The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

You're not fucking the world lmao

You're not even fucking your family! (Which is strange because cersei loves doing that)

You're just screwing KL xP
Yeah, all this talk of "We're gonna burn the whole world down with us!" is VASTLY overestimating what power Cersei actually has. Which is par the course for Cersei I guess. Like, this talk of bringing everything down with us is less dramatic and more petulant and pathetic to outside observers I reckon.
Yeah, all this talk of "We're gonna burn the whole world down with us!" is VASTLY overestimating what power Cersei actually has.

Okay, look, I was just memeing, because I am not a quest player, but I gotta say now, I think you are kinda underestimating the moment. Literal fucking Aerys the Mad is possessing Cersei. Sure, her mundane hold is not even all of King's Landing anymore, but if this ain't magic, I don't know what is.

Of course it's still alright to go for family and all that, but at the very least I think it's a mistake to view it as just "What will happen to KL now".
I would argue that unless he spawns in with like 10 dozen knights to take over the red keep, he is still stuck in the body of a Queen that is being undermined by her own small council due to Olenna Tyrell. *however* I shouldn't be debating in the forum of the Questers, it's still their game :p

Okay, look, I was just memeing, because I am not a quest player, but I gotta say now, I think you are kinda underestimating the moment. Literal fucking Aerys the Mad is possessing Cersei. Sure, her mundane hold is not even all of King's Landing anymore, but if this ain't magic, I don't know what is.

Of course it's still alright to go for family and all that, but at the very least I think it's a mistake to view it as just "What will happen to KL now".
Look, Cersei may not be able to destroy the world, but I bet she can do something to severely screw over Tywin Lannister.

Or at least I hope so anyway. The guy's had too good a run this time around.
Right now the closest target would be Renly though?

Say we do blow up King's Landing with the hidden stashes of Wildfire (we might learn about them from Aerys?) while Renly is invading, then we would probably get him.
But I doubt any option lets us reach into the Riverlands to harm Tywin, except in reputation by connecting his name to his crazy mass-murdering daughter.
[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.
F*** Tywin, I want him Dead!

And maybe we will run out of fumes by the time we are done with him so no burning our children alongside the world.
Apropos of nothing, not really related to Quest Joffrey since he turned out better(ish), but this is quite possible the best fanart of Joffrey I've ever seen and it deserves to be seen by the world.

And of course, a meme edit:

Edit: Another amazing meme edit by RaptorDude/lelenoi that I could not forgive myself for not posting:

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Vote closed. Power it is.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Feb 13, 2024 at 9:29 AM, finished with 71 posts and 37 votes.
Ah, fun thing I just noticed myself. The Lands Beyond the Wall are usually far away and unimportant, but for the first time this turn it actually changed. It used to be all grey.

And now it's not.
Well. Lets see how destructive Cersei and Aerys combined can get. This quest has shown generally acting alone doesn't actually get you anywhere, you need control of armies, of force to make any amount of status actually matter. "We are the queen are we not?" responded with "So where's the army then?" has been a constant refrain.

Curious to see how destructive magic can actually get. You'd think there'd be stories of Shit Going Down if "drink Shade of the Evening at sites of tragedy/likely to be haunted," was a good way to get sudden power for those who don't care anymore. Like Westeros and Essos seem custom made to churn out desperate broken people by the bucketful. Sure SoE is rare, but doesn't seem that rare? Of course the hidden explosives everywhere probably helps.
You are not. Aerys never slept with Joanna Lannister, no matter how much he might have wanted to.

I regret not looking into Targaryen history now because I feel there was a lot of missed comedic potential here.

Imagine, Cersei in character learning about how Aerys lusted after her mother and coming to the misguided conclusion that because of her weird dream about the albino women, she is capable of having dragon dreams and is actually a Targaryen (I'm sure Cersei's own narcissism would help drive her to the idea that she's descended from this mighty dynasty). She starts to justify her increasing hostility to Tywin by thinking "Oh, he's not even my real dad. He's just some Westerland lord who got cucked." And of course, all of this leads up to her overdosing on Shade of the Evening and greeting Aerys as her true father. Like just imagine how flabbergasted Aerys would be at hearing Cersei talk about an affair that never even happened.