Well, good thing I'm doing a research project to improve Net Navis.
That said, I'm currently alone on that effort. Here's a list of projects that are current lone wolfs that people might want to help with
[] Design a blueprint
-[] Best Command centerTM
--[] With a larger operation you need a larger command area than just a desk, how well equiped it is, intergrating the Upgraded possible servers, multiple screen(wallsized and regular) several swively chairs, one sentient coffie machine, the holografic projectors, the full sized version of the translations software, some maintenance ports, at least 15 cat beds, and 5 regular ones, an attempt to make it all easily modable and upgrade-able and In the center the Grand Jacuzzi/ Command Cozy Pile!
[] Design a blueprint
-[] Circular Uptime Regulating Server Enclosing Suite (Orthanc, Amon Hen, Marble Reactor, All-Purpose Energy Tap): Self-Regulating Server Room
[] Create a Blueprint:
-[] Create a LEARNER compatible version of the Mechanogoblin.
[] Design a blueprint
-[] Digistruct device
--[] Digital Construction device - takes a digital design/blueprint/scan and builds it as a real physical object using nothing but energy. Works on living creatures just fine, memories at time of scan included.
[] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[] Space Manipulation