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"The boy is important. I can feel it," said Qui-Gon. "Discounting his truly unprecedented...
"The boy is important. I can feel it," said Qui-Gon. "Discounting his truly unprecedented midichlorian count, he shines through the force like a beacon. If we do not take him in, someone else might."

"He is too old." Grand Master Yoda would not be swayed.

"He is too brash." Neither would Master Windu."

[Apologies, Qui Gon. If there were any chance of his success in the Jedi Order, I would support you. As it is, the best he can hope for is to be a farmer in the AgroCorps.]" Kit Fisto said.

He, at least, seemed sincerely sorry that there would not be a Jedi youngling accompanying the Great Arbitrator back to Coruscant.

Frustration bubbled in the back of Qui Gon's mind, and he released it into the force as easily as breathing. Only a second after the Council had relayed their verdict, he nodded in acceptance. "A pity. I feel he would have made a great Jedi, and I went to some lengths to free him from slavery besides."

"In another life, in another time, the boy may have been great," Yoda said, with great deliberation, "but in this life; become a Jedi, he will not."

"Thank you for your guidance, Masters."

"Be careful, Qui Gon, that you do not allow your mission to be impeded by unnecessary distractions."

"I will, Mace. See you soon."

Qui Gon closed the com link with a wave of his hand, and sighed. A pity, indeed.


"But… you promised!"

"I am sorry, young Anakin. But I consulted the Council, and I cannot go against their wishes."

You stare at the bearded man in front of you, mouth agape, eyes wide, betrayal warring with shock. But a deep, profound confusion was felt most keenly. Jedi were good. They did all they could to make things right. He freed you from Watto, but if he leaves you here, there's no way you won't find yourself enslaved again sooner or later.

If you're lucky it'll be for your mechanical skill. If not… well, you hear the rumors of what happens to children on the slave market.

The cloaked bastard just stands there, with a fucking smile on his face.

You close your mouth. Open it again. Close it. You find your words. "Was it all just… a trick, then?" To your shame, your voice cracks, and tears have started falling.

His face morphs into an approximation of sorrow. He's probably laughing, on the inside. He's laughing at you. "Oh no, not at all. You are strong in the force, and I truly did intend to make you a Jedi." As if you would even consider it now. "But I must bend to the Council."

You can feel Mom watching from the door. You feel her worry. You can feel the Hutt slime in front of you. You can feel his utter lack of emotion, for all the sadness on his face.

You can't take this. You turn back, towards Mom, and walk away from the Jedi.

'I'll show them,'
you think, 'I'll show them all. One day...'

What now?

[ ] Run away. You need to get away before the slavers find out you're unprotected. And Sebulba is still alive, and undoubtedly holds a grudge...

[ ] Go back to Watto. He's not such a bad master, and maybe you can take some of his mechanics to build stuff for when you finally get off this rock. Then again, he just lost everything, he might sell you...

[ ] Ask Mom. She's always been there for you, she'll know what to do.

[ ] Sneak onto the Jedi's ship. Sure, it'll be damn near impossible to sneak by a Jedi, and then you'll have to live in close quarters, but better that than be a slave. They could just bring you back if they find you though...

[ ] Write in
[X] Run away. You need to get away before the slavers find out you're unprotected. And Sebulba is still alive, and undoubtedly holds a grudge...
[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
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Anakin's skills:

Force: F

General Mechanics: B

Sneak: D-

Thievery: E

Lying: D+

Fistfighting: E-

Situational Awareness (not reinforced by Force, yet): B

Pod Racing: B-

General Piloting: F+

Danger Sense: E-



It's a Hard Knock Life: Life hasn't handed little Annie any favors. Well, except that time when he was sold as a slave to a master that wasn't the worst master around. Life is hard.
(-2 to initial rolls, +2 to reaction rolls)

Grease Monkey: Since the time he could hold an omni-tool, young Skywalker has been a true genius in the workshop.
(+5 to related rolls)

NEED FOR SPEED: H-hey man, y-you got that *sniff* that hyperdrive stuff?
(+2 to rolls when racing, chasing, or running away)

Chip On Your Shoulder: Anakin was born and raised a slave; now that he's got a chance to be something else, he's interacting with people who have never been a slave. Their ignorance of his plight doesn't endear them to Anakin.
(-2 to interaction rolls, +2 to interaction rolls with slaves/former slaves)

Are You An Angel?: Anakin has met Padme. At the tender age of nine years old, he has formed a crush on the teenage queen. If not managed properly, this may turn into an obsession over which billions could die.
(+2 to rolls regarding Padme, +2 to rolls with Sith, -2 to rolls with Jedi)



Padme: Crush (One-Sided)

Mom: Adoration (Mutual)

Qui Gon: Neutral (Mutual)

Jedi: Neutral (Mutual)

Watto: Grudging Respect (Mutual)

Jar Jar: Acquaintance (Mutual)

Obi-Wan: Acquaintance (Mutual)

Sebulba: Dead (One Sided)

Sheev Palpatine: Friendly Acquaintance (Mutual)

Pong Krell: Neutral (Mutual)

Nawar Aven: Uncomfortable (One Sided)

Tarryn: Dead (One Sided)
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[X] Find that nice girl Amidala that helped you clean the R2-Unit. She'll no doubt help you out!

Gets helped by the Queen of Naboo. Sidious sees his plight. Sidious adopts him. Sith Path Activated.

[X] Find that nice girl Amidala that helped you clean the R2-Unit. She'll no doubt help you out!

Gets helped by the Queen of Naboo. Sidious sees his plight. Sidious adopts him. Sith Path Activated.

if we follow a force using path I'd rather go to the Green Jedi if the GM is using legends. Their the last remnant of the pre-Russian Jedi and frankly are a better fit for Anakin.
Hmm, what exactly do Jedi do with Force sensitive people who can't be trained? Just ignoring them after leaving them high and dry seems incredibly stupid. Hell, even the Agricultural Corps is better than jut leaving the kid on Tatooine.

I know people like to jump on the 'Jedi Council is Stupid' bandwagon, but this is kinda ridiculous. The Jedi aren't supposed to be some Lawful Neutral organization that puts their laws before their morals. Just because they won't train Anakin, it doesn't mean they won't help him find a better life.
Hmm, what exactly do Jedi do with Force sensitive people who can't be trained? Just ignoring them after leaving them high and dry seems incredibly stupid. Hell, even the Agricultural Corps is better than jut leaving the kid on Tatooine.

I know people like to jump on the 'Jedi Council is Stupid' bandwagon, but this is kinda ridiculous. The Jedi aren't supposed to be some Lawful Neutral organization that puts their laws before their morals. Just because they won't train Anakin, it doesn't mean they won't help him find a better life.
I think that Qui-gon is planning on doing that since leaving a powerful force senstive to be reenslaved is a recipe for a new darksider in the galaxy, this vote is Anakin reacting to the chance to be a jedi being ripped away from him before Qui-gon can tell him the other options.

updated my vote.
[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
[ ] Run away. You need to get away before the slavers find out you're unprotected. And Sebulba is still alive, and undoubtedly holds a grudge...
Survival on Tatooine could be a very fun quest, but I dunno whether enough users would be up for it. Viable. And can lead to podracer / slave revolt options.
[ ] Sneak onto the Jedi's ship. Sure, it'll be damn near impossible to sneak by a Jedi, and then you'll have to live in close quarters, but better that than be a slave. They could just bring you back if they find you though...
This opens up the galaxy to Anakin, and most likely leads to a different kind of quest than the first option. He could study elsewhere, get employed/mentored by a wide range of organizations, get additional resources, etc.

This path also leaves open the option of getting more evolved in canon events (e.g. Naboo invasion).
Write-ins would be great here; hopefully y'all chime in with a few.
[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
This is a more guaranteed, specific version of the 'sneak aboard the ship' option. At the moment, I'd support either the first option or this write-in the most. :)
[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
Tempted to have Anakin demand qui-gon let him talk to the council himself but I'm well aware that won't work, so.

[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
The write in seems like the best option, but why not try to get Anakin's mother off world too?

[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
--[X] See about getting your mother off world with you. You don't want to leave her in slavery either.
[X] Run away. You need to get away before the slavers find out you're unprotected. And Sebulba is still alive, and undoubtedly holds a grudge...

Eh,Jedi and Sith are overrated. I rather be unaligned and be our own man.
[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
--[X] See about getting your mother off world with you. You don't want to leave her in slavery either.

Hoping for Grey Jedi
[X] Find that nice old Senator from Naboo. Maybe he can help.

Why not?
[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.
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The write in seems like the best option, but why not try to get Anakin's mother off world too?

As far as I can remember, Shmi has an explosive implant somewhere inside her (she doesn't know where exactly) that'll kill her if she tries to escape. And seeing as how Watto now owns the pod and all the pod race winnings (due to Qui Gon's gamble), Anakin is free, they have the hyperdrive they need, and Watto is both destitute and now loathes the Jedi, there's really nothing that they can offer him short of the ship they're taking off-world that would get him to allow Shmi to go free. That won't stop poor, naive Anakin from asking, though.

Maybe if they offered Jar Jar as a younger, more useful slave in Shmi's place, they could trade, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. After all, they're Jedi, and they're the most morally righteous beings in the galaxy. They would never do anything so vile as to deal in slavery. What was that? AgroCorps? No no, you don't understand, they're not slaves, they're just... volunteers. Isn't that right, AgroCorps worker #67-hY-8912?

"I haven't eaten in a week..."

Haha! What a funny guy.


PS thank the tech gods for in flight wifi, and curse them for making it 4 bucks an hour
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[X] "Can you at least take me somewhere I'll be safe from the Slavers? I've heard of something on better worlds called scholarships and my talent for machines might get me one so I can go to school."
-[X] if that fails find that nice girl Padme that helped you clean the R2-Unit and ask if not outright beg her to take your plea for help to the actual owner of the ship.
--[X] your more then willing to work for your passage.