Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawato ignore the Lost status)

[X] Design a blueprint
-[x] Something that hurts Dreameaters.

[X] Write-In
-[x] Infiltrate into the Illuminati's information network.
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Action 5: Design Buzzkill
Roll 36 + 8(manpower) + 80(skill) = 124

The 'Buzzkill' as the new aerial drone is named is a complete success. Though its wasp-like hull profile won't be fooling anyone, this drone is nonetheless rather ferocious. Armored with Diamond Silk and a Bubble Shield Generator, and powered by one of the Marble Reactors originally meant for the Orichalcum V1 combined with an all-purpose energy tap as a booster, this aerial hunter-killer drone is quite capable of eliminating most appropriate-scale threats with its in-built Buster Pistols.

Buzzkill primary bonus: Combat 3 (+15)

Components used:
-Marble Reactor (+30%, boosted to +45% by All-purpose energy tap)
-All-Purpose Energy Tap (+15%)
-Diamond Silk (+20%)
-Bubble Shield Generator (+12%)
-Buster Pistol (+12%)
-Repulsorlift (+10%)

Final Component Bonus: +114%

Final Statline
Buzzkill +32 to Combat actions (+39 with Network Mode), not including Manpower.
Costs 3 to build.
0.5 Upkeep.

@EternalStruggle Research 2 (2/7)
@Space Jawa Research 3 (2/9)
@Umi-san Research 4 (2/11)
@LuciDreamer Research 2 (1/7)


Makes me giddy looking at it, I want to laugh with happiness.

Not sure if I should make it a happy giddy laugh or an evil maniacal laugh. I'm leaning towards doing both.

That out of the way, questions for @I just write

First, do we need to officially acquire the Luján Partido Bunker or can we start on upgrading it already?

@Space Jawa Combat 1 (1/5) | Injured 4 Turns, Lost 1 Turn (they landed in the wilderness somewhere after ejecting; it'll take them a bit to get home)

Does this mean I don't get any actions this turn unless people vote to come find me? Or how does that work? Do I get my normal actions now that there are two votes to come find me?

[] (special) Commit forces to SASRI raid
-[] Describe

Probably an oversight, but this probably isn't relevant anymore and shouldn't be on the list.

Also, what about the Motobugs I had 3 Interns and 11 Spider Bots building? It's listed in the vote tally, but there's no indication that it happened this week or anything mentioning how many, if any, Motobugs were built, let alone brought on the raid (though the latter could easily be incorporated in as 'we forgot to bring any Motobugs with us, oops')

[X] Boss Minions Around
  1. -[X] Order 3 Interns and 11 Spider Bots to build as many Motobugs as they can this week for the upcoming SASRI mission.
    Number of voters: 1

    Space Jawa
Anybody want to help me build Stealthy Combat Drones specced for 2 Espionage?

I have no idea how much I should built however.

Their 1.5 Pay and no upkeep.

Edit. Actually I will build 1Combat/1Espionage Drones that can be flexible since we already have specialist... In both areas.
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@I just write , the below action was meant to be whatever theory is behind the Shadow Manipulator, rather than Shadow Plane research. I'm quite happy to take it, so don't worry about retconning it. Just wanted to clarify semantics. If we want to research the Shadow Manipulator's theory in the future, what do you want us to name it as?

Action 13: Advance Understanding of Shadow Manipulation the Shadow Plane - 38 + 4 (manpower) + 25 (skill) = 67 = Success

Halfway through their research, Siris Reinier, Circle Master turned to Harlequin and said, "Hey, I get that Shadow Manipulation is a cool name and all, but you realize that what we're doing is actually just improving our understanding of the Shadow Realm's Dimensional Mechanics, right?" Harlequin stared silently at Siris, then pointed to the neon sign that said proudly "COOL AT ALL COSTS!!" They then got back to work. And largely successful that work was! While no step was taken in regards to dimensional mechanics in general, a leap was made in regards to the Shadow Realm's specific mechanics. You can now create larger fields faster and with slightly smaller machines and reduced power costs.

Dimensional Mechanics: Shadow Realm 2->3

@Rotekian Research 2 (4/7) -> (5/7)
@Keeper Of Storms Research 3 (4/9) -> (5/9)

On a not-entirely unrelated note, I want to propose a [DOOMSDAY] Project:
An Orbital Fortress, complete with Planetary Bombardment Cannon. While it bristles with defensive systems, the truth is that the Shadow Citadel is never supposed to be found to begin with; it dwells, and provides fire support from, the Shadow Plane. A base for M.A.D. in its own right, it is armed with an Exotic Particle Cannon that has been scaled to be worthy of an Orbital Dimensional Fortress.

Components To Be Researched:
-Orbital Exotic Particle Cannon
-Cross-dimension Cannon Targeting
-Drive System suitable for an Orbital Dimensional Fortress
-Some way to make building it viable
On a not-entirely unrelated note, I want to propose a [DOOMSDAY] Project:
An Orbital Fortress, complete with Planetary Bombardment Cannon. While it bristles with defensive systems, the truth is that the Shadow Citadel is never supposed to be found to begin with; it dwells, and provides fire support from, the Shadow Plane. A base for M.A.D. in its own right, it is armed with an Exotic Particle Cannon that has been scaled to be worthy of an Orbital Dimensional Fortress.

Components To Be Researched:
-Orbital Exotic Particle Cannon
-Cross-dimension Cannon Targeting
-Drive System suitable for an Orbital Dimensional Fortress
-Some way to make building it viable

It's definitely a long-term project, if nothing else.
[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Improve Dryads so that they can fit in with people and are less dumb better at research and/or operations. If this succeeds a lot, reducing their upkeep would be pleasant.
[X]Save Eggman
[X] get a lot of spiders to help
[X]use the time teleportation to remove everything except Eggman from the building. In fact, remove the building too.

[X]research: is time "fixed"?
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Action 1: Investigate why there's still a Masquerade
Roll 71 + 12 (manpower) + 85 (skill) = 168

At this point, it's painfully obvious that the only reason there's even a pretense of a Masquerade is due to constant panicked coverups by the Illuminati. Courtesy of a Mechanogoblin in the right place, you got to see what goes on in the background of two Supernaturals fighting, in this case a Werewolf and an unaffiliated Mage about a mile north of your base. As an added bonus, you even got a bit of extra information on the capabilities of the supernaturals in question.

Anyway, within thirty seconds of the fight starting, all non-Mad electronic communications into and out of the nearby areas were cut off, preventing easy posting of the events to social media. Any witnesses are rounded up in the minutes after the fight, injected with what is almost certainly a memory supressant that prevents their short-term memory of events from becoming long-term memories, and any electronics they might have are quickly plugged into a server rack that likely has a very crude AI scanning the devices for evidence of the supernatural.

Still, this is very clearly imperfect; courtesy of your Mechanogoblin you can spot two people the Illuminati missed slipping away in the confusion. A quick statistical projection (granted by the Computerized Reality Model) of the likely results of this pattern holding up indicates a total masquerade collapse within four months; factoring in likely Mad Scientist activities brings this time down to two weeks.

In other news, Werewolves are freaking scary. Their shifted form is upright and bears a mix of humanoid, wolflike, and bearlike traits. The one who was involved in this particular fight had a large rifle slung across their back, which at first seemed pointless given the pale blue energy blasts they were flinging around unassisted. But when the Mage tried to produce an energy shield, the werewolf simply channelled that same pale blue fire into their weapon, amplifying its destructive power far beyond its normal parameters, shattering said energy field and splattering the Mage all over the general area.

As for the mage, they demonstrated flight, energy projection, force fields, and ability to travel to and from the dreamplane at will before their demise. Given how easily they were dispatched once the werewolf got serious, it's a fair bet that they weren't very experienced or powerful. Either that, or werewolves are just overpowered.

-The illuminati is trying to keep things secret for some reason.
-Despite the Illuminati's efforts, the masquerade is doomed.
-Werewolves are freaking scary, especially given that they can amplify their equipment's effectiveness.
-Welp, that mage's dead.

@Shadowhisker Espionage 1 (2/5)
@Shadowhope Espionage 4 (2/11)
@Moronis Espionage 3 (2/9)
@OneArmedYeti Espionage 5 (2/13)
@Robotninja Espionage 3 (1/9)
@Revya Alt.Zero Espionage 1 (1/5)

Action 2: Fix the Network
Roll 42 + 8 (manpower) + 65 (skill) + 11 (equipment) = 126

As it turns out, four Mad Scientists working on a simple network repair job was complete and utter overkill. Normal functionality was restored within two hours of work, but the quartet of Mads didn't notice and just kept going at it. By the time they realized just how far they had gone, they'd managed to increase data throughput by 50%, added about forty new layers of security to deter hackers, and increased the network's resilience to data corruption to the point of near immunity. Yeah, that's definitely feature creep in action there.

@Bass11 Operation 3 (3/9)
@trekbook Operations 5 (2/13)
@PurposefulZephyr Operations 3 (2/9)
@Daskter Operations 2 (1/7)

Action 3: Design Decrypting Orthanc Server
Roll 39 + 8 (manpower) + 70 (skill) = 117

A stunning success, the Amon Hen is a highly secure server that can translate almost all known languages, linguistic and programming, spoken and typed. It more importantly uses this as an end to easily break all standard encryption, and probably all but the most secure specialized encryption that ordinary scientists could hope to make, at speeds that makes it viable for combat use while providing communications even it has trouble hacking into with all others with the system.

That's standard fare, of course, nothing to get worked up about. The real triumph is that the device can fit in your pocket without much trouble, although it's a fair bit bulkier than modern phones. Still, if you ever plan to do any hacking in the field, either stealthily or under fire, this device is a must-have.

(Amon Hen equipment available)
@DarkKing98 Research 6 (5/15)
@theflyingbiscuit Research 2 (3/7)
@rolling-the-dice Research 4 (5/11)
@Hazard Research 2 (3/7)

Action 4: Advance Understanding of Economics
Roll 18 + 8 (manpower) + 60 (skill) = 86

Economics is somewhat infamously a field where people have wildly divergent opinions, and the addition of Sparks to this doesn't actually improve the situation. Dr Briefs and Blank get into an argument over the importance of good high-level versus mid-level management when structuring a corporation, just to name one of many disagreements that spring up over the course of the week. Tempers do flare from time to time, but no incidents occur, and the group continue to focus their considerable skills upon the goal. They are closer to an improved understanding of economics than before, with a unified "true" theory of the economy perhaps beginning to take shape, although it's not finished yet.

(Field Advanced: Economics)
@Bass11 Research 4 (3/11)
@OneArmedYeti Research 2 (2/7)
@trekbook Research 2 (2/7)
@Trondason Research 4 (2/11)

Action 5: Design Buzzkill
Roll 36 + 8(manpower) + 80(skill) = 124

The 'Buzzkill' as the new aerial drone is named is a complete success. Though its wasp-like hull profile won't be fooling anyone, this drone is nonetheless rather ferocious. Armored with Diamond Silk and a Bubble Shield Generator, and powered by one of the Marble Reactors originally meant for the Orichalcum V1 combined with an all-purpose energy tap as a booster, this aerial hunter-killer drone is quite capable of eliminating most appropriate-scale threats with its in-built Buster Pistols.

Buzzkill primary bonus: Combat 3 (+15)

Components used:
-Marble Reactor (+30%, boosted to +45% by All-purpose energy tap)
-All-Purpose Energy Tap (+15%)
-Diamond Silk (+20%)
-Bubble Shield Generator (+12%)
-Buster Pistol (+12%)
-Repulsorlift (+10%)

Final Component Bonus: +114%

Final Statline
+32 to Combat actions (+39 with Network Mode), not including Manpower.
Costs 3 to build.
0.5 Upkeep.

@EternalStruggle Research 2 (2/7)
@Space Jawa Research 3 (2/9)
@Umi-san Research 4 (2/11)
@LuciDreamer Research 2 (1/7)
Action 6: Upgrade Shadow Gate
Roll 14 + 6(manpower) + 35(skill) + 4(equipment) = 59
Minor Failure

Well, that project needs a bit more work to come to fruition. Turns out that the Shadow Plane is actually a bit trickier to get into fully than it is to just skirt around the edges, as it were. There were some minor forays into the other dimension, but miniaturizing the equipment to the point where a person can carry it around will take some work.

@Keeper Of Storms Research 3 (5/9)
@theflyingbiscuit Research 2 (3/7)
@Megaolix Research 2 (4/7)

Action 7: Design C.A.T
Roll 14 + 12 (manpower) + 100 (skill) = 126

The previous attempt at designing a containment center for specimens ended in failure due to the simple fact that no data was available on the subjects that might be held in such a chamber. Felicia, the driving force behind the C.A.T project, presented a simple solution: if they were getting so much money from their front companies, then they could just use everything. And she did mean everything.

The C.A.T design is probably the most through and full of redundancies blueprint a mad scientist or team thereof has ever made. Every single possible way of escape or testing requirement is covered in multiple ways, usually at least three, and each of those ways is fairly ingenious in and of itself. Still, the design isn't totally without flaw. Money isn't infinite, and more importantly neither is space, so more esoteric abilities could still easily be a viable method of getting out of the chamber, and since it covers so many angles each individual angle isn't perfect, so a simple excess of raw strength may allow a test subject to break free. Still, despite this, the chamber is far more secure than any prison on the planet while also having better tools for examining its occupant than any laboratory, compromising on neither security nor ability to run experiments. A marvelous room, all in all.

(C.A.T room available for construction)
@Shadowhope Research 2 (4/7)
@Moronis Research 2 (3/7)
@rolling-the-dice Research 4 (6/11)
@them8 Research 2 (2/7)
@DarkKing98 Research 6 (6/15)
@Void Stalker Research 4 (4/11)

Action 8: Upgrade Exotic Particle Cannon
Roll 92 + 6 (manpower) + 70 (skill) + 8(equipment) = 176

The Exotic Particle Cannon's exploding issues were quickly resolved, but that's far from the only good news. The improved version, in addition to being more stable and more powerful, has several built-in marble reactors removing its dependence on external power to fire, though it can still make use of such to increase its destructive power.

Even better, there's enough time left in the week to work on solving the Exotic Particle Cannon's other major issue, namely the fact that its sheer bulk restricts it to being mounted on either a vehicle or a particularly large robot. This, regrettably, mandates somewhat reduced firepower compared to the full-size version, but the Exotic Particle Rifle makes for a suitably destructive longarm for M.A.D.'s soldiers.

As the end of the week approaches, the new Mk. 2 Exotic Particle Cannon is hurriedly mounted to the Eggmobile in preparation for the raid, and Johnathan Diptock acquaints himself with the usage of the new Exotic Particle Rifle.

Mk. 2 Exotic Particle Cannon

Starting Statline: +70% bonus, vehicle-mounted

Components Used
-Marble Reactor: +30% effectiveness

Final Statline: +91% combat bonus, vehicle-mounted

Exotic Particle Rifle

Starting Statline: +35% combat bonus

Components Used:
-Marble Reactor (+30%)

Final Statline: +46% combat bonus

@Shadowhisker Research 5 (4/13)
@Ylamona Research 2 (4/7)
@ConfusedPotato Research 7 (4.1/17)

Action 9: Get the Junkyard running - 90 + 6 (manpower) + 30 (skill) = 126 = EPIC SUCCESS

While none of those involved in helping to get the Junkyard running were particularly skilled at administration, to be frank running a junkyard takes little administrative skill but a lot of labor and some knowledge of the value of the goods being taken in. Luckily, however, your junkyard has an advantage in the Recycler - allowing you to turn even trashed toasters into valuable, separated materials. In order to store these materials and those items you haven't had time to sort through, you built two Storerooms. You also have a Garage, to hold the various vehicles that people paid you a couple hundred to get rid of for them, and a Workroom, to perform whatever repairs and alterations you desire.

Unfortunately, Junkyards do require some labor and so you've hired some hands to help. The eyes that those hands are attached to (via arms, shoulder, a neck, and a head), however, will be made suspicious by any unusual activity. While you are largely free to perform work in the workroom and at night, any significant activity risks exposure. Furthermore, Junkyards are rather unprofitable and you've tapped out the output of local residents' trash. If you wish to expand further, consider moving into manufacturing or contracting with businesses to deal with their waste.

Junkyard Founded
Storeroom 2, Recycler 1, Workroom 1, Garage 1
Income = 150

@Sigil Operations 2 (0/7) -> (2/7)
@Void Stalker Operations 2 (1/7) -> (3/7)
@Phasehand Operations 2 (1/7) -> (3/7)

Action 10: Design Pillah - 15 + 4 (manpower) + 25 (skill) = 44 = Failure

What was seemingly a simple project ended up being massively complicated. Blending mechanical and biological creatures alone was difficult, but ended up being handled fairly well due to your high knowledge of biology and mad scientist skills. While sealing chemicals into a pill form was largely doable, even with chemicals that needed to remain in a solution, more difficult was making biological creations that could produce any of the currently known the extremely complicated chemicals known to MAD. Let alone producing chemical systems, such as the zombie serum. Interestingly enough, the attempt to make a creature capable of producing this serum created a globular, gelatin like creature with the delicate pink coloration of de-blooded muscle and the apparent ability to secrete a fluid containing any chemical it has imbibed - which your laboratory had a wide variety of. Regrettably, however, this creature escaped into a nearby drain. Only Science knows where it is now. Unhappily, the procedures needed to recreate such a creature had been a) riddled with errors and b) devoured by the creature when it rolled over them on the way to the drain. But hey, mad scientists don't need to follow their own footsteps!

@Lizard Knight Research 2 (0/7) -> (1/7)
@dunk1010 Research 3 (2/9) -> (3/9)

Action 11: Upgrade Pandora Orb - 30 + 4 (manpower) + 45 (skill) = 79 =
Painful Success

While a brilliant and largely successful idea, a tragedy occurred in the middle of attempting to mix together such innumerable and disparate fields. Magnus Krampatoradelargane unfortunately messed up one of the most important parts in this project - making Black Blood self-destruct after being cut off from the host. (Master Viper Jaminson's familiarity with the angelfield and freakishly mad science only narrowly prevented the even more disastrous result of the host being devoured at a random point in time after the blood was injected.) As a result, whenever the host is injured the blood so released will, within ten minutes to three days, form a silver black goo, devouring nearby material and eventually creating a humanoid framework of veins that attempts to hug, possess, or devour (none of the interns were willing to volunteer to see which one) all who are nearby. Furthermore, it's really, really easy for other mad scientists to replicate - and merely very difficult for scientists. But faster healing and more physical competence outweigh the risk of being devoured by your own puddle of blood, right?

Black Blood: Injuries heal 1/3 faster. Improves combat skill multiplier by 1. May turn into a black goo that then turns into skeletal creatures that then, possibly, turn back into black blood. Or into black goo. Or into more skeletal creatures.

@ConfusedPotato Research 7 (3/17) -> (4/17)
@Phasehand Research 2 (2/7) -> (3/7)

Action 12: Manufacture Orichalcum Power Suits - 69 + 6 (manpower) + 65 (skill) = 140 = EPIC SUCCESS

Many hands make light work, especially when those hands know what they're doing! You succeeded in making a dozen Orichalcum Power Suits, weapons and all, and did so both under the projected budget and in time to be used in the fight ahead.

+12 Orichalcum Power Suits. ⅔ of projected cost. Quickly finished.

@Rotekian Operations 4 (0/11) -> (2/11)
@LuciDreamer Operations 4 (0/11) -> (2/11)
@them8 Operations 5 (1/13) -> (3/13)

Action 13: Advance Understanding of Shadow Manipulation the Shadow Plane - 38 + 4 (manpower) + 25 (skill) = 67 = Success

Halfway through their research, Siris Reinier, Circle Master turned to Harlequin and said, "Hey, I get that Shadow Manipulation is a cool name and all, but you realize that what we're doing is actually just improving our understanding of the Shadow Realm's Dimensional Mechanics, right?" Harlequin stared silently at Siris, then pointed to the neon sign that said proudly "COOL AT ALL COSTS!!" They then got back to work. And largely successful that work was! While no step was taken in regards to dimensional mechanics in general, a leap was made in regards to the Shadow Realm's specific mechanics. You can now create larger fields faster and with slightly smaller machines and reduced power costs.

Dimensional Mechanics: Shadow Realm 2->3

@Rotekian Research 2 (4/7) -> (5/7)
@Keeper Of Storms Research 3 (4/9) -> (5/9)

Action 14: Design Buster Cannon - 77 + 4 (manpower) + 30 (skill) = 121 = EPIC SUCCESS

Having two mad scientists dedicated to a clearly defined project of such limited scope apparently made things much easier. The Buster Pistol was upgraded to a Buster Cannon with a charge capability and more. Such an item is quite a bit more powerful than the pistol, but regrettably this increase in power came with a slight increase in weight that hampers accurate aim.

Buster Pistol: A basic energy bolt pistol, this weapon is nonetheless effective on most targets, providing a +12% bonus in combat situations.
Buster Cannon: A larger version of the Buster Pistol, this powerful energy bolt revolver is effective on most targets but quite heavy. Provides a +20% bonus in combat situations, but prevents dual wielding. The multifaceted charge capability allows not only for fewer, more powerful blasts but also barrages of faster, weaker shots and much lower-ranged "mushrooms" that deal damage in an area. Regrettably, the barrage feels more like a flurry of cigarette butts and the last setting does little damage to anything other than paperwork. They may have more effect in other realms.

@Lizard Knight Research 2 (1/7) -> (3/7)
@Happerry Research 4 (3/11) -> (5/11)

Action 15: Advance Understanding of Time
Roll 18 + 8(manpower) + 65(skill) = 91
twice is coincidence
This is utterly infuriating. Research into how to manipulate time at first seemed to be going smoothly, with great progress being made on creating a device that would stop time for everyone but the wearer. When everyone went to sleep on Thursday, there was loads of data logged on how time worked and a prototype ready for testing.

When everyone woke up, all the data on time had been lost to file corruption right back to the dawn of M.A.D. and the device had been damaged after seemingly having been knocked off its resting place by one of Felicia's strays, though they all deny involvement. This is not supported by the security footage that could be recovered from the inexplicable file corruption, which amounts to a single grainy frame showing the infrared signature of a cat on the desk.

Among the data lost was the information on Prograde Chronoportation, which is, needless to say, intensely annoying.

@Umi-san Research 4 (2/11)
@dunk1010 Research 3 (2/9)
@Sigil Research 2 (1/7)
@PurposefulZephyr Research 4 (2/11)

Action 16: Manufacture Forging Furnaces
Roll 13 + 14 (manpower) + 73 (skill) = 100

With assistance from an array of Spider Bots, Dr Briefs is able to manufacture 5 new Forging Furnaces for MAD, boosting the organization's total manufacturing ability by a significant amount, or at least its automatic capability. Although the demand for scrap metal is now rather high, something at least helped by the acquisition of the junkyard this week that had been attempted back during the group's formation, the results speak for themselves. These devices, while they could perhaps be improved further, are nonetheless highly useful for constructing new equipment out of raw material without further input needed from MAD members. Which is good, because with all the new designs being created, more production is needed to fill demand than ever before.

(5 FFs constructed, -50 Funds)
None (Lone Wolf)

Action 17: Design Giant Clockwork Wrench
Roll 53 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 20

Well the good news is that you design a giant clockwork wrench. The bad news is that it's useless. Utterly pointless. It is too fragile to use as a weapon, and doesn't actually work as a wrench, you apparently messed up the measurements somewhere along the line. And if it can't do either of those, or anything else, then why did you make it? The answer is because you wanted it to actually work. Looks like it's back to the drawing board.

None (Lone Wolf)

Action 18: Build Research NetNavi
Roll 54 + 2 (manpower) + 5 (skill) = 61

It's easy enough to program a new NetNavi and construct the appropriate hardware to house it in. This one is a curious sort, like all Navis, and also a bit of an innocent one. Won't be any use in shadier pursuits, but then again that's by design.

Minions: +1 Net Navi (Research 3)

None (Lone Wolf)

Action 19: Build Mechanogoblins
Roll 4 + 6 (manpower) + 5 (skill) = 15

So this didn't go well. You made a few Mechanogoblins to increase your espionage capacity, but then the power cores overloaded and they went boom. For no real reason. Frankly you blame the interns you grabbed to help with this project, they probably mucked something up somewhere. That or you used substandard parts due to all the good stuff being grabbed by everyone else first, or maybe it was bad luck. Whatever the case, definitely not your fault, but that still doesn't mean you have anything to show for your efforts.

None (Lone Wolf)

Action 20: Integrate Orichalcum V1, Pause Button, Computerized Reality Model (autosucceed)

You integrate more technology into your body with the Pandora Orb. As opposed to before, where you just added a sensor, now you turn yourself into something of a walking tank, a walking tank with temporal manipulation and highly advanced computing systems. More machine than man, you feel ready to take on the world! And you may have to, considering you plan to rough up some mages. Although you should now probably avoid going near any metal detectors.


Action 21: Assist SASRI Raid
Roll 65 + 56(manpower) + 210(Firebots) + 44(Cat Friend w/ Orichalcum V1 & Felinationizer) + 32(buzzkill) + 5(Norm) + 10(Stealthy Combat Drone) + 51 (Network Mode) + 50(Ylamona w/ Integrated Orichalcum V1, Pause Button, Dimensional Sensor) + 61(EternalStruggle w/ Orichalcum V1 & Exotic Particle Rifle) + 44 (Megaolix w/Orichalcum V1 & Atomic Agitation Gun) + 6(Space Jawa in Eggmobile) + 20(the Exotic Particle Cannon attached to said Eggmobile)
Painful Success

Earlier this week, it had been agreed upon that the forces of both MAD and SASRI would be meeting up half a mile from the target an hour before the raid at a predetermined location.

SASRI's contribution of forces was six mercenaries in hardsuits wearing laser rifles, backed up by a disc-shaped drone the size of a car which was bristling with weapons.

MAD brought four of their members either clad in power armor or stuffed to the gills with cybernetics, a mutated feline minion in power armor, a small army of robots, and a hovering capsule fitted with an immensely destructive beam weapon.

Thus, the group of violent individuals equipped with hyperadvanced weaponry set out to liberate a captured mad scientist from the clutches of a bunch of wizards. The wizard's base was concealed, but was known to both MAD and SASRI as a common hangout for Mages aligned with the Neo-Aztec Council. It was also where Doctor Izen's subdermal locator beacon was pinpointing his position, which made finding him as simple as going to a set of GPS co-ordinates.

Of course, the door was likely covered in all sorts of deadly traps, so the expedient of making your own entrance was preferred, the Exotic Particle Cannon mounted to the Eggmobile firing in laser mode to blast a hole right through the wall, inadvertently causing the entire front side of the building to collapse. Eh, who cares, Doctor Izen's beacon still shows that he's alive. And probably not buried in rubble.

Still, this is about when the surviving Mages get their shit together, and one with black and red war paint on their face steps forwards, casting some sort of blasting spell that knocks the Eggmobile away into the sky at about mach 2.5 while putting a massive dent in the vehicle's hull and sending it spinning out of control. Robotnik barely manages to stabilize the vehicle's spin just in time for the ejector seat to automatically fire, getting him just outside the immediately lethal blast radius of the damaged Exotic Particle Cannon.

Back at the battle, both Jonathan Diptock and XNFE are proving themselves to both be absolute terrors in combat. In the case of Jonathan, this is due to sheer skill with his equipment, with expert manipulation of his armor's movement and shielding systems enabling him to evade or shrug off nearly every attack that comes his way, while easily blasting most unwary Mages into dust with his Exotic Particle Rifle, or bypassing whatever shield spells the Mages try to use by changing the gun rapidly between its various settings.

In XNFE's case, the reason for her ferocious effectiveness is more straightforward, but no less terrifying. The Pandora Orb integrating a suit of Orichalcum power armor into her body not only turned her into a walking tank, but hid most of the suit's systems from view, making her appear as a mostly normal girl save her metallic bunny ears and obviously robotic arms. Add to this the time-warping weapon she had integrated, and she was blatantly facetanking spells that should have reduced her to a pulp, while casually ending the life of any Mage who crossed her path. In addition, the dimensional sensor she had previously integrated showed that each and every Mage was drawing heavily on the Dreamplane for their powers, which was useful data.

And then, of course, there were the robots. Turns out, that when you unleash a large number of killing machines on a rescue mission, most of them armed with flamethrowers, you're going to get collateral damage. In this case, that would be the entire neighborhood catching on fire, surely causing immense property damage and hundreds to thousands of lost lives. Will's moment of glory comes when he charges out of the burning building carrying a heavily burned Doctor Izen in dire need of medical treatment, only to come face to face with that same red-black faced Mage who punted Robotnik off the battlefield.

The Mage just silently nods before suddenly and without warning escaping into the Dreamplane, or so it seems. XNFE gets a brief glimpse of them doing something, before they tear open a hole between the two planes and release a horde of abnormally powerful Dream Creatures onto the material plane, coming in a variety of horrible configurations. After briefly firing everything they had at the various creatures and verifying that none of either group's current arsenal, all the Mad Scientists present flee the scene by air, accompanied by Norm, the solitary Buzzkill, the power-suited Cat Friend, and SASRI's drone. Given the screaming over comms, the fate of SASRI's mercenaries and the remaining Firebots was surely unpleasant and short-lived.

Lost Materiel
-All Firebots
-1 Eggmobile
-1 Mk. 2 Exotic Particle Cannon
-1 Stealthy Combat Drone

Damaged Materiel
-Norm (Moderate Damage)
-1 Cat Friend (Injured 3 Turns)

Materiel Gained
-There was one successfully mutated Cat Friend, but they didn't escape the horde of Dream Creatures.
-Doctor Izen rescued and forwarded to SASRI for treatment.

XP & Statuses
@Space Jawa Combat 1 (1/5) | Injured 4 Turns, Lost 1 Turn (they landed in the wilderness somewhere after ejecting; it'll take them a bit to get home)
@EternalStruggle Combat 5 (1/13) | Injured 2 Turns
@Ylamona Combat 3 (1/9) | Injured 1 Turn
@Megaolix Combat 4 (1/11) | Injured 3 Turns

-Credit to @EternalStruggle and @Umi-san for co-writing this update.
-It's almost midnight here; I'm going to bed now.
-In the morning, there'll be a post to clarify some of the mechanics regarding Components.

Each Character receives
-1 General action (can be any type)
-1 Research action (must be research)
-any number of free actions

Please be aware that taking part in an action without another player participating results in severe penalties.


[] Boss Minions Around
[] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawa to ignore the Lost status)

[] Design a blueprint
-[] Details?
[] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[] Details?
[] Study a Supernatural Phenomena

[] Hire Minions
-[] Details
[] BUILD Minions
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Acquire a new base
-[] Details?
[] Expand/Modify an existing base
-[] Details?
[] Manufacture Equipment
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Start a Front Business
-[] Details?
[] Acquire Other Funding
-[] Details?

[] Search for suspicious activity
[] Write-In

[] Suppress an ill-advised action
[] (special) Commit forces to SASRI raid
-[] Describe
[] Write-In

[] Research Training
[] Operations Training
[] Espionage Training
[] Combat Training

Crap, I actually forgot to vote. You don't mind if I retcon in an action to last week, right?
Research Action
[X] Continue work on Skillsoft blueprint
General Action
[X] Write-in: See if there are any unique candidates among MAD's ranks for future Skillsoft donations. Effects: Enables Dr. Navarre to approach other players about donating skills to the Skillsoft database.
[X] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawa to ignore the Lost status)
[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Angelfield 2.3.7
--[X] An upgrade to the Angelfield 1.6.4 that allows it to work on not only injuries but also diseases and allows it to work faster.
[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R. 1.5.4
--[X] A direct upgrade to the L.E.A.R.N.E.R. that allows for increased experience gain in all fields and not just Research
[] Go rescue Eggman
We will save the space Jawa
[] Forging Furnaces
-[] 80 Research 3 Net Navis.
more science
[] Improve the Replicator Hub.

I want my replicators to be able to create building damit. Also just the face of people trying to invade the hub, "Ha, they left the control center for the replicators, what idiots." "Um, sir" "what?" " their is a gatling laser pointing at you." "well shit."
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Um, don't we have a minion limit? Research minions are good, but do we really need 80 research net Navi considering how much research we can already do?
[X] Acquire a New Base
-[X] The Mine
-[X] Make sure to actually *talk* to the dumbass ecology activists and tell them I'm the founder of a permaculture-leaning agricultural company and am looking into reducing the harm that mining has on the local environment, along with other land rehabilitation efforts, and that I plan for this mine to not only produce copper but to do so without harm to the local area. And also that I plan on building a lab within the property so that if it *is* harmful I will be the first to know.
-[X] Actually set up a lab; don't start mining yet (and make sure to advertise this fact so potential employees aren't pissed that they didn't get a chance at being hired).

Because we need an new base and my operations is good enough to help... May be doing it via screen bot but still...

[X] Design blueprint
-[X] Integrated Teleporter

Come one help me here we need an easy way to move our stuff! Makes it so we can move our more critical things to our more safe bases... Makes orbital production easier as we can make them on ground then just teleport it to orbit. Makes Joe available in any base! Think about Joe!
Um, don't we have a minion limit? Research minions are good, but do we really need 80 research net Navi considering how much research we can already do?

We are mad scientists, there is never enough research. Not until we can replicate necrodermis or a Commander.

By the way, anyone want to start up a corporation with me? Farmisicutilas are quite lucrative.
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@I just write , the below action was meant to be whatever theory is behind the Shadow Manipulator, rather than Shadow Plane research. I'm quite happy to take it, so don't worry about retconning it. Just wanted to clarify semantics. If we want to research the Shadow Manipulator's theory in the future, what do you want us to name it as?

On a not-entirely unrelated note, I want to propose a [DOOMSDAY] Project:
An Orbital Fortress, complete with Planetary Bombardment Cannon. While it bristles with defensive systems, the truth is that the Shadow Citadel is never supposed to be found to begin with; it dwells, and provides fire support from, the Shadow Plane. A base for M.A.D. in its own right, it is armed with an Exotic Particle Cannon that has been scaled to be worthy of an Orbital Dimensional Fortress.

Components To Be Researched:
-Orbital Exotic Particle Cannon
-Cross-dimension Cannon Targeting
-Drive System suitable for an Orbital Dimensional Fortress
-Some way to make building it viable
Shadow Citadel sounds cool, it is however our second plan for a moving basing. This one is more stealth based while the Cataclysm is more for research and as a place to store minions. The tally up top says minion cap is pretty much housing space so an Island for our minions is handy
X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Improve Dryads so that they can fit in with people and are less dumb better at research and/or operations. If this succeeds a lot, reducing their upkeep would be pleasant.
[X]Save Eggman
[X] get a lot of spiders to help
[X]use the time teleportation to remove everything except Eggman from the building. In fact, remove the building too.
I am a man of my word dunk so what do you want help with?
Saving eggman is a free vote BTW.
You miss a [ by designing blue print.
[X] Acquire a New Base
-[X] The Mine
-[X] Make sure to actually *talk* to the dumbass ecology activists and tell them I'm the founder of a permaculture-leaning agricultural company and am looking into reducing the harm that mining has on the local environment, along with other land rehabilitation efforts, and that I plan for this mine to not only produce copper but to do so without harm to the local area. And also that I plan on building a lab within the property so that if it *is* harmful I will be the first to know.
-[X] Actually set up a lab; don't start mining yet (and make sure to advertise this fact so potential employees aren't pissed that they didn't get a chance at being hired).

Because we need an new base and my operations is good enough to help... May be doing it via screen bot but still...

[X] Design blueprint
-[X] Integrated Teleporter

Come one help me here we need an easy way to move our stuff! Makes it so we can move our more critical things to our more safe bases... Makes orbital production easier as we can make them on ground then just teleport it to orbit. Makes Joe available in any base! Think about Joe!
I am so glad Joe the overdesigned coffee machine is cannon.

Well the Pillah design went horrible. Now we have a chemical creature skulking around, poor thing. It is totally going to bite us in the ass tho. Maybe we should send minions to retrieve it, it went down the drain so into the sewers, so maybe sent some minions down to retrieve it? Can we send minions down without to retrieve the proto-Pillah without mad support, @I just write ?

I do have an Idea for a successful Pillah.
It is a slimy blob able to create chemicals and store these in sacs. It has a non-black blood pandora orb and uses this connect to its mechinal exo skelleton. This skeleton drains the chemicals and can make any chemical in its database and then seal it (in either gas or fluid form) into a pill capsule which is then stored into a container on its head to be thrown by its mechanical arms.

Maybe not now tho, what we need now is transport

[X] Retrieve eggman
-[] If wheely functional, test its retrieval capabilities.
[X] Order minions about
-[X] grab 3 interns and arm them with a buster pistols, a lightning gun and a orchicalcum suit (it has a pause button)
--[X] Tell them to retrieve the proto-Pillah from the sewers
[X] Hire minions
-[X] A workforce of skilled workers
-[X] The workforce is 100 man strong, foremen not included.
--[X] Hire them under "Fairweather coroperation: Special projects"
---[X] Tell them they wil be working on a project in a nearby mine.
--[X] Hire them under a temperorary contract for 3 weeks (three turns).
[X] Order the Waddle dee's to assit in The research of time.
[] Tell M3 to use its 5 funds worth of organic minion creation to make 5 waddle dees.
[X]research: is time "fixed"?

So, the wheely is not a motorbug combat wise. It is supposed to be vehicle that can control its self and retrieve lost allies and its biological parts are in place so the M3 can construct one, although any other equipment must be put in to make a biomechincel blueprint.

Anyone up for helping with the wheelie? Any suggestion to change it to the end product better? Any deals for help?
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Shadow Citadel sounds cool, it is however our second plan for a moving basing. This one is more stealth based while the Cataclysm is more for research and as a place to store minions. The tally up top says minion cap is pretty much housing space so an Island for our minions is handy

I am a man of my word dunk so what do you want help with?
Saving eggman is a free vote BTW.
You miss a [ by designing blue print.

I am so glad Joe the overdesigned coffee machine is cannon.

Well the Pillah design went horrible. Now we have a chemical creature skulking around, poor thing. It is totally going to bite us in the ass tho. Maybe we should send minions to retrieve it, it went down the drain so into the sewers, so maybe sent some minions down to retrieve it? Can we send minions down without to retrieve the proto-Pillah without mad support, @I just write ?

I do have an Idea for a successful Pillah.
It is a slimy blob able to create chemicals and store these in sacs. It has a non-black blood pandora orb and uses this connect to its mechinal exo skelleton. This skeleton drains the chemicals and can make any chemical in its database and then seal it (in either gas or fluid form) into a pill capsule which is then stored into a container on its head to be thrown by its mechanical arms.

Maybe not now tho, what we need now is transport

[X] Retrieve eggman
-[X] If wheely functional, test its retrieval capabilities.
[X] Order minions about
-[X] grab 3 interns and arm them with a buster pistols, a lightning gun and a orchicalcum suit (it has a pause button)
--[X] Tell them to retrieve the proto-Pillah from the sewers
[X] Design blueprint
-[X] Create a bio mechinal creature for the M3
--[X] The wheelie, a minion that serves as combat vehicle. Capable of being used as vehicle by a person or move on its own.
---[X] Use a pandora orb with black blood to smooth over the connection of biological and mechanical components and knowledge gained from the rat computer to make a functional biomechical creature. Give it a marble reactor to power itself. Make the biological creature to take any waste the reactor creates as sustenance. Also build in a bubble shield reactor to enable it to freely ram its target. Insert a basic psionic cuircit and functionality form the pandora orb so it can connect to the network and GSP satellites. Give it a natural instinct to search for anything it views as an ally if lost (if it is somewhere and it can't detect friendly transport), using the GPS and its psionic capabilities to track them and give them transport. It is big enough to fit atelast one mad scientist, can use pandora orb to use mounted vehicle weapons instead of a passenger.
[X] Reserved vote to assist @dunk1010

So, the wheely is not a motorbug combat wise. It is supposed to be vehicle that can control its self and retrieve lost allies and its biological parts are in place so the M3 can construct one, although any other equipment must be put in to make a biomechincel blueprint.

Anyone up for helping with the wheelie? Any suggestion to change it to the end product better? Any deals for help?
Another research how time works please.
I wonder...can we just go up to a werewolf and offer him/her a job as a "Paranormal consultant". Pretty much we pay that lone wolf a bunch of money and have signed a contract to not experiment on them So they'll Tell us about the paranormal and Maybe do some tests there Oké With. If we gain there trust and we trust them we can Maybe give them an exotic particle rifle. Remember, Mad scientist are minion masters, we can Maybe just hire werewolfs to our side. Imagine one wielding an exotic particle rifle and Then boosting it. It wil be beautiful.

Although it seems that With all the talk that wizards and werewolfs and such must have an ace up there sleeves, they do. Werewolfs are fucking badasses and wizards can just flood an area With dream creatures.
Maybe If we interigate a wizard or hire one to figure out how it works WE can weaponize the dream creatures. They are effected by us afteral.
Advancing fields requires increasing levels of riot support. It remains the most important area to achieve consensus on for our long term planning efforts. For example, we are likely to need to advance the field of Rocketry or similar to access space. Larger scale construction might benefit from access to architecture.
The Marble Reactor is a useful component that does not need replacing with another power generating component (for now). There are plenty of other types of component that would provide additional benefit.

[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Yin-Yang Shadow Crystal Fusor - By combining crystals such as amethyst with material from the shadow dimension a new material can be created, ready to be cut into beautiful circles.

[X] Acquire a new base
-[X] Luján Partido Bunker
-[X] Emphasis on concealment and defense, this is going to be a facility we do not have mundanes coming to.

If we're going for an underground base, we will need means to expand it, such as digging robots or boring vehicles.
Crap, I actually forgot to vote. You don't mind if I retcon in an action to last week, right?
Research Action
[X] Continue work on Skillsoft blueprint
General Action
[X] Write-in: See if there are any unique candidates among MAD's ranks for future Skillsoft donations. Effects: Enables Dr. Navarre to approach other players about donating skills to the Skillsoft database.
Yes, yes I do mind. Seeing as once things get going today I'll have negligible free time.
@I just write, I believe I had tasked a pair of interns with churning out ExPCs? Or did someone else snatched them up?

Also, @Ylamona, I think I promised to help you with a research action this turn?
Hmm. I think we can try consolidating a bit from this point onward, we have quite a lot of pet projects happening already. I'll help Potato I guess.

And yes as it turns out the other supernaturals are not to be messed with. We now have our answer on how they're long term viable threats, seeing as I don't even think that was a particularly powerful group of mages. As has been said already but it does bear repeating.

[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Angelfield 2.3.7
--[X] An upgrade to the Angelfield 1.6.4 that allows it to work on not only injuries but also diseases and allows it to work faster.
[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R. 1.5.4
--[X] A direct upgrade to the L.E.A.R.N.E.R. that allows for increased experience gain in all fields and not just Research

"In a word, ow. We are not ready for fighting wizards as it turns out, SARSI less so. Like, I get that they're smaller than us, but some mercs and a Cyberdisc won't cut it. I think we should stay away from these guys for a long time, just keep our distance since we clearly can't win. At least things could have gone worse, we did turn a few mages into free-floating atoms. Good thing I designed the suit so well, although I really didn't help that much with making it I guess. So good thing you designed it so well. Systems allowed even me to do alright, so that's good. Don't think I'll be able to fight for a few weeks though."
@I just write, I believe I had tasked a pair of interns with churning out ExPCs? Or did someone else snatched them up?
There were 5 interns. Two were used on Mechanogoblins, 3 on Motobugs, which happened sort of in the background maybe. None could be used on making ExPCs, although I believe that having two interns alone try to make heavy weaponry notorious for going boom would have ended badly, so this allocation is doing you a favor.
There were 5 interns. Two were used on Mechanogoblins, 3 on Motobugs, which happened sort of in the background maybe. None could be used on making ExPCs, although I believe that having two interns alone try to make heavy weaponry notorious for going boom would have ended badly, so this allocation is doing you a favor.

Got it. Nevermind, then, @I just write.
[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] Nanotechnology
[X] Design a Blueprint
-[X] Upgraded Pandora Orb
--[X] Fix Black blood gooey monster problem.

Something like this I guess.
On Components, how to handle them, and why they are awesome.
So, some of you have probably been wondering about how Component blueprints are handled; they aren't really Equipment, they aren't a functional Minion, and you can't drive them around like a Vehicle.

That said, having a large variety of Component blueprints available is still something that will vastly increase your effectiveness, as having appropriate Components to integrate into other Blueprints will vastly improve their functionality. Take the example of the Orichalcum V1. Originally, it would have given a +60% bonus to Combat actions. However, the inclusion of Movement Skates, Hyper-Rotating Plasma Engines, Diamond Silk, a Bubble Shield, Buster Pistols, and Lightning Pistols increased that original 60% bonus by 65% (of 60%) increasing the Orichalcum V1's total bonus to +99%.

Minions work a bit differently, starting with a skill level and adding Components on like Equipment to find their final bonus. Still, having appropriate Components available will greatly increase the effectiveness of your Minions.

Either way, this hopefully will encourage you to come up with more Components, thus ensuring you better equipment in the future.
Yo can someone help me with the teleporter please before we massively expand and have a harder time implementing it... It is also important to do now before we start having multiple bases.....