Creation's Re:Creation (Riot God Quest)

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The new gods on a new world the creation of creation anew. Welcome divinity's to your own little slice of reality in a riot style god quest
Before Times
The Seed of Divinity had once been held by the prime creator the god of the old world the master of time and the maker of all. The Seed of Divinity allowed the old world to be shaped by the prime creator and for life to flourish. However the many unborn gods of the unreal hungered for the power the prime creator had built, from the depths of the unreal they twisted they churned. You, each of you were one of the unborn gods. What makes you different from your kin is the Seed of Divinity. For a handful of the unborn stole into the old world and stole in the night the Seed of Divinity from the prime creator and took off far through the depths of the unreal where that god could not follow and maintain the world he had built.

A new world was built a sphere in the void a heart of power given to this thing to push away the cloying call of unmaking. A canvas for your desires, and a paint for your whims. The Seed of Divinity was broken the sap was consumed by the unborn, and any other nascent god that follows the first creators here will taste of the sap and develop into their own powers. Yet the sap of Divinity does not rest to the eyes and power of these young gods can not stay focused on one patch of reality.

Now the old world is irrelevant and all that matters is the new world and the canvas for your creations o' stolen gods.

Welcome to Creation's Recreation o' stolen gods.

Each participant has two actions on a turn, they can author an act and support three others or support five acts. In addition to supporting or authoring acts the divine they control can take an action. This action is functionally an act that doesn't need a support and will be explained below.

Acts come in 4 Ranks (Technically 5)
Lesser (1+ Votes) the act creates a single mundane individual, item, or creature, or places a mundane idea or desire into an existing creature.
Minor (3+ Votes) the act creates a single mythical/magical individual, artifact, or creature. It creates a population of mundane creatures or a race of mortals. Or creates a minor extension or addition to an existing rule. It can also be used to place magical or mundane ideas into a large number of individuals.
Major (6+ Votes) the act creates a population of mythical/magical creatures, or individuals. Majorly alters the local environment. Creates a new order of existing magic or mysticism. Or creates multiple species of mundane creatures.
Greater (10+ Votes) the act creates multiple species of mythical/magical creatures. Completely changes a local environment or adds a completely new type of magic.
Divine (15+ Votes/Divine Power Available) Divine acts are not normally available but as the game goes on a combination of actions and effects may allow them. Divine acts can affect anything and make any changes.

Acts can pass at the lowest, rank or can be expanded as they reach higher heights.

Your divinity is an echo and a reflection of all acts you have authored but also a promise of the direction you will go in the future. The power of your divinity is based on the greatest act you have authored that has passed, and the nature of your divinity is based on that act. For example, if a new god authors an act that makes a grand sea they then gain a bonus for the creation of seas.

The divinity action can be used to do one of 4 things. Take a name, name your divinity this allows you to be recognized and supported by mortals in the world and build a faith. Make an act, this is a second authored act functionally but can not be supported by the act votes. You pass this act one level lower than the rank of your divinity automatically (a greater divinity can enact a Major act with no support), if this act is in line with your greatest authored main act you gain +2 votes to it, enough to matter to a minor divinity itself but not enough to have a major effect elsewhere. You can also support an act with your divinity, if you do your divinity counts for a number of votes based on your rank. (Under 1, Lesser 2, Minor 3, Major 4, Greater 5, Divine 6) And if the act is online with your nature you grant another +1 vote to that act. You can have additional power based on events in the game or faith, this can be used to support other divinities in their personal actions. Finally, a divinity can work against an act, you provide negative half the support you would if you were supporting the act normally, allowing you to force acts to fail if you so wish.

Faith can happen whenever a population of mortals is driven to your worship. Depending on the population you gain one of three tanks of worship. A very minor population of the mortals of the world most have not heard of you must less are faithful, this is a cult and grants +1 vote to acts your divinity undertakes and +0 votes to acts your divinity supports. A not insubstantial population, possibly a large gathering but not the majority of the mortals worship you. This is a minor religion, and grants you +2 votes to acts your divinity undertakes and +1 vote to acts your divinity supports. If your worship and faith make up a majority of mortals in this world then you are the major religion and it grants you +3 votes to acts your divinity undertakes and +2 votes to acts your divinity supports.

Every four turns the saps shifts above the world exposing only a small area to your influence, this means the game plays out similar to the Island Riot Quest where you build up a region before moving on. One you move on the region is unable to be affected unless the sap returns there.

If your divinity is ever killed (this requires a divine ranked act, or truly focused stacking of actions and bad luck) you become a forgotten. As a forgotten you are still able to author and support acts however you loose access to the divinity actions.

Here is an Example of how I would like acts and votes formatted but as long as you are clear it should be good.
[] Example Act I
-[] Authored Act
[] Example Act II
[] Example Act III
[] Example Act IV
[] Divinity Takes Name So and So
[] So and So Supports Example Act II
[] So and So Works against Example Act V
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The Pantheon of the Newborn
SV Name:
Divinity Name:
Divinity Rank:
Defining Act:

  • SV Name: @goable
    Divinity Name: Mnemosyne (The Remembered Goddess Mnemosyne)
    Divinity Rank: GREATER
    Defining Act: Souls
    Faith: Minor the Cults of Eternal Memories
  • SV Name: @Bloms
    Divinity Name: Vidal (The Life-Bloo(ded)mer)
    Divinity Rank: GREATER
    Defining Act: Lifestar
    Faith: Cult The cult of the Garden
  • SV Name: @Worm_that_Walks
    Divinity Name: Psol'bzaengoth (The Corpse-God Psol'bzaengoth)
    Divinity Rank: GREATER
    Defining Act: Necromancy
    Faith: Minor The Death Speakers, and the Necromantic Cults of the Rocacrustas
  • SV Name: @Habstab
    Divinity Name: ᚿᚲᛗᛛᛠᛲ (ᚬᚿᛐᛖᚦᚣᛶᛑ)
    Divinity Rank: GREATER
    Defining Act: Wild Magic
    Faith: ??
  • SV Name:
    Divinity Name: ()
    Divinity Rank:
    Defining Act:
    Faith: ??
  • SV Name: @fearsome hill
    Divinity Name: ( )
    Divinity Rank: Major
    Defining Act: Spirits
    Faith: Cult the Cult of Whispering Knowledge
  • SV Name: @Totadileplayz
    Divinity Name: Shroomi (The Mushroom-God Shroomi)
    Divinity Rank: Major
    Defining Act: Shrimp of the Woods
    Faith: Cult the Cult of the shroom
  • SV Name: @alexthealright
    Divinity Name: The Panoply (The Panoply of Mayhem)
    Divinity Rank: Major
    Defining Act: Shining Sovereign
    Faith: Cult the Cult of the Sovereign
  • SV Name: @ShieldCrown
    Divinity Name: Demiourgos(The Forge Lord)
    Divinity Rank: MAJOR
    Defining Act: The Forge of Everflame
    Faith: Cult the Order of the Sage Smiths
  • SV Name: @Kurohyo
    Divinity Name: Nemod (Nemod, Brotherly Fangs of the Frozen Night)
    Divinity Rank: MAJOR
    Defining Act: Fox Spirits
    Faith: Minor the Order of the Tenders of the Green
  • SV Name:
    Divinity Name: ()
    Divinity Rank:
    Defining Act:
    Faith: ??
  • SV Name: @EclipsedStar
    Divinity Name: Locura (Locura, Patron of Madness)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: Obscurity
    Faith: Cult the Cult of Twisting Madness
  • SV Name: @BrainyPicker
    Divinity Name: Ante (Ante)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: Rocacrustas
    Faith: Major The Myriad Faiths of the Rocacrustas
  • SV Name: @Andre Chaos
    Divinity Name: Annatar (The Bringer of Gifts, Annatar)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: Staff of All Things
    Faith: Cult the Order of the Green Hands
  • SV Name: @Crawkid
    Divinity Name: Livinni (Livinni The Green)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: GRASS
    Faith: Cult the Order of the Green Hands
  • SV Name: @WallFlower
    Divinity Name: Tiania (Tiania, The Gorgeous Lady whose gown is foam)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: Fashion Loving Turtles
    Faith: Minor The Faith of the Turtles
  • SV Name: @gracnieumierac
    Divinity Name: Iam Yor Tul (Iam Yor Tul)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: Teach Them Young
    Faith: Cult The order of the guiding Hand
  • SV Name: @Ghost in the sun
    Divinity Name: Feathered Fox Tailed Weaver (The Feathered Fox Tailed Weaver)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: Kimono
    Faith: Cult The order of the Kimono
  • SV Name: @Guest99
    Divinity Name: Skii (Skii of Glory)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: Prentis
    Faith: Cult The following of Prentis
  • SV Name: @Redikai
    Divinity Name: Aeos (Aeos, The One Who Makes Heroes)
    Divinity Rank: MINOR
    Defining Act: The Will to Stand Tall
    Faith: Cult the Following of Stone Mover
  • SV Name:
    Divinity Name: ()
    Divinity Rank:
    Defining Act:
    Faith: ??
  • SV Name: @Chocolate Pizza
    Divinity Name: Insomnia (The Sleepy Eye, Insomnia)
    Divinity Rank: LESSER
    Defining Act: The Little Dizzy Yellow Gardener
    Faith: Unknown
  • SV Name:
    Divinity Name: ()
    Divinity Rank:
    Defining Act:
    Faith: ??
  • SV Name: @Slykk1
    Divinity Name: The Dead Mother (The Dead Mother)
    Divinity Rank: NONE
    Defining Act: NONE
    Faith: Unknown
  • SV Name: @SleepyCaterpilar
    Divinity Name: Tergum (She Who Weaves Skin, Tergum)
    Divinity Rank: NONE
    Defining Act: NONE
    Faith: Unknown
  • SV Name: @SomeDude134
    Divinity Name: Plesydomira (Plesydomira, The Eye and Mirror. God of Dreams and Prophecy.)
    Divinity Rank: NONE
    Defining Act: NONE
    Faith: Unknown
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Dawn: Age 0, First Period
The sap of creation pools over the new world leaving the newborn divinities to watch over a land of empty, a peninsula into a dead and empty ocean, with dry and dusty ground where no things live, to the north at the edge of your influence is a range of mountains devoid and empty like the rest of this new world. The bright light of the true star the sun of this world a hole into the unbridled light of the unmade where you were born baths this land. It is far beyond your reach for now.

For now this small peninsula devoid of life is your domain. The gods are new and so is the world. What does the hands that create and destroy make upon the world?

What are your acts o' stolen gods?
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Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Mar 19, 2024 at 4:44 PM, finished with 376 posts and 25 votes.
What is a Hero?
How Do You Make A Hero?

From the moment Aeos grabbed onto that sliver of the Prime Creator's power, they knew what they wished to do. What they wanted more than anything else in the world. They wanted to make a hero. Someone legendary. A person whose name would be carved into the annals of history and never be forgotten.

Yet Aeos contemplates, what even is a hero?

The answers come to his mind almost as quickly as the question was asked. And so Aeos declares, "A hero is someone who does not betray their principles even if the world rejects them. A hero is someone who inspires greatness in those who follow them. A hero is someone who overcomes adversity and makes the impossible possible."

A single question was answered, yet more still left to resolve. How do you make a hero? Aeos towards their fellow gods for inspiration and their answer seemed obvious. Simply do. Create them from nothing to be the perfect hero. Yet this answer caused Aeos to frown. It was unsatisfactory. As hollow as the void between the stars.

Being a hero is a path you must walk with your own heart. To be created for it does not suffice.

But then how? How do you make a hero without creating one? The answer came to Aeos far more slowly this time, but come to him it did. They simply had to grant those deserving of it the potential to be a hero. Of course. It was so obvious now! A mere mortal could never be a legendary hero as they are. The path was simply impossible for one to walk. So give them the tools to walk it!

And so Aeos made the seeds of heroes. Seeds that will be watered with adversity and reward those who do not stray with the strength to continue down that path. As he scattered them across the sap, he could only hope that those chosen by the seeds would have the courage to walk the path.

Thus, the stage was set, the die cast. All Aeos could do now was watch with bated breath for a true hero to be forged.

AN: I felt inspired. A little disappointed at how short it is but I didn't have anything else to say so I guess that's just how it is.
How Cities Came To Be

How Cities Came To Be​

The world that was before the Young Gods as their identities began to form was not theirs, not by the right of creation. For it was stolen and broken, the Seed of Divinity cracked open spilled the world and so it was. So the Young Gods looked upon the world and began to create in the image of the one they stole the seed from. Some took to sowing the land with plants of all kinds, other to creating tools of great power to shape the world and more so to the creation of life to fill every corner. Yet more so some saw greater potential in living creatures and expanded upon them to create the first mortals placing them across the peninsula some near the coasts, other in the barren lands and some in the mountains of the north.

Rocacrustas, the Spades of Ante were creatures of stone and mollusc. Who would come to dwell in the northern mountains among the valleys and caves. They were large, strong and tough there was no true threat for these creatures amongst the peaks and ravines. They feared not hunger for they ate of the stone and the earth. They feared no disease for nothing ran rampant amongst the land. If Ante had not created them they would have believed they were the pinnacle of creation but the first of their kind remembered their creator. So these tribes of Rocacrustas would be left alone and with no guidance but their own volition the effects of other divine acts would pervade into their budding society.

Divinely granted fear, a fear of the dark and dreary. That among these hills, ravines, valleys and mountains they were not alone and they knew that it was a little bit right. For Ante made them and if so, were there others? Were they stronger? Were they faster? Were they more loved by the gods? If they were why did Ante leave was truly to let them run free and to build their own or did he abandon them because there was something greater, more worthy. Such things are not great for the mind and for mortals who held no guidance born into a world they were learning these fears only grew. Which led to the tribes and families to stick to those who they knew and they grew in number yet also separate for exploration could mark a terrible discovery.

For if indeed their fears were true that Ante had left them... and greater people live beyond the mountains would they be doomed? Ignorance was an island in a sea of uncertainty and the Rocacrustas clung to it, for ignorance was peace. If they kept to their enclaves amongst the peaks they would never need to fear. Yet fear is insidious and those lies they told themselves offered no solution and they were so powerful already born into strength. With no need to advance for they could feed on the earth, no animal could threaten them and no disease to ravage it would have been a paradise perhaps... if the paranoia did not shackle their minds.

In a way the one who fears discovery, forgets to fear they may be discovered.

Many tribes of Rocacrustas came to dwell in the caves for they offered shelter from the light of the stars, from the winds and a protection against enemies that did not exist. Iam Yor Tul was blasphemous brute to their eyes of the greyish paste that covered his muscles and the cacophony of perfect footsteps. He would teach them the art of carving the caves, stacking the stones and engraving the rock. He taught them the ability to build to construct from nature their own dwelling so they would take back some control a right to the land through the knowledge of construction. And so the Rocacrustas slowly but surely emerged from the caves and began to build their cities even if they were quite small and rough.

TLDR: I sorta got inspired because I realised how bad it would be for a society if they were you know... constantly paranoid. Basically Humans by themselves only really explore if there you know not constantly terrified our lives that why a lot of people are scared of the dark because we don't know what out there. Now place a basically magical aura on every mortal creature that something scary is around every corner, doesn't sound like it's conductive to building any society.

It seems like a very interesting effect to have on a society I hope people do more... bad acts? I suppose negative acts on the world cause it creates conflict and opportunity for growth.
Age 0, Turn 1 Results





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