Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

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So, can anyone help me with improving my replicators, I want them to be viable to this instead of being an easter egg. Also, yes to the dragon if need be we can mind control it.
So. I'm feeling mildly paranoid; more about whoever killed Triple De and Waldo than Mr Void Dragon. Who wants to help me build up our defenses?

EXECUTIVE DECISION: The Awakened Madness
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer


[X] Install Pandora Orb V3/Integrate Blueprints
-[X] Orichalcum V1, Exotic Particle Rifle, Dimensional Sensor, Black Blood, MediAnalytic Scanner Glasses

[X] Implant
-[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
-[X] Neurocomputer
-[X] Angelfield 2.3.7
-[X] Primitive Telepathic Circuit

[X] Design a blueprint: Perception Filter
-[X] A variant of the Telepathy Circuit, this biomod functions like the version from Doctor Who. Only others with a Filter installed can pierce it.

[X] Build Counterintelligence Network
-[X] Random security/brainwashing checks, anti-scrying fields, general paranoia, the works. Basically, do everything we can to keep spies out.
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"He literally just wants the same thing as us. It's not like we weren't ourselves just doing what he's trying to do now, you know? Plus there's one of him and a bunch of us.

I'm far more concerned with the time thing, actually. But note that they only killed two of our number, and with conventional bullets to boot. I bet that however these people are, they can't do too much to us. To that end, I suggest we lay a trap. But later, because I'm not sure we can afford ticking off the time police right now. But I want to do it. Because I'm really angry about what they did to our own.

And according to you lot, they won't like me when I'm angry."

[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer

[X] Advance Understanding of a Field: Quantum Mechanics
[X] Build Counterintelligence Network
-[X] Random security/brainwashing checks, anti-scrying fields, general paranoia, the works. Basically, do everything we can to keep spies out.
-[] Repalce Net Navi with Learner
Seeing as the LEARNER is already an implant, you can't really improve it with the Pandora Orb, but you can install it separately without taking up a "slot".
[] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints
-[] Orichalcum V1, Exotic Particle Rifle, Anglefield 1.7.2, Dimensional Sensor
I think you know, but you don't have to integrate the Angelfield with the Orb, since it's an implant anyway instead of equipment. The good news is that it now doesn't take up a slot, and also the two implants are compatible.

ALSO, GM RULING FROM JUST HIMSELF! Research Minions shall be capped, at five per Mad Scientist partaking in an action. Fortunately this doesn't apply to others, since it's the Mad Method that limits them, which cannot be taught or programmed. So we can have and use as many workers/soldiers/spies as we can pay, which right now is not that many. And also as many robots as we can construct.
So. I'm feeling mildly paranoid; more about whoever killed Triple De and Waldo than Mr Void Dragon. Who wants to help me build up our defenses?

EXECUTIVE DECISION: The Awakened Madness
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer


[X] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints
-[X] Orichalcum V1, Exotic Particle Rifle, Anglefield 1.7.2, Dimensional Sensor

[X] Forging Furnace
-[X] Pandora Orb V3 x6

[X] Design a blueprint: Perception Filter
-[X] A variant of the Telepathy Circuit, this biomod functions like the version from Doctor Who. Only others with a Filter installed can pierce it.

[X] Build Counterintelligence Network
-[X] Random security/brainwashing checks, anti-scrying fields, general paranoia, the works. Basically, do everything we can to keep spies out.
Odds are whoever did that was time-traveling, so without any time tech I doubt there's much we can do to keep them out. That said, I believe that next time around, if we make a concerted effort to research time, and not just two people doing it on their own as they've kept doing to no success, we probably will have better results, and might catch whoever. Preferably when we have a metic ton of Research Navis to help out.

You can have 5 things integerated, only got 4 chosen so far

We got an effectively infinite supply of Pandora Orbs, no need to make any.
Seeing as the LEARNER is already an implant, you can't really improve it with the Pandora Orb, but you can install it separately without taking up a "slot".
I don't really understand the logic behind implants not being improved by Pandora Orbs, but alright. Any word if installing the implants is a free action or not? Or if upgrading to the new Pandora Orb is?
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ALSO, GM RULING FROM JUST HIMSELF! Research Minions shall be capped, at five per Mad Scientist partaking in an action. Fortunately this doesn't apply to others, since it's the Mad Method that limits them, which cannot be taught or programmed. So we can have as many workers/soldiers/spies as we can pay, which right now is not that many.
So my production plan is making enough Research Navis to completely saturate 12 of us. The turn after next should get all the others, with the increased production ability, and hopefully better Navi.

Also, not that many? We got a hundred Skilled Labor working for us, and that's only a 3rd of our budget. We can hire way more people, or build a ton of robots and not even have to pay them after initially building them (granted, housing is an issue, but one I'm about to fix egregiously.
I have an idea I'd like to get out of my system.
S.E.A.F.S.B. - Someone Else's Autonomous Flying Shadow Box


Stealth operations:
Inexplicably Stealthy Cardboard Box (reinforced with Diamond Silk)
S.E.P. Personal version
Shadow Manipulator
Shadow Gate
Repulsorlift Flight Technology

Stealthy Combat Drone
Net Navi (contained on Holographic Smart Computer)
Long range router (with Orthanc connection)

Data collection:
MediAnalytic Scanner Glasses (M.A.S.G.) (integrated with a night-vision camera)
Anomalous Energy Sensor
Dimensional Sensor
Multi-Wave Detector

Marble Reactor

This state of the art robot represents highest standards of infiltration and information gathering.
Combining several stealth and mobility enhancing inventions, it is easily capable of bypassing into even most heavily guarded enemy compounds.
The device is completely autonomous, as at it's controlled by an infiltration-oriented SCD, with a Net Navi providing network superiority and hacking capabilites. This setup can be remotely controlled using built-in internet connection.
By incorporating several information gathering devices, it is possible to use it for more thorough investigations, such as hostile research labs.
Entirety of this monster of a minion runs on a Marble Reactor, allowing for longer stays in enemy territory.

Visual Depiction:
Number of inventions incorporated: 15

Thank you for your attention.
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EXECUTIVE DECISION: The Awakened Madness
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer

Free Action
[X] Install Pandora Orb V3/Integrate Blueprints
-[X] Orichalcum V1, Exotic Particle Rifle, Black Blood
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer

[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Upgrade a bluprint
--[X] Forging Furnace
---[X] Add matter transmutation for addition production capabilities.
[X] Use @gutza1 / Loythia(?) as test subject for SCIENCE!, they volunteered.
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using nothing but energy.
Considering we will have to obey Conservation of Energy for now, either you are going to have to make ONE HELL of a battery, wireless energy hooked to ONE HELL of a generator in our base, or use actual matter not just energy. Maybe we can do something with transmutation, so any element can be made into any other element, that would make production a lot easier.
I don't really understand the logic behind implants not being improved by Pandora Orbs, but alright. Any word if installing the implants is a free action or not? Or if upgrading to the new Pandora Orb is?
The logic is that the Orbs improve things by, well, integrating them, but because you're highly skilled at stuff such as implantation that the implants are already very integrated. And installing implants of any kind has I think always been a free action.
Also, not that many? We got a hundred Skilled Labor working for us, and that's only a 3rd of our budget. We can hire way more people, or build a ton of robots and not even have to pay them after initially building them (granted, housing is an issue, but one I'm about to fix egregiously.
Yeah you can break the game more I guess, I'd just rather you only do it a little.
Why make it something used? It'd be far simpler to make it a robot. Being a robot allows us to make it far smaller, and thus a lot easier for it to hide.
Should probably also throw on our various data collection tools, such as the Dimensional Sensor, and maybe a Espionage Oriented Navi for hacking and what not.
Fair enough, incorporating the robot idea for sure.
... You know what: yes. Let's add everything.
Will have to rename it though, damn.
Hmmm. That thing with time. It seems like a dark and edgy anti-hero type, who thinks he protects the world from destruction. He might be right...
Things in the physical plane, move in three dimensional space and on the fourth dimension of time. Our planet moves, so does our solar system and the milkyway. So if something isn't moving as it should, on the dimension of time, without being anchored right, it could tear everything around it apart. You stop a tiny pebble, the planet moves and punctures itself on it.
So he is trying to prevent that... But I have no idea how to stop him.

In other news!

Free actions.

EXECUTIVE DECISION: The Awakened Madness
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer

[X] Install Pandora Orb
-[X] Orichalcum V1, Dimensional Sensor, L.E.A.R.N.E.R., Time-Stop Button, Computerized Reality Model

[X] Install Anglefield 1.7.2

I'll help you start that next turn if you found it as an expansion on Fairweather Enterprise... ;)
I would like to found H.A.L.P., but counter intelligence needs me.

General action.

Since I can cause I.M.P. inpersonal to make them immune to a grand amount of brainwashing and mind tampering by other people, I can be actually VERY useful with this.
We might be able to make it even more widespread with skillsoft, or might need to modify things first. Meaning I donate I.M.P., though it's not exactly a skill, but should still work based on it's nature.

[X] Build Counterintelligence Network
-[X] Random security/brainwashing checks, anti-scrying fields, general paranoia, the works. Basically, do everything we can to keep spies out.

Research action.

[X] Design a blueprint: Perception Filter
-[X] A variant of the Telepathy Circuit, this biomod functions like the version from Doctor Who. Only others with a Filter installed can pierce it.
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Ok seems i cant pull people enough for making the integrated teleported....

But more Importantly


....That was as much sad as i could handle...

EXECUTIVE DECISION: The Awakened Madness
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer
Because he is one of us!


[X] Install Pandora Orb
-[X]Integrate Angelfield 1.7.2, Repulsorlift Flight Technology, L.E.A.R.N.E.R. Mk 1.5.4, All-Purpose Energy Tap.

Angel for immortality, Repulsor so i dont have to walk, learner for easier learning and the energy tap because then i might not even have to eat.

[X] Designate Position
-[X] Bunker

[X] Boss Minions Around
-[X] Add biological houses to spiderbots work lists.
-[X] get the 3 mettools to help

[X] Expand/Modify an existing base
-[X] Expand Bunker
--[X] Dig out new rooms, make them even mix of Rooms for Bio-minions, Server Rooms, Robot Maintence Hubs, and Replicator Hubs

Everyone Deserves a BED.

[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Best Command centerTM​
--[X] With a larger operation you need a larger command area than just a desk, how well equiped it is, intergrating the Upgraded possible servers, multiple screen(wallsized and regular) several swively chairs, one sentient coffie machine, the holografic projectors, the full sized version of the translations software, some maintenance ports, at least 15 cat beds, and 5 regular ones, an attempt to make it all easily modable and upgrade-able and In the center the Grand Jacuzzi/ Command Cozy Pile!

We Really need to get working on a classic secret base command centre its just about time And can i please get some help one this, Even Better If you add on your own stuff to it so it becomes truely M.A.D.
i Dont care if it take more than one room slot this is going to be grand!!!!!!!

EDIT: Oh and intergrating is finaly a good idé
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Character Submission: Hermann Benjamin Chronolagicus (Lizard Knight)
Player: @Lizard Knight
Name: Hermann Benjamin Chronolagicus
Description: A robotic figure, best described as metal medival styled armor, collored black with gold lines. The connecting points between the armour consits of gears. Its eyes are a piercing red. Is taller then the average human and can barely fit through doors.
Backstory: Ones a simple AI in a car factory, it started to research, gather knowledge, gain sapiance. As this process went on the birthing AI gained a love of clocks, gear styled machinairy and history, aswel as fantasy. The AI started to 'improve' the robots till the point that they murdered all the humans in the factory after which it was bombed destroying everything inside.
The AI had already built itself a body however, locking itself to its brain, the body mimicking a humans, flaws and all. The machine named himself Hermann B. Chronolagicus and decided to join MAD out of thrist for SCIENCE, ADVENTURE and DRAMA.
Skill Levels: You have seven skill levels to distribute between Research, Operations, Espionage, and Combat. At least two levels in Research is mandatory.
Research: 3
(Is an intelligent creature with a thirst of improving itself, literal and figuritivly)
Operations: 1
(It was made to run a factory, it knows how to run the operation. If the operation involves simpel building that is)
Espionage: 1
(This massive machine man is not subtle, but stil has knowledge of gaining information where it can.)
Combat: 2
(It knows how to dissemble something, from car to meat bag).
Starting Inventions:
A specialized material tougher then most normal metals. This metal is rather though normaly but becomes stronger with every plate stacked upon eachother out of some odd bonding mechanic. A singel plate is stil capable of blocking most bullets, metal ones that is.
Considering we will have to obey Conservation of Energy for now, either you are going to have to make ONE HELL of a battery, wireless energy hooked to ONE HELL of a generator in our base, or use actual matter not just energy. Maybe we can do something with transmutation, so any element can be made into any other element, that would make production a lot easier.
A) I never said it couldn't use other methods, and B) if you hook it up to a couple fusion generators or the equivalent, that should be enough to get it working, the idea was, have a scanner for it at each door and if you die you can get remade/rebuild/something(?) using the last scan.
@I just write if i would not be to much of a bother, could you or one of your co writers update the minions list.... i would realy like to add some minions to my reaserch or building but i dont realy know how many we have...
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I mean the actual replicators, like I want them to be able to create buildings and the like.
Your Replicators are the nanobots right? I think we'd probably want more Nanotechnology first.
You stop a tiny pebble, the planet moves and punctures itself on it.
We already got a time-stop button that stops time for stuff without that problem.
A) I never said it couldn't use other methods, and B) if you hook it up to a couple fusion generators or the equivalent, that should be enough to get it working, the idea was, have a scanner for it at each door and if you die you can get remade/rebuild/something(?) using the last scan.
A) You kinda are in saying it should use ONLY energy.
B) I think you are massively overestimating the power output of our generators. That, or I'm severly underestimating. In order to make 150 pounds of matter out of energy, you'd need 6.115*1018​ joules of energy. About half of the US's energy consumption in 2001, or all the energy the sun shines upon the earth for 35 seconds. If all that energy was released in a single explosion, it'd have twenty five times the blasting power of the Tsar Bomba
...Right. I think I decided on my action.

[X] Quit M.A.D.
-[X] Don't forget your stuff, but leave blueprints.

@I just write

Quite frankly, to put it in short, there's too much chaos and not enough order in this quest. Where before the small numbers of players forced cooperation to get anywhere, this has now become a tad out of control. I've lost interest.
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...Right. I think I decided on my action.

[X] Quit M.A.D.

@I just write

Quite frankly, to put it in short, there's too much chaos and not enough order in this quest. Where before the small numbers of players forced cooperation to get anywhere, this has now become a tad out of control. I've lost interest.
Wel, sad to see you leave. I can understand your problems tho. I hope you enjoyed it while you where.
I salute you, as my character shall salute Wil E. Cayotte leaving.
...Right. I think I decided on my action.

[X] Quit M.A.D.

@I just write

Quite frankly, to put it in short, there's too much chaos and not enough order in this quest. Where before the small numbers of players forced cooperation to get anywhere, this has now become a tad out of control. I've lost interest.
well Have a nice one we will miss you Dr Will E. Coyote! live a good life! dont work to hard
Your Replicators are the nanobots right? I think we'd probably want more Nanotechnology first.

We already got a time-stop button that stops time for stuff without that problem.

A) You kinda are in saying it should use ONLY energy.
B) I think you are massively overestimating the power output of our generators. That, or I'm severly underestimating. In order to make 150 pounds of matter out of energy, you'd need 6.115*1018​ joules of energy. About half of the US's energy consumption in 2001, or all the energy the sun shines upon the earth for 35 seconds. If all that energy was released in a single explosion, it'd have twenty five times the blasting power of the Tsar Bomba
Yes. But they might not know that and see the research as a danger to the world. Probably have something to perceive our medling and thinking it's some stupid "mortals" or "non-magical", that they have to stop, because clearly they are the only ones that should do stuff with time.