Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

[X] She's right, rushing in would be far too risky and is unlikely to do more than get more good men killed. You'd also be putting your only lead into reaching other dimensions in direct harms way. The risk isn't work it, you'll wait until you have a significant force ready. And if it's closed by then you'll have to try again later.
[X] She's right, rushing in would be far too risky and is unlikely to do more than get more good men killed. You'd also be putting your only lead into reaching other dimensions in direct harms way. The risk isn't work it, you'll wait until you have a significant force ready. And if it's closed by then you'll have to try again later.
I implore you, consider the good information that may come with saving the men, not to mention the boost in morale. Anything to further research and anti-IDC weapons should be grabbed (well, not everything), especially considering that we didn't have the proper technology to face the current threat. Think about it this way: if our tecnology wasn't good enough this time around, what's saying it'll be good enough the next time a situation like this occurs?

Yes, we've got our brilliant MC, and her plethora of excellent (well, half-competent) workers, engineers, scientists, and soldiers. But as displayed by the IDC that has just assualted our soldiers, our advancement alone isn't enough. Let's say we ignore this, and conserve resources. What then? The next time we send out men, with upgraded tech, it's possible they'll just be hit by some new monstrosity, with tactics we don't know of, abilities we cant deal with, and powers that can't be contested with our current resources and information. We wouldn't even know where to begin. Or we hole up, and let our field teams spend their days doing nothing. And as that happens, our store of fresh info slowly depletes, and practical usage of new technology goes untested.

Consider the benefits we can gain from this. I doubt the QM/PQM/PM/GM/?M (really, what's even the title) would make a choice that leads to only a single outcome, unaffected by rolls. High risk, it seems. But think of the reward, the information, the help all of it would provide. The simple act of doing so, and making it out alive could do wonders for us. I'm not saying that going to save the men doesn't have it's own downsides, but I'm confident in the pros of undertaking this quest and surviving. Samples, field info, experience, knowledge of the capabilities of more IDCs, exploring the boundaries of what we can and can't use....(did I mention the samples?)...imagine the culmination of all the excess work and resources poured into this.

And not only that, but wouldn't it vastly increase the trust that the troops have in us? We risk incuring more losses, and for what? To save the lives of a few measly soldiers? Why would we do a move like that, when they're not politicians, celebrities, people of importance?
It's because we care. The employees of this Foundation matter to us, the citizens of this country, the denizens of this world! We may not (definitely not) be able to save everyone, but we'll do our darndest best to! Humanity isn't just the philosophies we have, or the machinations we construct, or the civilizations we create. It's the people, the people who make it up. The communities, the families, the love that binds them together, the simple caring of human nature that supports this. No man left behind, and we stick by it. Our purpose is to serve and protect, and that's what we'll flippin' do, politics be damned!
Now, what soldier wouldn't be inspired by those ideals?

All in all, we'd be taking a risk, sure, but it's a calculated one, where if we succeed, we'll see the fruit of our labours and reap the seeds we've sown.
Thank you for listening to my TedTalk.
(Had to edit because of my meh grammar\spelling)
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[x] You have to try, if even a single person could cross and get back to tell you what is on the other side it would be an immense advantage. If you are fast about it you might even be able to rescue some of the lost team.
[x] You have to try, if even a single person could cross and get back to tell you what is on the other side it would be an immense advantage. If you are fast about it you might even be able to rescue some of the lost team.
I implore you, consider the good information that may come with saving the men, not to mention the boost in morale. Anything to further research and anti-IDC weapons should be grabbed (well, not everything), especially considering that we didn't have the proper technology to face the current threat. Think about it this way: if our tecnology wasn't good enough this time around, what's saying it'll be good enough the next time a situation like this occurs?

Yes, we've got our brilliant MC, and her plethora of excellent (well, half-competent) workers, engineers, scientists, and soldiers. But as displayed by the IDC that has just assualted our soldiers, our advancement alone isn't enough. Let's say we ignore this, and conserve resources. What then? The next time we send out men, with upgraded tech, it's possible they'll just be hit by some new monstrosity, with tactics we don't know of, abilities we cant deal with, and powers that can't be contested with our current resources and information. We wouldn't even know where to begin. Or we hole up, and let our field teams spend their days doing nothing. And as that happens, our store of fresh info slowly depletes, and practical usage of new technology goes untested.

Consider the benefits we can gain from this. I doubt the QM/PQM/PM/GM/?M (really, what's even the title) would make a choice that leads to only a single outcome, unaffected by rolls. High risk, it seems. But think of the reward, the information, the help all of it would provide. The simple act of doing so, and making it out alive could do wonders for us. I'm not saying that going to save the men doesn't have it's own downsides, but I'm confident in the pros of undertaking this quest and surviving. Samples, field info, experience, knowledge of the capabilities of more IDCs, exploring the boundaries of what we can and can't use....(did I mention the samples?)...imagine the culmination of all the excess work and resources poured into this.

And not only that, but wouldn't it vastly increase the trust that the troops have in us? We risk incuring more losses, and for what? To save the lives of a few measly soldiers? Why would we do a move like that, when they're not politicians, celebrities, people of importance?
It's because we care. The employees of this Foundation matter to us, the citizens of this country, the denizens of this world! We may not (definitely not) be able to save everyone, but we'll do our darndest best to! Humanity isn't just the philosophies we have, or the machinations we construct, or the civilizations we create. It's the people, the people who make it up. The communities, the families, the love that binds them together, the simple caring of human nature that supports this. No man left behind, and we stick by it. Our purpose is to serve and protect, and that's what we'll flippin' do, politics be damned!
Now, what soldier wouldn't be inspired by those ideals?

All in all, we'd be taking a risk, sure, but it's a calculated one, where if we succeed, we'll see the fruit of our labours and reap the seeds we've sown.
Thank you for listening to my TedTalk.
(Had to edit because of my meh grammar\spelling)
The choice here isn't between saving or not saving the team it's whether or not we take the time to get a proper rescue force together which will take time during which there's a high chance the portal may close or sending Sorawo and around about a dozen other people now which will still take time but only about an hour but puts Sorawo at risk and the portal may still close while their on the other side leaving both teams stranded.
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All of this assumes a successful mission.

It is entirely possible, and according to our expert likely, that everyone we send will fail to make it back. In which case we gain no intelligence, suffer even more morale loss than not trying, lose troops and equipment and lose our only dimensional expert.

Never bet what you can't afford to lose.
It doesn't matter how big the jackpot is if the odds are too long.
[X] She's right, rushing in would be far too risky and is unlikely to do more than get more good men killed. You'd also be putting your only lead into reaching other dimensions in direct harms way. The risk isn't work it, you'll wait until you have a significant force ready. And if it's closed by then you'll have to try again later.
The choice here isn't between saving or not saving the team it's whether or not we take the time to get a proper rescue force together which will take time during which there's a high chance the portal may close or sending Sorawo and a around about a dozen other people now which will still take time but only about an hour but puts Sorawo at risk and the portal may still close while their on the other side leaving both teams stranded.
Well as i said in an earlier post, my main reason for going to it is the advantage of information we'd be getting, as well as the risk we'd be taking for a speedy rescuse. It's true, there's a chance that the portal could close, causing us to lose a highly valubale person, but I don't believe it to be overly large. THe point of choosing the speedy option would be that we'd have mroe time for something like that, and less baggage (extra troops, robots, etc) to wait for. And the time didn't exactly detail if it'd be an hour, so if it's longer han that, it's a gg for the men in the dimension.

Also, we could also choose to withold Sorawo, though I don't suggest we choose that. Her innate knowledge is a sure-fire thing when walking into an encounter with the IDCs. And the real high-chance of the portal closing, I'd say, would be waiting around like a couple of laggards to re-group, and send in a larger force. That'll no doubt cut valuable time that could be used to further the progress of the people.

'[]She's right, rushing in would be far too risky and is unlikely to do more than get more good men killed. You'd also be putting your only lead into reaching other dimensions in direct harms way. The risk isn't work it, you'll wait until you have a significant force ready. And if it's closed by then you'll have to try again later.'

Snip? Poke? Whatever the cool kids say.
It's true, our expert did speak ill of mobilizing a less-prepared task force, but at the same time, she admitted that portals usch as this only stay open for a few hours, and as the old addage goes, "Time is of the essence." I usually implore preperation,and waiting things out,but I believe banking and trusting on this operation won't be a regrettable investment. I did acknowledge the fact that w might fail, for it would be grevious thing indeed.

But no doubt our efforts will be rewarded, and the soldiers won't be too far from the original portol,considering we'd take the speedy route. Unless wonky-honky time crap happens, and one minute here is one hour there or something of the like.
Some OOC clarification as to how I'll handle the choices.

The rush option rolls a 1d100 + 20 to determine how long the portal remains open.

The wait option first rolls a 1d2 to see if it's open, then rolls a 1d100 - 20 to determine how long it remains open.
Okay, that's incredibly helpful to our cause, and deciding what to go with. Essentially by chosing the first mission we get an extra fourty minutes combined with the 1d100 roll (an avergae of fifty)
So it's less preperation, with a time of 90 minutes, or an expedition with mroe preperation, but only 30 minutes - and that's assuming we get to it at all, as there's a 50% chance we can't access it.

How's that for jackpot, Angel? (I mean no malice in this comment. I just want to clarify that.)
Okay, that's incredibly helpful to our cause, and deciding what to go with. Essentially by chosing the first mission we get an extra fourty minutes combined with the 1d100 roll (an avergae of fifty)
So it's less preperation, with a time of 90 minutes, or an expedition with mroe preperation, but only 30 minutes - and that's assuming we get to it at all, as there's a 50% chance we can't access it.

How's that for jackpot, Angel? (I mean no malice in this comment. I just want to clarify that.)
The dice roll does not map 1:1 for time, please don't think it does so. Obviously I'm not going to tell you how long it will remain open, but the roll is purely relative. Rolling a 100 + 20 isn't going to give you two hours of time.
The dice roll does not map 1:1 for time, please don't think it does so. Obviously I'm not going to tell you how long it will remain open, but the roll is purely relative. Rolling a 100 + 20 isn't going to give you two hours of time.
Erhm, thank you for telling me. That certainly puts a damper on it.

Even so, then that means it's an average roll of 90 versus an average roll of 30, if it can even be called 30 with the 50 percent chance for it to be closed. There's probably some kind of math I could use to figure it out, but my brain is simply too smooth for that kind of complicated calculating.
I still feel confident we could make the situation good.
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Just a heads-up to announce a short hiatus, I finally had my second Covid shot recently and it's going rough. Hopefully it will have passed in a few days time and I can get back to writing.
[X] You have to try, if even a single person could cross and get back to tell you what is on the other side it would be an immense advantage. If you are fast about it you might even be able to rescue some of the lost team.

I'm feeling optimistic.
Adhoc vote count started by Rukia on Sep 26, 2021 at 11:37 AM, finished with 32 posts and 16 votes.

Vote Closed.

Apologies about the long wait, but I'm finally better enough to write again.
Rukia threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Portal Open? Total: 1
1 1
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Portal Length Total: 70
70 70

Welcome, Rukia. We've sorely missed you, and this quest.
(Edited: Also, to speak on the matter, while I do find our roll of 70 to be quite good, I fear that it won't give us ample time. I still stand on my past opinion with baking on speed, but as they say "Let sleeping dog's lie." I hope we can endeavor to further expand on the opporitunities we have.)
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The Second Kipi Incident II

In the end, you knew from the start that the risk wasn't worth the reward, studying Sorawo's ability to cross dimensions was far more important than the lives of twenty soldiers. The men of the Foundation's First were all fully aware of the risks involved when they joined, you refused to allow it be any other way. In this matter, you trusted your advisors expertise on the subject. "Alright, first we'll need to lock down the area and build up a force from local units before we attempt a crossing, if it remains open."

You turn back to the rest of the room, not missing the small sigh of relief behind you, and go about organising the chaos. "Move the rest of First Squad to the site as soon as they have their gear gathered, form a loose perimeter around the area and wait for further reinforcements." At your words the quiet falls away as people retake their roles, you look at one of the communications officers. "Message to the local military units, they are to mass near the site and take over containment when they have a sufficient force, have them separate a few units to support the rest of First Squad as we cross the breach."

You can feel the attention of the rest of the room return to you even as they go about their roles. "As many men as they can spare from containment, nothing larger than a Prowler, we're going to break through and try to recover our lost unit."

The rest of First Squad -and Sorawo- beat the hour estimate you'd made by several minutes as they touched down, the four helicopters reaching equidistant points around the portal anomaly and dropping their cargo. Aside from the worryingly high levels of radiation detected, nothing else came forth to attack them as the local military units scrambled into place, forming a ring around the site and keeping solid containment.

The military at least came through on your request, handing over command of several hundred men and their fresh off the factory line Prowlers. With containment established, the remaining half of First Squad and an additional 60 soldiers were picked from the group as the crossing vanguard, a smaller detachment of five allocated specifically for protecting Sorawo as she went about her work.

The clock officially marks one hour, thirty one minutes and seventeen seconds after First Squad disappeared as the time Sorawo does... whatever it is she does and disappears with half of the 80 men assigned to the crossing. With communications unable to cross dimensional boundaries, there is nothing you can do but wait for them to return, in success or failure.


Thomas Janssens, Foundation First Squad

The crossing occurred so quickly that despite the warning you were taken off guard, it was if you had blinked and everything suddenly changed. The barren earth that you had been standing upon replaced by something startlingly alike bare metal, you quickly raise your weapon and look around, more than slightly alarmed by the fact that you seemed to be inside a cavernous space filled with shattered and warped metal, only overwritten by the presence of actual liquid Collapse Fluid flowing down through cracks in the ceiling then through the floor you were standing on, it was actually pooling into small lakes in several places in the gigantic room.

Your thoughts are driven from your mind as one of the Prowlers near the left beeps an alarm and begins firing on something, joined shortly afterwards by several others as they track something far off in the darkness of the badly lit room. "Contacts present! Form a perimeter." The other forty or so men quickly scatter in a rough circle, trying to find pieces of solid cover amongst the wreckage and avoid the spots that made their CFR detectors screech at them.

You don't manage to find a place before the floor rumbles and the distant echo of an explosion rushes past you, a small blip of light visible in the darkness for a moment. Then, the other half of the unit, made almost entirely of military proper arrives and you commence with the plan. "Holding force, defend the crossing point at all costs, if we aren't here when the lady says to leave, you go without us." You had already explained this to everyone before leaving, but with the sudden shock of the crossing and combat it was always good to hammer the plan home.

"Advance force," Another blip of light, even further off in the distance followed shortly by a small rumble as the explosion passes you -they weren't equipped with explosives of that size, what is causing that?- "We move to those explosions, that has to be the rest of First Squad." The perimeter collapses and reforms as you advance off in -your compass spins wildly, pointing nowhere- somewhere to the right of where you arrived, closer to one of the walls of the gargantuan cavern you found yourselves in. As you set off, the rearmost Prowler begins unspooling the cable spool that had been jury rigged to it's weapons emplacement, ensuring a hardline of communications and a path back to the portal should all else fail.

The military guys look around nervously as the Prowlers beep their warnings, rapidly aiming and sending bursts of gunfire off into the dark to either side of the column, but as the vanguard the remaining twenty men of First Squad push forwards relentlessly. You see endless piles of broken scrap as you pass, most of the damage old but some of it at least looks recent, keeping your abject confusion to yourself as you steer around a pool of Collapse Fluid large enough to hide a building in it.

This place is completely fucked, it must be where the shit is coming from. It looks as high tech as anything you've ever seen, if not for the decrepit state of the place, you'd easily put it above anything else you've ever seen. You turn your head to look at some floating and faintly glowing orb thing as you pass it, relying on the camera mounted to your helmet to record everything for analysis.

The column abruptly comes to a stop as you pass a faintly flickering blue light, mounted high atop a pole, because you suddenly find yourself somewhere entirely different. The front two Prowlers beep and begin laying down a withering line of fire before them at something, when you look back to see what happened you just see empty space, a similar but cracked pole holding up a calming blue light atop it. More importantly, you are now nowhere near the unit you were trying to rescue. "Back, everyone back!"

You almost run into the rear of the unit as you cross back over, a quick burst of shouted orders bringing things back into order. "Around this pole, some kind of teleporter." The men heed your words, even as you abruptly take note that one of them that was beside you on the other side of the pole no longer was. You put it out of your mind to deal with later and focus back on the path forwards, almost stumbling as the broken wreck of a Prowler emerges from the dark before you, looking a lot like a crumpled tin can.

"One squad stay here and extract the memory core from that, then return to the portal." One of the military units from the back peels off as you leave them behind, the bright beam of their Prowlers laser pointer disappearing into the darkness as it turns away towards something.

The results of your mad dash finally begin to show themselves as the wall of the cavern comes close enough for you to see, a gigantic monolith of cracked and warped metal leaking the ominously glowing fluid from a thousand cracks. Though you can't see them over the wrecked piles before you, the distinctive sound of a .50 reaches your ears, short bursts rather than the long staccato your own Prowlers were using. Low on ammunition. Prowlers carried a lot of ammunition, but not that much, especially not for the .50 calibre variant.

"First Squad, do you read?" The short range burst of radio felt like something of a forlorn hope, you could barely hear from the squads at the back of the formation, but you feel your heart leap when someone attempts a reply, the message garbled beyond intelligibility, but it was a message. You absently acknowledge a short Fifteen Minutes from the messenger cable as you turn past a particuarly large, and humanoid, pile of scrap, finally finding yourself in sight of your wayward squadmates, illuminated under a large blue spotlight as they huddle against the wall.

Their only operational Prowler is standing a short distance ahead, scanning the darkness around them and taking occasional potshots, while one other lies embedded into the wall some thirty meters up, the last completely absent. Hanging over all of them from it's place on the wall is some kind of... heavily armoured mechanical spider thing, short waves of something emanating that makes your stomach turn as the emplacements on the body swivel and shift, firing out at something unseen. You see the three frontal Prowlers swivel to target it before just... stopping and going back to scanning the black around you. The fuck?

Your radio crackles to life as your unit forms a circle, the fire from the Prowlers only growing in intensity as they fire at something. "You need to leave, right now! The thing that brought us over here is still around, it's intelligent, you need to get back across and warn them." The strong voice of your friend and commanding officer, Arthur drives right over any objections you could have made. "This thing over us is some kind of security drone, it's been keeping that thing off while we try to open this door, but I don't think it can actually stop it. Tell them that this place is far bigger than you could imagine, we found a holographic map of this facility, it's big enough to cover Europe and half of Russia."

The gunfire behind you suddenly slacks for a moment before restarting a bit quieter, a small blip in your ear alerting you to the fact that the rearmost two squads life support signals are no longer connected to the net. "It's here, you need to GO, we have this door open, it can't fit through here."

There was so much you wanted to say, to demand explanations and reject running, you could make it to them, it wasn't too much further. But the light illuminating the rest of First Squad abruptly disappears as the spider droid crumples against the wall, whatever force acting on it driving the cracks open as Collapse Fluid begins to leak through in small rivers.

You need to...

[] Stay just a little longer, they are only a few hundred meters away, you can reach them.

[] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
-[] With everything you have.
-[] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.

[] Write In...
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[X] Send in a Prowler with explosives able to detonate, away from the men, so they're safe, but close enough that it'll attract the enemy, or some other suitable distraction.
-[X] Send in a speed team of Prowlers to recover the men. If we can't save them all, save the few higher ranking officers we can, and jettison out of the way.

Ugh...I can't exactly think of great write-in, and the choices we're presented with feel wrong either way...and I'm not sure the men would survive much longer here, even with supplies.

Edit: @TheWhiteClown Erhm...let's change the 'spider' to 'enemy', though loading supplies may be more prudent, I'm doubtful of their ability to surivive.
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[X] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
-[X] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.

I don't have faith in our ability to pull them out, unfortunately, but we'll give them what we can just in case.
[X] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
-[X] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.
[X] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
-[X] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.

We have material resources to burn at the moment, we can spare some Prowlers helping make their last stand an epic one.
But the main thing is to get out with the info and experience we have gained.
[X] Send in a Prowler with explosives able to detonate, away from the men, so they're safe, but close enough that it'll attract the enemy, or some other suitable distraction.
-[X] Send in a speed team of Prowlers to recover the men. If we can't save them all, save the few higher ranking officers we can, and jettison out of the way.
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[X] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
-[X] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.