Marcus Heiner Weber
Name: Marcus Heinur Weber
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark brown hair, olive skin, left eye Crimson Red, right eye Bright Yellow.

Starting Location: Mars

Incarnation: Alexander Strans (The Immortal Wanderer)

Personality: Curious, Coolheaded, Loves Technology and everything it brings, he is a bit of a risk taker and cares more about the outcome of his jobs and the protection of those he cares for and loves over his own wellbeing.

Bio: Marcus was born 22 years ago on Mars, his parents were both respected people of the Martian Military, his mother an officer and his father a scientist in the fields of experimental Technology and weapons.
Throughout his life he was naturally gifted with Technology, always coming up with different ideas and things to make, after he finished school he eagerly followed in his parents footsteps and joined the military, soon after joining he was quickly picked up by his father and now works with him in testing and making experimental Technology.

Tech Savvy:
He has a great interest and ability with Technology. +2
Outcome comes before personal safety: he would rather take the direct rout putting his safety second compared to the outcome of what he is doing.
Coolheaded yet wrathful like a Demon: Generally coolheaded and thinks straight, takes a lot to anger but when pushed over the edge he is like a bomb going off, rage sometimes clouding judgment. (Damage bonus to my attack rolls and my opponents attack rolls, Injury effects will be halved and rounded down)
Martial Lifestyle: He finds everything in some way do with martial to be inherently more easier than compared to others, he has been trained in the use of multiple martial arts, weapons, vehicles and is more on the tough side compared to others of his peers. +3
The Family Pool: This gives me the Filthy Rich trait, but Half of mums, dads and my pay goes into the Family Pool and if someone uses the pool everyone knows who did it and what they spent on.
Attunement: 0
Supernatural Sense: You are aware if something of supernatural nature is within a twenty meter radius of you.
Magical Sense: You feel...something, within the world. A hidden font of power and potential, waiting to be tapped. You can feel the background magic enough to attempt to manipulate it.

Magical Potential: You can now learn magic
Magical Adept: Bonus to learning magic +1
Banishment Magic: Initiate
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Yep, nothing wrong at first glance. However, both your and @lordZeddthedrunk's sheet raised interesting points on self-modifications that can be given you a clear edge in combat.

Basically, they are illegal on anyone but military personnel, because they turn you into a weapon. Monopoly of force and all that, you don't want any random guy to have the ability to punch through walls.

Of course, everyone have some kind of mods that them better than today's human, but everyone's super mean no one's super.

LordZedd's body mod is probably not meant for civilian. Your is on the fence legally. @Slayer Anderson's is legal when he is on duty, but he is required to to revert to a non-combat platform when he is not.

I'm not sure though. What do you guys think on the legality of combat mods on civilians?
They should theoretically be forbidden, at least in countries with a strong tradition of weaapon control laws... the USA... well, not so much.

Nb, would i need such augmentations with a non-duty blocker?
Technology and Magic, Alexander was the host/vessel of a very old and powerful spirit and so the spirit gave him the ability to kill demons, live for practically an indefinitely long amount of time, grow past the physical limits of a human and even meta-humans and demigods, master Neutral aligned magic used only by spirits like itself and use/manipulation of the sub-elemental plains.
Artist- Perfection isn't just a goal, it's the Art itself. The less actions that are taken per turn, the greater the bonus to each dice roll.

Perfectionist- If you're going to do something, you might as well do it right. Makes it so that this character only has 3 actions per turn in exchange for a bonus to dice rolls.
I like it, but pooling multiple actions into one task is a thing in this system. I've used to extensively.

However, your actions have not dices in them, and your pooling is more efficient. For example:
Normal 2 actions task: 2d6

Your 2 actions task: 2d8+2

So, you have a range of 4-18 as opposed to 2-12. Your pooled actions are much better.
I think that Jack is a bit of a special case, because the mods don't actually make him super human, though they may increase his immune system and some other stuff. I figure he probably performed some experiments on himself in college and that's where the mods came from. They aren't actually meant for combat, and the fact that they make him in good shape is a side effect. They do some other stuff, such as increase his immune system, but they also increased his psychosis a bit. This is why the mods aren't given to everyone. I'll probably add that to my backstory if you think it fits.
Yeah, sounds good.

Your is borderline illegal. No one is going to arrest you for doing it, but it is unregulated.

It depends on how easy body-swapping is for this world, honestly. If you can have a work-body/rec-body where the swap takes only a few minutes, it's feasible.

If swapping bodies takes more than a few minutes, then it's not feasible, especially since soldiers need to be on call and ready at a moment's notice when on or off duty in the field.

Personally, I'd go with allowing combat-mods while you're off-duty both for the abovementioned reasons and make the penalties for using them in a criminal way more significant. I mean, skill-wise, soldiers and cops don't become suddenly 'less dangerous' when they're off the clock IRL. They still have the training and generally are still in possession of most of their equipment.

I do see this as being a huge question once augments start becoming common IRL.

Edit: Obviously, this doesn't include having a big-ass gun mounted on your back or anything really-obvious like that which would cause panic while off-duty walking around a mall or something. As long as a combat-grade body can pass for human in a rough way, I don't think it would be worth the hassle of requiring professionals to swap in and out.
Detach their weapons? Sure.
Wait, I got the terms wrong. I meant it as off your tour of duty.

The big different here is that there is a huge disparity in power. Someone with a full suite of combat augs is like the Terminator or RoboCop to other people. It's not as much as having a gun as being always in power armor. Not to mention, you can't (figuratively) disarm someone with military augs

So yeah, in the hypothetical future when your character is no longer authorized to use combat Augs, you will be requested to downgrade to civilian models.

They should theoretically be forbidden, at least in countries with a strong tradition of weaapon control laws... the USA... well, not so much.

Nb, would i need such augmentations with a non-duty blocker?
Yeah, rules on what is acceptable civilian augs should vary. Maybe there should be some kind of registration.

Also, I think maybe soldiers and police should have restraints installed on their combat Augs that must be authorized for them to use their full potential... Manual overdrive is possible, but the penalty for manually overdriving your Augs for unlawful purpose is very dire. How does that sounds?
I could probably destroy the country with an EMP pulse at attunement 2.
I like it, but pooling multiple actions into one task is a thing in this system. I've used to extensively.

However, your actions have not dices in them, and your pooling is more efficient. For example:
Normal 2 actions task: 2d6

Your 2 actions task: 2d8+2

So, you have a range of 4-18 as opposed to 2-12. Your pooled actions are much better.

Yeah, sounds good.

Your is borderline illegal. No one is going to arrest you for doing it, but it is unregulated.

Wait, I got the terms wrong. I meant it as off your tour of duty.

The big different here is that there is a huge disparity in power. Someone with a full suite of combat augs is like the Terminator or RoboCop to other people. It's not as much as having a gun as being always in power armor. Not to mention, you can't (figuratively) disarm someone with military augs

So yeah, in the hypothetical future when your character is no longer authorized to use combat Augs, you will be requested to downgrade to civilian models.

Yeah, rules on what is acceptable civilian augs should vary. Maybe there should be some kind of registration.

Also, I think maybe soldiers and police should have restraints installed on their combat Augs that must be authorized for them to use their full potential... Manual overdrive is possible, but the penalty for manually overdriving your Augs for unlawful purpose is very dire. How does that sounds?
Sounds perfect.

Adding a link to Yue Ayase .... later.
Also tninking about bigger guns if the guys keep bringing them up... a lantefn?
Ryoko Hakubi?
Your is borderline illegal. No one is going to arrest you for doing it, but it is unregulated.
Fair enough. I mean, Jack works with the police a lot, and is often helpful with cases, so they may cut him some slack. Of course, if he makes any more modifications, then there may be a problem.
I actually think that this could end up being a point of controversy IC, in a good way.
True as well.

As an additional point, @munchkinomatic - registration & licensing are good ideas, especially if this future has much in the way of America's view on weapons and freedoms thereof...

Important to note is that a lot of people misinterpret the second amendment. You're not supposed to be able to wild weapons to protect yourself from your fellow citizens, you're supposed to have weapons to defend yourself from your government. To keep your freedoms safe from them. So, theoretically, Americans are able to possess enough firepower that the army could need to be called in.

But, yes, I can definitely see a military unit requesting the return of 'hardware' if you leave the service. At least, if they paid for it and installed me in it. If they've been having me work off the expensive of the body (quite possible), then things might get sticky.
Oi, @munchkinomatic - (sorry for tagging you twice in a row), but you may want to think about cutting character creation here.

By my count we have 12 characters right now, which is pushing the limits for turn rotation length.

Further character submissions may need to start going on a waiting list.

If you think you can handle more, though...
Yeesh, he might have to start cutting character sheets.


I'll clean mine up tomorrow.
Jesus fuck! Does 12 characters also include the ones who also expressed interest but haven't thrown up heir sheet? Either way, cutting this at twelve. Sorry to anyone who is late.

No idea. There shouldn't be any deadline. I don't want to take on too many players for my first game, but I don't think it will be an issue. I

Sweet summer child
Nui Loraine
I like it, but pooling multiple actions into one task is a thing in this system. I've used to extensively.

However, your actions have not dices in them, and your pooling is more efficient. For example:
Normal 2 actions task: 2d6

Your 2 actions task: 2d8+2

So, you have a range of 4-18 as opposed to 2-12. Your pooled actions are much better.
Ah, righto. Edited the traits. Do they fit now?

Also, I made Perfectionist so that rather than providing a flat bonus, it's a bit more dynamic now and synergizes with Day Dreamer. Basically, it provides say, +2 to a multi-turn action, then turns to +1 after two more turns, then -1 after two more, then -3 etc etc. Is that acceptable? Just wanted to have a little more fun with the traits.

I've also kept starting location N/A since I still have no idea where to start. Orbital Habitats are kewl.

Nui Loraine


Gender: Female


Starting Location:
Orbital Habitat

Issun (Okami)

Personality: Seemingly lazy and unproductive, Nui spends most of her time procrastinating and dreaming up projects rather than actually doing them. She's a laid back kind of gal under most circumstances and though she considers art a hobby, it's clear that she has a burning passion for it whenever she actually decides to pick up a pen or brush. Much like actual fire however, her attention is short and quick to spread, making it so that her projects, more often than not, are left at the cusp of completion before frustration sets in and she decides to spend her time elsewhere.

Bio: As far as Nui can tell, she was an orphan. Her earliest memories consisted of vague recollections of other small children living under the same roof as her, being bossed around by the same adults, and eating the same chow on the same table. Who owned the orphanage and where, are questions she can't answer.

What she does know however, is that a kindly old man came to adopt her one day, and she's been living in relative luxury ever since. All the latest toys were in reach, the food was delicious, she had her time to herself, and unlike the majority of kids her age who had to go to school, Nui's education came to her instead. In the face of such material luxury, who was she to complain? Though the man who adopted her, supposedly some sort of art collector that sought after broken pieces of art, rarely saw his adopted daughter, neither of them minded such a arrangement.

Nui was certain beyond doubt that she didn't pick up the brush for his sake.

Artist- Perfection isn't just a goal, it's the Art itself. Provides a bonus to dice rolls.

Perfectionist- If you're going to do something, you might as well do it right. Provides a bonus to dice rolls that gradually decays the more turns are spent on a action.

Resourceful- It doesn't matter that you don't have the right tools! We'll just improvise! Mitigates the malus to dice rolls when under equipped.

Day Dreamer- Why create when you can just dream something up instead? Actions that take more than one turn have a chance to be delayed for several more turns.

Closet Pervert- L-lewd! Massive malus to dice rolls when dealing with innuendos and other similar situations.

Attunement: 0
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