but w/e. Anyways, yeah. Cutting power. The Chansaw's cutting power comes from the edge. No duh, you say? Then clearly you misunderstood what I meant. No see, the arcane prowess of the blade channels the pure, unadulterated edge of all the weebs across space, time, and infinite timelines. All their chans and their... other weeb talk? Whatever they say, I know for a fact it's all super edgy! And the Chansaw channels it all into a razor-sharp arcane or, acting as the true blade for the weapon.
And yeah, it's a chainsword, and it's misspelled, and it's magical, and it can heal too, and its powerful as all [redacted], and it's awesome and...
yeah, that's really all there is to say on the matter.

Chansaw: does kill people good. can become cHANSAW.
cHANSAW: does heal people good. can become Chansaw.

I raise my newly-oldly-soon-to-be forged blade and raise it into the air. I cry out to my semi-new allies in one final statement to rally them all before we charge.

And then, while the newly inspired hopefully-now-allies charge forwards to kill Bad God Man's Terror, I quickly change the Chansaw to the cHANSAW and heal up the TOG II* some more.

Chansaw summoned. It will give 5000 damage boost per hit with 20 durability, and can be transformed intot he cHANSAW with an action, reversing its effect into boosting healing effectiveness, but sharing durability with the Chansaw.

3/20 A Thing
5/20 Personal Space Invaders
+1 @benevolentEnigma @DCCCV

Emerald barrel rolls into the Terror Ravager Bot, which harms Only it due to both Descended immunity and barrel roll immunity
15000 damage.

I'm going to need access to my supply chest.

Well, duh.

One thing that I probably shouldn't have forgotten about was my inventory on board the Supernova. Which contains a ridiculous amount of gear. So much, in fact, that it's really difficult to figure out which pieces of equipment are actually useful for the current problem.

Wait, these might be useful. These Stasis Field Generators were a prototype designed to copy Daraken's Stasis Cruisers, but on a smaller scale. The Stasis Field Generators, when placed surrounding an area and activated, should be able to create a bubble of alternate dimension in the area, removing it from reality. In theory, I should be able to use them to surround the failing reactor and make the explosion harmless to the rest of the ship. Unfortunately, it isn't that simple.

Problem one: These are prototypes. They're supposed to create a stasis field, but they aren't exactly very good at it. So I take them back to my workshop, activate the time dilation field to buy me some time, and get to work.

Thirty (time-dilated) minutes later, the Stasis Field Generators are fully operational, as tested on multiple random objects in my base. So now I can teleport back up the Supernova and get working on solving the next problem.

Problem two: Entering the reactor room to deploy the Stasis Field Generators will expose me to lethal levels of radiation. Except that's not a problem, because magic. Worst-case scenario, I get resurrected by Lorso after the job's done. Best-case scenario, I get protection from radiation cast on me and I can just ignore it.

No, I do not have a spell called protection from radiation. I also do not have a spell called remove cancer. I barely even know what radiation is, seriously.

I'm not exactly concerned about dying, I'm more concerned about my work being impacted by radiation and not getting the chance to finish it. Well, I am tougher than human (or drow) baseline, so I should be able to tank it for at least a little while.

Problem three: In order to establish the Stasis Field, I need to remove solid matter around the surface area of the bubble. Attempting to create a stasis bubble that cuts through solid matter requires an incredible investment of energy, and it would probably blow out the prototypes completely. But, if I cut off those parts carelessly, I'll end up destabilizing the reactor and triggering the detonation before containment is established.

The first thing I do when I get in is place cutting charges on each of the pipes leading into the reactor. Just before I begin creating the stasis bubble, I will detonate those, cut the pipes, and clear space for the Stasis Bubble to be established. Then, I attempt to arrange the placement of the Stasis Field Generators to create a non-circular bubble that avoids most other obstacles around the reactor.

Problem four: The Stasis Field Generators need a huge power supply. So I decide to take a spare reactor full of Charge out of my base and attach it to the Stasis Field Generator array. With the Stasis Field ready to go, I flip the switch, cut the pipes leading into the reactor, and turn on the Stasis Field Generator. The reactor goes into meltdown almost as soon as the pipes are cut, but the Stasis Field is being established. At first, it seems like the field will be able to go online before the meltdown destroys the ship, but I suddenly realize I've miscalculated! The meltdown is expanding at an exponential pace, the field isn't at a level where it can contain the explosion, and this pocket dimension is about to be splattered across a dozen other pocket dimensions.

You want me to delay the meltdown? I'm going to telekinesis this meltdown apart. Strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, you're fired. I'm assuming direct control of your atoms, and they are not going anywhere. This is so going to hurt when this is over.

Annabelle manages to delay the reaction for long enough for the stasis field to be properly established, and the reactor detonates. An incredibly overpowered explosion is contained within the stasis field, but with nowhere to go, it just builds up pressure and heat, turning into a miniature sun.

Problem four: We now have a bomb on our ship, and as soon as the Stasis Field Generators fail or run out of power, we're back to having our ship blown to pieces.

Alright. This I can solve. If Annabelle creates a wormhole near the stasis field, I can establish a Core Blast to eject all of the matter in the stasis field through the wormhole. However, if I do that, I may not have sufficient energy to revive Varos afterwards.

Do it. Worst-case scenario, I have to wait a few hours.

One wormhole, coming up. Where should I put the other end?

Just vent the energy into space. I know you want to put the other end right in front of the Godmodder's face and ram superheated plasma and slag down his throat, but that would also contaminate the field, and give everyone horrible deaths from radiation. If the Godmodder didn't just put a giant cork in your wormhole and cause it to backfire and blow us to bits, which he would most likely do. So put the other end out in the middle of space somewhere and leave it at that.

Annabelle does as asked, creating a path that Lorso can channel the superheated plasma through to remove it from the ship and send it into space. This finally gets rid of the reactor failure just before it destroys the Supernova.

Problem five. The ship no longer has a main reactor.

That's a long-term problem. Between the secondary reactors and the batteries, the craft should have at least a few hours before it runs into power issues.

It better get a new main reactor before that happens, Varos. I don't care if you're dead, fix it anyways!

Or just don't die. I managed to trade a wand of Magic Missile to someone for two dozen doses of Rad-Away, and then I combined them all and turned them into a potion. Drink this and you shouldn't die from radiation poisoning. On a completely unrelated side note, how does adding a Wand of Magic Missile to a modern-era battlefield change the scope of war?

I forgot that radiation cures exist, apparently. And no, a wand of magic missile shouldn't lead to an arms race when it's impossible to replicate.

Well good, I don't have to kill myself. Darius is probably going to want more tech in return for this later.

Entity Actions:
*Supernova: Blaster bombs are sprayed into the Ravager's extra weapons as much as possible. Then, it fires Encrypt at the Terror Ravager Bot, because Annabelle didn't read the "doesn't work on bosses" disclaimer on that ability (it should still deal more damage than a fusion lance shot though).
*ARB: If the engine failure triggers on the Supernova, place Arcane Repair on the Supernova. Otherwise, target the Egg Fleet Flagship.

8/10 Small Project
20/20 We Need A (Reactor) Shield!
+2 @EternalStruggle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently equipped to Tracer.
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Multicannon Pistol: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
Busted engines debuff removed successfully!

As my sword falls to the ground, I fall to my knees. All of a sudden, I feel that I've lost a part of myself. I feel alone. Even though the battlefield is full of people, I feel alone, since I'm just one person, in a vast, vast world. I stayed like that for a while, before picking myself back up. I still had work to do.

Pulling my sword back into my hand, I walk over to the boombotbox. Grabbing my sword by the blade, I mordhau it, pouring all of my anger and frustration that comes from the amount of deaths in this Godmodding War so far.

"That was for the Replicator Minibots."
"That was for the Group of Grunts. "
"That was for Purity, and Peace!"
"That was for The Disciple of Val'Elzathor, that's on me."
"That was for that dude who's head exploded. Speaking of which, I still have his cracked sunglasses. Derp."

This keeps going on for quite some time, even after I've run out of names to list. This should've made me feel better, but instead, I felt worse. I couldn't even remember the names of all the fallen. To take my mind off of all of this I decided to check the GameFAQs again. I read [2.4] The History of Godmodding.

11/20 CHARGE SLOT 1, (3 from eternalstruggle, 4 from emerald)
04/20 CHARGE SLOT 2, (1 from redstone)

Entity Orders
Earworm, just be annoying.
Street Fighter, Use Curb Stomp on the Bundle of Carrots.
Pixel Swarm, attack right after.

+2 @Enerald_Mann
20000 damage to the boombotbox.

[2.4] The History of Godmodding
This is not going to be an in-depth summary, this is merely just a quick overview to act as a reference point, and explain what exactly the Psi War I've referenced a few times is. It does not happen often, but a handful of times this knowledge has been useful in eliminating lesser Godmodders, so into the FAQ it goes.

HAHA Get rekt SKRUBS!!
Gudmuddder529 wuz hear
guys stop goofing off.
What, it's not like this moron can touch us.
~This page has been locked by the GetGudModders~
We never agreed on that name, Kyle
*****gorilla it 69! Are you trying to ruin his Veil?
Let's try that again.
~This page is under lockdown by executive order of the GM Crew~
I still think that name is dumb
Oh can it Kyle.​

3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(3} 3/?? ?!??!?
(11} 11/20
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+2 @JOEbob

I read a part of the guide that's not been read yet.

I than unleash the legendary Texas Chainsaw Massacre x0/0 Combo!
Using/abusing the Chansaw's limited ability to shift space-time, I cause a minor tear in the fabric of reality, leading to an infinite number of alternate timelines wherein I preformed the exact same action. All the alternate 'me's look at each other, obviously not expecting that to work. Honestly, I didn't either. Fortunately, my slightly superior reaction time (which is part of why I'm superior to all other versions of me) allows me to quickly get what I need (an infinite number of ordinary chainsaws lying right beside the infinite number of timeline-rifts) and then close the rift, hopefully screwing over all the other 'me's. That's what they get for being complete losers!
But yes, now that I have the chainsaws I can continue on with my attack. I take the chainsaws and line them up where the Terror can see them. I draw little smiley faces on each of them, dress them up and even write little character sheets for them to make them seem that much more alive. I rev 'em all up and let them jitter around for a bit, while the terror learns more about who they are as people (through lots of very entertaining reading). Just as he starts to grow to care for them, and almost even consider them as friends- no, close friends, I take the Chansaw and start painting the town red (figuratively), by painting the town (again, figurative) black (literally, this time) with oil, marker ink and machine parts so utterly obliterated that they've quite literally liquefied, and been splattered over the ground. I laugh all maniacally and evilly and stuff, as the Terror screams! He rushes to try and save the little chainsaws, but I'm far too fast a killer for it, gathering up and slaughtering them en masse before he can even get close. At this point, he's barely fast enough to save a few of the 'people's bios, which are burning up fast. In his damaged psychological state, he starts to read them, trying to keep some memory of his friends alive as part of the Denial stage for grief, while those he cant save burn around him, and the screeches of the reaper echoing through the air. He starts to read one of them.
She did a lot of small jobs and was learning a new language. With plenty of money and connections, she struggles to ma[TEAR MADE BY BLADES] But with her brilliance and diligence, there's nothing to stop her from[BECAUSE THE TERROR HAS]oing anything. She could quickly become a great leader, perhaps e[NO ARMS, I DONT THINK]
But things could change quickly; she is currently still studying. She feels like there's more to see, taste and experience in this world. Luckily she has great friends who support he[AND HERE'S WHERE THE WHOLE BURNING THING STARTED... BURNING THINGS]`
He goes to read another one.
He's honest, hospitable, brave and perhaps a little too bossy. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his positi[BLADE ARMS]
He was born in a wealthy family in a merchant t[BLADE ARM CUT]d happily until he was about 16 years old, but at that point life changed.[BURNING]`
And another, and another, and another, but they just keep burning up and having parts cut out by his unfortunate lack of arms. It starts to cry, damaging itself slightly as it ejects fluids it was not meant to eject.
Then, it looks up. Most of the nearby area has been entirely razed and burned to nearly nothing, 'corpses' littering the miniature battl- no, slaughterfield. After all the dying has... died down, the Terror looks up, and lives up to its name as it lays its terror-filled eyes upon me.
I stand in front of it, weapon held in one arm. In the other, I have... the last few survivors. The ones I had rounded up before. He knows what I'm going to do. I know he knows. He knows I know he knows. I raise the weapon, holding it to the 'throats' of each of the survivors. He cant watch. I smirk. He covers his eyes. I cut, slicing through all of them in a singular slice. He screams...
I laugh out loud, and drop the perfectly intact chainsaws on the ground. I swing the cHANSAW around a bit while teasing the terror for being such a baby. He doesn't get it until I explain the whole Chansaw/cHANSAW thing. I continue to laugh at him until I realize that he's still crying. Turns out the scream was a scream of pain, what with him trying to use Blade!arms to cover his eyes. In the end, he just kinda stabbed himself in the face. Again, I laugh at this new development, take the Chansaw an slowly destroy each and every one of the chainsaws.
The damage both physical and psychological is overwhelming. that got dark...

'how can a chart be delicious?'

"its a pie chart"

[5.2] The Unsung

I've already given most of the discussion of this topic, but even though great epics will be written about even the most tangential battles of the Godmodding War, there are those who will be forgotten. The Unsung. There is no one there to chronicle their stories. The millions and trillions and more of warriors fighting in battles splayed across the cosmos by the war's end.
Their plight has always been one that has spoken to me on a deeper level, but sadly, by elevating any of them in song or story you render them above the plight, no longer the Unsung, and you cannot sing every song, no matter how hard you try. Some HAVE tried. The great Muse of the Shattering Falls became famous for singing the songs of the unsung, elevating as many as she could to the vaulted ranks of the lauded after the end of the war with the last Delta+.
In the end, remember that although the stories and tales of your war will last almost forever through the history of the Void, there are those who will be forgotten. Shed a tear for those who are forgotten, given nothing but shallow graves in exchange for their power lent to a cause greater than themselves.

25000 damage to the Terror Ravager Bot.

Pebbletopia dop!

...a lot of stuff happen. the tunnel of DCCCV opens, some troops come out, and the whip guy anthony comes out to keep away enemy soldiers and arrows.
as it turns out, there are many hidden blue infantry watching with readied actions near the hole.
but they can't do anything, anthonys there, right?
one of mirrors archers was missing, because I forgot to put it there. to keep it consistent, I put it where it was before PT2.0 happened- hidden behind the monitors/biggarrows. its backed up to them, cannot run away, and has an auto-readied action.

as anthony works by making people afraid of it, and the archer cannot run, it has one option, logically: try to get anthony as far away from it as possible. it slams its hand into a monitor. it breaks. they obtain a black arrow of bigness, load it in, and fire.
the arrow kills an archer, knocks aside a red infantry, and pushes anthony away.
the archer goes back to hiding.
anthonys out of the way, and the infantry who was knocked aside pushes the disguised blue infantry a bit, forcing their reveal. they seize the moment, gaining three members from the shattered pebble, and and killing all but 3 red infantry if I recall, as well as knocking down an archer.
thats all the readied mirror actions.
the DCCCV spell activates. all the black arrow boxes but two (which are being held down by archer the great hero) are levitated into the air, turned into black arrows, and fired.
the abomination is part of mirrors ritual. arrow after arrow slams into the auto-ritual-shield, draining the ritual from three, to two and a half, to two.
then, a specifically-spell-boosted arrow slams into the abomination's shield, draining the ritual by .1 turns a frame, then .2, then .4, until the shield is exhausted.
there are two arrows left, and they fly true into the beast, wounding it.
finally, anthony returns, and everyone flees. the rest was not animated, but a R.infantry killed a blue infantry and the blue archers fired at the abomination, dealing mere scratch damage.

14/? even newer stuff +2 TOG +1 mirror
10/10 (not(except maybe yes)) more stalling
Physicist bun summoned.
15,000 hp, 66.66% dodge chance. 1/3 Insightful. 1/7 science as attire.
active: radiation explained- cure radiation poison from a target. can only be used once. the bun has no other actives.
special: insightful. increase the power of the engineer buns with any problem that fits into a chosen category (example categorys: dimensional breaching, power generation, hard light.), but has a 5% chance to be non-applicable despite this (calculated when the engineers start working but only shown a random distance into the work)
special: Science as attire. the physicist bun reveals they only know science as social concepts, and do not in fact understand that it should apply equally to hypotheses and religion. they are ridiculed. turn the physician bun into a much weaker worshipper bun. repeat, this is not an evolution special, it reduces overall power of the bun once used, and must be used once charged.
the physicist bun explains radiation, curing the engineer buns. he then will start thinking for the next few rounds.
new: 1/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG
I hit the HS-SN's engines with an old man.
true, but he's sleeping, and senile, and can't walk. he's pretty old. in other news, who do people never expect?

thats a lie! everyone knows the meme of 'nobody expects the Spanish inquesition', so instead of nobody expecting it, everyone does. look, I've got proof from discord.
[also this callback is from literally the first page of the thread.]
JOEbob - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
who does nobody expect?
pionoplayer - Yesterday at 7:57 PM
I think the answer to your question is that NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION
see, he expected the Spanish inquisition.
no, its the

fishish inquifishion, as evidenced by the person running the update terminal saying the Fish were unexpected.
(I was using omegaupdate to hold quotes before, so it doesn't have the time and stuff. this is from a while ago when I said 'I definitely planned [something] yep for sharks of coral dolphinately of coral my fish.')
the fishish inquifishion storms the hyperstorm supernova, being unexpected despite the psion powers of anaball, because nobody expects the fishish inquifishion. even if they literally see the future. if anyone was trying to figure out how this war would end, they probably didn't expect the fishish inquifishion, and now have no idea whats going to happen, and now they'll be able to actually be in suspense. the effects of this will ripple down. if the hs-sn wouldn't die this round without the inquifishion, then it would otherwise do like 80k more damage. that 80k damage could otherwise cause an entity to die faster and save other entitys their firepower for some other threat, causing the godmodder to pull out some trump card faster, causing his bosses to get less work on them, causing each to die slightly faster, causing each to be slightly weaker, and die faster, until the last boss potentially wouldn't even have attack abilitys at the end, if this hadn't happened.
anyway the unexpected inquifishion sneaks into the engine room and whacks it with their collective stolen old man canes which they stole from smaller old men.
after their total increases to the failing engines debuff is such that, when combined with the flame orb, the HS-SN is sure to die this round, any extra power they might have summons the inquifishion to the field. they possess no abilitys beyond being a bunch of unexpected fish.

"you do realise you are attacking a box."
"that plays music."
"and that attacking an entity in the current godmodding war out of anger at people attacking and/or killing entitys in the current godmodding war is a bit hypocritical."

"and before you say its non-sentient, so were the replicator minibots. seriously if those had been left alone they'd destroy the whole planet, even if you claimed they where somehow sentient, their value system is completely different from any humanlike being, and if you don't give your own value system type prefer
Physicist Bun summoned.

20000 more damage to the Hyperstorm's dodge pool.
Plus 10000 damage to the Hyperstorm itself from a callback bonus.

I listened to JOE.

"...I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell you," I said. What else could I say? That I wasn't thinking straight? That I was buckling under the weight of the knowledge that a Godmodding War would cause trillions of lives to be lost?

I couldn't give him a good answer so I did the next best thing: run back towards the Boombotbox, and Office Space it some more. At the time, it seemed a good idea. I just wanted JOE to stop talking to me. I couldn't handle it. Not then.

Some time later, I sat in a tent, trying to read the last bits of the GameFAQ ([5.2]: The Unsung.)


+2 @Enerald_Mann
Boombotbox returned to the scrap from which it came.

[5.2] The Unsung
I've already given most of the discussion of this topic, but even though great epics will be written about even the most tangential battles of the Godmodding War, there are those who will be forgotten. The Unsung. There is no one there to chronicle their stories. The millions and trillions and more of warriors fighting in battles splayed across the cosmos by the war's end.
Their plight has always been one that has spoken to me on a deeper level, but sadly, by elevating any of them in song or story you render them above the plight, no longer the Unsung, and you cannot sing every song, no matter how hard you try. Some HAVE tried. The great Muse of the Shattering Falls became famous for singing the songs of the unsung, elevating as many as she could to the vaulted ranks of the lauded after the end of the war with the last Delta+.
In the end, remember that although the stories and tales of your war will last almost forever through the history of the Void, there are those who will be forgotten. Shed a tear for those who are forgotten, given nothing but shallow graves in exchange for their power lent to a cause greater than themselves.

17/20 HAMR Time
5/20 Pro IRL

+1 to @plague126 and @DCCCV (Tag me if you give me +1s.)

Redstone jumps up at the Extra Weapons and uses Super Strength to tear them off.
Extra weapon destroyed.

Official post:
I'm going on a short hiatus for Thanksgiving. Updates will resume Monday, so that's 2 updates we'll be missing.

In return, everyone gets a third post! Go wild.
Gobble gobble gobble.

4/20 A Thing
11/20 Personal Space Invaders

Emerald fires a generic Hadouken at the Terror Ravager Bot for his third post of the round
10000 damage to the Ravager Bot.


I show the Skeleton bone meal, he is horrified at what people would do to his skeletal companions to help plant growth, I then reveal that he is bone meal, there is now a giant bowl of bone meal where the Skeleton was.

14/20 Tools +1 from JOE
14/20 For JOE
+1 JOE +1 Talist
Skeleton replaced with bowl of bonemeal. Specials changed to reflect this horrifying chain of events.

+1 @Enerald_Mann ; +1 @EternalStruggle
5/5 Call a "Friend"
I summon: The Engineer! He'll construct sentries every few turns.
7/20 [ARF] (+1 from Enerald_Mann; +1 from EternalStruggle)

I type in this incredibly hard to read color.
And continue to type in it.
And then send all these letters on a stealth mission to attack the Godmodder.
Engineer summoned!

The Godmodder fails to see the attack coming, even with his fourth wall powers.
1 damage dealt to the Godmodder. 5% distance gained. benevolentEnigma gains a +10 charge token.

black is pretty easy to read actually. try like, Grey or dark olive or a custom colour or something if your really going for difficulty to read .
Why are you helping the enemy.

Its all your fault JOEbob.

I deflect the pyramid's attacks into the pyramid.

Wait, let's back up a bit. Before I do that, I grab a much-needed weapons upgrade. Now, the Multicannon Pistol is already a versatile weapon, but its still, well, a pistol. So I replace my current Multicannon with an upgraded variant, the Modular Multicannon. The Modular Multicannon adds even more versatility to the formula with the addition of the ability to switch modes. With the press of a button, it turns from a pistol into a rifle, increasing the weapon's firepower and accuracy. And if you need to fight in close combat, another button press turns the barrel of the rifle into an energy blade.

I also pick up two upgrades for it. The first is a variant energy blade, the Force Blade. Basically, it's like a knockback shot, but in sword form, sacrificing raw damage for the ability to deliver huge knockback. The other is a ammo type that converts a gauss rifle into a plasma rifle. As it turns out, yes, there are cases where energized plasma is the best weapon type.

So with the Force Blade equipped, I track the pyramid's launched fireball, boost into its path, and hit it with a baseball swing, deflecting it into the pyramid. This isn't even hard when the fireball moves slower than the average humanoid running speed.

The fireball flies back into the pyramid, at a higher speed than when it was first launched. But before it can detonate on the pyramid, a shield pops up, and the fireball is bounced back again, this time even faster.

Well, advanced ballistics calculation systems mean that it's nearly impossible to not deflect the fireball. But as it keeps getting deflected back and bounced back by the pyramid's shields, it begins to start moving fairly quickly.

After eight impacts on the shield, I decide with a good degree of certainty that no, it isn't a boss you can beat by bouncing the fireball into it until it stops deflecting. So the next time I deflect the fireball into the shield, I immediately switch from blade mode to rifle mode, and charge up to full strength. As soon as the fireball bounces off the shield, the fireball is then immediately hit by a knockback shot, and bounced back into the pyramid. The shield flickers, but breaks, having insufficient time to regenerate from the last impact. The fireball flies into the pyramid and detonates, blowing bricks out of the pyramid's surface.

I'm only going to need to do this 5 more times before the pyramid enters its next stage.

9/10 Small Project
1/10 Another Project
+2 @EternalStruggle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently equipped to Tracer.
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
Pyramid's attack reflected back at it.

The Destroy the Godmodder GameFAQ played a big role in making the person I am today. It gave me a greater understanding of what was at stake, and what needed to be done if this battle was to be won.

I realized that we were all playing into The Godmodder's hands. He was more or less in control of the whole situation. We've been slowly pushing him back, but in what direction? He could eventually lead us to a location which is favourable to him, and wipe all of us out. We needed to know where exactly we were trying to go.

I also knew that pretty much the entirety of the Void now knew that a Godmodder was here on this planet. We could assume that they would come to the conclusion that the Godmodder was a bad dude, but of course, we weren't exactly good people either. Our story so far didn't look good, we had invaded a person's territory, wrecked his stuff, and had counted within our numbers a worshiper of a dark god and a creature of the warp. As much as it pained me to admit it, we needed to clean up our act, improve our public image, to make sure everyone knew which side to cheer for. In other words, we needed a propaganda campaign.

Another thing that bothered me was the amount of deaths in this battle so far. Our turnover rate for non-descended participants was amazingly high. We would need to find out a way to keep people from dying. We had the technology, after all. This is the void, and like the GameFAQ said, any technology would work here.

Of course, I couldn't do all of this myself. At the time, I had put up unconscious limits to my power. I could only do so much before I encountered a mental block that would arbitrarily tell me "no, you can't do that." This turned out to be okay, since I knew the importance of delegating tasks.

Summoning a laptop, I got onto the voidnet and broadcasted a message to the people in the upper atmosphere.

"Hello, hello. I am one of the people facing the Godmodder on the surface of the planet below you. I am requesting your assistance in mapping out the landmasses. Your assistance will be appreciated."

There. With that sent out, we were one step closer to ending this conflict.

14/20 CHARGE SLOT 1 +1 from Redstone
08/20 CHARGE SLOT 2 +2 from Emerald

+2 @Enerald_Mann
I'm going to have to make an actual map now, aren't I?

The Agatian Republic, the only group that seems to be doing even halfway decently up in the space battle beams down a map.
It's hard to make out exactly where your battle is going to take you, but it looks like the pillars are lined up such that, if current trends continue, after marching through the desert, you'll be passing over the arctic region, then crossing an ocean, then some VERY dense jungle, up through an enormous mountain range, through a small continent's worth of off-and-on volcanic activity, through some sort of dead spot and then...
Oh jeez that's a big fortress.

As the Bloodthirster flew across the battlefield, flickering phantoms emerged in its wake. Afterimages of lost Heldrakes and Doomfires, ghosts of ghosts. The Chaos strike craft swept in from all sides, deftly avoiding the spinning blades of the Ravager Bot during their assault. The bombers unleashed their payloads in low altitude dives, ordnance designed to destroy mile long starships, now enhanced with more than one kind of reality twisting energy. The bombs were dropped practically by the ton, hit after hit scorching the surface of the foe badly, even as its armor endured the punishing blows.

The bat-like Heldrakes naturally took a closer, more personal touch. Their screeches were accompanied by the heavy staccato rhythm of their mouth-mounted autocannons, light shells smashing into the already damaged plates one after the other. They actually landed on the surface of the mighty Terror, and swiftly used their more potent weaponry. Piston-driven claws greedily tore into the elite enemy, taking chunks however small out of their armor with fierce strength. In this manner, the corrupted flyers exacted their bloody toll through use of numbers, only stopping their frenzied strikes when the fighters faded out of existence entirely, the weak energies and reality splits of the Bloodthirster unable to let them remain and deal noticeable damage for long.

Third Of The Triad: 14/20.
Weapons of War: 5/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @Crusher48
14000 damage to the ravager bot.

18/20 HAMR Time
6/20 Pro IRL

+1 to @plague126 and @DCCCV (Tag me if you give me +1s.)

Redstone dunks a moon from 500 miles on the Terror Ravager Bot.
We'll assume this is a very small moon and doesn't get intercepted by the orbital defenses. 13000 damage.

13/15 Expectation. (+10 Charge for third post)
3/10 Unexpectation.

+2 to the next person to interpret what Media looks like, given that she looks exactly like what you'd expect her to look like.

Media asks the Hyperstorm to describe her true appearance. While it attempts to do this, her visage rapidly changes, according to the expectation of those around it. This places a lot of stress on the Hyperstorm's processing facilities, presumably making attacks on it come more easily.
15000 damage to the Hyperstorm.

3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(4} 4/20 ?!??!?
(12} 12/20 Another one rides the bus
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+2 @JOEbob

I dunno, I guess I cHANSAW the TOG II* some more. Heal him up nice and good.

Also, the whole guide has been read? Really?
I just look over the whole thing one more time, in its entirety.

Also also, I interpret Media's appearance as a large orange rock, spherical and hollow. Inside, there are tons of angry Antifa members. They're angry because they can't breath. There are also a bunch of tentacles all over it. They aren't Media's tentacles though...

Hey, you never said I had to guess properly.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I've just been informed that I've misinterpreted the statement 'she looks exactly like what you'd expect her to look like.' RIP me, I guess.
You must spend a post converting the Chansaw into the cHANSAW.

[7] In Conclusion
There are a lot of hard truths to swallow about the nature of these Godmodding Conflicts, but hopefully what I've written here will help you acclimatize to the realities of fighting one of the largest wars the Multiverse will ever see.

You know what would be useful right now? A defensive entity. The Arcane Repair Beacon is rather fragile for its utility, and it would just not do to see it destroyed.

Meet the HARDS, or Hardened Adaptive Reactive Defense System. It's basically an enclosure that can deploy around a target to give them a protective shell. Unlike regular targets, it is designed to mitigate damage rather than just tank it, making it partially effective against attacks that would breach whatever it's protecting. It is given orders to protect the Arcane Repair Beacon.

Health: 50000
Attack: 0
Defensive Countermeasures: Through a combination of armor, shielding, and point defense, the HARDS reduces all damage against it, as well as any damage that would hit the target it is bodyguarding, is reduced by 50%. However, status effects ignore this.

10/10 Small Project
4/10 Another Project (+1 somebody)
+2 @EternalStruggle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently equipped to Tracer.
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
The HARDS will not have the ability to halve damage against itself, but other than that, added.

17/? even newer stuff +2 TOG
2/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG
"Another thing that bothered me was the amount of deaths in this battle so far. Our turnover rate for non-descended participants was amazingly high. We would need to find out a way to keep people from dying. We had the technology, after all. This is the void, and like the GameFAQ said, any technology would work here."
"you know, I aaaam working on that. the bun engineers are starting with keeping other buns from dieing (because its easier to keep morale up that way) and are going to work on keeping Anyone from dieing when they get the chance."
"Uuugh, my head..."
"What just happened?"

anyway, my action would be adding in more engineers, but the hyperstorm is Dangerous. I don't like it, and it is going to have to die.
the taint spot I added to the HS-SN spreads. while it cannot transform any of the materials (due to them being metal) it's magic system meshes with all magic parts of the HS-SN, turning them tainted, causing them to both be difficult to clear and spread the taint themselves. a taintickle sprouts from one of them, and begins covering the HS-SN with smaller tendrils. the tendrils themselves aren't that dangerous, but they'll make the ship much less aerodynamic and make it crash if its engines aren't improved beyond their usual efficiency.

16000 damage to the Hyperstorm.

The Terror Ravager Bot whirls and smashes into the egg fleet flagship, dealing a whopping 100000 damage to it. The Pyramid launches a fireball, but it is redirected at itself by crusher, but due to the fact that the pyramid is not a valid target for the redirection while outside of the 50% distance marker, it hits the Terror instead. 40000 damage. The darksteel golems all band together and perform a dark magic ritual that downs one of the egg fleet battleships. The Jury polish off the repair portal, killing it.

The Dark Dragon uses tendrils on the street fighter once more, inflicting 2 more stacks of corruption and 10000 damage. The Light dragon finds itselff completely unable to heal any of the targets given to it, so it heals the disciple. "Thank you, but it was not needed." the buns come close to completion of the portal. Maybe the buns will be back in action soon? The physicist bun heals the engineer buns off radiation poisoning.

The Disciple of Psi continues watching the battlefield with interest. The TOGII blasts another 21000 hit points off of the terror ravager bot. The Bad Thing has one half of its attack dodged by the Supernova, and the other half deals 5000 damage to the TOGII.

The Hyperstorm expends all of its bombs and bombs out 4 of the Terror Ravager Bot's weapons. It then uses Encryption on the Ravager Bot, dealing an astounding 80000 damage to it in one shot. It completely fails to encrypt anything though. The egg fleet deals out 25000 damage to the Ravager Bot. The Pixel Swarm delays its attack until after the Street Fighter. The Drake, spurred on by TOG's speech, deals 25000 damage to the Terror Ravager Bot, and the technocratic invasion force doles out 20K damage as well. The Bloodthirster brutalizes two members of the jury into submission, and the arcane repair beacon drops a stack of arcane repair on the egg fleet flagship.

The Street Fighter uses Curb Stomp on the Bundle of Carrots, opening it up for an autocritted 64K damage from the pixel swarm. The Bowl of Bonemeal, lacking attacking capacities, instead opts to heal up the arcane repair beacon with its restorative properties for full. The New Kid uses Double Turn, and then deals 18000 damage to the Ravager Bot and 9000 to the Pyramid and 1000 damage to each of the darksteel golems. The engineer tinkers on a sentry. The HARDS was not given orders this round and so idles.

The godmodder looks up and realizes that the Terror Ravager Bot is not long for this world. So it's time for some subtle total annihilation of his enemies. He expends the Sword chucks and goes on a rampage through the AG forces, dealing 15000 damage to every entity in a horrifying display that's probably too gory to even describe in text. This kills nothing and the Godmodder decides to finish it up by throwing the now-mostly-destroyed swordchucks straight at the arcane repair beacon, dealing 45000 more damage to it.

No deaths have taken place since last round, so the AGs still have the advantage. +5% distance.

The Stranger gets their +10 for making post #3.

Destroy the Godmodder!
Destroy the new Terror!
Keep the Supernova alive!
Kill the assorted PG entities.

Distance: 60%

Main Battlefield:
Terrain: Sand Dunes (no effect)

Entity Advantage: [AG]

The Godmodder [PG]: Hp: 83/100. Oilstone [A] Electrostaff [A] Lúin [A] Ides [A] Disease By Vaccine [A].
Terror Ravager Bot [PG][BOSS]: Hp: 33,500/900,000. Extra Weapons x3: 10,000/10,000. Whirling Death: 2/3. Rain of Death:6/6.
Pyramid [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 282,000/500,000. Only around from 40-60% distance. Fireball: 1/2. bad jokes 3 rounds.
Darksteel Golems x4 [PG]: Hp: 14,500/40,000. 5 AC.
Boombot drones [PG - JOEbob]: x91,000 Hp: 1/1. 4/8 Critical Existence Failure.
Bomb bot Hp: 30,000/30,000. Explosion: 3/3.
The Jury x4 [PG]: Hp: 15,500/20,000. radiation poisoning
Dark Dragon [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 78,000/130,000. Dominance: 5/5. Corruption Spreads: 5/6.
Light Dragon [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 82,000/130,000. Heal Aura: 3/3. Dominance: 5/5.
Bunny Burrow [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 150,000/150,000.
Engineer Buns x6 Hp: 5,000/5,000 25% dodge chance. 91% Bun Portal construction.
Physicist Bun [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 15,000/15,000. 66% dodge chance. 1/3 Insightful. 1/7 Science As Attire.
Bundle of Carrots Hp: 6,000/100,000. radiation poisoning.
JOEbob [PG - Player]: Hp: 19/20. 1 AC. Predator Armor [A] 1/5 uses. Juggernaut armor [A] 6/8 HP. 4/4 Shields
The Disciple of Psi [???]: Hp: ???
TOG II* [N - TOG]: Hp: 19,000/80,000.
Bad Thing [N - ExistenceSuccess]: Hp: 17,000/30,000. The Joke: 1/1. Is Dead: 3/3. Butterfly Effect: 5/5. radiation poisoning.
TOG [N - Player]: Hp: 20/20. Chansaw [A] Durability: 19/20.
Hyperstorm Supernova [AG - crusher][Elite]: Hp: 158,000/200,000. Dodge pool: 0,000/40,000. Encryption: 1/2. Weath Overload: 3/3. Bombs built: 15K/90K. 3 arcane repair stack
Daemonette [AG - eternalstruggle]: Hp: 48,000/66,000. 25% dodge. Plot Armor.
Egg Fleet Flagship [AG - eternalstruggle]: Hp: 38,000/175,000. Send In The Next Wave 2/3. Comes Crashing Down: 5/5. 1 arcane repair.
Egg Fleet Battleship x3 Hp: 25,000/30,000
Pixel Swarm [AG - DCCCV]: Hp: 5,000/64,000.
CV-309 Drake [AG - I Just Write]: Hp: 48,000/70,000 Main Battery: 50,000/50,000. Engines x2: 10,000/10,000. 10000 regen.
Technocratic Invasion Force [AG - I Just Write]: Hp: 100,000/100,000. 20K regen. radiation poisoning.
Bloodthirster [AG - eternalstruggle]: Hp: 43,000/80,000. Bad Jokes 3 rounds
Arcane Repair Beacon [AG - crusher]: Hp: 20,000/80,000
Street Fighter [AG - DCCCV]: Hp: 234,000/300,000. 0/80000 to speed limit. Curb Stomp: 1/3. (Literally) Hitting the Road: 4/4. Corruption 4 stacks. radiation poisoning. arcane repair 1 stack.
Earworm [AG - DCCCV]: Hp: 58,000/75,000.GET IT OUT GET IT OUT: 3/6.
Bowl of Bonemeal [AG - enerald][Elite]: Hp: 49,000/80,000. Regrowth: 2/3. Whiteout: 2/5.
The New Kid [AG - plague]: Hp: 85,000/100,000. stunned 1 round.
Engineer [AG - Enigma]: Hp: 10,000/25,000. Sentry: 1/2.
HARDS [AG - crusher]: Hp: 35,000/50,000.

Museum (sidequest)
cemetery, armory.
Kingbun copy [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 10,000/10,000. 90% dodge.

Dragon Core: owner: eternalstruggle. 2 uses left.
Stoneskin Hide: owner: DCCCV. 6/6 Ready.
Nuclear Core: owner: I Just Write. 1 use left.

Hezetor. 3 posts
Gutza1. 3 posts
Chimera: 3 posts
Eternal Struggle:
I just write.
Twinbuilder: 3 posts
Randomname: 3 posts
CrownlessKing: 1 post
ArcticArchiver: 3 posts
helldivercommand: 3 posts
KuraHyena: 2 posts
Tam Lin: 3 posts
rougesteelprojec: 3 posts
lytea: 1 post
The Blue Knight
benevolentEngma: 1 post

existence success
W32Coravint: 1 post
tricklejest: 1 post
heirolight: 3 posts
Darkside: 3 posts
TOG: Drizzle
fakerssundery: 2 posts
The Stranger

JOEbob. 5 round cooldown.
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18/? even newer stuff
3/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG
response to godmodder saying: 'Why are you helping the enemy.'
"...what are you talking about? I haven't done any such thing...?"
"Given your timing, I assume this is related to that guy attacking you, but I didn't help him at all! I was busy attacking the supernova!"

"Foreshadowing intensifies =]"
"Why do I keep getting headaches? this is absurd!"
If supernova.alive= true, return "I charge the supernova, dropping waves of light on it.
wait, what is light made of?
light is waves?
but I don't know what that means- I have learned nothing.
but if a physicist says light is waves, its true- why not when I do?
Words have no intrinsic meaning- what do I mean when I say light is waves?
It would appear it refers mainly to a password disguised as knowledge.
what does waves mean to a physicist?
it probably has an equation associated with it, most things in physics do.
what would that equation be?
the wave equation is complicated and I'm not sure which one I'm going with.
I now, at least, am aware of my own lack of knowledge.
the map is not the territory- this new "knowledge" is not a fact of the world. it is more of a warning that though my map has no flaming pits, that does not make a blind leap safe.
the supernova, meanwhile, didn't know this stuff, so it figured the waves of light would be like waves of water, and evaporate if it set its own hull on fire... it didn't work and the hull got burnt, sooooo I guess this attack worked."
I proceed to break down crying about the emperor bun's apparently permanent death. he was too cute to die!
humans go to [afterlife name] in at least some worlds. my world has one too, I've just been out in other worlds that I forgot that it'd apply.
the emperor bun was my summon.
it therefore is subject to the rules of my world.
so, yes, it is dead.
no, this is not permanent- its just a very firm slap on the wrist. I'll get him back someday. Someday.
Entity orders:

Light dragon. heal aura on dark dragon and carrot bundle. if you have less HP then dark dragon, instead of casting heal aura on him, do not use it at all- use the heal effect thing on the darksteel golems. then, if you have more health then the dark dragon, use dominance.
Dark dragon. if you have less health then light dragon, use dominance. otherwise, use shadow tendrils on street fighter.
Bomb bot, expload.
physicist bun idles.
engineer buns. finish portal, any buns left over work on producing a generator to power it, or if it already has power, on producing a generator to allow it to work more quickly. specifically, 25% more quickly.
if the portal does not suffer from summoning sickness (like the engineer buns, when they where summoned by the emperor), then it portals in some bun worshipers (they pray to the god of the blaz'tndr clan and he gives them blessings)
Pyramid has 4 bomb things that orbit it, and piono didn't say those got removed when I made the pyramid a thing so... it can also control the bombs.
Pyramid sends one bomb to the Hyperstorm supernova.
though I've probably spent too long in the museum for it to be worth it by now, I check for anything about chambers before leaving.
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Well, the ship is under attack from both JOE and a new force that has just appeared, complete with a changing appearance that is giving everyone headaches.

You know what? I'm tired of this. JOE has wrecked my engines, he's maybe related to the blightsteel colossus that also wrecked my engines, and he's not going to stop until my ship goes down.

That would be a fairly accurate description, yes. Now, what do we do about it?

First off, I'm going to educate him. Not just about what a laser is, but just in general. His biggest weapon is apparently the fact that he has no clue what he's doing when he fires his attacks.

Annabelle proceeds to beam a bunch of information into JOE's head. This operation was on the tip of the border between communications telepathy (which is extremely difficult to block, and often pointless to block) and offensive telepathy (which is much easier to block, and would probably fail outright against a Descendant). In this case, were any other psion trying to do it, JOE would probably have blocked it. But Annabelle managed to push past JOE's defenses just enough to beam the information into him, and his attack malfunctions on account of him knowing what light is. Since it was explicitly light (and just normal light, after JOE's revelation reveals that no, light is not a gigantic wave of death), it does absolutely nothing to the Supernova's armor, and Annabelle doesn't even have to dodge it.

Then, she throws out a challenge.

Alright, JOE. If you want to fight me, fight me on the ground. One on one, no allies. Do you have what it takes?

I believe the technical term for this is a "STRIFE", Annabelle. I read something in this world's legal codes about it. Not completely sure.

I'll go with it. JOE, I challenge you to a STRIFE!

Annabelle ejects from the Supernova, and lands on foot. She decides to try to go for an intimidating look, pulling out her twin swords (yes, actual swords, with a ridiculous amount of enchantments on them), and then deploying her two plasma pistols to hover near her head.

I feel like I should clarify the terms of engagement. He's not going to engage in a normal STRIFE because then we could just pull the Supernova into the STRIFE and destroy him. I've beamed the terms of engagement to you, and to JOE.

Whatever, I can work with these.

  • No entities may be brought into the STRIFE. However, artifacts are allowed.
  • Outside of the STRIFE, a truce is held. Crusher48 and JOEBob may not attack each other's entities outside of the strife, whether through actions or their own entities.
  • Breaking either of the above two rules by either party results in those rules being rescinded by both parties.
  • Annabelle is treated as Crusher48 for all intents and purposes in the duel, despite not quite being Varos/Crusher48. If she dies, Crusher48 will be forced to sit in an interdimensional "penalty box" for the period where he would normally be respawning.
  • The winner of the STRIFE will receive 10 charge points from the other player, in the form of 5 +2 assists.

Oddly, this doesn't impact the capabilities of the Supernova. Even though she is on the ground and preparing to fight, Annabelle has enough capability to multitask that she can still control the Supernova. She wouldn't be able to do it for long normally, but when the STRIFE kicks up, the rules of the STRIFE (and/or her talent for having a ridiculously high endurance in the psychic plane) would somehow allow it to continue for the duration of the STRIFE, making it as if the Supernova's pilot was still in the cockpit.

Entity Orders:
Supernova: Shoot the Terror Ravager Bot, and also drop some bombs on it. If it's dead, pick something that isn't controlled by JOEBob and shoot and bomb it.
ARB: Target the Supernova. It's going to need some repairs, even if it's primary threat accepts the duel.
HARDS: Just keep defending the ARB for now.

5/10 Another Project
1/20 Plan B
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently equipped to Tracer.
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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