Rhine-Ruhr Metrople, Duesseldorf District
I know nothing about this place and I cannot use the "I'm an American" excuse. Do you have a vision of this place in the year 2100?

Just this year, she made the SEK CYBERCRIME
I don't know what this mean. I first read it as SEX CYBERCRIME and was very, very confused.

Also, since your character is in the police, I want to mention that the world hasn't reach the point where Law Enforcement is privatized and the polices are just a tool to baton people into subnmission. Corruption does exist, but it isn't 1984. Your backstory is perfectly fine, but I just wanted to make this clear for everyone.

@munchkinomatic , she is a work in progress. I am not too sure how the traits are supposed to work... and i could also go Mizuno Ami or Kitty Pryde reincarnationwise...
No problem, it looks very good. Traits are basically your strength and weaknesses. For example:
Physically powerful: Some souls are simply drawn to strength, and direct physical power, this is one.
This give you a bonus to physical activity that relies on strength.

Technically inept: In the year 2100 technology is everywhere and I am barely capable of using it. Anything that requires active action on my part is beyond me. I may use a rail rifle because it is just pulling a trigger, but even just a fancy digital menu may prove difficult for me.
This give you a penalty to using a advance technology.

Why not on thread? It is conceivable we could meet up and make a super hero team.
Conceivably, yes. But you all start out seperated from one another, with no knowledge of each other. So it's gonna be a while until that happen, if it happen.

I don't plan to get that large, and even if I do, sci-fi weaponry and I'm a huge target.

If I'm smaller I probably shouldn't have as much physical strength and durability even if it is vastly improved.

But mostly simple powers means there is very little munchkin room or min maxing, no clever shenanigans or power loops.
I'ts kinda hard to determine how strong Godzilla is, because he is very overpowered in setting against human weaponries, so his upper limit was never really explore IIRC. I think when you max out his soul, you should be pretty much impervious to nearly all contemporary weapon.

Right now, you're just very strong and very tough. You can match some one with military augmentations without needing them yourself.

@munchkinomatic how many traits are we allowed to have?
I guess 2-3 pairs should be the cap? On one hand, I should put a limit on it. On the other, I do want to see how far would people go for that sweet bonus.

Are joke characters fine?
I'd advice against it, but you can if you want to. Just remember that permadeath is a thing, and the dices doesn't pull punches.
I know nothing about this place and I cannot use the "I'm an American" excuse. Do you have a vision of this place in the year 2100?

I don't know what this mean. I first read it as SEX CYBERCRIME and was very, very confused.

Also, since your character is in the police, I want to mention that the world hasn't reach the point where Law Enforcement is privatized and the polices are just a tool to baton people into subnmission. Corruption does exist, but it isn't 1984. Your backstory is perfectly fine, but I just wanted to make this clear for everyone.

No problem, it looks very good. Traits are basically your strength and weaknesses. For example:

This give you a bonus to physical activity that relies on strength.

This give you a penalty to using a advance technology.

Conceivably, yes. But you all start out seperated from one another, with no knowledge of each other. So it's gonna be a while until that happen, if it happen.

I'ts kinda hard to determine how strong Godzilla is, because he is very overpowered in setting against human weaponries, so his upper limit was never really explore IIRC. I think when you max out his soul, you should be pretty much impervious to nearly all contemporary weapon.

Right now, you're just very strong and very tough. You can match some one with military augmentations without needing them yourself.

I guess 2-3 pairs should be the cap? On one hand, I should put a limit on it. On the other, I do want to see how far would people go for that sweet bonus.

I'd advice against it, but you can if you want to. Just remember that permadeath is a thing, and the dices doesn't pull punches.
Actually, yes. Its an bit.. uneven. Colonge, Duesseldorf, some other places.. they are booming finance and culture centers.. other places lag behind. Much.
its also rather multicultural, with lots of muslim and eastern bloc immigrants in the seedier parts.. and LOTS of Japanese in Duesseldorf.
Ah, Special investigation Unit [Sonder- Ermittlungs Kommando] . Does work against augmented criminals and robotics, highprofile..

So.. would I have a Policegirl trait? Or what?
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Would be nice.
She has a Carousing trait , I guess, a Quick one.. and negative.. stubborn [as a mule] and ... hm.. Enemy? Or Rival?
Carousing is very limited, so you may want to use something like Charismastic. Traits aren't something that describe you as much as it is something that can meaningfully impact your character's performance.

Argh, why not? Everyone get a free career/background trait.
Jack Thossolne
Name: Jack Thossolne
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Starting Location: St Catharine's, Cambridge
Incarnation: Mycroft Holmes
Personality: Intelligent, as evidenced by getting into Cambridge, Jack is a humorous girl, fond of more light hearted amusements. However, when her ire is raised, she becomes ruthless in her word choice, verbally dissecting someone with insults.
Bio: An intelligent girl , Jack breezed through school, before coming to Cambridge to study Natural Science. Once here, she was near the top of her class, but spent most of her time relaxing and partying, having fun.

Old Money: Class isn't how rich you are, it's how rich your grandparents are. Jack has the pedigree, she has the education, she has the wealth and she has the contacts. This makes things much easier.
Stunner: Jack is really, really attractive. Even by the standards of 2100s, where gene therapies and advanced medicine means that literally flawless appearances are possible, Jack still somehow stands out of the crowd. She mainly uses this to get laid. Eh, what can you do.

Hedonist: Jack is very fond of the finer things in life. And sex.
Attunement: 0
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Kira Kadoya
Name: Dr.Kira Kadoya

Age: 25



Starting Location: Luna

Incarnation: Tsukasa Kadoya, kamen rider Decade series.

Personality: Intelligent, slightly crazy, Kind to his friends and love ones. can be brutal to his enemies.

Bio: I was born an orphan , on the streets of dublin. when you discover a chance for a better life. A kindly old scientist was looking for a lab assistant for his lab for his company, I took the interview and was got the job at the age of 15. As the years went by as the old man slowly couldn't handle his work. I slowly took over the lab and company and by the time I was 21 i was was head of the company. I decided there and then to expand the company and don't know how but i got the idea to change the name of the company to Sacred Hegemony Of Cycle Kindred Evolutionary Realm or SHOCKER for short.
Over the years I while I worked, I also trained and improved my body and mind to be as best as possible.

Scientific Genius: They call you mad but you can brake the very limits of science.
Built like a lethal weapon: Your body has been trained and improved with Science to lethal precision.
The past can set you free: You are getting more clarity with your past.
Rag to Riches: You started with nothing but through skill and luck you have amassed a massive fortune.
Mad Scientist: You are a Mad Scientist.
Grim Presence: People can sense that there is something is up with you.
The past will always haunt you: you can vaguely feel something is slowly returning.
The New Money: Through gaining your wealth, and going above your station, the Old Money won't take it kindly.

Acquired Traits:
Hand-to-hand proficiency: +3 to all unarmed combats.
Ancient Knowledge: +3 to acquiring new skills

Attunement: 0

The Shocker corporation or by its true name Sacred Hegemony Of Cycle Kindred Evolutionary Realm corporation had a simple origin. It started out as a small laboratory in a company slowly being strangled. The head scientist of the lab and the company very owner saw what was happening and decided to do something about. With various deals he successful maneuvered to suit him he could start to expand and fix his company. Doing a meeting with a supplier in Dublin he came across an orphan prodigy that if he could shape then the possibilities would be endless. This is how the Doctor meets the future CEO of Shocker Dr. Kira. As years went by, with the help of Dr.Kira and Kira's comrades, Doctor Krieger, Dr. Wesker and others, the company was rising like never before. That is when tragedy stuck, the owner was dead in his sleep, but it smelled of foul Play. In the will Dr.Kira was given ownership of the company. Using his and everyone's talents, the company was expanded to new heights and new fields. It was then decided that the company needed a new name and Shocker Corporation was born. Through the various military and privates contracts it has, Shocker has gained a massive presence on Luna and abroad. Some other companies with more old presences did not like how a new company was upstaging them, decided to send some surprises to Shocker. After the fifth failed assassination attempt, and a few mishaps in the labs it was decided that a security force was needed. The Shocker security force(SSF) was formed. Its main job is to protect shocker by any means necessary.
Though bribes, doing tasks and taking on contracts and jobs for the military and the councilors , The SSF were allowed to be created as a PMC with top of the range military gear and experimental gear..
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Looks interesting. I'm assuming the worldbuilding will be handled by you as we take actions to explore it?
Might decide to take a stab at this one. Another question, though. The reincarnated soul can be from any universe/work of fiction we want? I'm assuming that even if one picks an OP character, they'll still be nerfed accordingly due to reincarnation hijinks, right?
Jesus! Welp, I don't know what happened to the kiddie pool.

Gonna call it in for the night. Hopefully I can manage this.
Alex Capperdine
Name: Alex Capperdine

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Starting Location: Mars

Incarnation: Alita Yoko

Personality: Thoughtful and pondering, Alex prefers to think things through and make cautious decisions, hedging his bets and acquiring intelligence whenever possible beforehand.

Bio: Crippled at a young age, Alex began receiving cybernetic grafts at an age which would otherwise be illegal if not for the fact that he would die should they be withheld. Over the course of this short life, he's suffered from many prejudices regarding his more apparent cybernetics, eventually enlisting at sixteen where he felt his skills and talents would be put to good use. And they were. [Further Past Redacted] Currently seconded to Mars for reasons unknown.


Full-Conversion: Alexander Capperdine is a full-conversion cyborg, leaving only his brain authentically 'human.' Even then, his cerebral fluid has been replaced with an impact resistant gel. This is his only 'vital' organ and, as such, he can survive an incredible amount of trauma and repair himself when necessary with tools and maintenance. [+2 Combat/Survival Actions & Unaffected by Hostile Terrain]

Militant-Minded: Most at home in the world of the armed services, Alexander is incredibly skilled in all matters regarding the military, be it firearms, protocol, or simply how to kill someone quietly. [+3 to Interaction with Military Background Individuals & Anti-espionage rolls against Infiltrators/Saboteurs]

Combat Engineer: Alex is adept at designing, creating, and modifying weaponry, armor, and his own cybernetics in order to operate and plan better field operations. His gear is not better than military standard, merely personalized and more multi-function while being slightly tougher and more rugged due to his personal attention and time. [+3 to Maintenance/Repair/Design actions involving weapons or other military gear]

Prejudice Target: A target for any hate group or advocacy against cybernetic implants or augmentations, Alexander will be automatically targeted by any such individuals should he come into contact with them and will require effort to get them to remain neutral. Will not actively aid Alexander unless under orders or the situation is extremely dire. [-4 to All Social Interaction with any character possessing Trait: Prejudice - Cyborgs]

Un-civilian: Alexander does not do 'casual,' laidback, or chill. He enlisted too young and got too comfortable, combined with his early history of being bullied for his augments and replacements, this means he has very little in the way of social skills or normative behavior. [-2 to All Social Interaction with non-military background individuals]

Attunement: 0
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Looks interesting. I'm assuming the worldbuilding will be handled by you as we take actions to explore it?
Might decide to take a stab at this one. Another question, though. The reincarnated soul can be from any universe/work of fiction we want? I'm assuming that even if one picks an OP character, they'll still be nerfed accordingly due to reincarnation hijinks, right?
Yes on worldbuilding. Although, you can do some worldbuilding on your starting location if you feel like it. Basically, you get to customize your starting condition at the cost of doing my job for me.

Yeah, your soul can be from whatever world you want. OP souls isn't an issue IMO. The more powerful you are, the longer it take to get there.

Of course, there are certain things that doesn't play nice. Those I'll try to sniff out and handle.
Yes on worldbuilding. Although, you can do some worldbuilding on your starting location if you feel like it. Basically, you get to customize your starting condition at the cost of doing my job for me.

Yeah, your soul can be from whatever world you want. OP souls isn't an issue IMO. The more powerful you are, the longer it take to get there.

Of course, there are certain things that doesn't play nice. Those I'll try to sniff out and handle.

Hmmm I could be God from Supernatural. lol.
This give you a bonus to physical activity that relies on strength.

This give you a penalty to using a advance technology.

Conceivably, yes. But you all start out seperated from one another, with no knowledge of each other. So it's gonna be a while until that happen, if it happen.

Yeah, I mean well super power aren't normally subtle so it may become obvious of each other quickly.

I take it my other two traits are fine, and since your giving me feed back, does that mean David the lizard man is accepted?
Yeah, I mean well super power aren't normally subtle so it may become obvious of each other quickly.

I take it my other two traits are fine, and since your giving me feed back, does that mean David the lizard man is accepted?
Yeah, I am not seeing any problem with any sheet atm. Although, it is 1 in the morning and I need some sleep, so get back to all of you later
Syara Myers

Name: Syara Myers

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Prob gonna change this.

Starting Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Incarnation: Lex Luthor (Composite)

Personality: Two-faced to say the least. Outwardly, Syara appears to be a functioning member of society. She's capable of smalltalk, she's studious, hardworking and goodnatured. Pure and innocent, if you will. Inwardly she's empty. She's incapable of feeling the slightest shred of remorse or compassion. To her, people are like insects. They're breakable tools and she's not above using them up and throwing them away. The one thing driving her at the moment is her desire to establish humanity and by extension, herself, as superior, by any means necessary.


Syara Myers is a normal girl who's lived a normal life in a mundane neighborhood with mundane and supportive parents in a generic part of the United States.

Okay, not quite. Syara Myers is a monster of a girl, hiding her nature behind an impressively designed mask. She's managed to hide the fact that she's a sociopath for most of her life through a combination of charisma, intelligence and a ridiculous amount of luck.

She was in grade school when she learned that she wasn't socially acceptable. It was the neighbor's dog's fault. Rex. Such a pest. Animals had never liked Syara, and the feeling was mutual. Always yapping at her, snapping at her ankles, being a nuisance with its constant barking and growling. Keeping her mother and father awake, leaving them sleep deprived.

So Syara killed the dog. She picked the lock of the fence, slipped into the neighbor's backyard and killed the dog. Messily, brutally. She buried the corpse in a nearby pond, weighed down the corpse with rocks. She thought nothing of it really. The dog was an annoyance, so she got rid of the annoyance. It was like swatting a fly, like smashing an errant mosquito. That's all it was to her, she felt nothing of it. No anger, hate, just... Mild irritation.

It wasn't that easy though. The neighbor saw her walking back after dragging the body into the pond. There were arguments. At one point police got involved. Nothing came of it, the neighbor was piss-drunk at the time and the body of the dog was never found but it was at that point that Syara realized that it would be best to figure out how to avoid drawing attention in the future.

And so it went.

She suppressed her nature, attended a normal school, passed with above-average grades. Nothing too special. She made friends, she interacted with her family, took up a few hobbies here and there and managed to give the impression that she actually cared about other people and felt things like love and devotion and happiness.

There were no more incidents. At least, no more incidents that anyone knew about.

Eventually she ended up moving to Boston after graduating from college, in search of a career.

And here we are now.

Negative Traits:
- Sociopath: Syara feels nothing. Towards anybody. No empathy, no love, hate or despair. She is fundamentally incapable of caring about the people around her. Again, to Syara, people are nothing more than insects. (Forced to RP a sociopath.)

- Hubris: Syara refuses to accept any betters. She recognizes no masters or mistresses. No gods, no heroes in tights and capes, no messiahs. She kneels to no one and she recognizes no superiors. Heaven help anyone who tries to proclaim themselves as such to her face. (Forced to RP an egotistical sociopath.)

Positive Traits:
- Lucky: Perhaps Syara was a good samaritan in another life. Maybe fate just really likes her. Oh the irony. Syara's luck is proof that the gods really do have a sense of humor. She's more fortunate than the rest. Things just tend to go well for her. (Iunno, probably something like "Get to reroll a failed action" or something. Up to GM fiat.)

- Charisma (False): Syara can be incredibly charismatic when she chooses to be. If she were so inclined she might be able to talk a random person on the street into giving her everything they're carrying up to and including the clothes on their back. (Probably something like better rolls on social actions.)

- Indomitable Will: Syara's mind is her own. It is her sanctuary, her fortress and she will brook no trespassers. Simultaneously, Syara's actions are her own and she will not tolerate interference. (Resistance to mental influence, physical manipulation.)

Attunement: Zero



1) I'm selecting for intellect. I'm pretty sure everone else is going to be selecting for biggatons. I can't help but feel I might get fucked in the long run.
2) It's going to be a challenge playing a sociopathic character properly. Lessee if I can pull it off.
3) I'd really like suggestions wrt my char sheet. Can't help but feel like I could've written some of it better. Mmph.
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Name: Syara Myers

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Prob gonna change this.

Starting Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Incarnation: Lex Luthor (Composite)

Personality: Two-faced to say the least. Outwardly, Syara appears to be a functioning member of society. She's capable of smalltalk, she's studious, hardworking and goodnatured. Pure and innocent, if you will. Inwardly she's empty. She's incapable of feeling the slightest shred of remorse or compassion. To her, people are like insects. They're breakable tools and she's not above using them up and throwing them away. The one thing driving her at the moment is her desire to establish humanity and by extension, herself, as superior, by any means necessary.

Bio: WIP.

Negative Traits:
- Sociopath: Syara feels nothing. Towards anybody. No empathy, no love, hate or despair. She is fundamentally incapable of caring about the people around her. To Syara, people are nothing more than insects.
- Pride: Syara refuses to accept any betters. She recognizes no masters or mistresses. No gods, no heroes in tights and capes, no messiahs. She kneels to no one and she recognizes no superiors. Heaven help anyone who tries to proclaim themselves as such to her face.

Positive Traits:
- Empathy (False): Years of masking her true personality has allowed Syara to appear charming and compassionate, able to masterfully read and understand human emotions.
- Charisma (False): Syara can be incredibly charismatic when she chooses to be. If she were so inclined she might be able to talk a random person on the street into giving her everything they're carrying up to and including the clothes on their back.
- Eleventh-level Intellect (Degraded): She's the reincarnation of Lex flipping Luthor, self-proclaimed Eleventh-level Intellect. Make of that what you will.

Attunement: Zero



1) I'm selecting for intellect. I'm pretty sure everone else is going to be selecting for biggatons. I can't help but feel I might get fucked in the long run.
2) It's going to be a challenge playing a sociopathic character properly. Lessee if I can pull it off.
Well hello there Mr. House..