I wouldn't mind them playing D&D or the equivalent. People are supposed to cooperate in those games, not fight against each other. Unless you have an asshole player that doesn't want to play by the rules and mess with other inmates. That problem usually solves itself though.
I wouldn't mind them playing D&D or the equivalent. People are supposed to cooperate in those games, not fight against each other. Unless you have an asshole player that doesn't want to play by the rules and mess with other inmates. That problem usually solves itself though.
I would say "as long as the settings are UP to WWII German s fine, any more modern and we have risks of "contemporary escape plans".
Maybe add the "star wars equivalent" called "clash of the planets" if you want.
Heck most YA books are harmless enough and somewhat interesting BUT we HAVE BIASED opinions on that
We should also have the option to talk to our prisoners to ask them if they feel something is missing.
Possibly setting up a set of petition boxes for them.
How about "mp3s/walkman equivalents"? The kind that NEED a " head set" so we do not worry about "annoying somebody else with the neighbors music" less shankings that way, and we can give both music and audiobooks"
How about "mp3s/walkman equivalents"? The kind that NEED a " head set" so we do not worry about "annoying somebody else with the neighbors music" less shankings that way, and we can give both music and audiobooks"

So far the best ones I've seen in regards to options would be card games, some board games (plz not monopoly its rage inducing), and then you got the above idea which is really cool, a privilege, and something that I think would be really popular with the inmates! D&D would be neat in theory so long as they don't use it to plan attempted escapes like has occurred in real life before, apparently.
[X] Plan: Grants and Guard
OK how iz deh votes?
There's only one plan so it's unanimous for Grants and Guard.

I didn't see any other plans but I could have missed them.
Adhoc vote count started by Dmol8 on Jun 27, 2024 at 3:44 AM, finished with 35 posts and 15 votes.
Last edited:
Grants and Guard
[X] Plan: Grants and Guard
-[X] Grants: You are a bit low on funding, seeking out Grants should let you get a bit more income… and hopefully some political support as well. 10 Time Units. Starts sub turn.
-[X] Recruit some additional Guards: It will take some time and may not have as much in raw numbers, but you should recruit some more guards now that you have the lodging. 2 Funding, 10 Time Unit

Once again you find yourself playing the hated game of politics.

Someone demands something, another person demands something else, and then everyone argues about it.

It is all very troublesome in many ways, but ultimately it's something you need to get gone.

[ ] Wind Turbines: Eco friendly is all the rage these guys… welp you can't exactly blame people for not liking smog in them. Either way the swamp your prison is in happens to be very windy and the eco-caucus within Gothams local leadership want you to set up a wind far.
Initial Reward 12 Funding.
Objectives: Build 6 wind turbines.
Completion: 2 Funding, 4 Political Support.

[ ] Watch Towers: Another suggestion from the 'tough on crime' boys the idea is simple… build some watch towers along the swamp to make escape harder.
Initial Reward 20 Funding.
Objectives: Build at least 12 Watch Towers.
Completion: 10 Funding, 20 Political Support, advanced watchtower blueprint.

[ ] White Collar Wing: Not all crime is in the openly brutal or blatant property destruction sense and some individuals in the local government are worried about these 'lesser' criminals (Most likely the individuals themselves) being thrown in with the others. Notably you can't help but notice a lack of complaints from the 'tough on crime' caucus despite all of this.
Initial Reward 60 Funding
Objectives: Build a separate unit of prison housing, cafeteria, and medical bay for white color criminals. This is not required but the addition of a separate barracks with 'recommended' guards would also yield greater rewards.
Completion: 40 Funding, 60 Political Support.

[ ] Asylum Wing: Gothams city two existing asylums are overcrowded, so many politicians have decided that perhaps your prison could expand a little and include a wing for those who… are less able to initigrate into conventional society.
Initial Reward: 40 Funding, Asylum Wing Blueprints.
Objectives: Build an Asylum Wing and Orderly Housing, other facilities are optional but will provide further bonus.
Completion: 20 Funding, 10 Political Support.

[ ] High Security Wing: Now the politicians want you to build a security wing dedicated to some of the more… severe flight risks. You liked the Minimum security wing idea better.
Initial Reward: 80 Funding
Objectives: Build a maximum security wing with at least 3 layers of walls, 4 watchtowers on the outermost wall, and its own dedicated guard barracks.
Completion: 200 Funding, 80 Political Support.

[ ] Protective Custody: Some Criminals are more at risk from their fellow lawbreakers than anything else, the city wants to offload some of these into your prisome. You'd better get started.
Initial Reward: Protective Custody Buildings blueprints.
Objectives: Build a protective custody wing.
Completion: 40 Funding, 20 Political Support.
We can pick two right ?
[X] Wind Turbines: Eco friendly is all the rage these guys… welp you can't exactly blame people for not liking smog in them. Either way the swamp your prison is in happens to be very windy and the eco-caucus within Gothams local leadership want you to set up a wind far.
Initial Reward 12 Funding.
Objectives: Build 6 wind turbines.
Completion: 2 Funding, 4 Political Support.

[X] Protective Custody: Some Criminals are more at risk from their fellow lawbreakers than anything else, the city wants to offload some of these into your prisome. You'd better get started.
Initial Reward: Protective Custody Buildings blueprints.
Objectives: Build a protective custody wing.
Completion: 40 Funding, 20 Political Support.
[X] Watch Towers
[X] Protective Custody

The wind towers dont seem worth the time and effort. Not much funding, only a smattering of PS, and we are trying to build giant towers with tiny bases on a SWAMP.

Not exactly sound engineering.
The wind towers dont seem worth the time and effort. Not much funding, only a smattering of PS, and we are trying to build giant towers with tiny bases on a SWAMP.

Not exactly sound engineering.
It make us look green wich may help avoid us swamp thing and poison ivy atention,it's also a secondary source of electricty if a power cut happen that will be less easy to destroy than the generator room