The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

The Targ players managed Joever / Barrack cycles of 5 minutes and less whenever I posted rumors in the first few turns. :V

How dare you imply things that are entirely true about us. I surely wasn't pissing myself seeing the direwolf outside the Bloody Gate on Turn 4, no siree. The Vale will fall, and then Westeros shall soon follow. In the name of the greatest pretender of them all, Aerys Plummfyre!

Also why most of them are in the Vale? Is there a Targ catnip in there?

As for this, it's very simple. The Vale was the weakest and easiest kingdom to invade, and I just happen to be very good at diplomancy. Combined, the invasion force and turncoats now number over forty thousand troops.
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In all my greatness I am finally free from the vow of silence that the great sister of silence in the sky placed upon me:

~~Shay Lady Paramount of the Reach~~, Custodian of the Faith, Champion of the Seven, Travelling Preacher of Old Town, hero of the people! It's all noble achievements and many more are to be added.

And the child of a surprisingly important person

All I asked was the removal of one person SV :p. But this has been a blast to engage in, good work with all the pressure y'all had to deal with and thanks for the court powers :3
In all my greatness I am finally free from the vow of silence that the great sister of silence in the sky placed upon me:

~~Shay Lady Paramount of the Reach~~, Custodian of the Faith, Champion of the Seven, Travelling Preacher of Old Town, hero of the people! It's all noble achievements and many more are to be added.

And the child of a surprisingly important person

All I asked was the removal of one person SV :p. But this has been a blast to engage in, good work with all the pressure y'all had to deal with and thanks for the court powers :3
Lol. To think that next turn, I was going to suggest handing you over to Qyburn to test if we could wring magic out of your dessicated corpse. Hell, that may still happen.
Lol. To think that next turn, I was going to suggest handing you over to Qyburn to test if we could wring magic out of your dessicated corpse. Hell, that may still happen.
Cersei's control of the city is so utterly shoddy that she doesn't have the power to hand Shay over to Qyburn according to the QM.

(I'm another observer btw.)
I will say though, your decision to contact the Iron Bank on the first turn did fuck us Braavosi puppets. It was completely unintentional too, I was going to use the fact that the Crown couldn't pay it's debt to leverage even more money and troops our of the Bank!
Though that's fallen apart since then.

Azel has commented, repeatedly, his astonishment that the action to look in the Treasury and see how much money the Iron Throne actually had left was never taken.