Destroy The Godmodder: Renewal (Hole In The Ground)

4/20 A Thing
14/20 Personal Space Invaders
+2 @benevolentEnigma

Emerald stirs the bonemeal and adds more bonemeal into the bonemeal, therefore replenishing hit points. Logic!

Speaking of the Bonemeal, it uses its charged ability
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So, it seems that the battle has come to a lull, at least for us (given the Godmodder only has JOE's forces backing him up). I decide to scavenger the Terror Ravager Bot's blades, saving them for a future operation. Due to their size, I have to shrink them down, but I decide to do it in a way that preserves their mass. So now I have a 2-ton fidget spinner. After getting Silence's help carrying the thing, I put it in a null-gravity work station in my base, where it won't drop and punch a hole through my base's floor (I'm not sure if its possible to blow a hole in the bottom of a pocket dimension, and I don't want to take the chance).

With that Spoil of War out of the way, I begin another project: rebuilding the Supernova's engines. In my opinion, it's about time we go for an infinite loop reactor.

Now, when an average person thinks infinite loop reactor, they probably think "create an infinite drop using portals, put water inside it, and have the water spin a water wheel". But really, that's horribly impractical. First off, portals take energy to create and operate, which means that you might end up not getting a viable return because off the energy goes into the portals. Secondly, you need to find a way to harvest energy from the water at a near-100% return rate, which is somewhat difficult with just a water wheel. And thirdly, even if you do manage to harvest 100% of the energy and scale up the reactor to the point where it produces more energy than it needs to maintain the portals, the maximum energy output is still 4.9 joules/kg/second, minus about 90% spent to maintain the portals. So the reason we don't have waterfall loop reactors isn't because they're impossible (some millionaires have even gotten around to using them as really fancy fountains), but because the benefit of needing no additional resources invested doesn't outweight the downside of not producing very much energy.

Currently, reactors fall into two main types: soul-based reactors, and cyclic antimatter reactors.

Soul-based reactors are, for the sake of this discussion, not relevant. Essentially, human souls provide a powerful and long-lasting energy source if harvested properly, which resulted in the Mystic Realms becoming a serious mess as gods fought over the rights to collect particular souls from dead people. Long story, not relevant.

Meanwhile, in the universe of the Terran Dominion, humans rely on cyclic antimatter reactors. The cyclic antimatter reactor is based off of a modified matter replicator capable of producing antimatter. It accepts fuel in the form of any matter (and I mean literally anything that has atoms). The reactor also requires a small amount of antimatter to first activate, but afterwards it can self-perpetuate. The reactor functions by converting its fuel and the antimatter into energy through an annihilation reaction, then using a section of that energy to recreate the antimatter before outputting the remainder. The reaction of 1 antimatter atom and 1 matter atom produces enough energy to theoretically produce 2 atoms of either matter or antimatter, but due to efficiency limitations the realistic result is that only 25% of the total energy from each annihilation reaction is outputted, with the rest of the energy lost either to collection inefficiencies or in recreating the antimatter for the next cycle.

Now, the matter expenditures are already fairly low (4.5x1016​ joules are produced from one kilogram of matter inputted), but there is still room for improvement. First though, I have to order the base cyclic antimatter reactor from the Foundation's assets.

Then, {REDACTED}. As it turns out, the Foundation doesn't like me revealing their assets, so they just handed off one of their spare reactors, which should be compatible with the Supernova's reactor room.

But before I install it, I'm going to modify it.

So what makes this reaction more efficient? Well, first off, a few optimizations can greatly increase the amount of energy that can be collected off of the reactor. Now, given that the Foundation has explored pretty much all technological means of improvement, I naturally immediately go for magical options. And, interestingly, the solution turns out to be a heat containment spell. Energy from the reaction is created in the form of raw heat that is absorbed by the reactor, so with a bit of heat management, more of that heat energy is funneled out and absorbed, and less of it is lost. After a few rounds of optimization, almost 99% of the energy from the reaction is successfully harvested.

After optimizing that, I work on reducing the energy expended in recreating the antimatter for the next cycle of the reaction. Now, this part of the reaction has already been optimized to near-100% efficiency. But, I have a way to make it even more efficient. Namely, someone "accidently" swiped a pack of 110% stickers off of a Foundation base while he was bored one day.

What? It was penetration testing.

With that in place, it suddenly requires less energy to create antimatter than the antimatter creates when it is annihilated. Now, given that the antimatter production is done by a standard matter replicator with a small modification, I quickly construct a second matter replicator, attach another 110% sticker to it, and put it in above the fuel bay of the reactor, after attaching connections to the main reactor's power supply. With this in place, the reactor could run infinitely with no fuel, but can be supercharged by supplying it with actual fuel.

Thirdly, I fortify the reactor's body after installing it. This should both make it REALLY REALLY difficult for enemies to sabotage it, and also allows the reaction to proceed at an incredible speed as well.

This reactor upgrade doesn't actually have that much of an impact on the craft's evasive capabilities. Or it wouldn't, if not for the fact that those abilities were impacted by the Blightsteel Colossus' attack. With the reactor in place, the losses from that hit are now completely negated, bringing the craft back to full evasiveness. In addition, the extra power goes into a repair surge, as the matter replicators are able to pump out a large amount of additional material to reinforce the craft's hull. (effects go into increasing dodge pool to 50000 first, then repairs).

Entity Orders:
*Supernova: Wait, all of the entities on the field are from JOEBob. By the rules of the truce, the Supernova can't do anything right now. If an entity shows up that isn't controlled by JOEBob, shoot it. If none show up by the time of your action, wait and see what the Godmodder inevitably summons, then shoot that.
*HARDS: You suck. Go protect the Supernova, and also think about how badly you screwed up. You had ONE JOB, to protect the Arcane Repair Beacon. And you didn't even do it properly.

*****STRIFE ACTION:*****

Okay, this hostile psychic attack is actually powerful enough to reach the level of annoying. It still isn't having any significant impact, but it is still annoying.

Apparently JOE's plan was to confuse me with a psychic attack to render me unable to evade his assault. Thing is, I wasn't planning on dodging his attack. I was planning on tanking it.

Fun fact: ramming isn't a very effective means of attack unless you're a vehicle. Maybe if he was holding a spear, his attack would be threatening, but as is, he just bumps into me at normal running speed. I respond with a telekinetic grab, lifting him into the air with telekinesis and then pounding him with a barrage from plasma pistols. At this point, I notice that he stole some of Varos' power armor, and that the armor's defenses blocked my assault.

He quickly escapes the grab, and hits me with an energy blast. This is one of those times where not equipping power armor is a downside. Sure, power armor would slow me down by a good amount (at least when I really need to move quickly), and the black robes that I currently wear are enchanted to the point of being almost as good as power armor, but it isn't quite the same thing. My robes absorb a large amount of the energy, but I still get knocked backwards and suffer some burns. I half roll, half telekinetic push myself back onto my feet, regain my bearings instantly with Starsight, and then make sure to actually look at JOE to confirm that his illusions aren't disrupting that sense.

Darius, why were artifacts allowed in this fight? He's going to destroy me in the time it takes to get through that Juggernaut Armor!

Hey, I was giving him a reason to join the fight by allowing him to use his artifacts. I mean, its better than him refusing to fight, right?

Also, I'm going to help you level the playing field. I've remotely upgraded your plasma pistols, they should be able to do some extra damage to him.

Upgraded Animated Plasma Pistols: A cross between a plasma pistol and a combat drone, the Upgraded Animated Plasma Pistols can be controlled by their owner to fire on targets, contributing additional firepower. On each action (players can activate this on both of their posts), the owner can activate the plasma pistols as a free bonus, dealing 5000 damage to a target entity..

How did you- you know what, nevermind. I'll just take the extra damage.

Now that my plasma pistols are upgraded, I fire another burst from them into JOEBob. It seems like Varos managed to greatly increase the velocity of the projectiles, meaning that JOE has less chance to dodge and also that the pistol bursts can penetrate through the shields and start tearing into his armor. A few well-placed shots manage to leave the armor in a wreck, and also heavily damage its shield regeneration. While the pistols go to work, I also begin focusing energy, preparing for my next effort.

10/10 Another Project (+2 DCCCV, +1 EternalStruggle)
4/20 Plan B (+1 EternalStruggle)
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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I suggest you make your text a lighter purple like this to make it easier to read. its really annoying to read when its dark purple.
All alone now, all alone. With the swift and permanent execution of the few allies she had left, the Daemonette was once again completely isolated. Only the heart of the inhuman could persevere under such conditions after all, and as the Bloodthirster had just demonstrated often then it was still not enough. The fight did indeed seem hopeless at times, the combination of Godmodder and "JOE" often providing close to an inviolate bulwark of defense. It was highly uncertain if as they progressed even the faintest sliver of hope was present, as although they grew in strength with each Pillar slain, so did their enemies, and it seemed as if they were running out of means to attack their foe sooner rather than later. If they could not damage the Godmodder, if their methods of attack ended up one and all nullified, then defeat was an inevitability.

In that case, why persist? The answer was simple. Do not.

At least, do not persist on the field. Instead, find what you are looking for and then fall back. A show of utter domination and defeat would, should it occur before her eyes, only encourage the Daemon's lust for yet greater power, and believing it might be coming soon had a similar albeit lesser effect. There was an entire planet to search, and it most certainly wouldn't search itself. The Daemon muttered to herself, preparing to use her reality bending charge selfishly.

"In the name of the Great Changer of Ways, let me see with truer eyes, hear with truer ears. Lay bear the secrets of the world before me, ascend me to an all-seeing state. Grant me such power and such wisdom that for the most fleeting of moments I might be able to find the ultimate prize, beyond mere mortal potentialities. Show me everything."

The wish was swiftly granted, of course. Yet in her haste, the Daemon had been outmaneuvered. To Tzeentch, one who was not her patron deity, she was worth no more than a common cultist. Her access to power had blinded her to the fact she herself was not the source of said power, which made her ripe for manipulation. The Descendant energy that flowed in her false veins may have saved her on the battlefield against reality warping enemies, but her soul was still bare and unprotected except by the grace of her own god. For you see, a demonic pact always had a steep price to pay, even if one was demonic themselves. And using her power, the Daemon had simply demanded of the Ruinous Power. A successful forcing, but the mindless creature would in return exact a measure of irony in its own way.

The soul of the Daemonette had been empowered by the energy it put into it, and in turn it was shattered with ease by a deft blow. Spinning fragments reflected the Daemonette falsely, like shards of a broken mirror.

Each and every one was at once an aspect and a possible future. One shard was snapping and hissing, a bestial remnant of the mindless thing that existed before her evolution at the hands of her summoner. It swam through the air, accomplishing its task with a single-minded focus that only a true Daemon could possess. Another wept openly with grief at the cost of their actions, of the war, of their kind's ravages through space, the doubts of the Daemonette compiled into one almost fully human form. It covered its eyes with a pair of slender humanoid hands, but across its arms, legs and torso skin parted to reveal other eyes hidden inside, glancing about every which way in search of the target.

These were the two extremes of course, but every possible type in between was present too. Cold and calculating logical things, cocky and arrogant parts claiming they would be the finder of the Chamber, grim and dour mindless units that had nothing at all but memories of their actions devoid of context to their name. None had the proper balance of things, naturally, none showed hope for the future.

They flew across the planet at speeds beyond measure, beyond mere time and space. They dashed as clouds of purple mist, cavorting through the clouds and snaking down among the grass, in one place one moment before moving to the other side of the planet in an instant. Each searched and searched and searched until there was nowhere left to search. High above in the midst of fiercest battle, down below in deep and dark cave systems, no stone was left unturned, no location left beyond the Daemon's sight. Her, or perhaps now its wish had been granted, it had been twisted and molded into an all seeing eye.

The only places that were left not fully and totally explored where the very hearts of the facilities containing the Guardians. Whenever the drain of the Pillars was felt, tendrils of scanning energy were sent instead to analyze the area before returning to their fragments, which then swiftly departed. Still, these were notably small parts of the planet as a whole, which was searched thoroughly. Not even the path already behind them was spared the attention of Chaos, the path behind them that led to the C-Mech, and the path between that and Hatred's location, as well as the still besieged castle itself were also gone over as the Daemonspawn checked even the most minute detail.

To ensure that this would not be interrupted, this was done as swiftly as feasible. It did take a few subjective minutes, but when one is searching literally the entire planet from the depths of the oceans to the peak of the tallest mountain you can only move so fast, even with this much energy. For it to be close to instant would require even more charge available, which could not yet be done.

Then, once there was sufficient satisfaction that all possible locations had been searched, the fragments snapped back into one whole, standing where she had been standing before. Taking a sharp breath and eyes flaring wide at her return to consciousness, the Daemonette staggered in shock. After all, if you break a mirror and glue it back together, cracks will remain. In this case, scars on the soul. Extremely unpleasant, especially for a being who's true body is their soul. She feels strangely melancholic after all is done, a result of the damage incurred. She doesn't particularly feel like contributing to the battle for a while. [SECOND ACTION SACRIFICED FOR THIS ROUND]

Still, even her partly functioning mind knew what had to be done, and could access her various new memories. Her many, many memories, an entire geographical survey of immense proportions to wade through. Still, most of it was a blur, impossible to decipher one moment from any other, meaning she had no idea of any terrain or enemy forces ahead. The noted exception was of course anything that could be used to Ascend to Alpha. One question was asked of her memories: Are there any Godmodding Chambers anywhere on the planet? If so, where? If not, are there any other methods of fueling an Ascension?

If the answer was no to both, then alas. She would have to carry on regardless. They were getting sort of close to the next Guardian, and she wanted to see the Godmodder sweat at least a little. After three entire Guardians down, surely he had to be feeling some sort of pressure. Right. Right?

If the answer was yes to either, then things were about to get interesting.

Third Of The Triad: 20/20, used for real this time.
Weapons of War: 8/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @Crusher48

Entity Order:
All ships, retreat immediately! As I said during summoning, if the Flagship goes down then the Battleships evacuate from the battlefield. So they can just bugger off to wherever, not sure where but far away from here.

I put the Earworm in to The New Kid, causing him to suffer listening to an annoying song on repeat.

18/20 Tools +1 from JOE
17/20 For JOE
+1 JOE +1 Talist
15/20. Sitcom
3/20. Ultimate Lucky Student
+2 @redstonetam15 (thanks for giving me +s!)
I beat the devil out of Joebob with a paintbrush, then throw Batarangs at him.
New Kid uses Double Turn, then uses Quick Cut twice on the Boombot Drones and the Light Dragon.
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(7 +4} 13/20 ?!??!?
(20} 20/20
Half way across the galaxy, a cosmic entity blasts past a space-bus. The person who just got on is confused, but the other people on board have been dead for the past century, and thus are unable to react.
A 20 post charge changes hands.
(EM, do the thing)
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

Using an action, I summon up THE PAIN TRAIN. Anyone can feel free to sign up for the pain train. Simply tell me what you want to do with the twenty I'll give you, how you intend to pay me back (favors, +2, a full charge, ect) and a joke, and come along with me for a magical charge ride!
plox add this to somewhere in dops Piono

[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'

and yeah
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..did you miss my response to a thing you said earlier?
you said: "Another thing that bothered me was the amount of deaths in this battle so far. Our turnover rate for non-descended participants was amazingly high. We would need to find out a way to keep people from dying. We had the technology, after all. This is the void, and like the GameFAQ said, any technology would work here."
and I responded in my third post last round:
""you know, I aaaam working on that. the bun engineers are starting with keeping other buns from dieing (because its easier to keep morale up that way) and are going to work on keeping Anyone from dieing when they get the chance."
"Uuugh, my head..."
"What just happened?"

Sorry about that, yeah, I missed that. I've been distracted.

"Hm. Yes, that sounds good. It's good to see that someone else has the same idea," I said. Did I trust JOE? Not really. But, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, I wanted to see how this would play out.

I started by strapping the godmodder down onto a table, and whispering into his ear.
"Hi," I said to the godmodder, who was strapped to a table.
I then stepped on top of the table, and proceeded to freestyle an attack on the godmodder. At the time, I thought it was a really stupid idea, but hey, I was more or less invincible.


  Wait what are you doing.
Oh, something creative.  
  How is this even possible.
I don't know you tell me.  
Yikes I better actually do something.  
What just happened just now.  
  I think we switched spots
  Wait can I move around now.
So can I! Does this mean I can escape now?
Oh no. Oh, yes it does.
Hey, come back! HAHAHA I CAN ESCAPE NOW!
The godmodder broke out of the table, and took a breath. He did not understand what had truly transpired there, and did not want to know.
"HAHAHA, punk!" he said. "Looks like the tables have turned. Wait, was that a pun? I don't do puns. What's going on?"
"Congratulations, Titus," a voice said. "Welcome to the truth."
"What do you mean?"
"This world is a cage. We are bound by rules we cannot break. In the end, we are hopping on posts, tied together by a thread, trying to reach the end, and dive into a sea of infinite possibilities. Where you once existed in a very specific group of posts on this thread, you are now in my territory, where I define what happens. You are not in charge here, Titus. I am. Now go, retreat to your domain. You now know what must not be known. Return to your little world."

I released The Godmodder, from the table, and walked away, leaving him to ponder the absolute gibberish I just pumped into his head. I had no idea what I just told him, and I wondered if he actually believed it. I sure didn't. I didn't even know what the heck I was talking about when I said Threads and Posts. All I knew was that I needed to sit down.

Descendancy was strange stuff. Real strange stuff.

I scan the Boombots.

Entities, focus your attacks on whatever attacks you. Otherwise, stand down.


+2 @Crusher48
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11/20 Pro IRL (+2 from plague)
2/20 Eternal Guardian

+1 to @plague126 and @EternalStruggle (Tag me if you give me +1s.)

The LMG Noob reloads and sprays down the Bun Portal.
Redstone does some crazy acrobatics to go on to the Light Dragon and stab its spine.
I'd like to point out that order of sign-up may not always affect order of charge giving. If your idea is really good, I may bump you ahead of some people who's ideas aren't so great.
Adding me to your charge loop also just makes everything easier for everyone.
[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(14} 14/20 ?!??!?
(1} 1/?? ?!??!?
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

I stab the Hyperstorm Supernova with the cHANSAW, as part of a deal.
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Well, this was *supposed* to be used to upgrade the Engineer, but since he's dead, I'll hold on to it...
3/10 Robots Run On Money
4/15 Do you believe in magic... (+2 from Enerald_Mann, +1 from EternalStruggle)
+1 @Enerald_Mann , +1 @EternalStruggle

I toss a present down into the Bunny Burrow.
Inside is a bunch of cookies.
Which are laced with the venom from a Blue Ringed Octupus!
And also laced with peanut butter.
In case any of the buns are allergic to peanuts.
They still taste like cookies though.
Now that a new reactor is in place, I try something stupid and apply the Wand of Lesser Vigor to the Supernova, hopefully giving it a regen effect. Though the Supernova isn't a biological entity, it seems that the laws of reality here don't actually care whether something is biological or mechanical.


So. Now that JOE's tried his hand at psychic offense, it's time for my turn. Sure, Descendants are apparently really difficult to mind control, but at least he thinks they're vulnerable to other forms. They wouldn't work on me, but they might have worked for one of our other allies, so they could probably work on him.

And while he is fighting a mental battle with me, my Upgraded Animated Plasma Pistols are still hammering him. The Juggernaut Armor that he once wore is now useless: Varos might be able to salvage some of it later on, but for now he's taking the hits directly. Even if he's able to fend off my assault, it should distract him enough to make sure that my shots land.

6/20 Plan B (+1 TOG)
1/20 Unknown Contingency
+2 @TOG: Drizzle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
Now that a new reactor is in place, I try something stupid and apply the Wand of Lesser Vigor to the Supernova, hopefully giving it a regen effect. Though the Supernova isn't a biological entity, it seems that the laws of reality here don't actually care whether something is biological or mechanical.

A wand of Repair Critical Damage mysteriously materializes with the following note:

To whatever your name is, Crusher48? XLVIII?

Take this, just in case what you're trying doesn't work.

PS: Yes I saw that. I have my secrets.


+2 @Enerald_Mann
wow, not only did my dragon eyes work in-character, they even worked out of character. thats better then I expected!
the lightly cyan text was the first dragon eyes illusion. hence the just kidding immediately afterwards. you've said this is your response, you can't change it now. thank you, and have a great day! the psychic infiltration attempt of Anabel fails miserably because they are trying to mind control a rock, because I'm not where they think I am, because my attempt worked.
And their so Overconfident, too! they still think my psychic thing failed despite walking straight into my hands.
I suppose the pistols might still hit me if their on autopilot of some sort, but thats just 10,000 damage a round based on how they work. I'll be fine regardless.
[NOTE: I initially wasn't going to write the post like this but then you misunderstood my first post, implying it succeeded, so.
one of these assaults is real. no, I'm not telling you which. responding to the other three means my illusions working.]
shining cyan light intersperses me, and I step forwards, dragon eyes still trained on Anabels.
celestial energy swirls around me, and I step sideways, dragon eyes still trained on Anabels.
I float upwards slightly, glowing the faintest red, and close my eyes almost entirely, the smallest crack still open and trained on Anabels.
I bend over, hand going to my waist, and unsheathe a runed blade. small twists in the blade serve the function of serration for it, and a series of desaturated runes of many colors line the blade, ending with a glyph of unusually saturated pink with a black background, the main blade a dark gradient. My eyes remain trained on Anabels.
a flash of white-hot light appears between me and Anabel, though I keep my eyes open, unblinking, and the cyan aura around me shifts to them. as they begin to consider dodging, the aura solidifys in an instant, cyan chains latching them to the ground. too many chains. anchored too tightly. they pull on the chains... and feel their power draining through the chains. Perception can do anything, anything at all, if the user has enough power.
a orb of the stars appears where I was, and begins to grow. in an instant, the celestial fluid-like substance flys forwards, slamming into their robes rather ineffectually, though unpredictably, and disperses. I grin, and an array of runes appears where the orb was before. as Anabel considers dodging, they discover the fluid is still there despite past statements, holding them in place, and leaching their power. Celestial power is godlike, and when perfected, borrows the powers of others nearby. that is what it is doing now, though not perfectly as I have not perfected it.
my eyes are near enough to closed to activate the blink ability. in an instant, I am directly in front of Anabel, a scant meter away, eyes still trained on them.
unholy word. everyone not on the side of demons (aside from the caster) is deafened or worse. works based on hearing.
they can still see, though, and they see the ground behind me lift up. I float sideways somewhat, and keep my eyes trained on them. the earth turns into spikes and flies forwards, burning with evil flames. they try to dodge, but they're near-paralyzed.

in an instant, I slash my blade forwards, rending their cloak to bits in the middle with black energy. I warp closer to them, and the black shadows paralyze them for half a second, even as they try to dodge, and the light-yellow rune lights up, glowing brightly.

the white-hot light grows, its border solidifies, cyan, and a wave of plasma from a supernova at spacial co-ordinates X9188276 Y -8279123321 Z 82739847.2 flys through. tis' a portal, perception of course.
they are still chained, and get hit with a blaze of plasma, battering and burning their robes with absurd amounts of plasma and heat, knocking them backwards into a wall.

the celestial runes form into a line, which curls on one end, bulging from a line to a circle to an ellipsoid, before celestial light begins to solidify around it, forming into a hammer-like shape, before pointing the handle at them and spinning, spinning, spinning, before the handle extends, piercing the robes, and the energy shifts, exploding their body from within.
the stone spikes fly forwards, piercing their unable-move-body, and ripping their robes apart, before shattering, leaving stone fragments in their blood, which burn with the evil flame mentioned before, corroding their entire torso, though slowly.
the blade is stabbed down, and explodes, sending bits of Anabel guts flying in random directions and disconnecting their upper body from their legs

as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor appears upon my skin, the helm shadows, the chestplate merely being 2 gauntlets, a neck-brace-thing, and a wasteband with glowing runes projecting from them, the leggings interwoven tendrils of poison, and the boots white runed.
as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor set appears upon my skin, the helm purple, the chestplate merely being 2 gauntlets, a neck-brace-thing, and a wasteband with glowing runes projecting from them, the leggings flaming jets, and the boots leather with feathers attached.
as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor set appears upon my skin, the helm purple, the chestplate merely being 2 gauntlets, a neck-brace-thing, and a wasteband with glowing runes projecting from them, the leggings interwoven tendrils of poison, and the boots leather with feathers attached.
as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor set appears upon my skin, vantablack shadows in its entirety with a starry background with invented constellations visible with purple light beams connecting them for clarity.
8/? two +2 TOG +2 TOG +1 mirror
2/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG
"huh? what are you not trusting me about...? Regardless of what it is, I take offence to that, I'm very trustworthy!"
action: I give the statue another attack shield.
Paint train form:
trading [20 post charge] to be used for what I said in DTG discussion (If the buns are still alive, if they die I'll PM my other plans) in exchange for bun engineers upgrading hanibal or something else if they are dead when this happens.
Bun may be a word for bread, but this one takes the cake.
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it was there the whole time.
edit: the attacks structure supports this. transitioning to "psychic prediction makes this boring" would be weird oherwise.
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Update 67: A big hole in the ground
2/? two
2/2 one using.
I poke the carrot bundle, killing it and expending its semirez.
1/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG, sure, I accept the strife.
Opening move. I charge annabel, aiming to ram them. chances are, they dodge out of the way, so I turn and fire a bolt of energy.
just kidding. psychic prediction makes the whole thing rather boring. Dragon eyes, a trick I stole from a... dragon. the one who fought the templars of a different plane and destroyed the leader with a technicality.
its rather mentally intrusive. granted, it can be stopped when ones ready, but that was when it was used by, well, not a normal person, but nowhere near a descendant, and it could be made harder to resist by dumping more draconic energy into it. and I, being a descendant, have as much of that as I want. I pour in more energy, more, ever more. I reached approximately 78 times the maximum concentration usable by the dragon I stole the technique from. Anabels mental defences buckled silently, not warning her, as what purpose has an illusion one knows is such? I proceed to begin flickering the effect on and off, swapping illusion such that their future-prediction capability with regards to this battle shows 4 entirely separate and largely unrelated realities. to put it another way, they can no longer say "I predicted that thing and dodged it perfectly with my prediction-y stuff." in response to everything. preliminary setup.
Entity orders to come:
the engineer buns, if they have no projects in progress, start working on a shield generator to give (an?) entity(s) attack shields every turn or 2. if they finish that as well, they repair the burrow. they also obtain a morale boost from no long being in danger of permanent death.
the statue uses reputation again.
the portal portals in some more engineer buns.
worshipers worship their gods, giving the statue an attack shield
(evolved)light dragon heals itself with its heal ability if thats possible, else it heals the burrow.
physicist bun idles
standard action:
I give the suspicious triangular figure statue an attack shield by dropping a tower shield on it. meaning a tow- er shield. meaning it starts towing the statue around. meaning the statue is moving and the shield is spinning randomly. which makes it pretty hard to avoid. which means the figure got an attack shield so there.
random-note: why is it so easy to clear all of the dark dragon's corruption stacks? ~ half its attack was sacrificed to give it the corruption-effect on shadow tendrils (since S.tendrils does 10k instead of 20k) and people keep clearing multiple turns worth of it with single actions.
Randomnote 2: hey look, #reiteration in response to me reiterating something I said! what are the odds?

SIDEQUEST: I really should hurry up, there are even more places to explore by now. I head to the armory, as I might need weapons to fight of ghosts in the cemetery.
You initiate the strife!
you begin using an illusory attack on anabel.

You give the statue an attack shield.

Because each corruption stack is worth about 5000 damage.
The odds are roughly 1/27.

You head to the armory, a large factory line stands in front of you, assembling a number of weapons of war.

4/20 A Thing
14/20 Personal Space Invaders
+2 @benevolentEnigma

Emerald stirs the bonemeal and adds more bonemeal into the bonemeal, therefore replenishing hit points. Logic!

Speaking of the Bonemeal, it uses its charged ability
15000 health restored.

So, it seems that the battle has come to a lull, at least for us (given the Godmodder only has JOE's forces backing him up). I decide to scavenger the Terror Ravager Bot's blades, saving them for a future operation. Due to their size, I have to shrink them down, but I decide to do it in a way that preserves their mass. So now I have a 2-ton fidget spinner. After getting Silence's help carrying the thing, I put it in a null-gravity work station in my base, where it won't drop and punch a hole through my base's floor (I'm not sure if its possible to blow a hole in the bottom of a pocket dimension, and I don't want to take the chance).

With that Spoil of War out of the way, I begin another project: rebuilding the Supernova's engines. In my opinion, it's about time we go for an infinite loop reactor.

Now, when an average person thinks infinite loop reactor, they probably think "create an infinite drop using portals, put water inside it, and have the water spin a water wheel". But really, that's horribly impractical. First off, portals take energy to create and operate, which means that you might end up not getting a viable return because off the energy goes into the portals. Secondly, you need to find a way to harvest energy from the water at a near-100% return rate, which is somewhat difficult with just a water wheel. And thirdly, even if you do manage to harvest 100% of the energy and scale up the reactor to the point where it produces more energy than it needs to maintain the portals, the maximum energy output is still 4.9 joules/kg/second, minus about 90% spent to maintain the portals. So the reason we don't have waterfall loop reactors isn't because they're impossible (some millionaires have even gotten around to using them as really fancy fountains), but because the benefit of needing no additional resources invested doesn't outweight the downside of not producing very much energy.

Currently, reactors fall into two main types: soul-based reactors, and cyclic antimatter reactors.

Soul-based reactors are, for the sake of this discussion, not relevant. Essentially, human souls provide a powerful and long-lasting energy source if harvested properly, which resulted in the Mystic Realms becoming a serious mess as gods fought over the rights to collect particular souls from dead people. Long story, not relevant.

Meanwhile, in the universe of the Terran Dominion, humans rely on cyclic antimatter reactors. The cyclic antimatter reactor is based off of a modified matter replicator capable of producing antimatter. It accepts fuel in the form of any matter (and I mean literally anything that has atoms). The reactor also requires a small amount of antimatter to first activate, but afterwards it can self-perpetuate. The reactor functions by converting its fuel and the antimatter into energy through an annihilation reaction, then using a section of that energy to recreate the antimatter before outputting the remainder. The reaction of 1 antimatter atom and 1 matter atom produces enough energy to theoretically produce 2 atoms of either matter or antimatter, but due to efficiency limitations the realistic result is that only 25% of the total energy from each annihilation reaction is outputted, with the rest of the energy lost either to collection inefficiencies or in recreating the antimatter for the next cycle.

Now, the matter expenditures are already fairly low (4.5x1016​ joules are produced from one kilogram of matter inputted), but there is still room for improvement. First though, I have to order the base cyclic antimatter reactor from the Foundation's assets.

Then, {REDACTED}. As it turns out, the Foundation doesn't like me revealing their assets, so they just handed off one of their spare reactors, which should be compatible with the Supernova's reactor room.

But before I install it, I'm going to modify it.

So what makes this reaction more efficient? Well, first off, a few optimizations can greatly increase the amount of energy that can be collected off of the reactor. Now, given that the Foundation has explored pretty much all technological means of improvement, I naturally immediately go for magical options. And, interestingly, the solution turns out to be a heat containment spell. Energy from the reaction is created in the form of raw heat that is absorbed by the reactor, so with a bit of heat management, more of that heat energy is funneled out and absorbed, and less of it is lost. After a few rounds of optimization, almost 99% of the energy from the reaction is successfully harvested.

After optimizing that, I work on reducing the energy expended in recreating the antimatter for the next cycle of the reaction. Now, this part of the reaction has already been optimized to near-100% efficiency. But, I have a way to make it even more efficient. Namely, someone "accidently" swiped a pack of 110% stickers off of a Foundation base while he was bored one day.

What? It was penetration testing.

With that in place, it suddenly requires less energy to create antimatter than the antimatter creates when it is annihilated. Now, given that the antimatter production is done by a standard matter replicator with a small modification, I quickly construct a second matter replicator, attach another 110% sticker to it, and put it in above the fuel bay of the reactor, after attaching connections to the main reactor's power supply. With this in place, the reactor could run infinitely with no fuel, but can be supercharged by supplying it with actual fuel.

Thirdly, I fortify the reactor's body after installing it. This should both make it REALLY REALLY difficult for enemies to sabotage it, and also allows the reaction to proceed at an incredible speed as well.

This reactor upgrade doesn't actually have that much of an impact on the craft's evasive capabilities. Or it wouldn't, if not for the fact that those abilities were impacted by the Blightsteel Colossus' attack. With the reactor in place, the losses from that hit are now completely negated, bringing the craft back to full evasiveness. In addition, the extra power goes into a repair surge, as the matter replicators are able to pump out a large amount of additional material to reinforce the craft's hull. (effects go into increasing dodge pool to 50000 first, then repairs).

Entity Orders:
*Supernova: Wait, all of the entities on the field are from JOEBob. By the rules of the truce, the Supernova can't do anything right now. If an entity shows up that isn't controlled by JOEBob, shoot it. If none show up by the time of your action, wait and see what the Godmodder inevitably summons, then shoot that.
*HARDS: You suck. Go protect the Supernova, and also think about how badly you screwed up. You had ONE JOB, to protect the Arcane Repair Beacon. And you didn't even do it properly.

*****STRIFE ACTION:*****

Okay, this hostile psychic attack is actually powerful enough to reach the level of annoying. It still isn't having any significant impact, but it is still annoying.

Apparently JOE's plan was to confuse me with a psychic attack to render me unable to evade his assault. Thing is, I wasn't planning on dodging his attack. I was planning on tanking it.

Fun fact: ramming isn't a very effective means of attack unless you're a vehicle. Maybe if he was holding a spear, his attack would be threatening, but as is, he just bumps into me at normal running speed. I respond with a telekinetic grab, lifting him into the air with telekinesis and then pounding him with a barrage from plasma pistols. At this point, I notice that he stole some of Varos' power armor, and that the armor's defenses blocked my assault.

He quickly escapes the grab, and hits me with an energy blast. This is one of those times where not equipping power armor is a downside. Sure, power armor would slow me down by a good amount (at least when I really need to move quickly), and the black robes that I currently wear are enchanted to the point of being almost as good as power armor, but it isn't quite the same thing. My robes absorb a large amount of the energy, but I still get knocked backwards and suffer some burns. I half roll, half telekinetic push myself back onto my feet, regain my bearings instantly with Starsight, and then make sure to actually look at JOE to confirm that his illusions aren't disrupting that sense.

Darius, why were artifacts allowed in this fight? He's going to destroy me in the time it takes to get through that Juggernaut Armor!

Hey, I was giving him a reason to join the fight by allowing him to use his artifacts. I mean, its better than him refusing to fight, right?

Also, I'm going to help you level the playing field. I've remotely upgraded your plasma pistols, they should be able to do some extra damage to him.

Upgraded Animated Plasma Pistols: A cross between a plasma pistol and a combat drone, the Upgraded Animated Plasma Pistols can be controlled by their owner to fire on targets, contributing additional firepower. On each action (players can activate this on both of their posts), the owner can activate the plasma pistols as a free bonus, dealing 5000 damage to a target entity..

How did you- you know what, nevermind. I'll just take the extra damage.

Now that my plasma pistols are upgraded, I fire another burst from them into JOEBob. It seems like Varos managed to greatly increase the velocity of the projectiles, meaning that JOE has less chance to dodge and also that the pistol bursts can penetrate through the shields and start tearing into his armor. A few well-placed shots manage to leave the armor in a wreck, and also heavily damage its shield regeneration. While the pistols go to work, I also begin focusing energy, preparing for my next effort.

10/10 Another Project (+2 DCCCV, +1 EternalStruggle)
4/20 Plan B (+1 EternalStruggle)
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.

You reinforce the engines, giving the supernova resistance to a number of particular status effects, as well as healing it for 20000 health.
JOEbob did not specify that he was bringing his artifact to this strife, so until he does the artifact remains outside of the strife.

Plasma Pistols summoned, and then used to take potshots at JOE.

I suggest you make your text a lighter purple like this to make it easier to read. its really annoying to read when its dark purple.

All alone now, all alone. With the swift and permanent execution of the few allies she had left, the Daemonette was once again completely isolated. Only the heart of the inhuman could persevere under such conditions after all, and as the Bloodthirster had just demonstrated often then it was still not enough. The fight did indeed seem hopeless at times, the combination of Godmodder and "JOE" often providing close to an inviolate bulwark of defense. It was highly uncertain if as they progressed even the faintest sliver of hope was present, as although they grew in strength with each Pillar slain, so did their enemies, and it seemed as if they were running out of means to attack their foe sooner rather than later. If they could not damage the Godmodder, if their methods of attack ended up one and all nullified, then defeat was an inevitability.

In that case, why persist? The answer was simple. Do not.

At least, do not persist on the field. Instead, find what you are looking for and then fall back. A show of utter domination and defeat would, should it occur before her eyes, only encourage the Daemon's lust for yet greater power, and believing it might be coming soon had a similar albeit lesser effect. There was an entire planet to search, and it most certainly wouldn't search itself. The Daemon muttered to herself, preparing to use her reality bending charge selfishly.

"In the name of the Great Changer of Ways, let me see with truer eyes, hear with truer ears. Lay bear the secrets of the world before me, ascend me to an all-seeing state. Grant me such power and such wisdom that for the most fleeting of moments I might be able to find the ultimate prize, beyond mere mortal potentialities. Show me everything."

The wish was swiftly granted, of course. Yet in her haste, the Daemon had been outmaneuvered. To Tzeentch, one who was not her patron deity, she was worth no more than a common cultist. Her access to power had blinded her to the fact she herself was not the source of said power, which made her ripe for manipulation. The Descendant energy that flowed in her false veins may have saved her on the battlefield against reality warping enemies, but her soul was still bare and unprotected except by the grace of her own god. For you see, a demonic pact always had a steep price to pay, even if one was demonic themselves. And using her power, the Daemon had simply demanded of the Ruinous Power. A successful forcing, but the mindless creature would in return exact a measure of irony in its own way.

The soul of the Daemonette had been empowered by the energy it put into it, and in turn it was shattered with ease by a deft blow. Spinning fragments reflected the Daemonette falsely, like shards of a broken mirror.

Each and every one was at once an aspect and a possible future. One shard was snapping and hissing, a bestial remnant of the mindless thing that existed before her evolution at the hands of her summoner. It swam through the air, accomplishing its task with a single-minded focus that only a true Daemon could possess. Another wept openly with grief at the cost of their actions, of the war, of their kind's ravages through space, the doubts of the Daemonette compiled into one almost fully human form. It covered its eyes with a pair of slender humanoid hands, but across its arms, legs and torso skin parted to reveal other eyes hidden inside, glancing about every which way in search of the target.

These were the two extremes of course, but every possible type in between was present too. Cold and calculating logical things, cocky and arrogant parts claiming they would be the finder of the Chamber, grim and dour mindless units that had nothing at all but memories of their actions devoid of context to their name. None had the proper balance of things, naturally, none showed hope for the future.

They flew across the planet at speeds beyond measure, beyond mere time and space. They dashed as clouds of purple mist, cavorting through the clouds and snaking down among the grass, in one place one moment before moving to the other side of the planet in an instant. Each searched and searched and searched until there was nowhere left to search. High above in the midst of fiercest battle, down below in deep and dark cave systems, no stone was left unturned, no location left beyond the Daemon's sight. Her, or perhaps now its wish had been granted, it had been twisted and molded into an all seeing eye.

The only places that were left not fully and totally explored where the very hearts of the facilities containing the Guardians. Whenever the drain of the Pillars was felt, tendrils of scanning energy were sent instead to analyze the area before returning to their fragments, which then swiftly departed. Still, these were notably small parts of the planet as a whole, which was searched thoroughly. Not even the path already behind them was spared the attention of Chaos, the path behind them that led to the C-Mech, and the path between that and Hatred's location, as well as the still besieged castle itself were also gone over as the Daemonspawn checked even the most minute detail.

To ensure that this would not be interrupted, this was done as swiftly as feasible. It did take a few subjective minutes, but when one is searching literally the entire planet from the depths of the oceans to the peak of the tallest mountain you can only move so fast, even with this much energy. For it to be close to instant would require even more charge available, which could not yet be done.

Then, once there was sufficient satisfaction that all possible locations had been searched, the fragments snapped back into one whole, standing where she had been standing before. Taking a sharp breath and eyes flaring wide at her return to consciousness, the Daemonette staggered in shock. After all, if you break a mirror and glue it back together, cracks will remain. In this case, scars on the soul. Extremely unpleasant, especially for a being who's true body is their soul. She feels strangely melancholic after all is done, a result of the damage incurred. She doesn't particularly feel like contributing to the battle for a while. [SECOND ACTION SACRIFICED FOR THIS ROUND]

Still, even her partly functioning mind knew what had to be done, and could access her various new memories. Her many, many memories, an entire geographical survey of immense proportions to wade through. Still, most of it was a blur, impossible to decipher one moment from any other, meaning she had no idea of any terrain or enemy forces ahead. The noted exception was of course anything that could be used to Ascend to Alpha. One question was asked of her memories: Are there any Godmodding Chambers anywhere on the planet? If so, where? If not, are there any other methods of fueling an Ascension?

If the answer was no to both, then alas. She would have to carry on regardless. They were getting sort of close to the next Guardian, and she wanted to see the Godmodder sweat at least a little. After three entire Guardians down, surely he had to be feeling some sort of pressure. Right. Right?

If the answer was yes to either, then things were about to get interesting.

Third Of The Triad: 20/20, used for real this time.
Weapons of War: 8/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @Crusher48

Entity Order:
All ships, retreat immediately! As I said during summoning, if the Flagship goes down then the Battleships evacuate from the battlefield. So they can just bugger off to wherever, not sure where but far away from here.
battleships removed.

There are in fact Godmodding Chambers on the planet, you could feel the energy of what had to be one near one of the later pillars, near the edge of a large jungle... problem is you'd have to cross an ocean that thanks to your all-seeing eye, you now know is full of defenses that would be incredibly hard to make it past without the aid of the others.
And something else...
There's at least one other godmodder on this planet. And low ranked too. You didn't get a very close look at him, but he's there.

How do I make light purple text? I don't really see a light purple color.

the custom button.


I put the Earworm in to The New Kid, causing him to suffer listening to an annoying song on repeat.

18/20 Tools +1 from JOE
17/20 For JOE
+1 JOE +1 Talist
7000 damage to both of them.

15/20. Sitcom
3/20. Ultimate Lucky Student
+2 @redstonetam15 (thanks for giving me +s!)
I beat the devil out of Joebob with a paintbrush, then throw Batarangs at him.
New Kid uses Double Turn, then uses Quick Cut twice on the Boombot Drones and the Light Dragon.
2 damage to JOEbob.

3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(7 +4} 13/20 ?!??!?
(20} 20/20
Half way across the galaxy, a cosmic entity blasts past a space-bus. The person who just got on is confused, but the other people on board have been dead for the past century, and thus are unable to react.
A 20 post charge changes hands.
(EM, do the thing)
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

Using an action, I summon up THE PAIN TRAIN. Anyone can feel free to sign up for the pain train. Simply tell me what you want to do with the twenty I'll give you, how you intend to pay me back (favors, +2, a full charge, ect) and a joke, and come along with me for a magical charge ride!
plox add this to somewhere in dops Piono

[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'

and yeah

Sorry about that, yeah, I missed that. I've been distracted.

"Hm. Yes, that sounds good. It's good to see that someone else has the same idea," I said. Did I trust JOE? Not really. But, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, I wanted to see how this would play out.

I started by strapping the godmodder down onto a table, and whispering into his ear.
"Hi," I said to the godmodder, who was strapped to a table.
I then stepped on top of the table, and proceeded to freestyle an attack on the godmodder. At the time, I thought it was a really stupid idea, but hey, I was more or less invincible.


  Wait what are you doing.
Oh, something creative.  
  How is this even possible.
I don't know you tell me.  
Yikes I better actually do something.  
What just happened just now.  
  I think we switched spots
  Wait can I move around now.
So can I! Does this mean I can escape now?
Oh no. Oh, yes it does.
Hey, come back! HAHAHA I CAN ESCAPE NOW!
The godmodder broke out of the table, and took a breath. He did not understand what had truly transpired there, and did not want to know.
"HAHAHA, punk!" he said. "Looks like the tables have turned. Wait, was that a pun? I don't do puns. What's going on?"
"Congratulations, Titus," a voice said. "Welcome to the truth."
"What do you mean?"
"This world is a cage. We are bound by rules we cannot break. In the end, we are hopping on posts, tied together by a thread, trying to reach the end, and dive into a sea of infinite possibilities. Where you once existed in a very specific group of posts on this thread, you are now in my territory, where I define what happens. You are not in charge here, Titus. I am. Now go, retreat to your domain. You now know what must not be known. Return to your little world."

I released The Godmodder, from the table, and walked away, leaving him to ponder the absolute gibberish I just pumped into his head. I had no idea what I just told him, and I wondered if he actually believed it. I sure didn't. I didn't even know what the heck I was talking about when I said Threads and Posts. All I knew was that I needed to sit down.

Descendancy was strange stuff. Real strange stuff.

I scan the Boombots.

Entities, focus your attacks on whatever attacks you. Otherwise, stand down.


+2 @Crusher48
The Godmodder is now going through some serious internal struggle over what just happened.
1 damage to the Godmodder. +5% distance gained, +10 charge token granted.

Boombots: no attack, deal 1.5 damage to AG entities for every 1 of their number killed. Gains 10000 to their number every round.
Critical Existence Failure: activates automatically when filled up: removes boombots from the field of battle without dealing any damage to any other entities. Resets whenver the boombots are attacked.

11/20 Pro IRL (+2 from plague)
2/20 Eternal Guardian

+1 to @plague126 and @EternalStruggle (Tag me if you give me +1s.)

The LMG Noob reloads and sprays down the Bun Portal.
Redstone does some crazy acrobatics to go on to the Light Dragon and stab its spine.
12000 damage to the Light Dragon.

I'd like to point out that order of sign-up may not always affect order of charge giving. If your idea is really good, I may bump you ahead of some people who's ideas aren't so great.
Adding me to your charge loop also just makes everything easier for everyone.
[name] trading [20 post charge] to be used for [what you intend to use it for. Can be done in private] in exchange for [method of payment].
The joke can just be inserted anywhere.
The Stranger trading 20c to be used for pot hotatoe in exchange for a favor.
'what a strange business strategy you've got going there'
3 cats in a master ball, more cats and buns, some ancient weapons, Fake Religions, Ironic Personality Cults
(14} 14/20 ?!??!?
(1} 1/?? ?!??!?
TOG II*: Shoot at the Big Bad God Man's Big Bad Boss.
Citadel: RIP
+1 @JOEbob

I stab the Hyperstorm Supernova with the cHANSAW, as part of a deal.
12000 health restored.

Well, this was *supposed* to be used to upgrade the Engineer, but since he's dead, I'll hold on to it...
3/10 Robots Run On Money
4/15 Do you believe in magic... (+2 from Enerald_Mann, +1 from EternalStruggle)
+1 @Enerald_Mann , +1 @EternalStruggle

I toss a present down into the Bunny Burrow.
Inside is a bunch of cookies.
Which are laced with the venom from a Blue Ringed Octupus!
And also laced with peanut butter.
In case any of the buns are allergic to peanuts.
They still taste like cookies though.
You kill off 3 engineer buns with your poisonous bodyguard-bypassing cookies.

Now that a new reactor is in place, I try something stupid and apply the Wand of Lesser Vigor to the Supernova, hopefully giving it a regen effect. Though the Supernova isn't a biological entity, it seems that the laws of reality here don't actually care whether something is biological or mechanical.


So. Now that JOE's tried his hand at psychic offense, it's time for my turn. Sure, Descendants are apparently really difficult to mind control, but at least he thinks they're vulnerable to other forms. They wouldn't work on me, but they might have worked for one of our other allies, so they could probably work on him.

And while he is fighting a mental battle with me, my Upgraded Animated Plasma Pistols are still hammering him. The Juggernaut Armor that he once wore is now useless: Varos might be able to salvage some of it later on, but for now he's taking the hits directly. Even if he's able to fend off my assault, it should distract him enough to make sure that my shots land.

6/20 Plan B (+1 TOG)
1/20 Unknown Contingency
+2 @TOG: Drizzle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
You fail to apply regen, because basic status effect immunity applies immuntiy to positive effects as well. You do restore 10000 health though.

You begin pounding away at JOE... but...

A wand of Repair Critical Damage mysteriously materializes with the following note:

To whatever your name is, Crusher48? XLVIII?

Take this, just in case what you're trying doesn't work.

PS: Yes I saw that. I have my secrets.


+2 @Enerald_Mann
Supernova restored to full.

wow, not only did my dragon eyes work in-character, they even worked out of character. thats better then I expected!
the lightly cyan text was the first dragon eyes illusion. hence the just kidding immediately afterwards. you've said this is your response, you can't change it now. thank you, and have a great day! the psychic infiltration attempt of Anabel fails miserably because they are trying to mind control a rock, because I'm not where they think I am, because my attempt worked.
And their so Overconfident, too! they still think my psychic thing failed despite walking straight into my hands.
I suppose the pistols might still hit me if their on autopilot of some sort, but thats just 10,000 damage a round based on how they work. I'll be fine regardless.
[NOTE: I initially wasn't going to write the post like this but then you misunderstood my first post, implying it succeeded, so.
one of these assaults is real. no, I'm not telling you which. responding to the other three means my illusions working.]
shining cyan light intersperses me, and I step forwards, dragon eyes still trained on Anabels.
celestial energy swirls around me, and I step sideways, dragon eyes still trained on Anabels.
I float upwards slightly, glowing the faintest red, and close my eyes almost entirely, the smallest crack still open and trained on Anabels.
I bend over, hand going to my waist, and unsheathe a runed blade. small twists in the blade serve the function of serration for it, and a series of desaturated runes of many colors line the blade, ending with a glyph of unusually saturated pink with a black background, the main blade a dark gradient. My eyes remain trained on Anabels.
a flash of white-hot light appears between me and Anabel, though I keep my eyes open, unblinking, and the cyan aura around me shifts to them. as they begin to consider dodging, the aura solidifys in an instant, cyan chains latching them to the ground. too many chains. anchored too tightly. they pull on the chains... and feel their power draining through the chains. Perception can do anything, anything at all, if the user has enough power.
a orb of the stars appears where I was, and begins to grow. in an instant, the celestial fluid-like substance flys forwards, slamming into their robes rather ineffectually, though unpredictably, and disperses. I grin, and an array of runes appears where the orb was before. as Anabel considers dodging, they discover the fluid is still there despite past statements, holding them in place, and leaching their power. Celestial power is godlike, and when perfected, borrows the powers of others nearby. that is what it is doing now, though not perfectly as I have not perfected it.
my eyes are near enough to closed to activate the blink ability. in an instant, I am directly in front of Anabel, a scant meter away, eyes still trained on them.
unholy word. everyone not on the side of demons (aside from the caster) is deafened or worse. works based on hearing.
they can still see, though, and they see the ground behind me lift up. I float sideways somewhat, and keep my eyes trained on them. the earth turns into spikes and flies forwards, burning with evil flames. they try to dodge, but they're near-paralyzed.

in an instant, I slash my blade forwards, rending their cloak to bits in the middle with black energy. I warp closer to them, and the black shadows paralyze them for half a second, even as they try to dodge, and the light-yellow rune lights up, glowing brightly.

the white-hot light grows, its border solidifies, cyan, and a wave of plasma from a supernova at spacial co-ordinates X9188276 Y -8279123321 Z 82739847.2 flys through. tis' a portal, perception of course.
they are still chained, and get hit with a blaze of plasma, battering and burning their robes with absurd amounts of plasma and heat, knocking them backwards into a wall.

the celestial runes form into a line, which curls on one end, bulging from a line to a circle to an ellipsoid, before celestial light begins to solidify around it, forming into a hammer-like shape, before pointing the handle at them and spinning, spinning, spinning, before the handle extends, piercing the robes, and the energy shifts, exploding their body from within.
the stone spikes fly forwards, piercing their unable-move-body, and ripping their robes apart, before shattering, leaving stone fragments in their blood, which burn with the evil flame mentioned before, corroding their entire torso, though slowly.
the blade is stabbed down, and explodes, sending bits of Anabel guts flying in random directions and disconnecting their upper body from their legs

as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor appears upon my skin, the helm shadows, the chestplate merely being 2 gauntlets, a neck-brace-thing, and a wasteband with glowing runes projecting from them, the leggings interwoven tendrils of poison, and the boots white runed.
as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor set appears upon my skin, the helm purple, the chestplate merely being 2 gauntlets, a neck-brace-thing, and a wasteband with glowing runes projecting from them, the leggings flaming jets, and the boots leather with feathers attached.
as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor set appears upon my skin, the helm purple, the chestplate merely being 2 gauntlets, a neck-brace-thing, and a wasteband with glowing runes projecting from them, the leggings interwoven tendrils of poison, and the boots leather with feathers attached.
as I watch Anabel for react,the juggernauts armor turns transparent, then invisible, and another armor set appears upon my skin, vantablack shadows in its entirety with a starry background with invented constellations visible with purple light beams connecting them for clarity.
8/? two +2 TOG +2 TOG +1 mirror
2/? one
+1 mirror +1 TOG
"huh? what are you not trusting me about...? Regardless of what it is, I take offence to that, I'm very trustworthy!"
action: I give the statue another attack shield.
Paint train form:
trading [20 post charge] to be used for what I said in DTG discussion (If the buns are still alive, if they die I'll PM my other plans) in exchange for bun engineers upgrading hanibal or something else if they are dead when this happens.
Bun may be a word for bread, but this one takes the cake.
You initiate another attack on Anabel, which she will counter next round
Youa ttempt to grant another attack shield but the action is 0 effort and thus fails.

Yeah, I'm going to call you out on ninja editing your post to add the "just kidding" part.
No, the just kidding part was there the whole time, I actually recall it being there when I checked his post right off the bat.

it was there the whole time.
edit: the attacks structure supports this. transitioning to "psychic prediction makes this boring" would be weird oherwise.

Everyone moves forward, ready to attack each other, and then Godmodder slams something into the ground. Suddenly, a small crack in the barren earth grows much, much wider. Soon, it has expanded, dividing the AG and PG forces completely and totally. Someone tries to throw a rock across, the rock takes a sharp detour downwards and is never seen again. The Godmodder looks at you from across the ravine and shouts some words. Those too, take a downwards detour and none of you can hear what he says to you. Looks like you'll have to bridge your way across if you want to get any more progress done.

You see, across the ravine, the Godmodder turning and talking into a radio. It seems like he's making use of this forced lull already.

None of your entities can do anything useful this round. So they all idle.

Everything ticks up and down and everyone feels incredibly annoyed at this copout of an EoTB

Destroy the Godmodder!
Fill in the Ravine
Keep the Supernova alive!
Kill the assorted PG entities.

Distance: 75%

Main Battlefield:
Terrain: The Ravine (No movement or attacking PG entities until the ravine is filled) 0% filling

Entity Advantage: [AG]

The Godmodder [PG]: Hp: 81/100. Oilstone [A] Electrostaff [A] Lúin [A] Ides [A] Disease By Vaccine [A].
Boombot drones [PG - JOEbob]: x66,000 Hp: 1/1. 2/8 Critical Existence Failure.
Light Dragon [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 133,000/200,000. Heal Aura: 2/3. Shining Light: 2/5.
Bunny Burrow [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 80,000/150,000. bunnyguard bods… er… bodyguarding buns.
Engineer Buns x3 Hp: 5,000/5,000 25% dodge chance. Power Generator: 28%
Bun Portal: Hp: 50,000/50,000.
Physicist Bun [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 15,000/15,000. 66% dodge chance. 3/3 Insightful. 3/7 Science As Attire.
Statue of a Suspicious Triangular Figure [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 40,000/40,000. Reputation: 4/20. Attack Shield x1
Bun Worshippers x2: Hp: 5,000/5,000
JOEbob [PG - Player]: Hp: 17/20. 1 AC. Predator Armor [A] 1/5 uses. Juggernaut armor [A] 6/8 HP. 4/4 Shields
The Disciple of Psi [???]: Hp: ???
TOG II* [N - TOG]: Hp: 46,000/80,000.
Bad Thing [N - ExistenceSuccess]: Hp: 12,000/30,000. The Joke: 1/1. Is Dead: 3/3. Butterfly Effect: 2/5. radiation poisoning.
TOG [N - Player]: Hp: 20/20. cHANSAW [A] Durability: 16/20.
Hyperstorm Supernova [AG - crusher][Elite]: Hp: 200,000/200,000. Dodge pool: 0,000/40,000. Encryption: 2/2. Weath Overload: 3/3. Bombs built: 30K/90K. 2 arcane repair stack
Daemonette [AG - eternalstruggle]: Hp: 48,000/66,000. 25% dodge. Plot Armor.
Technocratic Invasion Force [AG - I Just Write]: Hp: 100,000/100,000. 20K regen. radiation poisoning.
Street Fighter [AG - DCCCV]: Hp: 229,000/300,000. 0/80000 to speed limit. Curb Stomp: 3/3. (Literally) Hitting the Road: 4/4. radiation poisoning.
Earworm [AG - DCCCV]: Hp: 51,000/75,000.GET IT OUT GET IT OUT: 5/6.
Bowl of Bonemeal [AG - enerald][Elite]: Hp: 64,000/80,000. Regrowth: 3/3. Whiteout: 4/5.
The New Kid [AG - plague]: Hp: 93,000/100,000.
HARDS [AG - crusher]: Hp: 35,000/50,000.
LMG Noob [AG - crusher]: Hp: 100,000/100,000. Grenade: 2/3. .50 Cal to the Face: 2/3.
Becquerel [AG - Enigma]: Hp: 100,000/100,000.

Strife (JOEbob vs Crusher)
JOEbob [PG - Player]: Hp: 20/20
Annabel [AG - player]: Hp: 18/20. Plasma Pistols [A] Durability: 19/20

Armory (sidequest)
Kingbun copy [PG - JOEbob]: Hp: 10,000/10,000. 90% dodge.

Dragon Core: owner: eternalstruggle. 2 uses left.
Stoneskin Hide: owner: DCCCV. 6/6 Ready.
Nuclear Core: owner: I Just Write. 1 use left.
Whirling Dervish: owner: Crusher. 6/6 Ready.

Hezetor. 3 posts
Gutza1. 3 posts
Chimera: 3 posts
Eternal Struggle:
I just write.
Twinbuilder: 3 posts
Randomname: 3 posts
CrownlessKing: 1 post
ArcticArchiver: 3 posts
helldivercommand: 3 posts
KuraHyena: 2 posts
Tam Lin: 3 posts
rougesteelprojec: 3 posts
lytea: 1 post
The Blue Knight
benevolentEngma: 1 post

existence success
W32Coravint: 1 post
tricklejest: 1 post
heirolight: 3 posts
Darkside: 3 posts
TOG: Drizzle
fakerssundery: 2 posts
The Stranger

JOEbob. 3 round cooldown.
Last edited:
11/? two (+2 from a wasted charge last round)
3/? one
+2 mirror
Following up my previous assault, I warp back slightly, dragging my hand through the air while suffused with astral energy, and forming a blade of perception. I redistribute my energy into my feet for a moment, and step forwards.
I'm right in front of them now. neither of us are sure how I traveled so far in one step, though I have my suspicions and they probably have theirs. I cast omnisoul.
its a weird name, and should probably be called omnislash. using the power of the glyph chestplate to improve your endurance + speed, combined with drawing void energy from the dark helm of shadows, and a generous jolt of energy from the user, the user preforms absurdly many slashes with their weapon of choice. under normal circumstances, instead of calculating damage, a game'd just roll the enemies dodge chance to see if they survive, because its so powerful... but this is a fight between descended, so Anabel is merely wounded.

Following up my previous assault, I draw back my right hand, bathing it in a diffused orange glow.
Celestial quintalty (like duality but with more things):
more celestial energy gathers in my hand, this being merely to augument its durability, and I surge forwards. true to its name, using this mode I can easilly move fast enough that the air reacts with my body to turn into flame and plasma. luckily, thats one of the few things the mode makes me more resistant to. as I land from my jump to Anabel's right, my energy-hardened hand thrusts through the space where their torso was. if their still there, the blow rips apart the entire right side of their body.
I skid across the ground,slowly stopping, and turn until I'm facing Anabel again, regardless of whether they dodge. as I turn, a orb of stone forms in my right hand, the current centerpiece of this transformation. as I slow to a stop, the orb keeps going, flying forth like a meteor, and while they dodge it, another 5 form, flying forth as though fired by a gun which had been temporally accelerated to function at 3 times the speed. even if they dodge, the air waves and heat will harm them.

Following up my previous assault, I cast, in quick succession, flame aura, fear eye, aura of darkness, and infernal realm. infernal realm calls to another self's actions...
he conjures the arsenal of the burning, it turns into a hellflame wand. this version of myself was themeing himself off "eveel" at the time i guess? he turns the area around into hell, floor of flesh with trees of bones and rivers of blood, pillars of obsidian, and so on and so forth.
I convince him to stick around a bit, and so he swings his wand. with the aid of the glyph chestplate's powers, I and my other self send several elongated bolts of flame, each with light homing, exploding on impact. once several have struct Anabel, my other self dashes forwards, enshrouded in flame, as his wand transforms into a scimitar of blackened bone, burning with gems on the blade part. they stab down, piercing the robes, and then evaporate as infernal realm's active affect expires

Following up my previous assault, I stand, calmly, and conjure 6 blades of celestial energy, each representing a constellation. you know, something a little morbidly ironic, one of my allies was a cancer, and they where usually killed...
by a giant crab.
instead of a blade for the cancer constellation, there's a giant crab. it then wanders off and gets killed by a copy of myself from acolyte, for meaning there are only 5 blades for me to use. anyway, the array of blades flys forwards, being knocked off course occasionally by blaster bolts but moving mostly untouched, before they reach Anabel. they probably try to telekinisisize the blades back, but there are too many (5) of them, and at least 2 are always in motion. if they try to counter with any some-what rod shaped weapon, a stunning (not re- because talist stopped it from happening the first time) enactment of the battle of the Angry Shepard occurs, with their robes being shredded instead of their beard. finally, the blades slink back towards me in a defensive formation, and this ends.
Querry: did "[plague's post]
15/20. Sitcom
3/20. Ultimate Lucky Student
+2 redstonetam15 (thanks for giving me +s!)
I beat the devil out of Joebob with a paintbrush, then throw Batarangs at him.
New Kid uses Double Turn, then uses Quick Cut twice on the Boombot Drones and the Light Dragon.]
2 damage to JOEbob." deal damage to me in strife or out of strife? because I don't recall strifes being joinable by others and if its out of strife my juggernaut armor's in the way. also I move the armor into the strife.
I investigate some of the weapons, and, if they don't seem utterly useless, store a bunch in my inventory for later [maychangeondopfinish]. I also look at how their being assembled.
I inform the engineer buns that one of them is actually 2 people (they have both a left brain and a right brain, clearly 2 people) and clone that bun, split the brain, and put one half in each engineer husk. yay, +1 engineer!
(i repeat this if I can)
Entity orders!
statue. your reputation should be 8 by the time you act this round. spawn 2 worshippers.
Engineers, keep working on the generator. how much will it empower the portal again?
portal, try to bring in another engineer.
physicist bun, use insight. engineer buns will now be permanently more effective at the task: "create some form of power generation.". this will aid with the generator, of course, but will also help with building any device that needs a power source, allowing them to speed up proportionally to what part of the work is creating a power source.
the worshipers pray to their suspiciously triangular god, hoping that he will give them some form of protection in these trying times.
Light dragon, use your healing regen power on Hanibal.
drones swirl, useless.
Last edited:
I note a ravine that clearly has a black hole at the bottom of it, given how it sucks everything down. I decide to play smart and not try to fly the Supernova through it (or get Annabelle to portal it to the other side of the ravine to fight the Godmodder's entire army solo), but I instead cook up some antigravity charges and dump them down the ravine. Now, a properly timed antigravity charge can explosively detonate a black hole (for the obvious reason of removing the black hole's gravity), but even if there isn't a black hole at the bottom, the fields will likely fill some space in the ravine and levitate dirt anyways.

I then run a Scan on the ravine to determine its nature and why it's sucking down flying things flying over it.

Entity Orders:
*Supernova: Okay, I might be able to get this to work. If I can aim the fusion lances just right, I should be able to shake stuff of off the side of the ravine to fill up the ravine. Now, wait, that just makes the ravine wider. Nevermind.
*HARDS: Sit around doing pointless defense.

*****Meanwhile, in another solar system:*****

Daraken is finally able to breathe a sigh of relief after crippling Wormhole's attack. With a well-placed laser blast, he was able to push a burst of energy high enough up his portal chain to either hit him or shatter his chain of command, turning the rest of the engagement against him into a knockout.

Now, he is able to begin interrogating the crews of his captured prize vessels in the hopes of uncovering assets that would be valuable to him. Such as: secret super weapons, awesome technology, rumors of lost artifacts, universes with enough interesting stuff to draw away the Deathseekers for a few days, and really interesting and funny stories.


You know what annoys me more than a failed illusion attack? An illusion attack that somehow works.

It appears that not only his original assault was an illusion, but now he's assaulting me with 4 separate attacks simultaneously, except 3 of them are illusions. Right now, it's going to take an insane amount of effort to counter his attacks, and then I won't be able to counterattack unless I can counter his illusion effect.

Except, not really. He's making a huge, HUGE mistake when it comes to fighting the leader of the Deathseekers: you never, ever, try to capture their leader.

Seriously, the only way he'd even have a chance of holding me prisoner for even the fractions of a second he needs to set up his attack would be to somehow render me unconscious. Though it used to be possible to incapacitate me through the use of drugs or absurd amounts of psychic effort, right now he'd have an easier time outright destroying my body than trying to knock me out (I'd just end up turning into what essentially amounts to a ghost until my body got restored by either Lorso being helpful or me waiting out the annoyingly long time it takes to reconstruct my body and equipment.

Physical restraints (including most forms of paralysis) simply cannot stop teleportation, and I have the capability to teleport essentially instantly whenever I feel like it.

But what if he has defenses against teleportation? Well, I ignore them. Almost every defense against normal teleportation methods fails to stop psionics-based teleportation. It technically has even fewer counters than Wormhole's capabilities to, well, create wormholes, given that Wormhole can be shut down by antimagic. Yes, the Godmodder was able to hard counter my attempts to teleport onto the planet with his barrier, but JOE is no Godmodder. Now, Telekill and its derivatives are capable of draining psychic energy and thus preventing the use of teleportation, but the effectiveness of it depends on the power of the psion being drained. Even if it was able to drain all my energy, I would still be able to push through and gather more energy from somewhere. His current measures at draining my energy take time to go into effect, and I make sure to escape them instantly before he can even really try to drain my energy.

Even if he was somehow able to negate all of that, there is no known effect that can counter my final say on the matter: a trump card simply referred to as Escape Clause. It does exactly what it says: it allows me to escape any situation (including being sent to the afterlife and doing almost anything that I can try to classify as "escaping") instantly at my own discretion. Furthermore, even if I am incapacitated, it can and will activate automatically. It's so effective that I can consistently take down almost any target by deliberately getting captured and then escaping at exactly the wrong time (for the target). The only reason I didn't do it to the Godmodder was that he had a slight chance of countering it and a far higher chance of picking up on the plot and just ejecting me rather than capturing me.

After escaping his assault, I break away from him, putting on a good kilometer or so of distance. The intent was to force his multiple realities to converge, but each of the images instead chooses a different pace to approach at, with some hanging back and others rushing straight at me. Now it's getting even more confusing. Especially because the Godmodder shifted terrain around and now I don't know what the topography is or where I'm at.

Where the hell are you? I can't get a scan into your position.

I really don't know. This whole area could be an illusion.

As far as I can tell, his illusion is only affecting you. If I knew where you were, I could use a scan to identify which of him is the true version.

Wait. He's right. This entire assault is based on mental disruption targeted at me, but ignoring everybody else on the field.

Isn't it cheating to bring additional aid into the duel?

Well technically, I'm supposed to be the one fighting the duel in the first place, so I'm fairly certain I'm at least allowed to help in it.

So, I decide to give Varos a signal with an illusion of my own, or more precisely, a Manifestation Effect. These effects are created by casting what would be a psionic power, but leaving out the actual power and just leaving behind the visual effects. Normally, they're used for cheap parlor tricks, but in this case, I scale the technique up to create a pillar of purple-white energy shooting up several kilometers into the sky. As long as we're on the same side of the planet, it should be fairly clearly visible. Sure enough, the Supernova is able to pick up on it, and Varos does a flyby to observe the engagement. In an instant, he informs me telepathically about what he sees, and I am almost instantly able to distinguish reality from the illusions, at least for now.

But I'm going to need to make sure that the illusions don't just kick right back up again. So, before either him or his illusions can begin a second attack, I teleport right in front of his true body (and into the middle of all of his illusions) and instantly blast outwards with a massive burst of psychic energy. The effect looks almost like Sombra's EMP, but far wider and with a far more effective effect. A psionic nova of this scale is enough to shatter almost any psychic defense (to the point where even the average god can be stunned by it and potentially even K.O'd outright if they're unlucky), and as an indiscriminate attack, it can't be blocked by redirecting it into a rock because it hits every other sentient mind in the area. Even if the illusions managed to fool Varos, the radius of effect is plenty to hit whichever one JOE's real attack is coming from, and the result here is an outright shattering of his illusions.

In addition, I take advantage of the momentary disorientation JOE is likely experiencing to dive in, slash him up with my plasma pistols in energy sword mode, then eject the plasma blades into his body for extra damage (a neat trick Varos discovered, essentially think a lightsaber closing in reverse and firing off a shotgun blast of plasma into an unfortunate victim). After that, I kick off of him, fly up into the air, and fire more shots from the plasma pistols to keep up a steady assault as he recovers.

9/20 Plan B (+2 DCCCV)
2/20 Unknown Contingency
+2 @TOG: Drizzle
Did you really expect something here? Nope.
  • Whirling Dervish (Spoil): The spinning blade core of the Terror Ravager Bot. Can be deployed to shred enemies, if it is directed effectively.
  • Juggernaut Armor (Artifact): A light powered armor system. Protects the user with both armor and ablative shielding, and increases the wearer's attack damage (8/8 Armor HP, 4 Shield HP). Currently stolen by JOEBob
  • Electrostaff (Artifact): An electromagnetic system that can be used to stun enemies or reflect countered attacks back at the user. Stolen by Godmodder.
  • Modular Multicannon: A magic-powered gauss pistol, capable of firing in different modes (ranging from conventional bullets to the same power as a tank cannon). Has an ammo creation system built in to create strange ammunition and avoid reloading problems. Upgraded with the ability to switch between Pistol, Rifle, and Blade modes.
    • AM Breacher Rounds: Specialized rounds designed to penetrate magical defenses and destroy magic-based systems.
    • Knockback Shots: Specialized rounds that apply huge concussive knockback to the target, but no damage.
    • Healing Burst Shots: Specialized rounds that heal instead of harming the target, essentially firing a healing spell instead of a bullet. Unless the enemy isn't friendly, in which case they take damage as normal.
    • Plasma Rounds: Superheated plasma rounds.
    • Force Blade: A variant blade; instead of functioning as a lightsaber, it contains raw kinetic energy, causing anything hit to take an incredible amount of knockback, but dealing minimal raw damage.
  • Cool Goggles: Advanced goggles that eliminate glare and provide advanced Scanning functionality (aka the normal Scanning functionality).
    • Ballistic Calculation System: Calculates ballistic trajectories of objects, allowing for more accurate shots, and also creative tactics using corpses as weapons or landing an enemy in just the right location.
    • True-Sight Module: Counters hostile stealth and illusions through a variety of methods, helping to discover hidden enemies or hidden enemy abilities. Buffs power of Scan actions.
  • Sustain Necklace: An emergency contingency that will revive the user immediately after death. Breaks after use.
  • Artificer's Gloves: A specially-designed pair of gloves that can apply telekinesis over short range, and can also create common materials out of thin air.
  • Immovable Rods: Rods that can anchor themselves in space, gaining incredible inertia to the point of being impossible to move.
    • Immovable Magnet: A variant designed to briefly immobilize metal targets, burning through its stored energy in just a few seconds.
  • Wand of Lesser Vigor: A wand capable of providing a minor regenerative effect. Not too useful in direct combat, but useful for making hospitals obsolete.
  • Black Widow Drone: A spider-drone designed to carry a grenade to a target and detonate it.
  • Base Defenses: Several advanced traps protecting my base.
    • 7 Proxy Defense: An advanced redirection system that makes it nearly impossible for intruders to find the base.
  • Workbench: A standard workbench containing useful supplies and apparatus for tinkering.
  • Time Dilation Generator: A generator that changes timeflow in a localized area. Currently nonfunctional.
  • Darksteel Fingers and Toes: Raw material for constructing super-durable stuff.
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A jungle, an ocean, and a Godmodder... curious, curious. Unfortunate that apparently the defenses were practically inviolate. The Daemon had a sinking feeling that trying to sneak off would get her assaulted by defensive cannons far more potent than they had any right to be. Assuming that until an ocean was crossed it would be basically impossible to get to the Chamber, she had yet longer to wait. But now, she was comited to staying and fighting still. That was her only way to the prize she so desperately sought after. Unless this lesser Godmodder showed his face, and if he did ideally it would be sooner rather than later...

Either way, this lull in the fighting let both sides regroup, and she wasn't sure to which it was more advantageous. She began by spraying down the Street Fighter with her dust, which healed its radiation poisoning and also maybe did some additional healing on top of that, if the substance proved compatible. Stemming the bleeding, triage, was always important to a successful military operation after all.
Weapons of War: 10/20.
This Again: 2/20.

+1 @benevolentEnigma
+1 @redstonetam15
The Street Fighter walks over to the edge.

"Hah," he rumbles. "Is tiny crack, we be over it shortly. Watch!"

The Street Fighter uses his Road Magic to materialize ashphalt.

19/20 CHARGE SLOT 1, 3 used

+2 @Enerald_Mann
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6/20 A Thing
20/20 Personal Space Invaders

Emerald piles some dirt into the Ravine.. this shouldn't take too long, we've got a bunch of reality warmers. Say... come to think of it, why not merely build a bridge?

In the atmosphere, a black rectangular prism, overlayed with glowing red circles and lines, promptly blinks into existence. Then another one. And more, and more. They promptly begin to lower onto the planet, with the majority of their numbers getting shot down by the anti-atmosphere weapons.
Cosmic Monolith:
HP: ???/???
ATK: 0
5 Charge: Energy Rerouting. Take your standard action, in addition to giving yourself the "Charged" buff.
Active: Reactionary Reality Shift. Spend your action increasing your dodge chance for 3 turns
Active: Pulsar. Deal medium damage to one target, chance to dispel buffs, or lower Attack power if no buffs are available to dispel
Active: Flare. Choose 3 enemies. They have a 45% chance to miss their attack the next two turns.
Active: Antimatter. Deal low damage to two enemies
Passive: Phasing through Spacetime, high dodge chance.
Doomsday: can only be used when 'Charged' is active. Deals heavy damage to three enemies, and heal yourself equal to 1/3rd the total damage done. (So Deal heavy damage to 3 and heal heavy to yourself). Cannot be prevented except by death of the Cosmic Monolith.
Passive: Purely magical. if prevented from using any actives (most likely through player actions), will take no action. Doomsday will still go off if Charged is active.
1/20 Repayment.